General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Black Lives Matter.....

Message started by raydawg on 09/06/15 at 09:33:34

Title: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/06/15 at 09:33:34

I have spent some time trying to grasp this movement's message.
I think I have some semblance now.....
Let me share my perspective as a White man, and see if I make any valid points.
BTW, would love dialogue on the matter......

If you saw the tape of Hillary engaging members of the BLM, she made a point of saying all lives matter, as did others who were brought into the exposure as they ( BLM members ) tried to garner attention to their plight....
Hillary even made a comment, when they rebuffed her answer, how she would only talk to White's then, in their ( Black's )  regard.....

This is a passive/aggressive reply, rooted deeply in one's own beliefs, for it to readily surface and be used in dialogue.
Here is a link:

I can understand how folks all across the social, and political arena, are adding to the BLM dismay when all these other "Lives Matters" spring up in opposition, or in minimizing the BLM claim(s).
They are not getting a fair hearing on their concerns, AND that ( this ) is the thrust of the original complaint.

Let the concerns be addressed solely, and singularly, on its own merit!

I believe the Great Society designed by LBJ, has failed the very noble idea it had hoped to achieve.....
This should be the starting point, hoping to discover why some elements of the Great Society had devastating effects of our Black citizens.
The incarcerations BLM refers to in their complaint is a very real trapping(s), though unintended, a consequence of unfettered dependance, on an idea that never really could deliver the promises, by a government program, thinking it knew what was best for them ( Black lives) as a whole, as in "one size fits all".

If you didn't achieve and join the ranks, of what these "White" politicians believed as a "normal society" you were left in the ruins of a failed program.

As a White man, I can never wrap an understanding as to what it must feel like to be hated, and despised , solely by the pigment of my skin.
But I do glimpse what the motivation, and underlying belief, must have been for those Whites who orchestrated, and drafted, the Great Society, and it saddens me to say, they thought they were superior.....  

How else does one offer advice, if they don't think they know better?

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/15 at 11:50:56

As much as I despise Hillary, I agree with how she dealt with the unreasonable stance that she was facing.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by verslagen1 on 09/06/15 at 13:30:58

link doesn't work

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/06/15 at 17:47:20


Try this one then  ;D

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/06/15 at 17:52:27

57484E4954536252625A48440F3D0 wrote:
As much as I despise Hillary, I agree with how she dealt with the unreasonable stance that she was facing.

JOG.....just step outside the "obvious" to us, and try to put yourself in their position.
As they claimed that day, the Clinton's only made their predicament worse, as they caved to the white idea that it is all about controlling the crime element in the Black community.

Think in terms of gun laws, we can outlaw guns, but it won't change for those who use them to commit crimes.
We need to go after the cause, not the effect, if we are to make a real sustainable change.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by pg on 09/06/15 at 18:19:31

try to put yourself in their position.


This is 3 minutes and will give you a birds eye point of view.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/06/15 at 18:22:38

Black Lives Matter, & the Minn State Fair.

The local news, toured a, ‘protest’, for a week before it happened.
Outlined the, ‘plan’, they filed, as to where they would march, and when.
Last Sat, they,’ marched’.  (Seemingly, to disrupt the Fair, and looking for Violent Confrontation)

What the, ‘group’ did not plan on, is their are 6 ways to get into the Fair.
They, ‘planned’, to disrupt only one.

On that Sat, Everyone, (Who  wanted to go the the Fair),
avoided that entrance, and as the protesters,
marched down the Major road leading to the Fair, their was very little  traffic.

When they got to the front gates, they were closed,
They tried to, ‘storm’ them, but, private guards were on the other side.

Even though, part of them, were, ‘trespassing’, on Private Property,
Nothing was done, No Arrests, No beating, they were Just IGNORED !!!!!
And their, ‘protest’ just, ‘FIZZLED’ away !!!!!!!!

And the Media quickly got bored, because their was no, ’story’ to Hype !

Even Gov GOFEY, said, ‘They looked like fools’.

Kinna like a, ‘protest’ at the Mall of America’, several months ago.
They did Not have a permit, and, ‘tried’, to protest on private property.
The, protesters, were arrested.  Every Single One !

Lots of, Media coverage, UP TO, but nothing after  !!!!!!

But the Best was, one station was Bound and determined, to get a story.
They found a booth, where a person was selling,
‘Black Lives Mater”, T Shirts.
He was their for 3 days, before the protest,
and had sold 200.00 worth. (at 20.00 a shirt)
And had NO AFFILIATION, with the, ‘March’.

To put that in prospective, MOST, of the ‘booths’, have been there, for 20-30 years, and they ONLY, work the Fair, and take the rest of the year OFF.

A-Yea, ges da Minnesotsans, in the mostly German, Scandinavian, decent, don’t hols na cotton to the folleriy, of a bnch of fools.

Now, had it been, a march, NOT, looking for violence, (and not getting it in MeNeSota)
And their ‘phrase was:  “All Lives Matter”, would probably have been a different Story.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/15 at 18:43:43

“If you don’t tell black people what we need to do, then we won’t tell you all what you need to do,” Jones said to Clinton.

“I’m not telling you, I’m just telling you to tell me,” Clinton shot back.

“This is and has always been a white problem of violence. There’s not much that we can do to stop the violence against us,” Jones responded as Clinton interjected.

“If that is your position, then I will talk with only to white people about how we are going to deal with very real problems,” she said.

