General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> If for nothing but the cartoons

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/07/15 at 22:57:22

Title: If for nothing but the cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/07/15 at 22:57:22“velvet-glove”-fascism-continues

Some here may think I wrote parts of this.

Title: Re: If for nothing but the cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 06/08/15 at 08:48:09

People will never learn
The purpose of a government is to increase it's own power

Title: Re: If for nothing but the cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/15 at 10:23:39

Well, purpose, no, goal, yeah, BUT, the big problem is that a cabal of eugenicist tyrants have been working to subvert not just Our government, but to centralize power by taking effective control of nations. Look at the campaign through s. America in the 80s. Note that the Dangerous Dictators have been leaders of countries that had Sovereign Money, and not part of the fractional reserve, fiat money, actually just currency, system.
Sadly, so much time has passed and so few are willing to spend time reading and OF those few, only a minority can grasp the meaning of how it really works. If you won't read Creature from Jekyll Island then at least listen to interviews with G. Edward Griffin. The book is absolutely exciting to read. Like a Sherlock Holmes, can't stand to lay it down, can't wait to pick it up.
Understand the Fed, understand how the education system was ruined, understand how the IMF and World bank use Economic Hitmen,
Note that every Real Uniter, M.L.King, John Lennon, die.
Note that the ones paraded around AS IF they are the (I just can't Not  ) salve that will soothe racial tensions are not diminishing, but increasing tension. How did they get so wealthy? Maybe one will stop lying and become a real boy.

Yes, it is what it is. Believing it is what it isnt is not okay.
Once upon a time it was a Crime to teach certain people to read.
Ignorant people are easier to control. People who Believe that they Know something, that they understand something,well, They have no reason to study it..

I intend to make Fundamental Change.

That should have set alarm bells off.

If you're Number One, just won the Super Bowl, and the coach's speech is an announcement that he intends to make Fundamental Change
preparing for next season, WHY?

We have slowly Made fundamental change. It's not better.
The TPP will put the teeth in Agenda 21 and the elimination of the borders that Bush, Mexico's Fox and the then PM  of Canada signed all those years ago.

We are a community, with a border running through it.

You dems should recognize that.

The first word globalist s teach kids is

Note the new normals. Aand people like me don't accept it as okay.
And the percentage of people who are agreeing is growing.

Title: Re: If for nothing but the cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 06/08/15 at 11:27:50

Of course, the ultimate aspiration is world government by one group
We've even had Our Political Heros  ::) speak openly of the New World Order, it's not just hot air
I'll check the library for that book, next time I go
*not a Dem*  ;D

Title: Re: If for nothing but the cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/15 at 14:46:51

You know that book isn't at the library. You can't read it that fast anyway.
Buy it, online. You need to have it to show, loan, to others, anyway.
Its almost six hundred pages. It's a keeper,  I've loaned mine out.

Google the name, and author,
Everyone, regardless of party, needs to know.

Title: Re: If for nothing but the cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 06/08/15 at 21:49:11

I read 'the stand' in a week
but probably won't be at the library » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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