General Category >> The Cafe >> How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!

Message started by Dave on 10/15/15 at 04:36:59

Title: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Dave on 10/15/15 at 04:36:59

This sure would be a good way to get even with your neighbor when their dog keeps barking!

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Drestakil on 10/15/15 at 07:44:08

I'm gonna replace my stock muffler with one of those engines!

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Tocsik on 10/15/15 at 10:48:02

awesome Doppler effect!

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/15/15 at 12:06:44

nice, pulse jets are really, really simple to build.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by jcstokes on 10/15/15 at 13:08:23

A delta winged V1, ski sloped take of ramp and all.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/15/15 at 16:25:29

Make your own:

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/15/15 at 18:34:56

6F564D571415240 wrote:
Make your own:

NOW I know what to do with our OLD exhaust when we swap for dyna mod.  SWEET idea Kris, thanks!

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by gizzo on 10/16/15 at 03:01:14

Got a few of those things here in my shed... Started a couple up the other night at midnight. We were having a party, someone called the cops because they didn't like the loud music so we thought we'd really give them something to complain about. Pulsejet it's the loudest thing I've ever heard.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by stinger on 10/16/15 at 13:29:39

I wonder how much to purchase something like this complete? Some of those RC's were huge!  The one jet was over 12 ft long!  Im thinking of buying a drone but would rather have one of these!  

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/16/15 at 15:15:34

7275686F666473010 wrote:
I wonder how much to purchase something like this complete? Some of those RC's were huge!  The one jet was over 12 ft long!  Im thinking of buying a drone but would rather have one of these!  

"mini" pulse jets run $200-400+ US. They are SMALL, but are machine fabricated and "factory" built. The BIG ones like their micro cousins are gonna run $4000+ US.

But, there's a LOT of FREE plans, that use scrap components, available on the net.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/16/15 at 17:11:16

5E7F697F686E487B6E1A0 wrote:
NOW I know what to do with our OLD exhaust when we swap for dyna mod.  SWEET idea Kris, thanks!

Haha! I'm not responsible if anything goes wrong!  ;D

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/16/15 at 17:32:07

19203B216263520 wrote:
Haha! I'm not responsible if anything goes wrong!  ;D

Challenge accepted!  :o  ;)

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/16/15 at 17:40:40

I'd love to see a picture/video of the completed project.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by old_rider on 10/18/15 at 06:07:50

Look kinda finicky to start....  might have to do a bit of reading about the design. :)

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/18/15 at 07:50:33

Looks like something I'd be dumb enough to try to build and not know anything about it. Looks too easy! I'd want to know all the ins and outs before I did something like that.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/18/15 at 09:55:26

it IS that simple Kris:


Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by gizzo on 10/18/15 at 15:54:59

7271796F7479786F1D0 wrote:
Look kinda finicky to start....  might have to do a bit of reading about the design. :)

They can be a PITA to start. Depends on the weather. Humidity and warm temp makes it worse. Careful setup makes it easier.

Check out jam jar pulse jets on youtube. An easy way to dip your toe in the water. Very useless, but amusing and a good party trick.

Here's a pic of mine. Its a multiplex funjet. Originally a pusher prop hotrod. Has a IV bag for a fuel tank to eliminate the need for a fuel pump. Hilarious.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/18/15 at 16:17:46

IV bag? Seriously? How small do IV bags get?

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by gizzo on 10/18/15 at 18:53:49

was a 500ml bag, cut and heat sealed it to fit. holds about only 200ml now. short engine runs.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/18/15 at 19:21:55

58796F796E684E7D681C0 wrote:
it IS that simple Kris:

Squirt some fuel - blow it up. Sounds easy enough!  ;D

4A5054565769584B4D4B505D5E5C390 wrote:
Has a IV bag for a fuel tank to eliminate the need for a fuel pump. Hilarious.

Is that safe?

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by gizzo on 10/18/15 at 19:39:14

6A5348521110210 wrote:
[quote author=4A5054565769584B4D4B505D5E5C390 link=1444909020/15#16 date=1445208899]Has a IV bag for a fuel tank to eliminate the need for a fuel pump. Hilarious.

Is that safe?[/quote]

Hahaha good one! I don't know. How unsafe could a red hot flame spewing  tube flying at 100mph+ attached to a foam airframe with a blood bag for a fuel tank be? What could possibly go wrong???  :D :D ;D

Seriously though: The IV bag doesn't leak and seems petrol resistant so far. It's only run in this configuration a few times.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/18/15 at 20:07:35

On the same line of thinking: I always wanted to fill a balloon with natural gas, tie a string to it, light the string and let it go at night.

Redneck enuff fer ya?  ;D

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by gizzo on 10/18/15 at 20:21:56

That's a great idea  :D.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/19/15 at 15:26:27

I think everybody's a little bit of a pyromaniac!  :D

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Dave on 10/19/15 at 18:46:42

4D746F753637060 wrote:
On the same line of thinking: I always wanted to fill a balloon with natural gas, tie a string to it, light the string and let it go at night.;D

There was a friend of my uncle who used his propane torch to fill balloons with acetylene and oxygen....he would set the mixtures and then snuff the torch and fill the balloons.  It was all fun and games until something happened while he was filling one....and it ignited somehow!  He got burned badly.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/19/15 at 18:56:40

Yup Dave, working in a welding/fab shop, we used to get the young guys in who thought it funny to pull that trick

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/19/15 at 19:16:58

Darn! There goes my plans for Friday night!  ;D

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Art Webb on 10/20/15 at 19:59:31

My neighbors have had their meter loop removed due to bad work by the electrician who did the job, and are using a fairly crappy borrowed genset
That's pretty annoying
Maybe I shall pulse jet in retaliation  ;D

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/20/15 at 22:03:51

As IF I need suggestions or advice on
How to be less liked.

