General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Is it true......????

Message started by raydawg on 09/17/15 at 08:33:51

Title: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/17/15 at 08:33:51

I pray not, I hope Fiona misspoke....
How can any civilized society sacrifice a living being for the vanity of the living?
I did not watch the debates, only reading about it, when I read her challenge to president Obama and Hillary to watch the video of planned parenthood harvesting the brain of a kicking and screaming baby I almost lost it....
Please Lord, tell me she has this wrong, please....

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/15 at 08:59:52

...and,... Ben Carson has done fetal tissue research...
He's a consumer... of fetus's...:-/...

Fiorina's only qualification, is her business experience...
She made 100 million salary while losing her investors 50%... :-/...

Don't that just beat all?... ;D...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/17/15 at 09:10:30

No, one day you will answer the fricken question and THAT will beat all!

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/15 at 09:14:40

I listened to the first series, but got interrupted and when I got back to the shop the radio wasn't on the right station,, they
Cease operation on This frequency
Please join us on Station Blah at 21.650 on your dial
All the time, but, I missed that, couldn't find them.. And I can't sit down and watch it on T.V.. I'd go nuts. I can listen and piddle...
I'm gonna be guessing here, but, based on your post, I'm gonna say she is choosing to ignore the obvious realities, that these tiny things are in pain and are trying to get away as they are being murdered, yet, it's good to do it..And, there are things about her you like, so, now you have to decide whether or not you'd be able to support her?
Well, it's gonna be more interesting this time,for me, than any other. If she's still supporting abortion, I'm done with her. I Could be backed in a corner hard enough to vote for an aborter, BUT, the rest of the platform and

HISTORY of Success
Will be crucial in my choice of which turd I'd grab outta the box.
I've often likened the election cycle and the, coff, coff,
End result
to passing a box around and allowing random people to crap in it.
Eventually, like a raffle, someone reaches in, grabs a turd, holds it up for all to see and admire. Ohh, yeah, some float, full of hot air, some, obviously a bit cornier than the others, but, at the end of the day, the end results, one crappy job after another.
How many times can a nation survive
This president has seen the National Debt more than double
All the Previous presidents administration COMBINED.

YOU are understanding that That Exponential Growth in DEBT, right?
You think Nations can't go broke?
The question is, who stands in receivership?

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/15 at 09:15:33

Question is too vague...
Did she ask it?...
Is it a fact?...
How can any civilized society sacrifice a living being for the vanity of the living?

3rd is rhetoric......

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/17/15 at 10:05:43

Fiorina's only qualification, is her business experience...

Obama's only qualification; black skin, smooth talker. How's that working out?

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/17/15 at 10:14:23

*No, she's 100% correct. PP does harvest baby parts from living human beings.  
*The medical research claim is problematic. No one really knows what happens to all the body parts that are harvested and sold. You don't think it's impossible that someone out there is trying to grow hearts, lungs, etc... to sell later on?
*99% of the population had no idea PP was in the business of selling baby parts.
*Yes, I watched all the undercover videos and yes they were horrific.
*and yes, we should ask obama and hilary if they watched them and what they thought when the baby was kicking it's legs and what they thought when they heard the PP worker exclaimed when spooning through her bowl of baby part stew "Oh, it's a boy!".
*and yes, it's an indictment on the culture, particularly the liberal culture which is dominating today.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by MnSpring on 09/17/15 at 10:32:13

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
...and,... Ben Carson has done fetal tissue research...
He's a consumer... of fetus's...:-/...
Fiorina's only qualification, is her business experience...
She made 100 million salary while losing her investors 50%... :-/...

“ ...and,... Ben Carson has done fetal tissue research...
He’s a consumer… of fetus's... "

Don’t know that. No proof one way or the other on that.
No Dialogue, questions, nothing.
So, making a statement like that, with out proof,  ?

