General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Black.....

Message started by raydawg on 11/13/15 at 04:49:26

Title: Black.....
Post by raydawg on 11/13/15 at 04:49:26

Reading all the stories about racism and the comments really make me wonder if people can ever get along.
On my own personal level, I have not experienced this type of behavior. When I use to live in SoCal my neighborhood had a lot of black families and I never had one incident of crime vistited on me.
I had a lot of dialogue on race with my neighbors too.
I don't understand how the use of the n word is even excepted in their own community either.

As I shared before I have a black granddaughter and I am afraid for her and my son and his wife....
I am sure he withholds some of the more ugly stories visited upon them from folks of both colors....

Is there any hope?

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/15 at 05:38:25

I guess I just don't get it. I thought we were a progressed country and the laws against discrimination in housing and jobs and the quotas for hiring and all that stuff had all set the stage for the final, near orgasmic level, coming together of society, as the oceans heal, our society becomes one, under the Lord and Master of the Universe,
Barack Hussein Obama.
You telling me that after nearly EIGHT years of HIS loving leadership that there is not only STILL a racial divide, but that you believe that it's growing?
Well, by Gawd , IF that's true, you can dam well believe it is the Republicans fault, that's for dang sure.

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by oldNslow on 11/13/15 at 06:05:10

Maybe it's just time to admit the obvious, and move on.

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by Paraquat on 11/13/15 at 06:17:18

46554D50554353340 wrote:
Reading all the stories about racism and the comments really make me wonder if people can ever get along.
On my own personal level, I have not experienced this type of behavior. When I use to live in SoCal my neighborhood had a lot of black families and I never had one incident of crime vistited on me.
I had a lot of dialogue on race with my neighbors too.
I don't understand how the use of the n word is even excepted in their own community either.

As I shared before I have a black granddaughter and I am afraid for her and my son and his wife....
I am sure he withholds some of the more ugly stories visited upon them from folks of both colors....

Is there any hope?

Once again we are in direct contradiction.
When I was just barely a teen my mother and one of her work colleagues conspired to take their respective children to a water park. He was black, he brought a friend who was also black. I am white.
When we got there they announced to me that they were "Ditching the dumb white boy".

Then there was a time when I was youthful, full of spirit, I was going to save the world. I passed a mendicant on the street begging for change. I was smarter to give him money, so I offered to buy him lunch at the pizzeria he was set in front of. After I placed the order for him he became violently aggressive, shoving me in this crowded restaurant and told me I needed to "get out of his face, cracker".

Then there was the time I was almost the victim of an attempted physical mugging...

I can recall one time I was lost and turned down a cul-de-sac. These savage apes were swinging from a basketball hoop in the middle of the street, jumping on the hoods of cars, approached me, displayed a knife and told me I was in the wrong neighborhood. No nuts, I was lost.

So while you are perfect in every way Raydawg, and have never bore the pleasure of any incident, I can, again, offer the direct opposite of your own ruminations with real world, first person accounts which you will probably ignore like you did the last time I confronted you.


Title: Re: Black.....
Post by Ed L. on 11/13/15 at 06:52:42

I was raised as a liberal (3rd generation Quaker) and have found that over the course of my life I have become less a liberal and more of a realist. I worked at one job in downtown Philadelphia with a lot of africian americians, one guy about 10 years younger than me wanted to borrow a 20 to get a blow job during his lunch break andf then hit a bar. Another who did the deliveries would head out and take a 2 hour lunch break at an all you could eat deli and then rack up 1 or 2 hours OT per day.
 I have a whole bunch of examples from personal experience that has shown to me (no offense ment) that an educated person, white, black or any other race, acts more responsable than someone from a simular background but not as well educated.
 I also have had the privilege to work with people who have immigrated into the US with nothing, worked to get an education and made a wonderful life for themselves.
 What's the difference between them? maybe just the fact that one wants to take thier destiny into thier own hands while the others want thier destiny handed to them.
 Just maybe the a lot of racial unrest is due to the fact that the undereducated minorities are realizing that they need to change the way they act to get ahead but are throwing a temper tantrum instead. It's sure easier than buckling down and getting thier sh!t together and throwing temper tantrums has worked for them before.

