General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> So sad......

Message started by raydawg on 08/26/15 at 18:43:32

Title: So sad......
Post by raydawg on 08/26/15 at 18:43:32

To exampled how fragile life is.....
No one ever expects a tragedy when they awaken.
It tugs at the heart.

I won't watch any video of this event, and I find it a little sad folks can be titillated by viewing it, shameful....

I see too where Terry McAuliffe has already used the Rahm Emanuel don't let any good tragedy escape without using it for political mileage, disgusting....

This unhinged guy, who ruined so many peoples life today seemed to echo the very talking points, and agenda driven, the left likes to play as trump ( no....not Donnie ).

Odd, I can remember the left and its media, predicting that those who listen to Rush, Sean, Fox, etc, would prolly attempt an assassination on Obama because of the racist rage.... gee, where did that thinking root?

In my 62 years of life, I have come to find that cheaters, think others are cheaters, liars, think everyone else is lying, and so on, and so forth....

Not sure where this madness ends, but  I hope soon, when the police chief of Detroit tells its citizens to arm themselves.... its getting bad.

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Serowbot on 08/26/15 at 22:40:43

I'll have one of of whatever he's having... :-?...

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by verslagen1 on 08/27/15 at 08:29:56

I assume you're talking about the TV crew tragedy.

Goes down as workplace violence in my book.
I guess we'll know all about him shortly.

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Paraquat on 08/27/15 at 09:10:18

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
I'll have one of of whatever he's having... :-?...

He said Jehovah told him to do it. So I guess you're signing up for religion?


Title: Re: So sad......
Post by oldNslow on 08/27/15 at 09:19:05

I guess we'll know all about him shortly.

Black. Gay. Sucked at his job and couldn't get along with his co-workers. Victim - everyone was picking on him and he got fired  'cause of the Black, gay thing ::)

Too bad he didn't put a bullet in his own worthless, loser head first, instead of murdering two worthwhile humans who probably didn't give a sh*t about him one way or the other.

I don't need to know anything else about this particular piece of sh*t.

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Serowbot on 08/27/15 at 12:27:33

Black, gay, lazy, worthless... ...make you feel better, but... not the cause...
...probably... mentally imbalanced... bi-polar perhaps...

Combine a poor health system, and easy gun access... and it's a recipe for disaster...
...again, and again, and again...

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by oldNslow on 08/27/15 at 12:56:49

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
Black, gay, lazy, worthless... ...make you feel better, but... not the cause...
...probably... mentally imbalanced... bi-polar perhaps...

Combine a poor health system, and easy gun access... and it's a recipe for disaster...
...again, and again, and again...

Right. He's the real victim. Not his fault. Society, guns, crappy doctors made him do it. Give me a break.

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by verslagen1 on 08/27/15 at 14:47:35

4553445941545942360 wrote:
Combine a poor health system, and easy gun access... and it's a recipe for disaster...
...again, and again, and again...

Poor 'mental' health maybe, at least that would tie in with Sandy Hook, Aurora, Charleston and more.

Seems to tie in with the privacy laws and self incrimination more any other cause.

And would you want all your weapons confiscated with every adverse life event?

That would be both funny and tragic at the same time, leo comes in and takes everything from a sharpened pencil to assault rifles cause you lost your job.

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Ed L. on 08/27/15 at 15:28:45

He knew what he was doing, planned the attack and set a camera up to video it. He was evil in a sad way, glad he put a bullet in his head which was a coward's way out.
 Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits determine our path in life.

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Serowbot on 08/27/15 at 15:40:00

I has dealings at my former employment with a coworker that was manic and bipolar...
He would be fine for a few weeks on his med's,.. then go off them because he was fine...
Then,.. he would go off the top and get violent... (he was also 6'2" and over 350lbs)... he used to whisper to me that he was bringing his "9"mm tomorrow...
My boss (female) eventually quit ,... I stuck it out for 2 years, but developed PTSD and left... my girlfriend quit one week later...
The guy didn't get fired,...(he had NAACP, and Disability lawyers, plus his ex-MOL was VP)...
He did get fired 3 weeks after I left,... for sexual harassment...

Funny,.. sexual harassment will get you fired, but murder treats don't... :-?...

I did secretly pack a little 22,... and had a very "strategic" layout of chairs around my desk and a few heavy items on it...
Very stressful...but I was defensive of my ladies in the office... so I couldn't leave them alone to deal with him.

