General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Refuges ?

Message started by MnSpring on 11/16/15 at 13:03:24

Title: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/16/15 at 13:03:24

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Are many of them, ‘legitimate’, and truly want a better life?

Are their many, ‘Terrorists’, riding the back of, ‘legitimate’ refuges.

So, their is the problem.
One group says, all refuges are good, another group says all are bad.
In history, it has been proven, in several cases, BOTH Ways !
(Which had depended upon, where they came from, and why.)
So, what is learned from past, experience?  
What do we do today?

It it, spread the Fairy Dust and sing, and let everyone in ?
(One day you are eating Rocks & Twigs, 24 hours later,
you are watching Cable T/V, eating your fill of Pizza, and drinking Sugar Pop.)

Is it, rigorously, ’vet’, them ?
(Segregate, make sure they go though the demanding process, of becoming a Citizen)

Or, is it somewhere in-between ?

Does it make a difference if they are coming from a Country/Place, that had NO history of ANTAGONISM, to anybody. That was ravished by flood/fire/etc. That were disheveled in appearance, down trodden, dirty, and had only the tattered cloths on their backs. And were very happy for a piece of stale bread soaked in water.

Or, if they were  coming from a place that had a long history, of Terrorism, and were dressed in good cloths, caring knapsacks, wearing ear/finger rings, laughing smiling, and Demanding, their food, be a certain thing and prepared a certain way.

Would you treat, both groups the same way ?

So What do you think, is the Solution?

NOTE: This is a Opinion, not a, ‘my way or the hy-way’.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/16/15 at 15:12:19

When you win all the money in a poker game, you never, ever, loan those who you just beat, money to keep playing against you.....
You either understand this or you're a dummy!

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/16/15 at 15:56:19

7A69716C697F6F080 wrote:
When you win all the money in a poker game, you never, ever, loan those who you just beat, money to keep playing against you.....
You either understand this or you're a dummy!


But at the same time, the US is the biggest arms exporter (by far).... so the 'opposition' always has access to these 'poker chips'....and the cycle continues.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/16/15 at 17:53:48

we finance both sides

Copy and search.
No, it doesn't make sense, but it makes Cents.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by DesertRat on 11/16/15 at 19:27:48

597E677862416374627D7468110 wrote:

But at the same time, the US is the biggest arms [i]exporter (by far).... so the 'opposition' always has access to these 'poker chips'....and the cycle continues. [/i]

NOPE, the BRITS are, the USA by proxy through BAE, money funneled back to the crown

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/16/15 at 19:59:24

Lockheed Martin followed by Boeing are the biggest, apparently.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/15 at 15:25:18

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by DesertRat on 11/17/15 at 15:32:34

44637A657F5C7E697F6069750C0 wrote:
Lockheed Martin followed by Boeing are the biggest, apparently.

NOPE, not even close to the largest. BAE is the planets largest arms manufacturer.

LM and Boeing manufacture FOR BAE Sys.

the USA acts as proxy for the UK

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/17/15 at 16:20:06

The Stockholm International Peace Institute is where I got my data. They seem to consider the US as the biggest arms exporter.
Wiki also, on various pages.

"The United States remains the leading arms exporter increasing sales by 23 percent, with the country’s share of the global arms trade at 31 percent. Ninety-four countries imported US made weaponry, with the Middle East accounting for 32 percent of the purchases."

"India, Saudi Arabia, China, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan have become the largest importers of weapons in 2010-2014, according to SIPRI."

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by DesertRat on 11/17/15 at 16:30:08

Hovis, I was addressing the fact that the USA is in fact a PROXY for the Brits. Hiding the sins of the UK, with plausible deniability. The money is still funneled BACK to the crown.

The arms have to get outta the country somehow, right?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/17/15 at 16:42:41

Have you got a link for that info?

(Regardless of the country of origin, the poker-game analogy still works!)

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/17/15 at 16:53:46

0A2D342B31123027312E273B420 wrote:
"India, Saudi Arabia, China, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan have become the largest importers of weapons in 2010-2014, according to SIPRI."

I didn't think we exported anything whatsoever to China... :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/17/15 at 16:58:08

Well let’s see.

 Colt, Remington, Winchester.
The Leading Firearms Manufactures in the US in the early 1800’s
(and others not so well known)
ONLY, sold their firearms to ‘One’ side,
in the US, ‘War Between the States”. ?

Oh, and the UK,   ONLY,  sold,  ‘Endfields’,
    (A, type/brand, of firearm)
to, ONLY,  one side?

Perhaps it time to get back to the topic:
Are their many, ‘Terrorists’, riding the back of, ‘legitimate’ refuges.


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/17/15 at 17:06:25

63407D5E5C4740492E0 wrote:
Perhaps it time to get back to the topic:


I haven't got a refuge, and I've never heard of 'Endfield'  ;D

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by DesertRat on 11/17/15 at 17:22:42

this should get you started:


I have had prior employment with them, having intimate knowledge of policies and procedures as well as the "politics".  ;)

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Reelthing on 11/17/15 at 17:51:50

Why allow any able bodied 18-35 year old refuges into any country? let alone "millions displaced" - stay in your countries and fix it - some women  children families and such "running" for sure but doesn't look to be the majority. of course given how terrible the US is according to the mizzu students and notable politicians why would any want to come to US at all?  

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/17/15 at 18:00:26

Thanks for the link :)

The info as to whether BAE is exporting more arms or not is dated 2002.
The link with their references is dead.
The corporate-watch site doesn't seem to list Lockheed  :-?

How are we to know if or how many refugees are actually terrorists?
I think it's rhetorical   :-?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by old.indian on 11/17/15 at 20:37:54

For a nations of emigrants/refuges the US is certainly becoming xenophobic.    :-[
Make sure you check under your beds tonight for the nasty old terrorists...
;D ;D ;D ;D    

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/17/15 at 20:47:25

0D0E064C0B0C060B030C620 wrote:
For a nations of emigrants/refuges the US is certainly becoming xenophobic.    :-[
Make sure you check under your beds tonight for the nasty old terrorists...
;D ;D ;D ;D    

And that's coming from someone with fighting foreign terrorism since 1492 in his profile.   ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/15 at 22:37:50

He's a very, old Indian... 8-)...

I'm sure many families send their youngest, strongest, boy to escape and settle in a new land, in the hopes that he will find work and shelter and then send for the family...
Not every family can afford passage for everyone... and not every person is physically capable...
Many settlers did this... and the immigrants that followed...

Think about it...   :-?....

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/18/15 at 09:23:25

Look, our first obligation is to our families. Everything else falls in line behind. The question is not IF a few bad seeds will end up getting into the US if we let in 100,000 refugees, the question is HOW MANY will get in and can we trust the mechanisms currently in place to stop any attacks these guys might try.

Seeing that the parents of the Boston bomber fits the profile of potential refugees and we had no warning that attack was going to happen,  seems like the answer to that question is no.

War is hell. Innocents suffer. They already used the immigration crisis to slip across the border and attack so why would we presume they won't do the same here or are already planning attack now?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/18/15 at 09:44:58

Odds are vastly greater that you or a family member will be killed in a car accident, convenience store robbery, or probably even hit by lightening or slip in the tub...

You can't let fear guide your morality...
Isn't America supposed to have a reputation for courage?...
Are we more cowardly than the French, Germans, or English?...

These people need help...
Frankly, it is embarrassing that we are even having this discussion...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by oldNslow on 11/18/15 at 10:38:47

[/quote]These people need help...[/quote]

Couple of days ago I came across a list of the 180 US cities where these folks are likely to be resettled. Tucson is on the list. So you're gonna get your chance to help 'em out.

Odds are vastly greater that you or a family member will be killed in a car accident, convenience store robbery, or probably even hit by lightening or slip in the tub...

Except for the robbery, those things are accidents. And you could even argue that your being in the convenience store at the exact time the robbery is going down is an accident too. Letting potential terrorists into the country when we don't have to is not. It's just stupid.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/18/15 at 18:57:47

I'm gonna get an ethics and morality speech from a pro abortion, homosexuality promoting atheist?
Let's lean on logic.
The country is broke. We're involved in military action in places
General Wesley Clark SAID , he had a LIST , remember?

That LIST existed before the Problems WE are supposedly solving did.

wesley clark 7 countries

Now, it's been more than five years, but the names are still the same.

Bring women and children, but let military age men work at Home, to save the country. How many of those people will become American first, and not demand that we change our society, in order to Not offend?
Already, and how conveniently , we've seen American swept aside, for anything. No
America, not shirt, Ohh no, you can't wear THAT on Cinco de Mayo.
And what societal changes MUST be made to
Not offend
those who SHOULD be thankful for a bed and a sammich.
In Germany, dress codes have been changed.

Not seeing this for the threat to society it is is just silly.
It wouldn't be so pathetically idiotic if we didn't have such obvious indications that SOME of them are dangerous. Paris, anyone?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/18/15 at 19:15:47

About 12-15 years ago, a Great number of, Somalians were, 'Evacuated', to Minn.

In fact, (it IS a FACT), the Second highest population of Somalians, in the WORLD, are living in St. Paul Minn.   The Highest number are in the Country of Somalia.

On the local news, Now, it is reported, (SEVERAL TIMES by SEVERAL Stations), of ALL  the  Somali, people in the USA, Leaving to fight for the, 'COWARDLY  TERRORISTS",
1 in 4, come from MN.

Gee, 50 States, and MN is:   1 in 4 of, ALL, the rest of the States.

Yes, the,  Majority of, Somalians, 'here', are Not leaving for the land of, (rocks and sand),  because, they,  have discovered riches,  HERE, in 'exploiting'  the , 'Fairy Dust Sprinklers', (Greener Pastures).

While, the simple Majority, (or less than),  are, learning to live in this community.


Let's bring,  MORE,  'TERRORISTS"  to the USA.
Let's,  EDUCATE them.
THEN, They can,  'GO BACK', and Use that  education, which, YOU  paid for, to do harm, to the Country, who  GAVE them everything !