 Just my take on it all.

OldNslow, good link, fun read.

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 06:53:12

72617964617767000 wrote:
As I shared before I have a black granddaughter and I am afraid for her and my son and his wife....
I am sure he withholds some of the more ugly stories visited upon them from folks of both colors....

Is there any hope?

Is your son as conservative as you?...

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/15 at 06:57:13

053B3A36243839570 wrote:
Maybe it's just time to admit the obvious, and move on.

if I were rude–I emphatically am not rude–“Try contributing instead of demanding. I mean, beyond blues, basketball, and arson. Remember, we the white privileged invented both cities and matches. And virtually everything else that allows you to complain in comfort.”

While some room for debate over who invented cities might exist, you can't say he cant turn a phrase.
Suggested reading

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/13/15 at 07:48:12

Just maybe the a lot of racial unrest is due to the fact that the undereducated minorities are realizing that they need to change the way they act to get ahead but are throwing a temper tantrum instead. It's sure easier than buckling down and getting thier sh!t together and throwing temper tantrums has worked for them before.

You might be on to something there Ed. Some of the incidents that prompted the Mizzou debacle never happened and the ones that could have happened, have been blown way out of proportion.

My daughter attends Mizzou's rival, Kansas University, and they have a mini uproar this week, but nothing near Mizzou.

So I did some research on the KU thing and found the president of their Black Student Union claimed she and a friend were at a party off campus were they were assaulted, called names, spit on, told they would be thrown off a balcony and finally a gun pulled on them. She says she called police, but when police came and met her on the street, they just told her that's what happens when you go to off campus parties. She said they refused to investigate or file a report.

Now, I call major bull$hit on that! There's no way in this day and age, a cop isn't going to investigate an allegation of a gun being pulled on a black woman by a white man. Just never gonna happen. So, I looked this woman up on twitter and asked her why not call Lawrence police and ask them to pull the recording of her call, go through the records and find the officer(s) who were dispatched to the scene. All departments keep records of stuff like that. Should be a very simple matter to find out who the cops were, right?

She just called me a racist troll and refused to answer.

It's obvious she made the entire thing up, but she's going around on campus spouting it as if it happened but no one's calling BS! I don't get it. Racism is a real, but they are making stuff up to make it worse.

I think that's you point Ed, maybe they see the writing on the wall that generations have been lost by following an ideology that has left them way behind....

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by raydawg on 11/13/15 at 08:02:45

6472657860757863170 wrote:
[quote author=72617964617767000 link=1447418966/0#0 date=1447418966]As I shared before I have a black granddaughter and I am afraid for her and my son and his wife....
I am sure he withholds some of the more ugly stories visited upon them from folks of both colors....

Is there any hope?

Is your son as conservative as you?...[/quote]

I would even say more so....
Wasn't a few days ago you called me a democrat  ;D
He is college educated, Fresno state and a master from Pepperdine.
He is waaaaaaay smarter than me, but who ain't  :P

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by raydawg on 11/13/15 at 08:04:45

Steve, I really am clueless to what you refer to, but let me caution you this format is extremely easy to misinterpret a persons intentions....

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 08:14:41

283B233E3B2D3D5A0 wrote:
I would even say more so....
Wasn't a few days ago you called me a democrat  ;D

Oh,... yeah...  
I forgot about that... ;D...

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by pg on 11/13/15 at 08:28:50

Racism is a real, but they are making stuff up to make it worse.

Boy this guy is repressed, his dad made 8.4 million last year.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 08:36:26

Why is his hat Photoshopped?...  :-/...

Now,.. I have to wonder about the writing on the t-shirt... and the motivations of the poster's creator...

I found the original..

