General Category >> The Cafe >> I crashed

Message started by Boogieman on 09/18/15 at 15:49:21

Title: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/18/15 at 15:49:21

I crashed and hit my head so hard I don't remember a single thing about the actual accident. I was riding 60mph up a nice country road and the next thing I know BAM!..I awoke in the hospital, my bro stairing at me, doc is asking if I can feel my toes.

So later the cop would tell me that I somehow just "lost control" of the bike and drove off into the dry grass and volcanic rock laden center divider. I must have bashed one of those rocks looking at my muffler and fractured tibia/fibula...out of the skin.
Anyway, there is a full description by picture on my Instagram, search tjflora or Tim flora.
So the cost of repair outweighed geico's precieved value of the bike so I got the repair money plus the bike back. Imma sell the bike...either as one piece or as parts. Let me know if your interested. The bike still starts right up. Brand new battery...just got it a day b4 the accident. She's got a Very adjuster with my initials on it that I'm not at all happy to let go of. The front of the bike is fine.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by HovisPresley on 09/18/15 at 16:17:43

Sorry to hear the bad news  :(

Your guardian angel did his job!

Glad to hear you're not too badly hurt, all things considered....

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Serowbot on 09/18/15 at 16:28:25

Nasty looking break...
Speedy healing Boogie...

Link to Instagram...


Title: Re: I crashed
Post by youzguyz on 09/18/15 at 16:36:39

Not good.. not good at all....

Take it easy, and do what they say so you can heal up quick and correctly.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/18/15 at 16:51:06

Right on riders. Thnx a bunch!

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by raydawg on 09/18/15 at 17:19:03


Bummer, woulda been nice to wake to nurse Goodbody however......

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by old_rider on 09/18/15 at 17:24:47

Good to see you here and posting!  

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by jcstokes on 09/18/15 at 18:10:26

Recover at your own pace and space. Start back into riding gently and try and keep your confidence. There will be other S40's.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by verslagen1 on 09/18/15 at 20:22:14

I don't think this Icrashed app is gonna sell well.   :-?

what's the front end look like?

there's a guy in temecula looking for an engine.

I got a rim if you want it.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Steve H on 09/18/15 at 21:29:10

Sorry to hear about your troubles.  Take your time and heal up right.  That's a nasty looking break. Follow the doc's instructions.

Verslagen...he said the front end is fine.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by GridMonkey on 09/18/15 at 22:20:46

Sorry to hear that you crahsed, though you got to wake up from it, so thats a good thing. Rest up, heal up, and deal with the bike some other time.
Good healing thoughts heading your way.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/19/15 at 01:07:44

Thanx guys. I'm doing pretty good. The leg is a pain to crutch around but it's the fracture in the base of my skull at my spinal cord that's the concern..but I shud be fine. Honestly, I can't get back on a bike right now. I don't even know how I went down. I sure as hell didn't just loose control for no reason. I don't know. I'm really lucky to be alive lol. Really lucky.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by digitaltrucker on 09/19/15 at 05:18:44

Country road you say?  Dollars to doughnuts you were avoiding an animal.  The results of the crash make a helluva good argument for a full helmet, don't they?

Cheers and speedy healing!

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/19/15 at 05:24:26

Possibly.. Don't remember. Right, the helmet. I should be dead. The fullcace saved my life.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/15 at 07:50:15

If those were lava rocks and the muffler isn't cut up, maybe it landed on your head.
If you don't remember ANYthing about the accident, I would have to talk to the doctor about that. Did you just turn off? Have a seizure?
I had a medication mess me up, I had a seizure, but I remember the seconds just prior. You should visit with a neurologist.
What are they saying about how much you're gonna heal up?
Getting another bike?
I forgot how old you are.. I hope you are young enough to heal up and tough enough to buck through the recovery.
I'm sorry about the crash, but the Zero memory of the seconds leading up to it really concerns me..

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/19/15 at 07:57:12

Right on jog2. I've never passed out or had a seizure. I'm 34 and healing well. Prolly not getting back on a bike for a few years. I met with the neurologist the other day. It's pretty common to forget the entire accident when u smack your dome so hard. For a while when I got outta the hospital I pissed myself a few times and blacked out once but I'm better more headaches or blurry vision.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/15 at 08:06:24

What kinda shape is the helmet in?
Pics of that would be interesting, all the way around..
If you landed in lava rocks, good grief,man, I've hunted lava, for aquarium filter media,, and that stuff is sharp, abrasive and angular. You musta passed out before impact, or you would probably have broken more. I passed out just as I made contact with the pickup.. Witness told me that it was a violent collision. My face dented the cab corner, and, without the full face coverage, I'd have been horrifically hammered.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/19/15 at 08:34:15

