General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What will,  YOU,  do ?

Message started by MnSpring on 10/16/15 at 18:14:18

Title: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by MnSpring on 10/16/15 at 18:14:18

 If one applied, the  ’25%’ rule’,  to all Political discussions and information.

10% are Ultra-Liberals,  10% are Ultra-Conservatives.
   (Who will NEVER, change their minds)
They Both, tout the, ‘Chicken Little’, philosophy.  “The Sky Is Falling”.
Commonly used sources, like, CNN  & FOX
(their are many believers in those sources), are in the Next 15%,  (One lib, one Con)
(Who are, Very Unlikely, to change their mind)

{ The, ‘Media’,  “WLNOB”,  definitely falls within the 10%.  (Ultra- LIBERAL)  area.
As in:
Post 8  }

Their are LOTS of, ‘media’, ‘groups’, ‘blogs’.  Who are in the, 5% each way !

So, generally, out of 100%, of Voters.
25%  +/-, are voting one way or the other.  (Both, POV’s)
So that leaves, about 50%, of voters, who can be pursed, to vote a certain way.

Now, to Reach, Convince, those voters.
(The 50% that are left)   To ‘vote’, the way you believe.
How do you do it?
Do you LIE?
Twist/SPIN, facts?
Purposely omit  Information?
Or tell the ‘whole’, boring truth?

Do you depend on, or cater to:

The 25% spreading what you say?
   (and someone believing it)
Their, Lack Of Attention, and will only hear, ’sound bites’?
The, Media, that is of the same view?
Their, lack of knowing History?
Mud Throwing, and, He/She, Did did or this/that.
Having a, ‘Blow Out’, piece of information, days before the vote?

Or, YOU, the Voter.   Do, YOU,    depend on, YOU !!!!

Do YOU, get the information, to make a decision?
Do YOU, do your, ‘homework and research?
What do YOU, do ??????
Do you Care, that someone else may call you xxxxx ?
Do you Care, what your, ‘Bar’ or ’Soccer’, People say?
Do you Care, what your, Church, Union,  etc, TELLS you what to do?

The USA, has been changing for the last 240 Years !

Which way, will it change, on Nov of 2016 ?????

Is, up to,   YOU !

Put Down the Pizza, turn OFF, the T.V.,

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/16/15 at 21:09:40

It's easy
Go online, listen to Charlotte Iserbyt explain what was done to the schools, while we went to them for some of it.
Remember New Math? I was doing Fine until they did that.
Remember My Weekly Reader? I enjoyed that. Cancelled.
Everything was fine, someone SAID the schools were broken. They demanded money to make changes. Results? Ohh, Sad, changes didn't help! Ohh, what Ever shall we DO? Should we UNDO the brilliant changes that resulted in lower performance at higher costs?

No, Heavens NO, Demand more money, more CHANGES,  
Really? This needs pointed out and it was not just done in front of you, it was done TO you, and you can't see it.

I refuse to write in the manner where the impersonal
is used.

is everyone, Well, everyone who doesn't see it.

Then, once you figure out that the schools were sabotaged intentionally, you can start on understanding what the Fed is and how it works, what fractional reserve banking is.

Until you stop being a democratic or a bub and just try to understand what has been done, NOT through any ideological lens,but purely through the eyes of a puzzle solver,  you'll never get it.

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/16/15 at 23:59:23

50% don't vote, and don't care...
...of the remaining 50%,... 20% are Lib's and 20% are Rep's...
This includes those who think they are "Independent"...(they all really have their side picked but aren't entirely happy with it... they won't change their minds though)...
Then there is that final 10%... that really don't know... but they are going to vote...
They don't visit the TT,... don't like to watch the news, they can't name their senator of congressman, and don't know who the Speaker of the House is...or the Vice President...
....and they will choose on a whim at the last minute...
... and the nation rests on their decision...

We,... can all stay home...  :-?...
Start the score at 45 to 45, and let the clueless decide... ;D...

...Hmmm?... I like the tall one,, I want woman,... but he looks honest... Mmmm, nice hair... OOh!, that one was funny... I don't like his eyes...
Click... voted, done... back to my life, and ignoring the world for 4 more years...
Let me think,... do I want pepperoni or mushrooms?... Gee, it's so hard to decide...

