General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Paris

Message started by WebsterMark on 11/13/15 at 17:03:11

Title: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/13/15 at 17:03:11

Any congressman or senator (like the POS senator in Illinois next to me, Durbin)  who still says we need to let in Syrian refugees (most of whom aren't Syrian) should be removed fron office.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by pg on 11/13/15 at 17:24:07

But it is a peaceful religion.....    WM, you're not being tolerant.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Paris
Post by oldNslow on 11/13/15 at 17:39:54

"Friday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” President Barack Obama seemingly downplayed the threat of ISIS in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Good Morning America.”

Stephanopoulos asked Obama if ISIS was gaining in strength, to which Obama denied they were.

“I don’t think they’re gaining strength,” Obama responded. “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them."

Mission Accomplished! Or something ::)

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/13/15 at 17:41:22

can we now admit reality, that we are all at war?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/13/15 at 17:45:06

if Germany can arrest an old woman, why cant Europe arrest anyone voicing support for isis?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 17:45:30

If they instill a fear that rules you,.. they win...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by pg on 11/13/15 at 17:56:39

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:
If they instill a fear that rules you,.. they win...

They are winning and in a big way.  Millions are crossing their borders and they are paying to feed and house them.  Their religious leaders are telling the Europeans that they are going to be conquered by being out procreated.    And their leaders are standing down and letting this transpire.

Do you think trump would let this happen on his watch?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/13/15 at 18:00:57

bull$hit. we're not afraid, we're pissed. no more mr nice guy. Trump's right, bomb the nuts out of them.
check out last statement from France. "we will lead a war that will be pityless"

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/13/15 at 18:01:14

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
If they instill a fear that rules you,.. they win...

Oh..... why does global warming come to mind  :-/

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/13/15 at 18:04:07

0F31303C2E32335D0 wrote:
"Friday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” President Barack Obama seemingly downplayed the threat of ISIS in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Good Morning America.”

Stephanopoulos asked Obama if ISIS was gaining in strength, to which Obama denied they were.

“I don’t think they’re gaining strength,” Obama responded. “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them."

Mission Accomplished! Or something ::)

Not sure yet, BUT, this might be up there with Johnny Mac saying our economy is fine, uh, right before it crashed.....
Giving Obama the office  :-X

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/13/15 at 18:06:13

torture the fu€k out of thes ones they captured. waterboard my a$$, drown them in glass cases, chop their bodies up and drop the pie es in Syria, stapped to bombs.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 18:17:24

You'll want to wrap those in bacon... ;D...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/13/15 at 18:19:05

aint nobody laughing tonight son.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 18:23:33

If they instill a fear that rules you,.. they win...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by oldNslow on 11/13/15 at 18:28:23

If they instill a fear that rules you,.. they win...

Well. I'm afraid. But not of what I think you mean. What I'm afraid of is that instead of actually taking steps to rid the world of the vermin who do these things, our own government will dance in the blood of all those folks who were murdered today, and use this event as one more justification to move this country even closer to a total police state. For our own protection and security of course.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 18:34:21

That's part of it...
... but, lumping refugees in with the terrorists they are fleeing from is also part of it... along with 800 million other people...
So is stooping to torture, and arrest without charge...

Find and kill the terrorists...
...or drop Trump on them, and let him negotiate his way out... :P...
I hear he's really really good at it... :-?...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/13/15 at 18:40:51

7761766B73666B70040 wrote:
If they instill a fear that rules you,.. they win...

Yes.... like those Christians you wanna run out of politics.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 18:46:30

Oh, I get it...  No I don't...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/15 at 05:36:00

7761766B73666B70040 wrote:
If they instill a fear that rules you,.. they win...

There was a mass shooting, wanna say Norway, not sure.
The law didn't change.

Look at post 9/11. WWII,  we were told
We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Be afraid, be Very afraid.

Scanners in airports, Patriot act, and I don't believe that either of those weren't ready and waiting,  

But OUR borders?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/14/15 at 07:57:58

Bot is right on this, fear is the operative here.....

This fear manifest will be the basis for a world leader to rise and assure he can protect all, against those threats, if only they will let him implement his authority, with their surrendering, of some freedoms.

Can you not already see this happening, we just need to give them our guns  :-?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by oldNslow on 11/14/15 at 11:10:50

" AT LEAST one of the terrorists responsible for the slaughter of 129 people in the Paris terror attacks was a Syrian refugee."

Came through Greece a month ago.

Link to article:

So, exactly how many of these a**holes is our government planning on inviting to this country ?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/14/15 at 11:23:03

Mabe we done fine outs about tonigh on the democats debating ifn dey axe a qustune of dem about dats stuff.....

Or, not.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WD on 11/14/15 at 11:55:35

What is needed is a full cleansing of European settled lands, a cleansing of ANY and ALL who have no business being there. Send the desert religions (all 3 of them) packing. Send the apologists packing, the fools who have bought into the lie of "white guilt", the fools who commit blood treason (race mingling), the fools who allow their love of shiny bits of metal and funny colored paper to override their inborn need to keep their nations and futures untainted and secure.

The Blood Banner is flying today in much of Europe and North America. The tipping point has been reached, and nationalism is on the rise in much of Europe. Merkel of Germany, Hollande of France, and similar national leaders have sold out their citizenry, citizenry paying for those misdeeds with their lives. Murders and rapes have risen sharply across Europe since the muslim "migration of refugees" (most of whom are military aged single males).

The call has already gone out. Dusty old relics are being brought out of storage, cleaned-lubed-sharpened/loaded. There is a price on the head of sell outs. Surplus helmets painted United Nations blue have been spotted on ranges around the globe, against the berms, as targets...

Globalism tried to push too far, too hard and too fast.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WD on 11/14/15 at 11:58:01

Title: Re: Paris
Post by pg on 11/14/15 at 13:42:24

495A1E0 wrote:
Send the desert religions (all 3 of them) packing.

Didn't you say you were a deacon....    ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WD on 11/14/15 at 18:40:18

3126202C2333410 wrote:
[quote author=495A1E0 link=1447462991/15#22 date=1447530935]Send the desert religions (all 3 of them) packing.

