General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Ouch! My feelings!

Message started by Paraquat on 07/11/15 at 05:14:24

Title: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Paraquat on 07/11/15 at 05:14:24

Wallingford police look into complaint about Nazi, Confederate items sold at flea market

Published: July 9, 2015 | Last Modified: July 10, 2015 10:39PM
By Mary Ellen Godin Record-Journal staff

WALLINGFORD — Local police received a complaint when a shopper discovered Nazi and Confederate merchandise at a popular flea market last weekend, according to Chief William Wright.

An officer responded to the Redwood Flea Market on South Turnpike Road Sunday to investigate the report and found Nazi and Confederate memorabilia for sale. He told the complainant, who is Jewish, there was nothing police could do because the merchandise was on private property.

“There was a table set up with this material,” Wright said, unsure of the exact amount, but speculating several showcases. “It’s not criminally illegal, but obviously it offended this person. It causes some people a sense of being uncomfortable. Certainly the owner could preclude this merchandise.”

The complainant, a town resident, feared possible backlash and asked to remain anonymous. He told the Record-Journal that in addition to several showcases there was Nazi merchandise, including German helmets with swastikas, images of Hitler, and Jewish stars of David, in a truck.

“I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he said. “I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,” he said, referring to the Nazi system of tattooing numbers on prisoners.

He also saw Confederate items that he does not believe were authentic Civil War weapons or flags. He said the seller told him “he was selling so much he can’t keep it in stock.”

The Confederate flag has come under scrutiny and debate in recent weeks after a white gunman shot and killed nine African-Americans as they studied the bible in a predominately black church in Charlestown, South Carolina. Authorities later found pictures of the alleged gunman wrapped in a Confederate flag posted on social media and other websites. The killings fueled a state and national debate over the racial significance behind the flag.

Ken Dubar, who owns and manages the flea market, disputed the man’s account of how much anti-semitic and Confederate merchandise is at the weekend venue.

“There may be some of those items, some collectibles and some might be counterfeit,” he said.

Dubar also emphasized police found no evidence of any crime.

Jason Teal, president of the Meriden-Wallingford NAACP, said he was not familiar with the flea market and had not heard any complaints about the merchandise being sold there.

“It’s difficult because it’s on private property and it’s considered free speech,” Teal said.

The man also contacted Mayor William W. Dickinson Jr., who immediately asked Wright to determine if any laws were broken.

“I had to check with the chief over what is actionable and what isn’t,” Dickinson said. “Unless something violates state or federal law, there’s no jurisdiction for government to do anything. We had to ask, is it something controlled by law?”

Joshua Sayles, assistant regional director of the Anti-Defamation League in Connecticut, said selling Confederate and Nazi goods isn’t a moral issue if the merchandise consists of authentic war pieces purchased by a serious collector. But too often, they are cheap replicas and used as symbols of hate.

“It’s not the first time I’ve heard of this,” Sayles said. “It’s unfortunate that under the law people have the right to sell these things; but it doesn’t mean they should sell these things. It’s not a crime but I would call it hate. People look at the situation in Charleston and say it’s down in the South. But this stuff is here in Connecticut.” (203) 317-2255 Twitter: @Cconnbiz

Have you tried reaching into your lady bits and pulling out your balls?


Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Ed L. on 07/11/15 at 07:09:30

For a tolerant society we have become intolerant to an extreme.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/15 at 13:48:06

Well, I've seen polite disagreement called negativity.
Hate,  that's what you do if you hurt my feelings. Really?
Grow up.. I'm pretty sure everyone knows which political ideology these whiners hold up As The Answer
Disdain, thats the feeling I have for these whining britches.  No r intended.
Buy I'm bad if I want those who share the restroom with me to actually be men, and those who share facilities with my wife and daughter to not stand to see. Call me whatever, I've about run out of tolerance. And
The Tolerant Ones are the first to DEMAND others change..

No irony there.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by thumperclone on 07/11/15 at 14:11:07

I don't complain to the meat market because they sell  liver

don't like something ? don't buy it..
there ought to be a law [smiley=rolleyes.gif]

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by old.indian on 07/11/15 at 18:37:45

This little wimp can best be described as a Politically Correct Bully ...     He is probably a narcissistic nonentity who is in all probably looking for some attention.  

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Kris01 on 07/11/15 at 19:48:02

I met a guy who collected Nazi memorabilia. He had a whole bedroom full of mannequins dressed in authentic vintage Nazi officer uniforms. He wasn't a Nazi or even German for that matter. It was just something he liked to collect.

I make no excuses for the wholesale slaughter of a group of people by the Nazis but I wasn't offended. It was creepy but not offensive.

If you don't like it then don't have anything to do with it.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/15 at 20:07:59

That would be tolerance.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/15 at 12:57:57

You expect tolerance of intolerance?...  :-/...

Yes, it's a free country. and one has the right to be offensive, rude, and intolerant...
That don't mean I have to like it...

“I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,”

I'm not sure you grasp the magnitude of that.  I am sure the vendor doesn't...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/15 at 15:12:17

I saw a flag, I hadda run. My great Grammy was a slave.