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/17/15 at 05:13:57

I would make two changes immediately.

1) The idea of 18 year olds voting is ridiculous. The average 18 year old doesn't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground. 21 should be the age.

2) Voter registration should be triggered off tax rolls. As soon as you reach the point where you pay federal income tax, you can vote.

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by raydawg on 10/17/15 at 07:40:40

If it ( schools)  was an organized indoctrination with devious intentions, then all who pass through would think and believe alike, that is not the case...
It is true the feds put burden our upon local districts, but that would be a stretch to suggest sinister motivations.
Too much pressure is put on the system to provide what PARENTS, use to provide for their children.

Fact is our whole system of governing was never meant to be so top heavy.
As most successful corporations, problems and repair are best addressed on the level that they exist.

Hold on to your handle bars folks, as the weight is fast approaching collapse, the so called Tea Party energy of folks of both stripes, tire of the smoke, and mirrors, and ineffective leadership, who spend most of their energy, and resources, in just trying to stay in power, and a media who has capitalized greatly on the insanity....

We don't see much of the truth in the press, and that includes FOX too, as they are not about to bludgeon their golden goose...
But talking to folks, looking at most recent election results, and the current popularity of CRAZY outsiders, are clues....

I work in one of the last bastions of unionhood, and these grunts are as mad as hell...
They are sick and tired of the lies, the sell-outs, being forgotten, as the political/social du jour, and the fawning, consumes the elected time and energy, as they only posture with the appearance of concern, and care NOT about anyone's ARSE but their own....  

It's not the gun that they ( politicians, media, etc.) fear, that is only a diversionary....
It is the social media that will bring down the current system of governance, here, and abroad, and allow a new "order" to invest itself in folks lives.
I have no clue as to what/when, it will take place, but it is coming, of that I am certain.
When the separation of haves, and halve-nots, reach a stage of desperation, man made peace will cease to exist, walls torn down, and ALL lives effected.

A bomb will not be what destroys mankind, as mankind has witnessed the effect is only temporal, no....
It will be the lack of civility, the root, of civilization......


Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by HovisPresley on 10/17/15 at 20:14:07

41625F7C7E65626B0C0 wrote:
Put Down the Pizza, turn OFF, the T.V.,
  and GET INVOLVED ![/size][/b]


Can we presume from your advice that you are actively involved in local politics?

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/15 at 20:28:49

Ray, listen to the interviews. Nowhere did I say
All think alike.
Though, much effort is spent convincing the kids that they are the freest, have the best schools and opportunity. We spend more for less in education and medical than plenty of places.
You're smart. Please, just spend some time listening to her. IF she opens your eyes, then check out
Confessions/Economic Hit Man

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by DesertRat on 10/17/15 at 20:46:45


John Perkins is an interesting dude who has his info down pat. Totally forgot about his college lectures and interviews.

John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire

John Perkins: Confession of an Economic Hitman

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/15 at 21:31:28

And when the explanation and observed reality align, suddenly the credibility increases. The observed reality conflicts with the perpetual BS from D.C., BUT Izerbyt, and Perkins make it so easy to see. Then, for the truly brave, read Keynes. Once you read a few chapters and then realize THAT is what is practiced, the sheer lunacy is clear..
The folly of fiat money will be obvious. The ones who oppose what I've said haven't looked into the matters except for what the Fed prints or the DOE,  
Lay down being a bub or dem, be a curious person. Obviously, something isn't working. THEY want YOU to blame the
Other side.
Yet we don't see  bills repealed. So, why not?

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by DesertRat on 10/17/15 at 21:47:10

Why? Because we do NOT elect officials. They are CHOSEN by the corporate masters who run this planet.

PBS|Frontline| Money, Power & Wall Street - Episode #3

-lays out how oblamo already was being groomed for his new position, getting inside info into the crisis and mclame had no idea wtf was going on.

Elections are a farce to keep the serfs "stupid & happy" with dog and pony shows serving up panem et circenses!

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/15 at 21:49:28

How old are you?

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by DesertRat on 10/17/15 at 22:01:50

322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 wrote:
How old are you?

how is my age relevant to this discussion?

