General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> "Swatting" those who carry

Message started by Paraquat on 09/03/15 at 07:07:03

Title: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Paraquat on 09/03/15 at 07:07:03

Gun control groups accused of ‘swatting’ open-carry permit holders, putting lives at risk
Perry Chiaramonte

By Perry ChiaramontePublished September 01, 2015

Second Amendment groups are accusing the gun control lobby of putting law-abiding owners of firearms in danger by urging people to call the police on anyone carrying a gun in public.

As more states relax rules about open-carrying of guns, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has taken to social media to urge the public to assume gun-toters are trouble, and to call the cops on anyone they feel may be a threat.

“If you see someone carrying a firearm in public—openly or concealed—and have ANY doubts about their intent, call 911 immediately and ask police to come to the scene,” the group wrote on its widely followed Facebook page. “Never put your safety, or the safety of your loved ones, at the mercy of weak gun laws that arm individuals in public with little or no criminal and/or mental health screening.”

That approach, according to a blog post by Ohio-based Buckeye Firearms Association, could give rise to needless, tense confrontations between police and gun owners. The association and other similar groups liken the tactic to “swatting,” or the act of tricking an emergency service into dispatching responders based on a false report. Many online harassment campaigns have been known to participate in the practice.

“This practice is exactly what they [Coalition to Stop Gun Violence] are doing,” said Erich Pratt, spokesman for Virginia-based Gun Owners of America. “It’s one thing if someone is using a gun in an illegal or unlawful manner. No one is questioning that. But this clearly sounds like swatting.”

   “They are inciting their radical base to turn their own neighbors in.”

   - Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America

Pratt adds that it may be a move of desperation by those looking to get guns off the streets.

“Anti-gun advocates are clearly frustrated. They want guns banned,” he said. “But they have been thwarted in the past, so they are looking for alternative means.

“They are inciting their radical base to turn their own neighbors in.”

It is not the first time supporters of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and other gun control advocates have pressed for the public to call cops on legal gun owners. An October 2014 National Review article found that the Facebook pages and websites of groups including the coalition, Moms Demand Action and included numerous comments from the public advocating that people call the police and intentionally exaggerate what they see in the hopes of getting cops to stop those open-carrying guns.

Open carry rules, in one form or another, are legal in every state except for five—California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and South Carolina, as well as the District of Columbia. However, many states that do permit open carry have put in place stringent laws that require some sort of permit or license.

The main issue that gun advocates have with the Coalition’s tactics is the potential of putting law-abiding citizens in real danger. Officials for the anti-gun group say that this is not the case.

“In an era in which individuals are being allowed to carry loaded guns on our streets with no permit, background check or required training, it is common sense for concerned citizens to call 911 when they see an armed individual whose intentions are unclear,” Ladd Everitt, director of communications for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence said in a statement to “These [open carry] laws guarantee that we—and law enforcement—will have no idea about the criminal and/or mental health background of these individuals until they actually commit a crime; and by then it could be far too late.  We have full confidence in our men and women in blue to assess these situations.

“Gun-toters who are truly law-abiding and mentally competent have nothing whatsoever to worry about. Their conversations with law enforcement will be brief and professional,” he added. “As for those who are dangerous and have something to hide which would not withstand the scrutiny of a background check or permitting process, they should expect to face some tough questions as a result of these 911 calls. And that makes us all safer.”

But the Buckeye Firearms Association believes the effort amounts to "conspiring to obstruct legal justice.”

Pratt agreed, and said people who call the police without legitimate reason should be charged.

“They would likely be the ones arrested for filing a false report,” he said. “And we are certainly hoping that would be the case.”

Perry Chiaramonte is a reporter for Follow him on Twitter at @perrych



Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Serowbot on 09/03/15 at 08:13:13

2 armed and uniformed cops shot in the past week...
Yep,... Guns make you safe... :-/...

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by old.indian on 09/03/15 at 08:21:56

I wonder how one of these dingbat wantabes would react to me going down the street on my way to the trap range ???? Multiple shotguns, a couple hundred rounds etc. in the cab of my pickup ????

I hope that "Jennifer" realizes that many people who have carry permits do so because they have reason to require protection. Assaulting them with pepper spray is a fast way to gain several (very) painful body piercings.  :o  

( I have the feeling that if any of the rabid gun control crowd ever came across a REAL bad guy with (or without ) a gun, they would suffer an immediate lack of urinary and rectal control .) :-[  

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by old.indian on 09/03/15 at 08:31:08

4F594E534B5E53483C0 wrote:
2 armed and uniformed cops shot in the past week...
Yep,... Guns make you safe... :-/...

