General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Baltimore........

Message started by raydawg on 08/04/15 at 04:04:39

Title: Baltimore........
Post by raydawg on 08/04/15 at 04:04:39

When you play with fire you can expect to get burned.....

Where are those elements of opportunistic folk who added fodder to the flames now?

Reading some of the guesses as to why the Black population struggles as such, jobs, or lack of, and poverty, I can't help but think why I don't see this behavior exhibited more around the world, if this is a motivating factor of people living in those circumstances....

Why do we hear about victimhood as justification, as opposed to seeing stories about those that have risen above their trappings?

You know, give a man a fish, or teach him to fish.....????

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by raydawg on 08/04/15 at 04:58:56

Instead of highlighting Baltimore's failure, let's investigate the promises of the great society and its implementation....
Like the why, how, players, etc.
I would love to understand more about it without all the partisan spin....

What you guys think?

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/15 at 06:15:46

Great idea, only requires accurate history, honesty,
HOW and WHY Johnson did what he did must be known.
I'm thinking he and Sanger were friends.

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by Paraquat on 08/04/15 at 09:13:42

Baltimore in general?

Did I miss some context?


Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by raydawg on 08/04/15 at 11:01:58

Well maybe if you are not aware of the promises of the great society legislation of LBJ.
I will let you research it on your own, as with most political/societal matters, opines vary. This is where I hope we who use this forum to dance can look at all matters, both sides, and compare the results of it, or maybe even how it might have changed from its intentions...

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/15 at 11:08:43

Why do we hear about victimhood as justification, as opposed to seeing stories about those that have risen above their trappings

There are many reasons.
Laziness on the part of journalists. A riot is a story that tells itself. Never mind the obviousness of the facts that e, not only were many imported,they were promised Money.

Stories of inequality and bad treatment divide society. Divide and conquer isn't new, nor has it ever lost its effectiveness.

Finding success stories, offering them up as role models would take effort and wouldn't create and support the drama that the soap opera mentality of the masses feed on.

Imagine an All good news news network. I think it would work. I think there are enough people who would like it to cause advertisers to see it as a place to advertise. Like organic food. Some years ago it was hard to find, but now,
it's becoming more accepted. Why do you think monsatan and other crap food growers don't want accurate information about what's IN the food ON the food?

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by WebsterMark on 08/04/15 at 14:52:02

55465E43465040270 wrote:
When you play with fire you can expect to get burned.....

Where are those elements of opportunistic folk who added fodder to the flames now?

Reading some of the guesses as to why the Black population struggles as such, jobs, or lack of, and poverty, I can't help but think why I don't see this behavior exhibited more around the world, if this is a motivating factor of people living in those circumstances....

Why do we hear about victimhood as justification, as opposed to seeing stories about those that have risen above their trappings?

You know, give a man a fish, or teach him to fish.....????

I live in St. Louis and the "anniversary festivities" for Michael Brown are just beginning. His metamorphosis from thug to angel cut down in the prime of his life is almost complete.

Last night a black man with his 5 year old daughter in the car purposely drove into a parked police car, backed up and ram it again. When arrested, he was shouting "this is for all the black people".

Tell me how, by the time his daughter is old enough to formulate ideas, she doesn't latch on to the victimhood mentality and continues the cycle for another generation? How do we keep the self destructive nature of the past 2 or 3 generations from infecting the next 2 or 3?

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/15 at 15:32:40

Seems you believe that people lack an intrinsic grasp of the world before age six.  I'd lean toward
Damage Done
at this point. What she has seen and heard have made lasting impressioNS,  
Just my guess...and, having been a child, and remembering,,,,

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by Serowbot on 08/04/15 at 17:03:50

506265747362754A66756C070 wrote:
How do we keep the self destructive nature of the past 2 or 3 generations from infecting the next 2 or 3?

Excellent question...

I have no idea...
You can't fix someone else...  so the only thing you can do, is temper your own reaction... and resist demonizing either side...

If everyone did that, the problem would go away... but they won't.
So it will take time to subside...
If a child witnesses a parent behaving badly,... the worst thing you can do is pick a side and join in the behavior...
The best is to perhaps show that not everyone is like that...
The world can be better...

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by Kris01 on 08/04/15 at 18:00:23

Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a daddy!

These poor children that grow up to be just like the adults in their lives! I feel sorry for them. They don't know any better. They only learn what we teach them and most of what they learn ain't good!

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/15 at 19:17:23

well, influenced in a direction, for a while, but good people raise serial killers sometimes. Bad parents don't necessarily raise bad kids, they SEE, that little girl either saw dad as someone to not be like or she didn't, but odds are, it scared her.

Title: Re: Baltimore........
Post by Paraquat on 08/05/15 at 06:29:41

Excellent point, Web.

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