Anyway,... I don't know the solution,... but it's so much more common here, than in other countries... there must be some mix of measures that would make this less common...


Title: Re: So sad......
Post by oldNslow on 08/27/15 at 17:16:05

Anyway,... I don't know the solution,... but it's so much more common here, than in other countries... there must be some mix of measures that would make this less common...

Maybe this might be one place to start. Quit lying about, or ignoring these a**holes and the trouble they cause in one place, and letting them move on and take their problems somewhere else until they finally explode. This kind of PC crap is as much a common denominator in a lot of these situations as the oft parroted "easy access to guns" hand wringing.

" Angry employees like self-described “powder keg” Vester Lee Flanagan, the onetime TV reporter who killed two former co-workers on live television Wednesday, are able to move from job to job because old bosses are too leery of legal action to talk when called for a reference, according to experts.

The 41-year-old Flanagan’s career was checkered with baseless complaints against co-workers, lawsuits alleging racism and incidents of bullying and belittling colleagues at WDBJ-7, in Roanoke, Va.. But as with many other problematic employees, his reputation did not always precede him as he built his resume. Employers who have rid themselves of a bad apple may see no benefit to sparing others of the same problem.

“Employers are concerned about lawsuits,” said Susan Heathfield, a human resources consultant. “There has been a trend in recent years for employers to adopt policies that state that all information shared about a former employee must come from HR, and many HR departments have also developed a policy that says they will not provide a prospective employer with any information except dates of employment, salary, and job titles.”

Link to the whole article:


Title: Re: So sad......
Post by MnSpring on 08/27/15 at 17:54:11

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
" ... I did secretly pack a little 22,... and had a very "strategic" layout of chairs around my desk and a few heavy items on it..."

What ???????

“I did secretly pack a little 22,… and had a very "strategic" layout of chairs around my desk and a few heavy items on it..."

You are, actually, saying, you were, prepared, to  DEFEND, your life  ???????

Yet, when I, or Many, MANY, others want to do the same,
it is wrong ?    :o :o :o :o :o

OH, BTW, how is the quest for the XL-T, Leather jacket, 'real cheep', coming ?  Soon to get cold here !

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Serowbot on 08/27/15 at 18:37:03

7655684B4952555C3B0 wrote:
[quote author=2137203D25303D26520 link=1440639812/0#9 date=1440715200]
" ... I did secretly pack a little 22,... and had a very "strategic" layout of chairs around my desk and a few heavy items on it..."

What ???????

“I did secretly pack a little 22,… and had a very "strategic" layout of chairs around my desk and a few heavy items on it..."

You are, actually, saying, you were, prepared, to  DEFEND, your life  ???????
I didn't expect to actually have time to use it, even with that warning...
(I would never try to draw a gun on a guy that was already pointing one at me)... :-/...
My plan was to hurl a couple of chairs at him to get his hands busy,  jump on his head to get him off his feet,... then, bash his head in with a tripod leg...
I am fast when I'm scared... ;D...
The .22 was just in case he got past me to the others...

I wouldn't have needed it, if guns hadn't been available to him... :-/...

I'm not saying no guns for anybody,... although I do believe they are generally a false security...
... but, this guy had a history of years of violence, threats, and mental instability,... yet he bought a 9mm Beretta... (his ex-wife called me to warn me that he had purchased it... she was afraid, and she left him)...
That's crazy...

What... no Thrift shops in Minisoda?...... ;D...

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by old.indian on 08/27/15 at 18:50:15

“Employers are concerned about lawsuits,” said Susan Heathfield, a human resources consultant. “There has been a trend in recent years for employers to adopt policies that state that all information shared about a former employee must come from HR, and many HR departments have also developed a policy that says they will not provide a prospective employer with any information except dates of employment, salary, and job titles.”

 This has been true for at least two decades.  I was told by HR that the company could be sued for a negative reference. "The most negative thing that could be said was "No Comment".     In this society/ culture of Political correctness / the ladder of career growth is changing employers at every step up there will be a large number of persons on the edge about whom their co-workers and neighbors have no warning before they act violently.  I would point out that guns are not their only available means of violence. Knives, explosives, chemicals, speeding vehicles.. It doesn't take much, the average human is pretty fragile....