Didn't you say you were a deacon....    ;D

Best regards,[/quote]

I have a certificate of ordination. Required to legally perform weddings and funeral services in the Bible Belt. Takes about 10 minutes to get...

I am a Nordic-Celtic-Germanic pagan and a Major in the American SS.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by thumperclone on 11/14/15 at 21:50:13

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
torture the fu€k out of thes ones they captured. waterboard my a$$, drown them in glass cases, chop their bodies up and drop the pie es in Syria, stapped to bombs.

6 of the 7 known assailants offed themselves
they think when they die they win
im all for carpet bombing

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/15/15 at 05:41:14

I dont think Trump will ever be president and I'm not sure I want Trump president (not sure I dont either) but i want him out there leading the conversation on immigration, legal and illegal. Fact is, since Trump's started talking, he's been spot on.

lets see if France sticks to there guns and really wage a merciless war. if they do, the first us politician who spouts off some pc nonsense about Islamphobia needs to be snatched up and dropped behind enemy lines in Syria.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by pg on 11/15/15 at 06:22:25

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
lets see if France sticks to there guns and really wage a merciless war.

I sincerely doubt it.  They will use this as a justification to monitor & record all forms of communication, put up more cameras, work more with groups like NSA, so on so fourth.  

More of the same, but worse.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/15/15 at 07:21:39

3F282E222D3D4F0 wrote:
[quote author=467473626574635C70637A110 link=1447462991/15#27 date=1447594874]
lets see if France sticks to there guns and really wage a merciless war.

I sincerely doubt it.  They will use this as a justification to monitor & record all forms of communication, put up more cameras, work more with groups like NSA, so on so fourth.  

More of the same, but worse.

Best regards,[/quote]


Title: Re: Paris
Post by oldNslow on 11/15/15 at 09:19:23

lets see if France sticks to there guns and really wage a merciless war.

Depends on their definition of a "merciless war". Probably ramp up the air strikes that they are already doing. They are sending their aircraft carrier to that area but I think that was a decision that preceded what happened in Paris.

I think the only good that might come out of this is that France - and possibly the rest of the EU - might rethink their stupid immigration policies. I think the open border deal between the EU countries might possibly get a second look too.

I'd like to think that Obama would react to this by changing his mind about letting 100,000 of these so-called refugees into this country in the next couple of years, but I'm not optimistic. More likely he'll just double down on the stupidity.

It's only a matter of time before something very similar to what just happened in Paris happens here. And when it does our feckless government will respond by kissing "moderate muslim" a**, and trying to disarm all of us xenophobic right wing nut jobs. :(

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/15/15 at 09:37:05

Wall us up,.. lock our doors,... and hide under the rug...

Yes,.. it is bound to happen again...
No matter what actions we take...
It's our reactions that matter...

Let fear be your guide...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by oldNslow on 11/15/15 at 09:59:07

Yes,.. it is bound to happen again...
No matter what actions we take...

So we just let these folks in,and wait till the Jihadis  that sneak in with them shoot up a shopping mall or a sports arena or something? When simply saying "no, your'e not coming here" will quite likely minimize the chances of that happening. There isn't any reason for allowing them to come here.

Let fear be your guide

That's the government's tactic to justify it's ever increasing infringement on our liberties. So they can protect us.The folks that are OK with that are the ones guided by fear.

I'm not afraid of terrorists. I just don't want my so-called leaders to deprive me of the means to take care of myself.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/15/15 at 12:34:04

Silly rabbit, its global warming that is causing this, I saw the movie, so it must be true, and I live on the water and I am afraid it will rise and drown me, just like the prophet Algore said it would.

You ain't afraid, heck, I am afraid if I use the wrong word to describe someone the tide will rise  ;D

Title: Re: Paris
Post by pg on 11/15/15 at 13:53:51

5E4D55484D5B4B2C0 wrote:
Silly rabbit, its global warming that is causing this

Evidently, Bernie agrees with your statement.   ;D


Best regards,

Title: Re: Paris
Post by MnSpring on 11/15/15 at 16:23:19

 Why, France?
Was it perhaps, ‘they’  KNEW, no one their, could, DEFEND, themselves?
Is that why that target was chosen?

Or, did the terrorist, think France, is like Spain.
(Which they are)
So when Madrid was Bombed, all of Spain, just crumbles into a bumbling mass,
and says, YES, to Every whim of the Terrorist.
And they believe, France will do the same.
(Which they probably will)

1st rule of conquest, (in today's world),
Take, AWAY,  the ability to Defend, oneself!
France & Spain did that.
And how many other countries, have, and are,  following suit?

This morning on the local TV,  
the, ‘Troll with the Mole’, must have been really hard up for someone to interview.
She had, Al Frankon on.  And go’ol Al,  (the dutiful, PUPPET, he is),
said it is a Good thing, that 10,000 ‘refugees’ will be coming to Minn.
And He Supports that.

Gee, what has he,  NOT, LEARNED,  from the Last Time  !!!!!!!!!

It will sound, brutal, to the, ‘Fairy Dust’ sprinklers, and the, ‘Kum-By-You', singers.
But after it was determined, What Country, was responsible for 9/11.
If that Country was immediately reduced to three piles of molten glass.
The, ‘people’, who want to, ‘conquer’, the USA.
Would have said:
 “On SH@@, Not gonna Mess with them !”

Why did not, Japan, invade US soil, after Perl Harbor?

So, it’s vote for a US leader, who is just as, or more,
“Wushey-Warchy”, as the current POTUS.
Or, vote for someone who has, ’Testosterone”. !

Title: Re: Paris
Post by MnSpring on 11/15/15 at 16:33:45

7F697E637B6E63780C0 wrote:
Wall us up,.. lock our doors,... and hide under the rug..."

Well, Late 40, Mid 50's, the USA grew.
And it became, 'everything to everybody'.

It is Now, time for, 'Isolationism'.
\ (BTW,  Exactly,  WHO, said that was a , Bad, thing)?

