General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Predictions

Message started by WebsterMark on 08/15/15 at 06:41:27

Title: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/15/15 at 06:41:27

Hilary is forced to drop out due to escalating FBI investigation and drop off in support not just with voters, but with her media allies who never loved and protected her the way they did with Bill Clinton.

Sanders fades, even souless Dems can't accept a national candidate that's a socialist. Two others jump in, John Kerry and Joe Biden. The remarketing of John Kerry gets underway and he wins Democratic nomination.

Republicans. Too soon to tell and too many candidates. The only certaintity is Trump drops out sooner or later and endorses somebody. Whoever that person is will find a way to backhandedly accept that endorsement. I can't stomach the idea of Jeb Bush but a second Bush/Kerry election would be almost be enjoyable enough to accept Bush........almost.

I kinda see Florina in the mix as either the candidate or as VP, but from what I've seen and heard so far, I'd go for her. I like Walker, but he'll fade.  Cruz  will peak. There's something not quite right with him, not sure what it is. Only good thong with Cruz as President, a few of Obama's diasters will get tossed out, but Cruz won't be able to push anything new through. I consider it a victory if the government left everything alone for 4 years and just let people live their lives and stop trying to make it better which inevitably makes it worse!

Rubio and Florina would beat anyone but not sure she'll take VP and I'm sure he won't be her running mate. The more I think about it, the more that seems like a winning combination, but Rubio seems to political for me. I honestly don't know much about him.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by Serowbot on 08/15/15 at 07:16:50

I predict both sides go with the safe choice...

De'ja vu all over again.... :P...

Cowardly, milktoast choices on both sides...

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by raydawg on 08/15/15 at 09:17:16

I'm with bot on this one.....

And it would be great if it finally woke folk up to the fact our system is a charade.

I think it took a turn south after Kennedy, and those who pull the strings have become ever more powerful influencing the outcome(s).

The current candidates "who are "viable" are nothing more than a strain of the previous, as with inbreeding of animals, soon it weakens the stock instead of introducing a healthy animal.

Let me explain how this works....
I recently had a guest to my house, he was a superintendent of a school district.
We talked for almost two hours straight about the school system, and it problems.
The biggest draw of its energy is meeting mandates by the government.
He gave the example of how they must meet the criteria of schooling "handicapped" children without concern of cost.
He stated that it cost about $50,000.00 per child/per year, or the same cost of a class full of "non" handicapped kids.
He told of where they had to put 50 students in a class, with only 1 teacher, in order to school everyone.
He tells how this hurts the marginal student, for the teacher lacks the time, and resource, to tend to their need in a manner that often lifts them to a new level of study....
It straps the high achievers, into a lower study, wasting their academic abilities...
Also he stated of mandates that really don't give the tools these kids need to compete in a shrinking global income earning market, like trade skills.

He stated the system is broke because those in charge come from the same system of academia mindset....
Its like trying to fix our bike with only one tool in our tool box, because we know that tool really good  :-/

We need fresh blood, ideas, and imagination, with the grit and integrity to get their hands dirty.
We all pretty much want the same, but instead of using all the tools we each bring to the repair, we often get side tracked with arguing why that tool you bring won't work....

We ALL need to pitch in and do what we can. If we never start because we think someone else ain't doing their share, we will just sink faster, and once we grasp our last breath, none of it will matter no how   >:(

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by raydawg on 08/15/15 at 09:26:29

Web, if you are right, I would say Joe will carry it right away from Kerry....

Joe, even tho he has been in DC for many years, he still connects with the common folk.
He misspeaks and says dumb things, just like all of us. He laughs at himself, and diffuses it.
The man has been through the ringer of heartbreak and most folk can appreciate that he has still suited up and was willing to play.
I believe that speaks volume to his real (in the trench ) character, not some paparazzi reporting of his actions with a couple bimbos under a restaurant table....
You don't have to agree with his policies, but I think he will lend you an honest ear and engage you without demogery.

