General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> donald and others

Message started by thumperclone on 09/12/15 at 23:12:46

Title: donald and others
Post by thumperclone on 09/12/15 at 23:12:46

it haunts me if he makes it to potus
and has the football (nuke launch codes) and some jerk(take your pick) poes him
its all over..

not seein another in the field I trust either
been voting the lesser of 2 evils for 43 years now looking for the sane one

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by mpescatori on 09/13/15 at 01:45:39

Somehow, experience has it that someone who's made good business in life is more reliable to someone who relies on sweettalking you into something.

If you know what I mean...

And this applies both sides of the ocean.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by WebsterMark on 09/13/15 at 05:32:41

what the hells the difference? we've got a clown in office now who got elected based soley on black skin and an ability to give a speech about hope and change. Thats it, nothing else.

I don't think The Donald is gonnna last. My real problem with him is he lies too easily. He lied about the Megan Kelly thing and he's lying about calling the woman candidate ugly. We've already got Hilary  the top liar in politicsl history, why would we want another?

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Ed L. on 09/13/15 at 07:14:06

Donald has declaired bankruptcy four times and is on his third marriage. Guess if he wins the moral compass of the US will never be the same.
 Sad thing about Trump is that he is voicing what a lot of people are thinking which is why he is so popular. I even get a kick listening to his rants.
  Can't say much about Hilary, she knows the ropes and keeps trying to get around them. Now she is under the microscope and not looking good.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by raydawg on 09/13/15 at 08:01:46

Moral compass..... gee, seems that sucker broke years ago Ed  :D

I won't vote for him, but maybe that's  because my mind has been indoctrinated by the system to think the president is omnipotent....

If I dissect my reasoning, based on past presidents, it FAILS....
As we have had some real partisan clowns and puppets elected, yet, somehow we survived....
Because its US, you, and me, gang, who pull the frickin wagon, they just set upon the seat with a whip, taking credit when its good, blaming the wagon manufacturer, horses ( us ) or the trail, that others in congress made him take.... when its bad.
It really is nothing more than a figurehead....

Be of good cheer, one is in charge that knows the truth, all the other stuff is pride and ego wrapped around lies, it will never stand in the light, only darkness.... it will perish.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 09/13/15 at 15:52:09

… Moral compass….. gee, seems that sucker broke years ago  …”

“ I did Not have Sex with that Woman”.   “…Describe Sex…”.
Gosh you remember B.C.’s Statements)
“Happy Birthday”,   (JFK & Marilynn)  
Which the Media, just said:  ‘Hands Off’. !

Let’s see, Bankruptcy, Yea, still has some negative attributes, But it is a ‘Business’ decision.
Let see, ‘Divorce’,  Lots, and LOTS, of information, we DON”T Know !!!!!!!!!
(Is it better to, ‘pretend’, to be with someone, [Clinton's], or just, ‘get ‘er done?)

Trump, is he like Jesse Ventura ,  Who Promised, but Never DID ?

Don’t know.  ‘“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”.

However I believe Trump & Ventura, are in Two, TOTALLY, different arenas.

And, Maybe, it will be the, ‘Fool Me Twice’, But at this point,
It is Trump !

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by raydawg on 09/13/15 at 16:39:37

Here is my final answer.....   ;D

The second most famous Donald (the first works for Disney)  will continue to reveal the shame, not shame, but that works too... of that office.
Our system has been co-opted by the media, and all other associated entities that made BILLIONS off of elections.

Riddle me this Batman, why do we need, with all out technologies, almost two years of campaigning to run for an office?
All we need to know could be had in a few weeks, and voted accordingly, and with a popular vote too.

So, back to the Duck, I mean Donald.....
I would not hesitate to venture this possibility, of him....
If he wins the repubs nomination, I could see him bringing on a democrat as his running mate.
If you stop and think about it, it would be brilliant, and continue to fuel the anti "all of the above" voters, who care not one twit about the gotcha games, foolish and wasted energy of focus groups, and spinning by their collective camps....