"You want to blow up things over their, to get your way,
don't care.  Just do not even 'THINK' about coming over here, and doing the same thing"

Oh, and a, "Side Effect";
  Billions, will not be spent, EACH year,
GIVING, to the,  'Banana republics'. !!!!!!!

Title: Re: Paris
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/15/15 at 19:13:55

My take? Women and children are the few. Look at the 18 to early thirties males,,
More, ooopsies..

Title: Re: Paris
Post by mpescatori on 11/16/15 at 02:04:12

Three pages of rants and not one word of sorrow and pain for the families who lost their loved ones.

Why am I not surprised ?

MnSpring, you wrote: " Why, France? Was it perhaps, ‘they’  KNEW, no one their, could, DEFEND, themselves?
Is that why that target was chosen?

The monkey barking at the sun, thinking it is a wolf...

Frangistan -

Frangistan (Persian: [ch1601][ch1585][ch1606][ch1711][ch1587][ch1578][ch1575][ch1606][ch8206][ch8206]) was a term used by Muslims and Persians in particular, during the Middle Ages and later historical periods to refer to Western or Latin Europe.

Frangistan literally means "Land of the Franks", from Farang which is the Persianized form of Frank plus the suffix -istan coming from the Persian language.[1] During the Crusades, the Muslims of the Middle East came to call all Christendom Franks, originally the name for inhabitants of the largest of the Christian realms in Europe, Francia, which gave its name to the kingdom of France (while its eastern part came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire).

As the Franks (French) formed a substantial part of the force of the First Crusade, and Old French became the dominant language in the crusader states of the 12th century (notably the Principality of Antioch), the term Frank as used in the Levant could mean any Western European Christian (whether Frankish, Saxon, Flemish, etc.). Frangistan was no clearly defined area and may have referred to any land perceived to be Christian by contemporary Muslims.

Incidentally, Syria was a French Protectorate between the two World Wars, and many Syrians live in France today. They're white-skinned, you know.

You only had to use your brain and look it up. Or brush up on your high school history.
Or ask...
Or offer your condolences...
No, you had to poke and show just how much you despise anyone who does not agree with you, be they alive, dead or grieving.

What an infamous little villain you are.  :-X

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/16/15 at 05:03:11

Thank God, at least this governor corrected his first mistake.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by pg on 11/16/15 at 06:27:41

574A5F49595B4E5548533A0 wrote:
Three pages of rants and not one word of sorrow and pain for the families who lost their loved ones.

Why am I not surprised ?

That is the pot calling the kettle black.  

You must be healing well after your accident if you can take a moment to insult everyone who posted on this thread.  We wish you well and hope you can get back in the saddle asap.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/16/15 at 07:10:57

mpescatori wrote on Today at 02:04:12:
Three pages of rants and not one word of sorrow and pain for the families who lost their loved ones.

Why am I not surprised ?

This comment from a condescending apologist!

We'll can hold all kinds of candlelight vigils, clever hash tags and moments of silence before football so as to ease your sensitive nature and until we're blue in the face, but until we admit we are at war, its. moot point.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/16/15 at 08:05:29

776A7F69797B6E7568731A0 wrote:
Three pages of rants and not one word of sorrow and pain for the families who lost their loved ones.

Why am I not surprised ?

Considering SS.Com has virtually zero membership in France,... any gestures of condolence or sympathy would ring as self serving pablum...
Much as your post does...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by HovisPresley on 11/16/15 at 08:09:23

"but until we admit we are at war, its. moot point."

Remind me, but you said that the US hasn't invaded a foreign country in the last 100 years?
Now you are saying that you are at war?
Can I ask if you eat much cheese before bedtime?

As for sympathy for the families of the victims;

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/16/15 at 08:35:38

You are part of the problem Hovis. Always afraid to confront reality. You'd make a great student at Mizzou.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by WebsterMark on 11/16/15 at 08:57:46

Probably most effective way of waging a war against these Islamic extremist is to stop all immigration and isolate them into as few countries as possible. Too late for England and France and Detroit (ha ha) but we need to try and narrow the battlefield. Non violent Muslim countries can step up and help with this.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by HovisPresley on 11/16/15 at 09:59:12

794B4C5D5A4B5C634F5C452E0 wrote:
You are part of the problem Hovis. Always afraid to confront reality. You'd make a great student at Mizzou.


I've lived next door to a Muslim from Kurdistan for the past few years, and I have spent months, myself, in the Middle East.
I've even worked there, for the 'locals' labouring on a building site. (Not charity work, and not for some company). Real 'grass-roots' stuff.
More recently I worked in the tourism industry (based overseas) in a country that was Muslim for about 300 years and is now Christian.
I've explained before about my cousin and the terrorist bombing in London.
This is what my 'reality' is based on.

I don't 'confront' reality from behind a monitor, seven thousand miles away.

Vive la difference.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by MnSpring on 11/16/15 at 11:27:40

5A47524454564358455E370 wrote:
" ... you had to poke and show just how much you despise anyone who does not agree with you, ..." " ... What an infamous little villain you are.  ..."  

Well meeps, I don’t think that is the case.

I give my, ‘opinion’,  just as you give your, opinion’.
Just as everyone else posting here, gives, their, ‘opinion’.
And if I, disagree, with your ‘opinion’. I say so, and say Why.  
Same as, if, you, disagree, with my, ‘opinion’, you also state your case.

But I don’t think they, (the posters of opposing ‘opinion’), ‘Despise’, me !  Nor, do I, ‘Despise’, them.

Here is a case. Serowbot and I, have, disagreed, Many times, on many subjects.
(I believe were are at very opposite ends of the Political spectrum)
And, I believe, we have started a friendly banter.
starting with the way to raise the Idle speed of a LS650/S40,
to a Leather Jacket, to, ‘Agreeing’, with him, (on occasion),
and a, ‘proposed / Proposal, of a regiment for posting.
I do not, ‘despise’, him. And I don’t think he, 'despises’, me.
In fact, I think, next time I am in, Tucson, it would be most probable, we would meet, and find a nice place to have a beer/burger, with Sauerkraut & Beans on the side. :o

I think, long, long time ago, their was a little Village, somewhere in North Europe.
They, were living peaceable, (out side of little squabbles here and their)
They worked hard, Their Crops and Livestock, were getting better and better.
Their houses and living conditions were getting better.
They continued that way for several Decades.