That, is my take on the guy, your milage may very  ;D

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/15/15 at 09:39:53 mileage varies......! I view Joe as the crazy uncle.... besides it was him and Ted Kennedy who started the Supreme Court nomination fights.

I hope you who think it's enviable that it's going to be Bush / Clinton are wrong but I'm not betting against you. If it is, Hilary wins cause I don't think I can pull a lever for Jeb. One pu$$y running against another......

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by raydawg on 08/15/15 at 10:23:13

734146575041566945564F240 wrote: mileage varies......! I view Joe as the crazy uncle.... besides it was him and Ted Kennedy who started the Supreme Court nomination fights.

I hope you who think it's enviable that it's going to be Bush / Clinton are wrong but I'm not betting against you. If it is, Hilary wins cause I don't think I can pull a lever for Jeb. One pu$$y running against another......

I won't vote Jeb either....

He is the perfect example of political grooming, from the moment the Queen bore a son, the courts were tasked with building an imagine that would extend the families reign over the kingdom.

Hillary, on the other hand, is all about Hillary and satisfying a deep seated narcissistic complex that I believe was instilled by her farther.
She would abandon in a heart beat those who elect her if in doing so she saw a greater opportunity to advance herself and assure the opportunity to achieve this legacy she has carved out in her mind......
WHICH, might be an asset in this world today, as I do see her allegiance to this system of govern (Democracy) as a key component to reaching that goal, than the presiding, who has staked his cause of trying to appease those who have no interest in attaining peace and acceptance of those they find in contempt, and oppositions to their lives.  
Noble cause indeed, but poor husbanding of the task he was elected to do.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by pg on 08/15/15 at 10:26:19

Hillary, on the other hand, is all about Hillary and satisfying a deep seated narcissistic complex that I believe was instilled by her farther.

I don't know much about her background.  Could you elaborate?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/15 at 11:44:29

If Hillary isn't shunned after all the mess, then that's a testament to how badly broken the system is. I am not convinced there's a big enough gun she can shoot herself in the foot with to take her out.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/15/15 at 14:21:49

I think that gun is locked and loaded!

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by raydawg on 08/15/15 at 16:52:21

283F39353A2A580 wrote:

Hillary, on the other hand, is all about Hillary and satisfying a deep seated narcissistic complex that I believe was instilled by her farther.

I don't know much about her background.  Could you elaborate?

Best regards,

Understand my opine of her is subjected to my own reasoning.
However, if you goggle her ( oh....that is a sick thought  :-[ ) and read about her upbringing and the influences of her dad, Hugh Rodham, a republican politician of the old school, she cut her "wisdom teeth" sitting on his lap as he and chums sniffed brandy and whiffed cigars talking politics

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by Serowbot on 08/15/15 at 17:44:52

7F6C74696C7A6A0D0 wrote:
Trump, on the other hand, is all about Trump and satisfying a deep seated narcissistic complex that I believe was instilled by his father.

Sounds right... ;D...

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by oldNslow on 08/15/15 at 17:47:09

There are about 20 people ( give or take a few)running for the position right now. My prediction is that we're gonna get stuck with one of them, and that which one that happens to be isn't going to make a doggone bit of difference. Sometimes you just have to recognize that yer f**ked ,and move on.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/15 at 17:54:13

yeah, what he said.

Changing the players doesn't. Change the game.
The Fed rolls on. All the alphabet agencies, continue.
Wars, proxy wars, economic attacks, embargoes, drones, all of it just keeps going.
And nothing ever gets repealed.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by pg on 08/15/15 at 18:18:03

Sometimes you just have to recognize that yer f**ked ,and move on.

That's right.  I young fella I work with mentioned things aren't going his way and life ain't worth a crap.  With hesitation, I responded:  "ah don't worry, you get used to it."  He looks at me and says WHAT?  That wasn't the response he was looking for.   :-?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by raydawg on 08/15/15 at 19:34:29

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
[quote author=7F6C74696C7A6A0D0 link=1439646087/0#5 date=1439659393]Trump, on the other hand, is all about Trump and satisfying a deep seated narcissistic complex that I believe was instilled by his father.

