General Category >> The Cafe >> Hunting rattlers...

Message started by Serowbot on 07/22/15 at 11:28:56

Title: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/15 at 11:28:56

Just pulled my seat and tank to locate a rattle that's been happening under the tank.
Not the usual suspect (speedo) because it stops when I touch the tank, anywhere...
Didn't find it, of course... there's a lot of little things under there that could be touching anything.
So,.. I just wiggled them all a bit, and put it all back together...
Hope for the best...

That's the shotgun approach...
Just spray and hope you hit something...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Art Webb on 07/22/15 at 11:34:06

There ya go

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by youzguyz on 07/22/15 at 11:55:08

Run it with the tank off and see if you can still hear it.  If so, you should be able to isolate.  If not, you are at least to looking for things that are touching the tank, and not each other.

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/22/15 at 12:08:18

be careful not to irritate anything that moves on it's own.


Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/22/15 at 13:45:52


Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Art Webb on 07/23/15 at 07:43:09

Weren't a Rattler  ;D
Course, Serow lives in AZ, LOTSA Rattlers out there  :-/

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/23/15 at 17:14:37

42515754464141230 wrote:
Weren't a Rattler  ;D

I don't think it would matter if it hitched a ride with me!

I jumped 3 feet in the air and screamed like a little girl when one surprised me at work!  :o ;D

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Art Webb on 07/23/15 at 20:47:26

I bet
I had one in my place once, draped along the top of the doorway
delicate maneuvering gettin that feller (fellet?) outta the house with us both alive ;D

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/24/15 at 05:01:25

A friend of mine who lives out in the country found a snake skin under his sink. The snake was apparently eating the mice in his home.

He said out loud to no one in particular, "you're ok as long as I don't ever see you, but the first time you make me hurt myself, you're dead!"


Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/15 at 05:58:27

5F667D672425140 wrote:
He said out loud to no one in particular, "you're ok as long as I don't ever see you, but the first time you make me hurt myself, you're dead!"


..."and stay out of my potato chips"... :-?...

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/24/15 at 08:51:53

If you eat the things that bother me... it's all good, just don't bother me.

I once had an encounter when I was a wee lad, a king snake was coming up the driveway and I was going down... he was taller then me... I went the other way.   :o

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/15 at 12:03:49

Ever seen a coach whip? I saw about a seven footer , coming right at me, but I was in a chair and too close to the table for real gymnastics. It came from the woods, under the house and was making tracks, very skinny tracks, as it headed to the woods behind me. I spotted him about fifteen feet off, maybe less, and knew what it was and decided I'd grab it. Darn thing went by so fast that I couldn't even touch it. My hand hit the ground but his tail was almost a foot away. I woulda kept that.

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/24/15 at 12:52:00

I was out riding one afternoon in my usual backwoods, middle-of-nowhere spot and saw a coiled up water hose lying in the road. I made a mental note to swerve around it thinking that it fell off somebody's work truck. As I got closer the hose unwound and slithered across the road. It stretched from one side of the road to the other, probably 8 feet or so.

People say they are probably more scared of you than you are of them. I don't think so! I'm glad Suzuki built this bike fast enough to outrun snakes!  :D

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by MnSpring on 07/24/15 at 16:40:46

 First trip to AZ,  (AJO), took me a day,
to find the coffee spot the ‘old farts’ gathered in the morning.

Next day, I knew some of them.
3rd day, walked in, a local asked me what I was gonna do today,
Told him, another drive in the desert.
He told me, watch out for them, ‘rattlers’,
I told him, Yea, if they get close, I’ll have my .45 Colt, with Bird shot on me.

A Canadian, yuppie, couple, was their that day,
she said:  “You Can’t shoot Rattlesnakes, their endangered”

I said, A-Yep, one gets to close to me, it sure, is in danger.

The Locales laughed, she was mortified.

Apparently, she missed seeing the 8’ R.S. Skin, over the top of the door!

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/15 at 17:30:50

You wound up her Main Spring.
Lucky she didn't coil up on ya,,

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/15 at 17:54:51

I've had 3 rattlers in my back yard over the years...

 First one,... I called the fire dept.. they came and collected it, then released it into the.desert...  
Then they tried to charge me $290 for removal.
I said, I didn't call them for my sake,... I called them to save the snake... and F-off...