Perhaps it is time, to have the,  Federal, Senators, and Representatives,  house the, 'refuges' from a country who has a very long history, of, Terrorism, in, THEIR  House !

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/18/15 at 19:35:31

7066716C74616C77030 wrote:
" ... I'm sure many families send their youngest, strongest, boy to escape and settle in a new land, in the hopes that he will find work and shelter and then send for the family... "  

YES,  Exactly !
Key words here are: " ... find work and shelter ..."  It's  been that way for 300+ years.

But, today, it is: 'Come here, get a free education, then, 'go home', and use that free education to, work to, to destroy, the people that gave you that free education'.

Sorry, terrible things happen ALL over this world, ALL the time.
We feel sorry for you, but,  YOU, have to deal with it,  
BECAUSE, we here, need to take care of our own first.

That ain't, 'hiding under the bed",  it's  just,  'Reality'.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/18/15 at 19:53:52

Quote MnS:
"In fact, (it IS a FACT), the Second highest population of Somalians, in the WORLD, are living in St. Paul Minn."

In 2013:

 25,000 in Minn
103,000 in UK

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/18/15 at 22:09:12

Look up Dearborn, MI.  It has one of the highest concentration of Muslims outside of the middle east, certainly the biggest population in states.  World head quarters to Ford Motor Company is also located there, who would have thought?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Reelthing on 11/19/15 at 04:20:22

Now that these 3 year olds and widow women were caught where could a problem possibly come from as we all know our southern border is air tight and these two groups are bound to be the only two

since these 3 year olds and widow women were caught all others will be completely veted using the vast data bases available to our agents from the perfectly functioning Syrian administration.  

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/19/15 at 04:27:35

Sew: You can't let fear guide your morality...

Isn't that you when it comes to gun control?

There are 300 million plus guns in the US and only a very tiny, tiny fraction are ever used in crimes, yet you are so afraid, you torture yourself changing the definition of words in the 2nd Amendment, are willing to give government more control over even more of our lives, demand that I hand my security over to someone else's responsibility under all circumstances, would be willing to pass laws preventing me selling my property to another individual and on and on and on... there is no end to how far you would go to get rid of guns.........  all because you are afraid.  

"Pot; meet kettle."

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Paraquat on 11/19/15 at 06:16:25

I was arguing with a local who asked why I was getting so bent that Governor Malloy (D., CT) is letting in 1600+ refugees.

I said "Who's going to burden the costs?"

He replied "You won't have to pay anything, it's federally funded"


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/15 at 07:55:01

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
Sew: You can't let fear guide your morality...

Isn't that you when it comes to gun control?

The refugees are fleeing for their lives and have nowhere to go... This, is a moral dilemma......
The 300 million guns are pieces of metal we like to play with... :-?...
...and I'm not saying get rid of all guns,.. just let's be more sensible about regulating our gun culture...

You would do better with an abortion arguement, which is a moral issue...
... but, the argument there, is is the definition of life...
Once again, these refugees are indisputably life...not potential lives...
...and, I'm not guided by fear...

I specifically said "guide your morality"... we let fear guide us all the time...
I won't skydive, or try a 360 flip on my bike... but, I try not to let fear guide my morality...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/19/15 at 10:44:37

Moral dilemmas have a resolution.

It is not a moral solution for the safety of our children  to bring and potentially dangerous terrorist and murderers.  we have no way to vet the refugees to see who is a killer and who is not  because the simple fact is, there are killers among them. Don't even pretend that the US government can accomplish this, that's a joke.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/15 at 10:49:10

447671606776615E726178130 wrote:
Moral dilemmas have a resolution.

Is that a rule?... :-?...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Paraquat on 11/19/15 at 11:17:41

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
we have no way to vet the refugees to see who is a killer and who is not  because the simple fact is, there are killers among them. Don't even pretend that the US government can accomplish this, that's a joke.

My governor thinks we have a screening process... he says

"We should be safe," Malloy said.

Of course, this moron was voted worst governor in America and thinks that you don't need a background check to buy a firearm.

If a Syrian can't get on a plane to the United States without a background check, why do we sell guns to people without a background check, if we're so fearful of what's going to happen?"


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/19/15 at 12:30:45

4E7C7B6A6D7C6B54786B72190 wrote:
Moral dilemmas have a resolution.


640 x 480 for the older dilemmas  ;D

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/19/15 at 15:30:16

Pat Condell,

A British Comedian.  Just discovered him today.

I guess, not all people in the UK are, ‘Progressive’ !

A favorite is:
Goodbye to the First Amendment

But their are a whole lot more.

Perhaps you will enjoy.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/19/15 at 17:03:00

A had to adjust my own 'resolution' after that.... even the monitor started to lean right....

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/20/15 at 20:02:54

Laugh, ridicule, doesn't mean he isn't right . Look at what just happened on campus. Safe spots, healing zones.  The young adults of today are scary. It's
Hate speech
I'm damaged

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/15 at 20:47:57

43647D62785B796E78676E720B0 wrote:
640 x 480 for the older dilemmas  ;D

I'm much broader minded than that...

800 x 600, maybe... :-?...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/21/15 at 06:06:37

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
[quote author=447671606776615E726178130 link=1447707804/30#32 date=1447958677]Moral dilemmas have a resolution.

Is that a rule?... :-?...[/quote]

Kinda, is the end results of your "moral" decision sustainable without impinging on the rights of others?

I not sure how we even vet these refugees, which seems to be the question that needs to be addressed before we can even debate its merit.

But sadly, as we see Obama rush to a mass killing by a deranged person, or the right using the terrorist as fuel to muster fear on this issue, any sustainable solutions are not the motivation I am afraid, just more kool-aid for useful fools, is all  >:(

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by oldNslow on 11/21/15 at 06:30:58

I not sure how we even vet these refugees,

We can't. Even the agencies  charged with doing the vetting have acknowledged that. Anyone coming from the middle east, especially Syria right now, is suspect. There isn't any "moral dilemma" here. I don't know why Obama and Hillary and their ilk are so all fired adamant about bringing them here, but rest assured, "morality" has nothing to do with it.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/15 at 07:16:01

Greece is dealing with 4,000 refugees per day...

Western, civilized countries are courageously, and generously, doing all they can.

Except for us...  
We're afraid....  

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/21/15 at 07:16:42

Why can't we sub contract it out, ya know, like to Amazon.

I jest, sorta, but isn't it odd private companies can almost vet instantly any commerce transaction the world over, and yet, it takes our gubbermint so much time and energy to do the most simplest task....
Just ask a VET who is trying to claim his rights  >:(

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/15 at 07:36:49

Amazon can box up the refugees and have them delivered to your door within 2 days...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by oldNslow on 11/21/15 at 07:37:25

Greece is dealing with 4,000 refugees per day...

Greece isn't dealing with them. It can't keep them out, and it is simply passing them on to other countries. The fact that so many of them initially land in Greece is simply geography. And Greece certainly isn't "vetting" them.

We're afraid....

I think you are confusing fear with common sense self preservation. Or is that just more name calling ? Anyone who doesn't agree with you is somehow cowardly?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/15 at 08:06:14

I wish all the lefties would just get full on with it and DO what they want me to do.
Stop working and go give your time to the needy.
Take some home.

And how many understand the policy decisions that we have made that helped create the problem?
All the more reason to take them in.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/15 at 08:18:03

1D23222E3C20214F0 wrote:
Greece isn't dealing with them. It can't keep them out, and it is simply passing them on to other countries. The fact that so many of them initially land in Greece is simply geography. And Greece certainly isn't "vetting" them.

Yes,.. it is impossible for such a small country to handle the problem alone...
It is a global problem...
Greece is trapped in it's path...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/15 at 18:09:16

Would someone please be so kind as to explain what happened to cause the exodus? What are they running From? What CAUSED it?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/21/15 at 18:32:58

JoG, visit this page and view the pdf about halfway down the page, the recently declassified intelligence report.

This is also interesting:

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/21/15 at 19:12:44

I didn't read the links, but I was wondering.

Would it not be a better thing for a coalition of all those against the current condition, to eradicate the cause at its root, in their own country, than to displace all of these people?

What would that take?

I realize it would be boots on the ground, but again, in the long run won't we be killing two stones with one bird, or sumtin like that?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/15 at 22:27:07

You didn't read, and I wasn't Really asking.
I have a pretty good idea. Howcum we got so pissed off when Russia bombed Isis? Ohh, I know how it was sold. Russia bombed our good guys, fighting against Assad,, yeah,  but
Syria was ON THE LIST that Wesley Clark had.
Syria was on the list.

Read this, LOOK, realize that we ARE  involved in military action, in another country and the country was
On a list ,,
And the list is OLD
and the Reasons we are there?
Are THEY as old as the list?


Manufactured consent


The decision to be involved in these wars was made at least , what, fourteen years ago?
But WHY are we there?
IF the Reason for being there is Newer than the list, doesn't that set off alarm bells in your head?
How could ANYONE have known that today's events would be happening?
Gee, just a little hard to explain,, innit?
Once the evidence is all inspected, what are the rational possibilities?
I see only one.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/15 at 22:32:19

You didn't read, and I wasn't Really asking.
I have a pretty good idea. Howcum we got so pissed off when Russia bombed Isis? Ohh, I know how it was sold. Russia bombed our good guys, fighting against Assad,, yeah,  but
Syria was ON THE LIST that Wesley Clark had.
Syria was on the list.

Read this, LOOK, realize that we ARE  involved in military action, in another country and the country was
On a list ,,
And the list is OLD
and the Reasons we are there?
Are THEY as old as the list?


Manufactured consent


The decision to be involved in these wars was made at least , what, fourteen years ago?
But WHY are we there?
IF the Reason for being there is Newer than the list, doesn't that set off alarm bells in your head?
How could ANYONE have known that today's events would be happening?
Gee, just a little hard to explain,, innit?
Once the evidence is all inspected, what are the rational possibilities?
I see only one.
And a little something from the General
Well, in a way. But, you know, history doesn’t repeat itself exactly twice. What I did warn about when I testified in front of Congress in 2002 , I said if you want to worry about a state, it shouldn’t be Iraq, it should be Iran. But this government, our administration, wanted to worry about Iraq, not Iran.

