General Category >> The Cafe >> Hey all! New S40 Owner :D

Message started by matt1995 on 09/22/15 at 18:32:18

Title: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by matt1995 on 09/22/15 at 18:32:18

Hey all!

So I just decided out of the blue about a month or two ago that I wanted to ride! So I started doing research, narrowed down options in my budget range that fit my criteria being a new rider (never having ridden before) so I shopped around.

I found a 2009 Suzuki Savage S40 with 6,900 miles on it, for $2500, which included the owner delivering it to my house. I was cross shopping Vulcan 500's but they just felt so big and heavy, and even with my stout frame (5'5" and 200lbs, short and muscular like a wrestler) I was a bit intimidated, and didn't want something I'd find myself going TOO TOO fast on. So I picked up the Savage. Around here (DC area) it seemed prices were a little higher, so I figured to test my luck, and my mechanical prowess :)  It was only 30 miles away from where I live so I figured what the hell! So I jumped on it! I got the bike last Thursday, and just received my motorcycle permit yesterday (so I could ride, insure, and register it!) and I've been working on it in the meanwhile.

I did the Raptor petcock fix, changed the oil and filter (it was low when I bought it :( ), checked and did the air filter mod, adjusted the shocks (somehow the PO thought riding with them soft was alright so to each their own!), fixed up the air pressure in the tires, and installed a fuel filter, as well as running some carb cleaner through the engine.

I also invested a good part of money in safety gear, a good quality DOT, and Snell approved helmet, a nice leather jacket that has armor, and a good set of Daniese leather biking gloves. I'll also be picking up some armored pants and hopefully a pair of motorcycle boots soon.

In other terms I also enrolled in the MSF course. Having ridden about 150 miles today with my permit (I just feel like it's in my blood!) I think I could teach myself to ace the license exam, but I would feel better and have a better peace of mind getting three days with an expert that could give me even more tips and tricks to stay safe, especially in the Northern Virginia area.

I hope I'm off to a good start!

Either way, the slight dilemma I have is that now, I'm really running low on money since outright I just spent about $4000 between the bike, gear, MSF course, and registration/titling of the bike.

There are a few things left I have to ask/could use some advice from all you Savages out there haha.

So the bike all together I think needs the following done to it:

-New front tire within the next 1000-2000 miles/1 year whichever comes first (probably the miles :D)

-New front brake pads (about 1/2-2/3 of the way worn)

-Valve adjustment

-Belt adjustment (can only turn it about 80 degrees with thumb and forefinger, so I'll have to loosen it)

-Adding a windshield for longer rides!

The last thing on the list, which I'm still wondering about is, I can't tell if the cam chain adjuster is already failing at 7K miles, or if it's me being a little overly mechanically paranoid. I feel like I can hear a chain inside moving underneath the gas tank, but I can't tell if you are supposed to be able to hear a distinguishable clacking from our engines, or if any noise like that at all means that the cam chain adjuster has failed/is failing. I could probably upload a video if it would help you guys decide.

Either way. I could use some advice on that last point and kind of figuring out the order in which to make the upgrades, and it would be super appreciated. If you guys ever need anything, I'd be glad to help as best as a I can as a noob biker xD. Jeez. Sorry that was so long winded!

Thanks guys! Any replies are welcome :)

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by old_rider on 09/22/15 at 19:39:50


Seems like you are one of the few who actually do read and listen.

It is good that you are preparing so much, nip it in the bud I say~

Sounds like you have most everything planned and in hand.

At 6,900 miles on the odo, I would not worry too badly about the cam chain... and the valve adjustment, ... listen to a few you tube videos.... the savage/s40 is a noisy tapping beast... not outright rattle your ears... but a little guy in the head smacking a ball peen hammer around type.

You are ahead of most with your gear... you cannot be too safe! Ride at YOUR level !

Tires.... how much and how aggressive do you ride?  Not either? do the penny trick... stick lincoln's head into your track groove... is it past his hairline?  Ok.... thats an old.... riders trick. If you have about 1/8 inch tread left or the date on the tire is ok (five years), you have about six months or so left (avg. 10k a year non-aggresive riding)... but it also depends on the road quality.
Other most important thing.... do YOU think it needs replaced? if so.... DO IT.... make yourself happy, the happier you are, the better you drive (or ride), comfort is number one. The more comfortable you are while you ride, the more alert you will be, and the safer your circumstances become.

