General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> .... and Trump is the crazy one?....

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/13/15 at 10:30:08

Title: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/15 at 10:30:08

On Thursday, Michigan police arrested a Mexican illegal alien, 23-year-old Aurelio Hernandez-Gomez, after finding him with a 13-year-old Florida girl who had last been seen two days before her ordeal.
Cops acted on a tip that led them to a Hartford home where Hernandez-Gomez hid the girl while assaulting her.

Michigan authorities charged Hernandez-Gomez with one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct, meaning they believe he raped or otherwise penetrated the girl after incapacitating her or otherwise rendering her helpless. They have not released further details, such as whether or not the victim was related to the alien suspect. Hernandez-Gomez is being held on $150,000 bond in a Paw Paw Michigan jail and will be back in court on Wednesday.

Funny, but ever since Trump made his truthful comments, (which the liberal media defined as controversial)  there  has been a story almost every day and major crimes by illegal aliens. Some of them heartbreaking. Woman shot down from behind walking on a pier with her father, a mother and two young children run down....plenty of others and now this one.

So, either this is an amazing statistical oddity or these crimes are a regular occurrence.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Paraquat on 07/13/15 at 11:11:33

I got wind of the woman on the pier. I didn't hear about this one.

Sometimes, a spade is a spade.


Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 11:34:19

Must be the left-wing lamestream media trying to get Donny boy the nomination.
Once that's done, we have to resurrect Sarah Palin for the VP on the ticket.

Crafty, eh?...;D...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/15 at 12:12:03

Ball coming, Sew ducks out of the way.....

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by pgambr on 07/13/15 at 18:31:57

Did you see what El Chapo tweeted to the Donald?   :o

"Keep f*ck*ng around and I'm going make you swallow your b*tch words you f*ck*ng whitey?

Best regards,

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/15 at 19:20:16

but every Republican candidate must b!tch slap Trump or be a Jimmy Fallon punchline or an SNL skit.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by pgambr on 07/18/15 at 16:11:42

“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said. Sarcastically, Trump quipped, “He’s a war hero because he was captured.” Then, he added, “I like people that weren’t captured.”

The one thing about trump is when he gets in trouble, he doubles down, then doubles down again....

Best regards,

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/15 at 16:26:58

Yeah,.. he's great that way...
You should all vote for him in the Primary... ;D...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/15 at 19:24:02

Doesn't matter who wins. No policy will change that unscrews the people.
Well, in a way it matters.. The rate of collapse is ever increasing. It won't change direction, but it could slow down. But it won't. Hillary will gladly continue the policies. She stepped aside for Obama. I can't picture her not being handed it in repayment. Maybe not, only time will tell, but Obama ditched the press, disappeared , Hillary, disappeared, gee, and who was meeting?  2008, Bilderberg meeting was....

Of course, it's not the NYT , so it's not true. Ohh, but, wasn't the media telling us why we Must invade __________.. fill in the blanks..

Unless you're gonna show me something that makes it untrue, you
That's Alex Jones
is wasted.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/15 at 21:43:18

JOG, it matters...
Had McCain  or Romney won... we would still have over half a million men in Iraq and Afghanistan...
Plus another half million in Syria and Iran...
40 or by now, maybe 50 million Americans wouldn't have healthcare...
The economy that tanked so badly under GW, would be even worse... instead of better...(under Clinton-stocks up, unemployment down... GW- stocks down, unemployment up,...Obama- stocks back up, and unemployment back down... see a pattern here?)...
The rich would be fine though... you can count on that...
They always will be fine...

Do you want to fight for the rich?,.. or those that need fighting for?..
Common sense should tell you,... big money runs the world... the rich have the money...
Defending the rich,... is like defending the fox,... while he's in your hen-house...
Those with power don't need defending... the rich are fine...
Would you come to the defense of a man beating his wife?...
...or a woman beating her child?...

Both sides have corruption,.. both run on money,.. both have their biases...
... but, there is a difference...

Even if a new side comes up,... it will have corruption,.. greed, and bias...
It will just be different than the other two... so, what will it be beholden to?...
Whoever pays it's bills...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/15 at 23:23:05

east bound train wreck, west bound train wreck, differences..