“ …Fiorina's only qualification, is her business experience...
She made 100 million salary while losing her investors 50%..  …”

Yes, that is documented, your right.
BUT, did her misstep in running that business, cause anybody to get KILLED ?
Was she ever , FIRED, from a job, for being Deceitful and Lying?
Is she, HIDING, e-mails, she was ordered to turn over?
Does she make, ‘glib’ remarks, like: “What, like ‘wipe’, with a cloth” ?

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/17/15 at 10:53:27

Did Ben Carson in med school use fetus tissue and that is material because?
What, if true, was the avenue of acquisition, calling up PP and telling them you need a beating heart?
Or, some other purveyor who acquired them in a different manner?

Is he a hypocrite, is that your charge?

Is Obama a hypocrite for campaigning on his declaration marriage is between a man and a woman?

Or, how he rightly spoke against dubya wanting to raise the debt ceiling to fund the government, I think he said, mortgage our children's future, yet, himself in office and a budget to sign, he thinks it's fine now....???

Bot, your tool box only has one tool, don't matter how many names you give it, fact is, you got only one tool...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/15 at 11:21:56

5C4F574A4F59492E0 wrote:
Bot, your tool box only has one tool, don't matter how many names you give it, fact is, you got only one tool...

Yes,.. the facts... (only tool I need)...;D...
Don't get all defensive about it...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/17/15 at 11:41:23

regardless, I hope last nights debate ended Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Chris Christie.

Trump, Rubio, Carson and Fiorina should keep going. In the end, my money is on a Rubio / Fiorina ticket.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/15 at 11:59:36

I think Kasich and Graham have the best chance of actually becoming president...
... but, they'll never survive the Primary...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/17/15 at 13:08:30

I'll bet you do!
No, they wont. thats because this is the Republican race, not the Democratic race. If their were a Rino party, maybe they'd have a shot.....

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/15 at 13:21:32

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
I'll bet you do!...

;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by LostArtist on 09/17/15 at 17:34:30

CNN fact checked that :

Fact check: Carly Fiorina says a Planned Parenthood video shows a "fully formed fetus on the table, with its heart beating, its legs kicking."

Carly Fiorina said, "Anyone who has watched this video tape -- I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain."

Fiorina was referring to a video released by the anti-abortion group The Center for Medical Progress last month, in which a former worker for StemExpress, a biomedical research company, said she saw a fully formed fetus's heart beating.

"This is the most gestated fetus and closest thing to a baby I've ever seen," Holly O'Donnell, a former procurement technician for StemExpress, said in the video. "I'm sitting here looking at this fetus and its heart is beating and I don't know what to do."

The clip does show what appears to be a fully formed fetus on an operating table with its legs twitching. But the clip Fiorina references is not part of the CMP sting video but was instead taken by another anti-abortion group and was added to the sting video. The Center for Medical Progress, however, doesn't explain where the fetus video was shot, so it's not clear whether it was taken at a Planned Parenthood clinic. For its part, the women's health organization has flatly denied the accusations.

VERDICT: True, but misleading


Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/17/15 at 18:20:03

True but misleading when CNN is talking about a Republican means true!

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by LostArtist on 09/17/15 at 18:31:45

5D6F68797E6F78476B78610A0 wrote:
True but misleading when CNN is talking about a Republican means true!

maybe, but from what I've heard the video is also misleading and unclear especially around that area of the video, it's almost a dramatization, not a documentary at that point of that specific area of footage

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/17/15 at 19:17:49

did you watch it?

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by old.indian on 09/17/15 at 19:40:31

Ain't none of you mental dust bunnies ever heard of a "Propaganda Film" ?????   It is a film  made in such a manner that reflects the producers' bias and view points in the strongest possible way.....      The Nazis used them to portray non-Arians as subhuman as a way to justify the concentration camps.    Sadly, I have heard more one person (on BOTH SIDES) say that those that do not agree with their side of the issue (what ever that issue may be) should be "punished".....  
 I have my hopes that the fanatics would just FOAD, leaving the intelligent folks to work things out in peace...... 

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by LostArtist on 09/17/15 at 20:27:24

724047565140576844574E250 wrote:
did you watch it?

did you?