This election will be massive in turn out, rewriting all the conventional wisdom the folk who think they know, don't......

Pass the popcorn please!

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Ed L. on 09/13/15 at 16:43:05

I dont think any bad publicity will stick to him or slow him down, he's teflon right now. Wonder how long he can keep his popularity growing.
 I'm curious as to how the rest of the world is looking at him, is he a joke or someone to be scared of.
 It's going to be a good show no matter what happens.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Serowbot on 09/13/15 at 17:37:15

09281300624C0 wrote:
 I'm curious as to how the rest of the world is looking at him, is he a joke or someone to be scared of.

Both... very both... :-?...

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 09/13/15 at 18:11:36

1107100D15000D16620 wrote:
Both... very both... :-?...

That is interesting.

’They’,  think, it is just more, of:  “I Will This, and I will That”.
And it is just, ’talk’. ?


“I will do this, and I will do that”.
And they are , afraid, he, ‘really’, will ?

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by raydawg on 09/13/15 at 18:25:22

I don't think the world sees much difference no matter who our president is.
Like us, they have a local bias vested in their own country, kinda like how they say all politics are local, even tho its on the main stage.

As to being scared, of what?

I understand your question, and the wisdom behind it, as I know I approach an unknown dog with caution, put my hand out to pet him and I could very well be bitten.
Of course if somehow the cubbies win a world series and hillary the office, everybody will have to get rabies vaccines......
Thank goodness for Obama care  ;D

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Paraquat on 09/14/15 at 09:15:37

I like Trump in that we haven't had anyone stir up trouble since Perot.
Bankruptcy 4 times... who better to reform a country in debt?

I'd still rather vote for Deez Nuts.


Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/15 at 09:40:48

Who better?..
Maybe someone that hasn't been bankrupt 4 times...

Deez Nuts sounds good to me... :-?...

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/15 at 10:17:08

I guess going broke taught him a lot. I wish I'd gone bankrupt and wound up a multibillionaire.
As for the divorces, heh, it isn't something I hold in high regard, but openly adulterous marriages that stay together for the sake of maintaining power?
I'm supposed to believe the Clinton's are more than roommates?
The one I want isn't in the race and IF I got the president of my dreams, he'd get shot.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 09/14/15 at 16:20:55

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
 "Who better?...  ...  Deez Nuts sounds good to me... :-?...

In every election, all the votes, and people that are, voted for, are recorded.
(In this Country the USA)

If it is for a POTUS, or Fed/State office, it is usually just the top 2-3-4 of # that are listed.

In a Town/Township/County, All the people that received a vote, are usually listed.
(I suppose the local newspapers needs fillers)

But in ALL Elections, (the big one ya gotta look for it),  the people’s names are listed.
And their is ALWAYS, Donald Duck, or Mickey, or Goofy,  etc.

I guess it is a, ‘protest’,  by the voter, when they, ‘wright in’, “Donald Duck”.
And I am guessing, it is to signify: "I took the effort to Vote, and Not stay at home watching T.V. Re-RUNS, but I, ‘Protested’, by voting for someone who could not possibly win”.

Now, because, No One KNOWS, how one voted, that, ‘Protest’, is basically, worthless.

Would it not be better, to, ‘vote’, for someone, you, Believe, can win?
Maybe it is the lesser of two/3 evils, Maybe it is someone who you support.

I think, ‘VOTING’, on a informed decision, for a candidate, who expresses your views,
is better than voting for, ‘Donald Duck’.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Paraquat on 09/15/15 at 06:18:16

Deez Nuts (real name Brady C. Olson) is a satirical candidate running in the 2016 United States presidential election. His form to run for office was filed with the Federal Election Commission in late July 2015.[3] In polls conducted by Public Policy Polling in Iowa, Minnesota and North Carolina in mid-August 2015, he polled at 8, 8 and 9 percent respectively, garnering the attention of the media.[4][5]


Title: Re: donald and others
Post by rolavine on 09/15/15 at 19:51:29

75566B484A51565F380 wrote:

… Moral compass….. gee, seems that sucker broke years ago  …”

“ I did Not have Sex with that Woman”.   “…Describe Sex…”.
Gosh you remember B.C.’s Statements)
“Happy Birthday”,   (JFK & Marilynn)  
Which the Media, just said:  ‘Hands Off’. !

