General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> What kind of gas do you use?

Message started by chasethorn on 08/20/15 at 20:43:07

Title: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by chasethorn on 08/20/15 at 20:43:07

never thought about this for some reason but what grade gas should go into a 97 Suzuki savage ls650?

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by scotnstl on 08/20/15 at 20:58:46

Mine is an 86 and seems to run best on 93 octane. Knocks just a bit with the lower grades.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/15 at 21:08:52

70606C776D70776F030 wrote:
Mine is an 86 and seems to run best on 93 octane. Knocks just a bit with the lower grades.

How many miles have you ridden it?
What speeds are you shifting?
Has it got the stock muffler?

It's a low tech, low compression, low octane fuel using machine.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by scotnstl on 08/20/15 at 21:14:14

I have only put about 1000 miles on it. Got it this spring. I shift at different speeds depending on the roads I am riding, but I don't "lug it". I have the dyna muffler on it, but have not re jetted. Still running the stock air filter.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/15 at 21:25:08

I THINK the 86 has reasonable jets for a Dyna, especially if it's got a stock filter. I don't know you or YOUR bike, but I am pretty familiar with the brand.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by scotnstl on 08/20/15 at 21:29:22

Seems to run about the same as with the stock muffler, but sounds so much nicer.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Serowbot on 08/20/15 at 23:02:58

I want to start a new saying...

If it's under nine, regular is fine...

It may not be precisely accurate,.. but, "premium" "high test", "super".. is just regular gas, with an anti-knock additive...
It don't make power,... and it does nothing good, if your compression doesn't per-detonate the fuel...
....(it's a flame retardant additive)... :-/...
It's not magic...

We, have a low compression engine... it does not make enough pressure to cause per-detonation...

You are replacing fuel, with an anti-knock agent...
Only fuel burns...

Do the math... :-?...

Also,... in this day of high fuel prices,... Few people buy "premium" fuels... so they sit in the station tanks longer...
That can't be good... old gas, is bad gas..

Regular is fine,... if you're under nine...

...(It might be ten)... :-/...

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Dave on 08/21/15 at 03:51:57

As Serowbot said....our bike is a low compression engine and it is supposed to run regular grade gas (87).  The higher grade fuels are more resistant to knocking/detonation from higher compression ratios and don't add any power.

Different fuel suppliers do put different additive packages in the fuel however, and if you go buy the "Top Shelf" fuels like Shell and Chevron they can have 4 times as much of the additives that keep the carbon from building up in an gas from discount stations only put in the government mandated minimum amounts of the additives - and this minimum amount most likely isn't enough to keep our primitive engine clean inside.  If you have to run 93 in your Savage to keep it from knocking....I would believe you might have a carbon build up problem in the engine.

I did a long term fuel test and did find that the premium fuel deteriorated the fastest....and I suspect that the rumor that the premium fuel may be old when you buy it is most likely correct.    

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by hotprops on 08/21/15 at 07:07:46

av fuel 100LL. that is very high in led must use iridium plug or clean it on a regular  basis. on the auto fuel rating method it is around 93 oct . i use it because no ethanol ,never gums up carbs ,and the valves love all the cushion of all the led  . i also live in a airpark with a 10,000  gal tank that we sell  at cost to our homeowners .i use it in everything that does not have a cat converter

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by old.indian on 08/21/15 at 07:32:58

My 2006 runs at its' best on ethanol free 88 octane  I get locally. ( Better MPG at least. )

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Dave on 08/21/15 at 08:39:23

0E0D054F080F0508000F610 wrote:
My 2006 runs at its' best on ethanol free 88 octane  I get locally. ( Better MPG at least. )

Well sure it does.....I don't believe Suzuki has changed the carb to account for the fact that most bikes are using ethahol laced fuel (E10).  I am pretty sure the TEV valve in the carb would work better without any ethanol in the fuel, and the bike would not pop and bang as much when you let off the etrottle if we all used ethanol free gas.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Kris01 on 08/21/15 at 21:03:06

Dave, you provided me with a link to find ethanol free gas. Wanna post it again, please?

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Boogie_with_Stu on 08/22/15 at 00:37:33

I run the mid grade....just because. I have no idea what difference it would make, it's just habit.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Dave on 08/22/15 at 04:19:42

033A213B7879480 wrote:
Dave, you provided me with a link to find ethanol free gas. Wanna post it again, please?