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/17/15 at 22:38:28

I did...  I watched the clip of the moving fetus...
...and it didn't come from PP... and it isn't an aborted baby... and it isn't "alive"...
It is footage that was inserted by the "Center for Medical Progress" of an miscarriage, not delivered at a PP facility, and the fetus is not "alive"...
The girl narrating, wasn't there. and her running account of the event didn't happen... She was never at that facility... and again,.. it wasn't at a PP facility, and it wasn't an abortion...
They knowingly used this footage... and misrepresented it...

We all had biology class, and the dreaded frog dissection... where we learned about involuntary muscle twitches...

Dead things can move,... sorry if you're shocked to hear this... You should have paid more attention in biology class...

The footage is a bit disturbing,.. but it is of a miscarriage... not an abortion...
The "Center for Over-zealous Religious Nutballs", lied... misrepresented,.. manipulated,.. bore false witness....

Defend their honor.....  They need it...
Worry about explaining it to your god later...  :-X...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by thumperclone on 09/17/15 at 22:45:14

ditto sero

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by thumperclone on 09/17/15 at 22:52:18

distorted double speak can (and does) predominate uncompounded

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/18/15 at 05:42:34

I have not viewed the video in question, however, I will venture a guess into its actuality....
Reading up on this event, I would say it is misleading to the point of a lie.
I would like more info into the real videos history.
Is this place not a PP facility, and does it do abortions?
Was this a failed live birth, or an induced spontaneous abortion of a seriously ill baby?
Is there harvesting of baby parts?

I can only guess here, I don't have the facts. It is like saying God is not real only because you don't know him...
That is not a fact, it is a belief.
Truth will reveal all lies, every one we willingly sanctioned, in the appropiate arena, none will escape it, truth will always pervail, as darkness can never smother light, but light can overcome darkness, it is a physical fact, no matter how many believe your lies.....

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by MnSpring on 09/18/15 at 08:11:11

About 4 years ago, a good friends, son was in a horrific car accident.
He was rushed by air, to a fancy place in the cities.

He was their for 6 months.
And for 6 months, he was unconscious.

Hooked up to all sorts of tubes and machines.
After 4 months, the parents were told:
“He is just not going to wake up,
and if a miracle happens, and he does,
he won’t have much of a mind”
So for the next Two months, they were Bugged, and Bugged, and Bugged,
to, ‘let him go’.

Finally, they signed the order to harvest all his organs.
Then they were told, they have to stop, all the medications for 24 hours, before they do that.

8 hours later, yes just 8 hours later, he Woke Up,
Tried to rip out the, breathing tube, spent another, 2 months their.

Today, 4 years later, He is Married, has a child, good Job,
rides a MC all he can, and is Just as, ‘ornery’,  as he was before.

So, why I believe PP, DOES harvest aborted organs, and SELL them.
     (ALL funded by the Taxpayers)

They are not the ONLY ones.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/18/15 at 09:13:15

I wonder, and I have heard rumors, even saw a movie once about raising children in 3rd world countries, etc, to harvest their body parts, etc.
Its not much of a leap of faith for me to believe some wealthy indulviduals would pay dearly to reverse aging, or supply a body part to a dying loved one... like some old rich rummy who has destroyed his liver and been denied donorship because of his advanced age, etc...
Evil people do exsist and their whole being is based on selfish needs....
At ALL cost!

Great story MnSpring, but maybe their belief was genuine, that indeed they thought their son was in fact, terminal, and they were trying to help them make a very difficult decsion..... I dunno.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by MnSpring on 09/18/15 at 09:44:38

Yes, I agree. I just don’t know.
Did the doctors truly believe, he was, ‘brain dead’. Or not.   Just don’t know.

Perhaps their was a intervention from a higher order.
Perhaps, the multitude of doctors and Drugs had a affect.
Just don’t know.
However had heard of that sort of thing happening many times before.
Just this was One, I know about first hand.

“ … about raising children in 3rd world countries, etc, to harvest their body parts, …”

Lot’s of, rumors, stores, books, about that.
Is that ‘Life’ Imitating ‘Art’.  Or, ‘Art’, imitating, ‘Life’.