There will be other comments and opinions.... take them all to heart.. and use them accordingly.
Trust YOUR judgement first, then use others as YOU see fit... from reading your post I can already tell you are of sound mind... unlike a few of us, you probably know when to slow down in a corner.... LOL :)

Keep posting..... :)

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by springman on 09/22/15 at 20:06:37

Welcome Matt1995. Listen to Old Rider, he knows what he is talking about. I still consider myself a noob but I'll throw in my 2 cents worth.

1. If you think the tire needs replacing, replace it. Depending on the tire you choose and if you take the wheel off of the bike yourself, it should not cost more that $100 to $125 to replace.

2. Front brake pads are cheap ($20 maybe) and easy to replace. You want that front brake to work.

3. Belt adjust is basically easy to do, but may take various tries before you get it just right. Cost: one or two beers.

4. Probably too early for valve adjustment but if you have some mechanical ability and patience this also is relatively easy to do yourself. Cost: as much as a six pack.

5. I do not yet have a windshield. The one I want is around $80.

If you feel you need to check your cam chain tensioner order your gasket first (I just ordered one on ebay for about $12) and check it.

As far as riding gear goes, look online and realize that big dollars does not always equate to good quality.

Wow, I got a bit long winded there. Be careful, take that MSF course, enjoy your bike and thump on my friend.

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/22/15 at 21:22:49

Book says valve check at five thousand. Mine needed it. The adjusters look like dull pencils, the tips aren't all that hard. They crush from smashing into the valve. Clearances change faster on the new engine. As you approach twenty thousand, it's not gonna need much adjustment.
I'm aware of some who say they don't need it. I'm just gonna say, mine did.I didn't imagine it. I'm aware of how many say
Stay on the loose side of the tolerances.
I disagree. I want every thousandth of lift and duration I can get
And, the closer the lifters/rockers stay to the cam when the valve is closed, the less slamming and banging going on when it starts to open the valve.
I don't claim a lot of knowledge about the carb, but, I stand firm on this. I got great performance and suffered no losses.
It took patience, and checking,rechecking, I admit , it was a little scary, but, it paid off.
I got two 90* screwdrivers,  did some grinding, had flat blades to hold the adjuster while tightening the jam nuts.
As jam nuts make contact and tighten, it's actually lifting the adjuster, increasing the leash.

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by matt1995 on 09/22/15 at 21:53:51

Hey! Thanks y'all for the replies so far! It's great to see an active forum, having been on many a forum for cars, tech, etc! I like to get hands on experience with things, even sometimes you know f'ing them up before getting them right. Gotta break things to fix them sometimes!

From the looks of it, seems like the valves and cam chain tensioner can wait a little while, while the tire and brakes and belt seem like easy fixes that I can address fairly soon once getting a little more feel the bike! Safety first anyways haha.

Oh boy, though, tonight I did manage to pop the gas line loose, didn't tighten one of the hose clamps to the fuel filter enough, had for a split second gas spilling onto the engine before I realized what happened, and remembered that unlike newer cars, the shiny new petcock I put on had an off, so I moved the bike away from spill and aimed the remaining drippings away. Knocked on a friendly neighbors door and asked for a screwdriver and tightened her right up. Problem averted! Thank god I wasn't too far away from home though. That would've been a real "trip" considering it was my first real day on the road.

Keep the awesome replies coming guys! Thanks again!

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by matt1995 on 09/22/15 at 22:02:40

Oh and here's a picture of the beauty I picked up! Pretty much stock, although she does have the idle screw drilled out, with an adjusted idle speed, and I turned the idle mix screw almost all the way out, and it still doesn't drop off in revs, so I figure the 2 1/2 turns is as far as I can safely go from what I've read!

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by old_rider on 09/22/15 at 22:05:56

Matt... if you looked at that petcock close enough, you would have seen a fine mesh screen is part of the tubes....

An inline filter is always a good thought, but me personally with this bike i don't use one......

One piston, one carb, two wheels..... keep that thing rollin' :)

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by matt1995 on 09/22/15 at 22:11:05

I did notice that there was that filter, although, I don't know. I've been reading a lot on this forum and elsewhere about the debate of mesh filters versus paper micron filters like the Fram style mentioned in the Tech Doc section article. I figured, for all of 7 dollars, for the tubing and the filter, it couldn't hurt anything. It was difficult getting the filter to fit, and ensuring proper flow to the carb, but after I got that figured out AND the clamps fully tightened xD it seems to be working fine.

I'm a little more on the safe than sorry side of things, especially if it can be done on the cheap and with little effort. To each their own though. Without individuality, life would be so dull, whether it be bikes, or anything else! Thanks for the heads up!

