General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> We are all on a classified FBI gang list

Message started by Steve H on 06/04/15 at 03:47:14

Title: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Steve H on 06/04/15 at 03:47:14

Check out this story.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by HovisPresley on 06/04/15 at 05:18:52

Scary  :o

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Arnold on 06/04/15 at 06:41:21

Oh, are we not being good little citizens? :)

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Serowbot on 06/04/15 at 06:44:47

That's 'cause we're all badass...  >:(...

I will now fire up my badass scary bike..

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by verslagen1 on 06/04/15 at 07:09:41

2F392E332B3E33285C0 wrote:
That's 'cause we're all badass...  >:(...

I will now fire up my badass scary bike..

Sir you badass scary bike is missing...
But it's only got 1 cylinder...
err... right.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by old.indian on 06/04/15 at 08:19:23

It's not as if what we're doing is right or wrong, that decision is made by some faceless bureaucrat in D.C.       ::)

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by oldNslow on 06/04/15 at 08:37:01

6B68602A6D6A606D656A040 wrote:
It's not as if what we're doing is right or wrong, that decision is made by some faceless bureaucrat in D.C.       ::)

'zactly. The faceless bureaucrat decides who to go after based on his "lists" and what to do about that person or group. Kinda  like the way the USSR operated under Stalin. Of course there was one check and balance; a lot of faceless bureaucrats got taken out back and shot if Stalin didn't like their decisions. Uncle Joe was a bit of a pri*k.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Dave on 06/04/15 at 09:32:09

Well I betcha the AARP would sure like to get a copy of the rowdy bikers that own Goldwings.

(sorry Blinky).

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by old_rider on 06/04/15 at 10:28:23

Hey, I guess i'm on both lists then and probably am classed higher than 67% likely to be involved in crime, as I own multiple motorcycles and guns.

Well, I have had a few friends say: "Yeah that Bill guy, he is only firing on one cylinder!" ;D :D ::) :o 8-)

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Art Webb on 06/04/15 at 12:53:04

That was priceless  ;D ;D ;D
I own 2 bikes, and a couple guns
One bike is uninsured
I for sure gotta be a (word deleted cause FBI surveillance)

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Steve H on 06/05/15 at 10:03:06

Guess we are all undesireables.

Bikers tend to be more self sufficient.
We fix our own rides. (Much harder for the powers that be to control what mods are done)
We tend to have better driving and observation skills than the average car driver. (harder to catch)
We go out riding alone. (anti-social behavior)
We ride in groups. (group--think/gang mentality even though most group rides are generally benefits for some group or charity or just friends getting together)
Most group rides will have multiple races and income groups represented. (all terrorism watch list points)
Many car drivers feel threatened by bikers. (The powers that be get an inordinately high number of reports of 'somebody on a motorcycle did so and so' even though they just did the same thing and nobody called about them)
Our vehicles are generally small and easily hidden (why drive something small and easy to hide unless you're hiding something?)
We ride exposed to hot sun, cold, rain, snow so we tend to be a heartier bunch than the climate controlled, cushy seat car driver.
Bikers tend to stand up for what they believe in. We can't tolerate people of strong conviction. They might parade 50,000 motorcycles in front of the capitol protesting something.

Add all that with a couple posts in a political forum and you can probably be on several different lists.

I wonder if being on the gang lists automatically puts you on a no fly list too? I'm almost positive it puts you on a terrorism list.

I am probably considered a life long subversive...I've had a motorcycle license and owned motorcycles all my life since I was old enough. I bet many of you have too.

Just another example of our government's fine use of our tax money. Wonder how much it costs us per year for the feds to maintain this list? Put that money toward road maintenance, driver training, feeding the hungry, taking care of our veterans.

I'm getting off my soap box now. Next on the box...come on.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by HAPPYDAN on 06/05/15 at 10:27:40

Well Guys - Judging from whose faces are at the top of that "Report" - it sounds like something somebody made up to get us all to vote GOP. I don't plan to stop riding or move to Canada anytime soon! Besides -  Don't all the "bad guys" ride Harleys anyway? Maybe the FBI should take that into consideration. ;)

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Serowbot on 06/05/15 at 10:43:11

Snopes agrees with you, Dan...