Being aware of your surroundings is the best way to keep your self safe....    Whether you are ridding your motorcycle or the point man in a combat patrol........  

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by pg on 09/03/15 at 09:12:13

This is from a month ago.  It doesn't help when leaders of the community are propagating this rhetoric.


Best regards,

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by HovisPresley on 09/03/15 at 09:20:30

Interesting vid.
Stand-up comedy sure ain't what it used to be....

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Serowbot on 09/03/15 at 09:54:44

+1... he's sounds like an SNL parody of himself...

I do believe that's illegal... Isn't it incitement to violence, or something?...

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by verslagen1 on 09/03/15 at 10:32:04

485E49544C59544F3B0 wrote:
2 armed and uniformed cops shot in the past week...
Yep,... Guns make you safe... :-/...

Not that I would ever justify these occurrences...

But cops carry guns, and they shoot unarmed civilians all the time, sometimes completely unjustified.

But making a false report or being unreasonably paranoid will create situations where law abiding but gun toting civilians (concealed or not) will be confronted by guns drawn leo's for no reason.

If done often enough, it will be the equivalent of crying wolf.
And in a world of limited supply, ifa cop has run down a dozen of these which is a cop most likely to respond to... another nuisance report or a traffic report?

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Paraquat on 09/03/15 at 11:03:53

Open carry is legal in Connecticut.
If you report someone who is open carrying, you get charged with breach of peace.


Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by MnSpring on 09/03/15 at 11:26:58

A Time ago, I was in Denmark, (Aalborg), in a fancy restaurant,
taken their by the people I was staying with.
(Large group, friends/relatives of the host)

I had a under arm, shoulder holster, which I had re made,
to carry my passport, money, CC.
It was FLAT.
(Had taken off my light coat, as it was warm in their)

We were their for probably a couple of hours,
and then a person, came to the table, he spoke to another person at the table, (in Danish),
everyone at the table got real quiet,  Then suddenly burst out in guffawing Laughter.

He walked away with a smile.
My host then said to me, (after he caught his breath from laughing so hard), in English.
“Someone had called the Police, then the Police called the restaurant, then they spoke to the bartender, then the waiter we had, then the Manager.
(The Manager is who came to the table)
The Manager, told the host what happened, then asked, if I was a ‘American Terrorist’.
(That’s when the Laughing Started !)

Would kinna guess, that is what would happen in 99% of small towns.

In bigger towns, just stand their, show your PTC, and after a number of those events.
The Police, will NO Longer come.  So, if, one, ‘REALLY’, need help….

As verslagen1 said:  we all know the story of, ‘Crying Wolf”  LOLOLLO

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/15 at 15:27:18

People die wearing seatbelts.
People die with guns.
Bad stuff happens.
I choose the ability to defend myself.
Can someone catch me unprepared?
Wouldn't it have been great if someone saw that
Dark complected male
murder that cop, pull a gun and drop hizzass?

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by raydawg on 09/03/15 at 16:13:48

Is it the gun, or the person who uses it wrongly.....??
When I say wrongly, I mean in a manner that can harm others.....

If the reasoning is, an instrument of harm/destructions, is removed, then we have removed the problem.....
Then I say, if we are to tally the numbers of others harmed, and impacted, because of an instrument an individual uses to achieve his/her desired goal..... wrongly.
I say we outlaw all beer mugs, martini, highball glasses, heck, lets just do away with bottles that hold the booze too, for when people use product wrongly, it kills, and destroys, way, way, more people than guns, not to even mention the impact it has on our economy, health, production/commerce....

Indeed, prohibition for guns and booze, nirvana, shangri la, it is awaiting us, if we only make people see it our way, we must make laws, its for their own good....

Golly, sorta sounds like a modern day Crusade  :-X    

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/15 at 16:19:53

And how many times does a good guy with a gun stop a bad guy?
If you had to pull a gun to stop as bad guy, would you report it?

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by thumperclone on 09/03/15 at 23:00:57

our own worst enemy is who we see in the mirror

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Paraquat on 09/04/15 at 06:02:44

67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 wrote:
And how many times does a good guy with a gun stop a bad guy?
If you had to pull a gun to stop as bad guy, would you report it?

