General Category >> The Cafe >> Fruck MS10.....

Message started by raydawg on 08/02/15 at 15:17:45

Title: Fruck MS10.....
Post by raydawg on 08/02/15 at 15:17:45

I figgered its enevitable and let it load last night.....
I awoke to new graphics and prompts, and over my first cup of joe agreed to their terms.....
Seemed ok until I needed it to upload and edit work from my camera, as I have to photograph the previous nights creations by my wife to sell on the Internet.
It would not let me  >:(
Even tho I had images, and it acknowledged my camera, it said the camera contained nothing it could upload....WTF.
Digging deeper now I found all sorts of neat tricks these geeks installed to defaults....
If you uploaded this POS you better
Go into settings to see that you have become their source of data for social media espionage....

I got my wife's work uploaded by removing my camera memory and putting it directly into a port, but it still loaded into their designated location....
I had to copy it and paste in PS to get a workable copy....
I will try and figger out restoring my computer to a semblance of what it was before, but let me just say it removed all my presets in editing, etc, because they really don't care about your personal settings when they transfer you to the new OS, it's BS I tell you and will be my last supported window PC.

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/15 at 15:24:52

Good to know... ;)...
I'm still using Xp,.. I have free copy of Win7 but I'm waiting for something calamitous before installing...
...been waiting over a year now...  :-/...

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by jcstokes on 08/02/15 at 15:42:34

Take courage Raydawg, you sound more computer literate than I am.

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/15 at 21:22:47

Lissnin to the radio today, some techs stuff, they talked about it.
All sunshine and lollipops...

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by old_rider on 08/02/15 at 23:23:27

I really haven't had any major issues with it.
Downloaded video and photo's from my google glass, my mini droid phone and my HTC thunderbolt phone.
I went in and disabled a lot of the "we want to use your camera settings" and the "we want to use your microphone settings"
(I have had my laptop camera papered over since I first used it)
I am hearing all kinds of stuff, from, it lets your friends access your Wi-Fi passwords... um, well, when my FRIENDS come over I give them the password anyway, they can't access my internet unless they are within 60 feet of my router....and I don't allow "file sharing" via my router, except for the approved ports (for my gaming).
Also hearing that windows is using my laptop as a mirror server and sending packets of information from my windows 10 folders to other people.... ummm.... Microsoft does not know my admin password for my router, and my laptop is only on when I'm using it.
I have been opening up my task manager and watching the processes.... there are no "outgoing files".
I hope you get your stuff figured out.....
Seems like a lot of folks are not happy with win10, just thought i'd throw in that at least one is so far. :)

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/15 at 23:49:39

Yeah, seems a bit Snoopish.

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by Oldfeller on 08/03/15 at 03:26:15

Microsoft is STUPID

You have to sign into your Microsoft Account to change any settings on Win 10 (like turn on Cortana).

OK, so you try to set one up and they tell you you already have one associated with that machine.

You recover the email account, and it is an ancient ancient thing.

You reset the password.

You go to use it and lo and behold "For verification purposes type in your old password one last time."

You dicks ---- I am at a password reset page because I don't KNOW the ancient password and you won't let me have a reset because "For verification purposes type in your old password one last time."   What utter incompetence is this?

You go sign up a new account at MS with a new email account all fresh and new, and they immediately stop and tell you every MS account you have ever created off that PC and ask you one by one "Who is this?  They want additional data on each of them.

This is definitely not the first time you have ridden this merry go round .....


Microsoft Sucks    they go out of their way to make things difficult and frustrating.

BTW, once you pay your data bribe to use Cortana (you have to allow MS access to your entire world to get Cortana to work, including giving them your address and your date of birth) then you try to go actually use Cortana and it doesn't work.  

According to Microsoft, the microphone on the old laptop "isn't good enough" for Cortana.   And this is my most modern, best laptop.


Fruck MS

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by raydawg on 08/03/15 at 03:57:23

Yep, I use a local internet ( small town ) server, and MS hijacked my Email in the switch, this was akin to the same BS they did with 8.1 but only got the BS.
It robbed it and wanted me to
confirm" who I was, WTF, if they don't know that they had no business fooling with my IP addy to begin with.
Yes, I love their prompts about if you let them they will enhance and IMPROVE your surfing, editing, etc, even letter writing, etc....

Yes, I had to go into settings and change things too, I should not have to do that, period.

Billyboy, you are a snake dude......

You think yourself so much wiser and armed with all this knowledge you can repair the world, huh.....

The computer will be our ball and chain folks, watch and see....through  technology they will know all they need to know about us, for the good of all  >:(

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by raydawg on 08/03/15 at 04:54:09

Read the story about MS10 on the Guardian website, it frames the product in a way better manner than my ramblings....

