General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What could be more racist

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/15 at 14:08:55

Title: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/15 at 14:08:55

Than a law aimed at one race?

“Racism, we are not cured of it. And it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say black person in public,” Obama said during his appearance on “WTF with Marc Maron.”

The term ‘N-word’ quickly began trending on Twitter, leading Morgan to weigh in with his usual brand of authoritarianism.

“What would I do with white people who use the N-word? Jail them,” tweeted the British journalist.

Did anyone else notice that Cracka wasn't mentioned?

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Serowbot on 06/22/15 at 14:29:24

They don't have a 200 year history of owning you...

From which time,.. I imagine the name kinda' sticks in yer' gullet...
It's not equal... I admit,... but, I do see a distinction...
JMHO... :-?...

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/15 at 15:01:09


Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/15 at 15:39:22

I loathe Obama but I dont have a problem with his comment.  My only problem is if a republican president said that, he'd be crucified.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by raydawg on 06/22/15 at 16:07:20

The day they, those who have issues with a word, or term, abstain from accepting it outright with the same scorn when used in comedy, music, or theatre, etc, will be the day I extend to them a genuine belief that indeed the word, or term, is as ugly as it is pertained to be.

Until that time I see it as just another tactic to garner political chits, and empowerments.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/15 at 21:46:25

Well,dang, Dawg, just go and get all eloquent and stuff.

And,FWIW, if you wanna Hear that word, just go hang with them what gets pissed if a Cracka says it.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by raydawg on 06/23/15 at 04:31:56

JOG, it is more than just the dreaded N word, it could be the Q word, D, or S, or whatever....

Those who try through cohesion of shame to push their agenda, whatever that might be, don't grasp the reality of understanding that expectations are nothing more than premeditated resentments.

You carry resentment around with you, it becomes toxic, turns cancerous, then eats its host.

Those who use others in achieving their agendas are nothing but pimps....

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Pine on 06/23/15 at 05:59:48

And so the POS that did the killings is getting his wish...
He wanted more racial divide.. hatred... a race war. And the politicians and the media all are too willing to bow to his wishes.

I often rather think this channel pretty much hits the mark most times:

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Paraquat on 06/23/15 at 06:15:37

How spineless can you be that mere words offend you so much?

Remember the "knock out game"? Why wasn't that racist?


Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/23/15 at 07:36:27

Maybe Row missed the part where it was the idiotic peerze the gun grabber who pretty much got fired because his show had no following who suggested arresting people.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by MnSpring on 06/24/15 at 11:14:24

7841464D5C475A280 wrote:
And so the POS that did the killings is getting his wish...
He wanted more racial divide.. hatred... a race war. And the politicians and the media all are too willing to bow to his wishes.  ...

That's it exactly !

Instead of reacting, by wanting to ban a Flag.
Just call a POS, a  POS.
NOT, Repeat, over and over, and over, his/her, 'cause'.
Do not make them a, 'banner carrier,' for a cause.

Just call them a  D.A.  POS.
(Which they are)
Do, NOT, glorify their demented cause.

Another result of the,
"PC"  'correct', crap !

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/24/15 at 14:39:26

Those who try through cohesion of shame to push their agenda, whatever that might be, don't grasp the reality of understanding that expectations are nothing more than premeditated resentments.

I hope everyone takes the time to really chew on that.

expectations are nothing more than premeditated resentments.

That's something to consider in every relationship, it's just a hekkuva concept.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by raydawg on 06/24/15 at 19:25:31

Not mine JOG, I pinched it somewhere, I don't remember from whom....
Every morning I read.
I read my bible and also words of wisdom from positive people, with the hope I can get my focus onto sustainable truths of the power of love, and its guidance for the day ahead.
Its to easy to claim victimhood and assign blame for my woe, but how does that provide a lasting fix to what ails me?

I do know the truth, we all do, we just might ignore it out of convenience....

I heard this many years ago, I was pretty young and green, however, it stuck....
It eludes many, but many find the truth within it....

 We lie the loudest, when we lie to ourself......

Do you hear me  :-*

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by thumperclone on 06/28/15 at 10:38:05

its just a word,
"WTF" bumper stickers here( = Welcome To Fruita) local zelots raised a stink
"s**t happens" bumper stickers are outlawed in Florida because they are "in bad taste"
where's free speech?

