General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late

Message started by Pine on 06/24/15 at 06:05:57

Title: Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late
Post by Pine on 06/24/15 at 06:05:57

Salutations Mr. Wicker,

I am writing to you about my concerns over the TPP and other such legal tools. As my representative I request that you do NOT support such measures if for no other reason than it is not transparent.  Someone knows what is in in them but not senators? It does not really matter what is in them if it is not transparent. Please vote against this. I do not trust the authors, we don’t even know who they are, how can you possibly think it would be good for anyone other than the author? It is NOT good for me, it is NOT good for the state of Mississippi, it is NOT good for the people of the USA.
PS: ask yourself, how great was NAFTA really?

(Letter to my Senator Roger Wicker)

Title: Re: Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/15 at 07:28:05

I salute you, Pine.
Lemme know if you get a reply.

Title: Re: Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late
Post by Pine on 06/24/15 at 09:15:45

Looks like a "canned" response:

Senator Roger Wicker  Today at 11:07 AM

Thank you for contacting me regarding trade policy.     I am glad to have the benefit of your views on this issue.

The economic strength of the United States is the direct product of our free market system.    This system is founded on constitutional principles, such as limited government, private ownership of property, and competitive markets.    Given the openness of America's economy, expanding access to foreign markets for U.S. goods and services is to our advantage.

Historically, international trade has been a vital component of the U.S. economy.   Ninety-five percent of the world's consumers live outside our borders. U.S. goods deserve to compete in global markets, and the expansion of economic opportunities abroad helps spur job and wage growth at home.    These benefits are not only good for American employees and businesses but also provide American consumers with more choices and lower prices.

Beginning with the Trade Act of 1974, Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) has empowered American Presidents to negotiate reciprocal trade agreements and submit them to Congress for expedited consideration.  This so-called "fast track" authority to enter into new agreements expired in 2007.  

One of my constitutional responsibilities as a U.S. Senator is to provide advice and consent on international treaties, including trade agreements.  Thus, I closely monitor trade deals negotiated by the United States to ensure they are both free and fair.  On May 22, 2015, the Senate passed the Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2015 with my support.  The legislative package, which includes a six-year extension of TPA, now moves to the House of Representatives for final approval before it can be sent to the President for his signature.

Should the measure be enacted, it will fall to whoever is President to seek the best deals possible with our trade partners.  Under TPA, any agreements formally entered into must be submitted to Congress for up-or-down votes.  Billions of dollars in exports and tens of thousands of American jobs depend on an Administration's effectiveness in negotiating on behalf of working families in Mississippi and across the nation.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance.

With best wishes, I am

           Sincerely Yours,
           Roger F.Wicker
           U.S. Senate

Title: Re: Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late
Post by Pine on 06/24/15 at 09:22:50

Since he offered to assist me... I sent a new email.. very short>

I would like a complete copy of the TPP.

I wonder he will respond to THAT!  ;D

Title: Re: Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late
Post by Paraquat on 06/24/15 at 09:22:51

Definitely a canned response.

No one is glad to have to do their job, especially not a politician.


Title: Re: Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/15 at 17:25:57

That one Definitely has vocal cords inches above the anal sphincter.
Everything he said is a load of crap. We import exponentially more than we export. Every
Trade Agreement
these geniuses have worked out has damaged our economy and to believe that they suddenly got one done that doesn't do more harm to us is insane.
If it's Not a conspiracy to wreck the world economy and cause societal chaos, okay, but the result will be the same. If what Eisenhower warned of
Did come to pass, what would society look like? I'm thinking he was right. JFK was gonna step in and turn it around... I think Reagan was gonna try, but after they TOLD him he was just a puppet, he would not shut up, so, they shot him, and told him to sit down and shut up.. Bush , IMO, was president for twelve years, effectively. I don't believe Reagan would have done the stuff we did in S. America. Or endorsed the Iran Contra business.

Phhhht to Roger Wanker..

Title: Re: Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late
Post by cobra0071 on 06/28/15 at 14:17:02


Title: Re: Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late
Post by Art Webb on 07/16/15 at 21:32:46

We really should be able to just fire these bastids
Part of the job of a Congressman or Senator, if not THE job, is to be our legal representative in the gov't, and make sound decisions for us that can't be there to decide for ourselves
If you hire a legal representative to represent you in a business deal, much less a criminal action, and he signed legal papers without reading them first you'd fire him
We should do the same to any politician who agrees to pass a law they have not read and thoroughly understood

Title: Re: Wrote my letter this morning.. probably late
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/15 at 19:46:56

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