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/15 at 22:21:52

#so much of what you say, stuff you like, rat bike,  makes you seem young, then you come across understanding stuff that generally i figure older types are figuring that stuff out. Every once in a while I meet an
Under thirty
Who has
Over fifty
I'm just trying to figure out which group you are in.

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/17/15 at 23:17:15

[quote author=655750414657407F534059320 link=1445044458/0#3 date=1445084037]I would make two changes immediately.

1) The idea of 18 year olds voting is ridiculous. The average 18 year old doesn't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground. 21 should be the age.

then make 21 the earliest you can die for your country

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by DesertRat on 10/18/15 at 07:12:54

7F6066617C7B4A7A4A72606C27150 wrote:
#so much of what you say, stuff you like, rat bike, makes you seem young, then you come across understanding stuff that generally i figure older types are figuring that stuff out. Every once in a while I meet an under thirty who has over fifty understanding. I'm just trying to figure out which group you are in.

Im older than most my age. And yes, I DO like rat bikes, cafe racers, old school board trackers and bobbers. You do not have to be "young" to like those style of bikes. In fact, most "youth" do not like those bikes around here, they're into crotch rockets and import cars and tech $#it. Unless they're from the wealthy "hipster" crowd, then you have the a small group that are into the really old school cafe racers and Brit bikes, but you gotta have "money" and the bikes to be in with them.

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by raydawg on 10/18/15 at 08:49:23

6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 wrote:
Ray, listen to the interviews. Nowhere did I say
All think alike.
Though, much effort is spent convincing the kids that they are the freest, have the best schools and opportunity. We spend more for less in education and medical than plenty of places.
You're smart. Please, just spend some time listening to her. IF she opens your eyes, then check out
Confessions/Economic Hit Man

JOG, my observation was in hoping to show whatever they reach it is not, complete, or in total.
Even minds of young mush, come away with different perceptions of what they heard.
Schools use to teach the necessities, now they try and teach to the voids of society, which is constantly changing and offers nothing that is really marketable. You couple that with a merging world market, and workforce, and our children are sorely equipped to compete, and requires more assistants from our government to provide for them, what we use to be able to provide for ourselves.....
Now, I don't believe this was by design, as even a socialist minded person could see its not sustainable.

If we could back track a few decades and see how Johnson created the Great Society, here is just a brief outline:

The Great Society was a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964–65. The main goal was the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. President Johnson first used the term "Great Society" during a speech at Ohio University, then unveiled the program in greater detail at an appearance at University of Michigan. New major spending programs that addressed education, medical care, urban problems, and transportation were launched during this period. The program and its initiatives were subsequently promoted by him and fellow Democrats in Congress in the 1960s and years following. The Great Society in scope and sweep resembled the New Deal domestic agenda of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Some Great Society proposals were stalled initiatives from John F. Kennedy's New Frontier. Johnson's success depended on his skills of persuasion, coupled with the Democratic landslide in the 1964 election that brought in many new liberals to Congress, making the House of Representatives in 1965 the most liberal House since 1938.

Anti-war Democrats complained that spending on the Vietnam War choked off the Great Society. While some of the programs have been eliminated or had their funding reduced, many of them, including Medicare, Medicaid, the Older Americans Act and federal education funding, continue to the present. The Great Society's programs expanded under the administrations of Republican presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

Note the liberal landslide of the 1964 elections. This was a departure of governance into a more liberal one, where feelings trumped reasoning....
The idea and its goals were wonderful and just, who could argue otherwise?
However, as evidenced by the social/civil matters that still plague, and consume, so much of our dialogue and resources, it would be fair to say it never realized its lofty goals.
Why is that?
Who could argue against nirvana for all mankind?

Well, I believe it is a simple misunderstanding by so many who think with their emotions, instead of their heads.
To change a persons heart, you can make laws, or teach otherwise, but it will never become accepted.
Not only that, it will have the exact opposite effect from what was the original goal, inclusion of and for all.....

Who has the capacity to accept those who differ than themselves, and not feel challenged, or the need to correct those in "error"?


Who really understands tolerance, and lives by its meaning?


Who does not believe their views/beliefs are just, and opposing, lacking?