Maybe never, but if I need it I'll be glad I have it.
Of course, I assume I'd be the "good guy" in the situation.


Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by verslagen1 on 09/04/15 at 14:19:39

came across an interesting statistic recently...
number of accidental deaths by doctors 120,000
number of accidental deaths by gun 1,500
and total number of death by gun was 34,210 (2013)

I prefer guns to doctors.

(numbers updated)

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/04/15 at 14:23:13

Point I was making is
Crime stats

They don't readily point that out, and if they did. It would be lower than actual count.
The propagandists in the media hype every shooting, and how often do we get a weeks worth of every hour on the hour the story of how a good guy thwarted an assault of a stranger or a robbery?
I'm sick of the
Child shot dead
story WHEN that child is a sixteen year old gang banger in a drug related shootout with a rival gang.
And I did hear about the little girl, killed, mom wounded,in a drive by.
If they catch them, I vote they be drawn and quartered with family members on hand, pouring salt in the cuts. Needs to be televised.
And WHEN the good guy stops a bad guy, instead of arresting them, haul them downtown, get some reporters, hang a medal on them on the courthouse steps.

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/15 at 13:46:17

News last night.
Just across the border in Wisc.
(If their wasn’t a State line their, it would be a suburb of St. Paul)
Anyway, someone with a ‘un-coded’ cell phone, went into a neighborhood,
called the Police, and said some Real Nasty LIES, about a person living their.

The Local Police, the State Police, the Swat teams, the, Search teams,
were ALL Called Out !!!!!!

They were all rather pissed, when they discovered, it was a ‘Prank’.

But the highlight,(in true, ‘Midwest Style’), The person, ’Swatted’, On Camera, Said:
“This isn’t just a single person that you’ve affected,” Kevin said. “You little punks, cockroaches, come visit me. I dare you, come visit me.”

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by mpescatori on 09/10/15 at 02:25:52

193A0724263D3A33540 wrote:
News last night.
Just across the border in Wisc.
(If their wasn’t a State line their, it would be a suburb of St. Paul)
Anyway, someone with a ‘un-coded’ cell phone, went into a neighborhood,
called the Police, and said some Real Nasty LIES, about a person living their.

The Local Police, the State Police, the Swat teams, the, Search teams,
were ALL Called Out !!!!!!

They were all rather pissed, when they discovered, it was a ‘Prank’.

But the highlight,(in true, ‘Midwest Style’), The person, ’Swatted’, On Camera, Said:
“This isn’t just a single person that you’ve affected,” Kevin said. “You little punks, cockroaches, come visit me. I dare you, come visit me.”

My two cents.

In Italy (and Europe) a cellphone is just like a land line, you CANNOT have a cellphone if you don't provide name, address and the equivalent to your SSN.
Yes, of course we DO have "rechargeables", meaning than when your credit runs out you go to a store, buy a scratch card and type in the code and you have new credit
all phones are traceable to the current (or, at worst, previous) owner.


Secondly, calling the Police for a wanton false alarm is a felony - this side of the ocean, at least.

I'm surprised that with the Patriot Act and all that a terrorist cell can buy a handful of uncoded cellphones and get away with it...

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by WD on 09/21/15 at 22:36:31

[quote}I'm surprised that with the Patriot Act and all that a terrorist cell can buy a handful of uncoded cellphones and get away with it...[/quote]

Patriot Act and such are primarily used against politically and socially conservative Whites.

Liberals can pretty much do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want, to whomever they want, and get a free pass. Liberal in this case meaning Marxist, Jihadist or Zionist.

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by HovisPresley on 09/22/15 at 01:33:38

6477330 wrote:
[quote}I'm surprised that with the Patriot Act and all that a terrorist cell can buy a handful of uncoded cellphones and get away with it...

Patriot Act and such are primarily used against politically and socially conservative Whites.

Liberals can pretty much do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want, to whomever they want, and get a free pass. Liberal in this case meaning Marxist, Jihadist or Zionist.[/quote]

If they are Marxist, Jihadist or Zionist, then they are the opposite of Liberal, by definition.  ;D

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by old.indian on 09/22/15 at 08:01:29

0E1D590 wrote:
[quote}I'm surprised that with the Patriot Act and all that a terrorist cell can buy a handful of uncoded cellphones and get away with it...

