General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> We need to get together and buy some of them

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/15 at 15:00:45

Title: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/15 at 15:00:45

See how few dollars they need to sell ALL of us, our futures, down the river.

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by old.indian on 06/05/15 at 15:44:31

As my grandfather always said," We have the very best government money can buy...."

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by HovisPresley on 06/05/15 at 15:50:25

The Guardian is quite a good newspaper, in my opinion

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by Serowbot on 06/05/15 at 18:25:20

We'll have to buy a Democrat,... the Republicans are too expensive...

Must be the overhead for all that hush money... ;D...

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by pgambr on 06/05/15 at 18:28:47

We'll have to buy a Democrat,... the Republicans are too expensive...

Well, you get what you pay for...   :-?

Best regards,

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by thumperclone on 06/05/15 at 19:10:02

..of the people by the people for the people..pffft

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by old.indian on 06/05/15 at 19:29:39

We'll have to buy a Democrat,... the Republicans are too expensive...

That's what YOU think ..... I lived in Massachusetts and I KNOW better  
Now if you are talking Democrats in New Mexico, you're correct, here you can get three Demi-crat politicians for a mere buck two ninety eight.
 For a Tex-ass Republican the price is so high because it cost so much to get them out of the sheep pen.... ::)

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/15 at 19:44:10

What's sticking out to me is that rather than agree both sides are destroying the country you're tossing barbs at the side you're more disgusted with. How can anyone support either party?

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by thumperclone on 06/05/15 at 20:05:43

312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 wrote:
What's sticking out to me is that rather than agree both sides are destroying the country you're tossing barbs at the side you're more disgusted with. How can anyone support either party?

third parties have yet to prevail

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/15 at 20:13:16

Soooooo, continue voting for, what?
Do you win something by voting for the one who gets elected?
Until I see laws repealed when power changes I can't see a difference.

What's the deal? Really,,
Don't wanna waste your vote? Rather vote for someone you Know is screwing the country than risk voting for someone who won't win?
Do you not see how that perpetuates the situation?
Who wins when people believe that they even Could
Waste a vote.
It's theoretically impossible to waste a vote. Explain it,otherwise.
The sad thing is how votes get counted.
When exit polls contradict results, ,,,

Look, it's been admitted, the counting machines are rigged, easily hacked, look around.

Wait! If you watch polls and vote for the predicted winner, you Did waste your vote.
Because, your vote is your chance to say what you want.
You vote for someone you dont want, wasted your chance.

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by thumperclone on 06/06/15 at 03:05:06

capitulate and don't vote??

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by HovisPresley on 06/06/15 at 04:06:27

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
What's sticking out to me is that rather than agree both sides are destroying the country you're tossing barbs at the side you're more disgusted with. How can anyone support either party?

Spot on, Justin  ;)

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/15 at 08:50:52

7A667B637E6B7C6D6261606B0E0 wrote:
capitulate and don't vote??

What better way to tell them all that WE KNOW ?
Yea, a voter walk off..
Imagine, those terms expire and no crimijal in line for the seat.

Ohh, someone will vote, but it IS pointless.

And which Is capitulating?
Not voting, or voting for what you hope is the lesser evil?

Okay , youve got my arm, ill vote for you..

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by Steve H on 06/06/15 at 09:22:46

I win with 10 votes against 5 is still a win.  Someone somewhere will vote and screws the voter walk-off.

And, what about the thousands of deceased who still vote in areas like Chicago and North Carolina? There were polling places in both locations last presidential election with more votes than registered voters. They found out later (way later) that most of the extra votes were people who had been dead from a few weeks to nearly 100 years. What about the illegals with 3 or 4 identities that vote in different precincts and all vote for whoever will make it easier for them to be here and give them more money?

Vote for the person YOU feel will be the best person for the job. Party affiliation means nothing and is subject to change when the person feels like it as we have seen recently. Do your due diligence in finding out about the candidates. Don't rely on the mass media to tell you what to think.

Maybe we should get some headstrong ideological bikers in there.  If they're willing to fight each other for what they believe...they'd surely fight some bureaucrat. WE might get to see some action in the house and senate.

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/15 at 09:53:28

I wanna see if we can ,, hey,, a Poll,,

Mmmkay, I dk how,  but

Yes, the system is broken.
Work with what we have.
What needs changed,anyway?
I don't trust the vote counter.
I SURE dont trust the candidatres.
Threatened, bought or blackmailed.
Seems even the most well intentioned screws us.Or gets shot.
Except Ron Paul, tho I suspect they threatened his wife..
She suddenly got deathly ill, then he dropped.
Ross Perot, anti Nafta, popular,  climbing in the polls, daughter was about to get married.