Today is today. The relics of history or Chinese knock offs of them appeal to some, some, because they ideologically agree, some, because they feel owning something that represented a defeated enemy's ideology, some people just like having war memorabilia. Selling the stuff? Not for me.
A guy abandoned his belongings here. Asked if I'd let him store his stuff, while he went to see family, then he'd come back, get a place, take his stuff.
No problem, I have storage,,he never came back. I got a coffee pot,a small circular saw, bits and pieces of braces and wood from furniture before it fell into the burn Pitt..

And, an arm band, with the swastika. I'd never seen anything like that,, I wouldn't have bought it, but, it was something that represented a time in America's history, a time when EVERYBODY was a part of the war effort.
I kept it, looked at it once in a while, but, kept it put away... I asked myself many times why I kept it. It was intriguing, and kinda creepy, then one day I showed it to a close friend. It hit him deep. He cried. I'm talking about a grown man, kids older than some of us. I grabbed a gallon of diesel, it's gone. But does that mean someone can't sell them? No. The MARKET will either support the business or not.
I wonder what the sales figures are for American WWII memorabilia are in Germany and Japan....
I wonder why there isn't a political movement now by Japanese descendants of the Japanese Americans who were imprisoned in WWII, just because of their heritage.
If that was RIGHT, then since we are fighting people who are from a certain part of the world,   ,,,well, you do the math...

And, I was Taught WHY we went into Nam. Eventually, that lie was uncovered. Dehumanizing the Enemy is part of Manufacturing Consent and maintaining the Moral High ground. There are reasons to question the official story...I don't know what happened. I was not there. Was it brutal, inhumane,wrong, I'm able to get that, inhumane conditions, slave labor, starvation, diseases, horrible, no doubt.

So, you've got a war  to fight, manpower and equipment, FUEL for the equipment, and you're going to utilize how many people and how much equipment and fuel to kill and dispose of people when you could just let them starve? Has anyone actually Considered the manpower and time and whatever chemicals and everything that killing six Million people would actually take ? I'm not suggesting some weren't killed, but the number I question.

Look up the Liberty. We had sailors who survived the attack. The History books still teach that it was a case of mistaken identity. Casual study will expose what a lie that is.
So, while we Know that we have been lied to repeatedly, and our hearts are tuned to care for the downtrodden, and to want to lift up the victims, I , for one, have been forced to step back and look more closely. I don't know what happened. I wasn't there. I'm also certain that I've been told things that are not true. . So, if you believed, as I did, that we invaded Nam because they attacked us in Tonkin bay, then you have been lied to also.

The point is, we have been taught in school and test answers were
Six million killed in the showers.
If you fully accept that as fact, okay, might be right on,, but I am not sure that sufficient evidence exists.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/15 at 15:25:12

'Cause if it was only 3 million, then it weren't so bad... :-X...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by raydawg on 07/12/15 at 15:57:56

3026312C34212C37430 wrote:
You expect tolerance of intolerance?...  :-/...

Yes, it's a free country. and one has the right to be offensive, rude, and intolerant...
That don't mean I have to like it...

“I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,”

I'm not sure you grasp the magnitude of that.  I am sure the vendor doesn't...

Magnitude of what.......
The past?
To allow the past, to dictate the present, is to deny reality.......

Yes, yes, I know, all the butt hurt makes good theater, heck, I guess I could ask you to leave and go back to Great Britain, as you are treading on my great hunting grounds, and take your diseases and pollution with you, please...

Yes, I am American Indian and I have to run when I see any paleface....

Gee, this could be fun, victimhood  :P

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/15 at 17:49:42

We have all been victimized in one way or another, at one time or another...
Do you believe that being a victim permits you to victimize?...

Someone stole from me once,... I guess I can steal stuff...

Your sig says you hate intolerant people...
I think it's meant to be sarcastic... but, it shouldn't be...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/15 at 19:16:39

5E485F425A4F42592D0 wrote:
'Cause if it was only 3 million, then it weren't so bad... :-X...

Sure, that's what I really meant. That is why I spent all that time typing,,because I'm too stupid to just say it so simply. Such a well thought out response.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/15 at 22:44:27

I am constantly astonished that I am alone in my compassion and empathy...
It is not a weakness to feel for others.
It is not self pity.
Understanding, is not a weakness.

Compassion comes from strength.   It is extending your blessings to others...

Chivalry and honour are dead...  

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by raydawg on 07/13/15 at 04:08:24

5345524F57424F54200 wrote:
I am constantly astonished that I am alone in my compassion and empathy...
It is not a weakness to feel for others.
It is not self pity.
Understanding, is not a weakness.

Compassion comes from strength.   It is extending your blessings to others...

Chivalry and honour are dead...  

Yes, indeed, this was the reasoning for the Crusades too, as well as many other movements in history where folk had a real concern for those who didn't even know they were missing something....

Strength is saying no, and not enabling a person, letting them the satisfaction of being able to provide for himself and the satisfaction it derives....
Not the selfish act of giving what you can't really give and then patting yourself on the back to build your own self esteem....

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by mpescatori on 07/13/15 at 04:43:14

3026312C34212C37430 wrote:
You expect tolerance of intolerance?...  :-/...

