General Category >> The Cafe >> Facing your fears..... no really....

Message started by old_rider on 10/07/15 at 19:33:02

Title: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by old_rider on 10/07/15 at 19:33:02

Ok, some of ya'll know my story....
Stage III , walked the skinny fence...laughed at the guy in the dark robe holding the long sickle...... faced it, jumped off on the greener side.
But living with the consequences, loss of some functions.... still living with it.
And you can laugh if you want, but....... well, the intense radiation I went through caused degeneration of the bones, and left side of my face is numb, the radiation caused fillings to fall out of my teeth over the last two years, and I have yet to go to the dentist.
Yeah... they numb you up, and drill away, and bingo, new smile and you can chew again.
However, I have had bad experiences with military dental practitioners.
And sometimes I have crappy reactions to the numbing agents they use causing my heart rate to go haywire....
Also, if I cannot swallow I freak out, guess what happens with the numbing agent that squirts in your throat? yup... numbs your throat muscles.... and now, with my surgery for cancer (12 inch incision from ear to thorax) I have trouble swallowing.
Add that to the possibility of numbing agent in my throat...sigh....
I have finally faced the fact I need my missing fillings filled... and i'm putting my big boy panties on tomorrow.
Really, I can take a gun pointed into my face.... I can take people 200 yards away shooting at me, I can take scuds falling all around the compound I am in.... I can take a volcano erupting and earthquakes with ash fallout covering everything around... but going to the dentist?
It terrifies me..... safe environment.... friendly people... nice atmosphere... buxom nurses.....still... I feel like I am having a heart attack....
ROFL.... if i'm alive after tomorrow...(and this one is just the preliminary).
I'm riding the savage.... just in case I never get to ride it again. :)

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by KennyG on 10/07/15 at 19:56:42


Have you ever tried Nitrous Oxide also known as "Laughing Gas"?

Most dentists have it and sometimes they charge extra for it, but many people find that it is the only way they can tolerate dental procedures.

Good Luck!

Kenny G

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Drestakil on 10/07/15 at 20:10:59

When they get you in the chair, let them know that all they're getting is your name, rank, and serial number. Maybe they'll go easy on you.

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by DesertRat on 10/07/15 at 21:37:47

hahahaha ... military dentists SUCK ... civilian dentists ain't much better ... good luck brother

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Serowbot on 10/07/15 at 22:12:36

Pffffffft!!!...  That can't stop you, Ol'Rider...

Bugs beware,...
Ol'Rider coming, with a bigger smile than ever...  8-)...

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by DesertRat on 10/07/15 at 22:42:53

Serobot, I laugh every time i see that picture. I ride 3/4 bucket and goggles ...  ;D

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Oldfeller on 10/08/15 at 02:40:26

Fears of the body crapping out by slow degrees -- yep, I think we all have them.

Every time we get together I notice the year has again been rolling by on each of us, and we have been doing it long enough for the hair to go from colored to white now.

Except for MM that is -- which brings up a question we won't ask (as I used to but I quit when I decided to act my age).

< ha >

Zeb said an insightful thing on the way back from the hospital, I think it was the drugs talking mostly, but it was insightful.

"You know, somebody looks at you and they make a mental picture about who you are --- and it's so wrong."

I think Zeb was making a comment about who I am on the inside, which is about 25 years old and really not all that happy being trapped inside this fat old slowly failing body.


Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by old_rider on 10/08/15 at 12:14:24

Yeah, my wife says i'm the oldest 19 year old she has seen.....

I survived the "inspection"..... yeah!  so much stuff corroding away that he has to look over the xrays, 3/4 sheet of write-ups and his inspection to make a decision as to where to start first.

And what I can "afford" to have done right now.... yup, he actually said that... I think i'm going to be paying for a new wing for his building.  :-/

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Ultimafuego on 10/08/15 at 12:22:22

I hate military dentist. Any military medial really. I was Navy at NS Mayport. Just noticed you were in panhandle.

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Dave on 10/08/15 at 12:25:32

383B33253E333225570 wrote:
And what I can "afford" to have done right now.... yup, he actually said that... I think i'm going to be paying for a new wing.............

What's that you said?  You're paying for his new GoldWing? ;)

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by old_rider on 10/08/15 at 12:35:50

566F776A6E62657666646C030 wrote:
I hate military dentist. Any military medial really. I was Navy at NS Mayport. Just noticed you were in panhandle.

Yeah, retired Air Force, was stationed at Eglin AFB early in my career, met my wife, and returned from Clark AFB Philippines to Hurlburt Field AFB (because the wife missed her family and I missed the atmosphere) and retired back in 2001.

We moved away and came back twice..... the wife said "enough moving"... so we are here for awhile (been 8yrs now), until we find our "retirement house".

Or if we an even afford it now.... LOL... I keep telling her we need to sell our house and buy an RV.... rent two units, one up north and one down south.... and do od jobs at each location for our " getting around money".

Travel north in nice weather, and south when it gets cold.... we call them "snow birds"... I want to be one :)

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Dave on 10/08/15 at 12:50:34

I have a friend who was a carpenter and ready to "semi-retire", and his wife was a school bus driver ready to do the same.  Their house was paid for.....and they didn't have many expenses.

They go work at National or State Parks.  He gets on the maintenance staff....she drives the Park shuttle bus.  They live in the staff housing, and get to work in some really nice places, and spend their off time hiking and exploring.  When they get tired of the area and want a change....they find a new park to work in.

