General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> PP to be aborted?

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/30/15 at 06:19:29

Title: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/30/15 at 06:19:29

9 more videos to be released. I wonder if they saved the best for last!
Planned Parenthood is an unwanted organization and is facing abortion, if we're lucky.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/30/15 at 06:44:38

women who have abortion statistically more likely to breast cancer

Look it up. Does observed reality support that?

Will anything be done about PP?

I'm not seeing much done. This isn't a bank, so, probably what they'll do is jail a few
Bad Apples
and deny its a systemic problem and everything will continue but everyone who has been exposed will at least retire, some may go to jail. Never mind that it's a federal crime to sell body parts. But, according to R v. Wade, those AREN'T body parts, but if they Aren't , how  can they be used in transplant? Liver, I understand that,

Just exactly who makes the TRUE/FALSE call?
I'm not alone in noticing that some things are no longer on the net.
And why should I believe that they would allow ethics and scruples getting between decisions and the
Bottom Line?

You gotta read it all, or at least the last half.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/30/15 at 07:41:43

SO desperate as to believe that PP is selling body parts and Pepsi is people...

In spite of the facts...

The pot you stir has no stew... :-/...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/30/15 at 08:08:51

PP is adjusting their killing techniques to preserve valuable baby parts and negoiating their selling price. Thats fact.

I'm not going to let Jog's latest conspiracy to cloud the issue. Nice try, but no go.

PP's abortion business is about to lose the cash they get from me and you.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/30/15 at 08:33:32

Packaging and shipping costs,... are not profit, and are legal...
Did you read the part where these charges only fray the actual cost, and PP usually loses money on these transactions?...
Seems like a bad business model.
You can't actually believe $30 to $100 makes for a conspiracy to illegally profit?...  These are medical facilities,... they could easily make more from unnecessary urine tests if they wanted.
Why would they risk it?... It is nonsensical.

These videos are not investigations, they are witch hunts... and they fail to show anything worthy of investigation even with their loaded questions, manipulation, and selective editing.
At one point, the "customer" is trying to negotiate the price up!...
It's ridiculous... :-/...

I realize that you strongly disagree with PP's practices, but,... this foolishness won't help your cause.
It's been tried before... even by the same guy.
He's making a living from this....  :-?...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/30/15 at 09:17:05

Be honest now, did you think for one second jimmy Carter's grandsons video of mitt Romney 47% comment was a witch hunt? Dont you suppose Nixon thought washington post was on a witch hunt?

One man's witch hunt is another man's Pulitzer prize winning undercover investigation.

Multiply number of abortions by $100. Dont you think an organization with the mindset that allows them to suck baby's brains out of their heads to kill them wouldn't see dollar signs in front of their eyes? You're being pretty gullible if you cant admit the possibility.  Surely its worth more investigation.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/30/15 at 09:40:41

“Putting it under the research gives us a little bit of a, a little sort of overhang over the whole thing,” Ginde said. “Yeah, and in public I think it makes a lot more sense for it to be in the research vein than I’d say the business vein.”

Ginde says in the video that it’s important for all Planned Parenthood affiliates to be on the same page about the issue, particularly those affiliates who may be in states where prevailing public opinion goes against abortion.

“Because if you have someone in a really anti-state that’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught,” she said.

During the conversation, Ginde is asked if she ever gets intact specimens.

“Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact,” she said.

CMP alleges that, since this particular Planned Parenthood affiliate does not use feticides in its second-trimester procedures, any intact deliveries prior to an abortion “are potentially born-alive infants under federal law.”

Near the end of the more than 11-minute video, Ginde digs through the remains of an 11-week-old fetus in a petri dish, showing different body parts to the undercover activist. 

At one point, a sound identified as a skull cracking is heard. Later, someone in the room asks questions such as "Do they want brain?" and "Do people do stuff with eyeballs?" The activist laments that using water in the petri dish has caused some of the tissue to come apart.

“Well you know, a lot of times, especially with the second [trimester fetuses], we won’t even put water, because it’s so big you can put your hand in there and pick out the parts,” Ginde says. “So I don’t think it would be as war-torn.”

As Ginde looks over the fetal tissue she says, “It’s a baby.”

The last quote in the video comes from a medical assistant, joyfully proclaiming “And another boy!” when she realizes the sex of the fetus they are dissecting.

Its a boy! Really Sew!? This is what you're defending?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/30/15 at 10:12:45

...and just happens to be election time...

Follow your carrot...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by MnSpring on 07/30/15 at 10:46:54

Did P.P. ’sell’ human parts. Yes
(Ray Charles could have seen it)
Did they get a great deal of ‘money’, does not look like it.
Did they call it a, ‘donation’, yes.
(Does that mean, I can, ‘Donate’ a kidney, in exchange for something?)

Shipping costs: Can’t find anything about it.
But, knowing how that works.
Say a piece is listed for sale on any one of the, ‘for sale’, sites.
You know, the size and weight of the thing, and you Know, shipping is 10.00.  Yet, in the ad, it says, ’Shipping 50.00”.
Is not, that, ‘extra’, 40.00 a, ‘Profit’ ?

Donation: A Church, used to have a, ‘Fish Fry’ once a year, to help pay for overhead. It cost 5.00.
Then the State, came down on then and said, ‘You can NOT, ‘Charge’, you are not, a  etc, etc, etc”.
So, then, they NO, longer, ‘charged’. They said, “If you want to make a, ‘Donation’ you can”.
Some people put in, nothing, some a 1.00, some 5.00, Most 10.00, some even put in a Twenty, and I have seen $100.00 bills in the jar.
(First year of, Donation, they received almost Double)
BUT, is is a, ‘Donation”.   NO ONE, is, ’Negotiating”, the, ‘Donation’.