Let’s see, Bankruptcy, Yea, still has some negative attributes, But it is a ‘Business’ decision.
Let see, ‘Divorce’,  Lots, and LOTS, of information, we DON”T Know !!!!!!!!!
(Is it better to, ‘pretend’, to be with someone, [Clinton's], or just, ‘get ‘er done?)

Trump, is he like Jesse Ventura ,  Who Promised, but Never DID ?

Don’t know.  ‘“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”.

However I believe Trump & Ventura, are in Two, TOTALLY, different arenas.

And, Maybe, it will be the, ‘Fool Me Twice’, But at this point,
It is Trump !

Let's not forget W's, "We know where the WMD are they are up in the North...", yes a three trillion dollar lie, with 36000 dead and wounded Americans. Don't tell me it does not make a difference, sending an idiot to be president is never going to be cheap.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 09/24/15 at 13:11:44

Ed L. -
Trump has never filed bankruptcy; not once.  What has happened is that he has bought companies that were on the edge, used the bankruptcy laws to put those companies under court protection in order to re-structure their debt loads.  No different than all of the airlines have done over the past 15 years or so, and all of the car manufacturers, except Ford, had to do during the recession.  That is a far cry from being able to say that Trump filed bankruptcy 4 times - please be sure of facts before you put them forth as true.
True, he has been married 3 times.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by pg on 09/24/15 at 16:32:02

Interesting, I was curious why he didn't get more bad press from the multiple bankruptcies.

Best regards,

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by oldNslow on 09/24/15 at 16:49:26

No different than all of the airlines have done over the past 15 years or so, and all of the car manufacturers, except Ford, had to do during the recession.  

And let's not forget Detroit, Stockton, California and Jefferson County Alabama that all  have recently used those same laws. I suspect there are other places that I'm not aware of. Those are just three I happen to recall.

Trump didn't create the bankruptcy statues - or the tax code that he takes advantage of;
the mainstream politicians he's running against are responsible for that.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/24/15 at 19:46:25

I didn't walk first try.
If someone can go bankrupt multiple times and wind up a multibillionaire, I doubt real seriously he'd sign up for a
Screw Americans First trade deal.He knows we all know he knows what a bad deal looks like.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 09/24/15 at 20:53:37

 " ... Trump didn't create the bankruptcy statues - or the tax code that he takes advantage of; the mainstream politicians he's running against are responsible for that.


Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Ed L. on 09/26/15 at 06:46:43

Jerry, you are right, Trump has never filed a personal bankruptcy. He has filed four business bankruptcies
It's still four bankruptcies for companies he has run.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by WebsterMark on 09/26/15 at 14:02:07

Only those in the arena know what it's like to fight.
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I've got no problem with a businessman whose bought numerous companies and built up others running a few dry.

Look at the number of companies Obama's run dry....oh wait a second....

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 09/28/15 at 12:23:07

Interesting that all four business bankruptcies ( Chap. 11 re-structurings; not liquidations ) were Atlantic City casinos.  I'm not a gambler, I don't go to Vegas or Atlantic City.  But I have read many accounts that the entire Atlantic City gambling industry has been in the crapper for years.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by WebsterMark on 09/28/15 at 13:47:25

I've been to Atlantic city, biggest sh!thole ever.......   More panhandlers in one place than I've ever seen. Saw a lady sh!ting while standing up  in the beach shower. My son and I almost had to step in and break up a fight in the parking garage.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by pg on 09/28/15 at 15:06:49

636C606A616C676B6C7B6E6C7B090 wrote:
Interesting that all four business bankruptcies ( Chap. 11 re-structurings; not liquidations ) were Atlantic City casinos.  I'm not a gambler, I don't go to Vegas or Atlantic City.  But I have read many accounts that the entire Atlantic City gambling industry has been in the crapper for years.

