General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> New Merca Way of Life

Message started by pg on 08/31/15 at 14:45:44

Title: New Merca Way of Life
Post by pg on 08/31/15 at 14:45:44

Please tell me this isn't happening as much as it probably is.

Best regards,

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/31/15 at 15:53:53

WOW,,,, !

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by Kris01 on 08/31/15 at 17:46:28

That's just scary!  :o

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by MnSpring on 08/31/15 at 18:12:44

Not New.

Here is some more, ‘frosting’ for your cake!

“ … Some Democrats are already defending these child tax credit payments that have gone to those without a valid Social Security number, accusing Republicans who want to end them of a heartless attack on children.
Several different versions of this viral email all cite a recent investigative story by an Indianapolis television station, but WTHR-TV is far from the first to notice. The Washington Post and others reported on this last year when the Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration issued a report on July 7, 2011.

The title of the report summed up the IG’s finding: “Individuals Who Are Not Authorized to Work in the United States Were Paid $4.2 Billion in Refundable Credits.”

The credits currently amount to $1,000 per child, and they are “refundable,” meaning that parents may receive refunds even when they do not owe any tax.

The IG report stated that more than 2.3 million persons who did not have Social Security numbers valid of working in the U.S. got an average of roughly $1,800 each in 2010 in child tax credit refunds. That included 9,000 illegal immigrants who each got a total of $10,000 or more by retroactively claiming credits for tax years prior to 2010. …”


“ … The Internal Revenue Service says everyone who is employed in the United States – even those who are working here illegally – must report income and pay taxes. Of course, undocumented workers are not supposed to have a social security number. So for them to pay taxes, the IRS created what’s called an ITIN, an individual taxpayer identification number. A 9-digit ITIN number issued by the IRS provides both resident and nonresident aliens with a unique identification number that allows them to file tax returns.
While that may have seemed like a good idea, it’s now backfiring in a big way.

Each spring, at tax preparation offices all across the nation, many illegal immigrants are now eagerly filing tax returns to take advantage of a tax loophole, using their ITIN numbers to get huge refunds from the IRS.

The loophole is called the Additional Child Tax Credit. It’s a fully-refundable credit of up to $1000 per child, and it’s meant to help working families who have children living at home.

But many undocumented workers are claiming the tax credit for kids who live in Mexico – lots of kids in Mexico.

“We’ve seen sometimes 10 or 12 dependents, most times nieces and nephews, on these tax forms,” the whistleblower said. “The more you put on there, the more you get back. …”

Do ya think, things need to be changed?

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by Rylee on 09/01/15 at 20:54:27

And I just got audited asked to prove my kids are my kids and live with me. The same kids who have my last name, have a real social security number and have been filed on my taxes for the last 7 years.

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by Serowbot on 09/01/15 at 21:48:15

I want everybody, looking for a handout, thoroughly investigated...
...except for me...

It's downright rude if they check me out...

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/01/15 at 22:29:44

If your last name was Ramos you would not be getting the proctoscope.

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by thumperclone on 09/02/15 at 22:15:27

this kinda stuff has been goin on since welfare was created

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by HovisPresley on 09/03/15 at 06:42:12

It's rife in the UK, without doubt.

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by pg on 09/04/15 at 16:34:58

I've read the UK is genuinely considering austerity measures.  Is that a realistic possibility?  I feel the entitlement mentality runs to deep within America.  TPTB would never consider this due to the civic disobedience that would follow.

Best regards,

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by engineer on 09/05/15 at 06:59:37

What is described in that letter is true and is well exploited.  In the county where I live, which was once a prosperous hard working place, the county welfare people coach their "clients" on how to do all of the above.  In one case the people were counseled to first divorce, rearrange some of their finances and then do the above so the wife wouldn't have to work anymore.

In this county they also get a decent used car for free and the county does all the maintenance on that car including tire replacement.  The welfare is so good here that people flooded in from the nearest big city just to enjoy it.  So now we have lots of crime and drugs in an area where a stolen bicycle was once a big deal.