MN, just passed a ‘medical marijuana’ bill.  Several companies, were trying to get the contract.
When one did, 3 people, ’suddenly Left’, the State Offices, and had, VERY, high paying Jobs at that Company. One even the CEO.  
And here is the very interesting part. Those were the People, that, DECIDED, who got the Bid !

That, ’sudden leaving’ a State Job, and getting a position, at a company, they got to choose.
Is Just being, ’Swept Under The Rug”.  Just as the P.P. controversy is.  

Now that sort of thing, has been happening, LONG BEFORE, the USA was a Sovereignty.

So, instead of, doing a, ‘knee jerk’, to some DFI, who has gone crazy,
and calling for, “More Dumb Laws”, and calling that: “Joining the ‘Civilized’, Nations, …”

Would it not be, prudent, to, educate, people, that, Lying, Cheating, Steeling,  are NOT, the way to move forward?

But it seems that, ‘Dumbing Down’, people, are the way, some, want it.
Because then, they can do, ANYTHING, they want.
(Knowledge is Power, Remove Knowledge you remove Power)
  A Very Old Quote.
A more Modern one:
"Knowledge is power. Information is power.
The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information
may be an act of tyranny, camouflaged as humility.
 By: Robin Morgan

I guess it is yet, another group/s, who believes:
"They are MORE Equal”.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/30/15 at 13:13:46

I did hear that Planned Parenthood will not sell remains of Cecil the Lion. I mean, they have standards you know....

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by LostArtist on 07/30/15 at 16:03:10

516364757263744B67746D060 wrote:
I did hear that Planned Parenthood will not sell remains of Cecil the Lion. I mean, they have standards you know....

what's the deal with conservative extremists comparing Cecil to abortion?????

seriously, they have NOTHING to do with each other.

people have been doing this all day, WTF?

now you know why I won't listen to you, about ANYTHING, you try to shoehorn your SH!T into EVERYTHING that has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!



Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/30/15 at 19:02:38

You're upset Lost because my words make you uncomfortable. It's hard when you're actually forced to confront the ugly truth of baby killing. I'm sorry, that's too much light on the truth for you. You prefer terms that allow you to sleep better at night like prochoice or a womans right to choose......

The deal with the stupid lion is the disproportionale response. Jimmy Kimmel is classic case. What a worthless piece of $hit he is. Never shed a tear over the babies those b!tche$ were chopping up and selling but he's got to say that dentist can't get a woody unless he shoots something. F him. Now our POS president is gonna start an investigation, but let PP go on selectively chopping certain body parts off so they can preserve the more marketable ones?!.....

Hey Lost, go back and read those quotes, "It's a baby...." "It's a boy..."

but u go ahead and cry over a f'ing lion....

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/30/15 at 19:38:31

The point is , the lefties can find outrage over the lion, but don't give a Phukk about killing babies.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/30/15 at 19:40:24

spot on Jog

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by LostArtist on 07/30/15 at 20:33:58

716E686F72754474447C6E62291B0 wrote:
The point is , the lefties can find outrage over the lion, but don't give a Phukk about killing babies.

I don't give a PHUKKKKKK about either!  But I could easily be mad about both. YOU DON"T GET TO DICTATE MY FEELINGS because they don't match yours. You can judge all you want, but I get to judge you right back @ssh0les!

the only crime Planned Parenthood is guilty of is not being sensitive enough for you conservative extremists. Medical people do sound callous and crass when they talk about bodies, they just do, ever watch Bones? that's how they talk, it's a BODY, not a human being to them, it's not a soul, they look at it like a machine, it's part of their training to disassociate their emotions a bit so they don't go INSANE over every terrible case they have to deal with, and they have to deal with a lot, day in and day out, it's their JOB, sorry they aren't crying over every little cell they kill, go cry in your beer. This is ironic considering how callous conservative extremists are about EVERYTHING else.

PHUKKK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not crying over some lion, sometimes they are a nuisance and farmers shoot them, this one was poached and yeah, that sucks, and it's illegal, abortion sucks, but it's not illegal, not that that makes it right.

Jimmy Kimmel?? SERIOUSLY????????????  Jimmy Kimmel ISN"T NEWS, he's not even the phukking Daily Show, a news parody and has NO responsibility to take on political issues of any sort. Guess what. abortion isn't funny! The audience is much more likely to accept jokes about a lion killer than a baby killer and Kimmel doesn't profit from depressing his audience.  You don't have to like Jimmy Kimmel, I don't care, I don't even get the channel his show is on, but for phukk's sake, you don't understand why he'd rather talk about poaching than abortion, on an entertainment show?? are you seriously equating a lion with a human??

here's your pitch to Jimmy, "hey Jimmy, instead of making jokes about a lion poacher, make jokes about planned parenthood, it'll slay man, nothing funnier than baby killers!" seriously???  

pull you head out of your @ss!!  If that's even possible, seeing that it's up to your shoulders in there, don't forget to wipe the nuts off your eyes before you open them for the first time in 30 years, that nuts burns!

If you want to compare this Planned Parenthood case to Nazi experimentation, sure, or even use it to justify an anti-vaccine stance (they use(d) fetal material to make and test vaccines) okay, at least there's some real connection there, what you are doing now is comparing this Planned Parenthood case to anything outrageous on the news, Do you REALLY want to start that slippery slope???  Cause when you loose the 2016 Presidential election, Guess what MOTHER PHUKKER!

(that mighta been over the top, sorry :-* )

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/30/15 at 20:39:40

It was, but, people gonna vent. That's normal.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by LostArtist on 07/30/15 at 20:51:38

607F797E63645565556D7F73380A0 wrote:
It was, but, people gonna vent. That's normal.

All I'm asking is for moderation and common sense, quit all the super hyperbole BS. You've got Trump for that now.  ::)

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/30/15 at 20:58:18

Hmmm, I have been listening to the
Over the lion. Th at wasn't hyperbole.
If PP was  right wing thing, the screaming from the left would be incessant.