Sounds right... ;D...[/quote]

Indeed, coupled with a PT Barnum and Mohammed Ali all wrapped up in one  :D

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by old.indian on 08/15/15 at 19:35:47

Aw Come On... You know that we have the very best government that money can buy...... ::)

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by thumperclone on 08/17/15 at 08:23:13

52515913545359545C533D0 wrote:
Aw Come On... You know that we have the very best government that money can buy...... ::)

too bad our dollar is weak

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/15 at 10:38:27

Weak, compared to what it should be, but, since we are seeing gold so easy to buy and the Chinese devaluing and the eurozone going off sideways, the dollar , much as I despise it because of what it is, is one of the least sucky amongst the options.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/15 at 06:41:18

Maybe I'm wrong about Trump. I can get behind this immigration policy 100%.

The three core principles of Donald J. Trump's immigration plan

When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties.

Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:

1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/15 at 07:36:19

How can anyone be that spot on on a complex issue , breaking it down like that, and not see the difference between selective breeding and GMO?

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by Serowbot on 08/18/15 at 07:42:42

Trump thinks Mexico will pay for a wall?...

He thinks stupid Republicans will believe it...
He's blowin' smoke up yer' butt...

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by old.indian on 08/18/15 at 07:48:52

With all the money being poured into the election , (Trump says he's willing to spend a billion his self...) I decided to get a piece of the action for myself.   :)
I'm going to advertise "Votes 4 Sale", charge $ for political stickers on the vehicles,  and rent out sign space in the front yard.      I might even go so far as to hire myself out as part of a "rent-a-crowd" for various and sundry candidates.    I mean, What the heck, nothing changes, no matter which party or what candidate gets into office so why shouldn't I get a kiss ($) out of it.   ;)

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/15 at 08:21:04

5B444245585F6E5E6E56444803310 wrote:
How can anyone be that spot on on a complex issue , breaking it down like that, and not see the difference between selective breeding and GMO?

0h give it a rest.......

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/15 at 08:23:46

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
Trump thinks Mexico will pay for a wall?...

He thinks stupid Republicans will believe it...
He's blowin' smoke up yer' butt...

you believed Obama when he told you if you liked your doctor, you can keep your doctor....
Obama's lied to you so often it's pathetic.

do I think Mexico will pay? No, of course not. I've not changed my position at all, Trump would make a horrible president, but he's forcing ideas to be addressed. As someone else said 'if one of the GOP candidates want to get rid of Trump, all they gotta do is take his ideas and run with them.'  

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/15 at 09:03:15

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
[quote author=5B444245585F6E5E6E56444803310 link=1439646087/15#19 date=1439908579]How can anyone be that spot on on a complex issue , breaking it down like that, and not see the difference between selective breeding and GMO?

0h give it a rest.......[/quote]

Concede the point or debate the issue. Your last position was
Everything is GMO, because farmers have been crossbreeding plants forever.
My point is, gene splicing guns are being used in laboratories to change the genetic makeup of plants, and the long term effects are at best, unknown, but I have posted links to a study showing pics of tufts of hair between the teeth of mice fed GMO corn for three generations.
Back your stand or fold your hand.

By your logic, every racehorse is a GMO, because they were bred by owners, choosing dams and sires.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/15 at 09:26:14

no, that was not my position. I believe I said GMO crops have been around for a very long time and that activist have hijacked GMO and carried it into all sorts of topics which have anti-government,  anti-corporate leanings at their source.

