General Category >> The Cafe >> Jumping back into the pool

Message started by old_rider on 06/30/15 at 11:29:31

Title: Jumping back into the pool
Post by old_rider on 06/30/15 at 11:29:31

Ok, so I've been outta work for 3 years now due to the cancer and have recouped enough to want to earn money again.
I know i'm retired and get a pension from the Air Force, but all that does is pay for the mortgage and electric....
That left me with the wife's minimum pay job and my SSD payment for the cancer (stage III, my odds were bad) which will stop when the doctor gives me a clean bill of health.
We bled our savings down to almost nil and I have been wracking my brain trying to  think what I would do to earn a few bucks.
Just so happens a friend and past work compadre' called and said the company he is working for needs mechanics and inspectors.
I gave him my resume last week, got a call today, one of the top dogs wants me to come by for an interview, he said he was going to talk to his partner about setting up one for tomorrow.
I sit waiting for the call.....
So, thought I would fill you guys in on how it goes and what or if I will be too busy to do things in the near future :)
Its a bit scarey for me and always has been when applying for new positions, I don't much like to try to impress people with words, just my actions.... the trial period for the job I am applying for is 90 days to 180 days, I have to contact Social Security to let them know I am trying to work, I have been told that I will still receive my SSD until the 90 day mark and then they will re-evaluate my situation... weird stuff, but if I find I cannot cope, the SSD will still continue and i'll keep survivin' :)

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by Dave on 06/30/15 at 12:12:29

Go get em...........working is a good way to make a living!

Hopefully you can make more "working" than you can "not working"!  For some folks it doesn't work that way?!

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by rl153 on 06/30/15 at 12:31:56

Good luck,sometimes you can work part time ,and still collect disability.I think you can make up to 8 or 9 hundred a month.

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by Oldfeller on 06/30/15 at 13:11:47

If you can,  please clarify what's going on for the Labor Day mountain motorcycle trip or if this change scraggs your participation. We're still trying to get enough information to book a cabin.

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by old_rider on 06/30/15 at 13:17:54

Will do... still no call, if I do start working (more like I should say "when", gotta be confident), we will have to play it by ear about the trip. If it is a vacation weekend (3 days) the wife and I will probably drive up the night before (after work) and spend two days riding with ya'll, then head back down the third day , to rest up for the work week.

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by stewmills on 06/30/15 at 13:57:22

Best of luck to you in your pursuit!  Personally, I have gotten to the point in my 41 years that when I interview, I am myself and don't try to be "what they want". If they don't want me for who I am, then I don't want to be part of their organization because I will not change who I am and I will just be miserable trying to hold up a facade.

Now don't be fooled into thinking that I have prospective employers beating my door down to hire me, which I have reconciled that it's because a lot of people are scared of confident people because they see them as a threat for their job and as well a threat to uncover their wrongdoings. In that situation presently and I can assure you that I am kept at a distance from 'questionable' business activity because I have made it clear that I will speak up when I either see or am asked to 'partake' in said activities. I won't sell my soul for a dollar.

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by Ed L. on 06/30/15 at 18:03:44

Good luck with the job and your health, been out of work for over 2 years and at 61 don't think anybody will hire me.I'm either over or under qualified so I'm just waiting for my SS to kick in. It's not easy being out of work, I know.

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by raydawg on 07/01/15 at 04:09:21

Life is but a journey O.R., and we travel it with no map....
Which means we can fret, or look with excitement to each unscripted step along the way....

I am 62 and approx 5 years ago all I knew came to an end.....

My first reaction was to wither much like a flower on a vine that had lost its source of  survival....

After a little bit of loath and reeling I started another direction in my journey I would have never otherwise experienced....

From my view today buddy, having seen things I would have never seen, if all the other things had not happened, I can state with no reservation in my belief, that I am better for it.
Not just in my personal growth and understandings, but better able to lend  those I meet along their journey an ear, and a word, if needed, or nothing more than my presence of treading a path, too, is often enough....

Enjoy your view for the moment, except it for what it is, and then place one foot in front of the other, you set your pace....

Be well

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/15 at 05:19:31

Yep, lifes full of detours. I recently discovered I have essential tremors.
I'm also damaged from heavy metals, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and an alergic reaction to contrast agent from anMRI.  The 1-1-1 trichloroethane put me in a chair for four days. Couldnt drive for six weeks.
Thyroid is screwed, problem solving, initiative, havent driven in five months.
BUT,  in spite of all that, there are times when I feel So at peace...
Ever wonder what horrors Christopher Reeve went thru? Literally Superman one minute, quadraplegic, bed ridden, only able to live in his mind..the next.

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by springman on 07/01/15 at 11:03:19

Hey Oldrider, I wish you the best of luck. Like Stew said, just be yourself. I've only know you briefly, but what I have seen of you is very good. It looks to me like God has tested you and you have done well. I trust He will help you along. God bless you my friend.

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by old_rider on 07/02/15 at 08:21:33

Thanks for the replies and support :)

My interview went well, the two gents I talked to kept shaking their heads at my resume and wondering how I had done all the stuff I had done. They asked questions and I answered them all to their satisfaction.

I keep getting told i'm a "shoe in", because 4 of the guys from my previous job are they and they keep telling the company "you need him".
Its good to have friends and good work cohorts who would back you up when you need it, heck I have done the same for them.

I am waiting for them to call back an give me the "offer".... they asked what I wanted for pay, I told them... "10 years ago I accepted basic aircraft mechanic pay of $23 an hour" and I had already been an aircraft mechanic for 15 years. My last position I made substantially more than that. I will not turn down an position offer, pay me what the position is worth, and put me where this company needs me the most, I will be an asset for this company for a long time".

The guys that are already there make about $25 an hour as inspectors(and some of them worked FOR me), I believe they need mechanics at the moment and I can be moved where they need me to go. I don't quibble with what or where or how much, if they pay me what the norm is I will be happy.
Heck if I could get away with it, I would work for nothing....but you gotta have green coming in.... so I guess I have to ask for something :)

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by Todd James on 07/02/15 at 13:29:39

Sounds like you had a very good interview, old_rider.

I especially liked your response:

"... pay me what the position is worth, and put me where this company needs me the most, I will be an asset for this company for a long time".

Best wishes and you'll be in my prayers.

Title: Re: Jumping back into the pool
Post by Art Webb on 07/02/15 at 20:20:14

Best possible answer you could have given OR, I think you got it in the bag, just a feeling
I haven't seen your resume but if it was me I'd hire you in a hot second » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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