I've talked to a number of women working as home health care aides and they all keep their wages below a certain level so they can qualify for all those benefits.  

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by raydawg on 09/05/15 at 07:50:05

If you recall earlier this year I shared about a little girl we've known since birth, as my wife was the nurse, who saw her in her first well care office visit....
My wife noticed the parents lived close to us, and a friendship ensued.
This was years ago in southern California.

She died earlier this year from heroin.....

They had followed us up to Washington and became neighbors again.

The dad has never worked a day since he arrived here.

He lives off his dad pension, who bought the house, and he gets money from the gubbermint to assist his dad, who is in his 90's.

He had no problems lying to the courts, about his daughter when his daughter was alive, and breaking parole promises that he too agreed to abide by.

He makes his wife work.

He gets other assistance from the state.

He tells us he can't work because his dad needs him, yet, he will be gone all day fishing in a used boat he bought, while dad just sits in front of the TV and mom works.

They have a son too....

He does not work either ( 24 years old )
They buy him cigarettes, pay for his cell phone and car/insurance, and beer, that he drinks everyday, and he goes fishing with his dad...

OH.... I misspoke when I said this guy (dad) doesn't work, he calls BINGO twice a week, gets 15 dollars a game I think, however, he plays 5 cards at 20 per too, when he ain't calling....

He is way over weight, has the bad diabetes, it killed his mom, and he is slowly going blind, and we all pay for his healthcare, as he won't do a thing to improve it.

I predict their son will run afoul of the law next, and they will become mad at the system again....

It is extremely hard for me to just watch this transpire, the wife has moments of fluidity, but quickly retreats into denial, as her emotions can not bare to address the truth....

When his dad dies, the 7 grand a month goes with him, then what?

He is a sponge.....

Oh, he has a college degree from Berkeley, political science.....

Is this the way of life a society should invest in?

Enabling is a cop out, plain and simple.......FACT!

It is way harder to say NO, than yes, and we see the decay all around us, it is the death knell of America.

A different tune Trump sings, not saying he is gospel, or even doable, presently, but he is resonating because he does address accountability and does not mince words, harsh they may seem, or be, but we will never fix a GAWD DANG THANG unless we can have HONEST dialogue without all the friggin PC GOTCHA mentality piled on....  

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by WebsterMark on 09/05/15 at 08:23:01

We will never have an honest and open national conversation about entitlements or the real race issues either. We are f'd as sure as the sun is coming up tomorrow. Just look at Europe and thats our future. The only mystery is how long? Is it measured in years or decades? I don't see anyway to land this plane now.....We've stalled and we're going to crash, can't stop it now.

I wonder if liberal ideology, and the sense of entitlement that goes along with it, is a natural evolutionary step in the decline of a Republic?

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/15 at 08:37:33

Berkeley, political science

There ya have it.. now you know what he was taught. Liberalism and entitlementalism.

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by raydawg on 09/05/15 at 09:34:10

437176676071665975667F140 wrote:
We will never have an honest and open national conversation about entitlements or the real race issues either. We are f'd as sure as the sun is coming up tomorrow. Just look at Europe and thats our future. The only mystery is how long? Is it measured in years or decades? I don't see anyway to land this plane now.....We've stalled and we're going to crash, can't stop it now.

I wonder if liberal ideology, and the sense of entitlement that goes along with it, is a natural evolutionary step in the decline of a Republic?

You know web, I find myself leaning that way, but, if I try and listen to the BLM message, hard as it is, I do believe their core message is an understanding that they have come to realize the system has sold them out with mere lip service.....

I don't think they are asking for more money, no, but an honest assessment of the policies that have led to the communities current state of affairs.

An example is Obama going to the hampton's on vacation, as the highest ranking Blackman, who has the bloody pulpit at his whim, he skips out on having to get his hands dirty, and hangs with the white elite, that even I am excluded, as I can't rise to their economic requirements of being more noble, than the serfs.....

The man is blind to the fact he is merely a token for these high society folk, to absolve themselves from guilt of prejudice.....