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Art Webb on 07/19/15 at 08:21:17

40 or 50 million? even Obama doesn't put it that high Serow
As to GW's tanked economy: it tanked due to the internet bubble popping (too many cows grazing the same field) W had nothing to do with that, he was barely sworn in, and the housing loan snafu that did not start under W, either
Plus there was that 9-11 thing, that sort of tends to tank an economy, too
as for Iraq, yes, it's so much better having Isis in control there
and the economy is in better shape currently in States that are mostly republican controlled: states like Mass, primarily run by democrats, are in pretty sad shape
Doesn't change the fact that both sides are crappity smacking us
and both in favor of the rich

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by MnSpring on 07/19/15 at 17:37:02

Trump,   ’Talks from the Hip”

(Akin to:  ’Shooting from the hip.
Rarely hit what your shooting at,
but looks real cool)

Agree, the statement: ‘ … prefer my war heroes not to be captured …”
(Not  real Smart)  Talking From the Hip.  

But when one says:
“ Remember someone saying, ‘it doesn’t really matter”

Suddenly their memory goes, blank, !
Or,  it doesn't matter what She said !

GEE, how come ?

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by thumperclone on 07/20/15 at 07:41:49

the maggot needs to crawl back in the rotten apple he came from

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 09:56:39

Okay, your opinion is clear.
Care to expand a little on why you think so highly of him?
I don't want him either, I'm just curious about what others see about him.
IMO, this will be another
Lesser of Two Evils
election. But,,since the votes are counted by hackable, controllable machines, I'm not seeing a good future. Now we have the TPP, and let's not forget about the,as yet, not publicly acknowledged, North American Union.
China is collecting gold, our economy is hanging by a thread...

It's gonna get interesting.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by verslagen1 on 07/20/15 at 10:14:48

3620372A32272A31450 wrote:
Obama- stocks back up, and unemployment back down... see a pattern here?)...

I'd have take contention with this statement.  Stocks tanked with Obama's election and continued for 2 years and maybe recovered on the 4th year.  Unemployment numbers have been manipulated like never before, I don't know if we'll ever get the real numbers.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Art Webb on 07/20/15 at 10:41:33

495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 wrote:
I don't want him either, I'm just curious about what others see about him.

A guy who speaks (badly) and then when he gets a backlash, owns it. No mealy mouth backstepping
Also, I think some folks believe, having all that money, he will be less susceptible to selling influence
I dunno about that, but it's what I think folks are seeing, and contrasting with a POTUS who is perceived as a capitulator by some, rightly or wrongly

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 14:29:25

42514647585553515A05340 wrote:
[quote author=3620372A32272A31450 link=1436808608/0#9 date=1437280998]Obama- stocks back up, and unemployment back down... see a pattern here?)...

I'd have take contention with this statement.  Stocks tanked with Obama's election and continued for 2 years and maybe recovered on the 4th year.  Unemployment numbers have been manipulated like never before, I don't know if we'll ever get the real numbers.[/quote]

Here's at least someone who is trying...but Not calling someone unemployed because they ran out of benefits,, really?

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/15 at 17:49:37

35262023313636540 wrote:
[quote author=495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 link=1436808608/0#14 date=1437411399]I don't want him either, I'm just curious about what others see about him.

A guy who speaks (badly) and then when he gets a backlash, owns it. No mealy mouth backstepping[/quote]

Yup,.. the guy's got character coming out his a$$...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 17:51:01

I don't disagree with him regarding McCain.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/15 at 17:53:18

You dropped a hammer ,JOG... :-?...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by pgambr on 07/20/15 at 17:58:21


John Williams data has extraordinary more merit as opposed to the FRED.  Take a look at his methodology.

Best regards,

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by pgambr on 07/20/15 at 18:01:57

 A guy who speaks (badly) and then when he gets a backlash, owns it. No mealy mouth backstepping

I'm waiting for the day,  @GOP  "You're Fired."   ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 18:12:15

3D2B3C21392C213A4E0 wrote:
You dropped a hammer ,JOG... :-?...

How ya figure?