Yes, it's a free country. and one has the right to be offensive, rude, and intolerant...
That don't mean I have to like it...

“I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,”

I'm not sure you grasp the magnitude of that.  I am sure the vendor doesn't...

Theodore Herzl did, and exploited it very well...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/15 at 05:47:37

Pesci,, maybe five will grasp what that means.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Paraquat on 07/13/15 at 06:30:14

I'm glad you guys can see the root of the argument. I'm catching a TON of flack on VolusiaRiders for this post.


Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 07:00:08

6E7D65787D6B7B1C0 wrote:
Strength is saying no, and not enabling a person, letting them the satisfaction of being able to provide for himself and the satisfaction it derives....
Not the selfish act of giving what you can't really give and then patting yourself on the back to build your own self esteem....

That's the "Conservative Jesus"... ;D...

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/15 at 07:24:58

49786B78686C786D190 wrote:
I'm glad you guys can see the root of the argument. I'm catching a TON of flack on VolusiaRiders for this post.


Ton of flack how? The idea that someone experienced 'shaking and almost vomiting' and 'I had to run' because he saw someone selling Nazi crap at a flea market and that we somehow have to do something about it is ridiculous.

I understand Sew’s point about compassion, but there’s a difference between having compassion and being an enabler. Careful trying to portray Jesus as gathering everyone in a circle, patting their heads and saying ‘it will all be okay, just sit in this little circle with me’.

Jesus had compassion for the woman about to be stoned and stopped that, but he also told her to stop being a freaking sleeper. Jesus had compassion for the Pharisee sneaking in the middle of the night to ask him questions, but also blasted him with ‘you are a teacher of Israel, but don’t understand this!?”  Jesus called the religious leaders of the day a ‘brood of vipers who won’t escape the pits of hell’. Jesus used a whip on the moneychangers.

Jesus said “make no mistake, I didn’t not come to unite, but to divide. I’ve come to turn a father against his daughter, a mother against her son.”

I think perhaps a modern day Jesus would have grabbed this guy by the collar, shook him and told him to grow some balls and face reality. I doubt he would have counseled him to run like a crybaby to the police.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by HovisPresley on 07/13/15 at 07:59:33

I think perhaps a modern day Jesus would have took the seller and the other guy to visit the Holocaust museum....

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 08:07:51

Webster,.. I thank you for the tempered response... (I know you would have loved to stomp my *** with that one).... ;D...

...and, I am admittedly defending a real lightweight here.
If this guy was genuinely that traumatized by the sight of this stuff, he needs a little more weight in his loafers.

My thinking was more broad than this specific person.
There are people that still bear the scars of this war, and lost many members of their family.  And, I think it is right to condemn those that would make fashion of the symbols that represent such evil.

There are things that are legal, that still aren't morally right.
I don't understand the kind of person that would think cheap Chinese copies of these symbols of hate are cool...

We don't have to have to walk on eggshells to not offend anyone, but we conversely should not pussyfoot around the purveyors of hate either.
Thus this quote....
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."

+1 Hovis... 8-)...


Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by raydawg on 07/13/15 at 08:12:59

Big clue here about people's perception, or more to point, motivation....
If any of us think we can pigeonhole Jesus, we think waaaaaaaay too much ourself.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 08:17:22

Nice sideslap Dawg... ;D...

If you don't interpret teachings,... what's the point of having them?...

One man's "pigeonhole" is another man's gospel...
I guess you think you know better... Waaaaaaaay better...::)...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by verslagen1 on 07/13/15 at 08:50:20

4650475A42575A41350 wrote:
Thus this quote....
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."

The Ancient Egyptians would eradicate a pharaoh by chiseling out his name no matter where it existed.
Recently, ISIS blew up some ancient statues because they were in conflict to their believes.
We teach history to remember these things happened, slavery, civil war, holocaust, genocide and much, much more.  And there are many museums, and reenactments to bring history to life.  

If one forgets history, you are doomed to relive it.  Never forget.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by mpescatori on 07/13/15 at 08:57:38

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
Webster,.. I thank you for the tempered response... (I know you would have loved to stomp my *** with that one).... ;D...

...and, I am admittedly defending a real lightweight here.
If this guy was genuinely that traumatized by the sight of this stuff, he needs a little more weight in his loafers.

My thinking was more broad than this specific person.
There are people that still bear the scars of this war, and lost many members of their family.  And, I think it is right to condemn those that would make fashion of the symbols that represent such evil.

There are things that are legal, that still aren't morally right.
I don't understand the kind of person that would think cheap Chinese copies of these symbols of hate are cool...

We don't have to have to walk on eggshells to not offend anyone, but we conversely should not pussyfoot around the purveyors of hate either.
Thus this quote....
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."

+1 Hovis... 8-)...


They are called "War Trophies"


These two helmets may seem acceptable trophies... but skulls ? Courtesy of USMC in the Pacific theater.

"Skull on a Tank" was taken by Ralph Morse in Feb, 1943. It shows a head of a Japanese soldier propped up on a disabled tank.

So it's all a matter of perception... and of education...

Normal people don't do this...
Scroll down to the very bottom.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 09:01:33

Well,.. that was gross... :-?...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Paraquat on 07/13/15 at 09:14:25

192B2C3D3A2B3C032F3C254E0 wrote:
Ton of flack how?