I think not remembering is prolly a blessing at this point. The cop, witnesses, paramedics, and hospital staff say I was fully conscious, really angry, and in a tremendous amount of pain. The docs had to put me under. I was wiggin out. When I came to after the surgery I felt pretty decent. They had me on a norco-dilodnin iv stack for like 4 days. Puked every time they had me up crutchin around. Head injuries are no good man. I'm gonna be fine though. Big scar next to my left eye. Big scar and titanium plate with 15 screws in my right leg just above my ankle. I'm gonna be feeling that for the rest of my life...every time the weather changes. The fractured occipital epicondyle is the scary part. Until it webs together, I cud move my head the wrong way and stop breathing.

Lots of pics at

Ya, the helmet saved my life no question!!!

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by spearheadss on 09/19/15 at 10:25:52

Get well soon Boogie.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by mpescatori on 09/19/15 at 14:18:24

Hey Boogieman, you rascal sonofagun teenager !  8-)

Yeh, I know you're 34, but I'm 55 fso I can say "I saw things you hooomens..." etc.etc. and shake my corncob pipe at you.


Fisherman sailor style !
Trust me, I am still healing from a ...
"35mph double somersault with my legs folded like a puppet when I landed on my back in rush hour traffic" pretzel...
I actually walked out of the hospital on my own two legs 36 hours later.
St. Peter and St. Rocco (to whom I am oddly devout, me, a semi-skeptic archeological atheist...; told me my guardian angel had a nervous breakdown, he was in midair trying to keep all my bits together as I was gliding through the air over cars passing by.

Anyway, the GOOD thing is you're telling us about it.

Let me tell you, you were most probably hit by an animal (deer?) that slammed into you from the side, so you lost control but never actually SAW the critter.
If it wasn't a deer, it may have been a boar, but if it was,  BOY were you lucky it didn't goad you !

Any chance road signs such as these are common in your area ? North California ?

Anyway, heal up fast, and consider fixing the bike and re-registering it in order to get back on the road... soon !  8-)

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by springman on 09/19/15 at 16:59:14

Best of luck to you boogieman. Sorry about the accident but glad you are healing up.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/15 at 20:37:43

I've totaled three. Walked away from all of them, but discovered I'd cracked three vertebrae, years later,
I hope this doesn't mess up your job or anything.
Were I you, I'd get rid of the first thing on that page.
Even though all the words aren't visible, enough is.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/19/15 at 21:03:57

Thnx guys. Crap I don't think an animal struck me. There were witnesses. I'll have to get the police report.

What are you talking about Jog2? First thing on the list? List of injuries on Instagram? Nah, I'm an artist. In my line of work that's all accepted and darn near expected.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/15 at 21:07:10

Heal well..

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/20/15 at 08:22:53

Thnx for the concern though dude. ;)

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/15 at 08:38:46

Really glad you're one of our FF helmet wearing members...

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/20/15 at 08:40:53

Ya me too lol!!!

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by prechermike on 09/21/15 at 04:54:02

OUCH! Glad your on the mend.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by engineer on 09/21/15 at 07:10:18

That's a rough looking fracture there, take care and best of luck.  Good thing you had that helmet on!

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by digitaltrucker on 09/21/15 at 09:15:37

I'm going to be replacing my own helmet soon.  It's a 3/4 helmet with face shield, but it's about 13 years old....gonna replace it with a full-face.

I'm an awesomely studly-looking guy, and it'd be a shame to deprive the world of that...  ;)

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/21/15 at 10:46:01

I was pretty close to getting a novelty half helmet. I live in Chico where there is a billion beautiful young college girls that find a full face to be kinda creepy at times. But I'm glad I stuck to my guns. No question I wud be dead. A splatter of grease paint on the rocks. I had a bad concussion. Puking a lot. Still can't feel the left side of my face where the visor or my sun glasses cut in. The layers of my helmet at point of impact are separated. I highly recommend that helmet. Hlc or HCl F-##. Half fiberglass, half Kevlar, anti-fog, perfect fit on my massive oddly shaped dome.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/15 at 11:26:37

Without that helmet, it wouldn't be so massive and even more oddly shaped. My HJC modular dented the cab corner behind the drivers head. Collapsed enough to split my lip and the strap shoved into my throat, making swallowing hard for about three weeks.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by kimchris1 on 09/21/15 at 16:32:28

So sorry to hear of your accident.
Nice to know your going to mend
and hopefully you will one day get
back in the saddle.
Itwas one of the things I couldn't
wait to do after my accident few
years ago.
Keep your spirits up and know were
all here for you..
Hugs and again Get Well Soon.. :-* :-*Kim,Genie and Shadow

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by old_rider on 09/22/15 at 22:17:09

Good choice with the HJC modular, I have one.... for rainy days.
Do NOT stop riding.... your mind will tell you that it is dangerous.... your friends probably already said "I told you so".