I'm not a gambler; although, I know a lot about the gaming industry.  When Atlantic City permitted gaming, Vegas was the only other gaming location in the nation.  An enormous percentage of the nation's gdp was within 200 miles of Atlantic City.  Today, if you cross the Delaware river in Philadelphia they have 4 casinos, New York, Connecticut, also allows gaming, so on so fourth.  The market is saturated, there will be more casino bankruptcies in the future.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/15 at 16:05:31

Right after the desperate drop their last dollars hoping to hit it big enough to pay the bills.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 10/01/15 at 14:49:34

The, ‘Donald’, thing.

More and more people, (around the little country towns here),
are asking:  ‘What ya think about Trump”.
It’s in the Cafes, the P.O., the Bars, On the Streets, at Auctions,
Flea markets, Garage sales,  All over !
The, ‘Regular’ people, that WORK, and PAY, the Taxes.

Had some experience with, ‘Jessy’, who said, but NEVER did.
Jessy, was not strong enough to break through the, ‘wall’.
(So he just 'rolled over', and SUCKED off the System for the next 4 years)

So I am thinking, when Trump,
 hit’s the, ‘Bureaucrat’, Wall,
and is told, by the bureaucrats:
“  Oh Now, we just don’t do it that way …”

I think, Trump, will just punch through, and say:
“ Get it DONE, NOW, or, ‘Your Fired’ !”

And I believe, a lot of people will, back Him up!

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/01/15 at 20:39:57

IF you believe what he says, Ventura, upon being sworn in, was taken to a meeting, where some forty odd agents explained the length of his leash.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Serowbot on 10/01/15 at 23:07:34

Trump just unveiled his brilliant tax plan...
The rich, will get a huge tax reduction, of course... and many lesser people won't pay any tax at all...
Somewhere,... somebody,... is going to pay that balance....

If you make enough to have to pay taxes,... but can't buy a 60ft yacht... you will probably be subsidizing the "Donald's" next big private enterprise...

Not to mention the "Trump" wall... 2,000 miles of narcissism...  ;D...

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by WebsterMark on 10/02/15 at 08:18:16

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
IF you believe what he says, Ventura, upon being sworn in, was taken to a meeting, where some forty odd agents explained the length of his leash.

I don't believe that for one second.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by pg on 10/02/15 at 15:18:41

172522333425320D21322B400 wrote:
[quote author=3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 link=1442124766/15#29 date=1443757197]IF you believe what he says, Ventura, upon being sworn in, was taken to a meeting, where some forty odd agents explained the length of his leash.

I don't believe that for one second. [/quote]

I saw an interview with Jesse a couple of years ago.  He said it was a room full of feds and I don't recall how many.  The first this they asked him was how did you do it?  He asked what, win?  They spoke for about an hour and he mention one other interesting thing.  They told him they would know what he was up to because in every state house their is a plant working for the feds.  He occupies different post and nobody knows who they are.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/15 at 21:37:15

Here, once again, observed reality, aligns with the allegations. Candidates win, on promises THEY intend to fulfill. Only to take office and have opposition Not from local political ideologies, but fingers on the dark hand th at has muted the voice of the people in D.C..

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by thumperclone on 10/03/15 at 23:59:16

back on track:

the Donald is a paid clown of the Clintons

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Serowbot on 10/04/15 at 07:15:18

How much does a billionaire clown cost?... :-?...

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/15 at 17:15:03

4F534E564B5E49585754555E3B0 wrote:
back on track:

the Donald is a paid clown of the Clintons

I might agree, but I need more examples.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by oldNslow on 10/04/15 at 17:25:51

the Donald is a paid clown of the Clintons

The other Repub candidates sure don't think he's very funny. And even with all the Clinton's money I doubt that they could buy Trump. What possible reason could he have to act on their behalf? I don't know what motivates Trump to want to be the President, but IMO to suggest that he's running as some sort of paid stooge of Shrillery and Bill is beyond ridiculous.  