Black's have been used as an avenue by some to empower themselves....
Not to really help them, as a whole.

I use history, and the fact racism drove families to ghettos, like Harlem, yet, the family was strong and able to overcome many of life's unfairness.....

White man have indeed used the Black's to attain our needs first, justifying it through media, and academia spin. We created the dependacy by our very actions, in a nutshell, we rationalized it because deep down in the recesses of our thought and reasoning, we honestly thought they lacked the capacity to do it for themselves.....

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by MnSpring on 09/05/15 at 09:34:39

495A425F5A4C5C3B0 wrote:
" ... It is way harder to say NO, than yes, and we see the decay all around us, ... "  

“ … It is way harder to say NO, than yes, and we see the decay all around us, it is the death knell of America. …”

That is the key.

A few years ago, I managed a Trap range once a week,
One day a week, I was gone from My Business, 3 hours early,
and had to pay someone to be their for me.

We hired 12-15 year old boys and girls, As they hit 16, cars, and other boys/girls, got in the way.
Jobs were, really simple, Push down on a button, when someone said, ‘Pull’.
Put a ‘X’ on a piece of paper, when the bird was hit,
Pick up, empty hulls that were on the ground,
Sort the hulls, in down time, Pick up any trash left laying about,
Sweeping the clubhouse, etc. (Real easy stuff)

Their were paid, 5.00 a hour, (I think at that time Mim wage was 5.50-6.00 +/-)
They got a 1/2 hour break, (job was from 5-10PM),
which I gave them a, FREE, hot dog/pop/candy bar.

Needed 7,  After the first night, called them all in, said, ’NAMES”,
‘You worked good’, ‘you worked bad’,
’Next week, you will all work good’
‘If you work bad, don’t bother coming back because you are fired’.
(First two weeks were, ‘practice’,
points started for, ‘league shooting’, on the 3rd time)

Every year, Always fired, 1 or 2, and sometimes it was a scramble,
and I filled in for a missing person. but usually by week 3, things were in order.

Week 4, called them all in and said.
If you get here  Between 4 & 4:30,
You will get ONE found of free trap, free shells, and if you don’t have a gun, a ’Trap’ gun to use, free’

By week 6, ALL of them showed up early, to shoot.

What happened to all the, ‘fired’ ones? Don’t know
Do know, that 5 of them, came back the next years,
and their work was stellar.

Small town I grew up in, (about 1,500 pop),
their were two houses, that, bags of food, just mysteriously would show up on their steps.
Most everyone had a garden, and most everyone would buy, a extra can of soup, or boxes of something when they shopped.
As a small boy I remember, my Mother buying things, at the grocery store, that we never saw or ate.
It wasn’t till years later, found out where those things went.

The point is, People CARED.  They were NOT, LAZY.

Today, is is So Much Easier, to just give, a few extra dollars, in taxes,
to the, ‘gubermant’, and say:  “Here You Do It”.
Then they, can tell everybody, how much they, ‘Care’.

When, if the extra money/food/etc, they gave, went DIRECTLY, to someone who needed help,
It would, ACTUALLY, Help !

Today, the only requirement, is to say one word, (and it doesn’t even have to be in English) and it is:

Lot’s of people need help, and NO PROBLEM, helping people that, ‘do’ need help.
But 3/4’s of the people getting, ‘help’ of one kind or the other, (from the ‘guberment’)
They get it, JUST,  because they say, Gimme, Gimme, GIMMIE.

And that goes for, the people, next door, who sit on their porch all day,
to the countries who get BILLIONS, for, ‘gold toilette seats’, for their Dictators,
To, (some), ‘guberment’ workers, who, ‘Do Nothing’, and Know, they will Never get Fired.

Change that, and this country, can, ‘again’, be strong.

But to, change that, one has to Put DOWN the Pizza, turn OFF the T.V. re-runs, and DO something.

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/15 at 17:17:33

Good post

Title: Re: New Merca Way of Life
Post by scotnstl on 09/05/15 at 20:11:25

Well said! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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