Then One day, these people came, with animal horns on their head,
and killed anyone they could, Raped all the women, burned all the houses, took the livestock and food, and left the children to starve in the cold winter.

In that case, the few survivors of the Village,
most probably would have good reason to, "DESPISE”,
People with animal horns on their head.

Because, the people in that village, did, Nothing, to provoke such a attack.  
The people of that, (farming), village, did not, Cut off Heads, Throw people from Castle towers, drag bodies through the street, of the people with animal horns on their heads.

Now, if people, from that (farming), village, went into the village of people with animal horns on their head, and, DID,  ‘Cut off Heads, Throw people from Castle towers, drag bodies through the street’.
It would be a completely different story.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by HovisPresley on 11/16/15 at 11:59:04

The French are famous for cutting off heads  ;D

Just as George Dubya said that the French don't even have a word for 'entrepreneur', I suggest that the 'Guillotine' is very French....

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/16/15 at 13:27:24

44637A657F5C7E697F6069750C0 wrote:
Just as George Dubya said that the French don't even have a word for 'entrepreneur', I suggest that the 'Guillotine' is very French....

Too funny to be true... so I Snopes'd it...
That's a false...  (although he might'a if he'd thought of it)... :-?...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by HovisPresley on 11/16/15 at 13:39:58

Ooops, I offer my most sincere apologifications  ;)

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/16/15 at 15:07:34

Well heck mnspring.....
If you get out to the pacificnorwest, we can do crab, clams, and salmon right in my beach.
I will even take the horn off my head, however, I might still feel horny [ch128561]

Title: Re: Paris
Post by MnSpring on 11/16/15 at 15:50:35

2E3D25383D2B3B5C0 wrote:
Well heck mnspring.....
If you get out to the pacificnorwest, we can do crab, clams, and salmon right in my beach.
I will even take the horn off my head, however, I might still feel horny [ch128561]

I used the, 'animal horn on head'.
Cause I was thinking about the, MN football team.

Oh, Wait, I think I feel a change a coming.
That some, Northern Europe people,
will, 'Protest' the name, 'Vikings',
Because, it, 'offends', them.

" ... I might still feel horny  ..."

That, would be, ENTIRELY,  Your Problem.
Which would have,  NOTHING to do with me.    ;D

But the, ... crab, clams, and salmon ..., sounds Delicious.  8-)

Title: Re: Paris
Post by mpescatori on 11/17/15 at 01:57:17

If I were to say "I apologize for hurting your feelings" I'd be lieing to myself.

If I were to say "I am surprised... troubled nobody said 'I am sorry for all the victims' then YES I would state my point.

As for the "Guys with horns on their heads" - other than a historical stereotype which I will not discuss here,
I will simply say that the grandsons of those same Vikings who sailed the North Sea and looted England and Ireland (not Scotland, apparently)
descended unto France (William the Conqueror King of the Normans)
and down to the Mediterranean (Frederic II of Hohenstaufen),_Holy_Roman_Emperor

Oddly enough, it was thanks to legacy the grandchildren of these "men with horns on their heads" that the Universities of Oxford (1096) and Cambridge (1209) were established.


On 9/11 ... everyone knows what happened.
On 9/12 Europe rallied and showed their sympathy to the US.
Quite simply, I expected some form of sympathy in this Forum, and all I read were words such as "they did it because the terrorists knew the French couldn't defend themselves".
Perhaps. But I proved that statement to be grossly wrong. They chose paris as a symbol of Christianity.

You cannot rationally compare the culture of a Nation such as France, in Europe, with that of the United States, in North America, on the grounds of "whether to have a piece of steel in your pocket".
Quite simply, we do not need to walk the streets armed to the teeth like you feel you need to do.
And terrorism is totally out of the equation of "culture".

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/17/15 at 04:43:50

Dude...... we have seen how Italy with its frail ego terrorizes a little girl with its courts.....
You example perfectly this prejudiced pride and indignation that so many Italians tout.
In the states, I know, I know, you were once living here and your knowledge is therefor surpreme, so this should come as no surprise to you, we still call your wisdom Monday morning quarterbacking.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by pg on 11/17/15 at 07:27:49

Russia, France, as well as US are now bombing the hell out of whatever was left of Syria.  It appears the PTB are going to carve up the remnants of Syria & Iraq on the centennial anniversary of the Sykes Picot agreement of 1916.

History repeating itself, yet again.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/15 at 07:52:56

Oddly enough,... we've had 2 days criticizing our American and English membership's lack of compassion,
... without any statement of sympathy from Italy...

Another tidbit of history...

"On 22 May 1939, Italy and Germany signed the Pact of Steel joining both countries in a military alliance. The pact was the culmination of German-Italian relations from 1936 and was not defensive in nature. Rather, the pact was designed for a "joint war against France and Britain""

When the Shiite hits the fan, (pun intended)... America and England stand with the French...
...and they do have our sympathies at this time...
They also have our assistance in seeking retribution...

"Twelve aircraft including 10 fighter jets dropped a total of 20 bombs in the biggest air strikes since France extended its bombing campaign against the extremist group to Syria in September, a Defense Ministry statement said. The jets launched from sites in Jordan and the Persian Gulf, in coordination with U.S. forces."

Vive la France...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by verslagen1 on 11/17/15 at 08:54:25

302D382E3E3C29322F345D0 wrote:
If I were to say "I apologize for hurting your feelings" I'd be lieing to myself.

If I were to say "I am surprised... troubled nobody said 'I am sorry for all the victims' then YES I would state my point.

Tis the culture of this part of the forum.
We have so few french members (the ones that admit to it I can count on 1 hand) and a very small chance that they'll visit here that I don't think it matters.