It's a BS story from the BS'rs at National Report...

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/15 at 10:47:28

If you have expressed doubt about the Ofishyal LInE on any of the turrist attacks or the validity of the Fed or whether our foreign policy has been bad for us and the world in general, then I suspect you're on a list. I feel comfortable in my belief that I am in the top 20% of more than one.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by jcstokes on 06/05/15 at 16:50:14

Steve H makes an interesting point. Some years ago bureaucrats in Wellington NZ wanted draconian increases in motorcycle registration to pay the costs of motorcycle accidents. A parade of some 5000 bikes in front of the parliament didn't stop the increases, but they certainly watered the increases down from what the bureaucrats wanted. All our "metadata", Oldfeller probably knows what that is, is being recorded anyway and Sreowbot got Google mapped. We are all being listed or spied on from the camera in the petrol station to the supermarket shelf.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/15 at 17:33:58

Gee, it just seems unreasonable for them to create such a list...and only foolish and gullible people would ever accept that something that seems so unreasonable would ever be done until solid evidence were presented.
What's truly sad is that so many unreasonable things have become daily events that to see a new one is just not a shock.
So, start a strawman  ,silly rumor, then knock it down and now, believe the government loves you or you're silly.
Disregard the news stories of children who have a name that is on the no fly list.

Snopes? What wizzard declared That the be all end all?
The TSA Blog: Individuals on The No Fly List Are Not ...
The No Fly List is a list of individuals who are prohibited from boarding an aircraft. Another list – the "Selectee" list - is a list of individuals who must ...
Report: Toddler appears on "no fly" list, booted - CBS News
An 18-month-old's name reportedly showed up on a no-fly list, and her and her parents were booted from a flight
Muslim Baby Ordered Off Plane For Being On No Fly List
May 10, 2012 · An 18-month-old girl and her parents were pulled off a JetBlue flight Tuesday because the child was on the no-fly list, reports WPBF 25 West Palm Beach.
No Fly List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The No Fly List is a list, created and maintained by the United States government's Terrorist Screening Center (TSC), of people who are not permitted to board a ...
History · Failures · Controversy · False positives · No fly lists in ...
[VIDEO]No-fly 'glitch' has toddler removed from plane - …
May 11, 2012 · JetBlue Airways is apologizing for a "computer glitch" it blames for a family being told their 18-month-old daughter was on a government no-fly list.

Just one example of Reason by our
To be trusted

You get on that list without knowing and without recourse.
So, look down on me if you will when I hold accusations against them up first and believe them till proven wrong.
AFAIC, Snopes doesn't cut it. As unreasonable as such a list would be, I wouldn't put it past them.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by pgambr on 06/05/15 at 17:42:37

JOG, have you flown in the past year or two???..   :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/15 at 17:46:22

I won't walk into the airport...
I doubt that I'd be able to fly anyway.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by pgambr on 06/05/15 at 17:56:12

On a more serious note, I'm guessing that every bit of obtainable information about us is cataloged, chronicled, and a profile is generated for each of us.  With today's technology it would not be a difficult task.  Hence, we are all on a list.....  

Best regards,

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Serowbot on 06/05/15 at 17:58:45

The last 10 years or so,.. I've had yearly background checks to access Military bases as a civilian...
If I were on a gang, terror, or watch list, I doubt I would have been allowed...

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/15 at 18:07:07

So, are you saying that the government is treating the people reasonably and to think that they aren't is silly? You have Reason to believe such a list didn't exist, but chose not to mention it. I'm not going where you go, I don't get on bases, and besides, you're a great supporter . Bike or not, they are gonna be friends with you. You believe them.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Serowbot on 06/05/15 at 18:22:35

Right,... I'm a shill for the establishment... ;D ;D ;D ...

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/15 at 19:09:32

You have Reason to believe such a list didn't exist, but chose not to mention it.

I don't. I explained why.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Serowbot on 06/06/15 at 00:22:09

36292F2835320333033B29256E5C0 wrote:
So, are you saying that the government is treating the people reasonably and to think that they aren't is silly?  

