General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Pedestrian right of way

Message started by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/09/15 at 08:30:46

Title: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/09/15 at 08:30:46

While I was reading the thread about lane splitting, I began thinking of one of my pet peeves.  I started a new topic because I don't like to hijack existed thread subjects.

If I were writting the motor vehicle laws from scratch, I would change the law about pedestrians having the right of way, especially at cross walks that are not at an intersection.
Here in our town, we have lots of cross walks that are between intersections.  In the past 5 years or so, 2 peds have been hit and killed, so the city now has large, flashing yellow signs above the cross walks that are activated by a push button on a pole that the ped presses the get a "walk" sign.
Peds ought to have to wait until there is no conflicting traffic - stopping a dozen or two dozen cars, trucks, and bikes so some guy can lazily cross the street between intersections is stupid.  Look at all of the fuel wasted as all of those vehicles have to sit, and then re-accelerate to normal speed.  Let the ped go to an intersection to cross, or risk getting hit if he's too lazy to go to the intersection.
And, no matter how careful the motorist is, it's easy not to expect a cross walk that is between intersections.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Paraquat on 07/09/15 at 09:34:37

I think jay walking should merit a bit more concern, even just for public safety.
Last Tuesday I was at an intersection on my bike and AS my light turns green and I've half released the clutch two people decided to jump off the curb and start crossing.
I rev'd it up LOUD and they jumped.

They called me an ass hole. I said they were self entitled jay walking pieces of nuts.


Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/15 at 09:40:46

Your light
Their light

You're the bad guy....
I wonder if they vote..

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/09/15 at 10:13:33

It's interesting what people refer to as J walking.  Legally, J walking is crossing a street between intersections, and where there is no established cross walk.  What you described is walking against the traffic signal - same a running a red light for a motorist.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Paraquat on 07/09/15 at 11:13:00

A cross walk, with pedestrian signal, is available 20 feet away (behind me in this instance). Not at this intersection. Sorry to inconvenience them.

I left wording vague but they were two "minorities" so I'm sure their votes count twice as much as mine.

But, yes. Some days a bicycle is a "vehicle" and entitled to a lane of traffic and must obey signals and some days a bicycle is a "pedestrian" and the signals do not apply to them. Why is it the same for foot traffic where you can pick and choose?


Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Serowbot on 07/09/15 at 12:01:59

0637243727233722560 wrote:
I left wording vague but they were two "minorities" so I'm sure their votes count twice as much as mine.


Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by HovisPresley on 07/09/15 at 16:29:39

5 replies so far, and no-one has asked about the chicken and her mission the cross the road?   ;D

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Kris01 on 07/09/15 at 18:11:48

My opinion is that crosswalks between intersections is a bad idea. Sounds dangerous. So is this legal jaywalking? There's really no difference in crossing on your own and crossing with painted lines on the street if it's in between intersections. Most people (hopefully) look for pedestrians AT intersections.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Rylee on 07/11/15 at 21:54:06

I've been ticketed before because I made a right turn at an intersection while people were crossing. The catch was their crossing sign was a red hand for them. I asked the officer, who was a car behind me and witnessed me make the turn but failed to see they did not have a walk signal how does the law apply. If I turned on a red light as motorist I'd be ticketed. But as a pedestrian you can walk whenever? I asked him what's the point of the crossing indicators if they don't have to abide by the same lighting system as a motorist.

You have a walk sign = green
Flashing hand = yellow
And solid red hand = stop or do not proceed

He said pedestrians have the right of way and I was at fault. It was a $135 ticket because it's a safety issue against pedestrians. I was a little heated and told the cop if they don't have to follow traffic signs why should I. Maybe I'll just start running lights!

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Kris01 on 07/11/15 at 23:12:56

I think the cop was wrong. You're not supposed to cross on a red.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Art Webb on 07/12/15 at 08:07:57

In Texas, and most other states I assume, pedestrians always have the right of way
The law of man in this case tries to protect people who don't understand the laws of physics (a 4000 lb metal box will always win a territorial dispute with a 200 lb bag of flesh and bone) which is yet another case of us trying to circumvent the process by which nature keeps the gene pool strong (survival of the fittest)
Remember when the law was first passed that required stopping for school buses unloading?
before that we learned to look before crossing and not run out in front of cars
now we have people just ambling out in front of traffic at any old time, which I predicted when that law was passed
Entitle people an inch and they'll take a mile every time

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Kris01 on 07/12/15 at 19:51:09

There are 4 women down the street from the office who are always in La La Land when crossing the street. I've just learned to look for them. Maybe I should flatten them and help the gene pool?

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Art Webb on 07/14/15 at 08:15:56

29100B115253620 wrote:
There are 4 women down the street from the office who are always in La La Land when crossing the street. I've just learned to look for them. Maybe I should flatten them and help the gene pool?

If they're of or over breeding age, it's likely too late, they've probably already weakened it

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Kris01 on 07/14/15 at 15:18:32

Darn! I was hoping for some carnage!  :D

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by MnSpring on 07/14/15 at 15:28:29

Their is a crosswalk in a nearby town,
which a School bus stops at.
(Some go left, some go right)
Sometimes one is caught behind the bus,
and you have to wait, until the kids, cross the street.

In EVERY Case, when I am behind the bus,
ALL, the kids, walk off the bus, and smartly, cross the street.