Sellin baby parts, greedy capitalist pigs.
I'm pissed about the lion.
Over half of black pregnancies in NEW York City are aborted..

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/30/15 at 22:48:34

I think Lost is a having a bad day, today... (all my best, Lost)...

...but, I see his point...
When you have no dog in the fight, the rhetoric is that much clearer...

There really is no comparative to a poached lion and an aborted fetus...

Ultimately... I see this issue as a difference in perspective...
One can define a human "life" as any collection of cells with DNA that is human (although, this might make clipping your nails more painful)...
... or,... it could be defined as any human DNA that is gestated long enough to be viable...
Beyond that,...(roughly 3rd trimester,... I would still justify termination if the life of the mother, or the viability of the fetus were an issue...

Regardless,... a dentist, with a Putin sized thingy,.. does not enter the equation...

The real disagreement,.. is as to whether a bundle of human DNA, is a person...
... and also, whether human life is so precious, that it can never ever be sacrificed, even for mercy sakes...

We do have DNR requests.... and in a "free" country, you might expect that you have the right to your own life (although even that is disputed)...

I would say,...although it's easy to paint the world in black and white,.. it's the shades that matter...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by raydawg on 07/31/15 at 04:16:45

Yo Bot, you say these recordings are out of context.....
Have you read the entire interview?
If not, then would you be stating a fact, or a belief?
And what do you base that belief on?

As to your argument and its disqualifying because of context.....
I offer to you to consider how much the Bible is used out of context by folk  ;D  

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by HovisPresley on 07/31/15 at 04:34:40

Serow wrote; "The real disagreement,.. is as to whether a bundle of human DNA, is a person..."
I don't know why people use the word "baby" when clearly it is not.
Here is a picture of a 'baby' when it was a zygote:

Cute, isn't it?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by raydawg on 07/31/15 at 04:42:28

Can "it" be used in a wrongful death lawsuit if "it" succumbs  because of the actions of another?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by raydawg on 07/31/15 at 04:49:09

Lost artist, I think you have exampled the argument of many on the right, how the opposition assigns negativity to them, as being a racist, or homophobe, etc, when all they are doing is sharing their beliefs of any giving subject/topic and it does not agree with Obama or the gay community.....

Tolerance is a two way street.
If not practised equally, conflict will ensue......civility being lost, and with that, hope.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/15 at 04:57:02

I'll circle back to this entire rant later, but FYI, nothing's over the top for me. I don't believe in forum censorship. I'm not gonna F12 you, whatever that means. (I hurt the feelings of some crybaby on here and he threathed to F12 me. I guess a mother figure would appear out of my keyboard and wash my mouth out with soap or something ).  Speak as you are compeled to do. Threaten me if yo want, I domt mind.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/15 at 06:02:34

According to the Media Research Center, ABC, CBS, and NBC’s news broadcasts dedicated 11 minutes and 13 seconds since July 14 to stories relating to the Planned Parenthood videos and 14 minutes and 1 second since July 28 to the killing of Cecil, a lion in Zimbabwe. While media coverage of the killing of Cecil was uniformly outraged, coverage of the videos showing Planned Parenthood’s fetal organ harvesting programs ranged from non-existent to muted. There was no outrage.

Jimmel Kimmel is not the point Lost, he's just a single example of the f'd priorities we have. Network news devotes more time and with a singular position to a hunt than selling baby parts?

And to those who keep trying to debate the undebatable, we're not talking about a group of cells. They are stiring a pot around looking for usable body parts.

"It's a boy!" she exclaimed. A boy! Get it? This was a human being discarded as a matter of convenience to the mother.  Now the organization who profited (and likely told her donating the tissue will help cure cancer
or something in order to ease any guilt) is selling that boy's body parts.

hey, here's a question: who are the customers? Can't be that many organizations who do research on fetal baby parts? And why do they need intermediaries to do the negoiating? If Columbia University needed tissue to work on, why pay huge fees to get it. The undercover people were posing as buyers. PP says they aren't making profits on the sales (which is BS)  but you can be darn sure the real buyers get paid a pretty penny to secure fetal baby parts for their clients. They're taking doctors out to lunch in Manhattan and drinking wine. We were in Manhattan a couple months ago working at Bellevue Hospital. i took the FM out for lunch at Greek place around corner. I recall for 3 of us, it was $50 and no wine. I could have spent a couple hundred and my company wouldn't have batted an eye cause the potential business return was huge. I suspect the return for these people dwarf what we stood to make.

Lot of questions. Lot going on besides killing baby boys.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by HovisPresley on 07/31/15 at 06:32:18

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
(I hurt the feelings of some crybaby on here and he threathed (sic) to F12 me. I guess a mother figure would appear out of my keyboard and wash my mouth out with soap or something ).


Mark, that 'crybaby' didn't threaten anyone.

I have never had a post deleted before.

I have never sent you a PM.

If you are going to bad-mouth someone, at least show where/how/what they did to possibly deserve it, the 'Search' function is all yours.

Forum censorship isn't a choice that you have, whether you believe in it or not. You are not an admin...... you don't even have a Savage  ::) ....

But Mark, please, try and be polite and respectful  ;)

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/31/15 at 07:16:42

Web,... you tend to generalize all abortions as late term, and fully formed.
This info, believe it or not, came from Fox News... :-?...

Of the 1.6 million abortions performed in the U.S. each year, 91 percent are performed during the first trimester (12 or fewer weeks' gestation); 9 percent are performed in the second trimester (24 or fewer weeks' gestation); and only about 100 are performed in the third trimester (more than 24 weeks' gestation), approximately .01 percent of all abortions performed.