Some guy:
There are all kinds of things, like the Westboro Baptist Church making a scene at veteran's funerals, that are distasteful, but not illegal.

Being a strong supporter of freedom of speech, you undoubtedly support the Westboro Baptist Church folks the same as you support the Confederate Flag/nazi folks.

I don't have to support anyone to not stomp my foot and cry like a 3 year old.

a logical human being:
actually westboro could be illegal, if they trespass, or violate their permit, which they do at times

the person who filed the complaint in this case is just an idiot, walk away if its legal, police have better things to do

Someone else:

...cry like a 3 year old.

...or Holocaust survivor.

Me, again:
He claims his grandmother was.
He, himself, was not.

My grandfather fought in WW2. I don't hate Germans.

Someone I do not agree with at all:
who was talking about hating germans?

Me, again:
I did. I used it to make a connection.
This cry baby has two generations insulating him from these atrocities, as do I.
If you wanted to make another connection you could even tie it to slavery. Why must reparations be made now for atrocities committed a hundred years ago?

Or are you asking why I picked Germans? Because they were the enemy during WW2.

This is the same someone else from above:
How do you get insulated from Holocaust atrocities ? It's been two generations so it's just no big deal anymore ?

"Unless something violates state or federal law, there’s no jurisdiction for government to do anything. "

Really not sure what your gripe is.

Me, trying to just end it:
My whole gripe is that this guy is a big baby.

I miss the days when men were men.

The guy I do not agree with:
your grandfather was fighting nazis, not germans. that "cry baby" wasn't hating on germans, it was about nazi memorabilia. that "cry baby" is much closer to the events of ww2 than you are, you should realize that it's not just a number of generations that matters... never mind, you'll never be able to comprehend that.

Someone intelligent:
Actually, most likely people's grandfathers were fighting Germans, not Nazis. i hate revisionist history. Most German forces were not nazi-heavy. Through the ranks and many officers were not Nazis. The German Wehrmacht did what they said they would do, as they always have and they kept the promises they made, even if those promises were to the wrong people. To say we fought the Nazis is to miss the lesson; an entire people followed the Nazis to ruin because of promises they made to build a better society where everybody got. National SOCIALISM.... Hmmm. Socialism. Nazism. Social isms....

Yep, those are bad, aren't they?

There is nothing wrong with collecting war memorabilia. These were trophies taken by victorious allied troops. And people do have genuine historical interest. Once again because some misguided people use a swastika doesn't make a memorabilia collector bad.

Oh, and why Am I sensitive? My grandfather was a German Officer, and my Grandmother was Jewish.

Someone else I regard highly:
You know the real irony here? All the hoop-la surrounding war memorabilia and I'll be willing to bet dollars to doughnuts nobody would bat an eye if the same vendor had Japanese artifacts on the table....

For whatever reason, our revisionist historians want to push the notion that All Germans were Nazis and they were responsible for unspeakable atrocities. Yet those same revisionists completely ignore what the Japanese did to the Chinese, Burmese, Koreans, Manchurians and any of the other conquered people in the South Pacific. Does the Rape of Nanking ring a bell with anybody? I guess not.

The uninformed among us automatically associate the Confederate Battle Flag and the Flag of the Nazi party with hate. But show them a flag with the Rising Sun on it and they are completely clueless about what happened under that banner of hate....

logical human being again:
lets not forget what WE did to people in the us who looked asian during ww2

regard highly guy again:
Ah, yes. The internment camps for anyone who might sympathize with the Japanese homeland.... All done under the racist, hateful banner of the United States flag... We should ban it....

Repeat guy:
How many places in the United States has the Rising Sun been hoisted in honor on State property ?

And your going to equate the rape of Nanking with an internment camp ? Get real.

Guy I never agree with:
demagoguery at its finest

Highly regarded guy:
From the invasion of China in 1937 to the end of World War II, the Japanese military regime murdered in excess of 10,000,000 people, most of which were more than 6,000,000 Chinese but include also Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos, and Indochinese, among others, including Western prisoners of war.

By contrast, the Nazis killed an estimated 16,000,000 people of which about 6 million were Jews.

So, yes. We ARE comparing the Nazi atrocities to the Japanese atrocities. We ARE comparing the Nazi genocide to the Japanese genocide. Yet revisionists such as yourself turn a deliberate blind eye to what happened in the Far East.

New guy to the thread:
"WE" did no such thing. The Japanese were interred by executive order. A democrat president with a pen and a phone.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/15 at 09:56:16

25362E33362030570 wrote:
Big clue here about people's perception, or more to point, motivation....
If any of us think we can pigeonhole Jesus, we think waaaaaaaay too much ourself.

I don't know about that dog, I think I can pigeonhole Jesus Christ almost perfectly. In fact, I think he pigeonholes himself. I don't think there's a lot of room for ambiguity when he comes to Jesus, at least there shouldn't be.
I think it's pretty clear where he stands on most any topic. Now you might not like it, my guess is liberals dislike the real Jesus 95% of the time and conservatives probably dislike the real Jesus 95% of the time also!  I know I do.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 10:23:10

784A4D5C5B4A5D624E5D442F0 wrote:
Now you might not like it, my guess is liberals dislike the real Jesus 95% of the time and conservatives probably dislike the real Jesus 95% of the time also!  I know I do.