The main forums response is in line with the facebooks savage group response... which is no response.
Personally, I wish our french savage brothers well.
And extend a heartfelt sympathy for the events of last week.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by HovisPresley on 11/17/15 at 10:02:24

594A524F4A5C4C2B0 wrote:
Dude...... we have seen how Italy with its frail ego terrorizes a little girl with its courts.....


You mean the little girl that was involved in the killing of the other little girl (Meredith Kercher) when a 'sex-game' went wrong?
If she wasn't a white, pretty, American, college-educated, female, Christian, she'd be guilty as hell  ::)
'PC' works both ways.....

Terrorizing in their courts?

At least she was in court.... this guy wasn't even charged with anything, let alone being put on trial for anything.... 13 years of Guantanamo torture even when the Bush administration actually acknowledged that they had no evidence against him....and you question the Italian legal system?  :o

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/17/15 at 10:27:01

I wasn't the one to level the scorn, only pointed out the obvious, and I know our courts and the way a Kennedy can kill a girl and walk away is corrupt, this just being one example.....
And to Amanda..... Hey, it's only sex, remember  ;D

Try again sugar j :-*

Title: Re: Paris
Post by HovisPresley on 11/17/15 at 10:38:54

25362E33362030570 wrote:
I wasn't the one to level the scorn, only pointed out the obvious....


Which was?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/15 at 11:32:21

7B5C455A40634156405F564A330 wrote:
If she wasn't a white, pretty, American, college-educated, female, Christian, she'd be guilty as hell  ::)
'PC' works both ways.....

You had me at pretty... ;D...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by raydawg on 11/17/15 at 15:04:44

65425B445E7D5F485E4148542D0 wrote:
[quote author=25362E33362030570 link=1447462991/45#59 date=1447784821]I wasn't the one to level the scorn, only pointed out the obvious....


Which was?

Put on your thinking hat and click your heels together three times....
You might get lucky  ;D

Title: Re: Paris
Post by HovisPresley on 11/17/15 at 15:49:14

Why the air of mystery?

"Put on your thinking hat and click your heels together three times....
You might get lucky"

I'd need faith for that  :-*

Title: Re: Paris
Post by MnSpring on 11/17/15 at 16:29:01

534E5B4D5D5F4A514C573E0 wrote:
If I were to say "I apologize for hurting your feelings" I'd be lieing to myself.

Don’t care, it don’t matter !
I will continue to state MY, opinion.
(Outside of calling, ‘Fire’, in a Theater)
And you continue to state yours.

“ … If I were to say “I am surprised… troubled nobody said ‘I am sorry for all the victims’  …"

Well as to the number of French people reading this forum.
It would be like my Wife giving ’treats’ to a dog.
It dose NOTHING for the dog, as their is no training involved,
but it makes, ‘her’, feel better @!

“ … As for the “Guys with horns on their heads” -  …  … Vikings …”

Ah Yea, ya now, from, MinE SoTA, da yas think we now a bit bout dem people called Vikinens.

“ … On 9/11 … everyone knows what happened. …”

Really, Everything?  Please tell, as ‘we’, Citizens of the USA, STILL, don’t know, Everything about what and why that happened.

“ … On 9/12 Europe rallied and showed their sympathy to the US.  …”

Yes they did, it was was appreciated, and it was in given/displayed, in places, where everybody saw it.

“ …  "they did it because the terrorists knew the French couldn’t defend themselves”.  …”

How’s that,  ‘Gun Control”, working, and depriving people of a way to Defend themselves, working?

“ …  But I proved that statement to be grossly wrong. They chose paris as a symbol of Christianity. …”

Well, I view that, as, YOUR, ‘Opinion’,

“ … we do not need to walk the streets armed to the teeth … “

Well my interruption of:  “armed to the teeth’,  is a Soldier, who has all sorts of things.

It is NOT. When a person, carries, (Licensed), a ‘J’ frame type, (5 shot revolver), in a concealed manner, so NO ONE know it is their.  While in the, ‘Cities’, when at a Stoplight, someone may, ‘Car-Jack’, or a restaurant, where a, ’DFI’, can just walk in and start shooting, or at a Sporting event, where a, ’COWARDLY, Terrorist’, can come in and, ’Spray and Pray’.

But apparent, we have different definitions of, “armed to the teeth”.  !

“ … And terrorism is totally out of the equation of “culture”.  …”

Have you communicated that, to the people of France?

Perhaps your short sojourn in the USA, you did not have the opportunity to grasp the word; "FREEDOM”.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by mpescatori on 11/18/15 at 02:45:05

4B58405D584E5E390 wrote:
Dude...... we have seen how Italy with its frail ego terrorizes a little girl with its courts.....
You example perfectly this prejudiced pride and indignation that so many Italians tout.
In the states, I know, I know, you were once living here and your knowledge is therefor surpreme, so this should come as no surprise to you, we still call your wisdom Monday morning quarterbacking.

Research the investigation re: Meredith Kercher's murder.
Amanda Knox was the ONLY suspect, ALL evidence pointed square at her (why buy 20 liters of BLEACH a mere few hours after the murder?)
because of the "benefit of doubt" after being found guilty in Court and Appeal, the Italian Supreme Court overruled she had to be re-tried -  and was released.


Research the investigation of Chico Forti, a Miami-based Italian who was filming a documentary on the murder of Italian stylist Gianni Versace and,
having shamed Miami Dade PD's flawed investigation, was arrested on charges of murder
(of someone it was proven he didn't even know, in a time and place where he clearly could not have been) and is now serving life...


The point is you CANNOT base your judgement on one or two or three instances when you have to base (sound) judgement on the millions of cases heard year after year.

In Europe the "benefit of doubt" means you privilege the Defendant over the Prosecutor... who is an employee of the Justice Department
and is NOT elected and will NOT run for Mayor just because he has a fine record in Court.

Your legal system is based on Common Law - the Judge's ruling creates a precedent which becomes a rule in its own right.
Hence in Law School your students pore over trials and rulings.

In Europe Congress makes the Law - Criminal Code - which Judges apply in Court.
Hence in Law School students study LAW... and Judges apply the LAW.

