General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> separation of church and state

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 11:35:41

Title: separation of church and state
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 11:35:41

Im curious about how others interpret this concept
I'm also curious to see if anyone can tell where it's written.
That gets tossed around a lot, but,,,, I dont think most people understand the purpose or interpretation.

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by Serowbot on 06/17/15 at 14:24:13

Hmmm,.. I smell cheese...
Wait a minute!,... it's a trap!...

I'm not biting... :-?...


Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 16:35:04

So, nobody knows, but everybody says it?

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by pgambr on 06/17/15 at 16:53:58

I googled it to see what would come up, there wasn't a definitive explanation of it's origin.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 17:03:30

Well, someone here recently said it. It's used in journalism, coff, coff,  if you can call it that. It's used to justify restriction of religious belief in certain places, wrongly.

And if trying to get people to consider the reasons for some of their opinions is a trap, then I'm setting one.

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by WebsterMark on 06/17/15 at 18:38:28

I thought it's origins were with a baptist group in a letter to jefferson.

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 18:51:51

What letter would that have been?

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by WebsterMark on 06/17/15 at 20:05:06

I'll look it up tomorrow but being a baptist myself, I seem to recall a small baptist group wrote jefferson encouraging him go take a stand and protect them from being legally bullied by a larger religious group. That's kinda what I remember.

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by HovisPresley on 06/18/15 at 05:12:47

I'm all for Disestablishmentarianism.

(I've always wanted to use that word in context!).

PS. That cheese looks really tasty, Serow, doesn't it?

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by HovisPresley on 06/18/15 at 05:21:40

@WMark, A letter from Jefferson to the Baptists.


For anyone here that can resist the cheese;

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 05:31:53

The State can't tell us what to believe or not believe.
Merry Christmas
In a public building, handing out Christmas cards, not a problem.

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/15 at 05:33:12

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 06:15:54

like I said,  

Title: Re: separation of church and state
Post by Serowbot on 06/18/15 at 06:52:53

I think it's funny that the "PC" version of "Christ Mass",... is "Holy Days"...

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