General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Refugees

Message started by MnSpring on 09/20/15 at 16:34:57

Title: Refugees
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/15 at 16:34:57


Today, their is a influx of Refugees from a, ‘Socialist’ Country.
They are wanting to go to a, ‘Republic’, Country/s.

With all the Media Hype, and Campaigning that,
’Socialism’, is a very Good thing,  and a ‘Republic’,
(Free Enterprise),  is such a BAD thing.

Would that not be,  ’torture’,   ?????

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/15 at 17:55:46

What countries are you talking about?... :-/...

Syria is a Republic, ... recently turned into a Dictatorship...

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/15 at 18:12:26

6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
"  ... recently turned into a Dictatorship...

Hello   ???????    Dictatorship  ?

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/15 at 18:15:18

A Socialistic, Country, is SO   WONDERFUL.
Why not go their ?

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/15 at 18:21:14

Where?... :-?...
You still haven't explained what countries you're talking about.

Are we arguing in code?... ;D...

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/15 at 18:24:39

 Pick one.

NORTH, of  Syria,

Even the USA !

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/15 at 21:59:49

I've used all my algorithms,  and I can't break it. The cryptography classes didn't help a bit.

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by HovisPresley on 09/21/15 at 04:21:46

I'm with you guys.....completely baffled  ::)

My guess is that MnS thinks that a 'republic' has something to do with 'free enterprise'.

No, mate, a republic is a country that has no royalty/monarch reigning over it.

For example, France is a republic, Belgium isn't.

If you still have trouble distinguishing between a monarchy and a republic, then please, don't go to the North of Ireland....

Quote MnS;

"Pick one.
NORTH, of  Syria,
Even the USA !"

I think you'll find that the USA is considered West of Syria (as is Europe).....

As for "Pick one", why don't you enlighten us all and 'Type one' ?

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by pg on 09/21/15 at 06:02:17

How about Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran?  Why are they not participating in the humanitarian effort?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by verslagen1 on 09/21/15 at 14:33:48

you have to be human to participate.

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/15 at 14:50:22

Has everyone figured out why these people are fleeing?

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by MnSpring on 09/21/15 at 16:11:29

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/15 at 16:16:00

786761667B7C4D7D4D75676B20120 wrote:
Has everyone figured out why these people are fleeing?

Ill just post again, thanks for playing..

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by oldNslow on 09/21/15 at 16:39:39

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote:
[quote author=786761667B7C4D7D4D75676B20120 link=1442792097/0#10 date=1442872222]Has everyone figured out why these people are fleeing?

Ill just post again, thanks for playing..[/quote]

They are fleeing a rapidly sinking ship; and once enough of them get where they want to go, that particular vessel is going to the bottom also.

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/15 at 17:25:15

Yes,correct for half credit.
Why is the ship sinking?
Actually, no, no credit, refugees aren't created in peace and prosperity. People run from burning buildings,  not places where everything is okay.
Now, we saw Libya,  
And what has been proclaimed, regarding Assad?
Just exactly how did We come to the power of proclaiming who must go?
Am I the only one who remembers Wesley Clark on the seven countries?
So, five years was too ambitious, but just look at the list... And suddenly,  the media can just start painting a picture of
Those people over there
And the masses just believe it.

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by old.indian on 09/21/15 at 17:45:23

From what I can ascertain, the refugees from the middle east are fleeing civil unrest as well as the economic and social conditions existing in their homelands.     Much the same reasons that sent the English , the Irish, the Jews, the Italians, the Germans, the Swedish, etc. etc. to this country in the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.  YOUR ANCESTORS !!!! :o :o                  Each in its' turn was looked down upon and demeaned by the groups preceding . AND each group brought with it its' percentage of black sheep, criminal element and bigots who then decided to change things to suit their specific "requirements" (religious, cultural, language, etc. )....   Of course there were (are) some in this country resisted (resisting)any change, instead insisting that the country adhere to some half remembered fuzzy image of what they thought was the way things were.   Things never were as remembered.   Crime, political corruption, racism, religious bigotry have always existed. Some just chose to ignore the facts.               Winston Churchill often quoted someone by saying,  "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by oldNslow on 09/21/15 at 18:14:08

Interesting perspective:

" Assimilation is *so* 19th Century, and was never a European thing anyway, where tribal volkways linger in ways that subconsciously horrify the bien pensants who secretly harbor them. The Swedish professors and politicians who refer to "New Swedes" do it, whether they want to admit it or not, to distinguish the Moslems held in the zoos of Malmo and Stockholm from regular Swedish-type Swedes.

