General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> HELLo Detroit..

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/15 at 20:03:48

Title: HELLo Detroit..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/15 at 20:03:48

Fitting location.

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by Kris01 on 07/26/15 at 06:30:33

And that is part of what's wrong with this world!

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by HovisPresley on 07/26/15 at 07:56:22

That's a statue of Baphomet, rather than of the Judeo-Christian concept "Satan".

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/15 at 08:14:46

And the difference? It's still a Satanic statue.

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by Art Webb on 07/26/15 at 08:54:07

It is indicative that they want it displayed in the same location as a 10 commandment structure on state grounds
It's a protest for the separation of church and state, as much as anything else
Five of the ten commandments are a good guide to life for even even non religious folk:
Honor your Father and Mother
Don't Murder
Don't have sex with others' spouses (or cheat on yours)
Don't Lie
Don't desire to own your neighbor's stuff
In other words,
Don't hurt each other
the rest is all to do with religion, and while I have no problem with it, it doesn't belong on state grounds
Remember, separation of church and state
So if we will have a Christian monument on state grounds, why not a 'satanic' one'?

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/15 at 09:37:09

Show me
Separation of church and state.
The STATE can't create a religion or require me to attend a particular church or tell me what kind of church I may or may not attend.
Yeah, perfectly legal. And indicative of the Progress we are making in America.
The First Amendment protects our right to worship, any time, any place.
A kid should be able to have a Bible in school.
A religious themed play, in school, at Christmas, does not cross any lines, other than the PC line.

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by HovisPresley on 07/26/15 at 09:50:53

Art, +1 on the commandments comment.

Justin, why should young children be encouraged to re-enact the supposed birth of a quasi-fictional Jewish hippy from over 2000 years ago?
Where in the bible does it even say that he was born near the winter solstice?
The gospels of Mark and John don't even give the nativity a mention..... but we expect impressionable children to re-enact it?

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by Art Webb on 07/26/15 at 09:56:32

445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 wrote:
Show me
Separation of church and state.
The STATE can't create a religion or require me to attend a particular church or tell me what kind of church I may or may not attend.
Yeah, perfectly legal. And indicative of the Progress we are making in America.
The First Amendment protects our right to worship, any time, any place.
A kid should be able to have a Bible in school.
A religious themed play, in school, at Christmas, does not cross any lines, other than the PC line.

Allowing religious displays of one and only one religion implies a state alignment to that religion
allowing none, or equal time to more than one, shows impartiality to any religion
I think a kid should be allowed to carry a pocket bible in school if he want
or a koran
or whatever 'pocket religious text' Satanist or Pagans may have

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by HovisPresley on 07/26/15 at 09:59:36

"Allowing religious displays of one and only one religion implies a state alignment to that religion
allowing none, or equal time to more than one, shows impartiality to any religion
I think a kid should be allowed to carry a pocket bible in school if he want
or a koran
or whatever 'pocket religious text' Satanist or Pagans may have"

Exactly  ;)

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/15 at 10:10:36

The People OWN that State land and building. They set it apart to use as a place for the government buildings. The People of the Community have the right to decide what is there. And, any individual has the right to carry any religious book or symbol anywhere.
The display of religious stuff on Public, and the State buildings are Public property, should be left to the people of the Community. Not dictated by the State. A county vote, not just a government dictate, or ten people out of thousands.

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by Art Webb on 07/26/15 at 10:15:49

Was there an open vote to place the 10 commandments there?
has there been a vote against the satanist statue?
Nope, some official just stuck the 10 commandments out there
note that the satanists decided to move the statue once the 10 were removed from the original venue

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/15 at 10:47:56

It's a pretty cool looking statue...

...a lot better than this one... :P...

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/15 at 13:04:38

796A6C6F7D7A7A180 wrote:
Was there an open vote to place the 10 commandments there?

I don't know, nor do I know how it was paid for.

has there been a vote against the satanist statue?

Before anything gets stuck on Public property,the owners of said property should be asked. I wouldn't come sticking stuff in your yard. YOU own that. I would not be sticking stuff in the courthouse lawn, you and all your neighbors own that. I'd hafta Ask permission.

Nope, some official just stuck the 10 commandments out there

And,maybe so. Probably wouldn't have if he thought it would be offensive to The Majority of the Constituents. Should be voted on..
Odd, innit? Politicians know how to do
The Little Things
that tell us how much they care. How closely attuned to the ways ,the desires of the People,, Right up until time to vote against some crap that we Don't Want... Amazing, innit?

note that the satanists decided to move the statue once the 10 were removed from the original venue

They changed where they were gonna put it, yes.
I'm guessing that's because someone, a very PC and inaccurate understanding of the C, Or, a local vote, by the Community, caused the removal. The place was no longer open to religious displays, I guess.
Does anyone even consider the idea of people from who knows where having a statue made or anything else, a cannon, a flag, anything, and plop it down on the courthouse lawn?
The article does not say where it's gonna be.
I'm curious about it.

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by pgambr on 07/26/15 at 18:23:07

I lived in Detroit for a couple of years and all I can say is anything good, holy, or devine in nature left Detroit a long long time ago.

Best regards,

Title: Re: HELLo Detroit..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/15 at 18:45:38

That's me, trying to engage in conversation, Art. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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