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/28/15 at 10:56:16

I just wonder if everyone understands who im calling racist...

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Art Webb on 07/16/15 at 21:50:26

This guy has a lot to say on this
warning, he uses language in this we don't usually allow on this forum, but in (IMO) a useful, non offensive context

I dunno why I can't embed here, but whatever

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/15 at 16:39:05

WOW,, that dude is so smart,,  I would really like to see him take an IQ test.
I could hang out with him real easy. Own your own shirt, minus the r.  

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Art Webb on 07/18/15 at 12:31:45

he is indeed
i don't agree with every post he's made, but they're always thought provoking
He's the source of my
'child as an arrow' analogy, where the parent needs to accept that they are not the archer, but merely the bow, their job to provide a stable launching platform for the child (arrow)
Life, or god , if you prefer, is the archer

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/15 at 12:35:49

Okay, bookmarked. Thanks.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/18/15 at 15:30:14

He makes a very valid point. I hear/see things on a daily basis that I don't like but I'm not offended. That's MY choice.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/15 at 16:20:02

Ideally, it would be great if we were all invulnerable to what other people did...
Very Zen...

Names, labels, flags, symbols,... should have no power over us...

...but,.. how many people were offended when it was announced that a Mosque might be built at ground zero?...

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Art Webb on 07/19/15 at 08:51:00

yes, because they CHOSE to be offended, because of the context
I never said it wasn't a universal thing, nor did Elliot
Hell, the 'Proud black man' Tees you used to see are technically racist, and some of the folks I've seen wearing them go there, but I generally assume that's not the intent of those wearing it, so i'm not offended

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/15 at 10:27:13

So, if something was said, somehow you
Pick UP
that the intent for wearing the shirt was to try to offend, then you would get offended?

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/19/15 at 14:27:26

Why "proud black man"? Why "black" anything? Art is right, that is technically racist.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/15 at 15:22:19

Technically? Obviously.
Slap on a
Proud to be white
shirt and see how that goes.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by MnSpring on 07/19/15 at 17:11:39

If one were to wear a shirt, said:
“Wife Beater” /  “Child Abuser” /  “Cheater & Steeler & Lier” /  etc.

Everybody would be up in arms, about, that, ‘Person’.

Yet, as Art Says:  A shirt that says:
‘Proud to be Black”
Is, JUST AS RACIST, as one that says:
‘Proud to be White”

Gosh, I campaigned, Against Obama. And was called, ‘Racist’.

If Condoleezza Rice ran, and I campaigned, FOR her.
Would I be called, ‘Raciest & Sexist’ ?   (Most likely not)

It’s all about, being, ‘offended’.
Yet, that also, is subject to, the P.C. Police.

Say, I Wear a shirt that says:  “I Eat Bacon”
And someone else has a shirt that says:
“ I DON’T eat Bacon”

How many people, will say:
’Their Offended”   (Seeing the, ‘I Eat Bacon”, shirt)

And instead of the P.C. Police saying:
’Tough, you are in a different country now’.
They, wanna be PC Correct, and,  BAN, the,
“I Eat Bacon”, SHIRT.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/19/15 at 17:22:27

I'm offended by the shirt that says "I don't eat bacon"!

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by raydawg on 07/19/15 at 17:24:26

Bake me a cake for our wedding!
I will sue you then!
Go ahead!

Yep.......tolerance, er, I mean, no, not yours, only mine, zen, sure thing punkin....and to think some get hung up on believing a virgin birth.
Has evolution made a mistake?
How?  :-/

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/15 at 19:33:28

Those who voted FOR or AGAINST Obama Because he's black behaved in a racist manner.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/19/15 at 19:41:25

I work with a guy who voted for Obama ONLY because he is black.

"We're in the big chair, now!"

Puh-leez!!!  ::)

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Art Webb on 07/20/15 at 11:09:48

6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 wrote:
So, if something was said, somehow you
Pick UP
that the intent for wearing the shirt was to try to offend, then you would get offended?