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by kimchris1 on 09/23/15 at 08:00:50

Hey Matt, welcome to the world of riding..
Nice bike you got yourself.
As you have already discovered their are
many here that are very knowledgeable and
will help you along the way with any mods
or mechanical problems you have.
I did my front brakes myself and had no problems.
Also I installed  the fork brace as well..
Keep a check on the tires. Some break down
sooner than others.
Enjoy your bike and don't forget to post
ride reports as well as pics..Hugs,Kim, Genie and Shadow

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by springman on 09/23/15 at 11:43:00

Nice looking bike. Enjoy it.

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by Drestakil on 09/23/15 at 12:20:56

Welcome to the forum, Matt. As for riding pants, I really don't think you can beat Sliders.  Lots of Kevlar where you need it along with a little padding. You can also get CE armor for the knees.  I got the blue jeans but my next pair will probably be the cargo pants.  Don't like sitting on my wallet all the time when I'm riding.

Another bit of advice is when you change your front brake pads, save one of them to use as a tool for when you adjust your valves. I think it's what people on here use to remove that little side cover.

If you want to make yourself a little safer, I recommend Skeene Design's Retina Searing brake lights. They do a great job of getting the attention of the drivers behind you. I've noticed a little more room behind me when I flash the brake lights for a turn a few times.  Think of it as cheap insurance.

Keep an eye on your license plate. The vibration of a thumper can crack the metal at the corners. I had to mount a piece of rubber behind the plates of both my thumpers.  

Enjoy the ride. The S40 is a fun little bike!

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by Tocsik on 09/23/15 at 12:41:58

576176606772787A7F22130 wrote:

Keep an eye on your license plate. The vibration of a thumper can crack the metal at the corners. I had to mount a piece of rubber behind the plates of both my thumpers.  

Good advice there about the license plate.  Mine cracked so bad I almost lost it.  Had to shore it up with a couple washers. ( ( ( (

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by Ultimafuego on 09/23/15 at 13:51:18

I just learned this lesson recently. Swapped it from mounting on the bottom two sitting up higher to hanging low now. Lesson learned.  Need some grommets.

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by verslagen1 on 09/23/15 at 14:13:26

regardless of how you hang it, if you don't have all 4 holes used, all you will have soon are the corners.

the back end of a savage will turn a hula girl green with envy.

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by matt1995 on 09/23/15 at 14:58:50

Good advice guys! I'll pick up some rubber grommets to do that with!

DAY 2 of Riding: Anyways, today I took a ride out to Shenandoah National Park aka Skyline Drive, and rode along one of the mountain ranges that runs through Virginia. A nice mix of backroads, unlimited access highways and some interstate travel. I did notice a few things I wouldn't have expected on this 300 mile round trip!

-Definitely didn't realize how much wind and engine noise there would be. Along with about a 2500ft elevation change through the course of the trip, and utilizing some engine braking down hills and such, my hearing feels fried, I feel like my head is spinning. Perhaps earplugs. I was going to use headphones, but I didn't want to drown out the noise of stuff and add distractions. Earplugs are better versus headphones?

-People love to tailgate bikes. Then again I already knew that. But I just let em pass me, leave a huge gap in front, watch the mirrors, and side lanes, with an occasional head check, and motion for them to go around.
I will say it's crap when riding cautiously means every cager seems to get annoyed to nuts with riding the speed limit, and not passing everyone at every chance we get.

-It's tiring. I was really surprised that 300 miles was so exhausting, considering I've done endurance drives of 1000-1100 miles in 24-25 hours before. I stopped around 6 times throughout today, to rest my sore butt and to get some water, and refuel. I didn't realize how much more of a necessity that is on the bike. Something about "powering through" just doesn't feel right when one is 6 inches from the pavement with no cage around us.

-Was really surprised at the power our little Savages have. From the reviews I had read online, I had expected it to rev out at 70-75mph. I was pleasantly surprised it still had passing power at 80mph for interstate travel.

-Fuel mileage is pretty darn good! I kept filling up impulsively every 75-85 miles, because gas stations are few and far between, but found the $2.00 fill ups quite amusing.

-Bug splatter stinks man! So much bugs everywhere. Thank god for face shields on helmets!

Anyways yeah! Just thought I'd give an update!

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by Drestakil on 09/23/15 at 15:34:18

Congratulations! 300 miles is a pretty good trip on a stock S40. I wouldn't want to do it. The windshield is going to make a lot of difference in riding comfort. You'll be able to relax a little more. I couldn't handle the stock seat on mine so I rebuilt it with info learned at More comfort and able to sit further back and a little higher for more leg room. Others on here have replaced the seat with something from a different bike. A lot of us have also upgraded the rear shocks for a smoother ride. It's nice to work on your own ride.