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/15 at 18:51:13

I'm no McCain fan since he ditched every principal he ever had to run for president,... but I wouldn't say he's not a hero...
McCain is a 100% war hero...

I doubt Trump has ever apologized for anything in life.  
It's not a sign of his strong character,... it's a sign of his inflated ego and sense of superiority and entitlement...
He's a pompous arse...

...but,... I still think you should all vote for him... ;D...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 19:04:59

Look deeper.
Johnny Wetstart
USS Forestall fire
I wasn't there, but I have seen how he votes, and IMO, he is not now nor ever has been a hero. Allegations that he sung like a canary for better treatment.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by pgambr on 07/20/15 at 19:44:44

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
Look deeper.
Johnny Wetstart
USS Forestall fire

I saw 5 articles with 5 different interpretations and he also lost a number of planes.  Bad stuff followed that guy around for a lot of his navy career.  I wonder what would have transpired if his father wasn't navy brass......

Best regards,

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 20:04:55

Maybe it's the definition of hero?
Some would label anyone in a uniform Hero if they died wearing it.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/15 at 05:39:49

I’m not a particular fan of Trump and I sure as hell am not a fan of McCain. Call him a war hero is fine and dandy, but call him a RINO first and foremost.

Fact is, if Trump had made similarly ridiculous comments about Ted Cruz for example, the media would never have mentioned it. The Democratically controlled liberal media loves McCain because he can be counted on to trash Republicans when called upon. That’s the only reason McCain is kept on a pedestal. Watching Matt Lauer on the Today Show defending ‘his friend’ John McCain, made me throw up.

On a side note, before you anoint Sainthood on McCain, I read this great piece yesterday about a joke McCain told at a speech but was given a pass on, because like I said, the MSM needs him from time to time.

“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because Janet Reno’s her real father.”

The point of the story was Chelsea was 18 years old at the time. There’s just no circumstance where a Senator of the United States can tell a joke about a young girl (even the daughter of two gigantic POS like Bill and Hilary)  

Any of us who’ve had daughters know the fragile natural of teenage girls. If Mitch McConnell told a joke like that about one of Obama’s kids, he’d be crucified.

In the bigger picture, Trump has done far more for this country than McCain who’s done nothing but screw things up. The sooner he gets put out to pasture the better.  

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/21/15 at 09:34:38

447671606776615E726178130 wrote:
“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because Janet Reno’s her real father.”

Yup,.. that's pretty scummy...
You'd think politicians would know better than to make such tasteless jokes...

I don't like the man either,... never voted for him...
I did used to admire that he didn't always tow the party line,.. but that all changed when he ran for POTUS....
He's no media darling any more...
Just a pullstring Anti-Obama doll ... ;D...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/15 at 09:54:38

I think you're wrong about that Sew, he's absolutely still immediate darling. The press knows there's always four or five issues they can go to Johnboy for and get a quote darning Republicans. We have one of those here in St. Louis, the Ex-Senator, John Danforth. The local paper will trot him out anytime they need a quote making local conservatives look bad. Of course, they'll never post anything he might say about abortion for example. Sort of like the Pope nowdays. He's a genius apparently on climate change but he still believes abortion is murder so the press will have to ignore his genius on that topic.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/15 at 10:00:06

It's not Chelsea s fault. Being cruel to people like that is telling.
If you believe he's a hero, because you've spent time and dug up the other side ,and choose to buy that, fine, just be prepared,, I'll counter it.
I wanna puke when I see him and absolutely Will NOT listen to him talk.
Actually, that applies to a sizeable number of the D.C. denizens.
I'll listen to Kissinger and Rockefeller and eat antacids, but they might say something.
Rockefeller admitted what they were up to, and it's happening, and the few who see are mocked.
That's funny.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/15 at 10:00:51

trumps main point about the harm illegal immigration is doing to this country has been swept under the rug. And that's a darn shame.

He iinadvertently gave the media a perfect vehicle to kill two birds with one stone: avoid talking about how awful Hillary is and avoid facing the issues of illegal immigration.  there's a million reasons why Trump will never be president, (actually there's about 10 billion) but one of the big ones is he thinks he's way too smart to have advisers. Someone should have explained to him making a comment like that would be fodder for the liberal mainstream media to dismiss him and his illegal immigration topic. he must have thought he was more powerful than he is.