But the base point: Why are ALL, the Taxpayers,  ‘FORCED”, to pay, for something they do not believe in?
I liken it to someone, who did not believe in, ‘baking a cake’ for, ‘certain persons’.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/18/15 at 11:08:11

I didn't believe in the Iraq war...
I didn't believe there were WMD's,... I didn't believe the Iraqi people would greet us in the streets...
I turned out to be 100% correct...
...but I still had to pay for it... :-?...
It was my tough luck that a "majority" of Americans voted in an idiot, a liar, and a war monger...

So,.. I know how you feel... but tuff nuggets...
I gotta' pay for Right-wing idiot garbage,... you gotta' pay too...

I'd prefer that only Lefties have to pay to support PP,... and you Righties pay for the trillion dollar unnecessary wars...

I liken it to that...

The cost of the Iraq war, would fund PP for two thousand years... :o...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by LostArtist on 09/18/15 at 12:22:59

70536E4D4F54535A3D0 wrote:
About 4 years ago, a good friends, son was in a horrific car accident.
He was rushed by air, to a fancy place in the cities.

He was their for 6 months.
And for 6 months, he was unconscious.

Hooked up to all sorts of tubes and machines.
After 4 months, the parents were told:
“He is just not going to wake up,
and if a miracle happens, and he does,
he won’t have much of a mind”
So for the next Two months, they were Bugged, and Bugged, and Bugged,
to, ‘let him go’.

Finally, they signed the order to harvest all his organs.
Then they were told, they have to stop, all the medications for 24 hours, before they do that.

8 hours later, yes just 8 hours later, he Woke Up,
Tried to rip out the, breathing tube, spent another, 2 weeks their.

Today, 4 years later, He is Married, has a child, good Job,
rides a MC all he can, and is Just as, ‘ornery’,  as he was before.

So, why I believe PP, DOES harvest aborted organs, and SELL them.
     (ALL funded by the Taxpayers)

They are not the ONLY ones.

NONE of them are funded by the taxpayers

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by old.indian on 09/18/15 at 12:33:08

Re: The Iraq war.... The cost in $$$ is bad enough, but the cost in lives  taken and/or damaged beyond repair is far, far greater.    

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by HovisPresley on 09/18/15 at 12:49:40

The cost in lives, both military and civilian is a disgrace, but the greed for  oil still calls the shots.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by MnSpring on 09/18/15 at 15:22:50

61425E596C5F59445E592D0 wrote:
" ... NONE of them are funded by the taxpayers

Are you saying, Planned Parenthood, takes NO Tax dollars?

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by MnSpring on 09/18/15 at 15:42:39

Serowbot said:  " ... I'd prefer that only Lefties have to pay to support PP,... and you Righties pay for the trillion dollar unnecessary wars..."

Hey Bot, you may be on to something !!!!!.

Perhaps a check box on the Income Tax form,
'Check Here, for things you want to pay for'

Or, check a box saying you are, 'left/right', with a list of things, that, that 'check box', pays for.

Already have two things sorted out:
One side pays for Abortions.
One side pays to Protect this Nation.

Just might work. Just have to iron out,
which side gets, 'Welfare'.  
Which would include, the Trillions that go out every year,
to the, 'countries', that say, GIMMIE.

OH, BTY, starting to get cold in Minnie-so-ta,
How's the Quest for the XL-T quality Leather jacket, at a bargain price going ? ;)

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by HovisPresley on 09/18/15 at 16:09:06

"One side pays to Protect this Nation."

Protected? When's the last time anyone invaded (or even attempted to) the U.S. ?

Or are we talking about protection from internal threats?

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/18/15 at 16:51:26

I'm expecting a Canadian zombie attack, any day now... :-?...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by old.indian on 09/18/15 at 16:53:05

Examples of an oxymoron: Homeland Security, Government Intelligence Agency, honest politician.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by rolavine on 09/18/15 at 20:50:33

10332F281D2E28352F285C0 wrote:
CNN fact checked that :

Fact check: Carly Fiorina says a Planned Parenthood video shows a "fully formed fetus on the table, with its heart beating, its legs kicking."