I usually fill up every time the odometer turns over another 100 miles. Just the easiest way for me to remember and I never have to switch to reserve, unless there's no station for another 20 or so miles.

Thanks for the update. :)

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by matt1995 on 09/23/15 at 19:18:50

Also, thought the "wave" was pretty cool. Here I am givin' all out waves, only to learn to throw the "low two fingers" haha!

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by old.indian on 09/23/15 at 20:12:56

Good for you.  Personally I avoid Interstates, but then I find 60mph on back roads gives me the ability to enjoy the ride and the scenery .  :)
As regards the noise level on long trips. That does add to the fatigue level.    I use the inexpensive ear plugs found at Walgreens or CVS. They DO make a difference....  Thus far you seem to have discovered the joy of riding a motorcycle. If a side road looks interesting, take it.  Check out maps for a place to head for using back roads and take off for the weekend. Pack a gym bag and sleeping bag and (maybe) some rain gear and enjoy the trip. Check out some of the little diners that you might not stop at if you are in a car and in a hurry...  In other words ENJOY ..   8-)    

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by Kris01 on 09/23/15 at 20:23:00

3A36232335666E6E62570 wrote:
Here I am givin' all out waves....

I had an older gentleman riding a Gold Wing with his wife do that. I'm not used to that and had to look twice. He seemed really excited to be waving too!  ;D

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by matt1995 on 09/23/15 at 20:29:07

Oh! I love waving and nodding at people. I don't know. I used to be a big time cager, but way more attentive. I've driven my car I own a 2012 CR-V, almost 30K miles in the last 7 months. I've fallen in love with having the freedom to just go... But either way. I feel like when traveling, and sharing common interests that one enjoys, that it just allows you to form a connection with people that also share those similar interests. You never know when something positive can make someones day! Plus, especially for things like motorcycle that most people probably look at as, the "dumb Harley riders that never wear any gear" or the "supersport bike kids that are racing down the highway and lane splitting to hell", giving a good ol' friendly wave, and stopping to talk to people along the way and explaining all about what and why we do what we do just seems right. Spreading positivity in a world that doesn't have enough of it. Phew I'm long winded...

Anyways, thanks for the reply! I don't really care if they flip me off (like I heard some HD riders do!) or turn away (had a group of big cruisers do that to me today on Skyline Drive), I'll still keep on waving. You might not be able to change them, but you can control what you do, and I wanna keep making people smile!

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by Kris01 on 09/23/15 at 20:33:51

576176606772787A7F22130 wrote:
Keep an eye on your license plate. The vibration of a thumper can crack the metal at the corners. I had to mount a piece of rubber behind the plates of both my thumpers.  

I cut a piece of sheetmetal the size of my plate and bolted them together before mounting it to the bike. The extra thickness causes the plate to not vibrate as bad and crack.

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by Kris01 on 09/23/15 at 20:38:53

Matt, you sound very positive. It's a welcome change in this "not-so-nice" world.  ;)

When I ride, I feel a connection to every other rider I pass. We both share a love for motorcycling. I don't care what they're riding, whether it's a squid on a sport bike or a 1%er on a Harley, I'll wave anyway. It's part of the "brotherhood"!

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by MMRanch on 09/23/15 at 22:24:21

Congrats Matt ,
You have picked one of the best all-a-rounds bikes ever built !
I'm on my second one now .  ;)

I agree with an earlier post : ( justin_o_guy2 )

I disagree. I want every thousandth of lift and duration I can get
And, the closer the lifters/rockers stay to the cam when the valve is closed, the less slamming and banging going on when it starts to open the valve.

The steel parts don't swell as much as the Aluminum parts --- so the clearance will increase with the motor temperature .  I aim at .002" when  I set them. .002 will pass but .003 won't .  ;)  and you can bend your feeler gauge any way you want -- its your after all !  :P

a modified Harley Soft Tail Seat is an easy fit and Very comfortable .
If you ever take the clutch/cam chain cover off ... The Grey Form-a-Gasket works great , just don't use too much of it and "Let it dry a little " after contact and before tightening .  ;)

Hope to meet ya at one of our meets ,  :) .

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by Steve H on 09/24/15 at 04:01:49

Sounds like a nice ride.

It can get tiring especially with all the sounds, wind, being on top of your game when riding, etc. Take those rest stops and hydration breaks.

If you do much high speed riding (70 or more) keep a close watch on the oil level.  It tends to use some at higher speeds.

Oh, and welcome.  :)

Title: Re: Hey all! New S40 Owner :D
Post by Dave on 09/24/15 at 05:20:26

Yep.....ear plugs are a must for anything more than just a ride around the block. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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