A conservative can never fight the mainstream media's double standard,  they have to work within the ridiculous boundaries there faced with.  All regular political conservatives know that.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by pgambr on 07/21/15 at 11:11:14

“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because Janet Reno’s her real father.”

Maybe not, what about Webster Hubbell?    :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/15 at 11:43:22

could well be.

Chelsea's fair game now since she's out campainging for mommy. 10 million dollar apartment overlooking central park. Thats how she stays in touch with the little people, looks down from her balcony.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Art Webb on 07/22/15 at 10:10:38

It's actually funny to see all the leftists join in attacking Trump for mean mouthing McCain, considering a few of them have called his war record to question themselves in the past
C'mon people, you said that ON CAMERA, do you think it's not in the archives?
it's like Mosby saying she would give those who wished to destroy room to do that, on camera, and then denying she ever said it
Total lols
here's an interesting thought:
Trump supported Hilary when she ran the last time
Maybe he's in as a republican for the purpose of helping her out?

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/15 at 10:44:45

4E5D5B584A4D4D2F0 wrote:
here's an interesting thought:
Trump supported Hilary when she ran the last time
Maybe he's in as a republican for the purpose of helping her out?

I don't think that's his intention,.. but it will be the result...
He is singlehandedly destroying the RNC's chance at a viable candidate.
Totally alienating Hispanics,... of which, Rep's need at least 40% to win...
Alienating the Vet's,... that usually do vote majority red.
He'll fade away in few weeks,... but some of his stench will linger.
Plenty enough to lose an election.

Go Donald!... ;D...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/22/15 at 11:22:36

I can't see how he could alienate any veterans. He's not going to be the nominee and by then no one will even care what Donald Trump said about John McCain a year ago. It's not like McCain is some kind of exulted figure.

Hispanics, might be a different matter. I don't know if any Hispanic who would have been leaning toward voting Republican would not vote Republican by the time the election rolls around. again, trump will be old news by then.

Hillary, for that matter, will be old news by then too!

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/15 at 11:48:35

Maybe so...
Bernie Sanders is drawing some big crowds...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Art Webb on 07/22/15 at 12:06:12

seems like a race to find the most extremist candidate, nu?
Bernie flat out calls himself a socialist, I gotta respect him being honest about that

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by thumperclone on 07/22/15 at 16:57:39

donnys' in there so the rest of the clowns don't look so crazy

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/15 at 17:23:37

Well, it's gonna be
Hold your nose and go
He has gone broke a coupla times, but, he recovered. So, he knows how..
The questions I have go way past what I'm willing to spend the time on typing.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by thumperclone on 07/22/15 at 21:45:21

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
Well, it's gonna be
Hold your nose and go
He has gone broke a coupla times, but, he recovered. So, he knows how..
The questions I have go way past what I'm willing to spend the time on typing.

off your meds again?

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/15 at 02:59:58

Hey, either ask a question or make a topical statement.
I don't appreciate that.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by verslagen1 on 07/23/15 at 09:54:05

If he supported hillery last time, does that make him a democarp shill?

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Art Webb on 07/23/15 at 21:27:57

352631302F2224262D72430 wrote:
If he supported hillery last time, does that make him a democarp shill?

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/15 at 15:19:13

2E3D3B382A2D2D4F0 wrote:
[quote author=352631302F2224262D72430 link=1436808608/30#44 date=1437670445]If he supported hillery last time, does that make him a democarp shill?

;D ;D ;D[/quote]

That creates a real question. I am waiting for an interviewer to ask him if he thought she would have been a great president, what would he do that she would have done and would not have done.
If he was a supporter before, why run at all, why not promote her? Has she changed or has he?
I don't understand why she isn't being talked about as much.
I'm also very curious to see if Americans have had enough D at the wheel.
I'm wondering if a lame R can beat a strong D.
Of course, IMO, the difference is so slight that I can't see
What difference does it make now?

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by pgambr on 07/26/15 at 18:25:47

Worth the read if you have a few minutes.