I keep telling people
I'm not hard to get along with.
And they point out
I'm not hard to get along without.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/21/15 at 06:42:01

Scary times in one shop. Young kid, 20-something, took a coffee can and set it upside down on the side of one of the fit-up tables, FILLED it with oxy/acy. One of the guys at the table was under the hood welding components when the kid lit it up. BOOM.

Sent the can to the roof. Brought out management, who thought we had a major explosion, justified, since we were an R&D company.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/15 at 09:33:50

Guy welding shoulda knocked him out, clamped the ground to his thumb, the lead to a toe and waited for him to start coming around and flipped the switch....but, that is just a knee jerk reaction,
A coffee can load of oxy/acetylene all going off at one time HAD to be a big blast. Being a shop, it probably wasn't a little can, was it? Imagine a three pounder,,, Shazzam,,
Did it hit the roof? Did the welder come out of there running?

Man, take us there,,
I thought I was a prankster when I , Knowing the Sergeants A.D.D.
level of
A place for everything,and everything in its place
thinking, decided to put my half gone, room temperature, Orange Crush, in the bottle, naturally, under a one gallon bucket with the bale conveniently hanging off the counter, Right where he'd see it as he walked by. Musta been five of us, hanging around, waiting. He came by, saw the bucket, the look of disapproval obvious as he snatched it off the counter, immediately replaced by a look of astonishment and Ohh frikken NOOO! as the bottle came flying out and smashed on the floor. I was already volunteering to clean it up before the pieces stopped sliding. He didn't even get mad. He knew his own predictability had set him up. We all had a good laugh.
He bought a new car, boy was he proud of it. Saw it parked Waay out away from everyone, at the mall. I parked so close my wife had to come out my side. Another guy in the squadron shows up, parked tight on the other side. Sergeant comes out, has to climb through the hatchback to pull out so his wife could get in.
Goofing around is one thing, chancing getting someone hurt is another.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by jcstokes on 10/21/15 at 11:20:31

Unless, neighbours are really annoying and irritating us, should we be annoying and irritating them?

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/15 at 13:45:00

Well, SOMEbody gotta start it. Wouldn't wanna have a boring weekend, ya know. But, my nearest neighbor is well past me throwing a rock at,besides, I like her, well, that and she just got her concealed carry license. She'll probably be packing when she's mowing now.. It's only once in a while that it's other than very quiet out here. Sometimes someone will be shooting or neighbors, farther away,but not far enough away to keep their bands bass beat from making the house resonate. I can hear them better inside than outside,, if that ain't about Krazee, ..

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/21/15 at 18:06:47

Justin, the can hit the roof. One of those small coffee cans, not a #10 can. We all ran, knowing our management was an anal retentive bunch! Kid was just standing there with the rosebud torch in his hand when management came out. He looked a bit deer-eyed. Bet he didn't think it was gonna DO that!  ;D

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/15 at 18:56:40

Does sound like a good place to not be when the boss shows up.
Kid get canned over the can?

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/21/15 at 19:14:18

nope. he lied and said it was the rosebud popping off (3" head) it IS loud when ignited, but not as loud as a coffee can full.

we all got canned when the company folded a few months later.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/21/15 at 19:44:53

Yeah, I've seen that show..

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Ultimafuego on 10/22/15 at 07:10:13

You guys are starting to talk my language with these pulse jets. Take a look at this guys youtube channel, I have followed him for a few years now.  He is my hero.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/22/15 at 16:35:58

Yeah, me too! I love Colin's videos! He's insane!

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by DesertRat on 10/22/15 at 17:39:46

370E160B0F03041707050D620 wrote:
You guys are starting to talk my language with these pulse jets. Take a look at this guys youtube channel, I have followed him for a few years now.  He is my hero.

and NOT following ATGATT ... should have had on shorts and flip flops to complete the ensemble ...

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by Kris01 on 10/22/15 at 18:10:08

I'm tellin' ya! The guy's insane!  ;D

Just a guy enjoying life for all it's worth. The very definition of a motorcyclist! Ya think?!?  ;)

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/23/15 at 10:50:18

Dudes welcome to visit my shop, any time
I have a pressure washer. Never even dreamed about hydroforming with it. I need to learn TIG, I don't really understand how that works, I've read,but I don't really get it yet...
Hopefully someone will see him online and offer him a job. He's gotta be in the 150+ IQ range.

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by old_rider on 10/23/15 at 19:10:00

He is a regular "European" Tim Taylor......

I believe I have him "followed" or "tagged"..... what ever that lingo is... ROFL and I have a few followers on You Tube... guess I should make more videos.
:D ;D

Title: Re: How to annoy and irritate the neighbors!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/26/15 at 05:57:44

I can see him on a first name basis with the ER staff. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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