“What you just said was a form of victim-blaming,” said Jones, eliciting a grimace from Clinton. “You were saying what the Black Lives Matter movement needs to do to is change white hearts is to…”

She said

Tell us what we need to do.

Okay, do I believe she would? No. Not the point, not the response.

“This is and has always been a white problem of violence. There’s not much that we can do to stop the violence against us,” Jones responded as Clinton interjected.

A statement, taking the position that there's no point in trying.

Her response was spot on. And that's from someone who wouldn't stop to piss on her if she was on fire.
Now, if she WASN'T on fire, that'd be a whole different thing.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/06/15 at 18:56:37

Why would you waste perfectly good pizz?  ::)

I'm telling you guys I hear the same choir singing as you do, but.....

Tho the BLM folk are terrible at trying to convey some very personal, disturbing, baggage, I find hope in the fact they are FINALLY rising to the FACT the democrats DO NOT have any more interest in them (as a whole) than what they can do, to get themselves elected.

They make promises and quickly forget them once in office....

That is what I am keying in on....

To come to realize that is like coming to realize the drugs you take, don't really solve the issues, that you used drugs in the first place, to be able medicate or forget about them to begin with....  

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by oldNslow on 09/06/15 at 19:14:57

Tho the BLM folk are terrible at trying to convey some very personal, disturbing, baggage, I find hope in the fact they are FINALLY rising to the FACT the democrats DO NOT have any more interest in them (as a whole) than what they can do, to get themselves elected.

I think you're giving them(the BLM folks) too much credit. They're just pissed at white folks and believe that white people are out to get them, when the truth is that most whites don't give a crap about them one way or the other. They haven't really figured anything out.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/06/15 at 21:48:31

If you took the soul of a black man living on death row, and implanted it into the womb of Donald Trump's mother...  
I'll bet he would be a white guy, with a ridiculous comb-over, and a spray-on tan, worth 10 billion dollars...  running for president...

Birth,.. does have it's privileges... :-?...

Can you imagine any circumstance, in which Donald Trump might have ended up, a drug dealer on death row?...

Maybe, killing his parents for his inheritance... but not a drug dealer on death row...
The who, what, when , and where... do influence the why...

You can be born with two strikes against you,.. sometimes three...
You can also be born on 3rd base... and think you hit a home run...

It's all about balance...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/07/15 at 08:26:43

I think you are correct in your assessment, and that was most likely the reason for the Great Society, but again, you do the victimhood argument, which has led to a dependency mentality of many who did not, for whatever reason, escape the trappings of two strikes....

You can blame the right, for obstructing the left's attempts, as the reason, it is the liberals standard retort, I even think THEY get that now, and that is their message.....

I think education and mentoring, as many reply they had no parent figures in their lives, might provide some relief.....
It will take time to insert new life values that correspond with their lives, that have meaningful, tangible, and sustainable results, that WILL be passed on as a society norm, resulting in ones healthy acceptance and appreciation of self.

The church could be a great conduit for many programs, however many on the left would have separation issues I'm sure....
Trade schools would be great too, but then the unions might want a piece of the action.... I dunno.

The above two examples show not victimhood, but pawnhood, of how these folks have been played.

I think we are seeing a concentrated lifestyle of dependency that was never the intent of the program.....
Most likely this programs were seen as a jump start, but have become a way of life for many.
One can not possess self respect, eventually giving in to other toxic behavior in trying to overcome the feelings, and emotions, of low self esteem.... it is indeed a trap.
BTW, whites are trapped just as much in this entitlement mentality, I have many friends who just don't get it, and can longer connect the dots to having a healthy, sustainable life that THEY are in control of....
It just not as "concentrated" and reported, as its not as vogue, nor garners as much readership, as reporting the Black community.

At this point we either blame, turning away, or try and listen, and help....

It ain't going away, and MOST of all, politicians better quit playing with people's lives in order to achieve their SELFISH desires

Edit: Bot, I know you believe in trying to level the playing field, and that is a good thought and provides you with a good feeling of self, almost empathetic....
However, in pragmatic terms, its like having only one flavor of ice cream, or only sunny days, or only harley's.....
It removes everyone's own uniqueness and expressions, which is often the motivation in music, art, etc....
Obstacles give rise to overcome, which gives birth to self esteem, and acceptance of self, WHICH, gives opportunity to teach others...

There is one avenue available to a level playing field, it already exists, however, since much of its design escapes us, we discard it as folly, a waste of time.... a fairytale.
It is even in print already, has been for a spell.....
But, since some don't believe in it, they really don't want others to have it, either....
Why, because they think they know a better way....
I am still waiting to see positive results of that thinking, as decay of society seems to be eroding the playing field rather quickly, and that is with, or without, guns.....

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/07/15 at 09:07:56

I challenge you democrats to address my question.....
Silence will be, as it should, taken that you have no viable explanation that will lend the charade, any credible reply/answer....  ;D

Question: Why is it a Black who escapes the trappings of race, and poverty, the very goal these programs CLAIM to want/desire, and becomes a conservative, they are ignored, marginalised, or called racially motivated demeaning names?

I ask, who is really using who, and for what?

I ain't holding my breath.......

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by pg on 09/07/15 at 09:10:25

At this point we either blame, turning away, or try and listen, and help....

Pretty interesting article, I copied about 1/2 of it.

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the ’60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.

Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks — with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas — to advance black applicants over white applicants.

Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.

We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?

Some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by verslagen1 on 09/07/15 at 10:08:09

352224282737450 wrote:
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?

if this was a 100 years ago, all that they would have asked for was an equal chance to live.
when a cities courts and pd are found to be in collusion to oppress the black population you ask "where is the gratitude?"

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/15 at 10:39:06

“ … Birth,.. does have it’s privileges… …”

It is people that work for, have visions, that don’t give up, that rise.
Regardless of their color, religion, gender.
Regardless, of what they were, ‘born’, to.

How many, very poor, (White/Black/and other),
Have risen, to achieve great goals?

How many, ’Sliver Spoon’, DFI’s have, fallen.
(And yea, the families money is the reason  we don’t hear a lot about them)
The poor fall, they are in a public jail. (It’s News)
The rich fall, they are in, ‘private’, places. (We never hear)

How many Immigrants came to this Country, with the cloths on their back, and a nickel & dime in their pocket, and made a good life for themselves?

The big difference is, today, their are, ‘groups’, of people, that are TOLD, they are worthless, and believe it.
   So they don’t even, TRY !
Their are, ‘groups’, told, they are, ’Special’, and don’t  have to adhere to the laws the vast majority of others obey.
Their are, ‘groups’, of people, that, ’Test’, the laws, and have learned, who the P.C. correct people are, then exploit them.
Their are, ‘groups’, of people, that make laws, for their, ’special group only’.
  (Gee wouldn’t you love to have, ‘Insider Trading’, Legal ?)

Solution is simple,
Judge, Treat, Respect, a person, on how they behave,
not on, Color, Religion, Gender.
Do not, give, ’special’, privileges, Because of, Color, Religion, Gender.

So, it’s down to us.
Someone acts/does,  some DFI thing.
It does NOT matter what color, race, religion, gender, etc they are.
They are a DFI,   and need to be treated as such.

But when people, ‘pander’, (or be, P.C. Correct), to a DFI,
Because, of their, color, race, religion, gender,
Than, that group, ‘Learns’, they get rewarded for being a DFI.
And will continue that behavior.

1.  Change the  attitude of the people, that, give into and accommodate the DFI’s, you will change the attitude, of those, ‘groups’, of people.

2.  Conversely, change the attitude
of the people that tell a ‘group’ of people;
“They are worthless”,
and that will also, change the, attitude, of that group.

Unfortunately, today their are, 100 times more, of # 1 people,
than their are of the # 2 people.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by pg on 09/07/15 at 10:58:19

if this was a 100 years ago

The key work in that statement is “IF”.  This isn’t a 100 years ago, this is the 21st century.  We have had a black president for the past two terms and our last two AGs have been of black.  They have held many prominent offices such as Secretary of State, US Supreme Court, and countless other positions within congress.  

100 years ago it wasn’t wonderful for my family as they fled eastern Europe because of WW1.  No one had it worse than the Slavic eastern Europeans during the 20th century.  1 in 4 Poles were killed in WWII and then they were occupied by the Soviet Union for 65 years.  No one sheds a tear for them.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/07/15 at 14:59:01

6A79617C796F7F180 wrote:
I challenge you democrats to address my question...
..... they are ignored, marginalised, or called racially motivated demeaning names?

Too funny!...  
That's nothing like "Muslim, Hopey Changey from Kenya ,that didn't really go to Harvard?"...
;D ;D ;D...

Hello pot,.. have you met kettle?...
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/15 at 15:40:23

Wow, Row, I've never seen you go to such lengths to twist something like this.

You took this and turned it into

Question: Why is it a Black who escapes the trappings of race, and poverty, the very goal these programs CLAIM to want/desire, and becomes a conservative, they are ignored, marginalised, or called racially motivated demeaning names?

I ask, who is really using who, and for what?


You didn't even try to grasp the question.

I challenge you democrats to address my question...
..... they are ignored, marginalised, or called racially motivated demeaning names?

I'm glad you didn't do that to me. I'd be Pissed. This way I'm just seriously disappointed. I never saw you as a manipulative cheap shot, not artist, but Creator. You didn't take it out of context, you cut it and left out the guts and created it. You should delete that post.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/15 at 16:02:32

The, WHOLE, question was:
“ … Question: Why is it a Black who escapes the trappings of race, and poverty,
the very goal these programs CLAIM to want/desire,
and becomes a conservative,
they are ignored, marginalized, or called racially motivated demeaning names? …”.  

I would have added, they are called, “Oreo’, ‘Uncle Tom’,  ‘Uppidee’, by people, of Their OWN, skin Color!

“ … That’s nothing like “Muslim, Hopey Changey from Kenya ,that didn’t really go to Harvard?”... "

That’s not a ’slur’, it is just the TRUTH !

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/07/15 at 16:50:01

1000% vindication...  
Thank you, MnSpring... 8-)...

That’s not a ’slur’, it is just the TRUTH !

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by pg on 09/07/15 at 18:10:00

[color=#0000ff]“ … That’s nothing like “Muslim, Hopey Changey from Kenya ,that didn’t really go to Harvard?”... "

Actually, it was Columbia as opposed to Harvard.  Look up what Wayne Allyn Root has said.  He was a pre-law / poly-sci double major and graduated the same year.  He said he had no recollection of any kind.

Best regards,  

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/07/15 at 18:23:21

Yes Bot...... all conservatives and every member of the republican party has belittled Obama because he is Black, we know this, your party has made the claim many times, and schooled the world accordingly.