You're not Christian?...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/15 at 10:31:48

What defines a Christian Sew?

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 11:10:08

Yer' asking an atheist... ;D...
...but, I guess it's believing Jesus will get you an E-ticket in the afterlife. :-?...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by HovisPresley on 07/13/15 at 11:17:28

WM "I don't think there's a lot of room for ambiguity when he comes to Jesus, at least there shouldn't be."

No ambiguity? I think the multiple translations of his teachings over two millennia provides a fair bit of potential ambiguity....

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/15 at 12:15:35

but, I guess it's believing Jesus will get you an E-ticket in the afterlife.

You get partial credit; maybe a tad more because you are an atheist so you've clearly done work outside the classroom......

Belief and faith are not the same thing.  

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by raydawg on 07/13/15 at 13:07:24

4A5C4B564E5B564D390 wrote:
Nice sideslap Dawg... ;D...

If you don't interpret teachings,... what's the point of having them?...

One man's "pigeonhole" is another man's gospel...
I guess you think you know better... Waaaaaaaay better...::)...

That is a guess on your part, nothing more.
I have no better way, I follow, as if a sheep.....
If I am still I hear my masters voice.
How do I know it's him?
He sustains me.
It is not predicated on absolving myself of all sin and assigning guilt on others.
I am not perfect and have many,many faults, and need not a scapegoat as a reason why.....
Truth lies within me, yet I don't always acknowledge it, for I am flesh and temptation always a battle....
And yet with grace, I am at home with sustainable peace.
To not know personally the Holy Spirit is to not know and it will never be known by those who will perish. No intellectual reasoning, feelings, or human relationships can deliver it to you...
No pope, president, or loved one, none.
We are born of flesh and it dies, none escape that, but it takes a way greater imagination to believe everything, even these words you are reading presently, are just random chance, the same randomness that holds the universe together and let homosapiens evolve to dominate and all other life our domain.....

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/15 at 13:10:19

7167706D75606D76020 wrote:
I am constantly astonished that I am alone in my compassion and empathy...

You're wrong. I can't even watch AFV because seeing people hurt causes me pain. That I question a story taught as fact DOESN'T mean I don't care for others. I question the validity of the story. The same schools taught me why we were in Nam. It's politically valuable for people to believe that story. Even IF they didn't kill six million, they committed atrocities. Joseph Mengela ,,,  the whole thing is awful. Seeing our wounded vets makes me sick. Get over yourself, you're NOT the only one who cares.

It is not a weakness to feel for others.

I help pEople, giVE to charity, you act like if someone isn't a democratic supporter they won't holD a door open for a stranger. And no, I don't care what they look like.

It is not self pity.
Understanding, is not a weakness.

Compassion comes from strength.   It is extending your blessings to others...

Chivalry and honour are dead...  

Either you simply haven't read what I've been saying all these years or you see yourself as just better. I'm totally confused, I've explained, and you judged,you completely failed to grasp what I said. Completely.

I'm such a heartless bastard I don't try to help people, my neighbor would just faint if she heard someone say I don't care for others. I'm gonna lock up self righteous

adjective 1. confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by old.indian on 07/13/15 at 13:39:41

Returning to the original post...
  I remember a conversation I had a few years ago with a university professor. According to him many of the youth from the upper income and social strata families were unable to deal with the real world.  They were frightened by people who disagreed with their points of view and virtually traumatized by anyone resisting their arrogant behavior.  
   I lived in a family where there were several Nazi pieces. They were brought back by my father and uncles. One uncle was a German speaking intelligence officer, who had been one of the first to enter several of the camps.   I attended school with a few children with numbers tattooed  on their arm, (they weren't ALL Jewish either.)

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 15:37:36

Wasn't directed towards you, JOG...

Nobody in particular...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/15 at 15:50:54

You made a statement. You claimed to be the only one who cares. I didn't see my name on the

Except for
I am constantly astonished that I am alone in my compassion and empathy..

I replied.
Suggest you read it again, don't miss the last bit.

Believing what was Taught, knowing that some were lies, because it's such a heart breaking story, doesn't make it all true or you the only caring person.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 18:11:02

A'righty,..  you want to be nasty...
Now I'm all butthurt... something about an adjective... :-/...

The Holocaust is undoubtedly the most thoroughly documented tragedy of all time.  Representatives many countries documenting everything possible, using every method imaginable.  Even Germans...
There is no doubt here.

The Holocaust happened,.. we did land on the moon,... Obama is a US citizen... 9/11 was an act of terror by Muslim radicals,...
Hinckley shot Reagan,... Oswald shot JFK,... Chapman shot Lennon...
Life is real,... not some fantasy... not a pulp fiction mystery...