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/15 at 18:44:55

5B4D5A475F4A475C280 wrote:
"... and many lesser people won't pay any tax at all..."

What's the Different?

I Still work.  I Still PAY, Taxes.
So, 'people' down the street, can sit in the BAR all day.

See, they HAVE, 'Low Income". So they get, Premo Heath care, at 15.00 a month.  They get FREE Food, because of low income. They get FREE Heat, because of low income. They get Subsided Housing, because of low income. They get FREE education, (Only go to classes when their are bored), because they have, LOW income.

YET, they get, Green Cash, for doing, odd jobs, and do NOT, pay any tax on it, because it is CASH.  And yea, the Bar, loves, Cash!

Again, not a problem, helping someone.
Big problem, being, FORCED, to give to the LAZY.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by WebsterMark on 10/06/15 at 06:12:31

0F31303C2E32335D0 wrote:

the Donald is a paid clown of the Clintons

The other Repub candidates sure don't think he's very funny. And even with all the Clinton's money I doubt that they could buy Trump. What possible reason could he have to act on their behalf? I don't know what motivates Trump to want to be the President, but IMO to suggest that he's running as some sort of paid stooge of Shrillery and Bill is beyond ridiculous.  

I agree old; I can't see him taking money or offers of power. Trump's defining characteristic is his ego. I think he's motivation is exactly what he says it is: he thinks the country sucks and he can do a better job. I still think he will eventually drop out however, he's stuck around a lot longer than I thought.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/06/15 at 06:21:14

There was an interesting story about Trump on Yahoo yesterday, and his experiences as a kid in that military school in New York that he attended for years.  Two of his classmates were interviewed.  Both said he was one of the nicest kids in the school and was very popular.  He was also a star baseball and football player.
One coach said he could have had a professional baseball career as a pitcher if he wanted that.  He could throw an 80 mph fastball in the 11th grade.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by Paraquat on 10/06/15 at 13:46:55

343B373D363B303C3B2C393B2C5E0 wrote:
He could throw an 80 mph fastball in the 11th grade.

Sounds to me like he's over qualified to run this country, then.


Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 10/06/15 at 15:09:12

If, he continues to run.  If, he wins.

I believe he has the balls, to Break Through the Bureaucratic, ‘Bravo Serra’, wall !

Perhaps a more careful eye on the V.P., is in order.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by pg on 10/09/15 at 16:47:54

5E7D4063617A7D74130 wrote:
Perhaps a more careful eye on the V.P., is in order.

He is going to have to make an announcement relatively soon.  Depending on which way the wind blows, I suspect Barry will have his new AG turn up the heat on the e-mail scandal.

Best regards,

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 10/09/15 at 17:32:27

PG: said:
" ...  He is going to have to make an announcement relatively soon. ..."

Don’t know.
I am thinking 6 Months + or so for a, announced V.P.,

If, Trump wins,  and IF, he can break through the wall,
Will he be another  JFK ?

So the V.P, (in my mind), becomes important.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by pg on 10/09/15 at 17:58:48

342325292636440 wrote:
[quote author=5E7D4063617A7D74130 link=1442124766/30#42 date=1444169352]Perhaps a more careful eye on the V.P., is in order.

He is going to have to make an announcement relatively soon.  Depending on which way the wind blows, I suspect Barry will have his new AG turn up the heat on the e-mail scandal.

Best regards,


When I was talking about about a VP, I was referring to Biden.  I agree that Trump's VP is going to be extremely important.

Best regards,

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by oldNslow on 10/09/15 at 19:27:10

I agree that Trump's VP is going to be extremely important.

Don't be surprised if Trump isn't around long enough to have to worry about picking a VP. And I'm not talking about him simply dropping out of the race. I hope for his sake he's spending a substantial portion of his fortune on his personal security. He's making a lot of folks in both parties very uncomfortable, and there are some very ruthless SOBs in that little hellhole on the Potomac. Accidents happen.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by pg on 10/10/15 at 17:54:50

Don't be surprised if Trump isn't around long enough to have to worry about picking a VP. And I'm not talking about him simply dropping out of the race.

