General Category >> The Cafe >> Psycho road rage...

Message started by Serowbot on 07/14/15 at 07:51:00

Title: Psycho road rage...
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/15 at 07:51:00

This wacko has some spooky bug eyes... :o...
Dude seems soft as pudding... weird...
Young biker handles him easy...  8-)...

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/14/15 at 08:03:47

Good thing he decided to walk over and punch the biker instead of running him over.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Art Webb on 07/14/15 at 08:04:55

sheesh! what a grouch

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/15 at 08:44:55

Dude on the bike , about the coolest guy I've seen. And his girlfriend! Got off the bike and took the old guy on. The rider could have popped that dude in the eye ,IMO, but all he wanted was no hassle.
Sounded like a lane splitting issue.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Dave on 07/14/15 at 09:34:39

If I ever get somebody mad at me......I sure hope they aren't any tougher than this guy.  This guy fights like the Pillsbury Dough Boy!

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by pgambr on 07/14/15 at 09:48:25

You just never know what he might have in his pocket or in the car?   :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Dave on 07/14/15 at 10:12:39

6770767A7565170 wrote:
You just never know what he might have in his pocket or in the car?   :-/

Best regards,

I try not to get anybody upset with me.....I realize that every car or truck could have a crazy person inside.

However....if it does ever happen.  I want the fellow to be soft, clumsy, small, weak, easily winded and with a very low tolerance to pain. ;)

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/14/15 at 10:21:21

If ever I'm in that situation, I'll just take my helmet off, the guy will gasp, turn around and shuffle back to his cage.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/14/15 at 11:27:21

Yuma Aridzona

guy shoulda turned up the a/c in his car and relaxed

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by youzguyz on 07/14/15 at 12:40:19

3B283F3E212C2A28237C4D0 wrote:
If ever I'm in that situation, I'll just take my helmet off, the guy will gasp, turn around and shuffle back to his cage.

Been there.. seen that.... no argument from me!!!  ;D

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/15 at 13:04:25

I have to wonder what had been going on in that guys life. He doesn't look like a guy who gets in physical hassles. He didn't really look all that wound up. I've Seen wound up. I should probably watch again, but I kinda felt like I saw a flash of
Why am I doing this
in his face.
I think the rider really handled that well. He coulda popped that dude, but instead, handled it with the least amount of violence necessary to contain,control the situation and protect himself.
Looks like a great training video for police.
And I'd be comfortable around a person like that who was carrying a weapon.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Dave on 07/14/15 at 13:31:17

I agree.....the fellow appeared to wonder how he ended up flat on his back in the curb.  The look on his face certainly seems to convey a desire to turn the clock back a minute and erase the whole incident.

If he did break his ankle on the way to the curb as the YouTube comments suggested....he might of been in shock at that point.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/15 at 13:58:40

Okay, I think someone distracted me first pass through. Watching again, he was not uncertain,, I don't know how pissed off a guy needs to be to punch someone wearing a helmet. I still think it would be interesting to know what had been going on in that guys life for the last few hours or days.
The reason I don't think he is generally a hothead or physically abusive is because he's just SO bad at it.. A ticked off eighth grader could take him out.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Dave on 07/14/15 at 14:09:19

It would be interesting to see the video leading up to the event.

Maybe the guy on the bike really did something evil and deserved to be punched in the helmet! :-?

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/15 at 14:32:15

42797463727E656378707D62110 wrote:
It would be interesting to see the video leading up to the event.

Maybe the guy on the bike really did something evil and deserved to be punched in the helmet! :-?

It would be interesting to see the video leading up to the event.

I knew I left something out. I thought it, but spaced out...
I think I heard the rider say something about a
lane splitting kinda deal.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by pgambr on 07/14/15 at 15:14:57

That reminds me of a good scene in a movie.  "Remember, you wanted this."  They're picking a fight with the wrong guy.

I don't know why I can't get the you tube stuff come up correctly so I put the full url.


