General Category >> The Cafe >> Hired Help

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 11:31:27

Title: Hired Help
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 11:31:27

Met a guy about eighteen years ago, fishing,the white bass were spawning.
Musta been twenty of us scattered around. I found THE spot. Felt like a log laying across the bottom, I'd cast over it and slowly bring it over. Musta been a low spot washed out and they were schooled up there. I don't think I cast more than three times and Didn't drag a keeper outta there. He walked up and I gave him my spot when I had as many as I wanted to clean.
Anyway, I moved, health got in the way of going fishing, stuff, just stuff.
But, he's a welder and just a general
I can do that
kinda guy. I Was that guy, and I can't do the stuff that needs done,so,I went online and found him. My wife contacted him,Twitter, Facebook, whatever, I don't know about that stuff. Anyway, he came out, checked out what I need, and came out ready a few days later. Too far from home, so he stayed the night.
He hung an awning over the back door, I've been wanting to get it up for three years. His answer for
How to mount the awning
Was better than what I had in mind. He replaced a couple of vertical support 4X 4s,I didn't use treated, ooops, and the roof over the compressor wasn't doing so well. Had I not run lag bolts thru pipe securing the posts,no telling if it woulda survived. The bottoms of the posts were eaten off so bad they could be easily wiggled. Daylight, a gap, as in, no weight on them. The lag bolts run thru the pipe and the screws in the flashing was all that was holding it up. He fixed the exhaust on the backhoe, not hard, three years ago, I coulda done it. But, he did do it different and I think better.
Seems like we did something else, but, if we did, ehhh, it escapes me.

I'm sure glad I used treated on the other two.

I dunno why I thought this needed posting, except this place is kinda like my living room and you guys are the folks I talk to. I'm just seriously pleased about getting these problems dealt with. AND, I really hope that his wife and mine get along. It'd sure be nice...

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by stewmills on 06/17/15 at 13:19:50

Glad you found your friend and that he's turned out to be one of those 'good' helpers and not one that just tears everything up.

Since we're all in your living room and I'm the first one here, can I claim the other recliner and everyone else has to sit on the couch? ;)

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by Steve H on 06/17/15 at 15:44:26

It's amazing how hard it is to find someone to do stuff like that these days  at a reasonable price, or even just to do it.

I know whta you mean.  I, too, have been letting things slide the last couple of years.

Glad you found him.

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 16:46:40

Well, he is Definitely coming back. I was putting stuff up and found that he had left his CB radio.He took it out so there was room for me in his very full truck.

Stew, my wife is in the other recliner. Sorry,dude, couch....

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by engineer on 06/17/15 at 18:44:09

Justin-o-guy2, I understand why you posted it and I have to admit that I am also getting to the point where I might have to start hiring someone to do some things around here.  So your post sort of hit home for me.  For many of us it is hard to give up doing the things we have always done.

Anyway, glad to hear that you found someone who could do the work to your satisfaction.

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by Kris01 on 06/17/15 at 18:56:50

I'm kind of comfortable on the couch anyway. Y'all just keep your dirty riding boots off the furniture please!

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by thumperclone on 06/17/15 at 21:21:55

you two ARE goin fishin ?

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 23:19:06

No fishing for me...

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by spearheadss on 06/18/15 at 05:14:08

I've moved all over the country for my job and it is always hard to find good friends. I have them but they are few and far between. I'll take a seat next to Kris. It's clean over there. ;D

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 05:19:28

Definition of the word friend has changed as I got older.
Hard to find. I'm happy to say ive had some real ones.

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by stewmills on 06/18/15 at 11:49:56

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
Stew, my wife is in the other recliner. Sorry,dude, couch....

Well, you best get to the store and get this:

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by Serowbot on 06/18/15 at 12:26:10

Does it come in maroon?.. :-?...

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by stewmills on 06/18/15 at 13:25:36

7A6C7B667E6B667D090 wrote:
Does it come in maroon?.. :-?...

I don't think so, but is does come in VROOOOOM!   ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by Kris01 on 06/18/15 at 17:40:29

Put a ladder in the back and a sprinkler in the seat!  Could be fun!  ;D

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by Rylee on 06/18/15 at 22:46:09

I was "that guy" for my neighbor back home before I moved to Cali. I lived next to him for 11 years and from day one slowly watched a man who did everything around the house and yard slowly lose the ability to keep his house up. The ice breaker was a few years into being neighbors I couldn't stand to see him struggle with his riding lawn mower that was in serious need of an overhaul so I offered to dig into the engine and get it back in shape. In the meantime I let him use a fairly new John Deere rider I had bought. He looked like a kid in a candy store zipping around his huge yard on my mower. I cleaned the carb and did a gasket job on it, sharpened the so dull it wouldn't slice warm butter blade and it was as good as new. From that point forward I did what I could to help out. He always offered money for services rendered but I just couldn't bare to take it. Him and his wife both were retired from the post office and were financially stable enough to outsource companies to do this work but I kinda enjoyed it.

His wife developed ahlzeimers and they moved back to Michigan to be close to their family right before I moved here. I still wonder how they are doing since it's been going on 6 years now.

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 23:26:27

My neighbours might sell.
Come on.