You have successfully beat the odds, if you didn't see the guy with the scythe standing in the corner of your recovery room, he left... not your time.

Turn that savage into something different, then hop on it and ride it like it was a new toy. And ...... ENJOY IT......

Don't tell me I am crazy, don't think I am nutz..... you know the feeling of riding in the wind takes your soul where no MUNDANE man can go.... RIDE my friend.... RIDE....

Get well soon.... and I mean SOON! 8-)

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/23/15 at 16:02:29

Thanks Kim, Gene, & Shadow!
;) right on man i dig ur style. Ya, one of my brothers insists I not stop riding. I'm not saying I'll never ride again...I will ride again. In fact, the next time I fly out to see my folks on Marco Island I'll prolly end up on me old mans '76 shovelhead, the bike I learned to ride on. My whole family rides.

But I've learned to take life's "little" hints. My original dream vehicle is a first generation bronco. Turns out an old friend of mine lives one town over from where I just moved. He's got a few of these things he's always working on, so imma take a rest from mad maxing it and turn my bike into my original dream vehicle. Then one day I may get a bike again. Even though i am pretty bummed about loosing my bike, I feel good about the transition, especially at this point in my life. Besides, what am I gonna do when it starts gettinv cold and rainy? She was my only transportation.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by JutMan on 09/24/15 at 17:18:01

Was this part of your report or from something else?
Adverse effects:
Another result is impairment of driving skills and increased likelihood of road traffic accidents

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/24/15 at 17:21:30

Ya, i guess you would call that my emergency intake report.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by JutMan on 09/24/15 at 17:25:28

Than again...
Adverse effects:
Decreased libido and erection problems are a common side effect.

I guess it could be worse..

Glad you are still kicking!

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/24/15 at 17:49:03

So i've heard. Possibly your allegations belong directed towards someone or something else. None of that applies to me. It's called misconception. When a victim of ignorance takes what little information one can gather at face value to form an incorrect concept, then creates ideas and takes action based on that incorrect concept.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by JutMan on 09/24/15 at 18:21:05

No allegations, from me, doctors put that crap in your medical records based on their observations. They most often never have any basis of facts to back it up.  Just sucks that they even put that in there with most likely no medical history.

My wife is a nurse and they see doctors do that crap all the time, based on their "judgement" of the person.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/24/15 at 18:48:15

Yeah, I wouldn't even Let anyone else dig the ditches when the rig moved. People stopped to watch when I was swinging a sledge.
Some people are lazy, and get lazier,,  some people are energetic
And get more energetic,

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by old_rider on 09/24/15 at 19:20:07

Had an 89' bronco.... was a very temperamental booger....  I fixed it up enough to have about six months worth of fun before I sold it to buy a 2000 ford f150 4X4...

Older vehicles are great if you can wrench.... you get to know them and sometimes they are enjoyable, some times they are a pain.

My advice.... buy one from someone you know, or buy one with a "guarantee" at least a short one.
Four wheeling is a great sport...but, well, as with any recreations, there are inherent dangers, good luck....

"Granny Low is the way To Go!"

:) ;D 8-) ::)

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/25/15 at 05:07:08

My girl got me a new phone (cuz my old one disappeared in the accident) and it isnt set up yet, so the keyboard puts in words it thinks work better half way through my spelling a different "your" instead of "such". Still not used to it.
Totally. I been wrenching on 4x4's my whole life. The first generation broncos (66-77) are different entirely from the preceding years. My old buddy a town over from where I live now builds them. So I'm good haha.

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by old_rider on 09/25/15 at 11:56:03

Sweet!  Before fuel injectors and ecu's!  LOL! 3 wires going to the engine other than plug wires.... good deal... post up some pics when you get your new project.

Hey admins! How about a new posting section for "other news" or " post other than thumpers" ???

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Dane Allen on 09/25/15 at 12:34:17

Wow, man, I just saw this. Really sucks, I hope you are doing better and keep on the mend. With your new phone do you still have the same number as when you were down here?

Title: Re: I crashed
Post by Boogieman on 09/25/15 at 16:53:41

Darn strait old rider. No nonsense. Fuel injection may be superior is a few ways, but it just seems like more ish to go wrong. I will post a pic or two in the cafe when I get my bronco. We can talk about anything in the cafe I think.

Dane! What's up my savage brother? How u doing big guy?  Ya, crazy huh. Don't remember a thing. Very lucky. Ya I still have the same number. I think I still have ur number as well. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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