Carly Fiorina said, "Anyone who has watched this video tape -- I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain."

Fiorina was referring to a video released by the anti-abortion group The Center for Medical Progress last month, in which a former worker for StemExpress, a biomedical research company, said she saw a fully formed fetus's heart beating.

"This is the most gestated fetus and closest thing to a baby I've ever seen," Holly O'Donnell, a former procurement technician for StemExpress, said in the video. "I'm sitting here looking at this fetus and its heart is beating and I don't know what to do."

The clip does show what appears to be a fully formed fetus on an operating table with its legs twitching. But the clip Fiorina references is not part of the CMP sting video but was instead taken by another anti-abortion group and was added to the sting video. The Center for Medical Progress, however, doesn't explain where the fetus video was shot, so it's not clear whether it was taken at a Planned Parenthood clinic. For its part, the women's health organization has flatly denied the accusations.

VERDICT: True, but misleading


Rolavine, I vote differently.

Verdict, a total lie since the video does not show what Carly said it showed, and the story is hearsay told by an anti abortion activist, ergo total BS. Sort of like telling you that I saw W dressed in drag and then I show you a pic from tumbler, the sort of crap only a professional liar would toss, but to be fair, the rest of the Bozo's on that GOP bus, lied like hell too. They think that the ends justify the means, but in the real world the means always become the ends, so from BS you can only get more BS, and Bs  never leads to good policy.

Liar of you choice, expect more lies, excuses, insults, holy attitudes, and passing blame, to expect any practical solutions is a pipe dream, just like a democratic Iraq, operation enduring freedom, and winning the war on terrorism.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/18/15 at 22:34:59

Ultimately,.. I won't accuse Fiorina of a lie,... because the Pro-life people are so passionate about their cause,.. that they can miss their mark without intention...
I believe, that she believes what she saw...

...but,... the fact is,.. it was footage of a miscarriage, not an abortion... and it was used in a deceptive manner...

Open your eyes... this child was wanted,.. and miscarried...
These organs were a gift,.. and a sacrifice...
The use of this footage was cruelly, and disrespectfully,  misrepresented...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/19/15 at 06:44:23

5E485F425A4F42592D0 wrote:
Ultimately,.. I won't accuse Fiorina of a lie,... because the Pro-life people are so passionate about their cause,.. that they can miss their mark without intention...
I believe, that she believes what she saw...

...but,... the fact is,.. it was footage of a miscarriage, not an abortion... and it was used in a deceptive manner...

Open your eyes... this child was wanted,.. and miscarried...
These organs were a gift,.. and a sacrifice...
The use of this footage was cruelly, and disrespectfully,  misrepresented...

Bot, do you know this as fact?
Can you provide me a link?

As I said before, I don't believe it was a true statement by her, and nothing I see exist to her claim.

I wish the politicians could stay on the truth, so much energy is wasted defending a lie....
Clinton could have said re: Monica, "I made some bad choices in my personal life, it is between these people I hurt by my actions, and no one elses....."

END OF STORY, but no, we do years of wasted time and money over a stupid affair.

This CRAP has got to stop, however, the press laps it ups and so do those who read this crap and go on message boards to claim your mamma is fatter than my mamma...

Rome burns.....  >:(

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/19/15 at 09:11:34

I had a more conclusive article last week, but I can't find that one now...
...but here is some info...
"The image shown while O’Donnell describes the fetus she saw and worked with was not a recently aborted fetus from any Planned Parenthood affiliate clinic, but rather an image of the stillborn Walter, a preterm fetus delivered two years ago by a Pennsylvania woman and used without her permission. The woman whose fetus is shown in the video believes that the Center for Medical Progress’s use of the image is illegal, though she does not plan to pursue any legal action."

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by old.indian on 09/19/15 at 10:08:46

Refer to my previous comment re "Propaganda Films".