Dropped outta the race.

Hmm, what DO we do?

I believe it's too late, personally. The globalist s were able to work in the shadows long enough to spread their poison...

Aug 23, 2010 · -- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan ...
Media Protects Bilderberg Group -
Media Protects Bilderberg Group. Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and other Bilderberg luminaries frequently and gushingly thank the media attending their secret ...
Rockefeller and the Global Media Censors - Crossroad

Look at what%age of the world runs it.
A small, United and Vocal %age can be a big deal.

So , answers? Ideas? Or, just keep believing?

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by Pine on 06/06/15 at 19:55:38

Its gotten worse here in MS...

H. Barbour, got it figured out... too many whites are fed up with the GOP antics... he also almost lost his precious Thad to a TP.. so he bought up all the democrat vote. They will continue that push. As far as I can tell there is no GOP in MS.. there is just the Lobbist machine with vast stores of dollars to buy votes/ influence/counts.. what-ever is need to keep their power.

It no longer matters what the majority wants nor how they vote. Yes .. I said how they vote. Been there, done that.  

My predictions:
Thad will retire or die while in office and his seat will be sold by Barbour to either a Barbour, or to a Harper.
MS will nominate the GOP candidate selected by Barbour in 2016, there  will be no contest. Most GOP candidates know this and will refuse to stump in MS. Those that do will be at the bottom of  the polls anyway, and are doing so to seeking a position in the Barbour machine. If there were a larger Hispanic presence here Barbour might would endorse Rubio, and still might. The GOP desparately needs to expand out of "white conservative old folks" and into younger more liberal groups. Its not hard.. just promise Federal dollars to their interest.  

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by Paraquat on 06/08/15 at 08:29:08

There's a gent by the name of Dan Bilzerian. I don't know much about him, personally. Supposedly the "King of Instagram" whatever that's worth.

He loves women, guns, and has a nuts ton of money.
There was talk of him entering the ring in 2016.

He's got my vote.


Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by Pine on 06/08/15 at 09:00:26

1B2A392A3A3E2A3F4B0 wrote:
There's a gent by the name of Dan Bilzerian. I don't know much about him, personally. Supposedly the "King of Instagram" whatever that's worth.

He loves women, guns, and has a nuts ton of money.
There was talk of him entering the ring in 2016.

He's got my vote.


Sounds good...

No one "has my vote"... as no one has earned it yet. More than likely I will end up voting GOP, but thats not a given. So far Rand has done a lot of things right, but boy he is also WAYYYY out there on some things.  Still, he is pissing off all the right people. Ben Carson, seems like a real smart cookie.

Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by Paraquat on 06/08/15 at 09:18:58


An ex-SEAL trainee who quite literally makes a living from poker, Bilzerian is possibly the most renowned poker player on social media. And social media, of course, is a journey that pre-2016 Paul has hopped onto with vigor, hence his Snapchat and his Instagram and all the other pesky things the kids are doing these days.

If you've never heard of Dan Bilzerian, just imagine if Hunter S. Thompson's gun collection and Chuck Norris' beard had a love child and gave it a multi-million dollar trust fund.

The idea of a man who seems to have few interests outside of boobs and blowing stuff up occupying the White House may seem ridiculous at first, but when you think about it, Bilzerian might have just the right mix of qualities to make him America's ideal leader:

The libido of JFK. The cocaine tolerance of Bush. The beard of Lincoln. And, of course, Harry S. Truman's taste for breaking out the big bombs and making things go boom.

Some of these links are work questionable.


Title: Re: We need to get together and buy some of them
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/08/15 at 10:34:53

6950575C4D564B390 wrote:
[quote author=1B2A392A3A3E2A3F4B0 link=1433541645/15#16 date=1433777348]There's a gent by the name of Dan Bilzerian. I don't know much about him, personally. Supposedly the "King of Instagram" whatever that's worth.

He loves women, guns, and has a nuts ton of money.
There was talk of him entering the ring in 2016.

He's got my vote.


Sounds good...

No one "has my vote"... as no one has earned it yet. More than likely I will end up voting GOP, but thats not a given. So far Rand has done a lot of things right, but boy he is also WAYYYY out there on some things.  Still, he is pissing off all the right people. Ben Carson, seems like a real smart cookie.

Im not sold on anyone. Some of what Rand is doing im LIking.
IDK what you are pointing at when you say he is way out there.
I like Ben,too. I trust him more than Rand.

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