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by jcstokes on 08/03/15 at 12:45:48

Should I now wait a year before I get it?

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by Oldfeller on 08/03/15 at 13:09:34

It's only free within the first year. So what you need to do is to wait couple of months see what it's doing then decide at that time.

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by old_rider on 08/06/15 at 22:40:27

Like I said "I am having no issues"..... and if MS comes down to it and tells me it "wants money" to keep using it, i'll load up the mint (I am comfortable with it) and go on living.
I have several copies of older windows programs that I can use ( I paid for them), even though in a couple of years those versions probably won't be supported (no software updates) the computers will still be running.
They cannot "Force" you to pay to use the software..... not yet anyway, a few hundred bills in the house and senate (if they pass) later and they might be able to.
If they tried, people would not buy a computer with windows on it and the company would go broke.
I can b1tch with the rest of folks when it comes to invasive programming, its all that money that can be made from it that keeps programmers writing it.
Believe it or not, your congressman/woman, passed bills letting these folks do this to you, or voted down bills that would put a stop to it.
My advice on win 10, for those of you not "savvy" with software, WAIT.... read everything you can about it, watch all the videos you can about it.
Its just like every other product you will buy in the future..... personal invasion..... TV, Cell Phone, Laptop, Tablet, heck even some of your household appliances now come with Bluetooth, so you can set up stuff using your cell phone....guess what, its coded to report to "home base" how you use it, does it in the back round of your data phone...
I looked at water heaters last year, ended up replacing my old dripping one with a brand new "programmable", and guess what?
It has a jack for data line! yup, so it can report to the utility company how often it turns on or off "your usage cycle", and the temps you set up.
Seen the commercials on new refrigerators? some of them have wireless capability.....
Anyway...  listen and learn.... then make your decision....

About invasive stuff, so Ubuntu doesn't have it?  who checks freeware for Trojans, key clicks, dark exe?
Just askin', not dissin'

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by Oldfeller on 08/07/15 at 05:37:45

Oh, all them pissy boys keep a close eye on FOSS software to make sure that nobody does strange stuff.

Clem LeFevre, head dude over Mint IS one of the pissy boys, he keeps an eye on Ubuntu and yanks out everything he finds that is intrusive before it goes into Mint.

And he has a crew that watches him ....

Linux has Clam AV which was written to keep Linux machines from transmitting MS viruses that the Linux machine was immune to.    Lots of commercial Windows guys claim to write AV for Linux, but it is all really for the Windows stuff that a Linux machine can carry through internet or LAN or whatever.

Practically none of the above can do anything to a Linux machine.

Linux as a whole reacts strongly to a discovered virus/trojan/exploit that can actually affect Linux machines by TOTALLY REMOVING the very possibility for it at the kernel level.   Reaction time historically is hours to days.  


Linus himself takes great pride in the bug mashing record of Linux and will smash a bug almost instantly once it gets reported.

The pissy boys keep a list of all real Linux trojans, worms, viruses, etc. here.    They are all fixed, btw and don't exist in the wild because the trick they used was REMOVED.

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by thumperclone on 08/07/15 at 06:07:25

so in the long term what happens if I keep 7 ?

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by Oldfeller on 08/07/15 at 06:25:10

In 2020 the security updates for business customers stop .... all updates for functionality have already stopped for everybody earlier this year.    

Since your upgrade path is Win 10 for free, MS feels they can call it quits early for all normal joes like you (and they have already done so).

Reality is that the software will continue to work until something kills it.

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by thumperclone on 08/07/15 at 08:01:09

14373F3D3E37373E295B0 wrote:

In 2020 the security updates for business customers stop .... all updates for functionality have already stopped for everybody earlier this year.    

Since your upgrade path is Win 10 for free, MS feels they can call it quits early for all normal joes like you (and they have already done so).

Reality is that the software will continue to work until something kills it.

got it  thanks of ;)

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by KennyG on 08/07/15 at 17:13:43

As recently as Thursday, August 6, 2015, I received security updates from Microsoft for the two computer that I have running Windows XP.


Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by jcstokes on 08/07/15 at 17:55:21

I've had updates for Win 7 after January this year.

Title: Re: Fruck MS10.....
Post by Oldfeller on 08/08/15 at 03:39:48

In the last 2 weeks MS has patched two major security holes that affected ALL versions of Windows.

Since the same core code was affected on all versions of Windows the patches were pushed to all users of all versions.

And yes, Kudos to MS for fixing a pair of 20+ year old bugs in their base code.

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