We used to do assimilation. You would move here and we would hate you and make you live in ghettos and organize political parties against you, and your kids would learn our games and our songs and our language and move out of the ghettos and be our tradespeople. And your grandkids would be our doctors and lawyers and aldermen and would forget your language and we would add your food to our menus and take one of your holidays and hang it on our wall as a trophy and use it as an excuse to get drunk every year.

But not any more. Now assimilation is imperialist and racist and bad. Indeed, in Europe, which is several kilometer markers further down this road than we are, assimilation is actively discouraged. No, no, Mr. Refugee... You don't need to learn the language; you'll never be one of us anyway. You just sit there and let us feed you and keep you like a zoo animal to look at and remind ourselves that we don't feed you into ovens anymore like our parents did because we're so much better now.

We'll see who cracks first, the guests or the hosts, but sooner or later, somebody's getting loaded into cattlecars, because that's how things go in Europe."

Tam - "View From The Porch."

Why is the ship sinking?

There is plenty of blame to go around regarding how things got to this point, but. to paraphrase a despicable old bag who we all know well " At this point, what difference does it make?"

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by pg on 09/21/15 at 18:16:16

Am I the only one who remembers Wesley Clark on the seven countries?
So, five years was too ambitious, but just look at the list...

Sure, I remember that as well.  What ever happened to "no foreign entanglements?"   :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by HovisPresley on 09/22/15 at 01:05:36

@ old.indian

An excellent post  ;) 8-)

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/22/15 at 10:29:38

All the clues, so much
In your Face
stuff. How is it possible to not see these events for the contrived outcomes that they are?  Who is arming these rebels? Why are their supply convoys invisible?  You want me to believe that we can't find them? It's a replay of Libya. And Iraq. And is it not a bit coincidental that all of these places were on Wesley Clarks list? And is it not also a bit coincidental that none of those countries are a part of the central bank scam that we are in? Has no one bothered to at least get the Cliff notes on
Confessions of an economic hitman?
These unintended consequences are part of the Goals. Without a Problem in societies, the People have nothing horrific to React TO, so, the powers that be don't have a vehicle for making their SolutionAcceptable to the masses.

Problem reaction solution

Destabilization, Incrementalism,
Understand these terms.

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by HovisPresley on 09/22/15 at 13:44:53

+  ;)

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/22/15 at 19:46:32

Dang few see , even though it's Right There.  
How very coincidental that Every Country thus far that has been the victim of uprising and overthrow was on that list. What does it take to get people to at least become suspicious.
Has no one noticed that it was the Al CIAduh flag that was flying over Iraq ?  How Did that happen?
Despite what horrific and sordid tales have been offered as reason for Eliminating Libyas brutal dictAtor, here's what isn't being pointed out.

I'm not saying he was a choir boy, but look around... look at the payday . Look at what Libya HAD. Look at who they Absolutely
PisstAwff. Nationalizing the oil fields, I know a bit about those.
My dad was there, in Benghazi, early mid sixties, punching wells, paid for by Gulf oil, maybe others.. Libya got paid to allow the drilling and made money on the oil, so, it was uncool, but, I doubt the oil companies got shafted before they had made a fine profit.

And make note of the fact that Libya was wholly sovereign, not economically tied to the World Bank or IMF.
Again, I suggest at least a working knowledge of what
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
tells about. Go back to the eighties, look at the march through south America. I'm not certain that my memory is correct, but IIRC, there were a couple of guys down there who went into , coff, coff
Exile,,, uh huhh, but, before they did that, they accepted the loans, put everything of value in the country on the loan as collateral.
That's one of the terms of the loan,  all the infrastructure, And, you can not pay the loan off. You agree to default,, and they protect you from the angry, sold out, masses.

Read about the book if you won't read the book.

Absolutely THE offer you can't refuse.
And, here's another tantalizing tidbit to consider, TPTB, ruthless as they are, Still Ethical. Not like decent people, but ethical. They HAVE to lay enough clues so we Should see what the game is. If we don't, then, we deserve what we get. Keep believing the crap. On the World stage, generally, what's common knowledge is crap. First, the media paints the target,, over and over,
Manufactured Consent

Learn about that..
The Viet Nam war was based on a LIE,  It's admitted. Go look for it.
The USS Liberty, attacked by Israel, read about that crew. They hoisted more than one big flag. Radio intercepts prove the pilots saw it was American and asked for further instructions.
Attack...LBJ  ordered fighters sent to rescue them back to their carrier.
Information you'll never see on your T.V..

Title: Re: Refugees
Post by MnSpring on 09/24/15 at 21:01:34 » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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