I'd probably just shake my head at his ignorance

BTW, the text, so far as i can remember was
I am a proud Black (Man / Woman)
and I will stand with my black brothers and sisters

now here memory fails, but I believe it was against injustice, inequality, etc

As Mn Spring said, put 'white' in there, and certain groups would be up in arms
Take color out, and I might wear the shirt

it's intended as a statement of solidarity, but the author, and those who wear it, are missing the nascent racism and exclusionary message

Much racism is unintentional, like the fella who told me 'I like you red, you ain't like most white folks'
Complimentary intent? yes
has he actually MET most white folks?
yup, racist, but not intended to insult
I'm not a fragile flower, so i didn't take offense

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/15 at 14:17:31

So, what wording is even possible?
As Mn Spring said, put 'white' in there, and certain groups would be up in arms
Take color out, and I might wear the shirt

What would it say?
I'm a proud human and I stand with all humanity?

I've never believed that having a clue where someone's great great great gramps was born would allow me to know whether or not that person is honest ,decent, or anything.
I wanna know about racists.
IF they dislike people just because of the difference in skin color,then don't they Have to equally Like everyone who isn't different?

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/20/15 at 16:37:22

746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 wrote:
IF they dislike people just because of the difference in skin color,then don't they Have to equally Like everyone who isn't different?

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.  :D

It seems like people have to justify their existence by belittling somebody else.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Art Webb on 07/22/15 at 10:41:27

607F797E63645565556D7F73380A0 wrote:
So, what wording is even possible?
As Mn Spring said, put 'white' in there, and certain groups would be up in arms
Take color out, and I might wear the shirt

What would it say?
I'm a proud human and I stand with all humanity?

I've never believed that having a clue where someone's great great great gramps was born would allow me to know whether or not that person is honest ,decent, or anything.
I wanna know about racists.
IF they dislike people just because of the difference in skin color,then don't they Have to equally Like everyone who isn't different?

It would say
I'm a Proud (Man / Woman)
and I will stand by my brothers and sisters against injustice, inequality, etc
racists like other racists OF THE SAME BRAND OF RACISM, and are blind to their foibles
like certain celebrities saying'There is no such thing as a black racists'
I've met a slew of 'em
also white ones, Latino ones, and Asian ones
The fact I've never met a native American racist is probably because I've met very few Native Americans

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/15 at 12:12:12

'There is no such thing as a black racists'

That anyone is silly enough to believe that just , well.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Art Webb on 07/22/15 at 12:34:36

Sista Souldja, post LA riot, on national TV
And no one called her out on it
Of course, anyone who would say that is so ignorant it'd do no good
the statement itself is inherently racist

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/22/15 at 13:34:08

I'm just trying to figure out the term "reverse racism".

Does that statement mean that only white people can be racist? :o >:(

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/15 at 14:16:41

Maybe reverse racism should be loving the differences in people... :-?...

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/23/15 at 20:18:38

Reverse racism:



Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/23/15 at 20:19:24

Wow! That came out a little larger than I thought!

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Art Webb on 07/23/15 at 21:01:37

1E273C266564550 wrote:
I'm just trying to figure out the term "reverse racism".

Does that statement mean that only white people can be racist? :o >:(

some folks call it 'reverse racism' when you're racist (or they think you are) against 'your own kind' (black folks who hate / believe bad stuff about other blacks being the most obvious example)
Of course, that would really just be racism

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/24/15 at 04:58:37

You're right, Art, but my point is the term "reverse". It implies that only one group can be racist. That's racist as well.

Racism is racism no matter who you are. I'm just tired of the word being thrown around if someone doesn't get their way.

I've heard it used about something completely frivolous. If a person didn't get cheese on their burger, even though they ordered cheese, the fast food restaurant must practice racism. It's garbage like this that takes the sting out of real racism. You can't pull the race card about everything!

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by thumperclone on 07/24/15 at 06:48:16

goes back to humans' knuckle dragin era =  clanism

then inbreeding was realized

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by raydawg on 07/24/15 at 08:40:59

6C706D75687D6A7B7477767D180 wrote:
goes back to humans' knuckle dragin era =  clanism

then inbreeding was realized

Are you saying Darwin was right then?

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/15 at 10:34:13


Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/15 at 10:40:22

Ignore the content. I'm not able to post without the site calling it spam.
So, I'm trying to figure out why. I'm not using a link or cut and paste.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/15 at 10:42:29

I have a sack full of hammers, if you think banging on something will fix it... :-?...

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/15 at 11:50:03

So far, short stuff like this is working.
Gloria Steinem

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by MnSpring on 07/24/15 at 17:07:41

Well, I Was Never called, Racist,
until I campaigned, against, Obama.