Out of 1.6 million,... only about 100 are 3rd trimester.  At that stage they would be viable if they were otherwise healthy.
100% of these .01%, are either grossly deformed (ie., water brained, or missing organs, or spine on the outside, etc),... or, the mother's life is in serious danger (often cancer)...
At 8 to 12 weeks it would take a medical specialist to tell a human fetus from that of a rabbit or a mouse.

PS... What the heck is F12?... I Googled it and got a Ferrari?... :-/...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/15 at 09:08:21

That's 144,000 2nd trimester and plenty of babies are born that premature and live. Besides, the survivability time is shrinking.

Who says only 100 are 3rd trimester? PP? Really? The head b!tch just went on TV and said what I saw and heard was real. Why should I believe her again.....?

But this issue doesn't involve cells, this involves fetal organs. "it's a boy!" remember? These babies are developed to the point where you can visually identify gender. That should make you sick to your stomach.

the bottom line to this whole thing is PP is probably making an awful lot of money selling fetal body parts. Apply the same thinking you do to oil companies and consider that when big money is involved, people do strange things. I'm sure PP has perfected a sales pitch to use on woman on the fence about how their going to help the world.....  No one should be okay with what those videos show. Put your partisanship aside.

I don't know what F12 is. I pi$$ed somebody off and they threated to tell the teacher on me by F12'ing me.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/31/15 at 09:29:14

Their cost is between $100 and $500 specimen,... and they charge $30 to $100...

I don't think the "Donald" would approve of that business model... :-?...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/31/15 at 09:54:13

I'm waiting for the same set of rules, viability, to be applied to elderly and disabled.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/15 at 09:59:13

2E382F322A3F32295D0 wrote:
Their cost is between $100 and $500 specimen,... and they charge $30 to $100...

I don't think the "Donald" would approve of that business model... :-?...

Please tell me your partisanship has not blinded you to the point you actually think PP is losing a few hundred dollars on each deal? Really? What's in the air out there in NM?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/15 at 09:59:44

2E3137302D2A1B2B1B23313D76440 wrote:
I'm waiting for the same set of rules, viability, to be applied to elderly and disabled.

Give it a few more years JOG and it will be here.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by HovisPresley on 07/31/15 at 10:06:30

1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 wrote:
I pi$$ed somebody off and they threated (sic) to tell the teacher on me by F12'ing me.


No, Mark, they did nothing, except note that you threatened to kick my teeth in (rather than apologize, as an admin suggested), and told me that I'd enjoy it.
You said goodbye to the forum as you wrote your 'resignation letter' saying that you hadn't even had a Savage in ages anyhow.....
Believe me, I was far from being pissed off at this  ;D
Your post was then deleted by an admin, but not before I saved it for nostalgic reasons  ;)
So, in a nutshell, no, you weren't threatened.
Please be polite and respectful, and take responsibility for what you might type, I know I do.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/31/15 at 10:38:23

I'm all primed to F12 somebody,... once I know what it is... ;D...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/31/15 at 10:41:36

Hey, so I just pressed F12,... and it shows the character encoding for the page...

What a letdown... :-?...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/15 at 10:44:03

From the 4th video.  Pretty cleat they are negotiating price and aware it needs to be hidden.

When the buyers ask Ginde if “compensation could be specific to the specimen?” Ginde agrees, “Okay.” Later on in the abortion clinic’s pathological laboratory, standing over an aborted fetus, Ginde responds to the buyer’s suggestion of paying per body part harvested, rather than a standard flat fee for the entire case: “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

Ginde also suggests ways for Planned Parenthood to cover-up its criminal and public relations liability for the sale of aborted body parts. “Putting it under ‘research’ gives us a little bit of an overhang over the whole thing,” Ginde remarks. “If you have someone in a really anti state who’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by old.indian on 07/31/15 at 10:50:18

Ok 'bot... When did Tucson relocate itself to New Mexico ???? I know that MY opinion wasn't solicited to allow such an occurrence.... It's bad enough that there are so many Texass chicken rustlers running amuck around here with out having the whole city of Tucson dumped on us too......  :'(

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/15 at 10:58:37

AZ, NM.....  aint that much difference......

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/31/15 at 11:23:19

F 12,,, Nothing
F 111, Now ya get results,,,

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by LostArtist on 07/31/15 at 12:41:49

the reason other networks aren't covering this "story" is that the only story is that this conversation took place at a nice restaurant instead of a clinical office space. Which, I assume, was the request of the "journalists" not the doctor, since that would put them in a public space where being secretly recorded isn't against the law since there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.

I've watched the beginning 45 minutes of the full 2:44 minute UNEDITED video, there's NOTHING in the full context of the event that is a scandal, the doctor repeats again and again that the costs are only covering their actual cost of staff members and cost of lab space and viable costs like that, and she even said that she wouldn't be for changing procedures to alter how they do abortions to get certain tissue, that changing the procedures would add additional steps and they'd need to get different kinds of consent from the patient and that all that would be much more of a hassle than they'd be comfortable with.

There is no story here, none, except that doctors are casual when they talk about human body parts, again, that's part of their training, they cant' be emotionally attached to every thing or they'd be ineffectual as a doctor.

I haven't got to the lamborghini joke yet, again, only a scandal of bad taste, not actual policy

of course anti-abortion activists are taking advantage of this ambush journalism to make already existing points about the issue louder and louder, like complaining about Harley for not using the newest best technology in their bikes, we already know this and people who buy Harley's don't care.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/31/15 at 15:12:20

If you buy a pound of pot for a thousand dollars and sell it for five hundred, you SOLD pot. Profit isn't part of the law or ethics.I wouldn't expect many to grasp the finer points.
That said
IF we are going to allow abortion, AND the byproduct IS valuable for research and saving lives, then isn't it foolish to trash it?
I don't wanna pay for abortion, nor do I wanna pay for raising a child.
If I had a dotted line, I'd be torn.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/15 at 15:21:33

Wow Lost, you have a filter in front of your eyes a mile thick if you see NOTHING out of line.