Now, answer the question, or don't, if you can't......

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/07/15 at 20:50:03

5E4D55484D5B4B2C0 wrote:
Yes Bot...... all conservatives and every member of the republican party has belittled Obama because he is Black, we know this, your party has made the claim many times, and schooled the world accordingly.

Now, answer the question, or don't, if you can't......

I know of no such belittling  from the left...
I can't defend an action I never heard of...
Perhaps you could give some specific example?...

... and,.. perhaps you could admit your extreme Right-wing bias, instead of this pretense of omniscient observer...

There is nothing to compare to the Right's treatment of Obama...
Denial, denial, denial...
Denial of his legitimacy, education, beliefs, and birth...
What more is there?...

If you wish to lay burden upon me,... every action taken by any Left leaning person,...  you also must own up to your own...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/15 at 22:08:14

Mr. Transparency
First thing
Sealed information about his past.
His wife referred to Kenya as
His homeland.
I really don't care about where,when or IF,he was born. He sux, Bush sukkt, Clinton sukkt. His color, zero.. don't care.A law abiding president, pink with purple dots, fine with me.
The points made about how blacks treat blacks if they don't act like the losers,,, pretend it's not true.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/08/15 at 03:27:09


Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/08/15 at 04:44:26

You bot example the lefts SOP in debate, attack the messenger....
Your arrows missed greatly, you have never met me, yet in your wisdom of self, you level critique of my being....

Not that I think you can't find the truth on your own, I will entertain your request of examples, just post in a search engine " the lefts attacks on black conservatives"
I got lots of hits, try it, it might help reveal to you some of the charge you levied against me, as your own.....

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by pg on 09/08/15 at 04:46:06

His wife referred to Kenya as His homeland.



Best regards,

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by WebsterMark on 09/08/15 at 04:52:52

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
If you took the soul of a black man living on death row, and implanted it into the womb of Donald Trump's mother...  
I'll bet he would be a white guy, with a ridiculous comb-over, and a spray-on tan, worth 10 billion dollars...  running for president...

Birth,.. does have it's privileges... :-?...

Can you imagine any circumstance, in which Donald Trump might have ended up, a drug dealer on death row?...

Maybe, killing his parents for his inheritance... but not a drug dealer on death row...
The who, what, when , and where... do influence the why...

You can be born with two strikes against you,.. sometimes three...
You can also be born on 3rd base... and think you hit a home run...

It's all about balance...

Hey, I got an idea.....let's make a movie about this! We'll get Dan Aykroyd to play the rich guy, Eddie Murphy to play the poor guy. Two old white guys for the Donald Trump characters..... maybe a young Jamie Lee Curtis for the sex appeal......  I think it would be a hit, don't you?

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by WebsterMark on 09/08/15 at 04:56:31

conservatives embrace of Dr. Ben Carson, Clarance Thomas, Condi Rice prove we are not racist. We were on the Colin Powell bandwagon until he turned out to be a rino. Conservatives are far more color blind that liberals.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by pg on 09/08/15 at 05:13:20

Trump / Carson or Carson / Trump, it wouldn't matter.  They would be the best thing to happen to Merca is decades.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/08/15 at 05:29:27

You guys get it now?
Look how a white liberal thinks their way to "fix" the issues that many Blacks experience is the right way....
If you don't lock step with them, they attack you on a personal level.
The party is akin to being a slave master, it's his way, for he controls all the power, or deal with the consequences if you dare challenge them.....
The lefts policies,insure the lefts control, and that is trump, Donald  :P

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/08/15 at 06:39:52

5 or 6 against 1,... and you perceive that you are being attacked?...
Poor Raydawg...
Remember,.. you called me out, not the other way 'round...
I'm so outnumbered I can't keep track...
;D ;D ;D...

21322A37322434530 wrote:
I challenge you democrats to address my question.....
Silence will be, as it should, taken that you have no viable explanation that will lend the charade, any credible reply/answer....  ;D

I ain't holding my breath.......

Hello?,.. I'm the only one here... might as well address me directly...;D...

...and where did I attack you on a personal level?... :-/...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by WebsterMark on 09/08/15 at 07:06:45

Do you think the main stream media and TV shows will ever talk about BLM with the same distain when they mention the Tea Party?!

Seriously though, BLM is like many other organizations like the Tea Party etc....   Starts off with by a group of people with a similar agenda and then gets hijacked and pulled in many different directions. One big problem is BLM has many sympathizers who are street thugs and commit crimes on a regular basis. Democratic politicians know this so they are in a difficult spot. Kinda hard to stand in for photo opps one day when the next day, the guy next to you is arrested for murdering another black dude over some gang dispute. OWS was just a bunch of hippies trying to get their college paid for and to get laid so not that big a deal for Dems to associate with them. BLM is poison.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by WebsterMark on 09/08/15 at 07:10:10

....and to be fair, Obama has gotten his fair share of crap thrown his way, but it's still miniscule when compared to what Bush had dumped on him. Fact is; Hopey's color insulates him from some abuse. Plus, liberals control the media and culture so he'll never face what Bush faced and will face forever.  

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/08/15 at 07:50:30

BLM,... is typical of all these type of organized outrages...
Some incidents may be unjust, but now, every incident must be lumped in in order to not leave anyone out...

