General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Tolerance ?

Message started by MnSpring on 06/21/15 at 17:57:56

Title: Tolerance ?
Post by MnSpring on 06/21/15 at 17:57:56

Let’s see,  Tolerance.

1.  I put a package of ‘bacon’, on the supermarket checkout belt.
(In the US)
And I near, Howling and screaming, and yelling for the ‘manger’,
from the person behind me in line.

2. I put a cigarette but in a beer bottle, in a country,
(not the US),
which is a place, where people, just do not do that.

What do I do?

Do I Yell and scream, and say I don’t care what YOU do here,
(in a country not the US),
We do this, (in the US), therefore I Will put my Cigarette But in Any, and All, Beer bottles I want to.

Or, do I say: “I’m Sorry, I did not know of your customs here, I won’t do it again”.

So Why, (In example #1.)
Do People, become, Shepol, and cow tow?
When someone does, (the outlined  in #1)

Title: Re: Tolerance ?
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/15 at 19:57:01

Wait a minute... is there something wrong with putting bacon on a checkout belt?...
Maybe I misunderstand... :-?...

Title: Re: Tolerance ?
Post by mpescatori on 06/22/15 at 00:56:19

I'm all ears...  ::)

Title: Re: Tolerance ?
Post by Pine on 06/22/15 at 06:53:54

I suspect he is referring to Muslims that would not want pork products on the conveyor belt that their products would need to also use. Just a guess.

I have yet to experience any such drama myself, though I do not doubt is it out there in larger urban areas.

Title: Re: Tolerance ?
Post by HovisPresley on 06/22/15 at 07:10:42

Muslims? I thought he was referring to Jews! Oh wait, what about the 'manger', that's Christianity.... ;D

Check this out, it's great;

Title: Re: Tolerance ?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/15 at 07:47:52

I figure since its wrapped up and, hopefully, not leaking, no drama.
Such a disconnect between societies, we seem to tend to find it funny, but
They don't. Or, based on what I HEAR, it would be considered a hate crime to slip a piece of bacon into a Muslims sammich when he wasnt lookin.
I wonder if they used bacon on a stick as torture in Gitmo..
The point that the OP was making, IMO, was others come here expecting our society to make changes in order to accommodate their customs, but, that American people who are Over There don't expect them to change their ways to accommodate us.
I've seen reports of AMERICAN children, sent home from AMERICAN schools, paid for by taxpayer money, because they dared wear a shirt with an American flag on it on Cinco de Mayo.
Texas history books are changed from when I was in school.
Stories that could hurt the feelings of the descendants of those who lost Texas in war have been either rewritten or eliminated, out of ,, well, out of what I dont know.
Historical fact DOESN'T change just because the truth hurts.

Excuse me, Mr. Richman, sir.  My mommy told me that I could come live with you. She already took my no-good daddy's name offa the birf tifficate.
She says YOU can be mah daddy now. You ARE my daddy now. See?
Says so, right there, on the line that says
Daddys name.

Momma made extra sure I pointed that part out. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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