JOG buddy, this riddle is as old as mankind, even the apostles walking along side Jesus, bickered over these very issues and needs of self....
I must think inside Jesus was smiling to himself, as the folly of mankind  must have tickled him, as do our children, in their ignorance of youth, sit on Santa Clauses lap telling him of their desires and wishes  :D

The end is written, it was from the beginning.  
The best that I can do is accept it, knowing I lack the capacity to wrap any TRUE understanding about it......
Sorta like a Thanksgiving feast.
I see the meal in front of me.
I smell its wonderful aromas.  
I know as fact, it will satisfy my hunger....
If I try to gobble it up in one bite,
I will succumb to the knowledge that I can't  ;D

Ah.....such is life, live on until its done amigo  ;)

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by MnSpring on 10/20/15 at 19:41:31

Yes, we, can live life, ‘now’.
For, ‘us’.

But what about, tomorrow ?
No obligation, to make things, ‘Better” ?

NO,  “Learn and understand this, so YOU don’t make the same mistakes” ?

NO,  ‘I want to make life better than I had for my, children/etc’.

Or is everything about,  “ME”, and, ’NOW” ?

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/20/15 at 21:34:15

No, Ray, that is not what they try to teach.
Listen to interviews with Charlotte Izerbyt. She was in D.C., DOE, and knows what happened and that, as I have said, it was intended.
I've explained it logically numerous times.
Adjustment made
Results failed
Did they UNDO what failed?
No. Are you smarter they are? If YOU were trying to increase the performance of anything and you changed something, and the performance DECREASED, would you just go change other things?
If you're 55 or older, you watched the arguments. You saw the insanity of it. I was young, and I saw it. The DELIBERATE dumbing down of America.. it's not a joke.

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by Paraquat on 10/26/15 at 09:15:24

5D6F68797E6F78476B78610A0 wrote:
2) Voter registration should be triggered off tax rolls. As soon as you reach the point where you pay federal income tax, you can vote.

Ohhhh. Good one. I like that but I could see the potential grey cloud there.


Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by MnSpring on 10/26/15 at 10:21:29

" ... As soon as you reach the point where you pay federal income tax, you can vote. ..."

What a Concept !
A Person can only decide, How, Their, money is spent, only if, they have, payed money.

But, certainly, that would be, 'un-fair', to all those who, NEVER HAVE, paid money.
Because then they could Not vote, to get things, that someone else Paid for!

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/26/15 at 10:33:42

So, full-time housewives couldn't vote?... Severely handicapped?...
Retired folk, living on Social Security?...

The Donald probably gets enough write-offs and deductions to pay nothing... ;D...

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by MnSpring on 10/26/15 at 17:26:22

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
So, full-time housewives couldn't vote?... Severely handicapped?... Retired folk, living on Social Security?... The Donald probably gets enough write-offs and deductions to pay nothing...

“ …So, full-time housewives couldn’t vote?… "

Key word here is, ‘wife’.  Even though she stays home,
her name is STILL on the Tax Form.
In a alternate, marriage.  (M/M  F/F)
If only one works, and the other stays home.
Well, if they are, ‘married’, It’s a Joint return.
If their are Not married, I am sure a, ‘form’, to fill out, staying they are a, ‘couple’, could be easily word crafted.

“ … Retired folk, living on Social Security?… “

Well, if you are getting SS, how did you get it?
I know, I  PAID for what I get.   I, was, FORCED, to PAY for it.
It came out of,  earnings, (Like Everyone Else’s did), Which is TAXED.

The, Illegals, who have PAID Nothing!
Yet get SS, or a ‘IRS, ‘Refund’.
They have not, EARNED, the right to vote.

(Yet they STILL DO.   With the Help of groups like ACORN)

“ … Severely handicapped?…”
It will depend.
Mentally handicapped.  How, ‘old’ are they?   Not, physical age, but, Mental age?
Many do not possess the cognitive ability to vote.
(Guess that could be said about a LOT of People)

Reminds me of, Clinton's first term.  In N. Minn, a home for severely mentally  handicapped people.
The, ‘Director’, took 30+, residents, to the Court House, to vote, absentee ballot.
The ‘Director’ filled out their paperwork for them.
The, ‘Director’ TOLD them how to vote.
 However the, ‘director’ did not know, their were other people in the hallway, recording, his actions.
The people recording, took those, and their testimony to the AG of that County.
It was on the news, ONE time. And NOTHING was ever said about it again!