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by HovisPresley on 09/19/15 at 12:15:10

"Open your eyes... this child was wanted,.. and miscarried...
These organs were a gift,.. and a sacrifice...
The use of this footage was cruelly, and disrespectfully,  misrepresented.."

Well said!

'Propaganda'  isn't about a suitable male goose, just as 'grammar' isn't MnSpring's mother's mother!

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/20/15 at 01:50:39

3422352830252833470 wrote:
Open your eyes... this child was wanted,.. and miscarried

you've inadvertently hit upon the whole point. this child was wanted so the miscarriage was a tradegy. however an unwanted child's death at the mother's choice is not?! wtf...

the value of an unborn child's life should not be based upon a choice.

at the very least, the government whose 'mission' is supposed to be life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness should not a grant legal means to end this life and certainly should not force citizens to pay for it.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/15 at 08:36:01

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
...should not a grant legal means to end this life and certainly should not force citizens to pay for it.

They should force women to have children they don't want?,.. and we should pay for the birth?... :-?...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/20/15 at 08:48:26

IF...... people were responsible, abortion would NOT be a form of birth control, and it would be rare.
This is just another glaring example of the decay of our society, its barbaric and draconian....

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/15 at 09:00:50

It's been happening since time began...

I'd be all for encouraging responsibility,... but not ruining lives for mistakes...
Should we not fix skateboarders broken legs because they didn't think ahead?...
We ride bikes... how responsible is that?...
Sex happens...  mistakes happen...

Read up on the history of infanticide...

Nothing new here...

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/20/15 at 10:09:51

I hear your argument, I understand its reasoning, yet, it does not solve the abortion issue really.
Fact is, it dilutes the real activities PP provides in the other services it provides.

As gun control advocates highlight only the mass shootings, and not all the other elements of responsible gun activities, so does the anti abortion groups.

You can claim its as old as time, and you are right, just as the Arabs and Israelis, Hatfield and McCoys, etc, conflicts,  and murder itself, does not  make it acceptable.
If we used such reasoning in accepting discrimination (of others)  based on that excuse, we would not over come it....

Maybe I just believe man has the ability to see beyond self, and I base my hopes on that, I dunno.....

We waste so much energy on fighting and blaming, and any chance at civility, seems hopeless....

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/15 at 10:23:18

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
" ... Should we not fix skateboarders broken legs because they didn't think ahead?... "

Of Course not.
No one want's to, stop, a skateboarder, from getting a broken leg repaired. Or a MC’er getting a body part fixed.  Etc. No one will, punish them for a , mistake.

That is NOT the Issue.

MOST, Skateboarders, KNOW, They are Responsible for their failed trick resulting in a broken leg.
It’s not, You or Me.

The skateboarder, does that, ’trick’, knowing, a result may be a broken leg.
If it results in a broken leg, they KNOW, that was the risk, and they get it fixed.
They do NOT, ask you or me, to Fix it !
They do not, EXPECT you or me, to pay for it.

That is, Completely different, than, a person,
who, has no responsibility for their actions,
(Never has, because they have been TOLD, they don’t)
Having, you and me, PAY, for their ‘fun’.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by HovisPresley on 09/20/15 at 10:31:16

"That is, Completely different, than, a person,
who, has no responsibility for their actions,
(Never has, because they have been TOLD, they don’t)....."

That is a very bold statement....

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/20/15 at 13:17:14

5D7A637C664567706679706C150 wrote:
"That is, Completely different, than, a person,
who, has no responsibility for their actions,
(Never has, because they have been TOLD, they don’t)....."

That is a very bold statement....

Bold you say.....perhaps, but then tell me why in sex ed classes, pictures of abortions, and testimony of those who have had them, and how it has impacted their lives way more than the minutes of pleasure intercourse can provide, are not highlighted as much as putting on a condom?

Why is it young folk are expected to make life altering decisions based on incomplete , or, only one side,  of the issue?

The same mentality, about getting high, seems to be in common with abortions in educating folks about the other consequences of such actions, if not exhibited in a responsible manner...

