General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Engineering project

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/15 at 10:28:40

Title: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/15 at 10:28:40

Everything I do, I have a goal. If it's changing the water pump, then, I know, before I start, exactly what DONE looks like.
I'm aware that some members of society have been dissatisfied with the way things were. Sexual Harassment, gotta fix that, Ray Schism,
Gotta fix That, and BTW, the whites, even the ones supporting the demonstration, were told to LEAVE, this here is a black only healing location, Mmmkay,Yaw? Totally RACIST, but, Ohh, on with the topic..
I Watched queer become gay, gay, become okay, to
You WILL do what I say or ill Sue you,
Hello, girlfriend, but what are the odds there is a full on Flaming f*g**t baker who would have Loved getting the job? I have been denied a job , no, two jobs, due to MY race and gender and I went into a barbershop where they advertised a four dollar haircut,, and they Refused to cut my hair. I talked to them, tried to get them to understand that if it didn't come out great, I was not gonna pregnant dog, but they simply wouldn't cut my hair. Black Only.
Who did I call?Nobody,, I went somewhere else.
Someone doesn't want your business, go somewhere Else.
We aren't exactly talking about essential services here. Y'all go on, run with stupid,
Yeah, but what about doctors,, and what about a hamburger..

They could've walked in , arm in arm, bought Any cake in the shop.
But, no, they wanted the baker to
Build them a CAKE, a celebratory cake, a CAKE for their great wedding. And, what was once a choice is no longer.
And what once was shameful is now good and to be celebrated, or else.

What I want to know IS, what is the goal line?
Describe DONE.
When cats dogs and lions live in harmony? What? What do you WANT? When is it changed Enough?
Describe the society you Want.
Now, show me how it doesn't go Broke.

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by Paraquat on 11/13/15 at 11:20:33

Since I'm all riled up from the last race relations thread I'm willing to speak a bit more openly.

Why do whites have to pretend to be civilized and act like "black person" is a taboo word yet blacks have no problem rapping it, or calling each other it, or calling other people it?

There's a contemporary rap song called "Nigga nigga nigga".
Here's an excerpt:

[Verse 1]
Nigga (x7), I'm 100% nigga
Nigga (x7), I'm 200% nigga
Nigga (x7), why do police hate niggas?
Nigga (x7), they hate us cause our dicks is bigga
Nigga (x7), why you call yourself a nigga?
Nigga (x7), cause im a mother crappity smacking nigga!
Nigga (x7), why you drink so much beer?
Nigga (x7), I dont drink beer, I drink malt liquor

Cause I'm a nigga!
Im a mothercrappity smackin nigga man, I ain't all that african american nuts
crappity smack that im a nigga, I ain't mixed, I'm a nigga
N-I-G-G-A, nigga, you already know

Why does it seem, in this ultra conservative everyone is offended, we have to make everyone feel comfortable and accepted society that it seems everyone is making the effort EXCEPT the race doing the complaining?

Why did TV Land pull Dukes of Hazzard because someone thought the Confederate flag MIGHT be representative of racism but George Jefferson can "Honky, honky, honky" without issue?


Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by MnSpring on 11/13/15 at 16:15:58

607F797E63645565556D7F73380A0 wrote:
Everything I do, I have a goal. If it's changing the water pump, then, I know, before I start, exactly what DONE looks like. ..."  

Exactly.  I, 'thought', the, 'GOAL' was to,  Judge a person, on how they act, what they do, how they re-act.  
NOT, to judge a person, solely on their color, religion, or country or origin.

So,  'WHO',   Changed that ?
And,  WHY ?

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by oldNslow on 11/13/15 at 16:26:44

I, 'thought', the, 'GOAL' was to, Judge a person, on how they act, what they do, how they re-act.  
NOT, to judge a person, solely on their color, religion, or country or origi

So,  'WHO',   Changed that ?

Nobody changed anything. The statement above has never been the GOAL of most of humanity; never will be. The GOAL has pretty much always been the opposite.

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/15 at 19:02:25

I never understood racism, not as a child, never.

Now , on to the question.

What does society Look like when we are no longer retarded and no longer need to progress?

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/15 at 19:52:16

Wouldn't you think that these people jumping up and down demanding change would at least have some idea of what they want society changed TO?

Describe society when we have

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/15 at 05:37:49

Well, at least some stepping stones along the way..

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by oldNslow on 11/14/15 at 06:16:04

Jog wrote:

" Wouldn't you think that these people jumping up and down demanding change would at least have some idea of what they want society changed TO? "

I don't think the people making all the fuss have a clue. They are just the "useful idiots".
I think they are gonna be just as surprised and dismayed as the rest of us.

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by raydawg on 11/14/15 at 06:59:56

Love to see the outcome of such a meeting....

Somehow if a woman charges only 10 bucks for sex, she is dirty...
if she charges you 1000 bucks, she is respectable...
However, both are still sluts!

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by Serowbot on 11/14/15 at 07:07:41

34273F22273121460 wrote:
...if a woman charges only 10 bucks for sex, she is dirty...

Biting my tongue...
I have a great joke for that... :-X...

Arrrrrgh!.... :P :P :P...

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by raydawg on 11/14/15 at 08:00:06

5E485F425A4F42592D0 wrote:
[quote author=34273F22273121460 link=1447439320/0#8 date=1447513196]...if a woman charges only 10 bucks for sex, she is dirty...

Biting my tongue...
I have a great joke for that... :-X...

Arrrrrgh!.... :P :P :P...[/quote]

Be my guest, we could all benefit by a little levity  :D

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/15 at 10:39:32

What's the difference between living at the end of a dead end street and a cul de sac?