Incidentally, in Ancient Rome the Law was administered by "Doctors of the Law"(Quirites=priests - much like jewish Rabbis; hence SPQR: the Senate, the People, the LAW of Rome)
who administered Common Law but the system soon showed its weak points; the system was rejected and the Senate of the Republic of Rome created the first Code of Roman law as early as 451B.C.
Common Law was the system used by "those guys with horns on their heads" and maintained by their descendants (King William the Conqueror etc.)
because it was a quick&easy fix to make sure the aristocracy could have the better hand over the serfs and the people in general - after all, who were the Judges? Priests, again...

In Europe there is no such thing as "what you are free to do in California will get you in jail in Texas"
Never mind the "California and Texas are individual States"- by international law they are not.
They cannot issue their own passports, they cannot print their own money, they cannot print their own postage stamps, they do not have the authority to sign agreements with other Sovereign States.
The State National Guard cannot be used against another State/Nation if ordered by the Governor, because the Governor has no authority re:foreign States/Nations.
(when the NG of various States went to Iraq, it was by Presidential Order not by Governor's own)
So, by International Law, the 50 States of the Union are autonomous internal entities.
Yet you have 50 different criminal codes and civil codes.
No, you do not. You follow Common Law.

Please think again.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by mpescatori on 11/18/15 at 03:02:54

51724F6C6E75727B1C0 wrote:
[quote author=534E5B4D5D5F4A514C573E0 link=1447462991/45#53 date=1447754237]If I were to say "I apologize for hurting your feelings" I'd be lieing to myself.

Don’t care, it don’t matter !
I will continue to state MY, opinion.
(Outside of calling, ‘Fire’, in a Theater)
And you continue to state yours.

“ … If I were to say “I am surprised… troubled nobody said ‘I am sorry for all the victims’  …"

Well as to the number of French people reading this forum.
It would be like my Wife giving ’treats’ to a dog.
It dose NOTHING for the dog, as their is no training involved,
but it makes, ‘her’, feel better @!

“ … As for the “Guys with horns on their heads” -  …  … Vikings …”

Ah Yea, ya now, from, MinE SoTA, da yas think we now a bit bout dem people called Vikinens.

“ … On 9/11 … everyone knows what happened. …”

Really, Everything?  Please tell, as ‘we’, Citizens of the USA, STILL, don’t know, Everything about what and why that happened.

“ … On 9/12 Europe rallied and showed their sympathy to the US.  …”

Yes they did, it was was appreciated, and it was in given/displayed, in places, where everybody saw it.

“ …  "they did it because the terrorists knew the French couldn’t defend themselves”.  …”

How’s that,  ‘Gun Control”, working, and depriving people of a way to Defend themselves, working?

“ …  But I proved that statement to be grossly wrong. They chose paris as a symbol of Christianity. …”

Well, I view that, as, YOUR, ‘Opinion’,

“ … we do not need to walk the streets armed to the teeth … “

Well my interruption of:  “armed to the teeth’,  is a Soldier, who has all sorts of things.

It is NOT. When a person, carries, (Licensed), a ‘J’ frame type, (5 shot revolver), in a concealed manner, so NO ONE know it is their.  While in the, ‘Cities’, when at a Stoplight, someone may, ‘Car-Jack’, or a restaurant, where a, ’DFI’, can just walk in and start shooting, or at a Sporting event, where a, ’COWARDLY, Terrorist’, can come in and, ’Spray and Pray’.

But apparent, we have different definitions of, “armed to the teeth”.  !

“ … And terrorism is totally out of the equation of “culture”.  …”

Have you communicated that, to the people of France?

Perhaps your short sojourn in the USA, you did not have the opportunity to grasp the word; "FREEDOM”.

Dude, you have a problem.

When Martin Luther King and President Kennedy gave their world-famous speeches, they were out in the open, so that as many as possible could participate, see and hear.

When people, any nationality, hold a rally to express their feelings, they do it in open spaces so as many as possible may participate.
Obvious, isn't it? Or does it hurt your feelings that people rally to express sorrow and anger, and sympathy?

Where is the problem? Why do you compare them to "giving a dog a treat"?


Furthermore... you refer to crime in the streets... OK...

In Europe you may have a mafia-related carjacking... it happens maybe once-twice/year, at least in Italy.
In Europe you do not have high-school students walking into school with assalut rifles spraying bullets at whatever walks past.
In Europe we are not as hysterical nor as aggressive as you over there.

Yes, there was one incident in Sweden. The guy wasn't even Muslim,he was a local and Christian. It happened in 2011.
Yes, there was another incident in Scotland. The guy was a local, and a Christian. It happened in 1996, fifteen years previously.

By comparison, you have an alarming record of crazy people walking into schools or shopping centers and spraying bullets like there was no tomorrow.

I am sorry for your complete lack of understanding... but maybe you're too busy checking your stacked magazines...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by mpescatori on 11/18/15 at 03:17:22

PS: "Perhaps your short sojourn in the USA, you did not have the opportunity to grasp the word; "FREEDOM”."

Quite the contrary, my friend, quite the contrary.

"Freedom" means I am FREE to walk the streets without having to fear a crazed maniac will be taking a pot-shot at me from a car driving past.

"Freedom" means I am FREE to go and vote everytime I am called to vote, without having to recount my ballot seventeen times.

"Freedom" means I am FREE to express my feelings and my opinion without having federal LEOs knocking at my door because I voiced my opinions.

"Freedom" means I can rely on society to look after me if I am in trouble - not through any crimnal act of mine - because the LAW is beyond "who has the best lawyer money can buy" (at least on paper)

"Freedom" means I can rely on society to look after me if I am ill, because HEALTH is a fundamental human right - and you cannot work if you are ill.

"Freedom" means I can read whatever publication is available at the newsstand, without fearing men in black will be putting a tail on me...

"Freedom" means I can honk my horn at another car because of a hazardous manoeuver, without fearing a J-frame mod. 36 S&W loaded with a 148gr.WC might pop out the window...
...because I like to pop soda cans of punch holes in paper, but why on earth should I want to go to the movies with a gun in my pocket?