Best regards,

Fixed media embed - Serow

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by gizzo on 07/14/15 at 17:26:18

haha, he punched a guy in the helmet because "You broke the law!". Good one. Maybe he is Batman's older retarded brother? Soft prick.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by arteacher on 07/14/15 at 18:01:11

I have seen retarded people (sorry- I don't know the politically correct descriptor of the month) have eye movements and body movements like that. If you look at his eyes you might get the impression that he doesn't really know what is going on.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Kris01 on 07/14/15 at 18:03:15

That's what I thought too.

BTW, the flavor of the month is "mentally challenged".

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by old_rider on 07/14/15 at 18:58:55

Was the video in California? where it is legal to filter through traffic. Did the guy "ding" a mirror? flip him off?
Two sides.... always two sides...
Not enough to jump out an punch someone....
Its the action/re-action thing..... something had to have happened for that old guy to get out and start swinging..... or so I would like to think.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by thumperclone on 07/14/15 at 19:11:37

so the cager thought the biker was breaking the law and he came out of his cage to enforce his displeasure..
looked to me he was off his meds

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/14/15 at 19:37:50

26252D3B202D2C3B490 wrote:
Was the video in California? where it is legal to filter through traffic. Did the guy "ding" a mirror? flip him off?
Two sides.... always two sides...
Not enough to jump out an punch someone....
Its the action/re-action thing..... something had to have happened for that old guy to get out and start swinging..... or so I would like to think.

yuma az

there were a few comments on youtube that filtering was legal in az which is lane splitting when traffic is stopped only.

the ama listing for m/c laws does not mention this.

the guy was probably startled when the bike went by is all it probably took.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by MnSpring on 07/14/15 at 19:55:38

756671706F6264666D32030 wrote:
If ever I'm in that situation, I'll just take my helmet off, the guy will gasp, turn around and shuffle back to his cage.

LOLOL, If I got off my bike  same thing.

Just, A few year ago,  a fellow, 'Bumped', my 71 Vega, (it was new then), at a stop light.  Told the girl I was with, "Take the Gun from under the seat',  Lock the doors, and if their if trouble, come out shooting".

I Got out of my car,  the,  'Bumpee',
Backed up, hit the next car behind,
and then sped through the red light.

Gee and that was in, 'friendly',  MN. (494 & 100)

But, in this case, it, 'looks', like,
the 'cage driver', does not understand, 'lane splitting', laws, in his area.

If that is what happened.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by gizzo on 07/14/15 at 20:37:06

79405B410203320 wrote:
That's what I thought too.

BTW, the flavor of the month is "mentally challenged".

Here it's "a person with an intellectual disability". Calling a person Intellectually Disabled implies that the person is being defined by the disability, where the other description places the person first, the disability second. Is supposed to make the person feel more empowered, valued etc. Blah blah. Mental health is different, is a person often living at full intellectual capacity but with problems processing, reasoning etc. But still the two often go hand in hand, as well. Some older literature at my work used some really funny terms: retarded, moron, imbecile, cretin were all legit terms back in the day used to describe various types and degrees of intellectual disabilty. It's a pretty interesting field to work in and can be rewarding but when no one's looking we sometimes still use the "R"word  :P to describe a normal person acting like one.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by jcstokes on 07/15/15 at 00:06:23

From what I've seen and heard in this little corner of the world, the car driver may have been charged with excess alcohol or similar. His facial expressions appear to be regarded as similar to "Gollum" from the Hobbit movies.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/15 at 06:44:15

We can be sure it ain't "roid" rage...

Went down like a wet noodle...;D...

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/15/15 at 07:27:08

Made the local news here as a feature about cage vs bike road rage.
then immediately after the car running over the trooper.
people are nuts all over about everything, be careful out there.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Dave on 07/16/15 at 04:15:23

Kinda off topic.....but similar in that this robber wasn't up to the task and pushed the wrong fellow out of his way.


Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Art Webb on 07/16/15 at 06:51:33

hahah yeah saw that one myself
by the time the cop gets there he's utterly compliant
being unable to move for a while tends to do that to folks

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Drestakil on 07/16/15 at 07:27:29

I think the biker was lucky it was Uncle Fester that got out of the car instead of Lurch.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by stewmills on 07/16/15 at 07:59:43

1C253E246766570 wrote:
BTW, the flavor of the month is "mentally challenged".