I knew why, because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz . I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, “Sir, you’ve got to come in and talk to me a second.” I said, “Well, you’re too busy.” He said, “No, no.” He says, “We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq.” This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, “We’re going to war with Iraq? Why?” He said, “I don’t know.” He said, “I guess they don’t know what else to do.” So I said, “Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?” He said, “No, no.” He says, “There’s nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.” He said, “I guess it’s like we don’t know what to do about terrorists, but we’ve got a good military and we can take down governments.” And he said, “I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail.”

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/22/15 at 12:18:25

A good seminarian, was climbing a tall hillside. As he reached the Snow line, he saw a Rattle Snake, that was cold, wounded, and hungry. As a good, kind, (abet naive), person that he was. He picked it up, took it down the hill, got it warm, fed it, fixed it’s wounds. Then the snake, promptly bit him.

He looked at the snake, and asked why?

The Rattle Snake, said: “ It’s what I do, I am a Rattle Snake”.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/22/15 at 12:38:58

So people like Steve Jobs, son of a Syrian refugee to the US is a rattlesnake..... so, is Einstein a rattlesnake as a refugee also?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/22/15 at 13:49:41

Once durning a fierce wind storm up here in the Pacific Northwest, a baby bald eagle fell from its nest, to the ground, it landed in a chicken coop. The eaglet parents were killed in this global warming event.
The hens decided to mother this little guy cuz it's what they do.
Well time went by and one day the coops OP/ED pecker was strutting across the coop telling everyone he is smarter than all the others....
When an acorn fell from a branch and hit him square atop his head.
He then started telling everyone to take cover as the sky was falling.
They all ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to escape this disaster, that is all but the fledgling eagle.
He told the thingy he was wrong, that it was only an acorn.
This rooster didn't like being wrong and called him Huey.
The eagle said I am smarter than you and I can prove it,
As he took to flight and soared high into he air, grabbing an acorn from the tree to show everyone the truth...
Well thingy rooster didn't like this so he decided to form an alliance with the fox to get Huey.
He had to go to the foxes den and ink the deal. But it started to rain on his way back and it washed the bridge out. He was trapped by the rising water and started to scream for help....
The eagle heard him and went to see what was up. He was flying high overhead when the thingy rooster saw him and he pleaded for help. The eagle laughed at him and said if he was brave as him he could soar like an eagle, instead of being a chicken in the ground.
This is when the fox offered to swim him across. The chicken agreed, but the fox ate him mid stream.ghe eagle was laughing and did not see little red riding Hillary  :( :(exit the forest with all the guns she confiscated to protect the world from tyranny....
She saw this American symbol and thought it was laughing at her
So, she shot and killed it.

The moral of the story, you wanna guess before I tell you?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/22/15 at 16:08:16

I've seen the word refugee too many times...

I'm starting to read it as re-foo gee...

Good band name... The Re-foo gees... :-?...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/15 at 16:24:23

51766F706A496B7C6A757C60190 wrote:
So people like Steve Jobs, son of a Syrian refugee to the US is a rattlesnake..... so, is Einstein a rattlesnake as a refugee also?

Circumstances may have been different. The mindset of the immigrants back then was to put yesterday behind them, BECOME an American, embracing the new home, embracing American ideals, ready to work, in a nation that embraced them and gave them opportunity to succeed , socially, economically and gave them the freedom to BE. Today, immigrants demand OUR society accommodate Their beliefs, and their holidays, so completely that Americans can't wear proamerican shirts on cinco de mayo...
Todays immigrants aren't all just escaping a war torn country. Some of them HATE America. And,
Syria was on a list, fourteen years ago. We had already decided to have some kinda conflict. Yet, the REASON for the Need for our being involved is nowhere near that old.
It almost seems like the problems that so demand OUR attention have been created.
We have defense contractors who literally live or die , depending on whether or not there is conflict that demands the use of those weapons. We sell weapons. And there are allegations that we have armed Isis. We certainly have failed to locate and crush them.

Does it not seem strange that this rag tag band has taken oilfields, and transport trucks, they're running millions of dollars worth of oil a month. They aren't supported by a nations tax dollars. They're fighting a war AND making money. They're GROWING in size, and wealth, while WE spend approximately what the next ten countries combined, steadily driving America deeper in debt.

Observed Reality conflicts with the propaganda.
What we are seeing is impossible.
We Have intelligence gathering resources and the capability to find the transactions.

Isis exists because someone Wants them to exist. Once again, we are being lied to.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Dave on 11/23/15 at 05:42:43

I normally don't get into discussions about Politics - but I really do believe this issue is very serious, and we are helping the Muslims to take over the US.  Not all of them are coming here to blend in with our way of life, and the ones who are peaceful are not going to do anything to reign in the violent ones.

A German's View on Islam (the Silent Majority)

The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men -- PLATO

Hard to argue with this:

A German's View on Islam - worth reading. This is one of the best explanations of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known and well-respected psychiatrist.    A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German
people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the
return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come.'

'My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.'

'We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that
Islam is a religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims
just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.'
'The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history.
It is the fanatics who march.  It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically
slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are
gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is
the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor-kill. It is the
fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.'

'The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the
'silent majority,' is cowed and  extraneous. Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China 's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.'

'The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a
warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way
across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the
systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by
sword, shovel, and bayonet. And who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery? Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?

'History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all
our powers of reason, We often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: peace-loving Muslims Have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our Enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world Will have begun.'

'Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.'
'Now Islamic prayers have been introduced in Toronto and other public schools in Ontario, and, yes, in  Ottawa,  too, while the Lord's Prayer was removed (due to being so offensive?). The  Islamic way may be peaceful for the time being in our country until the  fanatics move in.'

'In Australia, and indeed in many countries around the world, many of the most commonly consumed food items have the halal emblem on them. Just look at the back of some of the most popular chocolate bars, and at other food items in your local supermarket. Food on aircraft have the halal emblem just to appease the privileged minority who are now rapidly expanding within the nation's shores.'

'In the U.K, the Muslim communities refuse to integrate and there are now dozens of "no-go" zones within major cities across the country that the police force dare not  intrude upon. Sharia law prevails there, because the Muslim community in those areas refuse to acknowledge British law.'
'As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts - the fanatics who threaten our way of life.'

They are refugees....but they are also on a mission.

The US needs to stop importing the enemy, paying for their housing, food, healthcare and education while implementing their planned takeover.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/23/15 at 05:53:09

I wish you'd wade into politics more often.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by oldNslow on 11/23/15 at 06:25:26

Dave wrote:

The US needs to stop importing the enemy, paying for their housing, food, healthcare and education while implementing their planned takeover.

Exactly. The radical Islamists  keep telling us over and over exactly what they intend to do. I don't understand why so many folks refuse to believe them. Even if only one in every thousand of theses so called refugees is actually a Jihadist, that's one too many. The rest are complicit by their silence.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/23/15 at 08:05:48

Of the 19 terrorists involved in the 911 attack,.. none were immigrants or refugees...
They were all here on Visa's...

Why would they go through the long, arduous, process refugees must go through,... when they can get a Visa in a week or so?...
They don't plan on settling down,... just killing us... :-/...

They don't need to emigrate,... just visit...
They plan on being dead next week... :-?...

Our process of accepting refugees is very different than Europe...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/23/15 at 08:23:25

The 'Paris' terrorists all held European passports, none of them were refugees, apparently.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Dave on 11/23/15 at 08:30:18

I just don't understand the need to import the refugees to the US.  I would think that there would be areas that could be made safe in their own country....or at a minimum on the same continent.  I just can't see how bringing them to the US has any positive outcome, and will make the US a better place.

We are $ 18 Trillion in debt, an amount equal to $ 58,188.40 cent for every US Citizen.  When we are so far in debt, why is it a good idea to increase that debt by bringing in refugees that we need to feed, cloth, house, and educate?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/23/15 at 09:08:57

It's not a need we have,... and it won't benefit us in much of any way directly...
Helping the needy isn't supposed to...
It's supposed to feed the soul...

The biggest Christian nation in the world is not even willing to lend a token of help in a global crisis...

See what's left of this families home in Syria...
0:50 seconds in, if you can't spare 3 minutes...


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Paraquat on 11/23/15 at 09:09:54

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
Of the 19 terrorists involved in the 911 attack,.. none were immigrants or refugees...
They were all here on Visa's...

Why would they go through the long, arduous, process refugees must go through,... when they can get a Visa in a week or so?...

Fool me once, shame on me...
There will not be another 9/11 plane flying into a building scenario. It's been done. Or do you believe TSA stopped them all?

Now it's on to the next trick.


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by oldNslow on 11/23/15 at 09:13:58

Of the 19 terrorists involved in the 911 attack,.. none were immigrants or refugees...
They were all here on Visa's...

Completely irrelevant to the current situation. There was no mass exodus of "refugees" from the middle east trying to go anywhere in 2001. And those guys were Saudis. The simplest way for a Saudi to come to this country was with a visa.

We can't properly ascertain that someone who applies for a visa from a country with a stable government and which is supposedly one of our allies, is not a terrorist, yet we are
supposed to believe that somehow our government can figure out if one of the Syrian refugees, with no documents, no help from what's left of the Syrian government, or possibly forged or stolen documents, might be someone who wishes us harm.

The simplest thing to do is simply to keep them out.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/15 at 09:17:27

02393423323E252338303D22510 wrote:
I just don't understand the need to import the refugees to the US.  I would think that there would be areas that could be made safe in their own country....or at a minimum on the same continent.  I just can't see how bringing them to the US has any positive outcome, and will make the US a better place.

We are $ 18 Trillion in debt, an amount equal to $ 58,188.40 cent for every US Citizen.  When we are so far in debt, why is it a good idea to increase that debt by bringing in refugees that we need to feed, cloth, house, and educate?