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by smokin_blue on 08/22/15 at 05:52:42

In minnesota we have sometimes the option for Non Oxy or non oxygenated gas.   Usually 90 or 91 octane.  It is only legal in small engines, off road vehicles, collector cars, and MOTORCYCLES.  I swear by it for my lawn mower etc and the bikes.  It is far better on the carbs.  Today's gas has so many crap additives that can gum up a carb if you are not riding very regularily that it isn't even funny.  I have been told (don't know if it is true but I believe it) that today's gas can go bad (many volitiles evaporate) in as little as 3 weeks.

I got sick of cleaning carbs and I swear buy it now.  Buy it if you can get it.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Dave on 08/22/15 at 06:31:30

I believe the modern gasoline is actually cleaner and does keep the fuel system clean and doesn't do any harm.....provided that it is used regularly. (Although there are some rubber or nylon fuel lines, diaphragms and O-rings that are dissolved by the ethanol).  As you indicated any kind of non-use or storage is very hard on the equipment that has ethanol in the fuel.  Stihl recommends removing all fuel from their equipment if you are not going to use it for 2 months.

I believe that fuel injected systems are more able to resist problems with the E10 - as the system is closed and the fuel in the injection system is sealed and not exposed to air and moisture.  In a carb system the gasoline portion of the fuel can evaporate, and what it leave behind is mostly ethanol.  This ethanol absorbs moisture and can corrode aluminum parts easily.  I did a long term fuel test and found that the premium fuel I used in my test started to phase separate in 50 days of storage, and an ethanol/water sludge started to form in the bottom of the bottle.

If your equipment is stored in an insulated garage and is not subject to the temperature and humidity swings that occur each day/night, it is less subject to damage.  Equipment store outdoors or in open carports or non-insulate building is more subject to damage.

I believe the E10 is fine in fuel injected equipment, and that the pure gasoline works better in carbs.  It would be nice if the EPA allowed us to put the fuel in our equipment that it was designed to use (E10 for fuel injection, gasoline for carbs) - however the EPA agenda really prefers that we stop using our old non-compliant equipment and replace it with more modern and less "dirty" equipment.  They could really care less that our old stuff is being damaged by the ethanol in the fuel.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Serowbot on 08/22/15 at 07:41:57

And another thing... ;D...
...particularly for motorcycles, (since our tanks are small)...

When you pay extra for Premium that you don't need,...the first half gallon or so, is usually regular anyway... because the lines hold about that much...

When I fill up, I usually get 1.2 to 1.4 gallons... :P...

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Dave on 08/22/15 at 07:57:04

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:
And another thing... ;D...
...particularly for motorcycles, (since our tanks are small)...

When you pay extra for Premium that you don't need,...the first half gallon or so, is usually regular anyway... because the lines hold about that much...

When I fill up, I usually get 1.2 to 1.4 gallons... :P...

This is one of the problems with the "blender" pumps..which dispense all three grades of fuel from the same hose.

It is also one of the reasons that the E15 issue is being so hotly debated.  If the EPA mandates that the 15% ethanol fuel be made available at all pumps - you could get a dose of E15 in your tank that would then mix with the E10 that you are trying to buy.  The combination of the two would increase your ethanol content above 10%, and no motorcycle is rated to use anything above 10%, and it could damage your engine.

Some pumps still use separate pumps or hoses for the different grades......try to find those pumps if you are using Premium (those folks with Wiseco or Woessner pistons).  

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by MnSpring on 08/22/15 at 09:05:15

Another vote for, Non-Oxy gas, (Gas without Ethanol)

And Never, NEVER, mix oil, (2 cycle), with ‘Ethanol gas’,  NEVER !

Now, the 10%, ‘Listed’, stuff, is NOT, always 10%.
It varies, and even the Station OWNER does not know.
(Yes, it can make it perfect, but they don’t)
For the, 'commuters’, Keep track of your MPG.
Your are (mostly) driving the same way, each day.
With the 10%, your MPG will change,  Much Much more,
than your MPG with ’Non-Oxy’ gas.

(And with Corn Prices down, I suspect the, ‘mixers’, are putting in More, Ethanol)
So now you have a someone, who filled up with E-85, (That’s what is in the hose)
And you put 1.5 gallons of, (what is marked E-10) but could be E-12.
(If you run that out, in a couple of days, probably not a problem)
If not, could be big problem.