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by gizzo on 10/08/15 at 13:16:22

5C676A7D6C607B7D666E637C0F0 wrote:
[quote author=383B33253E333225570 link=1444271582/0#7 date=1444331664]And what I can "afford" to have done right now.... yup, he actually said that... I think i'm going to be paying for a new wing.............

What's that you said?  You're paying for his new GoldWing? ;)[/quote]

Dentists ride Ducati   ;). Good luck. I spent time last year having my first root canal. Took 3 dentists , well 2 "dentists" and 1 Dentist to get it right. Horrifying.

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/08/15 at 18:15:58

152E2334252932342F272A35460 wrote:
I have a friend who was a carpenter and ready to "semi-retire", and his wife was a school bus driver ready to do the same.  Their house was paid for.....and they didn't have many expenses.

They go work at National or State Parks.  He gets on the maintenance staff....she drives the Park shuttle bus.  They live in the staff housing, and get to work in some really nice places, and spend their off time hiking and exploring.  When they get tired of the area and want a change....they find a new park to work in.

Pure genius, absolutely eating the cake and having it, too.

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by DesertRat on 10/08/15 at 19:16:50

6F54594E5F53484E555D504F3C0 wrote:
I have a friend who was a carpenter and ready to "semi-retire", and his wife was a school bus driver ready to do the same.  Their house was paid for.....and they didn't have many expenses.

They go to work at National or State Parks.  He gets on the maintenance staff....she drives the Park shuttle bus.  They live in the staff housing, and get to work in some really nice places, and spend their off time hiking and exploring.  When they get tired of the area and want a change....they find a new park to work in.

Now that would be a sweet gig! One day, one day ...

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by MMRanch on 10/08/15 at 23:29:49

I'll buy ya a whooper for ya to chew next time I see ya !   It Wii keep ya looking young if your smle is right [ch128513]

Its great to be living at a time when ya don't have to look your age till ya want too . [ch128521].
Like my buddy OldFeller ... [ch128523] ... Ride like your age ! [ch128079]

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by raydawg on 10/09/15 at 03:54:04

C'mon dudes we ain't old......heal no, we is mellowed  ;D

At my 63 I have come to understand we don't have to fight every battle, and even more important, win every one.

I got my bumps and bruises, its called life. I have my fears, but I TRY not an entertain them, not always an easy task, booze use to help, but of course that brought its own gremlins....

Our number one job gents, is to show these friggin youngster who think it will always be hard, and have no library by the loo, how to accept the baton when its passed to them......
How to run the race with dignity, respect, and with grace....

Finally old fart, bite the sumbeetch if he gets to be too much, ya can always say your mouth was too numb to control.....

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Dave on 10/09/15 at 04:45:34

Going to the dentist can be stressful and include some pain and suffering.

However.....visually I enjoy my visit to the Dentist.  She is pleasing to the eye!

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Paladin. on 10/09/15 at 13:34:39

58636E7968647F79626A67780B0 wrote:
However.....visually I enjoy my visit to the Dentist.  She is pleasing to the eye!
My Doctor: and my Speech Therapist:

My Cardiologist is similar but have no pictures.  I was worried about chest pain when walking the dogs.  She smiled a wicked smile, poked my chest and asked "Does this hurt?"  "OW!"  Your arm is pulling, pulling the sternum.  Is normal after open chest surgery.  She left Kaiser.  They gave me an old fart that wouldn't talk slow.  I gotta get a different cardiologist.  You can get a old man or a young girl -- and a young girl is far better.        

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Art Webb on 10/13/15 at 07:03:46

sorry to hear about your tooth troubles old rider
I have a very good dentist but when he says root canal I say extraction
no root canal ever lasts more than another 10 years or so in my experience
I refuse to pay condominium prices for a temporary shelter
False teeth don't get cavities

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by verslagen1 on 10/13/15 at 07:06:33

Well, I think I got one over 20, maybe close to 30 years old.
But yeah, for the work done, the risk, I'd rather have it pulled and replaced with an implant.

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by Ed L. on 10/13/15 at 12:27:55

Just got back from my checkup, first time through the dentist wanted to deep clean and pump an antibiotic called Arestin into two areas of my gums. Didn't like the idea so went home and did some brushing and flossing along with a rinse of dilute peroxide.
 Second time through at a different branch none of the areas the first dentist wanted to work on were a problem. They wanted to work on totally different areas along with pumping the antibiotic into my gums.
I asked them if gum disease moves around from tooth to tooth, showed them the first report and got the deer in the headlight look with no answer.
 Researched the antibiotic and it seems that the dentist gets it for under $15.00 per dose and charges $95.00 to apply it. The stuff can also cause allergic reactions, loss of taste and ringing in the ears. So much for having any faith in another branch of the medical community :(. Cash cow and snake oil comes to mind.
 Still a bit upset about a premolar that got cracked two years ago during a filling and decided to break apart a few months after the work was done. That had to of been the worst trip to the dentist I've ever had.
 We are all getting older, just hit 62 and have officially retired instead of just being unemployed and laid off. ;) Looking forward to some travelling with my travel trailer, maybe hitting the Keys or wherever the road leads. I have slowed down a bit, not much out there worth getting my nose out of joint about but still have my health. After 30 years working in Dialysis I've realized just how important it is.

Title: Re: Facing your fears..... no really....
Post by KennyG on 10/13/15 at 13:06:20


Never let a dentist work on your gums!

Go to a Periodontist, they know how to work on gums and they don't charge anymore than a dentist.

Remember, anyone working on teeth is a tooth & wallet specialist. They have no mercy when it comes to charging.

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