Believing these things is not harmless.  It demeans the innocent.
It is in essence, calling 6 million people liars...
They've been hurt enough...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/15 at 19:22:01

Nasty? No, but I read what you said and, to me, that was nasty.
I DON'T KNOW, about some of the things you're talking about.
As for some of what you're talking about, time will tell.
The research you refer to has been done from both sides.
The fact that Nam was a lie but we were taught why we went to war in school,, ? The Liberty? Pure cover-up. Hey, we disagree, tolerate that.
I tolerate you, right up until you claimed the moral high ground.
You believe whatever you wanna believe, and so will I.

I am constantly astonished that I am alone in my compassion and empathy..

That's what upset me.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/13/15 at 20:02:47

Well,... If it helps,... I'm not alone in my compassion and empathy...
Hovis, agreed with me...  
Webster, actually kinda' agreed too...

Didn't change your position.... but now I'm not on the battlefield alone.

Read your first post on this topic... do you see any tolerance?... other than for a Nazi?... I didn't single you out, nor did I exclude you...
For that reason...

I was in love with a Jewish girl for few years, back in my 20's... some of her family still bore the stain of numbers tattooed on them.
Very faded,... but they knew them by heart...
Trust me,... they weren't making this stuff up.
The issue of Israel and the Holocaust became personal to me...
So, I'm a little edgy on the subject.
My apologies...

I will leave this topic...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by raydawg on 07/13/15 at 20:24:17

No reason to leave, that solves nothing and removes any opportunity to build a bridge to understanding, not agree, but able to add another flavor in the stew..... [ch128541]
We often see the pitfall of dialouging with a message board, without all the benefits of talking in person, we "hear" what we want and add even more intent than what it really was meant to convey....

On a different note, not that the holocaust wasn't tragic and evil, but let's turn to Asia and all the killings and dynasties through the centuries, the pure hate off another culture.....
Why do we not here more about those tragic events too, some more current that the holocaust too?

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by pgambr on 07/13/15 at 20:38:53


Why do we not here more about those tragic events too, some more current that the holocaust too?

Mass killings occurred under Communist regimes during the twentieth century with an estimated death toll numbering between 85 and 100 million.          

The Soviet Union killed 10s of millions more than the Nazis and no one would know unless one did the research.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/14/15 at 05:11:52

Sew, you've got the thinest skin on the planet! Jog, a guy who thinks a missle hit the pentagon despite hundreds of people who all saw a jet fly into it, runs you off that easily?! Hell, i usually have to work really hard to run you off, but Jog does it with a single sentance?! Come on man!

besides, tell us about the Jewish girl....  what would a Jewish girl and atheist guy do for Christmas?

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by HovisPresley on 07/14/15 at 05:40:04

546661707766714E627168030 wrote:
what would a Jewish girl and atheist guy do for Christmas?



Btw, Mark, why do you hate the real Jesus 95% of the time?

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/15 at 06:08:51

Give the Jew girl toys... ;D ;D ;D,...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/14/15 at 08:37:36

Executives with money?....  How do you wrap those so they can still breathe?...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/15 at 09:08:43

063433222534231C30233A510 wrote:
Sew, you've got the thinest skin on the planet! Jog, a guy who thinks a missle hit the pentagon despite hundreds of people who all saw a jet fly into it, runs you off that easily?! Hell, i usually have to work really hard to run you off, but Jog does it with a single sentance?! Come on man!

besides, tell us about the Jewish girl....  what would a Jewish girl and atheist guy do for Christmas?

Not my thin skin...
I just don't want to upset my friend JOG any more...

PS... I just did X-mas as I always did, and she was fine with it.
After more than 20 years separated, I still get X-mas cards from her, and from her mum...
Jews and atheists aren't allergic to X-mas,...
...we don't put toy mangers under the tree though...  ;D...

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Art Webb on 07/14/15 at 10:50:06

I'm sort of here with this
His GRANDMOTHER has numbers, not him, and I bet his grandmother wouldn't have got the shakes and the pukes from seeing cheesy memorabilia, those old ladies who saw WW2 are pretty tough old birds
If he just said 'that offends me, I'm out' i'd be supportive as all billy hell
but to call the cops and have a panic attack over something he never experienced himself? Grow a pair

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by pgambr on 07/14/15 at 14:20:39

4057515D5242300 wrote:


Why do we not here more about those tragic events too, some more current that the holocaust too?

Mass killings occurred under Communist regimes during the twentieth century with an estimated death toll numbering between 85 and 100 million.          

The Soviet Union killed 10s of millions more than the Nazis and no one would know unless one did the research.

Best regards,

Case in point, the Pope accepts a cross in the shape of the hammer & cycle.  That is the symbol that represents the death & genocide of 100 million people and he said he was not offended.  The pope is officially a commie...

Best regards,

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/15 at 14:47:23

Looks like he's wearing one already. Silver background. Gold abomination on it.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by pgambr on 07/14/15 at 15:01:16

7A656364797E4F7F4F77656922100 wrote:
Looks like he's wearing one already. Silver background. Gold abomination on it.

I believe you are correct and that is utterly appalling.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by MnSpring on 07/14/15 at 15:08:33

“ … There are things that are legal, that still aren’t morally right. …”

Their’s the Rub.
WHAT, is, ‘morally’, Right ?
And, Who’s, ‘morals’ ?