Mothers Against has shown the light on it, and that is a good thing.
Up here in Washington, we even have the gubbermint airing ads, some really good ones too, about getting high, or BUZZED, and driving, yet, for all its good, the glamorization in movie, and song, by " liberal free interpretation "  can have way more influence on folks than what a gubbermint can undo...

This, if it feels good, do it, mentality has had its impact all on us, a heil of a lot more than fast food, or second-hand smoke....

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/20/15 at 16:55:42

Should we not fix skateboarders broken legs because they didn't think ahead?...

broken legs are not a human life. Sorry, maybe it's an unfair burden for women, but the instant you become pregnant, you are responsible for two lives. That's the way it goes.

We'll go around and around on this as we've done before so probably pointless to a certain extend. All I know is, PP needs to be excluded from any federal money, a full investigation needs to be launched and the democratic candidate needs to explain why it's acceptable to have laws that allow a woman to kill her baby,(a completely separate human entity) based solely on the value of that life place on he or she  by the mother.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/15 at 17:35:54

Clinton could have said re: Monica, "I made some bad choices in my personal life, it is between these people I hurt by my actions, and no one elses....."

Yes,  another position would have been, (when asked in the 1st press conference),
  "That is NONE of your Business, Move on, Next Question"

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/15 at 22:23:07

Behavior that could get someone blackmailed is our business.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by HovisPresley on 09/21/15 at 04:33:36

I thought Bill said to Monica;

" I want you to sack my cook "

because he wasn't impressed with the food in the White House.  ;D

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by pg on 09/21/15 at 05:59:50

43647D62785B796E78676E720B0 wrote:
" I want you to sack my cook "

Was that an Englishmen's attempt at a southern draw?   ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by HovisPresley on 09/21/15 at 06:07:54

Surely 'drawl' ?

More of a vowel-swap....

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by LostArtist on 09/21/15 at 19:35:00

605255444352457A56455C370 wrote:
Should we not fix skateboarders broken legs because they didn't think ahead?...

broken legs are not a human life. Sorry, maybe it's an unfair burden for women, but the instant you become pregnant, you are responsible for two lives. That's the way it goes.

We'll go around and around on this as we've done before so probably pointless to a certain extend. All I know is, PP needs to be excluded from any federal money, a full investigation needs to be launched and the democratic candidate needs to explain why it's acceptable to have laws that allow a woman to kill her baby,(a completely separate human entity) based solely on the value of that life place on he or she  by the mother.

because until a point, it's NOT a completely separate human entity.

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Paraquat on 09/22/15 at 05:59:58

I'm so far out of the loop, and I haven't been following this thread, but LostArtist's comment resonates with me.

If you're going to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, why do I still have to fund welfare babies?


Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by old.indian on 09/22/15 at 09:14:48

To quote the 'bot:
"Ain't it funny how that works ?     ;D"

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by raydawg on 09/22/15 at 12:01:24

Funding for abortion, on a fereral level, is already against the law, so to speak...
And as I stated earlier, abortion is just one small element of what PP does.
I would say a better way to go with this is a third party audit, to see how much, where, how, etc, they use tax payers money....
I think it should be mandatory to audit any program, that uses tax money......

How much money did we spend to train rebels in Syria, all 5 of them???????   :o

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by HovisPresley on 09/22/15 at 14:06:36

[quote author=7A69716C697F6F080 link=1442504031/45#59 date=1442948484
How much money did we spend to train rebels in Syria, all 5 of them???????   :o[/quote]

Depends on the arms that were sold to that place?

It has to be questioned, who is the biggest arms exporter in the world?

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by Ed L. on 09/22/15 at 15:11:07

Been trying to advoid this thread but felt the need to chime in. So we go ahead and stop funding PP, what next. There will still be unwanted pregnancies and without PP the mothers will loose out on the other services provided. Don't know what is right, after all the video was a propaganda piece and achieved the results it was made for. Even distorted facts still are facts.
I just don't want to see the baby thrown out with the bath water :(

Title: Re: Is it true......????
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/23/15 at 01:02:58

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