"Freedom" is the pride you wear when you are the 5th consecutive generation to have served your Country wearing a uniform.

I may not be as rich as you,
I may not have a house as big as yours,
I may not have a car as nice as yours,
I may not have as wide boulevards and sprawling shopping centers as yours,
I may not have Mayday parades and beauty queens and cheerleaders as you have.

I don't care.

I am a free man because when I look into the eyes of the guy stading next to me at a street crossing, neither one is wondering "what could he want to do to me"?
He's just the guy standing next to me. A nod, "g'day" and off we go, each to his own business.

Why don't you come and visit ?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by HovisPresley on 11/18/15 at 10:41:25


As for 'giving treats to the dog'.......seriously?

I think that comment might backfire on you in the near future, and no fiddling with the idle screw will stop that  ;)

Title: Re: Paris
Post by old.indian on 11/18/15 at 12:05:48

mpescatori:  Thank you. Well said and well done.
 If you are ever in this part of the world, or if I am ever in yours, I would like to have a glass of wine and a conversation with you.  

  By the way guys, according to the five (5) attorneys in my immediate family mpescatori is correct in his definition of US common law. (which is fairly obvious when you look at how many differing opinions exist as to what the Constitution "actually" says/means. )

Title: Re: Paris
Post by verslagen1 on 11/18/15 at 13:57:18

pescy... you confuse rights with guarantees.

even in your own country crime exists.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by MnSpring on 11/18/15 at 18:00:28

Posted by: mpescatori
Where is the problem? Why do you compare them to "giving a dog a treat"?

Let me put this simpler:
If NO one can hear you,
as to what you say.
And what you say, is meant to make,
the people that, ‘would’ hear you,
but cannot.    Feel better.
And you say it anyway.
Then saying that, ‘ONLY”, makes,  ‘YOU’,  feel better.

So when I say, ‘Feed the Dog Treats’, for NO Benefit,
EXCEPT to make, ‘YOU”, feel good
Perhaps you understand it now.

Posted by: mpescatori
Why don't you come and visit ?

Yep, been their.  early 70’s.  Got off the train in Rome.
I had not walked 4 steps, when two young ladies, grabbed each side of my arms, and started walking off with me.
Coming off the train, at 6’.3”, Blond, Blue eyes, wearing a, quilted down jacket, a knapsack, tennis shoes, and a baseball cap.  I think I was, ‘Profiled’, as a USA Citizen.
(Gee I thought, what a place   !!!!)
Then as we walked, they told me how glad their were to see another American, who could, ‘protect’, them, from the ‘Italians’.
They were from Calf. And they were,  ’TRYING”  to see the sights, but they Could NOT !
Each time they went some place, they were,  ACCOSTED, by HORDES, of young Italian men. Taking ALL Sorts of, ‘Liberties’,
(grabbing ass and tits).
They told me: “ We will go wherever YOU want to go, Please stay close to us.” Then, and only then, did the native Italians, stay away.  So we went to all sorts of places, (The Tourist thing).  And it worked.  As long as they were next to me, they were NOT, 'Accosted’.
But one time, at the Coliseum,  We got separated,  I Looked around for them, and saw a, ‘circle’, of about 20 young men,  I got close, and could see them, (the Girls from Calf), ‘Inside’, (and a Lot of jabbering in a language I did not know.)  So I waded into the, circle, they saw me, and one left, one right, took my arm, and, INSTANTLY, the ‘group’, of young men, left.  

That was, My, first hand, impression of how Italian men, respect,  single women, from another Country.

And of course, (spent 2 weeks their, staying at a youth Hostel, seeing the sights, and later the three of us got a cheep hotel room), did run across many other, Rome, natives.  I always asked about, Sicily, I wanted to go their. The advice I got, from EVERY person I met in Rome, (I call them Natives), said: “DON’T GO, You will Never come Back”

Of course, nothing political here, but it was the FIRST, time I was ever, ‘Kissed’ by a MAN !
We, (the 3 of us), one day stopped at a little side street, bistro.
Had a Lovely meal of fresh local things. And as their were no, Small Tables, (something I was used to by now), a person just sat down somewhere at a long table on a bench.  Well next to us, was a older gentleman and his wife, and discovering we were from the USA, and my Father was D-14, and was in Europe for 4 years. He proceeded to tell us how he was in the resistance, from the NAZI BASTARDS.  The talk continued, (and I understood about 3/4 of his broken english). As we left, he rose, and, Grabbed me, and KISSED, me, on both cheeks.  As did his wife to the two girls.
(Culture SHOK,   was not prepared for that)

Never did make it to Venice.
But from everything I have heard, it,  ’still’ smells like a Sewer.
(Looks Real good on photos, but a person cannot smell photos)
Kinna like,  Detroit Mi, (Only that don’t look so good in Photos)

Anyway, So Glad to know, if/when, I go back to Italy,
I can go, ANYPLACE,and see Anything.  
Without ANY, repercussions, from the people that occupy that area.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by mpescatori on 11/26/15 at 03:11:23

7A596447455E5950370 wrote:
Posted by: mpescatori
Where is the problem? Why do you compare them to "giving a dog a treat"?

Let me put this simpler:
If NO one can hear you,
as to what you say.
And what you say, is meant to make,
the people that, ‘would’ hear you,
but cannot.    Feel better.
And you say it anyway.
Then saying that, ‘ONLY”, makes,  ‘YOU’,  feel better.

So when I say, ‘Feed the Dog Treats’, for NO Benefit,
EXCEPT to make, ‘YOU”, feel good
Perhaps you understand it now.

Posted by: mpescatori
Why don't you come and visit ?