Inarguably logical.
These aren't even immigrants, in the sense of the word used during earlier times. Back when people came here for the opportunities to create a new life, to find work, in a growing and prosperous nation, a place where they could leave the poverty and oppression and lack of freedoms, maybe speech, maybe religion, whatever, America was the land of opportunity and they wanted to come here and Become an American. These people don't all want that, and, America is no longer that land of opportunity. How can it be? With massive unemployment, how do we justify that label?
And how many of these refugees Blame us for the turmoil they are fleeing?
I've said it many times.
Our economy is hanging by a thread,those who created the problems and harvested the labors of the people are doing their best to keep the game going until some events occur that they can use as an excuse to justify the economic collapse. They NEED social unrest, and whether the refugees actually blow things up and kill people or not,things Will blow up and people will die, and martial law, declared or not, will be enacted. Curfews, peace keepers, men with guns, keeping us safe, of course, first, in order to Really keep us safe, they must first take our guns,and the economy will crash, DUE, naturally, to the Ohh so unfortunate, but Necessary actions to return our disrupted society to calm and peaceful...
Farfetched? It can't happen here?

As Dave so clearly, logically pointed out.
This DOESN'T make sense.
When policy flies contrary to reason, there is always a reason.
Policy ALWAYS has a reason. You have a reason for what YOU do.
Do you really believe that there isn't a better place on Earth for these people? Do we, as a nation, already divided, need another group who will Not become Americans, and will not be economically self sufficient, while WE are struggling?

The Roman empire teaches about what happens when multiculturalism is taken too far.

Once again, I type, no one will even consider the points.
You guys will go on, bouncing stuff around as if this section is blank.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Paraquat on 11/23/15 at 11:04:29

746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 wrote:
Once again, I type, no one will even consider the points.
You guys will go on, bouncing stuff around as if this section is blank.

This line intentionally left blank.


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/23/15 at 14:57:37

3A2C3B263E2B263D490 wrote:
The biggest Christian nation in the world is not even willing to lend a token of help in a global crisis...

Perhaps the wealthiest Muslim country in the world could offer some assistance....

They offered to build more Mosques in Germany!  The "refugees" certainly have an agenda if not a mission to spread Islam.

Best regards,  

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/23/15 at 15:40:10

"Perhaps the wealthiest Muslim country in the world could offer some assistance...."

That wealthiest Muslim country has an estimate of 500,000 Syrians there already.

Don't expect the Daily Mail to be anything other than sensationalist.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/23/15 at 15:49:54

4C6B726D775476617768617D040 wrote:
"Perhaps the wealthiest Muslim country in the world could offer some assistance...."

That wealthiest Muslim country has an estimate of 500,000 Syrians there already.

Don't expect the Daily Mail to be anything other than sensationalist.

What country would that be?

What is forthright media source from the UK that you would recommend?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/23/15 at 16:28:03

The link refers to Saudi Arabia as the wealthiest Muslim country, and I was referring to that link.
Saudi isn't quite the wealthiest, the Daily Mail got that wrong, but that's to whom I was referring.

Personally, I use The Guardian, The Independent, Reuters, and end with Sickipedia (!) oh, and MotorCycle News  :)

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by oldNslow on 11/23/15 at 16:51:45

The biggest Christian nation in the world is not even willing to lend a token of help in a global crisis...

Well, at least the UK is pitching in. :o

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/23/15 at 17:09:03

0A2D342B31123027312E273B420 wrote:
Personally, I use The Guardian, The Independent, Reuters, and end with Sickipedia (!) oh, and MotorCycle News  :)

I'll take a look at them, I can't say I place a lot of faith in our media.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/23/15 at 17:27:35

Yep, as long as the Media provides an interpretation of events, and is linked with certain owners/businesses/political-parties, then we have no decent, reliable news. Same the world over  :(

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/23/15 at 17:42:22

I wonder, if a, certain,  UK poster, is not a  relative of:
Arthur Neville Chamberlain.  
Who was BEST  known, (Here in the USA)
  for his appeasement of foreign policy   ?????

'Paraphrased''.   "Oh,  this man named  Adolf Hitler, he  is OK,  he will do no harm".

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/23/15 at 17:55:38

4A695477756E6960070 wrote:
I wonder, if a, certain,  UK poster, is not a  relative of:
Arthur Neville Chamberlain.  
Who was BEST  known, (Here in the USA)
  for his appeasement of foreign policy   ?????

'Paraphrased''.   "Oh,  this man named  Adolf Hitler, he  is OK,  he will do no harm".


Godwin's Law


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/15 at 18:57:51


hitler man of the year

Note how many times on the cover of times. History books in school start introducing him invading, what was it? Poland?
One thing I'm certain of, Texas history books have been rewritten so as to protect the feelings of certain people, particularly in the story of the Alamo.
Truth never changes. If the history books can Change in order to tell a story to be more palatable, they can be written so as to teach what is politically advantageous, in the first place.

In short, I trust history books as much as Fox news. At least, those dealing with relatively modern history. The Roman empire, Genghis Khan, stuff like that, probably as accurate as they know.
Pyramids?? Nope, don't believe that a pyramid that showed no sign of being entered , yet has no inscriptions, and no body, was a tomb.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by oldNslow on 11/23/15 at 19:28:49

Jog wrote:

Truth never changes. If the history books can Change in order to tell a story to be more palatable, they can be written so as to teach what is politically advantageous, in the first place.

In short, I trust history books as much as Fox news. At least, those dealing with relatively modern history.

The "Ministry of Truth" isn't fully operational yet. But they're working on it.

Orwell would sh*t his pants if he knew his book, which he intended as a warning, was being used as an instruction manual.

Wait until they get around to the "Ministry of Cyber Truth" and start rewriting the internet. Probably developing the algorithms right now so that AI computers can do the editing, instead of guys like poor old Winston. Then we will be truly f**ked.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/15 at 20:30:07

There used to be a quote I would C/P, roughly paraphrased
Regardless the pain of the knowledge of the truth, my heart would rather know the truth than a comfortable lie.

It's been gone for over a year.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/24/15 at 03:36:54

So..... want to make sure I got this right before I respond further....

We should accept any/all refugees who desire to flee their trappings based on the fact we, the good ol' USA, is a Christian Nation?

Is that what I read?

Bot wrote: The biggest Christian nation in the world is not even willing to lend a token of help in a global crisis...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Paraquat on 11/24/15 at 06:08:32

When are you people going to realize that religion is the reason people have been killing each other for millennia?

Hitler was man of the year, Mussolini got the trains to run on time, and Saddam was the closest thing to stabilization I've ever seen in the Middle East.


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/24/15 at 09:23:57

3E2D35282D3B2B4C0 wrote:
So..... want to make sure I got this right before I respond further....

We should accept any/all refugees who desire to flee their trappings based on the fact we, the good ol' USA, is a Christian Nation?

Is that what I read?

Bot wrote: The biggest Christian nation in the world is not even willing to lend a token of help in a global crisis...


No, that's what you interpreted.

Not all/any refugees. Not based on the USA being Christian.

The USA is a huge land mass.
The USA is in the top 10 richest nations.
The USA follows a religion which teaches "do unto others...etc".
The USA played a large part in the terror that the Syrian refugees are fleeing.
The USA was founded by immigrants/refugees.

These are the reasons that people question the 'Christian attitude' of the USA when it comes to accepting people in need into the country.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Dave on 11/24/15 at 10:25:16

I am going to say one more thing...then retreat back into the RSD and Cafe' where I feel more at home.

Christianity is a peaceful religion, and one that offers you the opportunity to worship GOD in the church and religion of your choice.  The Christians are supposed to spread the Gospel, and witness to others, and help the others to be saved from the wickedness and sin in the world.  If you are not a believer and choose to turn away - that is a choice you are free to make.

Islam is not a peaceful religion.  They are supposed to spread their religion all over the world, and is perfectly OK to lie and kill anyone that is not a believer.  Killing Christians is are not supposed to live in peace and harmony with your Christian neighbors.  They are raising and training their youth to be Suicide Bombers and Martyrs and to kill as many Christians as possible.

That is the basis to the strong Christian opposition of bringing Muslim refugees to this country.  It is not that Christians are not compassionate people - it is the fact that the Christian people don't want their children and grandchildren fighting a Holy War on US soil.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/24/15 at 11:04:40

597E677862416374627D7468110 wrote:
[quote author=3E2D35282D3B2B4C0 link=1447707804/75#81 date=1448365014]So..... want to make sure I got this right before I respond further....

We should accept any/all refugees who desire to flee their trappings based on the fact we, the good ol' USA, is a Christian Nation?

Is that what I read?

Bot wrote: The biggest Christian nation in the world is not even willing to lend a token of help in a global crisis...


No, that's what you interpreted.

Not all/any refugees. Not based on the USA being Christian.

The USA is a huge land mass.
The USA is in the top 10 richest nations.
The USA follows a religion which teaches "do unto others...etc".
The USA played a large part in the terror that the Syrian refugees are fleeing.
The USA was founded by immigrants/refugees.

These are the reasons that people question the 'Christian attitude' of the USA when it comes to accepting people in need into the country.

Who said they are not willing and wanting to help these people, you?
Why can't we help according to what we think would be best?
Me thinks you have ingested too much ink from the wrong paper while eating your fish and chips....

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/24/15 at 11:11:39

No refugees in '911', no refugees in 'Paris', but refugees might start a holy war on US soil.

Maybe if people took the time to look at Islam they would be aware that it is no more or less peaceful than Christianity.

But to see that, maybe you have to look at it from a non-Christian and non-Muslim perspective.

It's a waste of electrons to type in all the quotes from the Koran that show it to be peaceful, respectful and tolerant*, just as it is to type in the 'smight the unbelievers' parts of the Bible. And vice-versa.

(I'm sure I remember one of the forum members set out to read the Koran, a few months ago).

I can see why the USA doesn't want to take in Syrian refugees, but I don't think the USA can see the irony in the situation.....and that is where the danger lies.