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by Paraquat on 11/13/15 at 09:31:09

The hat is in reference to a meme of a guy with the loving pseudonym of "Scumbag Steve" (Google it). At any point when someone is being a scumbag they earn the hat.

Raydawg - referring to this post here:
When referencing police corruption.


Title: Re: Black.....
Post by MnSpring on 11/13/15 at 09:50:57

Think about it,
(You may put me in the, ’tin foil hat’, group)
Don’t care, Just think about it.
I believe. Their is another force, ‘Purposely’, KEEPING the, ‘separation’ going.
Because it keeps your mind OFF, how badly your getting screwed, by other things.

Went to a boys boarding school.
Became friends with a, ‘Black’ person, from Chicago.
We were both independent people,
(Un like some, that were ALWAYS, in their Certain Group)
Once and a while, we would walk together to the refectory,
Or sneak out in the woods for a smoke.
Not, BBF, type, but friends, who chatted freely about class, instructors, girls, etc, and also, Race & Religion!

Next year, saw him, we were happy to see each other.
And had a good time chatting.
BUT, he became more distant as time went on.
Finally, he said we can’t talk any more, because I have Oppressed his race.
Cheese and Rice, WTF !!!!!!!!

I checked further, and found out he was taking a, ‘Black History” Class.
I signed up for that class the next quarter, and was told I could NOT take it, because I was WHITE.

30 years ago, first time in Huntsville TX.
Here this, naive, ‘White Boy’, from Minn. Saw and experienced things,
which, ‘he thought’,  went OUT of style in the 30-40’s.

This, hatred, of a person, JUST, because of the color of their skin.
And  NOT,  on what kind, of person they are.
Could be Very Easily, SOLVED by now.  But it’s not.

Is it matter of the, ‘fairy dust’, people, swinging the pendulum, to far ?
(example: Mother and child, in a store, the child is very unruly, the mother, gives a little swat on the butt, grabs their hand, set’s then down, and scolds them. And another, ‘fairy dust’, person, calls the police, and the Mother is put in Jail)

Or is it a mater of, Someone, ‘Purposely’, telling someone else,
"You are Special, and You have, ’Special’, rights”.
To Spread, discord ?

Oh, Bot, Yesterday, went to town, the, special was 2 Polish Sausages, Sauerkraut, Beans, and Cauliflower soup.
And as it was after, the lunch rush, I got a, bigger helping of, Sauerkraut & Beans.
So does that means, I can Post ? (Just trying out your new, proposed, proposal.  8 paragraphs.)

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/15 at 09:54:54

I've been looking at articles, by students and by journalists. That Guy dropped a
You're either with me or against me
Kinda ultimatum, demanding that If you're Not with him, then Don't Comment..

Ohh, the irony.
A protest against NOT being heard, against being marginalized,
And the cherry on top is
You don't agree with me, then you shut up.

But, but, but,  uhh, isn't that EXACTLY what pissed you off? Being disrespected, and not being heard?

A rather wealthy and intelligent friend called last night. We talked about everything, and believe me, in almost three and a half hours, many topics can be covered. He waltzed through this one with GLEE.
He said
GOOD, let those tucking liberal Ass colleges get some of the consequences of the militant ideology they have been pouring out into society.
Now, this guy Sat on the board of a fortune Fifty corporation. Well, he reported TO the board. He was not ON the board, but that's not just some tech, and eventually, after all the PC crap got so bad, he told the supervision to forget it, going back to the field, and be a tech, but, what HE saw, was, the radical left women come in and Hunt for Any sign of Sexism. It was so bad, he said, and the potential for loss was so high, that, not just he, but All the men, simply did not make eye contact, look at, or speak to the women. I'm sure we all remember the lawsuits over sexual harassment and remember reading about some of them that were completely senseless. Well, militant ideology was being TAUGHT in the Colleges, women were being TOLD about how horrible the problem was and they were the generation whose job it was to find, expose and eliminate the offenders.
Was there sexual harassment,? Of course, and there are reasonable ways to deal with it and laws. Is there rape, today? Yes, but would anyone suggest that college students should be put on high alert to always be suspicious of every male she encounters , every second of every day, with knife in hand, ready to Whack that peepee OFF ?