+1.  I don't go all politically correct on many things, but that's one that I am sensitive to for no personal reason. Just always had a soft heart for kids (and adults) that are challenged.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Kris01 on 07/16/15 at 16:20:18

I'm the same way. I'm never politically correct except in this one instance. Any "nice" term is fine by me. "Retarded" is just offensive.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Art Webb on 07/17/15 at 08:53:31

It depends on context
the actual word 'retarded' simply means at a mental disadvantage, when applied to metal function
Saying 'that poor child seems to have trouble learning, I think he's retarded' shouldn't really be seen as insulting, though it is
The reason it is is because far too many people in the past used it in a mean context "Hey Retard! get away from that!"
So we decided to be offended by it in any context
I had more than a couple friends in school who were in this category, if you asked me, I would have said 'Yeah, Robbie's retarded'
I never meant anything mean or insulting by it, I just recognized he wasn't as bright as the average kid
But if you said to Robbie "something something you effin retard" in front of me I'd likely have stomped a mudhole in your butt; Robbie might not have been so bright, but he was a good guy, and he never hurt anyone that didn't ask for it a lot, so he didn't need to be spoken to like that
I took umbrage to the intent, not the word

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by stewmills on 07/17/15 at 09:17:54

I pretty much agree. Sometimes it's just hard to tell in writing what someone's context is and if you're sensitive to it, you of course want to take your side and be protective.

If someone is using it in honest conversation as you noted. I'm not going to freak, but if someone is trash talking I am going to stand up for those that can't otherwise stand up for themselves.

I don't like mean people  >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Serowbot on 07/17/15 at 09:22:15

We're all "mentally challenged" in some way.
Don't let me anywhere near plumbing... :-?...

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Art Webb on 07/17/15 at 10:04:28

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:
We're all "mentally challenged" in some way.
Don't let me anywhere near plumbing... :-?...

don't rely on my math
and for SURE don't ask me about computers beyond the very basics

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Dave on 07/17/15 at 10:07:48

Don't ask me about women/wife........ :-/

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Art Webb on 07/17/15 at 10:11:41

I gave up on that looooooong ago

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by stewmills on 07/17/15 at 11:43:35

Don't ask me about lazy people...I don't understand how to be lazy  ::)

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Kris01 on 07/17/15 at 19:27:39

6670677A62777A61150 wrote:
Don't let me anywhere near plumbing... :-?...

He says with a pipe wrench in his signature!  ;D

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/15 at 19:43:43

Thaaaaats,,, notta pipe wrench..

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Kris01 on 07/17/15 at 19:53:43

I read about you guys calling it a Ford wrench but I don't know what that is.

Here's what I use on my Ford!  :D

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/15 at 20:25:42

monkey wrench

Ford included them in the tool kit back in the day, with Ford on them

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/17/15 at 21:12:23

1F263D276465540 wrote:
[quote author=6670677A62777A61150 link=1436885460/30#34 date=1437150135]Don't let me anywhere near plumbing... :-?...

He says with a pipe wrench in his signature!  ;D[/quote]
pipe wrench

monkey wrench

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by HovisPresley on 07/18/15 at 05:59:15

Monkey wrench? Pipe wrench?
What about a monkey with a pipe?

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/18/15 at 09:06:36

must be an english thing.   :-?

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Kris01 on 07/18/15 at 10:21:03

So a monkey wrench is a Ford wrench is a pipe wrench?

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/15 at 10:34:53

Monkey wrench... 8-)...

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/18/15 at 10:50:13

your uncle?

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Art Webb on 07/18/15 at 11:44:30

162F342E6D6C5D0 wrote:
So a monkey wrench is a Ford wrench is a pipe wrench?

A Ford Wrench and a monkey wrench are the same thing
A Pipe wrench is a different critter entirely
go back and examine the pictures some more
I made the same mistake

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/15 at 12:24:21

A Ford wrench is a monkey wrench that Ford had built with their name on it.
The only difference between a Ford wrench and a monkey wrench is that the Ford wrench came in the tool kit of a new Ford car. That was back in the day when people who drove a car had reasonable expectations of needing to work on it. Baling wire, pliers, nail file, bubble gum, etc. all considered as normal as hooks in a tackle box.