And if I start a GMO debate with you I can predict with absolute certainty where it will go. this will end up just like our previous 911 debates where you will refuse to download and read a document. You will change the subject constantly once cornered on a particular item. In fact, you will refuse to stay on one very specific detail and carry it to its logical conclusion. All 9/11 truth is do this. They have to do this because otherwise their story falls apart.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/15 at 09:51:32

Well, I'll start a GMO thread and make my claims and you can explain just how long GMO has been around.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/15 at 10:21:54

go for it.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by thumperclone on 08/18/15 at 13:51:33

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
Weak, compared to what it should be, but, since we are seeing gold so easy to buy and the Chinese devaluing and the eurozone going off sideways, the dollar , much as I despise it because of what it is, is one of the least sucky amongst the options.

read our gov is weak

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by old.indian on 08/18/15 at 19:37:51

Given all the foreign currencies being "contributed"   ;) to the various candidates via PACs and "charity foundations", I repeat my statement that "We have the very best government that money can buy."  (No matter what form of currency that "money" might be.....)

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/19/15 at 05:56:26

yes, we do have the very best government money can buy. But we also have the very best government. People are literally dying to get into the United States, not to get out of it. There must be a reason why. All those immigrants dying overseas trying to get into France or England would equally try, if not more so, to get into United States. i've been to a few other places in the world and there's no place I'd rather be than here. We should thank our lucky stars. no doubt we have a ton of problems, but in the big picture, they don't override the good stuff.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by Serowbot on 08/19/15 at 06:41:05

In 5 billion years,... our galaxy will crash into Andromeda and everything we know will be destroyed...


...and I still don't want Trump to be president...  ;D...

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by old.indian on 08/19/15 at 08:48:35

I've looked over the list for both parties and there only two that I found of any interest were Elizabeth Warren, who must be doing something right to have the "Big Banks" and Wall Street so P.O.ed at her.     And James Webb, because I knew a couple of guys from his outfit who said that he was an upfront guy and a first class officer.  Other than that, I'm going with my "Votes 4 Sale" plan and see if I can get any thing out of this election cycle other than the fertilizer burn from all the political B.S. flying around.....  

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/19/15 at 09:29:39

Elizabeth is a female version of Bernie Sanders....which is to say worthless.

I don't know why Democrats don't get behind Webb. If I was a Republican candidate, I'd be scared to death of Webb gaining traction. Hell, given the choice between Jeb Bush and Webb, I'd vote for Webb and I haven't voted for a Democrat since I found my brains after voting for Jimmy Carter and then Bill Clinton the first time!  I'd consider Webb before Bush, Trump, maybe even Rubio.

In another job I had, I was following a mini-battle between Lindsey Graham and Jim Webb. It had to do with something called the Berry Amendment which states that fibers, yards and finished fabrics used to manufacture the uniforms for military personnel must be sourced from materials produced within the US with some allowances for reciprocating countries such as Canada, Great Britain etc...   The raw fiber material for our yarns had it's origins in Hungary which wasn't on the current list. The yarn spinner we were talking to was located in Virginia which is how Webb got involved. The current yarn spinner with all the business was in the Carolinas which is how Graham got involved. Many yarn and fabric producers (95% located in either North or South Carolina) would go out of business if fibers and yarns from other countries were given Berry Amendment exemptions. Graham was enlisted to make sure no changes were made and Webb was enlisted to push for more exemptions. I followed the action because we stood to gain if Webb 'won'. My memory is basically Webb punted and didn't fight to add exemptions because 1) Graham was way further up the pecking order than Webb was. Webb had Tom Colburn from OK in his corner because there was a company in OK who wanted other countries added. Together, those two were still not as influential as Graham. The second reason is I seem to recall reading Webb really didn't think it a good idea to add exemptions to other countries. The whole idea behind the Berry Amendment in the first place was that if the US went to war with a nation supplying critical elements to the war effort, we'd spend a lot of time and money looking for alternative suppliers during a very busy time. Not a good idea. I respected Webb for not fighting to hard on this issue. Of course on the other hand, this was a relatively small piece of business with a single company asking for help. The number of jobs and taxes increased if he'd 'won' would have been relatively small. If the numbers had been much larger, who knows?, maybe Webb goes to the mat to expand the list.