Okay, lets just take her word for it. "We're not making a profit"

Bush said "no blood for oil" so you're fine with no follow up to that statement right?
Cheney said Halliburton is completely on the up and up so you must have taken his word for it right.

I mean, they repeated it again and again.....

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/31/15 at 15:40:32

It's your eyes with the filter, Web...

I have no need to see the full video's,.. because there is no "there" there in the edited versions...
PP has been caught red-handed following the law.

The reason the mainstream media is not covering it much, is there ain't much to cover...
We'll see what his other earthshaking videos show,...but, I suspect he's already taken his best swing.

Naturally,.. the biological details of abortion will sound shocking... as would most medical procedures.
...but,.. no scandal...

This is politics... stir the RNC base... :-?...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/15 at 15:52:43

Well lets just wait until the media decides a republican did something wrong and they decide to tar and feather him. I'll be interested to see if your standards remain the same.

"It's a boy!".   Like i said, if that doesn't make you a little sick, you might wanna do a little self-examination.....

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/31/15 at 16:12:41

If and when somebody does something wrong,.. that will be a different story..

PP was "caught" not doing anything wrong.

Saying "it's a boy" is crass... but, crass isn't illegal...
If it were,... Trump would be serving life... ;D

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by HovisPresley on 07/31/15 at 17:17:50

Personally, I'm still waiting for Mark's response to the GMO issue, But I'm all ears (very small pickled ones) ....

Mark, straight question, when does a couple of cells become an independent human being, with it's own rights, etc?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by MnSpring on 07/31/15 at 17:23:56

I believe they, DID, do something wrong.
From reading everything I can,
they, Did, something wrong. (SELLING, Human Parts)

Take a look at thel fine points.

Let say, it cost a person, 1,000 to do this, ‘job’.
That, 1,000 includes, ALL, overhead, supplies, Wages, Utilities, Disposal, etc.
(That why the cost is, 1,000)

Now, those, ‘parts’, that may get sold, (or donated, for a fee if you prefer),
does that mean, if the, ‘Donation’, was 200,  the person that Paid 1,000,
gets a 200  rebate ?

I don’t know, never done that before.
But I just DON”T  Think so.

Another example,  A  ‘Junk’ Dumpster.
A Company, (Many States/Cities have Many of these services)
Provided you with a, ‘Dumpster’, Your pre arranged agreement is, what ever the weight of the things you put is is, ‘X’ amount, (Disposal Fee), PLUS the, ‘Dumpster', Fee.  

Now, many companies, will, ‘Dump’ out your, ‘Dumpster’, SORT, the things that can be sold at different Scrap values, (Far ABOVE the fee you paid), then, ’dump’ a small % of that total, (that you paid), ‘For dumping. And Receive Many times for the, valuable, ’scrap’,

That is called,  PROFIT!

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by MnSpring on 07/31/15 at 17:33:05

“ … when does a couple of cells become an independent human being,  …”

Ah, their is the question?

Some say, ‘When the Sperm & Egg first divide”
Some say, “When Born”.

And that debate, will go on, and on, and on, and on, etc.

My Problem with that, ‘decision’ of what is what,
comes from;

Let’s say a woman is Pregnant, (NEVER IS THE LENGTH OF THE PREGNANCY STATED)
And she is Killed in a  Auto Accident.
The person causing that accident, is charged with, TWO, Deaths.
Not One.
 WHY ?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 07/31/15 at 17:44:22

No,.. you misunderstand.

Let's say the abortion procedure costs $1000...
Now,.. a bio research facility wants you to extract certain tissues...
This takes additional time, and then you must package it, label it, store it,  probably put it on dry ice in a cooler, arrange for it to be delivered or picked up.
This is additional cost. These costs range from $100 to $500 additional.
To help fray this additional cost, they are permitted legally to charge a fee.
PP's fees are in the range of $30 to $100... the rest of the expense is absorbed by PP...
Human remains or body parts do not just get popped into the mailbox...

PP does not make any profit,... they lose money... but, the research is important and valuable, so they do it...
All this is done with the full knowledge and permission of the patient.

Other facilities that do the same thing, have looked at PP's fees, and they all say they are way under the actual cost...
So this is not a crime...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by raydawg on 07/31/15 at 20:17:38

I love the one where this only matters because it connects the repubs to their base, like they are using it as political fodder...
But Obama can call much attentition to a white killing a black kid and never once mention the black on black crime.....
Yes sirree..... Those rascally repubs, how dare Forrest [ch128539]

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by phatmanswingin on 08/01/15 at 00:17:19

I certainly hope the right is unable to destroy PP. Dspite their rederic, PP provides a much needed sevice to a great many women.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/01/15 at 05:19:01

If that were true phat, why dont they stop killing babies?
Simple, its good money. Maybe we're just now finding out how good.

Oh, and they dont even do mamograms. so lets not pretend they're something other than a money making corporation using my tax dollars.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by LostArtist on 08/01/15 at 06:12:49

6B595E4F48594E715D4E573C0 wrote:
If that were true phat, why dont they stop killing babies?
Simple, its good money. Maybe we're just now finding out how good.

Oh, and they dont even do mamograms. so lets not pretend they're something other than a money making corporation using my tax dollars.

okay, then let's not pretend that the Military is something other than a money making corporation using MY tax dollars, so quit hollaring about us liberals yelling about the military industrial complex. making our military nothing more than glorified mercenaries. If that's going to be your take on how money affects things...