* Available on request

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Paraquat on 11/24/15 at 11:14:25

5B606D7A6B677C7A6169647B080 wrote:
Christianity is a peaceful religion, and one that offers you the opportunity to worship GOD in the church and religion of your choice.  The Christians are supposed to spread the Gospel, and witness to others, and help the others to be saved from the wickedness and sin in the world.  If you are not a believer and choose to turn away - that is a choice you are free to make.

I have seen people be wrong in this forum but you take the cake, my friend.

"You Ethiopians will also be slaughtered by my sword," says the LORD.  And the LORD will strike the lands of the north with his fist.
Zephaniah 2:12

   Stand in silence in the presence of the Sovereign LORD, for the awesome day of the LORD's judgment has come.  The LORD has prepared his people for a great slaughter and has chosen their executioners.  "On that day of judgment," says the LORD, "I will punish the leaders and princes of Judah and all those following pagan customs.  Yes, I will punish those who participate in pagan worship ceremonies, and those who steal and kill to fill their masters' homes with loot.
Zephaniah 1:7

Freedom to be Pagan?

Is any among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save him that is sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, it shall be forgiven him.  
James 5:14

No need for a doctor or science, just rely on prayer.

The descendants of Joseph attacked the town of Bethel, and the LORD was with them.  They sent spies to Bethel (formerly known as Luz), who confronted a man coming out of the city.  They said to him, "Show us a way into the city, and we will have mercy on you."  So he showed them a way in, and they killed everyone in the city except for this man and his family.  Later the man moved to the land of the Hittites, where he built a city.

Judges 1:21

Nothing like eradicating an entire city.

Then, with Micah's idols and his priest, the men of Dan came to the town of Laish, whose people were peaceful and secure.  They attacked and killed all the people and burned the town to the ground.  

Judges 18

Go up, my warriors, against the land of Merathaim and against the people of Pekod. Yes, march against Babylon, the land of rebels, a land that I will judge!  Pursue, kill, and completely destroy them, as I have commanded you," says the LORD.  "Let the battle cry be heard in the land, a shout of great destruction".  

Jeremiah 50

Cain and Abel? How did that one end again? Oh, they both lived in peace together?

Emperor Leo III who killed anyone who worshiped an icon instead of the deity itself? Where's that freedom?

The Spanish Inquisition was a mission of peace?


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/24/15 at 11:18:03

Quote RayDawg:
Who said they are not willing and wanting to help these people, you?
Where did I say that, exactly?
Why can't we help according to what we think would be best?
Who said you couldn't?
Me thinks you have ingested too much ink from the wrong paper while eating your fish and chips....
Me laughs at Dickensian stereotypes....

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Dave on 11/24/15 at 12:12:25


The majority of your quotes are from the Old Testament.  The Old Testament shows the wrath of God against sin; the New Testament shows the grace of God toward sinners.

I never said that Christians are never involved in battles or wars - or that a Christian Country and it leaders and politicians have never gone to war.  The Spanish Inquisition had very little to do with Christianity, and more to do with greed and power of people in high places.

As a Christian, I choose to live in peace....and that is how Jesus taught us to live our lives.  I do everything I can to avoid a fight - but I will also never intend to become a victim.

Ya'll enjoy yourself here......I just don't have the patience it takes to come here and verbally attack each other.


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/24/15 at 14:14:16

1B202D3A2B273C3A2129243B480 wrote:

The majority of your quotes are from the Old Testament.  The Old Testament shows the wrath of God against sin; the New Testament shows the grace of God toward sinners.

I never said that Christians are never involved in battles or wars - or that a Christian Country and it leaders and politicians have never gone to war.  The Spanish Inquisition had very little to do with Christianity, and more to do with greed and power of people in high places.

As a Christian, I choose to live in peace....and that is how Jesus taught us to live our lives.  I do everything I can to avoid a fight - but I will also never intend to become a victim.

Ya'll enjoy yourself here......I just don't have the patience it takes to come here and verbally attack each other.


Dave, you are a wise man to spend his energy where it provides results  ;)

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/24/15 at 17:24:56

Their are about 270, basic religions in the world.
Their are several Thousand, variations.

For this discussion, will just use two,
and the, ‘books’, they go by.
The Bible and the Quran.

In Both those books, their are references to, ‘killing’ someone for some reason or another.
In Both those books, their are MANY, contradicting  statements.

YET,  How, many of those, ‘Religions’, are,
 STILL, Killing people, because they do NOT,
convert to, ’their’ Religion ?

I can Only think of, ONE !

Let’s see, if a ‘Fringe’ group, called themselves,  ‘Knights Templars’, or ‘Crusaders’.
(Which both went out late 1200’s or early 1300’s.)  700 YEARS  ago !
And, (today),  BEHEADED, people, in the name of that religion.
Do you think the, ‘Christens’, (that, ‘Fringe’ group associated with),
would, DO, something about them. ?????
(Not just give,  ‘LIP’ Service, but, DO, Something!)

Do you think if a, ‘fringe’, group, calling themselves the, "Avenging Angles”,
Cut OFF Peoples Heads,
The, Mormons, would,  DO, something about them ?
(Of course, the, ‘oral traditions’, of the Mormon, ‘Avenging Angles’,
was that they did NOT,  ‘CUT OFF HEADS’, of people that did not believe,
they only, ’Avenged’, wrong doing, among the people, who did, believe in that Religion.)

Gee, perhaps the, Muslims, who believe in Islam, need some, “Avenging Angles”.    LOLOL

Some, ‘religions’, Centuries ago, did Live Human sacrifices.
They continue this practice today, BUT TODAY USE, Efficacy’s, of the human/animal/etc.

But which,  ONE,  is  STILL,   ‘Cutting Off Heads’. ?

And, (outside of, ‘LIP’, service), are ’They’,  (the believers in that Religion),  doing Anything ??????
Do not see, ANY, evidence of it.

So, conclusions.
1.  The, Muslims, who follow the, Quran, are to terrified, of their OWN, kind, to do anything about it.
2. You never know, ‘when', a Rattlesnake will bite.
You only know, it, ‘ WILL'.
3.  Islam, is  NOT, a, ‘Religion’.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/24/15 at 19:06:19

"So, conclusions.
1.  The, Muslims, who follow the, Quran, are to terrified, of their OWN, kind, to do anything about it.
2. You never know, ‘when', a Rattlesnake will bite.
You only know, it, ‘ WILL'.
3.  Islam, is  NOT, a, ‘Religion’.

1. See pic:

2. Maybe the rattlesnake feels it was bitten first, by a bigger rattlesnake.

3. You really can't accept the idea that normal Muslims and extreme fundamentalist jihadis are two different things.
Do Muslims think that the Pope, David Koresh and Billy Graham all believe the same thing?

Only by knowing the practice of the other 269 religions can enable you to make a comparison.....

Shall I quote the Koran where it says that you shouldn't force religion on others?

The ‘Avenging Angles’ are right.......
.......if they are at 90 degrees.  ::)

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/24/15 at 19:20:17

" ... Shall I quote the Koran where it says that you shouldn't force religion on others? ..."

Yep,  nonsense, quotes, by a  PROGRESSIVE.

Yea, I Know,  I Know, “Don’t Feed  the Troll”.[/quote]

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/24/15 at 19:38:17

"There shall be no compulsion in religion" 2:256

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 03:50:50

280F160913301205130C0519600 wrote:
"There shall be no compulsion in religion" 2:256

No doubt, most of the believers are not terrorist, even if they do want/try to convert others in order to share their faith. I do with mine, even tho Bot is a lost cause  :-*

But, as in my faith, some have no qualm about killing an abortion doctor or cheering if one meets his own abortion fate, however, most don't.....

And I lump both groups of faith zealots as terrorist, and IDIOTS too!

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Paraquat on 11/25/15 at 06:10:17

1A212C3B2A263D3B2028253A490 wrote:
The majority of our quotes are from the Old Testament.  The Old Testament shows the wrath of God against sin; the New Testament shows the grace of God toward sinners.

That's my favorite part of Christianity: how you can cherry pick what you want or don't want.


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by verslagen1 on 11/25/15 at 10:38:50

496E776872517364726D6478010 wrote:
"There shall be no compulsion in religion" 2:256

It's in the definition of "innocent" that's the rub.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/25/15 at 16:59:00

Let’s see if I got this right.

A,  ‘Facebook’  poster, complains that he cannot get a date.
And he is a,  ‘Muslim’,   ’Refugee’.
So I am to extend  EVERY,  Courtesy to him. ?

Gee, I,  don’t know who he is.
YOU, don’t know who he is.
Ya Think, Perhaps,  (MUSLEM or NOT)
He, is just  a  A.H.   ???????

(Gee, how much, ’sympathy’, would I get,
If I announced to the world, I, ‘could not get a Date’)

Yet,   YET !
When a, TERRORIST (Claiming he/she, is a  Muslim)
Commits a,  COWARDLY Terrorist, act.
I, ( am not permitted buy the, ‘progressives’),  to, wonder WHY,  ?
the, ‘peaceful’, Muslims, do  NOT,  stand up and,   DO    Something ?

But, someone, who,  IS a,  ‘Refugee’ or’ Immigrant’.
And has ‘become’ a worthwhile, Citizen/Subject, of a Country.

What ever their, ‘views/statements’, are on any subject, are, WORTHLESS,
BECAUSE, they,   Were, a, ‘Refugee’ or’ Immigrant’.

Exactly, how does that work ?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 17:00:11

Versy, I'd imagine 'innocent' as being what it says here, as there are many other quotes in the Koran that'd support it.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/25/15 at 17:28:55

 “ … are many other quotes in the Koran that’d support it. …”

As  many  ‘quotes’  in  the,   “Bible, and Quran’,  
Both for,   ‘Peace”,  and,   ‘Retribution’.

My Question,  which is STILL,  not answered,  by a,  ‘Progressive Believer”,
  WHICH, “Fringe”, of a,  ‘religion’,  is  STILL,   ‘CUTTING OFF HEADS’
of,   ’Non Believers?
, in the name of a, 'Religion'.

And the, 'Peaceful People', of that, 'religion',  ARE  Doing  NOTHING About It  ????????

