General Category >> The Cafe >> Hurricane Joaquin >.<

Message started by matt1995 on 10/01/15 at 10:46:10

Title: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by matt1995 on 10/01/15 at 10:46:10

Hey all,

If any of y'all have seen the news/weather, it's been a wet week for us in the Northeast so far, and it's looking like now we might get clobbered by a darn 'cane. It's already bad enough the rain is hard enough that it makes riding darn miserable. Looks like I won't be on the road for another week or so. I did get a reasonably priced Nelson Rigg cover out of it though.

If anyone is around the DC/MD/VA area and ever wants to ride I'm pretty much down Fri-Sun!

Hope this hurricane turns itself out to see!


Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by Oldfeller on 10/01/15 at 11:43:46

Hurricane force winds on top of already soaked ground means you will lose a lot of trees -- this is not a good thing.

Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by matt1995 on 10/01/15 at 12:15:27

Yeah it's a pretty horrible situation overall. We're all just crossing our fingers at this point in time.

Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by Rylee on 10/01/15 at 12:35:42

I was just watching the weather channel about the storm. Seems like only a day ago it was barely a tropical storm now it's a cat 4. Having spent most of my life on the Gulf Coast and surviving Andrew, Katrina and the 4 storm criss cross of Florida I feel for you east coasters. It's gonna get ugly if he doesn't turn out to sea for sure. They're already saying if this turns in it could be another Sandy. Not as intense but with way more rain fall and coastal flooding.

Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by prechermike on 10/01/15 at 15:10:37

Yep, we're hunkered down in good ole Ponzer. Well, not really. I had a big day today, went to the hospital and nursing home to make some visits, drove about 140 miles in the truck, brought back some things I could not have on the bike. Oh, well, it is a trade off.

It is extremely wet here, and they are calling for 5-7 more inches of rain before the hurricane gets here. Can't get much wetter, just deeper.

Last track I saw pointed Joaquin farther out in the ocean.  We'll see.

Other than that, I am about as prepared as I can and am going to get.

Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by Steve H on 10/01/15 at 17:31:27

There's still a couple of tracks showing it coming in at SC and one coming in at NC and a couple on up from there.  The vast majority are shifting more out to sea.

Weather channel a while ago mentioned the first death from the hurricane in the US. Flash flooding from one of the rain bands in the carolinas.  A lady drowned in her car in an underpass.  That is about 1/4 mile from where I work. You could see the water line on the sides of the underpass when they opened it back up this afternoon.  It was about 12 feet deep. The road guys said there was about 4 or 5 feet of mud in the bottom that they dug out with a back hoe.

We've been getting rain bands in the carolinas for the last couple days.  Wish it would just go on somewhere.  I'm tired of all the rain.

Everyone near the coast, please take adequate precautions.

Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by matt1995 on 10/02/15 at 17:25:34

Well thank God, it really is looking like it's heading off to sea. We're getting some massive flooding around here though, and it's still a nasty next few days for riding. Looking forward to spraying off the bike, and giving a good natural air dry on Monday/Tuesday whenever the weather clears up.

Hope everyone is safe and doing well!


Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by Kris01 on 10/02/15 at 20:44:32

58431A19181F1D122B0 wrote:
A lady drowned in her car in an underpass.

Not to make light of her death, but why does this always happen? She probably regularly drove that road at least twice a day (to and from) and couldn't tell how high the water was? Even 2-3 inches of water on the road will slow you down enough to get your attention. How do you drive through 12 feet of water and drown?

Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/15 at 21:05:08

her last text.
I gotta go. I think the water is getting deeper.

Just seems the water being so much closer to the bottom of the overpass would have been reason to stop. Or, maybe the water was moving down to the underpass and just took her in, with both feet on the brakes.

Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by Steve H on 10/05/15 at 16:01:24

There were 2 other abandoned cars at the underpass. Given how high the water line was on the concrete, it would have looked like you were driving into a small pond with a railroad tressel about a foot over it. No idea how she got that far in and drowned.  Wonder if a cell phone was involved.

This underpass floods regularly and not long after it started raining, the fire department from 1/2 mile away had already put up barricades.

Kris, you are probably right in that she drove the road all the time.  It's not a main travel artery of the city, but is a well traveled road. Most who go through there do so regularly.

I don't understand why people drown in underpasses either.  If you can see it has water in it, do go in it. It's a will get more water.  Sounds simple.

It's beyond me why people try to drive through flood waters anywhere. Just go around.

There was also a bridge that washed out on a nearby road during the same flooding. Nobody hurt there but the road will be out for a couple months.

Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by Serowbot on 10/05/15 at 17:39:50

This is another example of that "Global Warming" that isn't happening...
Better get used to it,... or move...  it's going to get worse... :-?...

Stay safe...

Title: Re: Hurricane Joaquin >.<
Post by old_rider on 10/05/15 at 19:24:18

Also could have been stuck in traffic under the overpass, texting to her friends and not paying attention..
Some times the water rises really fast, thats why they call it a "flash flood" » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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