They do cancer screenings and STD treatments and various other sexual health issues, the reality is that conservatives just get all  uncomfortable even talking about sex that they can't even have a realistic conversation about it, which is why they are usually for abstinence only education, which is useless, here's a bucket of sand, maybe your head will fit in it...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/01/15 at 06:43:20

You are a dupe for liberal talking points which are built on the beliefs of about 1% of conservatives.
I have no problem with PP actually fulfilling the mission behind it's name, but killing babies as a matter of convenience and for birth control, yea, I've got a problem with that.

oh, and dont object to the birth control line. Why are there 10's of thousands of abortions in predominantly black areas of NYC for example? PP has carved out a nice little business there. Health of the mother! right.... give me a break. It's after the fact, government sponsored birth control in most major inner cities.

Gee, and we wonder why blacks in inner cities kill themselves nightly like they have such a wanton disregard for human life....Now where could those kids have possibly picked up that idea from?....

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/15 at 15:41:49

Health? Breast cancer is statistically linked to abortion. Think about the body,all jacked up with hormones and creating a baby... spend time looking, unless it's just not something you can accept.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/01/15 at 16:40:40

American Cancer Society disagrees... :-?...
" At this time, the scientific evidence does not support the notion that abortion of any kind raises the risk of breast cancer or any other type of cancer."

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/15 at 17:21:55

You don't really believe that a go on owned agency would point a finger at a go on supported one, do you?

Maybe exposing yourselves to information that contradicts go on propaganda.
How many lawsuits against drug manufacturers for selling FDA approved drugs before trust fails?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/01/15 at 17:56:52

American Cancer society vs. some quack anti-abortion site based in a residential suburb of Chicago...
Hmmm,... lem'me think... ::)...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/15 at 17:58:23

I get it.. stay true..

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/01/15 at 18:09:02

If I have a car problem,.. I'll trust the advice of a qualified mechanic over a Jesus freak, suburban housewife...

If I need cancer studies evaluated,... I think I'll trust the ACS over her too...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/15 at 18:50:49

There's more, if you wanna look.
ACS has done so well.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/15 at 04:29:35

Perfectly worded.

When life begins is a scientific, not a philosophic or theological, question: Life begins when the chromosomes of the sperm fuse with those of the ovum, forming a distinctive DNA complex that controls the new organism’s growth. This growth process continues unless a natural accident interrupts it or it is ended by the sort of deliberate violence Planned Parenthood sell

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/15 at 08:14:19

Colorado enacted a law that supplied IUD's to low income teens for free...
Over 5 years the teen birth rate dropped 40%,.. abortions dropped 35%...
So successful it won a national award...

So,... the Republican rep's voted it down...

Maybe PP will give them an award for the economic boost... :-/...

I suppose they justified their action by saying it reduced wastful spending... The program cost 5 million, in state of over 5 million...
The anti-abortion crowd will donate millions to anti-abortion groups, but won't spend a few bucks reduce the teen abortion rate by 35%...
There's blood on their hands... :-?...

Would you give up $1 to prevent an abortion?... (maybe $3 per taxpayer)...
Or is just yelling enough...

Defunding PP?...  Priceless... ::)....

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by raydawg on 08/02/15 at 08:51:19

Abortion is a symptom of a much greater problem......

Cavaliering attitudes of success based upon one's own accords might give those who need affirmation fodder, but it misses the real need, and spawns further obstacles in getting to the root causes and repair.

The question that should be addressed is:

Does an educated, and civilized society need such a draconian methodology to deal with  failed sexual activities and policies?

Is this the "repair" or can we find another instrument to alleviate, and avoid the need to perform these procedures of failed sex practises?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/15 at 09:00:41

High falutin' nonsense...  Nice work... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by MnSpring on 08/02/15 at 09:20:03

“ ,,, Colorado enacted a law that supplied IUD’s to low income teens for free…
Over 5 years the teen birth rate dropped 40%,.. abortions dropped 35%...
So successful it won a national award… “

If that above is True, that would be a good thing,
Looks like it cost, $1.00 per person.
(From info provided in post)
1 buck per person, even if the head of the household, who had a parent living with them,
a wife, and 3 kids. it still, would only mean 6.00. Still not a lot. (I am just guessing that is per year ?)

Which brings on the next part:

“ … So,… the Republican rep’s voted it down... "

OH, so I guess that make ALL,  Republicans Bad ????
How ?

And of course their are NO, Democrats, that have been PROVEN to have Lied, Cheated, and been FIRED from a Job For Lying and Cheating and NO MORALS, who is now running for a Nomination?

The Above, a good, ‘Band Aid’, until the, “ … low income teens …”quote,  are Educated, that they CAN, say, “ NO “.
Instead of:  “Here is a device that will allow you to have intercourse as many times as you want, with No Inconvenience”

Proactive, not reactive.

Oh, Did hear a Very good Quote from Trump,
He was asked: “What Taxes do you pay”.
His Answer was: “At Little as I can, Just like everyone else, and I do NOT want to give my hard earned dollars to a Government, who so Foolishly Spends Trillions of dollars”.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/15 at 09:46:15

Glad you see it a good thing, Mn...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by MnSpring on 08/02/15 at 09:54:06

3B2D3A273F2A273C480 wrote:
Glad you see it a good thing, Mn...

Any comment on the rest?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/15 at 10:39:58

wife, and 3 kids. it still, would only mean 6.00. Still not a lot. (I am just guessing that is per year ?)

Which brings on the next part:
“ … So,… the Republican rep’s voted it down... "

So, while they SAY they're antiabortion and while they're posturing about saving money they DO exactly what the People Don t want.
Now ask yourself Why.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by LostArtist on 08/02/15 at 10:45:37

the "pro-life" group needs to rebrand themselves more honestly as "anti-abortion"

They don't seem to want to contribute to orphanages or adoption centers or foster parenting plans etc...  Just yelling about abortion being evil is enough huh???  

typical, let's not make adoption better, let's make abortion worse!!  

taking the easy way out seems to be the real problem with America, on ALL issues not just unwanted pregnancies.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by MnSpring on 08/02/15 at 11:20:59

283731362B2C1D2D1D25373B70420 wrote:
 ...  they DO exactly what the People Don t want.   Now ask yourself Why.