But the bottom line is he didn't 'sell out' so I give him points for that.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 08/21/15 at 08:34:42

A couple of points:
Make all of the fun of Trump that you want, but he resonates with lots of real people.  Union Democrats are behind his immigration notions.
All of you keep taking about "buying gov't".  Well, just a week or two ago, Trump refused a $5 Million contribution from a super PAC, telling the lobbyist who was trying to give it to him that he doesn't need their money, nor any PAC or lobbyist's money.  Trump said he was not going to be beholden to any lobbyists or their clients.  He said he doesn't need their money.
That impresses lots of voters who do want to rid campaigns of so much monetary influence.
Now, if Trump doesn't get eth nomination, Ohio governor John Kasich is rising fairly fast.  I could easily see a Kasich/Fiorina ticket.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/15 at 09:25:14

I'd vote Trump, Ventura..
Fiorina Says things that I like, but how she wrecked the company she was running bugs me. Note that Bush's fabulous business history didn't hurt him.
When exit polls are completely different from the vote count, I question it.
And, changing the players doesn't change the game. I agreed with Obama that America needs fundamental change, which he accomplished. He went the wrong way. Wars used to be bubs, JFK was bringing the boys home. LBJ turned the ships around. Can you imagine being on the ship, president has decided to get out, and he is murdered and the new guy says,
Go back, fight and die...

The attack on the Liberty, if you haven't studied it, and I'm not talking about the fluff, read what came out years later, LBJ called fighters back,

I want that GD ship on the bottom.

That way they could've blamed Egypt and we could sell another war to the dumb masses.

The anti war movement appears to have died. It's harder to protest the actions of your own party,maybe? Or people are too busy, trying to keep bills paid, or they gave up, dangfino, but we Need a big anti war movement.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/15 at 09:54:57

6D626E646F6269656275606275070 wrote:
A couple of points:
Make all of the fun of Trump that you want, but he resonates with lots of real people.  Union Democrats are behind his immigration notions.
All of you keep taking about "buying gov't".  Well, just a week or two ago, Trump refused a $5 Million contribution from a super PAC, telling the lobbyist who was trying to give it to him that he doesn't need their money, nor any PAC or lobbyist's money.  Trump said he was not going to be beholden to any lobbyists or their clients.  He said he doesn't need their money.
That impresses lots of voters who do want to rid campaigns of so much monetary influence.
Now, if Trump doesn't get eth nomination, Ohio governor John Kasich is rising fairly fast.  I could easily see a Kasich/Fiorina ticket.

Good to hear from you Jerry.

but what do you think about Hilary? Will she survive? I say no, more and more email stuff coming out. I think her luck's run out.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 08/21/15 at 10:08:53

I don't know about Hillary - who else have the Dems really got?  Sanders can never win a general election.  Joe Biden is nearly 73 now, would be over 74 by election day in 2016 - getting long in the tooth to be starting a POTUS term.
John Kerry has a lot of baggage, especially if Congress turns down the Iran deal.
I know nothing about Webb.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/15 at 10:53:15

especially if Congress turns down the Iran deal.

The people who have a clue are against it. Like so many times in the past.
I expect a LOT of coverage, hand wringing,
Ohh, it's just Such a difficult decision...

But,in the end, they will come together, with some bubs and dems opposed, but, in a bilateral agreement, working together, they will juuust have enough votes to pass it. The people will be outraged, and neither party will be the bad guy. If one party drives it through, they'll get slaughtered at the polls, so, like all the worst deals, they will have to share the blame equally, in order to preserve themselves and still Do what the people they really work for demand.

That this Deal is even being considered is ludicrous on its face. That alone tells me SOMEONE wants it.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/15 at 11:09:11

I would normally tend to agree with you on something like this Jog. Everyone knew obamacare was gonna pass, but I think something's different about this one. It might be a little too dirty even for some politicians.

A couple of big names are actively campaigning against it. I think they are figuring out that once Obama's gone, they are the ones who will have to live with the consequences of it. He can blame anything that goes wrong on the current administration and keep cashing his speaking fee checks and set up office in the UN as Emperor.