Patriot Act and such are primarily used against politically and socially conservative Whites.

Liberals can pretty much do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want, to whomever they want, and get a free pass. Liberal in this case meaning Marxist, Jihadist or Zionist.[/quote]

Now that's a shocker !!!!   Here I was under the impression the "The Patriot Act" was brought into being by a conservative (white) Republican administration (Bush & Cheney ) as a way to protect us all from the evil Muslim terrorist  boogeyman under every bed.....  

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Serowbot on 09/22/15 at 09:03:03

4F4C440E494E4449414E200 wrote:
Now that's a shocker !!!!   Here I was under the impression the "The Patriot Act" was brought into being by a conservative (white) Republican administration (Bush & Cheney ) as a way to protect us all from the evil Muslim terrorist  boogeyman under every bed.....  

Funny how that works, ain't it?... ;D...

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by HovisPresley on 09/22/15 at 14:01:44

Forget the Versy, the Raptor, etc, we got reds under the bed!!

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Dane Allen on 09/25/15 at 12:55:16

6472657860757863170 wrote:
[quote author=4F4C440E494E4449414E200 link=1441289223/15#21 date=1442934089]
Now that's a shocker !!!!   Here I was under the impression the "The Patriot Act" was brought into being by a conservative (white) Republican administration (Bush & Cheney ) as a way to protect us all from the evil Muslim terrorist  boogeyman under every bed.....  

Funny how that works, ain't it?... ;D...[/quote]

Well, actually it doesn't work, Bush was about as Conservative as Mitt Romney, no one who increases the size or scope of government is a Conservative. Bush and Cheney were liberal Republicans, which has very little to do with Conservatism but you did get the race part right  ;)

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/25/15 at 14:33:59

If there was any real difference, one party would repeal legislation the other pushed. Who has done even close to the will of the people? It's been obvious that DC is deaf to the voice of the people since I was a kid.
Manufactured consent
Media lies to us to get us to go along with their schemes.
Ring any bells?

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Rylee on 09/27/15 at 13:45:52

I usually carry in a Gallo SOB holster when I'm out in public because it's the most concealed in everyday actions. I was at a supermarket about 3 months ago doing some shopping, paid for my groceries and was pushing the cart to my car when 2 uniformed cops approached me holsters un clicked and proceeded to perform a felony take down. They made me put my hands on my head, kneel then lay down. With gun drawn one officer put his knee in my back, called out to his partner that I was in fact carrying a weapon. I was cuffed and sat upright. Through this entire process I was not asked any questions just told what to do. My gun was removed from my holster and taken. After about 10 minutes of being treated like a criminal I was finally asked why I had a gun. At this point I was so pissed off I was less than compliant and the yes sir no sir was out the door.

After presenting my CCW (mind you I'm still cuffed behind my back and had to tell the officer to get it from my wallet) and waiting for the radio to tell them I was no harm and had no police issues I was finally uncuffed. At this point I had zero intension of answering any more questions and asked for my gun so I could leave. One of the officers tried to unload the gun and return it to me and I told him he was out of his mind. All in all a 45 minute fiasco where I was cuffed and detained in the middle of a busy parking lot because I was carrying a gun with the legal means to carry it.

One question I was asked was why do you need your gun at the grocery store? I told him I earned the right to carry it so who cares where I do as long as I am doing it legally. I turned to the armed security guard standing at the entrance to the store and said my having a gun in the store isn't necessary but he is?

I asked the officer how would this have gone down if I had my kids with me. Both of which are under the age of 3. His response was "well maybe you shouldn't carry when your kids are present" so if I didn't have a gun on me which btw is legal for me to do none of this would have happened. I said what your telling me is I shouldn't have wasted 3 years trying to obtain my california CCW because this is the result of being a responsible gun owner in this state.

On my angry drive home I realized who called. I bent down to grab a case of water and there were 2 older women behind me. I'm covered in tattoos, bald head with a big beard. I'm sure all kinds of thoughts went thru their heads

I know there are some who are thinking why take a gun to the grocery store. I've been a CCW holder for 18 years. When I'm getting dressed in the morning my gun is like a watch or wallet, it's part of my wardrobe. It's always been that way. I put it on without thought. More times than not I have to remind myself I'm going somewhere that I can't carry and probably just as often I have to remove it and place it in the glove box because I inadvertently go somewhere that I can't carry. It's just habit after so many years of carrying.