On the above, ‘Colorado', example, my take on, ‘why’ is;

They are, FORCED to do it.
And it is just added on to their Taxes.
 SO, they do, (… what the People Don’t want…),
because it not, well know, what, is/has, been done.

It’s not like taking out the checkbook, and writing a check for something.

BUT, the Solution is NOT, the, ‘Band Aid” !

Let’s see, in a ‘conflict’, a soldier is wounded, the Medic, in the field,
used some, ‘Superglue’, to,  TEMPORARY, fix things.
(Everyone does Know, that, ’superglue’, came from, V.N.)
Then, the, Much Better, ‘fix’, came later!

Again, the Colorado thing, (if True), I think, is a Great Band Aid,
to a much bigger problem.

Put the Band Aid on,  then Fix the problem later.

But, some people think, a, 'Band Aid', is enough.

And JUST, 'apply' MORE Money for a  BIGGER,  'Band Aid".

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/15 at 11:25:51

64477A595B40474E290 wrote:
Any comment on the rest?

Right, I'll have a go at the rest...

Not all Republicans are bad... not all Dem's are good...
...and not all issues are black and white... (in fact, no issue is black and white by definition,.. else it wouldn't be an issue)...

But, the issue of abortion is painted so black and white by the Right,... it is beyond itself...
By that, I mean, the "sanctity of human life" has expanded from abortion, to birth control, and even into premarital sex...
Not only shouldn't there be any abortions for any reason,... there shouldn't be birth control either,... and no one should ever have sex unless they are married...
This is Puritanical tirade...
That's fine if you are a Puritan...
But the separation of church and state should protect those that believe differently.

Beyond being human, we are also biological creatures, and we are driven to eat, sleep, and have sex...
Once puberty strikes, animal instinct drives us to have sex... and puberty, unfortunately, hits quite a few years before we have completed our brain development... (the part of our brain that sees long term consequences is still in it's infancy)...
That's why young men volunteer for war,.. that's why so many of us are surprised when we live into our 20's,.. we jump off high things, drive crazy, take drugs, get too drunk, try backflips,... and pursue sex...
You can't change nature...  
You can try to influence, but they probably won't listen,.. but you can offer real world protections...

Doing nothing more than yelling about how wrong something is, will never fix anything...
So if people really feel strongly about abortion,... they should encourage sex education, use of condoms, free IUD's, etc...  
...even handjobs... ;D...

Just makes sense...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by MnSpring on 08/02/15 at 12:09:06

About every 5 years or so, (always happens when I am in the yard, doing something)
A Very nice car comes down the drive,
Out come some very nicely groomed and looking young people,
They are very polite, and nice.
They are ALL caring, Pamphlets.

As I turn off the machine I am working with, and make sure I, am in the Shade, and they are standing in the sun.  I listen to their, ‘Campaign’, of why I should join their religion.

When they are done, I polity say: “Well your group certainly believes in a lot of things I believe in, in that, respect for a fellow human being, (if they also show respect), comes first, and Honesty, and Ethics..  But, their is One point, I disagree with, and that is your group, BELIEVES in, KILLING, unborn Human Babies”.

They ALL, ‘Gasp’, and ALL, ‘babble’, at once, saying that is not the case.

Then I ask:  “Oh, so than, your, ‘group’, VOTED, in the last election?”.

At that point, they sullenly, drop their heads, leave, and I am not bothered for about another 5 years.

(Oh, their is a, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Church,  just 3 miles away !!!!!)

Putting a, 'Band Aid', on a problem,
to stop the bleeding, if it is a good, band aid, works.  TEMPORARY.

Do not put, ‘Band Aids’, on problems, then, just, Bigger and Bigger, ‘Bands-Aids’.

FIX, the problem.

Killing a un-born Human ?
Lot’s and Lots, of hot buttons on that.
And Lots and Lots, of discussions of ‘when/where/how/etc, will always occur.

But, “Killing a un-born Human,”,  
JUST, to have, willy-nilly sex, ANY Time, and with ANY Body.
Huston:  ‘We got a Problem”.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by phatmanswingin on 08/02/15 at 22:07:26

65465A5D685B5D405A5D290 wrote:
the "pro-life" group needs to rebrand themselves more honestly as "anti-abortion"

They don't seem to want to contribute to orphanages or adoption centers or foster parenting plans etc...  Just yelling about abortion being evil is enough huh???  

typical, let's not make adoption better, let's make abortion worse!!  

taking the easy way out seems to be the real problem with America, on ALL issues not just unwanted pregnancies.

I agree wholeheartedly, pro lifers seem only to care about fetuses. They seemingly don't give a darn for children, just the unborn. Once your born its crappity smack you child this is America, pull yourself up by your own boot straps.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/15 at 05:57:05

By that, I mean, the "sanctity of human life" has expanded from abortion, to birth control, and even into premarital sex...
Not only shouldn't there be any abortions for any reason,... there shouldn't be birth control either,... and no one should ever have sex unless they are married...
This is Puritanical tirade...
That's fine if you are a Puritan...
But the separation of church and state should protect those that believe differently.

You're smarter than that.....
The % of Pro-Life People who would force those behaviors on everyone is relatively small. That was not even Mitt Romney's position despite the fact that for himself and his family, that was his ideology.

And, those positions have for the most part been conceded by the Pro Life side. Not sure about the Colorado example which seems contradictory given their weed laws.