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by stewmills on 06/19/15 at 07:05:59

65273D3F363B36540 wrote:
I was "that guy" for my neighbor back home before I moved to Cali.

You know...after reading your comment and those of others, it sparked a thought that I figured I would share.  It seems that when you read our 'personal' posts (non-technical stuff) we're all very similar in a lot of ways. First, in today's fast paced world it takes a certain kind of character to be on this site and take the time to collaborate with people you don't know on a regular basis to help one another out with tips and tricks whilst learning things along the way as well.

And after reading Rylee's comment, I think a majority of us here are (or at one time in our younger years) the 'helpful neighbor' or the stranger that stops to help you fix a tire, or the one that helps the little old couple load heavy things in their car in the parking lot of the hardware store.  

This world is a horrible place in so many ways, and it's nice to see a common thread of kindness, even if in a small group, in us all.

Just always remember that we were all young once (some of us still are) and able to do the things that our elders can't, and some of us are old (not me  ;)) and can't do some of the things that we used to be able to do though it's not for lack of desire or intent.

Help your friends, neighbors, and strangers as you would hope to be helped if in need.  And if you are in need, don't be too proud to ask for it because you have done your time and it's time for us to return the favors....and it's also helping build the next generation of helpers  ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/15 at 08:49:16

My old vandidnt have a jack, so, I hauled a floorjak, and stands.
Funny how I stopped encountering people with flats when I sold it.
I worked out of it, toolbox mounted , set up, ran across an old dude, truck sht down at a stop sign. His
Mechanic, coff,,coff
Had him a new carburetor on order, it was gonna be hundreds,  
I popped the top, adjusted the float, and away he went. Never saw him again, but I'm hoping he didnt go back tthat
For years i picked up hitchhikers, none ever hurt me,or was mean, one , poor guy, been robbed threee times That Day. All he had was blue jeans.
We were close to the samme size, and I wastravellling, So, I had clothes,
Rigged the dude up, socks shoes drawers shirtand some cash. Probably the happiest face ive seen on a person .

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by stewmills on 06/19/15 at 09:07:54

Same here.  Keep a floor jack and stand, 4way tire tool, 12v pump, plug kit, etc. in my truck and have helped countless folks stranded with no tools or help. Not for the credit, but because it's the right thing to do. Picked up a few hikers and helped several (that didn't just want cash for beer) in any way I could.

I remember one guy that I passed on my way to meet a friend for lunch, walking with backpack, etc. I stopped and asked his destination and it was about 100 miles south, I think to get to his mother's that he has not see in years, etc. and maybe she was sick or had passed, I cant remember.  I did take him about 8 miles out of my way to the main interchange where he could catch his next opportunity and where there was a nice convenience store for rest and supplies. Took him in the store and told him to get some drinks (it was hot summer) and whatever he needed. He cautiously grabbed a few little snacks and such and came over to me to show me what he had and asked politely if he could get an additional sandwich for the road, to which I reiterated for him to get anything he needed/wanted.  We checked out and on the way to my truck he commented he was not really sure where he was and where he needed to go, so I gave him my paper atlas to assist him in his travels, and for his honesty and integrity in being considerate of my money in selecting his items in the store I gave him $20 or $30 that I had in my wallet and we went our separate ways.  

I guess it was what I needed to do that day to remember that things could always be worse, as I had just been laid off from a 13 year job and had sorta been down on myself. Sometimes helping others helps us too.   8-)

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/15 at 10:57:46

This stuff is bringing back memories of good moments. Good on ya Stew.
A charitable heart for others at a moment when your own needs being met just got harder,,,,

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by spearheadss on 06/19/15 at 11:06:02

All of these stories are making me a little teary eyed. It's nice to see goodness in people after listening to all of the bad things in the news. :'(

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/15 at 12:25:49

Can you imagine a
GNN , 24/7/365 Good News Network?

Title: Re: Hired Help
Post by Art Webb on 06/19/15 at 22:12:17

27203123393D383827540 wrote:
Same here.  Keep a floor jack and stand, 4way tire tool, 12v pump, plug kit, etc. in my truck and have helped countless folks stranded with no tools or help. Not for the credit, but because it's the right thing to do. Picked up a few hikers and helped several (that didn't just want cash for beer) in any way I could.

I remember one guy that I passed on my way to meet a friend for lunch, walking with backpack, etc. I stopped and asked his destination and it was about 100 miles south, I think to get to his mother's that he has not see in years, etc. and maybe she was sick or had passed, I cant remember.  I did take him about 8 miles out of my way to the main interchange where he could catch his next opportunity and where there was a nice convenience store for rest and supplies. Took him in the store and told him to get some drinks (it was hot summer) and whatever he needed. He cautiously grabbed a few little snacks and such and came over to me to show me what he had and asked politely if he could get an additional sandwich for the road, to which I reiterated for him to get anything he needed/wanted.  We checked out and on the way to my truck he commented he was not really sure where he was and where he needed to go, so I gave him my paper atlas to assist him in his travels, and for his honesty and integrity in being considerate of my money in selecting his items in the store I gave him $20 or $30 that I had in my wallet and we went our separate ways.  

I guess it was what I needed to do that day to remember that things could always be worse, as I had just been laid off from a 13 year job and had sorta been down on myself. Sometimes helping others helps us too.   8-)

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