Property taxes.

What's the difference between a vase and a vase, pronounced vahz,,?

What's the difference between a sleeper, a prostitute, and an escort?

Price and trim package.

Sluts just cost you a meal and maybe a bottle of cheap wine.

I think I know what Row has.

Man propositions woman for ten bucks.
She is aghast,, protesting that she is not a sleeper.
He counters with ten Thousand dollars.
Her eyes get wide, and she agrees.
Then he offers twenty.
She is aghast, again, protesting,again, that she is not a sleeper.
He replies,
Madam, we have established what you are. Now, we are dickering over the price.

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/15 at 10:41:03

Hmm, sleeper,,,?  I typed w,h,o,r,e,

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by raydawg on 11/14/15 at 11:20:22

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
Hmm, sleeper,,,?  I typed w,h,o,r,e,

Yes, sleeper works.....
Some are so pretty you want to spend the whole night,
others, like bots, its a hole, on any night  8-)

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/15 at 11:58:34

Aaaaand back to the subject at hand.

Who wants to step up and point out what needs changed?
Who wants to describe the overall Look of society when sufficient
Progress has been made?
Now, we all have experience with owning a bike. Some people have changed the looks and not changed performance. Some people have changed the performance and not even touched the looks and some have done it all. So, understanding there are practical limits, we can't ride it AND have it always perfectly clean and ready to enter into the car show. And, we know nothing is perfect. There are always areas, individuals, something that just don't go according to plan...Just as there were bums and losers Pre-Federal reserve, and POST Great Society.
Nobody is explaining WHY, after decades and in some cases, multigenerational households of welfare recipients, the poor not only continue to exist, but are increasing in percentage of population.
The left blames the right, the right blame the left, and when either has sufficient power to DO something, they sell the people on an idea or just ram it down our throats, and WE continue a Downward spiral.

If it's Not a conspiracy, if it IS a conspiracy, doesn't much matter. No matter HOW we got damaged, we ARE, and the solution can Only be,
Go back.
We have Tuned society, and Every
that I've seen has diminished the overall strength and value of society.
Yep, including the civil rights. We needed them, when they were passed. Now, it's time to go back.

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by raydawg on 11/14/15 at 14:13:29

The key to getting along is extending the same consideration to others that you want extended to yourself....

Tolerance is more than saying you are, it is an verb!

Lets look at academia as an example, they teach,or intellectualize, they don't do....pointing a finger works, IF, you are standing in front of a mirror  ;D

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/15 at 18:52:28

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
Aaaaand back to the subject at hand.

Who wants to step up and point out what needs changed?
Who wants to describe the overall Look of society when sufficient
Progress has been made?
Now, we all have experience with owning a bike. Some people have changed the looks and not changed performance. Some people have changed the performance and not even touched the looks and some have done it all. So, understanding there are practical limits, we can't ride it AND have it always perfectly clean and ready to enter into the car show. And, we know nothing is perfect. There are always areas, individuals, something that just don't go according to plan...Just as there were bums and losers Pre-Federal reserve, and POST Great Society.
Nobody is explaining WHY, after decades and in some cases, multigenerational households of welfare recipients, the poor not only continue to exist, but are increasing in percentage of population.
The left blames the right, the right blame the left, and when either has sufficient power to DO something, they sell the people on an idea or just ram it down our throats, and WE continue a Downward spiral.

If it's Not a conspiracy, if it IS a conspiracy, doesn't much matter. No matter HOW we got damaged, we ARE, and the solution can Only be,
Go back.
We have Tuned society, and Every
that I've seen has diminished the overall strength and value of society.
Yep, including the civil rights. We needed them, when they were passed. Now, it's time to go back.

I didn't do all that typing just to see it buried.
The complete lack of direct response is So totally Not surprising.
Everyone who clapped and cheered when the baker lost to the lesbians, you Want society to change somehow, what is the social , political environment when you guys say,
It is done. It is good.
How does government Fix what is wrong? Government doesn't Produce. Government, at best, redistributes. It can't Give, until it TAKES.  It can take and Not give, but it can't GIVE.. without first Taking.

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/15/15 at 21:52:42

Good, maybe it is finished.

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by Paraquat on 11/16/15 at 06:09:19

I'm not trying to come off as racist. If things are going to be "fair" I want them "fair" on both sides.


Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by pg on 11/16/15 at 06:21:52

1C2D3E2D3D392D384C0 wrote:
I'm not trying to come off as racist. If things are going to be "fair" I want them "fair" on both sides.


They are not interested in equity.

Resentful black activists and their comrades started a backlash against the huge public sympathy for the Parisian victims of the Islamist terror war. On Sunday, they used Twitter’s hashtag #F*ckParis to reveal their emotional reaction to their loss of attention.

Take a look at some of those tweets, that is utterly disgraceful.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by Paraquat on 11/16/15 at 09:26:26

This is exactly what I'm talking about.
Why should I be forced to capitulate to this "Black lives matter" bullshit if it's a one way street?


Title: Re: Engineering project
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/16/15 at 17:39:36

4071627161657164100 wrote:
I'm not trying to come off as racist. If things are going to be "fair" I want them "fair" on both sides.


Well, Suuuure! As long as you understand it's NOT racist to vote  FOR someone Because of the color of their skin, UNless, you vote For a white guy, because he's white. Fair ? Well, kinda like right and wrong, there are no absolutes anymore. You gotta Weigh how someone feels, versus how they've been treated, and whether or not they can trace their lineage to extreme poverty or wealth, and Fair is different for people in different groups. Depending on who defines it, it can vary as much as night and day. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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