I will tell you who is completely inflexible and unreasonable: the Pro-Death People. A high school girl can't take an aspirin without a permission slip by a male high school counselor can take a young female student across state lines for an abortion and not tell her parents? That's reasonable? A woman with a perfectly healthy unborn baby days away from birth can, in many states, claim mental health issues and have the baby killed? That's reasonable? Abortion clinics in NYC have found quite a cash cow by instituting abortion as birth control. More abortions than births in NYC for blacks and Hispanics. This from the supposed party of blacks and Hispanics!

Look, the Pro-Death side hangs on to every inch of ground like a religious battle. Actually, as we're finding out due to some great undercover journalism, we now know what. $$$

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/15 at 05:58:23

I agree wholeheartedly, pro lifers seem only to care about fetuses. They seemingly don't give a darn for children, just the unborn. Once your born its crappity smack you child this is America, pull yourself up by your own boot straps.

On the nonsense meter, that's a solid 10.

So better dead than poor, huh?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/15 at 06:10:33

Pro Death...

Do they have that on a T-shirt?... ;D...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by HovisPresley on 08/03/15 at 06:46:23

I want to ask about Mark's nonsense meter. Do you have to change the batteries often?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/15 at 09:39:35

796F78657D68657E0A0 wrote:
Pro Death...

Do they have that on a T-shirt?... ;D...

Yea, it's features a blue donkey on it.

but seriously, the pro-death crowd needs to give a little. Honestly, no parental notification for 15-year-olds having abortions? Does that even seem right? third trimester abortions for "mental health reasons"? Can't we at least agree those need to be looked at a lot closer than they are right now?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/15 at 11:50:30

When asking for reasoned compromise,... it would benefit your cause to refer to the opposition as pro-choice rather than pro death....

Third trimester abortions for "mental health reasons"?
Show me an actual case...

Is this one?...
"I am a 32 year old, married mother of a 2 ½ year old daughter. When I was 5 months pregnant with my second child, my husband and I went for a routine level II ultrasound (the one where you find out the gender). We did find out we were having a girl, but we also received the most devastating news of our lives: the baby I was carrying had Anencephaly, a condition that is totally incompatible with life. Her brain had never formed and her skull never fused. There was a 100% chance she would die, either she would be stillborn or die shortly after birth.

We were given 3 options – each of them would end in the death of our baby. First option, we could continue the pregnancy. There are many complications that can occur during the delivery of an anencephalic baby, they don’t have any skull bones which are necessary for cervical dilation. I have a living child and I have to be a mother to her every day no matter what is going on with me emotionally. To go through another 20 weeks of daily mental pain, anguish and agony waiting for the child I was carrying to die would have caused great emotional harm to my living child. The thought of giving birth to this precious child and watching her struggle to live, the thought of her suffering, I loved her too much for that. There were a number of reasons I could not carry to term, but that was by far the biggest.

Our second option was a D&E. With this option I would not be able to see or hold my baby. I needed to see her. Some women going through the most painful experience of their lives may feel that seeing the baby they loved and wanted so much would be too much to bear. Physically, D&E is the safest option. But this wasn’t the option for me.

The third option was labor induction. After researching all my options, I had absolutely no doubt that this was the right choice for the baby, for me and for my family. Labor induction began with an ultrasound-guided injection of potassium chloride to the baby’s heart. This instantly stopped her heart and ensured that she would not have to experience any suffering during the labor process. My sweet baby was born still in February 2009. My husband and I named her, we held her, we took pictures, and we grieve for her every day of our lives. I loved this baby with all my heart and I made what I firmly believe was the best decision for her.

Until you have been in a situation this painful, hopeless, heartbreaking, and until you have had to make the most difficult decision of your life, you must not judge. And if you have been in this situation and you made a different, equally painful decision, I do not judge you and I would ask that you show me and other women like me the same respect. This is the reality of “late-term” abortion. Women seeking “late-term” abortions are doing so not on a whim but in the most dire and desperate of circumstances. Please recognize that some of us only wish and dream we had the choice of life."

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/15 at 13:52:31

Pro choice what? they are chosing to end the life of a growing human being. Sorry the harsh reality hits so strongly, but I'm not going to sweeten the wording so it makes things more palatable for you.

Again, if the only late term abortions were like that, I'd accept that. However, they are not and the ones that are not tragic stories like that, dont get written.

You do know the number of children in the US born with Downs Syndrome has dropped something like 90% don't you.....  and its not because of a cure.  The early test are not 100% by the way. Takes up to 22 weeks.

Thats one of the long term implications of accepting abortion as a just another medical procedure. Today its Downs, tomorrow its something else.

There are plenty of cases of abortions based soley on gender. Thats disgusting and one of the worst legacies of sanitized words like "prochoice".

I wont help to ease your conscious.

Its easier to chose to teriminate a pregency or chose reproductive rights.

Its harder to kill a baby girl cause you wanted a boy. Its harder to put a baby to death cause you like pink.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/15 at 14:02:07

Sex is determined around 18 to 20 weeks... that's approaching 3rd tri, and no abortions happen at that stage without danger to mother or non-viable fetus...
So,.. that just don't happen...
You are deluded... reading too much hysterical propaganda...

If a patient said that,.. an abortion would refused, because it's already illegal...
..but, as I said,.. they don't determine sex 'till 18 to 20 weeks...
Just don't happen...

You want to argue,.. argue with the facts... not myth...

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/15 at 14:52:45

nope.  It happens, and it happens a lot. Certainly more overseas, but growing here.

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by pg on 08/03/15 at 15:14:46

Do they have that on a T-shirt?... ;D...

Yea, it's features a blue donkey on it.


Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/15 at 15:14:56

......and every time someone post something you disagree with, you can't summarily dismiss it because of the source.

but i think we've beaten this horse enough, don't you?

Title: Re: PP to be aborted?
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/15 at 15:31:18

ah Yup... I was done before we started... 8-)...

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