Fact is,... most police actions are justified... only occasionally are boundaries crossed by the overzealous.
The BLM's point is lost in the dilution...

I'll be glad when it fades away...

Criticism of the Bush administration was vast, but mostly justified...
Criticism of Obama is also legitimate, when it is of his actions or policies...

... but not the questioning of his faith, birth, education, etc...
These are beyond silly,.. and I believe, racially motivated...
Not by you guys, but by the instigators and purveyors of the rumours...
and, just like the BLM... any fact based criticisms are lost in the deluge of BS...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/08/15 at 07:55:26

My extreme right wing view point and some other omnipotent or whatever your your dig.... Was directed at me instead of fielding the question as posed. Perhaps those attributes you assign me invalidate the question and absolve you from answering..... I dunno. Did you look up any of hits I offered to show references to validity in posing the question?

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/08/15 at 08:18:17

As long as black and Hispanic conservatives are rare as white rhino's,.. they will be seen as tokens...
As long as the few that there are, stand against the issues that their people care about,.. they will be seen as turncoats...
I don't make it that way, it just is that way...

Trump is not helping, by hurling insults and attacks at anyone that ain't him...
He's killing any chance for the entire Rep Party...
He's alienating all minorities...

Go Donald!... ;D...

Who was it that said,.. "When you're stuck in hole, the first thing to do is stop digging"...?...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by WebsterMark on 09/08/15 at 08:59:16

Criticism of the Bush administration was vast, but mostly justified...
Criticism of Obama is also legitimate, when it is of his actions or policies...

... but not the questioning of his faith, birth, education, etc...
These are beyond silly,.. and I believe, racially motivated...

Bush was and is still called stupid, flat out stupid. this despite having a Masters in Business and when he was running against Gore, he was still called dumb even when it was clear his grades were better than Gore's. That's the power of liberals dominating the media and culture.
have we ever seen Obama's transcripts?

Obama will never have to face a TV show seriously questioning his faith or birth. It's all done as a joke. With Bush, it's done as if its a given fact.

For my part and many others, my questions about obama are not race based. To me, he seems like the first and only president that I'm not sure if he's looking out for the interest of the USA first and foremost.
I would never have that feeling about Carson, Rice, Powell etc...  
He's done nothing positive for my country, only weaken it.

Are there racist that hate him just because of his skin color? Yes. Plenty of them. But so what? His actions could have easily won them over. He's a ni**er to them primarily because he's a liberal. Honestly, Carson or Rice would have won those racist over. A conservative black man might actually make some headway in race relations. Obama can never do that because he's a liberal and always ready to take one side. Rememeber the 'stupid cop' line? Remember his Travon Martin comments?

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/15 at 09:42:49

6A7C6B766E7B766D190 wrote:
 "... Who was it that said,.. "When you're stuck in hole, the first thing to do is stop digging"...?... "

Digging your way, ‘out’, of a hole.
   CAN be done, very easily.

But their is a group of people, who think it just can’t be done.
(I think, it is many of the same people, who think they can spend their way out of Debt)

How do you do it?
Dig the side, make steps, and walk out

Birth certificate thing!

I know  I had to acquire, Three of them.  1st one was over 45 years ago.
Each time I got a copy, it was the SAME One.
Yes the SAME one.

NOT 3 different ones, at the same time.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by old.indian on 09/08/15 at 10:43:55

7563746971646972060 wrote:
As long as black and Hispanic conservatives are rare as white rhino's,..

Not in my neighborhood, they're not.....  I have both Hispanic and Black neighbors, all are "conservative" to one degree or another.  Some issues everyone agrees on, some issues are discussed and in many cases opinions are altered due to rational discussion between differing viewpoints.....        It's my opinion that the media gives the radicals in the minorities all the attention, and that in turn gives the impression that the entire minority holds the same "radical" view point.    (I've seen too many "stories" being filmed where a small number of onlookers are bunched closely behind the "reporter" giving the impression of a large crowd to tv viewers.  )    

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/15 at 13:23:38

“ … As long as black and Hispanic conservatives are rare as white rhino’s,.. they will be seen as tokens… …”

I have spend some time in AZ,
Prescott, ( & many of the the small towns around 69), and Camp Verde, Pine, Strawberry, Jerome, Cottonwood, Sedona, Ajo,Tuscan, Tombstone,
and Spring of this year So Calf.

Almost all, the, Hispanic decent, (From AZ parts), Citizens of the USA,
That I have encountered, were, VERY, Conservative.

Except Sedona, those people are just NUTS,
(I think they eat, Rocks & Twigs ! I believe they mostly are what someone else called the, 'Limousine Liberals'.)  
Ajo, & Tuscan about 50%. The rest 40/60 or 60/40 depending.

Here in, Mine-SoTa,  The Hispanic decent USA Citizens,
are VERY, consecrative. (In the Country and small towns)
It is in three major areas, Twin Cities, (Mpls / St. Paul & close suburbs)
Duluth & Rochester.  Who carry this States Electoral votes.

 Ya know, I did Not know, how ‘rare’, ‘White”, Rhinos are.
(I have always believed they were very rare)
So I looked, data I found was, 18 T white, 22 T black.
Doesn’t sound to rare to me.
I would say, close to the numbers/percent, of, Conservative, Hispanic decent, USA Citizens.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/08/15 at 15:15:32

Who calls them tokens?
Why, because they escaped the liberal plantation?
If a conservative life style, perspective, leads them to a better life, why marginalize that?
That was my original question, that you said was not material, or non existent ....
Is this an admission on your part?