Hunting/eating meat.  Moral or not?
Some say yes, some say no.
Some say, ‘it depends’.
Some want to spend endless hours, debating,
What is to be harvested, how it is to be harvested, when it is to be harvested, etc. etc. etc.

(Evening Owning a Firearm)

On Everything, you will get 2 or more, views, if something is, ‘Moral’ or not.

Their are Plenty of people, who will say:
“Driving on a road, with two wheels and a engine, is, ‘un-moral’.

What, has/is, happing at GTMO, is a total, CAKE WALK,
compared to what happened at, ‘Andersonville’, in 1863-4.
Yet today, one is just, ‘history’, and the other one,
(for Some), is, ‘Morally’ wrong.

One could very easily make the argument on several points,
that, ‘Golf’, is, ‘morally’, wrong.
Or, one could just not Golf.

Burning the USA Flag?  (in the USA)  Moral or not?
I would guess, that would depend on;
Is it,  person a hard working, tax paying, supporting, etc. Citizen of the USA.
Or is that person from some Country in the Mesopotamia area ?
Not hard to see two different views of, ‘moral’, their !
Burning the USA Flag?, (Outside the USA)
What Country ?

Now, their is Nothing wrong, with someone wearing a hat and jacket 4 sizes to big,
Pants, WAY, below their waist, underwear showing, shoes un-tied.
(Could most likely, make a, ‘moral’, argument of that though)
BUT, ’teaching’ a group of people, that do that.
That, is not accepted behavior, in certain areas, certain times, certain events.
Has got nothing to do with, morals.

How many times have you see a sign that says:
“ No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service”
  (Nothing has ever been said about that)
Yet, when someone dresses as above,
and a store puts a sign up, stating that ‘dress’, is not acceptable.
All Heck breaks loose.

Point is, one sees someone, displaying or selling, saying, or doing, something,
YOU, think is, un-moral, Tough S&%*.

Just because, 'I’, think, a video, of naked 18 year old girls,
with male farm animals, is, ‘un-moral’.
Does NOT, stop, the hundreds of thousands of such videos that are viewed/sold.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by HovisPresley on 07/14/15 at 15:15:26

I agree with certain things said here.... eg. The original 'potential buyer' was horrified at cheap Nazi memorabilia.... that person should somehow, grow a pair.

Negating the fact that a Non-German, Non-Aryan, of 'questionable' ancestry had a huge political impact, I can only assume that being physically 'shocked' and 'puking' outside of the Jerusalem museum, and more recently, the Budapest (ex-Soviet) 'Terror House' was probably caused by an overdose of felafel/houmous.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Paraquat on 07/15/15 at 09:31:49

63407D5E5C4740492E0 wrote:

“ … There are things that are legal, that still aren’t morally right. …”

Their’s the Rub.
WHAT, is, ‘morally’, Right ?
And, Who’s, ‘morals’ ?

Burning the USA Flag?  (in the USA)  Moral or not?
I would guess, that would depend on;
Is it,  person a hard working, tax paying, supporting, etc. Citizen of the USA.
Or is that person from some Country in the Mesopotamia area ?
Not hard to see two different views of, ‘moral’, their !
Burning the USA Flag?, (Outside the USA)
What Country ?

I will not debate the morality of a written law.

18 U.S. Code § 700 - Desecration of the flag of the United States; penalties

Current through Pub. L. 114-19. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

   US Code

prev | next
(1) Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
(2) This subsection does not prohibit any conduct consisting of the disposal of a flag when it has become worn or soiled.
(b) As used in this section, the term “flag of the United States” means any flag of the United States, or any part thereof, made of any substance, of any size, in a form that is commonly displayed.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed as indicating an intent on the part of Congress to deprive any State, territory, possession, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico of jurisdiction over any offense over which it would have jurisdiction in the absence of this section.
(1) An appeal may be taken directly to the Supreme Court of the United States from any interlocutory or final judgment, decree, or order issued by a United States district court ruling upon the constitutionality of subsection (a).
(2) The Supreme Court shall, if it has not previously ruled on the question, accept jurisdiction over the appeal and advance on the docket and expedite to the greatest extent possible.

I've been to gun shows. Some people set up booths with memorabilia. Some items are for sale, some people are collectors who want to share their "treasures". I didn't buy an SS arm band, I don't intend on buying one, but I'm not going to complain about someone having one or selling one.


Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by MnSpring on 07/15/15 at 19:07:01

" US Code     Notes  (a)  (1) Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.   >>>>> ... "

A-yep, that is the 'law'.
BUT, "entitled people"
can Break, the, 'law'.
And,  NOTHING is done !!!!!!!

You and I,  'break that law',
all heck breaks loose.

Huston, we got a problem.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by old.indian on 07/20/15 at 12:08:05

The PC police (bullies) are everywhere...Even here in the middle of nowhere New Mexico.  BUT it does make the news... :-?.
The local flea market had a vender this weekend selling Confederate flags.  Some "lady" took umbrage and called the cops, tried to get the vender evicted, called the media, got ejected by the police, and made a total and complete fool of herself on the Albuquerque news.  :)

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 13:16:30

SWEET! America's heart is not yet completely atrophied and some police still understand that just because someone is emotionally distraught that doesn't mean that they are a crime victim. If I was a young man living there I might think it would be funny to get a few of those
Ohhh so horribly offensive
items and pretend to be a door to door salesman.  
With a wingman and a Go Pro...