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by MnSpring on 09/27/15 at 17:29:22

“ …  I’m covered in tattoos, bald head with a big beard. … “

Who in the Hell should CARE !!!!!!!!!!
Would Rather have, a person, like above, at my 6, if the SHTF  !!!!!
Than a, ’soccer mom’,  screaming”  Oh You can’t do that, It is a GUN FREE Zone !!!!!!

“ … why do you need your gun at the grocery store? .. “

One answer, BECAUSE, it is a place, where the, ’NUTS’, think, No One has a firearm.

For 9 years, I was on a, ‘Adjustment Board’, in the County,
Meeting were always at night.  (In the Court House).
NEVER, carried a firearm, into the County Courthouse.
Yet, (early on), a County Commissioner said: “Tom Show us your Gun”.  I said: “NO”.
Ray Charles, could have seen he was, ‘baiting’, so a charge of, ‘Brandishing’, could be given.
Yet after that, EVERYONE, thought I was caring when I went into the Courthouse.

But, when I go to a, County Fair, a Restaurant, (etc.), or even to a computer store,  or a Book store, in a ‘very bad’ part of Mpls, Always have the S&W 640 in the pocket !

“ … One of the officers tried to unload the gun .., “

LOLOLOLOL,   50 + % of,  ‘officers’, would look for, DAYS, at the left side of a, Single Action, revolver,  wondering how the cylinder swings out !!!!!!!!

Heck, In one of the classes I teach, a 12/13/14 Year Old,  knows MORE, about how to, ‘Make Safe’, a handgun, than the Majority of, ‘officers’. !!!!!!!

Gee, just perhaps, a person, with a FULL Face covering, should be, ‘looked’, at,  more than someone with tattoos  ???????

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/15 at 19:49:24

His response was "well maybe you shouldn't carry when your kids are present"

That had a visceral effect. I'm disgusted. That's exactly WHEN you need to know ,,, creepy guys, there..

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Rylee on 09/27/15 at 20:10:12


All of it was a joke. What bothered me the most was how "whatever" they've re about my CCW. It took me being on a waiting list nearly 3 years to even make the application process. Then you have to meet a number of criteria 1 of which is proving "good cause" to the chef or sheriff whomever is the issuing party. My city uses the sheriff and he is a known anti CCW sheriff. The only reason I got it was because I was able to prove using 2 years of deposit slips that I had to obtain from my restaurants bank that I made large deposits 5 nights a week in an unfavorable area.

In the issuance determination meeting he even said "why don't you just drive to a better areas bank" my response was why does the area matter when I'm carrying thousands of dollars that someone wants. I asked how crime was in Belmont Shore, one of the nicer areas in Long Beach. Shut him up pretty quick. I was sure he wasn't going to issue it but I got it.

I even told the officer who was giving me crap if California had an open carry law I'd have it completely visible. One part that stuck out in my mind was he asked me if I was confronted with a life threatening situation would I use my weapon. Without hesitation I said yes. And I said it with confidence. He asked how I was so sure and without missing a beat I replied:  Uncle Sam spent 7 years and millions of dollars training me to shoot someone without regards to moral issue or personal indifference. The look on both their faces was priceless.

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/15 at 21:29:08

I don't drink, but if you are ever this way, I'd  be glad to buy you one, or three.

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Paraquat on 09/28/15 at 07:44:41

I wouldn't even collect my mail from the box without carrying.

People go nuts over the slightest offense.

Last year I think it was two neighbors. One blew snow onto the others yard.


Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/15 at 16:00:29

3302110212160217630 wrote:
I wouldn't even collect my mail from the box without carrying.

People go nuts over the slightest offense.

Last year I think it was two neighbors. One blew snow onto the others yard.


Well, maybe that's all of it, maybe that was just the last straw..
I went sideways over , essentially, nothing, But, that was after over four years of lies, theft, two totalled cars, another, wrecked twice,, not keeping a job,  and I still hafta deal with him..
Some things that are the last straw look ridiculous as the basis for a hassle.

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by Rylee on 09/28/15 at 22:14:28

I don't drink either but I'd sit down to a Pepsi with you any day. I'll be just south of Houston June of next year so I may be able to take you up on your offer.

Title: Re: "Swatting" those who carry
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/15 at 23:06:43

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