And he offered up Another interesting insight.
I'm absolutely 100% For equality. I don't care WHO is doing the job.
Firemen, cops, any kind of
I HOPE my team has my back
job, EVeryone needs to pass the same rigorous testing. If she can't drag the dummy across the floor that every fireMan has had to drag for the last fifty years, then you DON'T lighten the dummy, you fail WHO ever Can't drag the Dummy, dummy.

Equal pay ... yeah, howzat work, exactly?
Well, if we're selling hamburgers, everyone starts off at the same pay.

What if a woman goes to work at a company that maintains the computer network for two hundred other companies and the job
Title is
Network maintenance technician

And She just got outta college and He has been doing that job for that company ten years.

She's supposed to get paid The Same?

Got the same Job Title,,  

I'm not like that poor oppressed kid who went on a hunger strike.
If you don't agree, I WANT to hear.
Ohh, and BTW, the kid pitching a fit? If you find his family's resumes, you'll see, spread out through the crowd, something like THIRTY college degrees, doctorates, PHD, Masters degrees, Daddy made about eight Million dollars last year, and this little prick is Bitching about how victimized he is and oppressed by white privilege, been in school almost eight years and hasn't even managed a masters degree Yet.
Maybe he just isn't smart enough, but, his pedigree would seem to be at least enough to make it hopeful, and how much harder Is the jump to masters?

Maybe he is spending his time on a crusade .
A crusade to fight against this generations Sexual Harassment,
More hunting for crap to make a stink about.
I'm not gonna say nobody called someone
The N Word...and did it Intending to hurt.
I also don't know what some of these
Vick Tims DO, or how they talk.

It may not be as black and white as the report would have us believe.

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 10:09:34

2F0C3112100B0C05620 wrote:
Oh, Bot, Yesterday, went to town, the, special was 2 Polish Sausages, Sauerkraut, Beans, and Cauliflower soup.
And as it was after, the lunch rush, I got a, bigger helping of, Sauerkraut & Beans.
So does that means, I can Post ? (Just trying out your new, proposed, proposal.  8 paragraphs.)

For as long as you can stand to sit at your computer... ;D...

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by oldNslow on 11/13/15 at 13:00:09

SNL couldn't make this sh*t up:

  "In an ironic development, to say the least, protesters at the University of Missouri (MU) segregated themselves by race Wednesday night, having white students leave a gathering in order to create a “black-only healing space.”

Supporters of the group Concerned Students 1950, which has spearheaded the protest movement at MU, assembled at the school’s student center Wednesday night for a meeting after a planned protest march was canceled due to bad weather. And then, according to activist Steve Schmidt, whites were asked to leave:"

                                        - The Daily Caller

MLK must be spinning in his grave.

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/15 at 14:30:16

Poor things,..  they must be really butthurt... :-?...

Ooops.... that was out loud, wasn't it... ;D...

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by MnSpring on 11/13/15 at 16:04:05

6856575B4955543A0 wrote:
" ... MLK must be spinning in his grave. ..."

M.L.K. (Martin Luther King)
E.R.M. (Edward R. Murrow)

Initials, (that are widely recognized), are also listed with  their full Names.
As to, NOT,  confuse, a UK poster,
when a post lists:  M.T.  (Margaret Thatcher), a well known  P.M. (Prime Minister) of England,
with a couple of obscure, mappers, in the 17 hundreds.

Are, Both, ’Spinning’, at a Great rate of Speed.

Title: Re: Black.....
Post by MnSpring on 11/13/15 at 16:07:52

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
For as long as you can stand to sit at your computer... ;D...

Oh,  I have a, 'bank', of paragraphs.  That I can use.  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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