So, I Guess Now, because I will be campaigning, AGAINST,
Hillery.  I should be called,  sexist !

Gee, wonder what I would have been called,
if I campaigned, FOR,
Condoleezza Rice?

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/15 at 17:21:33

It's the same thing as being called Antisemitic any time you criticize anything Israel does. I disagreed with Obama and was called racist. Forget about the people I've known, appreciated, had over, hung out with, I don't care about where someone's great great great grandmother came from.
But the PC crowd Attacked everyone who didn't want Obama.
You know how many voted for him the first time, developed racist tendencies and Didn't vote for him the second time? I don't know HOW he was reelected... I'm amazed.. Naaah, he was doing a great job for the global cabal.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/24/15 at 18:12:07

Somehow, some way, somebody will find a way to twist the idea of campaining FOR a black woman as being racist sexism. I'd watch my back MnSpring!  ;D

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/25/15 at 08:36:06

Here's a BS story for ya. It's completely racist and making many assumptions. It assumes, because you're a minority, life is different. I'll argue that you make your life what it is (for the most part).

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by MnSpring on 07/25/15 at 09:47:48

6D544F551617260 wrote:
... Here's a BS story for ya. It's completely racist and making many assumptions. It assumes, because you're a minority, life is different. I'll argue that you make your life what it is (for the most part).

 “ … You are persons of privilege.  You didn’t earn it.  …”

That was enough right their.

Let’s see, was their not a kid,
who didn’t get a girl to go out with him,
who was raised with, 3, Sliver Spoons.
Who happened to have, ‘white’, skin?
Who committed a heinous crime?

Was their not a person, born in the slums,
who became a leading scientist,
Who happened to have, ‘black’ skin ?
And now, is one of the top in his field.

Gee, think it may have something to do with,
What KIND, of person one is.
How one was raised,
and the fact that, some people are told,
“they are, MORE equal, than others”

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/26/15 at 06:26:25

Yeah, when I read "persons of privelege" that was enough for me. That's the same as putting ALL persons of one color in one category:

ALL white people are rich, smart, work hard and live in wonderful neighborhoods.
ALL black people are poor, stupid, lazy and live in ghettos.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/15 at 08:18:23

172E352F6C6D5C0 wrote:
Yeah, when I read "persons of privelege" that was enough for me. That's the same as putting ALL persons of one color in one category:

ALL white people are rich, smart, work hard and live in wonderful neighborhoods.
ALL black people are poor, stupid, lazy and live in ghettos.

ALL white people are rich, smart, work hard and live in wonderful neighborhoods.

ALL white people are rich, smart, don't even HAFTA work hard and live in wonderful neighborhoods.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/27/15 at 08:21:53

I work a minimum of 10 hours a day (no overtime), sometimes 6 days a week. I drive home completely exhausted and soaking wet usually. I work VERY hard! I'm not privileged and I'm white.

We have a black employee who comes in 30 minutes late EVERY DAY. He sleeps on the job (and the boss knows it) and is constantly leaving to go get something to eat (probably 5 or 6 "lunch breaks" a day). When he is actually doing something (anything at all), it takes him 10 times as long to get it done as it would take me. He is always complaining about not having his "40 acres and a mule".

I ask you: Who is privileged?  >:(

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/27/15 at 15:49:39

6D544F551617260 wrote:
I work a minimum of 10 hours a day (no overtime), sometimes 6 days a week. I drive home completely exhausted and soaking wet usually. I work VERY hard! I'm not privileged and I'm white.

We have a black employee who comes in 30 minutes late EVERY DAY. He sleeps on the job (and the boss knows it) and is constantly leaving to go get something to eat (probably 5 or 6 "lunch breaks" a day). When he is actually doing something (anything at all), it takes him 10 times as long to get it done as it would take me. He is always complaining about not having his "40 acres and a mule".

I ask you: Who is privileged?  >:(

What kinda work you do? No overtime? In Texas, the only way to get away with that is put people on salary..
I didn't feel like I was making a living until I got past sixty.
Over seventy was normal. Without overtime, I woulda been in trouble,,

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by Kris01 on 07/27/15 at 15:52:45

Yep, salaried.

Title: Re: What could be more racist
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/27/15 at 15:54:39

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