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by MnSpring on 08/27/15 at 19:13:50

" ... What... no Thrift shops in Minisoda?...... ;D...

A Yea, dare dis, but ya knoe they are gone the day day come in, I dont go dare avery day.

" ... I didn't expect to actually have time to use it, even with that warning... "

Dan why did you bring it?
Here in Minisoda, ifin ya bring it, yas gonna yse it!
(Ifin ya need to)

It seems to me, dagt, ifinin you needed to, ya would ave used it.

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Serowbot on 08/27/15 at 21:44:52

I do know the golden rule of the .22...
Empty it,.. then beat him over the head with it... ;D...

I do love the .22...  
If I could only have one,...
It would be a 22...
Probably, my Norinco (Baby Brownng)...
Fast, fun, and sexy as all get-out...
I have 3k rounds,.. of 22...
Ready for the zombie epoch...  ;D...
;)... Savages go,..
I'm a gentile one... but still a Savage... :-?...
Gimme' 3 quick shots... and I'll take down a golf ball past 100 yards with my iron sight Norinco...

The other thing I love about the Norinco,.. it goes up to 11... :-?...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/27/15 at 23:04:24

get dessicants and vacuum pack the 22 stuff

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by raydawg on 08/28/15 at 04:48:23

I think bot exemplifies the liberals mindset....
He can justify exemptions for himself of what they want to charge against others....
Look at some of the recent verbiage to come out of the mouths of open-minded liberals who claim tolerance and acceptance of those who differ in lifestyle, beliefs, etc....
Hillary, says the conservatives are akin to the terrorist because of not agreeing with her....
Obama calls them crazies....
And you wonder why a "victim" being fed a constant diet of negativity goes off...... I don't. I readily see the link. If you have children you know exactly what I am talking about!
If I feed them only negativity and heap upon them words of no expectations, only failures, that is the results I will get from them. However, if I set the bar high with encouraging them their results lead to self respect and reliability of themselves attaining their needs....
You teach a man to fish instead of making him beg at the docks.

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/15 at 05:36:40

What in the world?... :-?...

:-/ :-/ :-/...

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/28/15 at 06:13:05

Enjoy your shooting skills while you can, Bot, Once the bifocals hit, the front and rear sights won't come into focus at the same time on a rifle, pistols still work fine, as long as shoulders and nerves will allow steady support.
SKS has a forward rear sight, short barrel, it still works..

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by WebsterMark on 08/28/15 at 08:00:29

Gimme' 3 quick shots... and I'll take down a golf ball past 100 yards with my iron sight Norinco...

I can't even see my golf ball 100 yards away.......  of course it's usually in the weeds or water....

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by WebsterMark on 08/28/15 at 08:02:03

I think Dawg's point is you've been pretty vocal about restricting gun ownership as a means to reduce violent crime haven't you?

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by pg on 08/28/15 at 08:46:49


I have 3k rounds,.. of 22...
Ready for the zombie epoch...  ;D...

Holy crap, is Bot a prepper?   ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/15 at 08:54:21

When the zombies come,.. we'll all worry less about politics...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Paraquat on 08/28/15 at 09:31:02

5344424E4151230 wrote:
Holy crap, is Bot a prepper?   ;D

Best regards,

Not with 3k.


Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Ed L. on 08/28/15 at 10:12:12

Been scoping all my .22 rifles thanks to bifocals. Still use iron sights on the military surplus centerfires.
 Always carry a Ruger .380 ACP when out. Bought it to carry and sometimes resent the catch 22 loop of owning a pistol, if you bought it to carry and don't carry it and need it then you should of been carring it in the first place so you end up carring it all the time. Owning a pistol just increases paranoia, not decreases it.
 It would be easier and more civilized just not to buy it in the first place. ;)

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/28/15 at 17:42:18

That's an easy conundrum to solve. I'll PM you my address and, because I'm such a good guy, I'll even pay the freight...

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Ed L. on 08/29/15 at 06:35:53

LOL  ;D ;D ;D ;D

There goes my morning coffee out my nose and all over the laptop

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by Serowbot on 08/29/15 at 07:52:00

That sounds refreshing, Ed...  never tried it that way... ;D...

Title: Re: So sad......
Post by raydawg on 08/29/15 at 08:35:48

Yeah....but the donuts are a beetch  :o » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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