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/25/15 at 17:36:14

Gosh,  ‘WE’,  have been told,
Over and Over and Over again.

How, the, ‘Peaceful’,  Muslims, are  the VAST   Majority.

So WHY,  do they,  ‘ALLOW”,  a,  Tiney Tiney,  ‘Fringe’,  group,
to Overwhelm them, and,   Speak,  for them ???????????

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 17:38:34

I'll bite Spring..... Islam.

Now will you answer my question?

Should I be judged by the deeds of others because they say Jesus, or God, told them to do something?

I am not trying to be vague, just want to understand the foundation of how we assign responsibility.

BTW, I know many of the Muslim faith who are dead set against ISIS, believing its a total miss-characterization of their faith.

Can you elaborate on what it is your are trying to establish Spring?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 17:47:05

They don't 'allow' a fringe group to speak for them.
They can't exactly reason with ISIS......
The media is what determines what we might hear, and what we can't.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 17:50:57

11021A07021404630 wrote:
Can you elaborate on what it is your are trying to establish Spring?


+1  :-?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/25/15 at 18:32:38

Sure,   ‘Islam’, a ‘Religion,
(Does NOT matter, ‘if/what’, that ‘religion is.
does not, matter, if you believe in that, ‘religion’ or any other.

The point is is,  Simply,    
The people, who ARE,  Believers, in a,  ‘Peaceful  Religion,
( In this case,  Muslim/Islam)

Are  NOT,   STANDING UP,    and, ’Taking Care of the’,

 USING,  that,  “Name of that, Religion or people,
in their,  "COWARDLY  Attacks”.

THEY, should be FIRST   !!!!!
Not everyone else.

  And,   NOT,  ALLOW,   “media is what determines what we might hear”

Because, by,  NOT,  DOING,  is some thing, that,
the,  ‘Media’,    SELLS, it’s   Propaganda on.

If that,  ‘Religion/People’     DID   Something,  the,   ‘Media’,
Would   NOT,  Jump on  the,  ‘Bandwagon’,    !!!!!!

“ … Should I be judged by the deeds of others because they say Jesus, or God, told them to do something? …”
No,  you should not be be, ‘judged', by it.    But if you do  NOTHING, to correct it,  (or even  TRY to)   then YES !

“ … I know many of the Muslim faith who are dead set against ISIS, believing its a total miss-characterization of their faith. …”

Don’t Doubt that for a  Sec. BUT,   AGAIN,    WHY, is the responsibly or,  ‘OTHERS”  to do, what,   YOU, should do !!!!!!

of course,  ‘you’,  meaning the, ‘Peaceful,’ people of that, ‘religion.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 18:41:26

Logistically, how would you suggest Muslims 'take care' of ISIS terrorists?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/25/15 at 18:44:34

280F160913301205130C0519600 wrote:
Logistically, how would you suggest Muslims 'take care' of ISIS terrorists?

Haven't got time to 'Feed the Troll'.

Your do the Math, it's rather easy !

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 18:53:48


Why a troll? You've accused me of other things also.... which turned out to be false.
What is your grief?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/25/15 at 18:58:04

Do not know, where you live,
(House Condo Apartment, City, Country)
But is is apparent, you do, NOT, know the people around you.
What they do, how they are, what they feel.

The people in , ’that area’,
   DO  know this.
So it is SO APPARENT,  that they are,  
UNWILLING, to do something about it.
Simply, because they HAVE NOT, done something about it.

So, is it because they are:     >>>>>>>>

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 19:06:25

"Unwilling" is different from 'unable'.

It's not as if there is a 'central government' for a religion, they speak many different languages, and are spread over half the globe, so how do they arrange the 'sorting out' of the terrorists?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by oldNslow on 11/25/15 at 19:07:04

This is a comment to some article in Rolling Stone. Guys got the right idea. Treat muslims the same way liberals want to treat guns.

"We need sensible muslim control like a database of registered muslims, background checks for muslims, and a limited capacity of muslims. Nobody needs thirty muslims in their mosque. muslims should be designed to pray and not designed to maximize body count. We're not trying to take all the muslims away, but our children's safety is more important than some right enumerated by a dead white slaveholder. Only some crazy kook should oppose sensible muslim control."

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 19:16:56


“ … Should I be judged by the deeds of others because they say Jesus, or God, told them to do something? …”
No,  you should not be be, ‘judged', by it.    But if you do  NOTHING, to correct it,  (or even  TRY to)   then YES !

Spring, that is a trap.
This is war, plain and simple, never-ending as evidenced by the factions in the ME.

My witness is through a relationship with the Holy Spirit and evidenced by my actions, not words.
If I rise to a "challenge" by evilness, then evilness will dictate my actions, and it will be singing the tune to which I dance....

Darn, I wish I could convey this better...... arg.
But to cave to fear, fear of anything, then in reality you are surrendering your control to it.

If one was to conquer the threat of fear, one must remove the threat.
In our case, as humans, that would mean removing other humans.
We would have to extend this remedy till no other human existed, except self.
Gee ,now that does not sound like a party to me  ;D

I think I understand what you are feeling, and I think I understand why it causes you dismay.
This world is set on destroying itself, it is foretold, and we can't stop it.
It will get ugly, and it will cause grief and tear in the process.

Blind faith is what it will take to survive, and to be redeemed.
Of that I am sure, and yes, it sustains me, just as it has those who have gone before me and have shared the truth.
Non believers have no idea, or concept, of sustainability and rebirth, none. I can't expect them to understand, of what they are ignorant, but  that does not justify me and allow contempt to enter my heart...
Free will is just that, free.
When man hangs a price or responsibility upon its creation, he has sentenced himself to that which he leveled against the accused.

Goodness, I am giving myself a headache  ;D

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 19:21:51

13300D2E2C3730395E0 wrote:
But is is apparent, you do, NOT, know the people around you.
What they do, how they are, what they feel.


How do you come to that conclusion?
(and please don't embarrass yourself by presuming a Youtube comedy video is representative of what the 'people around me' feel)

Can I suggest that you don't know the people around you because you grossly exaggerated the number of Somalis in your area....and went further by saying "This is a fact" to emphasize your point.  ;)  

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/25/15 at 19:22:41

“ … accused you…”

‘’Troll’   With out a doubt.

  Your responses have shown that profoundly.

‘Ultra-Liberal’, That is  a  US term, for, ‘’Progressive”.

I have given my,  ‘Opinion’,   and you counter with,   Nonsense ‘quotes’.

Put up, more,  ‘QUOTES’,  from Facebook,  
about, “ someone who can not get a, ‘date’,”
to prove your point!

I’ll check in about 12  hours, what your   response is,
About what,  ‘Peaceful, Muslims’, are doing to,
Stop, the,  ‘Fringe’  COWARDLY Terrorists,, are.

AND NO  More,  QUOTES,  from,   ‘Facebook’,   DFI’s,  that can not get a date.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/25/15 at 19:23:38

I see how good cops should be able to root out the bad ones. They work together. I don't have any reason to believe that the actual peaceful Muslim ever even sees the radical. And what about Americans? We haven't been able to get adults, educated and literate, even Read the Constitution, many of those having taken an oath to uphold it, to read it honestly.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 20:00:10

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
I see how good cops should be able to root out the bad ones. They work together. I don't have any reason to believe that the actual peaceful Muslim ever even sees the radical. And what about Americans? We haven't been able to get adults, educated and literate, even Read the Constitution, many of those having taken an oath to uphold it, to read it honestly.


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 20:17:41

Dear MnS,
If I have ever quoted figures that are wrong, tell me.
If you ever want me to provide a source for any quotes or stats, I can do that.
If I've ever insulted anyone's mother, paste in a link.
If I've ever complained or reported anyone/thing to a forum mod, then enlighten us all to it.
If I reply with 'nonsense quotes' I eagerly await hearing as to why they might be nonsense.

But in return, remember that failing to see the humour in the 'text from a girl' pic, and failing to see the message that it wants to get across to the world, doesn't give anyone the right to be insulting.

I really do believe that you don't 'get' that picture (I used it to emphasize, not prove my point) answers all the questions as to why a whole religion can't stop the terrorists, and in a clever and imaginative way.

Also in return, please consider that trolling is often saying something outrageous, then sitting back to watch the mayhem.
What have I done to merit the 'Troll' tag you gave me?
Or is it a 'device' to enable you to not respond when challenged on 'Somali numbers' or similar instances.

I'm not insulted by being called progressive, etc, (is that an insult?) I was referring to something much older. (think 'admin')

So please, why the grief?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 20:23:32

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
I see how good cops should be able to root out the bad ones. They work together. I don't have any reason to believe that the actual peaceful Muslim ever even sees the radical.


My thoughts exactly.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/25/15 at 21:10:47

7E59405F45664453455A534F360 wrote:
[quote author=0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 link=1447707804/105#115 date=1448508218]I see how good cops should be able to root out the bad ones. They work together. I don't have any reason to believe that the actual peaceful Muslim ever even sees the radical.


My thoughts exactly.

I beg to differ, jmho.  I've long suspected they would be complaisant if not sympathetic to more so hard line beliefs.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/25/15 at 21:19:21

597A4764667D7A73140 wrote:
“ … accused you…”

‘’Troll’   With out a doubt.

  Your responses have shown that profoundly.

‘Ultra-Liberal’, That is  a  US term, for, ‘’Progressive”.

An opposing view, is not a troll...
If that is the case...
I'm a troll...

A 9 year,... 18,000 post,... Moderator type troll... :-?...

Where would the TT be without a backboard?.. ;D...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/25/15 at 21:46:00

"But the newspaper’s interpretation of the poll data was called into question by numerous critics who noted that an earlier survey for Sky News had shown that more than 30 per cent of non-Muslims had shown a degree of sympathy with young Muslims fighting in Syria."

That story in the "Sun" newspaper received record complaints.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/25/15 at 22:47:08

55726B746E4D6F786E7178641D0 wrote:
"But the newspaper’s interpretation of the poll data was called into question by numerous critics who noted that an earlier survey for Sky News had shown that more than 30 per cent of non-Muslims had shown a degree of sympathy with young Muslims fighting in Syria."

