General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Decending IQs in Ameica

Message started by old.indian on 11/02/15 at 14:41:38

Title: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by old.indian on 11/02/15 at 14:41:38

There seems to be a bit more truth than I thought regarding my statement/quote  " you can never underestimate the intelligence of the average American voter/ TV viewer."      What got me the most was the "readers comments" after the story where so many commented that she was probably a liberal / progressive/ democrat etc.. I'm not so sure. Granted the picture is of a blonde, but I'm well acquainted with more than one or two conservative brunettes that would lose an IQ contest with a dust bunny.   ::)
Although, this might set back the PC polices' war against "blonde jokes" a few years.......  :-[

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Serowbot on 11/02/15 at 15:14:30

Next story on the queue...
Your housecat probably wants to kill you...

Angry little suckers... ;D...

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Ed L. on 11/02/15 at 15:24:08

Pretty stupid but not sure if she is a liberal, just a product of the media where nature is good and kind, not eat or be eaten. Guess she learned a lesson or maybe not, can't fix stupid.
 Got a problem with the trailer ad with the guy on the sailboat wearing rubber boots. That's a Darwin award if he goes overboard ;D

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Serowbot on 11/02/15 at 15:29:06

Speculation about whether she is a Liberal?...

The guy that blows his nut off cleaning his gun?...
Conservative,... all the way...

I'd give odds 50/50 on the girl... ::)...

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/15 at 16:08:01

6E786F726A7F72691D0 wrote:
  " ...  The guy that blows his nut off cleaning his gun?...  Conservative,... all the way... "

Not fair, to automatically, say; that person was a, 'Conservative'.
It is also not fair to automatically say; he was a, 'Liberal'.

What Would be fair to say:
  ''He was a  DUMB AZZ"

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/15 at 16:17:19

3 all time favorites from the Leno, 'Jay Walking'.

Q. "Who was the first President of the USA"
A. "Abraham Lincoln"

Q. "Name two Countries, that border the USA"
A. "Oh, Alaska and Hawaii"

Q. "Who is a,  Illegal, alien"
A. "Oh That's easy, it's someone from Mars"

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by raydawg on 11/02/15 at 16:36:46

Who watches more TV, liberals or conservatives?

In my world, its a slam dunk, liberals that  I know.....
Ain't even close.
But I can't say it is true of everyone, only about 110% of them is all  :-?

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Kris01 on 11/02/15 at 17:19:24

One of my favorite quotes:

It is impossible to make people understand their ignorance; for it requires knowledge to perceive it and therefore he that can perceive it hath it not.
Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667)[ch8203]

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Serowbot on 11/02/15 at 17:24:51

I don't get it... :-?...

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by old.indian on 11/02/15 at 21:03:58

5F495E435B4E43582C0 wrote:
I don't get it... :-?...

Does anyone on this forum know if 'bot is a natural blonde or not????? ;)

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Ed L. on 11/03/15 at 05:32:28

Bot a blond? I'm not going to check  :D :D :D

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by raydawg on 11/03/15 at 08:12:44

Well not sure if this is any sort of hint.....
But I heard he was trying to remove the tank on his bike to the rear, and lower the top frame, or remove it all together. Said it fits his riding style better, not sure, but I sure as hell would never ride my sisters bike when I was growing up [ch128541]

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by old.indian on 11/03/15 at 09:08:51

3C2F372A2F39294E0 wrote:
but I sure as hell would never ride my sisters bike when I was growing up [ch128541]

Cow Feathers !!!! According to my relations in Quapaw, you wouldn't / couldn't ride her bike because it DIDN'T have training wheels.  
And 'bot's picture  shows him as a blonde. Doesn't it ??

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/15 at 10:22:19

Shhh!,.. listen!...  I can hear our collective IQ dropping...  :-?...

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/15 at 16:47:21

457C677D3E3F0E0 wrote:
One of my favorite quotes:

It is impossible to make people understand their ignorance; for it requires knowledge to perceive it and therefore he that can perceive it hath it not.
Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667)[ch8203]

I've been ignorant, but was educated past it. In some areas, I am and will always be ignorant. Some knowledge is simply beyond the intellectual capacity of my brain and some things I simply don't care about enough to want to learn, so, ignorance in those areas will be with me to the end. It requires wisdom to accept that one is ignorant. Pride gets in the way of the wisdom. People are too proud to admit that they have been misled and believe that they know. They aren't ignorant as much as misinformed.

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by HovisPresley on 11/03/15 at 17:44:51

Quote JoG:
"I've been ignorant, but was educated past it. In some areas, I am and will always be ignorant. Some knowledge is simply beyond the intellectual capacity of my brain and some things I simply don't care about enough to want to learn, so, ignorance in those areas will be with me to the end. It requires wisdom to accept that one is ignorant. Pride gets in the way of the wisdom. People are too proud to admit that they have been misled and believe that they know. They aren't ignorant as much as misinformed. "

8-) Wise words  8-)

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/15 at 18:23:29

I Believe their is a big difference, between:
Ignorance  &  Stupidly

Ignorance = The lack of knowledge about a subject.
Like: “ I am ‘Ignorant’, on how to fly a 747 Airplane”
 So, I, hire someone that knows how,
and sit with the 100’s of other people,
that also hired that person/s, to fly that airplane.

Stupid =  Does NOT Have the, ‘ability', to Learn how to do something. Like the above example.

I do not believe I am ’stupid’, and if I took the years, the learning, the tests, to, fly a 747, I believe I could do that.

Same with, "What You Are Told".
Believe, what you are, 'told' to believe",
With OUT, finding out for YOURSELF!