Just imagine it..

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by HovisPresley on 07/20/15 at 15:28:09

Why all the fuss about a red/blue piece of cloth?
Here's an idea.....
Ignore the 'status' of that flag and form a 'confederate' party to challenge the use of it? Lose that flag completely, but have a political 'voice'?
Gotta be a winner...or at least try to, I just hope that my Neil Young collection spreads some light on the situation  :-/
Remember well, the Republicans and the 'other party' never had the pleasure of an hours' ride on our beloved '650 horse'....

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 16:41:50

Your input is often spot on,Hovis, however, this Tim I think you've missed it.
I don't see anyone other than the screaming PC bunch who has a voice that is being heard. Well, they and the MIC, and big pharma and big ag, but the average schmuck has been muted for decades. When I was a kid I saw unpopular bills passed, then the Representatives pretended that they just didn't know what the People wanted, but, after all, they never went back and repealed anything. Now, they keep it secret,
We can't know what is in it until we pass it.
The TPP just got done.
No one was allowed to even discuss it.

This flap , yeah, I said it, over the flag,  it's just crap. Take every one of them, burn, bury, whatever, no hearts will change. And the policies that have brought us to where we are will only continue. Eisenhower wasn't crazy. JFK was trying to be a real president.
Some idiot posted a picture of himself holding up a little flag, then did something bad, so, BAN the flag?
What next? Some maniac runs through a crowd of som e particular race in a Cadillac, we ban Cadillacs or shut down GM?
See the lack of rationality?
Hey, some of those guys on mount Rushmore owned slaves, blow it up.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by HovisPresley on 07/20/15 at 16:56:40

An excellent post, as ever, Justin  :)

Please allow me to share this:

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 17:48:30

Okay, you get it, now, what is gonna happen here? People are gonna keep pointing at and screaming about meaningless crap, while Real bad stuff is going on, RIGHT in front of them, but the masses are so easily,,,, ahhh, forget it.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/15 at 05:19:12

this is too funny....

The organizers of Free Pride Glasgow in Scotland have hit a snag in their mission to plan a totally inclusive event: Some activists think drag queens are offensive to transgender people, others think banning drag queens is offensive to transgender drag queens, and still others think allowing only transgender drag queens is offensive to cisgender drag queens.


Although drag performances had been part of Free Pride Glasgow for years, the event organizers announced in a statement on Saturday that they would not be allowing them this year because some transgender individuals found “some drag performance, particularly cis drag,” to be offensive because it “hinges on the social view of gender and making it into a joke.”

In the original statement, the organizers maintained that since they felt it would “not be appropriate to ask any prospective drag acts whether or not they identified as trans,” they would just cancel drag performances altogether. You know, just to make sure that no one would be uncomfortable.

One problem: The attempt at appeasing transgender people who are offended by drag performers wound up offending transgender people who are drag performers. Whoops.

So, the group changed its policy again: “After a further consultation, trans drag performers will be invited to perform at Free Pride on the 22nd August,” read a post on the group’s Facebook page on Monday. “The trans caucus and Free Pride as a whole thought protecting the privacy of trans drag performers was the most important thing, but trans drag performers have let us know that letting them perform is more important to them,” it continued. All good?

Nope. People are offended by this policy, too, because — you guessed it! — it’s not inclusive to the drag performers who do not identify as trans.   The group’s Facebook page has been flooded with comments expressing disgust at the updated policy: “You apologise to the trans drag performers you have insulted but are still blind to the cis performers who you have equally insulted,” said commenter Michael Harry Rosner.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Paraquat on 07/21/15 at 09:22:13

Here's an idea: if you're offended by this show, don't go to this show.

Why do you have to ruin everyone else's good time?


Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Serowbot on 07/21/15 at 09:39:42


Drag Queen fracas creates gender bender ruckus...


Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/15 at 09:40:32

My step mom watched soap operas,, she was TREACHEROUS, I know a man who watches them, he,well, doesn't trust motives, judges, I think either only certain personalities Like soaps or, soaps tend to mold those types, either way, I don't watch shows like that, where treachery, backstabbing, stealing spouses, all that is portrayed as normal life.

And THIS, this is a moment when the soaps have come into reality.

We having a get together, y'all, Get dressed up and meet up and we are gonna Swish our way to forty second street!

NOW, all this, it's laughable, because Once again, we see intolerance BY the very people who claim ,, ,  ahhh, you finish it.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/15 at 10:06:51

Since this was in Scotland.....

Tranny's get kilts in an uproar


Tranny's to put their big girls kilts on display. Or not.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/15 at 10:26:27

1322312232362237430 wrote:
Here's an idea: if you're offended by this show, don't go to this show.

Why do you have to ruin everyone else's good time?


Because that's what the Tolerant do. It's not a bunch of right wing loonies causing the stir. He'll, the Tolerance Demanding ones are intolerant of each other. Let THAT irony sink in.

Title: Re: Ouch! My feelings!
Post by Art Webb on 07/22/15 at 10:27:34

Indeed, only the intolerant, are equal opportunity haters
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