If that comes to fruition, I predict it will be some kind of aviation accident.

Best regards,

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by DesertRat on 10/10/15 at 20:13:17

y'all are too funny. Reminds me of high school, when we "voted" for king and queen.

Go political party, beat the opposing political party!!!

Your political party sucks.

No, your political party sucks.

Well my political party has fixed a lot more of the economy jobs taxes crime wars, etc.

Random fact about my political party that makes your political party insignificant.

Random fact about the personal life of one of the politicians in your political party that has nothing to do with the politics, but is still insulting!!!

This is where I tell you my political party member was acquitted of all rape/molestation/murder/corruption/embezzlement charges.

*Shakes fist* darn you and your opposing political party, puppet!!!

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 10/11/15 at 17:56:45

" ... If that comes to fruition, I predict it will be some kind of aviation accident. ..."

Do you mean, something along the lines of JFK Jr's, 'Accident', ?

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 10/11/15 at 18:09:32

" ... y'all are too funny. Reminds me of high school, when we "voted" for king and queen. ..."

That, was designed to be a, ‘learning’ experience.
Designed, so the Students, ‘Learned’, that,
‘Name Calling”, and, “My side is better than your side”
Does,   NOT    Work !

To properly, ‘elect’, one, whether it is the H.S. K&Q,
or the POTUS.
Discussions, should be about, SUBSTANCE, and MERIT.

Something that, is very lost today.

Could it be, the ‘teachers’, and the people the, ’Teachers’, taught,
were, ‘Fairy Dust Hippies’,  who wanted everything, GIVEN, to them,
while a few work, to PAY, for them to sit on the porch and smoke dope all day ?

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 10/11/15 at 18:29:15

" ... y'all are too funny. Reminds me of high school, when we "voted" for king and queen. ..."

Interesting, I, was in, (age group), of the, ‘Hippy’ generation.
SO, I was never subject to that, hippy, mentality, which the hippies, got jobs, as, ’teachers’.
(TO Change The World,  ‘in their words’.)

In my day, a, ‘election’, of a ’Student Leader’,  (a All Boys boarding school),
Comprised of a, ‘Causes’ a ‘Primary’,  then the ‘Election’.
All designed to, ’TEACH”, us HOW things worked.

Today, the schools, who have a K&Q, election,
are, TAUGHT,   “Mines better than your, and Name Calling”.

That is WHAT, the Elections, Have become, BECAUSE,
      Who, is Voting ?

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by pg on 10/19/15 at 09:14:38


Interesting 5 min clip, you'll enjoy it especially if you have a dry sense of humor.   ;)

Best regards,

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/19/15 at 16:29:12

436274627573556673070 wrote:
y'all are too funny. Reminds me of high school, when we "voted" for king and queen.

Go political party, beat the opposing political party!!!

Your political party sucks.

No, your political party sucks.

Well my political party has fixed a lot more of the economy jobs taxes crime wars, etc.

Random fact about my political party that makes your political party insignificant.

Random fact about the personal life of one of the politicians in your political party that has nothing to do with the politics, but is still insulting!!!

This is where I tell you my political party member was acquitted of all rape/molestation/murder/corruption/embezzlement charges.

*Shakes fist* darn you and your opposing political party, puppet!!!

Yupp, people defend the value of their party by pointing to the misdeeds of those in the other party. If either was actually different, wouldn't they repeal something once in a while? Until people disconnect emotionally from both sides and study what is happening, we won't save the country.

Title: Re: donald and others
Post by MnSpring on 10/19/15 at 19:43:41

Thanks  PG.   Great Clip !

Trump is not JFK.
But he is sure a  LOT better, then the ‘Ultra-Lubes’,
Where Carter started the ‘down-slide’,
and Clinton/King Bama, continued it.

Now, I am voting for Trump ! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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