That story in the "Sun" newspaper received record complaints.

Citing an opinion of a survey without the article itself is an extremely weak argument.  

Regarding the record number of complaints, that actually supports my position.  It sounds like the truth hurts.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by mpescatori on 11/26/15 at 03:49:04

05261B383A21262F480 wrote:
Their are about 270, basic religions in the world.
Their are several Thousand, variations.

For this discussion, will just use two,
and the, ‘books’, they go by.
The Bible and the Quran.

In Both those books, their are references to, ‘killing’ someone for some reason or another.
In Both those books, their are MANY, contradicting  statements.

YET,  How, many of those, ‘Religions’, are,
 STILL, Killing people, because they do NOT,
convert to, ’their’ Religion ?

I can Only think of, ONE !

Let’s see, if a ‘Fringe’ group, called themselves,  ‘Knights Templars’, or ‘Crusaders’.
(Which both went out late 1200’s or early 1300’s.)  700 YEARS  ago !
And, (today),  BEHEADED, people, in the name of that religion.
Do you think the, ‘Christens’, (that, ‘Fringe’ group associated with),
would, DO, something about them. ?????
(Not just give,  ‘LIP’ Service, but, DO, Something!)

Do you think if a, ‘fringe’, group, calling themselves the, "Avenging Angles”,
Cut OFF Peoples Heads,
The, Mormons, would,  DO, something about them ?
(Of course, the, ‘oral traditions’, of the Mormon, ‘Avenging Angles’,
was that they did NOT,  ‘CUT OFF HEADS’, of people that did not believe,
they only, ’Avenged’, wrong doing, among the people, who did, believe in that Religion.)

Gee, perhaps the, Muslims, who believe in Islam, need some, “Avenging Angles”.    LOLOL

Some, ‘religions’, Centuries ago, did Live Human sacrifices.
They continue this practice today, BUT TODAY USE, Efficacy’s, of the human/animal/etc.

But which,  ONE,  is  STILL,   ‘Cutting Off Heads’. ?

And, (outside of, ‘LIP’, service), are ’They’,  (the believers in that Religion),  doing Anything ??????
[b]Do not see, ANY, evidence of it.

So, conclusions.
1.  The, Muslims, who follow the, Quran, are to terrified, of their OWN, kind, to do anything about it.
2. You never know, ‘when', a Rattlesnake will bite.
You only know, it, ‘ WILL'.
3.  Islam, is  NOT, a, ‘Religion’.

I would like to challenge the above statements with a little history; not opinion, not hearsay but HISTORY.

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, officially the "Sovereign Military Hospitallier Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta", still exists today.
Their headquarters is in Rome, a few km from my office. They survived and repelled all Turkish, Saracen and Arab attacks but could not repel Napoleon's Navy in 1798. It was then transferred to the UK in 1814, regardless International Law demanded the Knights of Malta be acknowledged their rightful possessions.

IRAQ is fighting ISIS - anthough the best and battle-hardened senior Officers were fired from the New Iraqi Army thanks to US influence in the Iraqi Government, so they went off to the other side - purely out of spite and for revenge.
IRAN is fighting ISIS - although the US call this an aggression into Iraqi Territory, even though Iranians and Iraqis are actually fighting side by side !
SYRIA is fighting ISIS - although it is in the US Cabinet's Book of Planned Invasions that after Iraq comes Syrian, then Iran, hence your smear campaign of Pres.Assad.

WHO, on the other hand, IS FUNDING ISIS ?
::) Hmmm... let's see...  ::)
Saudi Arabia is funding ISIS... and when Yemen objected to ISIS, Saudi Arabia invaded Yemen.
Kuwait is funding ISIS...
The United Arab Emirates are finding ISIS...
Bahrein is funding ISIS...
Take notice, ALL OPEC Countries which must send their tankers through the SUEZ Canal.
But Syria is NOT OPEC, so if it became an OPEC-controlled Colony...  :D no more SUEZ !
Oh, and... there's one more Nation funding ISIS... but I'll let Sen. John McCain explain that to you.

As for cutting off heads etc. ... look up the pliight of the Australian Aborigenes and how the CHRISTIAN Clergy would organize mass abductions of Aborigene children from their families in order to destry and annihilate Aborigene Culture and Religion.

Nobody's without sin, MnSpring. Don't even think of picking up that stone...

PS: as for "Islam is not a Religion"...

Please define "Religion".
By Christian Theological standards, a Religion needs:
- a Revelation,
- a Prophet who received the Revelation,
- a Book where the Holy Words of revelation were written down,
- a Clergy which is trained and academically educated in specific Institutes,
- a Clerical Hierarchy,
- a (number of) Houses of Prayer.

By these standards, among Christians: Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, Anglicans are acknowledged Confessions of a Religion;
Baptists, Evangelicals etc. are NOT a religion because they lack a clerical organization ("elders" NOT being clergy) and specific education (Theology in College is NOT Theology in a Seminar)

Islam, be it Sunni, Shi'ite or Ba'ha, are a Religion.

Shinto is a Religion.

Buddhism is NOT a Religion because the Gautama Siddhartha was NOT a Prophet, he did NOT receive a revelation but meditated his way to Nirvana (Enlightenment)

As for Mormonism - I do not know whether it qualifies as a Religion because I am not informed on its Clerical orcganization (and I will NOT pore over Wikipedia to find out, I simply do not care)

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/26/15 at 06:43:31



Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/26/15 at 07:14:36

Folks...obviously we enjoy bickering over details and arguing POV, why....
Gee, I ain't gonna even guess.
I just want to point out one observation, please

When we formulate our opines on secondhand or gathered elsewhere ( that includes research base data ) information, and forge our own opinion based on that, you should really assign it heresy, for in reality, that is all it is.
Human nature has a commonality, regardless of culture, the primitive and basic 3, which are foremost, are, we all seek/need shelter, food, and companionship, or love.
The first two are pretty easy to discern success, the third, ah, not so....
And of the three, this need is prolly the greatest, for within its confines is propagation, spilled over into other sub-feelings with societal implications dictating its influences.
And too, this leads to transmission, or dissemination, of ourselves, which, can be in conflict with others, because society/beliefs have put a condition on a basic need we all have, using it as a tool to leverage and manipulate humans.

The only escaping is to look inside one self and to extend what you find/need, to others, as in you must give, to receive.

A struggle for man cuz we have lost our own compassion (companionship) , yet, demand it of others.
It becomes a vicious cycle of laws, and political showmanship, that leads to only conflict and fragmentation of the human race.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/26/15 at 10:21:22

Quote pg:
"Regarding the record number of complaints, that actually supports my position.  It sounds like the truth hurts."

You are using "The Sun" as a source!

There is even a phrase in the UK, "Sun reader", it's hard to explain to a non UK resident.

The record number of complaints supports either argument, but the background history of the paper's 'sensationalism' and false claims speaks volumes.
You realise that the phone-hacking scandal, and corruption in this newspaper is as famous as it's soft porn on page 3 ?

Really, and regardless of political differences, I advise anyone not to use 'The Sun' as a source of accurate news.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/26/15 at 10:31:34

@Ray,  "heresy" or "hearsay"? Both could be applicable!

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/26/15 at 10:38:52

597E677862416374627D7468110 wrote:
@Ray,  "heresy" or "hearsay"? Both could be applicable!

My bad, you bad  ;D

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/26/15 at 10:49:46


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/26/15 at 14:12:53

1B3C253A20032136203F362A530 wrote:
Quote pg:
"Regarding the record number of complaints, that actually supports my position.  It sounds like the truth hurts."

You are using "The Sun" as a source!

There is even a phrase in the UK, "Sun reader", it's hard to explain to a non UK resident.

The record number of complaints supports either argument, but the background history of the paper's 'sensationalism' and false claims speaks volumes.
You realise that the phone-hacking scandal, and corruption in this newspaper is as famous as it's soft porn on page 3 ?

Really, and regardless of political differences, I advise anyone not to use 'The Sun' as a source of accurate news.

We have this same thing in the USA, it's called a New York Times reader. Ask Donald Trump.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/27/15 at 10:57:55

485E49544C59544F3B0 wrote:
" ... An opposing view, is not a troll... "

No it is not.
And. ‘one lines, satirical responses’,
are not trolling.

And, when posters ask, for a more detailed response.
(about that ‘one line/word’ response)
And it is given.     It is not Trolling.

I consider trolling, when a poster,
constantly, throws out a comment,
which has, absolutely, nothing to do, with the, ’thread’.
and when asked Several times, by Several people,
to explain that comment.  No ‘explanation’ is forthcoming.
That, is a much different story.

Also, it is, very, apparent, some people,
read things, they, ‘want’ to hear.
Not read things that were, ‘said’.

On the Subject of accepting mass Quantities,
of, ‘refugees’, which are not ‘vetted’ in any way.
I, Very Sincerely, hope I am wrong.
About a number of them, Taking, this or that, for Free.
Then in the future, USE that training, knowledge, education, tools, Against US.
I, really, hope I am wrong.  

Now before someone gets their, ‘panties’, in a bunch.
Their is Quite a difference, between a, Immigrant, and a  Refugee.
And their, Vastly different, ’types’ of Refugees.
( Gee, are people, with ‘black’ skin,  ALL,  the Same ?)
And a refugee, from 30 -70 -150 + years ago,
is the,  SAME,  as one today?

If you go back, and keep going back, Just about everybody,
is a Immigrant, as to the place they are living now.
Just look  at the people called, Native American Indians.
A well believed, Theory, is they are decedents, of Aztec & Mayan, people, that migrated North.

And again, as to, Muslim based Countries.
Still don’t see any, useful forces of them, working to eradicating the problem.
It’s all ‘lip’, service.

And of course, all,
(the people that, ‘want’, this ‘flood’, of people,
who have a very long ‘history’ of Terrorism).
Are ALL, saying,   “In YOUR Back Yard,  Not  Mine”.