Yeah, Baling wire, still a constant in most man caves.

To add to the confusion

The biggest pipe wrench I've used is a sixty inch. Usually two of us went to get it and anywhere from three to six were involved in using it. A cheater pipe was almost always involved, leaving two to lift and position it and one to make sure that the jaw was set, then join the club on the cheater. I watched four guys fight a left hand thread for about a half hour, then went and told them...  they ALL knew that all threads above the rotating table are left hand,, but they weren't thinking..

Of course if the project is not being held, then you gotta have a backup, and then IT has to have a cheater,or the torque will just lift what you are working on.

These are handy but don't take the abuse of the oilfield well.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/15 at 12:25:15

Pipe wrenches have pivoting bottom jaws, that tighten as you apply pressure and loosen when you release... so that you can ratchet the pipe in one direction.
Grip, slip, grip, slip...  so cool... ;D...

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/15 at 12:42:53

Right up till IT slips while you're in full on
Grip now, sucka
Jumping on a cheater pipe can allow enough pressure off the jaw to allow the spring to open the wrench... it can get ugly... I can't count the bent and broken thirty six and forty eight pipe wrenches I've seen.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Kris01 on 07/18/15 at 15:36:16

Ok, there IS a difference. I never knew that. I always say "pipe wrench" but assumed a "monkey wrench" was the same thing.

It's kind of like a claw hammer and a ball peen hammer. It's the same tool essentially but each has a slightly different purpose.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Art Webb on 07/19/15 at 07:43:40

Ball peen hammers are tempered differently from claw hammers: using a claw hammer to beat on hard metal tools or parts, like you do a ball peen, can lead to chipping of the hammer's striking surface, which is potentially dangerous
Claw hammers are tempered 'hard' to beat on relatively 'soft' nails
Bell peens are tempered 'soft' to beat on hardened tools
know your tools, use the right one for the job

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/15 at 08:41:40

Before I knew better and before I had a good tool collection I was changing a U joint and to get it out I was using two hammers. The small end of one ball pein and I think the other was also. I thought I heard things hitting the ground, but I had no idea that slamming hammer faces together could cause a problem. Finally a piece hit just right on the thumb knuckle.. in it went, way past needle and tweezers. Went to get it X rayed and the Dr. said it's too close to the nerve, gotta leave it.. after a few years it migrated to between the knuckles. I bumped into the exhaust manifold with the bump it made. Went back, New X rays, Doc cut it out..
Never strike hammers. And chrome sockets are harder than impact sockets and will break, sometimes. You return a Craftsman socket that shows an impact has been on it, and the square drive will show it, and the warranty is gone.

When I looked at the hammer there were pieces missing all around the face..
Young, inexperienced, inadequate tool collection, if I woulda had a fat punch I woulda been okay... Back then I probably could have had what I needed for under five bucks... but who had five bucks?

You can't turn pipe with a monkey wrench,pipe wrenches mess nuts and bolts UP,,and a ball pein is not too good for pulling nails.
Finger mashing is easily accomplished with any of the above.
I have four ball pein s of various sizes, a claw hammer in arms reach of both work benches and a collection of other kinds and sizes of hammers.. total around thirteen, counting the fat rubber one for hubcaps.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/15 at 09:54:35

Do you keep them in a sack?... ;D...

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/15 at 16:13:16

Ohh, that was nasty... scalpel sharp, well placed.

En garde

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/15 at 17:24:08

;D ;D ;D...

Sorry,.. it was just layin' there,... I had to... :-?...

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/15 at 19:07:15

Hey, when it's just THERE, doesn't matter who it is, it's funny.
I Could have chosen to get offended I guess. But, I rather appreciate a quick wit.

Title: Re: Psycho road rage...
Post by stewmills on 07/19/15 at 21:47:55

03101615070000620 wrote:
using a claw hammer to beat on hard metal tools or parts, like you do a ball peen, can lead to chipping of the hammer's striking surface, which is potentially dangerous

i had shrapnel in the knuckle of my right ring finger for about 20 years from hitting two hammers together trying to pull nails as a kid. never caused problems, just an obvious knot that i finally decided to get cut out before it did do something as i got older. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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