I'm not convinced this 'treaty' is going to get thru. And my God, it shouldn't. If Obama's point is; if we don't sign this agreement, they'll build a bomb and a war might start; then why are we just saying FU to begin with? What the hell! We're the USA. We don't take $hit like that especially off of 3rd world $hitholes like Iran. (at least we didn't use to.... I'm afraid we do now with Hopey-change...God what a POS he is)

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by old.indian on 08/21/15 at 11:51:47

As I told my wife last week when I got back from the doctor's office... "Good news and Bad news... The good news is that he doesn't need to see me again for a whole year... The bad news is that I have to live through the f'n 2016 election cycle...."
Hillary should be in prison, Kerry has a "4 Sale" sign around his neck, Biden can't keep his foot out of his mouth. Elizabeth Warren isn't running, but she must be doing something right to have big banks and wall street so P.O.ed at her.  Sanders is waaayyy too far out in left field. I'd support Jim Webb for reasons I've stated previously.   I think that the 'pubs are too obviously under the control of the wall street/big bank lobbyist, (not that the 'dems are any different, they're just not as obvious about it.)  Trump is raising lot of dust and bringing up a number of issues that need to be dealt with, but I'm not too certain about his "staying power" for the long term. The party bosses might put the kibosh on him, no matter what the rank and file think.....  

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/15 at 12:43:21

Mark, I would be happy to be wrong. Elated, more like it. I think my explanation of How I expect it to go is an effective
Window into my mind. I'm cynical and jaded and expect the least intelligent, least good for America to be Just what gets done.
I Really want you to be right.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by HovisPresley on 08/21/15 at 17:44:12

796660677A7D4C7C4C74666A21130 wrote:
Mark, I would be happy to be wrong. Elated, more like it. I think my explanation of How I expect it to go is an effective
Window into my mind. I'm cynical and jaded and expect the least intelligent, least good for America to be Just what gets done.
I Really want you to be right.


Not that is has to do with me, much, but good post  8-)

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by MnSpring on 08/31/15 at 18:52:14

At, ’this’ point.
(Long way to go, things can easily change)

I would say : Trump/Fiorina as the main ticket.

One has Balls, the other one Testosterone.

Ventura., Just like Frankin, BOTH, a TOTAL  JOKE !

Ventura, Promised, Promised, Promised,
then when he won, did Absolutely  NOTHING,
except for 'HIMSELF" !

Frankin, was a total Worthless POS long BEFORE, SNL.
(And even more after)
I Think even the Democrats and the Media, are, Embarrassed, to have him speak.
Before SNL, he would do, 'stand up' at, Dudly Rigs, here in Mpls.
When we (bunch of 20+ year olds) would drive to, 'The Cities', to go to D.R.'s, and saw his name on the Marquee, We went someplace else !@

He got elected by VERY, VERY, 'controversial', circumstances.
Which the very, 'staunchly', Demo Attorney General said,
'No Problem".

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by pg on 08/31/15 at 22:30:08

OK, here's a thought.  Most presidential elections are decided by less than 2 million votes.  If the Dems win this election more than likely they will give citizenship to the illegal immigrants.  Assuming we have 40M here in Merca the Dems will have an additional 20M votes per election moving forward.  The Dems will dominate every election for the foreseeable future.

Here is yet another scenario if assuming Hillary wins.  She will appoint Bill as the American Ambassador to the UN later to be placed as the Secretary General.  You will have Hillary as the President of the United States and Bill in charge of the UN.   The Clintons will be be the most powerful couple in the history of the world.

Well, at least Bot will get his socialist paradise.    :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by old.indian on 09/01/15 at 07:27:52

3621272B2434460 wrote:
OK, here's a thought.  Most presidential elections are decided by less than 2 million votes.  If the Dems win this election more than likely they will give citizenship to the illegal immigrants.  Assuming we have 40M here in Merca the Dems will have an additional 20M votes per election moving forward.  The Dems will dominate every election for the foreseeable future.