Not saying that at all....
I think the "Patriot Act" goes too far...
I'm just saying,... that owning a motorcycle doesn't put you on any watch list...
Having rockers might,... but not just riding a bike...

The assertion of the article is false...
Trumped up charges to stir the political pot...

That wouldn't be inconceivable... would it?...
Both sides do it,... but the Rep's do it more often and more convincingly...
They have a more captive audience...

PS... I do believe Snopes...  
I've never seen them proven wrong,.. and they have a reputation to protect...
If they are ever proven wrong... proven...   and they don't correct it immediately....   Their credibility is done...
So,.. I at least believe their agenda is to be accurate...

I may have pushed this into TT material...
Anyone,.. feel free to tell me to relocate it...

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by HovisPresley on 06/06/15 at 04:19:14

'Brazil' by Terry Gilliam....

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by verslagen1 on 06/06/15 at 07:12:35

392F38253D28253E4A0 wrote:
PS... I do believe Snopes...  
I've never seen them proven wrong,.. and they have a reputation to protect...
If they are ever proven wrong... proven...   and they don't correct it immediately....   Their credibility is done...
So,.. I at least believe their agenda is to be accurate...

A few years ago there was an issue with snopes... I believe they were not reporting something (right/left leaning?), but there are enough competing sites now that there's no need to go to snopes and search, just google it.

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Serowbot on 06/06/15 at 08:21:30

Yup,..   I Googled it,.. and Snopes came up... also, a site called "Truth or Fiction"...
Both agree...
National Report is not a news source... it's a rumor mill...

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/15 at 08:47:43

7563746971646972060 wrote:
[quote author=36292F2835320333033B29256E5C0 link=1433414834/15#20 date=1433552827]So, are you saying that the government is treating the people reasonably and to think that they aren't is silly?  

Not saying that at all....
I think the "Patriot Act" goes too far...
I'm just saying,... that owning a motorcycle doesn't put you on any watch list...
Having rockers might,... but not just riding a bike...

The assertion of the article is false...
Trumped up charges to stir the political pot...

That wouldn't be inconceivable... would it?...
Both sides do it,... but the Rep's do it more often and more convincingly...
They have a more captive audience...

PS... I do believe Snopes...  
I've never seen them proven wrong,.. and they have a reputation to protect...
If they are ever proven wrong... proven...   and they don't correct it immediately....   Their credibility is done...
So,.. I at least believe their agenda is to be accurate...

I may have pushed this into TT material...
Anyone,.. feel free to tell me to relocate it...

I think, given the charged nature of the topic, its all being handled well.
Good reply, but this may give more traffic to the TT.
I wonder if people avoid it, thinking its just a bunch of screaming..

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Tomi on 06/07/15 at 09:09:58

Since this has become a political thread, shouldn't it be in that Tall Tables forum?

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by old_rider on 06/07/15 at 09:43:29

Personally I think that a list of over 8.5 million folks would be a little hard to keep track of.... and like some of the above folks, I have been backround checked soooo many times in my DOD career i'm thinking I would be excluded, if they could find my name on the list and the right address or current one.
I have to actually give the government my address all the time to make sure I receive my retirement and healthcare, and so far they haven't come to pick me up, or charge me with any citations involving motor cycle gang membership.
Should we be talking about our get-together at the blue ridge? better tell MMR not to wear that vest.  :)
Its a frikin' shame that there are any lists at all, but I suppose to weed out the bad apples you have to take the whole basket in hand to find them. I don't mind being handled, so long as they put me back in the basket ! ;D

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Art Webb on 06/07/15 at 22:01:22

I too have been background checked mant times
so have most on this list, weather they know it or not
applied for a job lately?
background check
rented an apartment?
background and credit check
I'm sure there are othrs

Title: Re: We are all on a classified FBI gang list
Post by Steve H on 06/09/15 at 20:55:43

I read something yesterday about the story being bogus.  Seems the Washington Post ran with it without fact checking and got the whole thing started.

If it's a classified list, it probably wouldn't show on a background check anyway...just the normal lists. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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