Example, some people, 'believe', H. Clinton, is a 'honest', person.
Yet, if you went and, FOUND OUT YOURSELF, from the FACTS, of Past deeds. You would now, be, 'Informed'.

Another case in point; In 1969,  Men from the USA, landed on the Moon.
If, a person, watched, and listened;
You would have heard something like this:

LLM: 'Huston, we have a problem, computer is overloaded'
H:     "LLM, Abort,  I Repeat, Abort!"
LLM:  "Huston, Taking Manuel Control"
H:      "Abort, I say again, ABORT"
LLM:   "Huston, the LLM has Landed on the Moon".

ALL, you will hear today, is the LAST  Line !!!!!!!!

Go back to the late 70', early 80's,
and find a source, which has the,  REAL, recording of the events, that, REALLY, happened.

But, today, what, 'History', is taught ?
Not the TRUTH, but what, 'someone' ,wanted, or was told, what the, 'TRUTH, should be.

Here is a Sophomore in, COLLAGE.
Graduated from High School,
and does, NOT EVEN KNOW,
their is a Document, called:
"The Constitution Of the United States Of America"

Who is at fault?
The 'School', teacher, or the, 'Parents'?


But then, a,  NOT EDUCATED, (Or, Ignorant) person,
Votes !

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Kris01 on 11/03/15 at 19:31:50

382721263B3C0D3D0D35272B60520 wrote:
I've been ignorant, but was educated past it. In some areas, I am and will always be ignorant. Some knowledge is simply beyond the intellectual capacity of my brain and some things I simply don't care about enough to want to learn, so, ignorance in those areas will be with me to the end. It requires wisdom to accept that one is ignorant. Pride gets in the way of the wisdom. People are too proud to admit that they have been misled and believe that they know. They aren't ignorant as much as misinformed.

I a point. Some people are just plain stupid. I work with a guy who is 57 years old and doesn't know his left from his right. Seriously. I've tried to teach him numerous things and EVERYTHING is over his head. There's another word for "ignorant to everything". It's called "stupid".  ;)

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/15 at 21:43:09

I resemble that... :-?...

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by HovisPresley on 11/03/15 at 22:42:40

MnS, if you used the word 'empirical' you could've saved some typing!

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by Serowbot on 11/04/15 at 07:35:54

1E39203F25062433253A332F560 wrote:
MnS, if you used the word 'empirical' you could've saved some typing!

What does the Queen have to do with it?... :-?...

;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by mpescatori on 11/05/15 at 07:44:18

Permission to butt in...

"Another case in point; In 1969,  Men from the USA, landed on the Moon.
If, a person, watched, and listened;
You would have heard something like this:

LLM: 'Huston, we have a problem, computer is overloaded'
H:     "LLM, Abort,  I Repeat, Abort!"
LLM:  "Huston, Taking Manuel Control"
H:      "Abort, I say again, ABORT"
LLM:   "Huston, the LLM has Landed on the Moon".

ALL, you will hear today, is the LAST  Line !!!!!!!!

Go back to the late 70', early 80's,
and find a source, which has the,  REAL, recording of the events, that, REALLY, happened.

Actually, to the best of my understanding, there was a "TV Room at NASA with a 30-second loop, so that whatever we could see on TV was never live but was from 30 seconds ago.
There was a guy ready to punch a big red "panic button" so that if anything nasty happened, "by chance and bad luck" the TV link with the Apollo Mission had just dropped.

In other words... if a big bad "Moon bug" was to jump out from under the moon sand and take a bite an an astronaut, WE would have never known...

AND it makes perfect sense...

So while I do believe  MnSpring's theory of the overloaded computer (it was a mere 8-bit machine) but other than finding the original magnetic tape...


Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by MnSpring on 11/05/15 at 12:58:40

Posted by: mpescatori:
"... So while I do believe  MnSpring's theory of the overloaded computer (it was a mere 8-bit machine) but other than finding the original ... "

Meps, it’s not a, ’Theory’.

In 1985, the office bought a New, State of the art Computer.
In it, was the, New, CD-ROM drive.
With it, was a set of 10 disks,
which was a, ‘Encyclopedia’, on disks.

On these disks, I heard, the transcript of, the overloaded, computer,
thus the reason, for taking, ‘manual’, control.
Today, if you look it up, it was, ‘rocks’ in the computer assigned landing area.

So, if you run across a set of early-mid 80’s, CD-ROM’s, which are a Encyclopedia.
You will probably hear the same thing.

As for a, ‘Broadcast’ Loop.
Still used today. (but not as much as the, ‘censors’, used them, for the 70-80’s, talk shows)

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by MnSpring on 11/05/15 at 17:12:18

Thinking, a,   ’State of art’, Computer, in 1985,

That came with,   FREE,   ‘Encyclopedia’,  software.

How old, was that software,  (at is was, ‘Free’ with the Computer)?

Do ya think, it was,   “Really Cheep’, or considered, ‘Out of Date’.
to be, ‘FREE’. ??????

Perhaps, look for disks that were ‘ Very Early ‘, 80’s ?

Title: Re: Decending IQs in Ameica
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/05/15 at 17:44:12

13342D32280B293E28373E225B0 wrote:
Quote JoG:
"I've been ignorant, but was educated past it. In some areas, I am and will always be ignorant. Some knowledge is simply beyond the intellectual capacity of my brain and some things I simply don't care about enough to want to learn, so, ignorance in those areas will be with me to the end. It requires wisdom to accept that one is ignorant. Pride gets in the way of the wisdom. People are too proud to admit that they have been misled and believe that they know. They aren't ignorant as much as misinformed. "

8-) Wise words  8-)

Thank you,sir..
The quote I was responding to just required a little thought to accurately illuminate its weak points. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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