General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The smartest man, ever......

Message started by raydawg on 06/07/15 at 07:27:31

Title: The smartest man, ever......
Post by raydawg on 06/07/15 at 07:27:31

Ok, this gentleman is the best, the top of the heap in his field.
He can devour journals of learning and incorporate it to 100% absolute results in his field.
The man is so learned and trained he is almost automated.....

He is an OB/GYN physician.

For all his accomplishments, learnings and skills, he will never know what a primitive woman in the most remote place on earth knows.

He can't.

It is beyond his grasp.

He can never know the feeling of what he has trained, practise, study for in his dedicated life to his field.

What life in the womb feels like.

He can do everything but, and still come up short.....

This observation is how many of you ( me too ) present our arguments/rebuttals to topics of this board.

Somethings really do fall into the category of, "it is what it is" and best left there....
For all our chasing we will never catch it, and might miss opportunity at something else, like smelling a rose, b'cuz we were occupied with that what we can't grasp......

Peace is the result of granting it to yourself, not that someone extends it to you  :-*

Title: Re: The smartest man, ever......
Post by pgambr on 06/07/15 at 16:59:59

100 years ago, I think Alfred Crozier was the smartest guy in the room.

In 1912, one person who warned against the passage of the Aldrich Plan was Alfred Owen Crozier: a man who saw how it would all play out, and even wrote a book titled "U.S. Money vs Corporation Currency" (costing 25 cents) explaining and predicting everything that would ultimately happen, even adding some 30 illustrations for those readers who were visual learners.

The book, which is attached at the end of this post, is a must read, but even those pressed for time are urged to skim the following illustrations all of which were created in 1912, and all of which predicted just what the current financial system would look like.

Best regards,

Title: Re: The smartest man, ever......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/07/15 at 17:40:22

If you know how stuff went,this is just funny.

Title: Re: The smartest man, ever......
Post by Art Webb on 06/07/15 at 21:49:24

I'll have to give those a read another time, when I'm more wakefull

Title: Re: The smartest man, ever......
Post by Art Webb on 06/08/15 at 09:30:15

very interesting read
Explains a lot

Title: Re: The smartest man, ever......
Post by WebsterMark on 06/08/15 at 09:41:51

Somethings really do fall into the category of, "it is what it is" and best left there....
For all our chasing we will never catch it, and might miss opportunity at something else, like smelling a rose, b'cuz we were occupied with that what we can't grasp......

What things fall into that category? Are my categories different from your categories?

Just because you will never catch it, doesn't mean someone else won't.

Stopping to smell the roses is great if that's your thing but if chasing a goal, a quest to achieve something, is what really drives you, who are you to criticize that? Because that's what you're really doing when you encourage others to stop and smell the roses.

Title: Re: The smartest man, ever......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/15 at 15:15:15

There really are some
It is what it is

Say, family member steals from me and over time, costs me fifty thousand dollars,   I can't get it back.. my life is changed. No way that person can or will repair the damage and make me whole financially.
I can sit and mope or get on living.
It is what it is.
But, failing, choosing to not know what something is, or pretending that by ignoring it it will somehow not hurt me?
That's not healthy. Better to know what is happening, even if it can't be stopped. The more who know the better our chances. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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