Oh, and one more thing.
Next time I am traveling in several Countries in Europe,
(On a very tight budget)
I will also budget to, make, sure, I stop,
each time I cross a border,
and find a store, and then purchase,
the, ‘appropriate.’ clothing, for that country.  
(Now, let’s see, just what would that be?)
O, Wait, how about a ‘Baseball Cap, and Tennis shoes’.   ;D

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/27/15 at 13:40:03

Like I said before, just because someone doesn't 'get' the connection in a post, or it just plainly goes right over their head, doesn't mean it has 'absolutely nothing to do with the thread'.
Everything I've posted has been relevant (as far as I remember), but post a link to something I've said that you don't see the relevance of, (different opinions aside).

MnS, if you use a 'spell-check' when you write, the words will be spelt right, but they are often different words (words that the 'spell-check' thinks that you mean).

That, my friend, is posting stuff that is completely irrelevant.
But please continue, I always enjoy your posts.

Did you notice that the title of this threads says "refuges" which is a correct spelling, but "refuges" are not the people fleeing Syria, etc.
A 'refugee' can be a person fleeing Syria, etc.

Please reassure me that you are not a teacher, an author, sign-writer or a calligraphist....

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by oldNslow on 11/27/15 at 17:33:24

[quote]MnS, if you use a 'spell-check' when you write, the words will be spelt right, but they are often different words (words that the 'spell-check' thinks that you mean).[quote]

Lighten up Hovis. Nobody likes a grammar, spelling, or typo Nazi. Just sayn'.

Yeah I know. Godwin's Law.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/27/15 at 20:10:06

70574E514B684A5D4B545D41380 wrote:
" ... Please reassure me that you are not a teacher,    ..."

Yea, I Am.  I,   Volunteer,  (for only the last 35, years),
for a class, twice a year,
For,  (Firearms Safety Training).
I Guess that is something unknown in the UK.

’Teaching that class”,  actually,  COSTS,  the,  ‘VOLUNTEER  INSTRUCTORS”.
As we,  ‘DO   Not Get Paid”.
And we expend our time, resources, etc.

And, 2+2,   Actually, Equals 4.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/27/15 at 20:36:50

Ah, I'm glad you're only teaching people to kill more efficiently.
Gun safety is a very interesting concept.

I'm still worried author, sign-writer or a calligraphist?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/28/15 at 06:39:51

45627B647E5D7F687E6168740D0 wrote:
Ah, I'm glad you're only teaching people to kill more efficiently.
Gun safety is a very interesting concept.

I'm still worried author, sign-writer or a calligraphist?

WTF.....dude, that is some leap of faith to accuse a person to teach others to kill, or just a extremely stupid comment and shows the AUTHORS lack of intellectual honesty....

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/28/15 at 09:42:14

Teaching people to use killing machines 'safely' for 35 years....and you ask about intellectual honesty......what are weapons designed for?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/28/15 at 09:49:47

684F564953705245534C4559200 wrote:
Teaching people to use killing machines 'safely' for 35 years....and you ask about intellectual honesty......what are weapons designed for?

Abortion kills, drugs kill, booze kills, cigarettes kill, sex kills, food kills, cars kill, sports kill, your friken tunnel chasing tabloids kill, etc...

Guns, as the stuff I listed, are multi-functional and have other uses than your friggin agenda driven drivel, one theology fits all, intellect.


Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/28/15 at 09:53:52

Guns are multi-functional, yes, mine are investments, but they are killing machines as their primary function.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/28/15 at 10:04:39

674059465C7F5D4A5C434A562F0 wrote:
Guns are multi-functional, yes, mine are investments, but they are killing machines as their primary function.

I will use your reasoning punkin......

The primary reason to marriage and usage of a wiener is to propagate, that's why a caveman dragged a WOMAN, not a cave boy,  back to his digs....

Hey....lets play stupid now, please see this post:

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/28/15 at 10:13:22

Cavemen got married?
I'd say they used their wiener to pis$ through for most of their life before they used it to procreate.

But hey, I was stupid to consider guns as weapons, I was stupid to say they are designed to cause hurt and death.

Now back to mental images of Rachel Welch in 'One Million years BC'.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/28/15 at 10:22:35

4E69706F75567463756A637F060 wrote:
Guns are multi-functional, yes, mine are investments, but they are killing machines as their primary function.

What kind are you permitted to own in the UK?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/28/15 at 11:01:01

pg, it's complicated to say the least, even air-guns (depending on their colour!!) can be illegal. I'd say that shotguns are the most commonly held firearm over here.
I'm planning on going to a firing range with my son next week (in Hungary) where we'll use anything from a .38 magnum to an AK47.
As for the UK, this is the best I can offer, but as I said, it's complex:

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/28/15 at 11:34:34

6E49504F55765443554A435F260 wrote:
Ah, I'm glad you're only teaching people to kill more efficiently.   ..."

So,  your, ‘Opinion’ is,
teachers of Gun SAFETY,
teach to KILL Efficiently.

Well, it is my,  ‘opinion’, that, your comment,
Really, proved, your Ignorance, on the subject!

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by raydawg on 11/28/15 at 12:08:21

So you allow yourself guns, because you don't use them as the killing machines everyone else has them for.....
But you want to captilize on them as a investment, sort of like a pimp saying he supports women's equality, as he pockets the money of her slavery, gotcha....
Love the way those who kneel at the alter of ideology can't even begin to grasp their hypocrisy that they ladle freely upon others....

Dude, you ever think about putting down the shovel before you pee all over yourself?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/28/15 at 12:44:44

The guns I have are antique/collectable.
One is an old family heirloom from my grandfather.
I have no ammunition for it. You cannot buy ammunition for it. I will never sell it.
The other is an old-fashioned revolver, ( again, no ammo is available according to the Police, hence it's legal).
I buy and sell antiques.
I have never even fired my guns....

How much is in that ladle of hypocrisy?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/15 at 12:52:37

Guns don't kill people,... bullets kill people...

Look,.. I made a bumper sticker... ;D....

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/28/15 at 15:38:55

694E574852715344524D4458210 wrote:
" ...  you're only teaching people to kill more efficiently.

Ya know, while outside, making wood today.
I thought about that comment.
  Another comment comes to mind.
One I have seen many other times before.

“That Is a  SPECIAL  Kind of  STUPID”

To believe,  that,  Firearms, SAFETY  Training Is:
“ … teaching people to kill more efficiently. …”

Yep,  Just a,  "SPECIAL”, kind of  STUPID !

Remember the definitions, between,  STUPID, and  Ignorant?
Ignorant =  Just has not learned about a  topic.
STUPID =  The inability, to learn about a  topic.

Yep, a,  SPECIAL kind of Stupid.

To,  insult, over 250,000  Certified Instructors in 50 States,
and, insult, over 46  MILLION, Students,
who have taken that class, or a form of, over the last 55 years.
And insult over 190,  MILLION more  people, who, Believe,
Firearms,  ’SAFETY’,   is a good thing.
Who are,   'Citizens", of a,  'FREE" Country.
Not,  'Subjects', of a  monarchy.

A-Yep,  Just a,  'Special' kind of  Stupid !

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/15 at 15:54:40

43605D7E7C6760690E0 wrote:
“That Is a  SPECIAL  Kind of  STUPID”

Yep,  Just a,  "SPECIAL”, kind of  STUPID !

Yep, a,  SPECIAL kind of Stupid.[/b]

A-Yep,  Just a,  'Special' kind of  Stupid !

I do believe these qualify as personal insults... ::)
Play nice,.. or I'll have to get out my eraser... 8-)...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/28/15 at 16:03:15

Is see, someone can say:
I Am, for the last 35 years,
“  … teaching people to kill more efficiently.”

And that is  OK ?????

Yet when I give my, Opinion, it is threatened to be,  ‘Banned’  ???

Exactly how does that work ?

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by pg on 11/29/15 at 15:02:09

ISIS training revealed!



Best regards,

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/29/15 at 15:39:41

;D ;D ;D...
What do you figure they're training for?...

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/29/15 at 18:20:15

A long holiday in Guantanamo bay....

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by Zonablazer on 11/30/15 at 14:56:19

Refugees to guns VERY interesting topic. In reply to the original post I say open Ellis Island back up and have them process through.

I'm pretty sure the video is showing preparation for the ISIS Globetrotters.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 12/02/15 at 18:04:10

0B2C352A30133126302F263A430 wrote:
" ... I'm planning on going to a firing range with my son next week (in Hungary)

" ...  they are killing machines ..."
“ … I’m planning on going to a firing range with my son next week (in Hungary) where we’ll use anything from a …"

So,  Hovis,  from,  YOUR,   Statements.
It is apparent, that, YOU, are using firearms, for  ONLY,  the Purpose of:
 “ … to cause hurt and death …”
Their can be, NO  OTHER, reason to use a  ‘Firearm” ?????????

So,  Exactly,  Where, do YOU, intend to:  “ … to cause hurt and death …”   with a   Firearm ??????

After all, it is what, YOU, say,  EVERYONE, that uses a  firearm does !

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by HovisPresley on 12/11/15 at 09:36:16

The primary functions of firearms.... etc etc

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by thumperclone on 12/11/15 at 22:21:15

I was trained to KILL,KILL,KILL..
to protect this country from ALL enemies foreign or domestic
I didn't kill today............

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/12/15 at 00:24:06

What is the second amendment ? It's purpose? No one has noticed the tyranny achieved and the total tyranny desired?
The government is SO responsive.

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by MnSpring on 12/12/15 at 10:47:29

Well, there are Many people on this forum,
       that are opposing
any kind of, solution to the problem of
letting potential, ’terrorists’, into this Country.

So, of all those people,
(Who oppose ANY solution except, ‘Let them ALL in’)
How many, have stepped up to the line, and said:
“ WE, Will take a Family, or 1/2/etc, single people,
In To Our HOME.   ???

  (The guberment I am sure, will provide a stipend for the increase in food utilities etc.)

Title: Re: Refuges ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/12/15 at 17:41:41

Thing is, the goobs can't GIVE anything without first Taking it.
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