Here is yet another scenario if assuming Hillary wins.  She will appoint Bill as the American Ambassador to the UN later to be placed as the Secretary General.  You will have Hillary as the President of the United States and Bill in charge of the UN.   The Clintons will be be the most powerful couple in the history of the world.

Well, at least Bot will get his socialist paradise.    :-/

Best regards,

Now I am afraid to fall asleep !!!!!! What a nightmare !!!!!!!!!  

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by Serowbot on 09/01/15 at 07:34:01

We'd need Sanders for that...

Billie and Hillie aren't left,... they're the middle...
They just look left if you're peering from over the edge... :-?...

Dem's don't need to give citizenship to the anchor babies to tip the scale...
The scale tipped already....
Angry white males are a declining percentage of the population anyway...
The average Fox viewer is 68 years old...
Blacks, Hispanics, women, LBGT, Jews, college educated, young,.. all lean left... European and Eastern immigrants too...
All growing as opposed to declining...
We are a nation of immigrants,.. always have been...

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by HovisPresley on 09/01/15 at 08:37:17

382E39243C29243F4B0 wrote:
Billie and Hillie aren't left,... they're the middle...
They just look left if you're peering from over the edge... :-?...

Dem's don't need to give citizenship to the anchor babies to tip the scale...
The scale tipped already....
Angry white males are a declining percentage of the population anyway...
The average Fox viewer is 68 years old...
Blacks, Hispanics, women, LBGT, Jews, college educated, young,.. all lean left... European and Eastern immigrants too...
All growing as opposed to declining...
We are a nation of immigrants,.. always have been...


Well said  ;)

'Socialism' in the USA doesn't really mean the same as 'Socialism' elsewhere.

The idea of the Clintons' being socialist is a bit of a joke, compared with what Marx considered socialism to be.

In these post-McCarthy times, it still seems that a political candidate being called 'socialist' (or even 'PC') by the media (or opposition) is a derogatory term.

If there are 'Reds under the bed', it certainly ain't the Clintons!

PS. Anyway, back to my Orwell book and my Guthrie album....

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by pg on 09/01/15 at 10:45:48

Bot & Hovis are correct regarding how far Merca leans to the left.  No argument there, and Bot would need Bernie to obtain the Socialist utopia. However, Hillary did say the following which demonstrates some strong marxist beliefs.

1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few..... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."

3) "(We) ....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to giveup a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground."

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

You can check it on snopes if you'd like.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by Serowbot on 09/01/15 at 11:15:39

And you disagree with that?...

Do you think, for example, that Romney and Trump should pay less taxes than you?... :-?...
...because I guarantee they do...

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by pg on 09/01/15 at 11:43:43

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
And you disagree with that?...

Do you think, for example, that Romney and Trump should pay less taxes than you?... :-?...
...because I guarantee they do...

Regarding taxation, I believe their should be a flat tax based on income derived from all sources.  This would enable the everyone to be treated with equity and the wealthy would pay their fair share.  

I am opposed to a tax code that is used to manipulate and set social policy with various credits: The Child Tax Credit, The Earned Income Tax Credit, Adoption Credit, Energy and Appliance Tax Credit.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by old.indian on 09/01/15 at 12:53:07

I would note that pg's listing of Hillary's comments is listing of political  B.S. that is used to feed the party's mushrooms.
 The party controllers/ leadership is best described as "limousine liberals" whose life style is more "do as I say , NOT as I do".  
 Hillary is smoozing/fund raising  in the big bucks zip codes such as Park City, Utah,  The Hamptons on Long Island, Taos, New Mexico etc..  NOT Tobacco Road or Blue Collar, Indiana.    These "liberals" talk (and contribute) one way, but live in gated communities and act 180 degrees differently from their "liberal" professing's.  They give great conversations regarding the dignity of the common man, but they'll sic the dogs on the poor soul who trespasses on THEIR private beach.....          

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by pg on 09/01/15 at 13:07:32

is best described as "limousine liberals"

I like that!   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Best regards,

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by MnSpring on 09/01/15 at 17:51:16

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
" ... Do you think, for example, that Romney and Trump should pay less taxes than you?... :-?... ...because I guarantee they do...