Best regards,

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/15 at 18:34:07

Trump thinks he's at a celebrity roast... :-/...

With that dead cat on his head, and a surname that is synonymous with fart,...
... he really should STFU... :-X...

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by pg on 07/26/15 at 18:44:26

This is a bit more interesting with some nice photos.  Who says crime doesn't pay?.......

Best regards,

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/28/15 at 05:03:55

Dems and libs are going into overtime with Trump because they want to tar and feather his immigration point. As long as the story is Trump, victims like Kate Steinle can be brushed aside. The gay dude Matthew Shepard? No, could not sweep that aside. We passed laws, wrote plays and basically fell all over ourselves looking to change society over that, which as it turned out like so many other liberal causes, was based on a lie.

Illegal immigrants are a problem. At some point we have to say enough is enough. Libs want to sleep well at night thinking they've help some poor Mexican family (as long as they live someplace else....), Dem politicians want votes, Rep politicians want to keep those votes out and business likes cheap labor. Go with the Rep on this topic. At least their selfish motivation benefits the country.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/15 at 09:44:44

Good points,Web. The media makes one story matter, another, falls into the memory hole.
I'm still waiting for you to admit the difference between cross pollinating and GMO. You called me ignorant, then tried and failed to conflate the two.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/28/15 at 13:32:38

jog, i really dont have the desire to get into a debate with you on anything related to gmo. i recall the last one over monsanto, cross polinating seeds and lawsuits destroying farmers. I'm trying to play nicer in this sandbox. i should not have said anything to you in the first place.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/15 at 10:17:13

073532232435221D31223B500 wrote:
jog, i really dont have the desire to get into a debate with you on anything related to gmo. i recall the last one over monsanto, cross polinating seeds and lawsuits destroying farmers. I'm trying to play nicer in this sandbox. i should not have said anything to you in the first place.

All my posts are labeled spam, even some quotes, Your dogged determination to label me a crackpot as I stand against GMO is noted.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by phatmanswingin on 08/01/15 at 00:20:31

4F7D7A6B6C7D6A55796A73180 wrote:
On Thursday, Michigan police arrested a Mexican illegal alien, 23-year-old Aurelio Hernandez-Gomez, after finding him with a 13-year-old Florida girl who had last been seen two days before her ordeal.
Cops acted on a tip that led them to a Hartford home where Hernandez-Gomez hid the girl while assaulting her.

Michigan authorities charged Hernandez-Gomez with one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct, meaning they believe he raped or otherwise penetrated the girl after incapacitating her or otherwise rendering her helpless. They have not released further details, such as whether or not the victim was related to the alien suspect. Hernandez-Gomez is being held on $150,000 bond in a Paw Paw Michigan jail and will be back in court on Wednesday.

Funny, but ever since Trump made his truthful comments, (which the liberal media defined as controversial)  there  has been a story almost every day and major crimes by illegal aliens. Some of them heartbreaking. Woman shot down from behind walking on a pier with her father, a mother and two young children run down....plenty of others and now this one.

So, either this is an amazing statistical oddity or these crimes are a regular occurrence.

Yes, yes. To answer your question, yes trump IS the crazy one.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by WebsterMark on 08/01/15 at 05:33:17

nope, everyday horror stories continue, but since this would make Trump look correct, they are not reported. As Ann Coulter pointed out over and over, news articles hide the orgins of the suspects. Its only the families who know.

Trump might be crazy and would make as good a president as a bag of hammers (still bettet than hopey-change however) that doesnt make him wrong about illegal immigration and the negative consequences it brings.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/15 at 17:26:11

Trump might be crazy and would make as good a president as a bag of hammers (still bettet than hopey-change however) that doesnt make him wrong about illegal immigration and the negative consequences it brings.

Web nailed it.

Title: Re: .... and Trump is the crazy one?....
Post by MnSpring on 08/02/15 at 16:50:51

Did hear a Very good Quote from Trump.

He was asked: “What Taxes do you pay”.

His Answer was: “At Little as I can, Just like everyone else, and I do NOT want to give my hard earned dollars to a Government, who so Foolishly Spends Trillions of dollars”. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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