General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> ...a bloody nose...

Message started by Serowbot on 08/10/15 at 07:54:20

Title: ...a bloody nose...
Post by Serowbot on 08/10/15 at 07:54:20

Trump says he meant blood out her nose...
Does anybody buy that?... Does it even make any sense?...
Wouldn't an apology, and admission be more forthright and honest than such a pathetic lie?...
I'll never understand why people are so resistant to making apology...
Rude arrogance is not a sign of character...

To resist "political" correctness should not require total abandonment of all manners and good taste...

Trumps candidacy is an embarrassment to this country...  He'll be a footnote to the election, soon... but, not without doing damage...
He is the "ugly" American personified...


Title: Re: ...a bloody nose...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/15 at 09:10:43

No, I don't buy that. He meant exactly what everybody heard.  If he would have said "blood coming out of her eyes and whatever", he might have had a arguable case. A weak case, but arguable. But what he said was "blood coming out of her nose....out of her whatever" those extra couple of words and the pause give away what he really meant.
"her whatever" means what we all know it does.  

But, in the bigger picture, his quote is still insignificant compared to Hilary's Benghazi and email lies so let's keep a little perspective the main stream media will not.....

Title: Re: ...a bloody nose...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/10/15 at 09:16:04

Yep, hes rude and crass. Not the polished con man weve come to expect from our electeds. We watch the selection process, ready to pounce on anything and everything. Im sure his lack of diplomacy would be something he would need to address should he get the job. Snarky crap in a phone call, negotiating with Putin might not be good.
Who still believesIt was all because theyd seen a video,,?
What difference does it make now?
OHH, yeah, emails,, Uhh, my Hard drive crashed..and so did the seven or eight people I was talking to..
No, I dont believe him. I DO believe him when he admits to buying influence in DC.. Paul was foolish enough to make that point.
Trump said

I gave money to you..  

Woulda been a REally good moment for Paul to say that he never gave anything back, in terms of influencing a decision, but, he didnt,, so, what do I conclude?

Until we see laws repealed in response to power swings created in DC by voters because they voted the scoundrels oiut, theyre working together.
That OBVIOUS logic bounces off of almost everyone. When the incoming president NEEDS to Pardon the outgoing,, and does it,, what does that say?

And, lets take a walk back..

“If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.” George H.W. Bush

And what dem majority has undone anything he did?

Title: Re: ...a bloody nose...
Post by HovisPresley on 08/10/15 at 09:39:41

Wasn't this the guy that said China had invented the concept of 'global warming' in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive?  ;D

Title: Re: ...a bloody nose...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/10/15 at 09:59:37

however, let's give Donald Trump credit for not pu$$yfying out and immediately jumping to apologize. Jeb Bush had to immediately run to the podium and apologize for something he absolutely meant to say but realized it was going to be misused so he had to apologize for saying something he knew others were going to use out of context.

just read this great quote from Dennis Miller:

To think in a scant 240 years we’ve gone from “I regret that I have but one life to give to the aid of my country” to “I regret if I offended anybody by inferring that Caitlyn Jenner is not Eve” » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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