OK, how about:

Each spring, at tax preparation offices all across the nation, many illegal immigrants are now eagerly filing tax returns to take advantage of a tax loophole, using their ITIN numbers to get huge refunds from the IRS.

The loophole is called the Additional Child Tax Credit. It’s a fully-refundable credit of up to $1000 per child, and it’s meant to help working families who have children living at home.

But many undocumented workers are claiming the tax credit for kids who live in Mexico – lots of kids in Mexico.

Does, Trump, have, that, 'loop hole' ?

Trump pays MORE  taxes, than you and I, (and several others), combined !

Flat Tax, YES, But under, 'socialism', it would NEVER happen.

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by MnSpring on 09/01/15 at 18:23:19

1) “We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

What, ’things’, ?????

Is it like  MONEY, that you worked for ?  
Is it like, FIREARMS, which grant a ‘freedom’. ?
Is it like,  SPEECH, which allows one to say what they think, without fear of going to the, ‘Gulag’ ?  
Is it like, TAKING,  your house/property, for the, ‘Better Good” ?  
Is it like MAKING you sit in jail, for Months on end, for going over the speed limit ?  
Is it like, if you started a business, in your garage, and a made a LOT of money, it will be, ’taken’, from you ?
Is it like, if, ’SOMEONE’, said, bad things about you, (True or not), you will be, ‘carted’, away ?
Is it like, (when a certain political power is in Power), you get HARASSED, by the IRS ?
Is it like writing, ‘orders’, which IGNORE, the Constitution of this Country ?

Exactly, WHAT is, ‘good’, for the,  “COMMON GOOD”    ???????????????
And,  WHO, is the, "Common Good”   ?????????????

Is it the, ‘Common Good’, for someone who JUST, wants to put, YOUR, money in HER  Pocket ?
(Who has been proven Time and Time again, to be a Lier, & Cheat & Dishonest Over and Over and Over agin)

Or is the, ‘Common Good’,  for someone who, actually, Obeys the LAWS.
And Considers the, Constitution  ?????????????

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by pg on 09/01/15 at 19:15:54

283E29342C39342F5B0 wrote:
We'd need Sanders for that...

OK, the following talking points came from his website -   ::)

Making tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout America. Everyone in this country who studies hard should be able to go to college regardless of income.

At the federal level we need to establish a new model police training program that reorients the way we do law enforcement in this country. With input from a broad segment of the community including activists and leaders from organizations like Black Lives Matter we will reinvent how we police America.


Sign the DREAM Act into law to offer the opportunity of permanent residency and eventual citizenship to young people who were brought to the United States as children. We must recognize the young men and women who comprise the DREAMers for who they are – American kids who deserve the right to legally be in the country they know as home.

Introduced the gold standard for climate change legislation with Sen. Barbara Boxer to tax carbon and methane emissions.

As president, Sen. Sanders would fight for a Medicare for All single-payer healthcare system to make healthcare a right for all Americans. If the United States joined every major country on earth and enacted a universal healthcare program, women would benefit the most.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Predictions
Post by WebsterMark on 09/02/15 at 10:31:39

7E687F627A6F62790D0 wrote:
We'd need Sanders for that...

Billie and Hillie aren't left,... they're the middle...
They just look left if you're peering from over the edge... :-?...

Dem's don't need to give citizenship to the anchor babies to tip the scale...
The scale tipped already....
Angry white males are a declining percentage of the population anyway...
The average Fox viewer is 68 years old...
Blacks, Hispanics, women, LBGT, Jews, college educated, young,.. all lean left... European and Eastern immigrants too...
All growing as opposed to declining...
We are a nation of immigrants,.. always have been...

Assimilation is a thing of the past. There's a difference between enhancing the USA by bringing the highlights of your culture to this country as opposed to today where we are being forced to accept the ridiculous notion that all cultures are equal and therefore valuable. BS. Trump is right, immigration should have the goal of improving the US, not harming it. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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