Physically, handicapped.  Were they born that way, and never had the opportunity to work?
Did they have some sort of accident, before they were able to work?
  Their are records for that, to make an exception.
If they became that way, from some event, after entering the work force.
Well then, they paid Taxes.

Well, then, who would, such a system, eliminate from Voting?
It would eliminate, the people, who are able bodied,
and have NEVER worked!  (And their are LOTS of them)
Welfare, IS, their, ‘work’.
It would eliminate the,  NOT, Citizen, or the Illegal Alien.
(And that’s not people from Mars)

The ‘cardboard box/under bridges’, people.
Well, did they work at one time?  Then they paid Taxes.
They Never Worked?  Well then they don’t vote.

“ … The Donald probably gets enough write-offs and deductions to pay nothing…”

Bot, I think you and me, together, (and most probably several more),
could live very well, of just what he pays in TAXES.

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/26/15 at 18:50:39

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
So, full-time housewives couldn't vote?... Severely handicapped?...
Retired folk, living on Social Security?...

The Donald probably gets enough write-offs and deductions to pay nothing... ;D...

Yep..... and to be fair, the full time house husband either.....!

I admit there are some flaws but then again, why do we let full time losers vote?

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by MnSpring on 10/27/15 at 17:11:14

“ …  they have, payed money.  …”
Key word here is: “Have”.

Now would their be, ‘problems’?   Sure.
Would things have to be,  ‘adjusted’, to make do for some?  Sure.
Will their be, ‘exceptions’ ?    Sure.

Will the guberment, spend, MILLIONS +, implementing such a plan?  Sure

Oh, Wait, how about, ENFORCING the, LAWS, already in PLACE.
(Thinking that, would cost a WHOLE lot Less!)

Or  adding a very simple, “ Drivers License/ ID Card, required to vote ".
(Now that the Airlines, are going to require a, ‘Enhanced’  D.L. or a Passport to fly a DOMESTIC flight, in Just 5 States.
States where, a person can get a D.L. by NOT, proving, Citizenship.)

Let’s see,  Flankton, (‘er Franken), was elected, by ACORN.
BUSSES, full of people,  went to, SEVERAL Poles, (In his District)
At the first place, they were handed a, ’T.V. Cable recite’, which allowed them to Vote.
At the Next Voting station, they were handed a, ‘Natural Gas Bill’, which allowed them to Vote.
At the Next, they were handed a, ‘Garbage Bill’, which allowed them to Vote.
And the Next, they were handed a, ‘Telephone Bill', which allowed them to Vote.
On the way home, they wanted some beer.
So the Buss stopped at a Liquor Store,
Guess what,   Someone HAD to produce a Drivers License, to Buy Beer !!!!!!!!!

Oh, on the Voter  FRAUD,  the States  A.G. said:  ’No Problem” !!@@@@)
(Can you GUESS, which ‘party’, he was ?)
I Guess it was like,  23,000 DEAD,  Indians, voting in S.D. Several years before.

Flat Tax, no deductions.   Never gonna Happen.
Only TAX Paying Citizens Voting.  Never gonna happen.
V.A.T.  (Value Added Tax)    Where, (Regardless of what someone makes)
Hamburger/Potatoes & Beer, would cost LESS than,
Caviar/Smoked Salmon & Champagne,  Never gonna happen.

So what do we do ?

Allow and welcome, Interlopers into this Country.
Where the ONLY, ENGLISH  Word they know is:
 Gimimy, Gimimmy, Gimimmmy?

Or, do, WE,  Stand up, and say:
“We will take care of our, OWN, First”  !

Title: Re: What will,  YOU,  do ?
Post by Dane Allen on 10/29/15 at 09:22:32

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
I would make two changes immediately.

1) The idea of 18 year olds voting is ridiculous. The average 18 year old doesn't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground. 21 should be the age.

2) Voter registration should be triggered off tax rolls. As soon as you reach the point where you pay federal income tax, you can vote.

I might go one step further on point #2 to say that you have to actually pay net positive taxes. Not pay $2k in taxes and get $4k in welfare, those who have a real stake in the country through their taxes. I'm not firm on this but it's where I would lean. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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