Yep, been their.  early 70’s.  Got off the train in Rome.
I had not walked 4 steps, when two young ladies, grabbed each side of my arms, and started walking off with me.
Coming off the train, at 6’.3”, Blond, Blue eyes, wearing a, quilted down jacket, a knapsack, tennis shoes, and a baseball cap.  I think I was, ‘Profiled’, as a USA Citizen.
(Gee I thought, what a place   !!!!)
Then as we walked, they told me how glad their were to see another American, who could, ‘protect’, them, from the ‘Italians’.
They were from Calf. And they were,  ’TRYING”  to see the sights, but they Could NOT !
Each time they went some place, they were,  ACCOSTED, by HORDES, of young Italian men. Taking ALL Sorts of, ‘Liberties’,
(grabbing ass and tits).
They told me: “ We will go wherever YOU want to go, Please stay close to us.” Then, and only then, did the native Italians, stay away.  So we went to all sorts of places, (The Tourist thing).  And it worked.  As long as they were next to me, they were NOT, 'Accosted’.
But one time, at the Coliseum,  We got separated,  I Looked around for them, and saw a, ‘circle’, of about 20 young men,  I got close, and could see them, (the Girls from Calf), ‘Inside’, (and a Lot of jabbering in a language I did not know.)  So I waded into the, circle, they saw me, and one left, one right, took my arm, and, INSTANTLY, the ‘group’, of young men, left.  

That was, My, first hand, impression of how Italian men, respect,  single women, from another Country.

And of course, (spent 2 weeks their, staying at a youth Hostel, seeing the sights, and later the three of us got a cheep hotel room), did run across many other, Rome, natives.  I always asked about, Sicily, I wanted to go their. The advice I got, from EVERY person I met in Rome, (I call them Natives), said: “DON’T GO, You will Never come Back”

Of course, nothing political here, but it was the FIRST, time I was ever, ‘Kissed’ by a MAN !
We, (the 3 of us), one day stopped at a little side street, bistro.
Had a Lovely meal of fresh local things. And as their were no, Small Tables, (something I was used to by now), a person just sat down somewhere at a long table on a bench.  Well next to us, was a older gentleman and his wife, and discovering we were from the USA, and my Father was D-14, and was in Europe for 4 years. He proceeded to tell us how he was in the resistance, from the NAZI BASTARDS.  The talk continued, (and I understood about 3/4 of his broken english). As we left, he rose, and, Grabbed me, and KISSED, me, on both cheeks.  As did his wife to the two girls.
(Culture SHOK,   was not prepared for that)

Never did make it to Venice.
But from everything I have heard, it,  ’still’ smells like a Sewer.
(Looks Real good on photos, but a person cannot smell photos)
Kinna like,  Detroit Mi, (Only that don’t look so good in Photos)

Anyway, So Glad to know, if/when, I go back to Italy,
I can go, ANYPLACE,and see Anything.  
Without ANY, repercussions, from the people that occupy that area.

;D ;D ;D

I MUST ADMIT  I had wondered off to the Forum for advice n the Tech seciton, then asked myself "I wonder what is going on at the Tall Table"...

;D ;D ;D

Man, you break me up !

;D ;D ;D

When I read "two girls had profiled me as "American" - well, in the 1970's, sorry dude, but only an American would be stepping off a train in tennis shoes and a baseball cap!
Italians would wear shirt&trousers, shirt&tie, or a polo to say the least. At first I thought they were pickpockets or gypsies but NO! You say it was two girls from California !

Then you say "we went to a youth hostel" - which immediately tells me you didn't have the culture, or maybe the money, or maybe both, to find yourself a B&B as any sensible Italian would have done.

As for wolf whistles... anywhere you go in the world, that would happen - save for a Muslim Country because any girl with some self-respect would always be escorted by a male relative.

As for ass grabbing and tit grabbing, I challenge you. I wasn't born yesterday and things rarely go beyond wolf whistles.
What you are describing is an aggression by Italian standards, it may happend as a one-to-one incident, but not in a group of people.
So my dear friend allow me to politely call you a liar.

As for the jabbering, any city with a minimum of history and heritage will have its own accent, jargon and lingo; call it the local dialect if you will.
Are you telling me Bostonians, New Yorkers and Chicagoans all speak... Texan ?  :D You can do better than that...  ;)

As for Sicily... again, nice try, didn't work, won't work, will never work.
Why not ? Because a good 1/4 of Tourist guides in Rome have always been Sicilians ever since the 1950's, because Sicily, "Magna Grecia", is THE archaeological heaven in Italy.
So I challenge you, again, and I call you a liar, again.

"Of course, nothing political here, but it was the FIRST, time I was ever, ‘Kissed’ by a MAN !"
Oh, the shock, oh the pain... it must have HURT !!!  :D

You mean... you never ever saw a single French or Italian movie in your life before coming to Italy ?
You mean you never do any background reading on the places you go and visit ?
"Kissing" (actually we don't, we just go cheek to cheek) is a greeting old as the Mediterranean Sea itself, BY JOVE IT'S EVEN IN THE GOSPELS !!!
Just like when you shake hands you will do your best to dislocate the other guy's arm from his shoulder... we shake hands more gently and exchange a friendly embrace.

OK, Since you'll not be with me here, I'll give you a treat, we give each other a full (upper) body search !
You know... just in case somebody is hiding a baseball cap in their shoulder holster...  :D

As for Rome stinking... given your dressing customs in those days, rubber shoes in the full of summer, not ven knowing what a bidet is...
... are you sure it wasn't YOU ?  :-?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by HovisPresley on 11/26/15 at 10:47:14

I've lived in Italy, speak Italian to an extent (it has been over 20 years), and the mother of my child is an Italian.
As a foreigner, I can say that I know Italy to a fair extent.

MnS was a tourist who said that it was $20 for a cheap 6-pack of beer in Denmark over 40 years ago.

From the above statement, I advise people here to question those 'stories' of European travel, as even I feel embarrassment for him....

Title: Re: Paris
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/26/15 at 21:24:24

Freedom" means I am FREE to walk the streets without having to fear a crazed maniac will be taking a pot-shot at me from a car driving past.

No, you're free to return fire. I worry more about some idiot throwing a bottle out.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by thumperclone on 11/26/15 at 23:02:17

093B3C2D2A3B2C133F2C355E0 wrote:
Any congressman or senator (like the POS senator in Illinois next to me, Durbin)  who still says we need to let in Syrian refugees (most of whom aren't Syrian) should be removed fron office.

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