Let's leave the BLM matter and focus on women.....
A conservative woman is treated with contempt, and all the chauvinistic implications she invites, therefor, she need not be defended, bimbo, huh.

Knowledge is power, the INTERNET is providing resources like never before....
One does not have to worry about biting the hand that feeds you any longer, you can just ignore it...and feed yourself information, unfettered.

I will consider this successful election if neither Hillary, or Bush, end up in the final....
It will cause the political machines to reshuffle their deck if tey don't want a revolution...

Saw where Tom Brady is now sporting Trump.
Man o man, if this clown wins we will be entertained to 4 years of carnival, which, might very well be what this country needs, as it seems we have been entertained by folks who think the world would stop if they were not in control.....

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/08/15 at 15:57:47

2D3E263B3E28385F0 wrote:
That was my original question you wet said was not material....
Is this an admission on your part?.

You what?... admit what?...
Now women?...
Poor downtrodden Republicans...
Me thinkest thou whines too much...

Regardless of personal anecdotes... Hispanics voted 2/3 Democratic... Blacks 90% Democrat...

With the "Donald" hurling epithets left and right,.. I expect those margins to widen...
(He's currently your top man,.. not mine)...
And you think Liberals are name calling?...  ::)...

Now don't get mad at me about it...
Trumps doin' it... not me... ...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/08/15 at 16:02:57 mean like, WHOA IS ME, I am outnumbered here.....wah,wah,wah.

That is ripe dude.

Put he shovel down  ::)

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/15 at 19:47:30

" ... Regardless of personal anecdotes..."

A person, could relate, information,
from, ‘First Hand Experience’, in talking to the a fore mentioned people.


A different Person, could sit with a Pizza in one hand, a  TV remote in the other,
and a nice glass, of, ‘Kool Aid’, on the table.
(In the Air Conditioning)
Saying what their are, ’TOLD’ to say.!
( Benefit of the, ‘Kool Aid” )

It would be a, ‘Choice’,
or otherwise known as, ‘FREEDOM”.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/08/15 at 22:11:41

Facts aren't "Kool-Aid"...
Those numbers are facts from the last election...

Fixing America by building a wall,... is Kool-Aid...

"Show me a 50ft wall,.. and I'll show you a 51ft ladder"
- Janet Napolitano...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by WebsterMark on 09/09/15 at 07:25:57

The right wall would work. Of course it would, that's why we have fences in our yards and locks on our door. Hungry is building a wall. The Berlin wall worked. The land mine field between North and South Korea works. It's a simple thing to secure the boarder and funnel traffic through only a few locations.

however, as we all know, our wussy government officials will never build the right wall. We'll have to make it less menacing so as not to offend or be labeled racist. It will be a jobs project that will not actually accomplish anything.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by old.indian on 09/09/15 at 08:05:06

"A wise man never argues with a fool. An uninformed observer would not be able to discern a difference between them."    
To be blunt, a fanatic is a fanatic, political, religious, racial, or sexual orientation.      They are a FANATIC and will condemn any, and all, who do not agree 100% with their views on every possible subject....  A very intelligent man once said, "United we stand, divided we fall."    This country is becoming more and more divided, by religion, by politics, by wealth.    
 Personally, I don't give a darn what your race, or religion, or your annual income.  I pay attention to WHO you are. NOT what you are.
Just don't try to force me, or anyone else to conform to your beliefs.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/09/15 at 08:19:05

I am with you old Indian, let me say it this way, if I may......

He who does not extend tolerance has no right to claim it for himself.....

Re: a wall, why not take a more direct route to the fix, hold employers accountable for an employee that is not legally here to work. The fines need be punitive as well as criminal.
It might force more on the dole to fill the spots vacated too!

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/09/15 at 08:48:05

4A59415C594F5F380 wrote:
Re: a wall, why not take a more direct route to the fix, hold employers accountable for an employee that is not legally here to work. The fines need be punitive as well as criminal.
It might force more on the dole to fill the spots vacated too!

We don't want common sense mucking up this delusion, do we?... ;D...

I'm thinking a giant mote, filled with sharks with frikkin' laser beams attached to their heads...
... or maybe ill tempered sea bass... ::)...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/09/15 at 08:51:37

Now we talking about a wall ?

Apparently the former Secretary of Homeland Security, never read any American History.

Hmmm,   Andersonville, had a wall,  it was a bunch of trees cut down, stuck in the ground, and put in  a line, which after 6 months were so rotted, ya coda pushed them over with a pinky finger.  
But ya know, it really wasn’t the ’tree’, fence that kept the seriously overcrowded people in.
It was a piece of string, 3 feet from the rotted trees, which was called, “The Dead Line”.

It is pure common sense, it don’t matter, ‘What’, a, wall is.
It only matters, ‘How’, it’s dealt with.

It all comes down to this.
Every Year, Pay More, Taxes, let the Guberment, ‘fix’ things, by giving More handouts. Give up all sorts of Freedoms, cause the, ‘Guberment’, says, it is ‘for the grater good’. Accept being, 'told', WHAT, you should do. Build, your, ‘Own’ wall. Be afraid of saying something, because you may ‘offend’, some group, with out even knowing it. Now to survive, you either, ‘work’ for the Guberment, Get elected, or jump through the hoops, and get everything, FREE.


