General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> who supports the deal?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/10/15 at 17:16:41

Title: who supports the deal?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/10/15 at 17:16:41

We have a pretty broad range of people, different areas, does anyone here support the deal and what's the feeling you get from your friends, acquaintances,,

I'm curious, because the representatives of the people seem to support it.
Makes me wonder if they vote Our voices or someone else's.

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by Paraquat on 09/11/15 at 06:12:21

I still don't know much about it, to be honest with you. But if the government is pushing this hard for it, the people probably don't want it.


Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by Serowbot on 09/11/15 at 06:59:35

Better question...
Who is against it, and has actually read it?...

I haven't read it...  
I'm for it, because it is the only option to avoid war...
I understand that no "agreement" can give 100% to one side without compromise to the other...
I also understand that nothing in the agreement precludes military action, if the agreement is broken...
So,.. here we have a set a rules for Iran to follow if they wish to avoid war...
They break it,... there are consequences...
...and we have a consensus of other countries in the agreement.
Military options are still as available as before...

Costly military action should be a last resort... not a first resort...
Remember deficits, debts, balancing budgets?...
Trillion dollar military actions don't help that...
"Shock and Awe" fireworks affect your taxes...

We all know why Conservatives are against it... They've been 100% consistent over the past 6 or 7 years...
If Obama is for it,.. they are against it...
So consistent, that Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader, even filibustered his own bill back in 2012...
Historic... first time for everything I guess... :-/...

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/11/15 at 10:20:05

We all know why Conservatives are against it... They've been 100% consistent over the past 6 or 7 years...
If Obama is for it,.. they are against it...

That means nothing. Liberals were against anything Bush said for 8 years.  Fact is; Obama's gotten practically everything he wanted either thru Congress, the courts or in this case, going against the Constitution and taking this directly to the UN.

I've not read it all either, I doubt 99% of the congressmen voting either for it or against have read it either.

All I know is a couple things I've heard which make no sense. 1st off, I heard Iran refused to agree to surprise inspections. To me, we should have said F U right then and there. You can hide a lot of stuff with 30 days notice.  2nd was Obama saying if we didn't do the deal, Iran would go ahead and make warheads and war was virtually certain. But I thought Iran has said they want nuclear technology for peaceful purposes only!? WTF. now all of a sudden, if we dont' agree to their demands they're gonna build nuke bombs?! Sounds to me like they are gonna build bombs one way or the other.

Finally, nothing Obama has said has been true. Like your doctor, keep your doctor..... remember. There's no way we should do this deal. Working out a deal with Iran when Obama's in the middle of it just can't be good. You can't trust him. I don't think he's got our best interest at heart.

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by Ed L. on 09/11/15 at 11:25:52

I'm with SerowBot on this one. Don't think the deal was perfect but still needed.
  Can't judge if the deal was any good by looking at the GOP reaction they have been against just about everything the president backs.  

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/11/15 at 13:55:13

Can either of you can explain why a deal is needed?
Good points in the article below. why are we opening up $100 billion dollars to these guys?

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by pg on 09/11/15 at 16:16:40

why are we opening up $100 billion dollars to these guys?

I can only speculate that the $$ was opened up so contracts could be awarded or extended to pre-determined groups.  

I'm curious to see what kind of ear-marks will woven into this deal as well?  

Also, what kind of oversight is self regulated?  That is simply ludicrous.

Best regards,

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by LostArtist on 09/11/15 at 17:05:04

714344555243546B47544D260 wrote:
Can either of you can explain why a deal is needed?
Good points in the article below. why are we opening up $100 billion dollars to these guys?

the deal was needed because the Iranians were/are their way to a nuclear bomb, EVEN WITH THE SANCTIONS, I'm not saying that the deal is a good deal or not, and no, we shouldn't be trusting the Iranians anyway, but they were either going to do it behind our back and be able to hold "unjust" sanctions over our head for their reasoning (this reasoning is for selling the idea of nuclear bomb to their people, not us or the west) or this deal at least gives us the illusion that they want to cooperate for a couple of years at least. And it gets us into their country to inspect for nuclear type things which may lead to unexpected discoveries and abilities to further shut down their nuclear program.

idk, the only other answer is continue sanctions which is not stopping them from getting the bomb, only slowing them down and it's pissing them off so that when they get the bomb, they'd probably be very happy (even more so) to use it, or go to war with them to eliminate their nuclear capabilities, regime change, and we've seen how well that works in the middle east.  :-/

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by raydawg on 09/11/15 at 19:07:29

I don't know one way or the other.....
However, historically speaking, our efforts thus far has not provided what we were hoping for, that's a fact.
Obama has indeed tried more diplomacy than any other prez, and if his tack fails, then it gives the USA a stronger argument for more aggressive actions, if the "world" opine still calls us the bullies.

We can hold this truth against any who level such a claim, not that some would then say, " golly gee, you tried, now blow the SOB from the face of the earth"

I don't see peace there, ever.....
It has way too much history, religion, politics, and anger, to believe it will ever come to honest terms.

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by rolavine on 09/15/15 at 19:54:03

The deal is better than nothing, and that is the only other option, discounting the dream deal that so many seem to be able to extrude, in tact, from their neither regions.

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by pg on 09/16/15 at 16:13:16

The deal is better than nothing, and that is the only other option,

Perhaps I'm missing something, but why?  What leverage do they have?  Also, no one has yet to explain the self-regulated oversight.....  

Best regards,

Title: Re: who supports the deal?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/15 at 19:01:21

I'm comfortable
I've watched us negotiate trade deals,,
I'm aware that we've driven such a hard bargain that
And they get over three weeks Notice before inspection.
For a Hundred BILLYUN dollars,,, and we couldn't get four people?

But, we traded Five ace terrorists for one deserter.

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