Remember, this, Internal Combustion Engine, (ICE) Even if it is a 2015 model.
Was NEVER, designed to use, Ethanol Gas.
Some ICE’s were, some are today, but they are ‘Designed’ for it.
This ICE, is NOT.

Stations around me, can only get 91 oct, ’Non-Oxy’,
so that is what I use. Wish their was some 88 oct, ’Non-Oxy’.

If you have a place to store gas, and some, Good, gas cans.
Find a place that sells, ’Non-Oxy’,  and fill the portable tank, then fill the MC from that.

But, if it a, ‘Blend’ pump, Make Sure, you put a 1/2 gal, in your car/truck,
Before, you fill the tanks.

Cause the EPA, Just don’t care.  Look how much they care, about KILLING, THOUSANDS,
of Fish, Wildlife, Domestic animals. And grossly enlarging the lives, of Several Thousands of Humans.
Who used that water for drinking, irrigation, bathing.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Kris01 on 08/22/15 at 19:50:44

Just food for thought: Can the ethanol be separated and disposed of cheaply? I'm not looking to build a chem lab in my garage, just wondering!

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/22/15 at 21:28:23

And Never, NEVER, mix oil, (2 cycle), with ‘Ethanol gas’,  NEVER !

Wuhh? Whammi gonna put in the we deeter?

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by FerousBastard on 08/23/15 at 01:26:26

6B5249531011200 wrote:
Just food for thought: Can the ethanol be separated and disposed of cheaply? I'm not looking to build a chem lab in my garage, just wondering!

Do you have access to distilled water cheaply?
In theory the major gripe with ethanol is that it's hygroscopic, it loves to cuddle up with water vapor and sink to the bottom of the tank where it'll do all sorts of nasty business.
Continuing this theory you could add a spritz of water to the E10 mix in a closed container and let the ethanol and water settle out before tapping it off leaving pure gasoline to tap onto your bike..

Edit: Seems like some guys over at GoldwingDocs got it down:

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by Dave on 08/23/15 at 04:13:11

You can use E10 with 2 cycle mix - you just can't store it for extended periods (more then a month is my limit).  I mix my fuel in a 1 gallon can and use it up quickly

I heat with wood, I have 3 Stihl chains saws, 2 weed whackers and a leaf blower, and they have been running on the E10 for years.  I tried Avgas for a year and they just don't run as well on it (even with carb adjustments), and when I can get pure gas I do - but E10 works fine as long as it is fresh.  When it starts to get old the mix oil can settle out, and this becomes a real problem as you may shake your fuel can before you pour - but I have never seen anyone shake their saw before starting it!  A lot of piston/cylinder seizures have occurred when somebody grabs their saw (or weed whacker, blower or tiller) that has been sitting on the shelf for a couple of months and fires it up with old fuel in it.  When the phase separation occurs the gas and oil end up floating on top of the tank and the ethanol and water are on the bottom......and that is right where the carb gets the fuel from....the bottom of the tank.

You all can mix E10 with water if you want and try and get pure gas - it just isn't worth the hassle to me. You can't do that when you are out riding and need fuel, and I am not convinced that stripping ethanol out of gas doesn't strip out some of the needed additives.   Fresh E10 works OK....just don't let it  sit for very long.  When my stuff goes into storage it either is drained completely, or gets Avgas 100LL or Torco racing fuel from the gas station near the local drag strip.

For a few years I followed the forum....folks who cut wood for a living and are severe chainsaw hobbyists.  The consensus on the forum is that E10 is fine when fresh, 50:1 mix ratios with modern synthetic fuel is fine for all new and vintage equipment, and never store your equipment with fuel in it.  The fuel can sitting in the bed of the truck......full sun during the day and the dewey damp nights....that is not be best way to treat your 2 cycle mix.

Title: Re: What kind of gas do you use?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/23/15 at 09:12:29

Okay, Dave, I've seen the bike, I've read the posts, I know what kinda troubleshooting and repair, and I used to heat this place with wood, No small feat with bad rotator cuffs, but, everything I've seen leaves me with two choices, Well, there's room between, I could hate ,   but,  dude, you Da MAYUN! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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