 Second one,... I beheaded with a shovel...
 Third one,... ran off before I got my shovel...  :-?...

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/24/15 at 18:01:01

3620372A32272A31450 wrote:
Second one,... I beheaded with a shovel...

Been there, done that! I had him (or did he have me? Hmmm...) cornered in a garage.

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/15 at 18:20:25

Near Ft. Davis, West Texas, I was riding my Kawasaki 750 twin and just as I saw the snake, it struck at my leg. The rattlesnakes there are green and really pretty,but, maybe kinda mean. I went back and collected rocks. Knowing my aim, I didn't try to hit it. I just kept humming them above it.
It finally got pissed off enough to strike. Knocked hizzass OUT. I went and stepped on its head, pulled the knife out and left him there... in two pieces.

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/24/15 at 18:32:54

We stopped on the side of the road somewhere around Raton, NM (headed to Denver) for the kids to use the bathroom. Pretty redneck, but it was dark and they were young. While we were standing there behind the car door we saw one of the snakes I posted below not 3 feet away. I don't know if he was friendly, we didn't ask.

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/15 at 18:52:35

I'd guess it's safe, but like mushrooms, experts only. I'm not seeing a pit between the eyes.
No snake is a
when kids are involved, unless you KNOW what kinda snake it is.

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/24/15 at 21:03:22

According to that site, it's non-poisonous. Doesn't matter. Neither is this guy and I'm not taking any chances!

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Art Webb on 07/25/15 at 07:49:19

Round eyes, not venomous, doesn't mean it won't bite, and the bite hurts
I got hit by a Copperhead once, lucky I had on off road MC boots
Those guys hit you a bunch of times, like a machine gun
MC boots work good for crushing a snake's head, once you hold him down with the other foot
Last time I went n the woods without a gun lol

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/25/15 at 08:40:21

50434546545353310 wrote:
Round eyes, not venomous, doesn't mean it won't bite, and the bite hurts


Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by prechermike on 07/30/15 at 17:24:53

Since I've moved I have a longer ride to the hospital (and everywhere else) to make my visits, go to town, etc. The good part of that is, I get to ride my bike longer. I was thinking today about the rattles that are on our bikes, especially the speedometer. And thankfully, I've never heard that. Of course, I'd have to have my head in the gas tank to hear it. But hey, as long as I don't hear it, it doesn't bother me.  :D

Back to the snake topic, a couple of weeks ago I was coming home from the funeral home, my second job. I was wearing my suit and riding the bike, naturally. Someone had run over a rattlesnake on the highway, so I stopped to collect the rattles. But when I cut them off, there was a little meat left on them. Not wanting to put that in my good clothes pocket, I looked around and found a piece of paper on the shoulder, wrapped the rattles in that, and stuck it all in my shirt pocket.  That worked well for about two miles and then everything blew out right in front of my eyes. I didn't even slow down for them.  :-/

And late this evening, someone hit a bear in their Suburban. Bent the bumper pretty good, but straightened that out with a chain and a truck. Minor injuries to the passengers, killed the bear. I couldn't help but think what if a motorcycle had hit that bear. And while we (the VFD) were still there, another bear crossed the road about 200 yards farther down.

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/30/15 at 19:57:06

That could've been life threatening either way! Be careful out there!

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Ed L. on 07/31/15 at 09:28:05

Was out walking the dog down the dirt road I live on two weeks ago and had him come upon a 4 foot cotton mouth. Stupid sh!t tried to go after it but I was able to stop him with a couple good tugs on the leash. Mean looking snake all coiled up in the weeds. Had the pistol but didn't want to scare the puppy with gun shots, he gets all upset with loud noises. Ended up tossing sticks and handfuls of gravel at it till it slithered away. Heard that my neighbor killed it the next day.
 don't mind the non poisonous ones but I still try to stay away from them. A friend killed a Coral snake just a few miles away, ick and eek  

Title: Re: Hunting rattlers...
Post by Kris01 on 07/31/15 at 10:54:03

I remember when I was probably 5 or 6 years old, my daddy killed a water moccasin crawling up the back our boat. He beat it to death with an oar. There's just something evil looking about snakes! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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