When they get to the intersection, they walk across like, ’Tim Conway’.
When they get off the bus, they walk normal speed,
when they get to the other side, they walk normal speed.
When they cross the street, it’s the, ’Tim Conway’ walk.

Gee is that, ‘moral’, or not?
Or is that, that just plain, ‘curt a see,’ that they need to be, ’taught’ ?

“… He said pedestrians have the right of way and I was at fault. …”

Don’t know about other states, but in MN,
If they crossed at a RED light,  THEY are at fault.
And the Cop, can NOT, make up his/her, OWN rules.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by HovisPresley on 07/14/15 at 15:46:43

In the UK, as far as I'm aware, pedestrians have right of way at all times on the Queen's Highway.
Which means, basically that a driver can't 'mow down' a pedestrian.

Cyclists, here, have a slight 'advantage' over other traffic in that they have been given the right of the road, whereas cars, etc, have to pay for the same privilege that the cyclists have innately been granted.

Puts it all in perspective...


Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by MnSpring on 07/14/15 at 16:20:32

664158475D7E5C4B5D424B572E0 wrote:
In the UK, as far as I'm aware, pedestrians have right of way at all times on the Queen's Highway.
Which means, basically that a driver can't 'mow down' a pedestrian.
Cyclists, here, have a slight 'advantage' over other traffic in that they have been given the right of the road, whereas cars, etc, have to pay for the same privilege that the cyclists have innately been granted. Puts it all in perspective...

Well, how about a 'Horse & Carrage",  
where do they stand in the land of, 'Subjects' ?

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by HovisPresley on 07/14/15 at 17:23:31

Well, how about a 'Horse & Carrage",  
where do they stand in the land of, 'Subjects' ?

Harley-Davidsons, I know little about...

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/15 at 18:29:40

I've had right of way. Just a little FYI , right of way does not diminish the pain and damage inflicted by those who fail to yield.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Kris01 on 07/15/15 at 04:42:19

Thank you JOG! At least one person has figured it out!

You can complain about the other person not yielding all you want as you lie in the hospital! Many people don't understand this as they bully their way through traffic.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by HovisPresley on 07/15/15 at 05:13:34

4D746F753637060 wrote:
Thank you JOG! At least one person has figured it out!


We've all figured it out!  ::)

But I thought this thread was about a "right" of way, as in the legal term.

(Common sense dictates that a 'right' being granted doesn't alter the laws of physics and save pedestrians being hit by traffic.)   ::)

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/15 at 05:52:52

Of course not. But that understanding SHOULD cause the pedestrians to stop, look, decide if the trip across the street is survivable,,,,

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Art Webb on 07/15/15 at 10:30:38

0F362D377475440 wrote:
Darn! I was hoping for some carnage!  :D

Well, MORALLY you might be justified
just make sure you do it with a stolen car and wear gloves  ;D

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Art Webb on 07/15/15 at 10:33:51

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
Of course not. But that understanding SHOULD cause the pedestrians to stop, look, decide if the trip across the street is survivable,,,,

well, if a six year old (me) could grasp it, you would think.......Oh wait, that's right. Entitlement society  ;)

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/15 at 14:07:06

yep, I taught a dog to stop, look both ways, then cross.. but, yeah, he was pretty smart..

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Kris01 on 07/15/15 at 17:11:01

486F766973507265736C6579000 wrote:
We've all figured it out!  ::)

I meant the idiot cagers that are typically clueless.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Rylee on 07/15/15 at 17:57:07

Here in Los Angeles as I'm sure in any big city there is always heavy foot traffic at intersections. There are a fewl major streets that I have to make left turns at that have time sensitive arrows (only get a turn arrow during peak traffic times) otherwise your left turn is at the mercy of passing traffic. Add in idiot pedestrians who don't have a cross sign or try and run across at the last second and you spend most of your day sitting in the middle of an intersection  when the light turns red.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Rylee on 07/15/15 at 17:58:20

Don't even get me started on bicycle laws in LA. Let's just say they have it better than pedestrians and motorist.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by MnSpring on 07/15/15 at 18:05:41

554A4C4B5651605060584A460D3F0 wrote:
Of course not. But that understanding SHOULD cause the pedestrians to stop, look, decide if the trip across the street is survivable,,,,

Well,  (Several people), have LOST, 'Common Sense'.
Because, they believe in their, "Entitlement".

The light your way is green, you STILL Look, and determine, if it is safe.
And when crossing, you, KEEP, looking for the 'light runner'.

Mindful of the term:  "DEAD  Right".

Of course, there the, 'Entitlement', people,
who, 'extort', their, 'walk across the crosswalk'
Just, 'Because they can'.   >:(

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/15 at 18:29:36

My blood pressure climbs when they walk as slow as they can.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by HovisPresley on 07/15/15 at 19:27:20

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Kris01 on 07/15/15 at 19:41:42

I wonder how many times he tried that successfully?!?!  ;D

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/15 at 22:41:58

I would have been tempted to Assist him.

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Art Webb on 07/16/15 at 15:48:37

I'da got out of the car and poured salt on him  ;D

Title: Re: Pedestrian right of way
Post by Kris01 on 07/16/15 at 16:16:35

2A393F3C2E29294B0 wrote:
I'da got out of the car and poured salt on him  ;D

I'd pay good money to watch that!  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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