You, Clean up the Welfare, and make it what it was, ’suppose’, to be, A Way, a Help,  to get people back on their feet.
Which, INCLUDES,  the people next door on the porch all day.  The ‘Banana’ Republics, and some of the, ‘elected’.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/15 at 11:09:17

Sunday Morning,  The T.V. News !  (Local)
Here their is one station, which fetters a person,
(Many call her the, ’Troll with a Mole’)

Anyway, ANOTHER,  B.L.M.   ‘Protest’.
Today a Vikings football game is to be played.
The BLM, ‘protest group’, were to, ‘block’ the urban commuter train, that many take to the Stadium.

Well, according to the, TV report, it was a Very Big Deal !!!!!!!!!
And if you just listened, perhaps you would have thought so.
BUT, that station, put up a ariel photo,  of the ‘protest’ group, for about 2 seconds.

How is a ‘protest’ group, of 75 (maybe even a 100), going to, ’stop’ something???

Especially, when the ‘Light Rail Transit”, had ‘fleets’ of buses ready.
And when, this tiny group, was standing on the rails.
They just took the Buss, to the Stadium !

Again, that, ‘group’,  (Which by the 2 sec ariel photo, was mostly white),
looked even more foolish, then when they tried to,
Block the main State Fair entrance. (To which their are only, 5 other gates)

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by raydawg on 09/20/15 at 13:32:55

I still say most people are misinterpreting the motivation behind the movement....
Lets go back a few years to the roots of the Tea Party, which it was never a party, but a reference to a government that does not represent what it pertains to represent....... US!

It was an "anti" government movement,  much like those who join the "anybody" but Bush and Hillary for prez, even the Trumpster, mercy, to try and change the insanity of the status quo.

Yes, they are trying to gain a platform, and yes, the message is lost because of technique, however, their critique is consistent and based, but as individuals seeking a better opportunity with those they share a common concern with.
Black folks were pretty much a given for the DNC, and this POV flies in opposition of the party hierarchy, as they have USED these very arguments AGAINST the right in campaigning to keep them silent and on the plantation....

The right won't touch it because they are scared, and also, I think they feel this movement justifies some of their deep held beliefs against government sanctioned programs that discriminate, in order to end, discrimination  :o  

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/15 at 15:38:34

293A223F3A2C3C5B0 wrote:
I still say most people are misinterpreting the motivation behind the movement.... "

True, but, what IS that movement?  What Is the purpose ?  What Is their Goal?

The fact that it started with Riots, Looting, and general chaos,
and that continued to many large cities, with exactly, the same,
has made many people think, that, ‘Movement', is about what happened in Ferguson.
(Which in the first outbreaks, May or not may been true.
But  NOW, everybody knows, was biased on total LIES)

Here. No such, ‘violence has erupted’. Perhaps because of several things;
1. When a BLM march, descended on the Mall of America, (With OUT) permit.
Everyone that participated, was summarily arrested ! (MOA is Private Property)
2. When they marched down the street, in front of the State Fair, (With Permit),
they were told by the Fair, (which is private property, and Not subject to the ‘permit’)
If they go on the fair grounds, they Will be arrested!
3. Today, (With Permit, to march on the ROAD),  I am guessing the Transit people, got their heads together, and decided; ’no way were they going to stay on the road, when they could move over 15 feet, and be on the rail line’.
So they arranged, Buses.

All three here, basically, non events.  (Except for the Media trying to HYPE it)

Now I do, understand, the MOA one, where most had, ’their hands in the air’.
But the 2nd & 3rd ones ?  
Where most  STILL, were running around, with their, ‘Hands In The Air”.

Gosh, I think MOST of them can read, and know by now,
and  through exhaustive  investigation.
That, the, ‘Hands in the Air”, don’t mean a thing !
In fact, that is a primary reason they look so foolish.
(Well, unless they still believe, the Sun rotates around the Earth)

Now, if that group, has changed  into a different, ideologically, great.
And, if that is to:  “bring light to Police Violence”. Great.
(Just a little thing called the 1st amendment)
And it is, what this Country, and being a, Citizen of it, is all about.

In some cities, that may be a problem, in others it is probably is not.
A Policeman, is just a slice of life. Their are, ‘Bad ones, and Good ones’.
Just like, EVERY OTHER, profession.

But if that, IS, the Goal,  Why the,  “Hands in the Air”,
which is instantly, associated with, the LIES in Ferguson ?

If you want to, ‘protest’ something,
whether it be, ‘Police Violence’,
or, Bad , “M.C. Dealers”.
Get your, message, and, Act, together.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by LostArtist on 09/21/15 at 19:43:47

0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 wrote:
The right wall would work. Of course it would, that's why we have fences in our yards and locks on our door. Hungry is building a wall. The Berlin wall worked. The land mine field between North and South Korea works. It's a simple thing to secure the boarder and funnel traffic through only a few locations.

however, as we all know, our wussy government officials will never build the right wall. We'll have to make it less menacing so as not to offend or be labeled racist. It will be a jobs project that will not actually accomplish anything.

So you want us to be more like communist Berlin and communist N. Korea?    

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/15 at 20:02:18

Completely unawAre of the gates theory.?
Got doors on your house? Feel imprisoned?

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by pg on 09/21/15 at 20:17:40


So you want us to be more like communist Berlin and communist N. Korea

I say we build something like this.  If they can protect there borders without condemnation, I see no reason that should prevent us from obtaining the same security.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/15 at 20:41:19

Two frikken che,,

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/21/15 at 21:46:59

203F393E23241525152D3F33784A0 wrote:
Two frikken che,,

Who's gonna'  pay?... :-?...

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by WD on 09/21/15 at 22:17:42

My standard response to hearing it, or seeing someone in a shirt printed with the slogan is... "Really? Then why do so many of you insist on killing each other?"

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by HovisPresley on 09/22/15 at 01:27:26

2631373B3424560 wrote:


So you want us to be more like communist Berlin and communist N. Korea

I say we build something like this.  If they can protect there borders without condemnation, I see no reason that should prevent us from obtaining the same security.
Best regards,


Without condemnation? Really?
I think you are mistaken.

Also, the size of the Israeli borders compared to the size of the US borders is a reason that would prevent you from obtaining the same security..... amongst other reasons.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by pg on 09/22/15 at 07:21:43

Without condemnation? Really?
I think you are mistaken.

I don't believe I am.  The media on this side of the pond is extremely cordial & friendly with them.  

Incidentally, can you recommend a European website that offers impartial news?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by HovisPresley on 09/22/15 at 13:50:09

I'm frankly amazed that you'd consider a temporary 'Israeli border' free from (world-wide) condemnation  :o

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/23/15 at 01:10:44

We aren't Israel.
Immigration without assimilation,, kinda sounds like an invasion.
OUR border needs protected.
Keeping people out isn't the same as keeping people from leaving.
The conflation of a fence to stop trespassing and thieves off of my property doesn't make me captive.
A fence to protect the country doesn't make me prisoner.
But, we don't need a fence, we need the laws enforced,,employers financially wrecked, cops catch an illegal at a traffic stop, arrest, deport. It's a lot simpler than They want you to believe.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 10/01/15 at 14:30:23

Another BLM march Planned in Minn.

Now, why can't other places, do the same things?

Here are some quotes from:

" ...  Wednesday, St. Paul Police Chief Tom Smith had strong words for those planning to protest at the Twin Cities Marathon -- do not interfere with safety or you will be arrested.

Smith said they are committed to protecting the First Amendment rights of those who choose to protest at the marathon on Sunday but "not at the expense or safety of others."

Smith said his message to runners and spectators is to "come out and enjoy the day." He then changed his tone when addressing potential disruptions.

"My message to any individuals or groups that are planning to disrupt the marathon is this, make sure your actions do not interrupt the actions of others -- not the runners, not the spectators, not the men and women who will be working the event. Otherwise there will be consequences, including arrests," he said.

The St. Paul City Attorney Samuel Clark added to the chief's statements saying they will press charges, if it comes to that.  ..."

Here is a quote from the organizer of BLM.

" ... Rashad Turner, one of the organizers of Black Lives Matter St. Paul, will not disclose exact plans on how or where they intend to disrupt the race, but he says the group will adapt to any change of plans race organizers have in mind.

"We don't plan on having any physical contact with runners, but we do plan to make ourselves the finish line," said Turner.   ..."

What ????
Guess some people have more, 'rights', than others.

We'll see what happens Sunday.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/15 at 07:35:05

It's Monday, and guess what?

The Whole, 100 +/- BLM people, that showed up to 'protest', the marathon, did just that.
They did Not, disrupt.

The group initially vowed to disrupt Sunday's marathon to raise awareness about issues between St. Paul police and people of color. But the group backed down after a meeting with St. Paul's mayor - and threats of arrest.

But of course, even though everything was peaceful, and everyone kept their promise,  the organizer said:

“Cops are paid to lie,” said Rashad Turner, who organized Sunday’s event. “They're tax funded killers and we've seen their lies today. So I don't think there was any trust that was built with the police today, and that's something we'll continue to try to work on with the mayor and elders in the community."

Gee, one would think, that if one was to have a dialog, and change things, one would NOT, call the other people,  
'Killers & Liars".

Even in the, 'fairy dust', land of the hippy taught, 'ME' generation of Ultra-Liberals, many people are, laughing.

And of course, collecting information, runs the gamete from, (depending of the source), "Oh those Poor People"  to  "Bunch of xxxxx Terrorists".

But, 'quotes' are quotes.  And if the Ultra-Liberal, source's, chose Not to, 'quote', totally senseless statements, does not mean they were not said.

Title: Re: Black Lives Matter.....
Post by MnSpring on 11/17/15 at 16:46:14

Up Date from MN.

This weekend, a,  'White' P.O. Shot a,  'Black', man.
The local news, "JUST AFTER IT HAPPENED".
Said: "A 10 year old, witness said, The Man was handcuffed".

The Police, are waiting on a investigation of the event.

Meanwhile, the B.L.M. group, have taken to the streets,
and on, 'ONLY', the word of, ONE, Media/Reporter,
Are yelling "He Was Handcuffed".

(Don't know yet, but sounds kinna like, 'hands in the air'.)

Now, to; 'some people, have MORE 'RIGHTS' than others':

If I, or ANY, other, 'white skin' person, (rearguards of religion or country of origin), were to walk down a 'freeway'. We would get a ticket.

YET, the B.L.M. group, can, Spontaneously, disrupt traffic, by walking down a Freeway, STOPPING, all Traffic. (Mn 'Nice', ya-know, don't wanna run them over.)  

Yep, they have, 'SPECIAL',  Rights ! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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