General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Population

Message started by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 05:33:27

Title: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 05:33:27

Why is the USA (and Canada too for that matter) in such a hurry to copy the policies that are destroying European countries from the inside out? When the article talks about immigrants needed to cover population loss, you know who those immigrants are and the culture they bring with them right?

There will be no assimilation, there will be a slow and gradual takeover of culture. The host opens its doors to the parasite and hangs out a welcome sign. Ask the Candian restaurant owner Sued by two of his Muslim chefs who now refuse to taste the pork they cook to see if it has been prepared accordingly. He's stuck with them, close up shop or change his menu. Ask Ambercrombie and Fitch if they wanted to change their marketing strategy. Both are forced to make accommodations, but heaven forbid if a 100 year old Catholic institution balks at paying for abortion pills despite centuries of objections. Hopey-change ain't having none of that.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 06:24:33

645651404756417E524158330 wrote:

"...are destroying European countries from the inside out? know who those immigrants are and the culture they bring with them right?"

Name a European country being destroyed, I'm not aware of this.

Those immigrants are mainly Polish/Eastern Europeans and their culture has a Christian base.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 07:31:30

The link that Mark posted didn't mention Islam at all.
It's from a UK newspaper talking about Germany.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 07:36:46

This is not rocket science. If the population of European  countries are declining due to low birth rates, when you consider the financial requirements of maintaining cradle to grave social entitlement programs, immigrants will come in to take available jobs. Many of those immigrants will be Muslims. The difference between Muslim immigrants as compared to others, Christian-based as you point out, is they don't assimilate into the culture. We are seeing this now in Canada. My company is home office is in Sweden and they are experiencing this.

Do politicians take advantage of this, of course they do, politicians take advantage of any situation. Look at the clowns in Baltimore and the way they have basically disarmed the police department over the past couple of months. The crime rates in inner-city Baltimore have skyrocketed. The mayor and other high-ranking city officials are insulated from crime but this helps to keep them in office. Politicians taking advantage of situations isn't new.

It's not pretty and it might be hard to swallow, but numbers simply don't lie. Changes are coming and I'm not sure there's anything that can be done to stem the tide. And if you don't believe this, simply look at the difference in the United States between 1960 and now with regards to Hispanic immigration. This is a vastly different country now compared to then. Whether you want to think that's good or bad is entirely up to you but you can't deny nations change when larger percentages of their population are immigrants who retain much of their former culture.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 07:39:11

54736A756F4C6E796F7079651C0 wrote:
The link that Mark posted didn't mention Islam at all.
It's from a UK newspaper talking about Germany.

Of course it doesn't mention Islam, you can't do that! That would be politically incorrect. That's like here in the US when we have roving bands of teenagers attack patrons at outdoor restaurants like happened in Kansas City and St. Louis recently the term used to describe the attackers is "teenagers". We all know who those teenagers are but the news reports will leave out that basic descriptor of who the attackers are.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 07:46:12

You forgot to mention the destruction of European countries.

Maybe you should consider living in Europe, (amongst assimilated-muslims, perhaps) to get an idea of what you are looking at.

Then comment.  ;)

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 07:57:56

Well that's pretty ridiculous because under that standard a person can only comment on a topic that they are completely involved with. Meaning of course you could not speak about conservative Christianity for example. So if this is your technique to avoid the subject that's fine I understand that.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 08:13:25

"Meaning of course you could not speak about conservative Christianity for example" (WM)

Why not? I live in a conservative Christian country, and I haven't changed my religion since being Christened?

A person can talk about what they like, but I'll only listen if they have some experience to back it up.

PS. Do you think I'm a muslim, Mark?

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 08:47:03

A person can talk about what they like, but I'll only listen if they have some experience to back it up.

If I hold you to that standard, I would not read most of what you post.

That's no shot at you, just reality. We all have limited personal experiences to base our opinions on. The rest of what we believe to be true is gleaned from applying our knowledge of the world as we know it towards the millions and millions of pieces of information from all the various sources.

None of us have been President of the United States or Prime Minister of England, but we have the ability to comment on how they are doing their jobs etc... don't you think?  Otherwise, you would need to tell me your occupation, personal life experiences etc... so I could only pay attention to those subjects in which "you have experience to back it up", right?

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 09:02:21

6C5E59484F5E49765A49503B0 wrote:
A person can talk about what they like, but I'll only listen if they have some experience to back it up.

If I hold you to that standard, I would not read most of what you post.

That's no shot at you, just reality. We all have limited personal experiences to base our opinions on. The rest of what we believe to be true is gleaned from applying our knowledge of the world as we know it towards the millions and millions of pieces of information from all the various sources.

None of us have been President of the United States or Prime Minister of England, but we have the ability to comment on how they are doing their jobs etc... don't you think?  Otherwise, you would need to tell me your occupation, personal life experiences etc... so I could only pay attention to those subjects in which "you have experience to back it up", right?

Please don't misquote me to suit your own ends. I said some experience, not personal experience.

I can talk about the UK Prime-minister because I was part of the process that made him just that. I have been to the houses of parliament myself.
Stick to what you know, Mark.
Avoid what you don't know because you are 5000 miles away and only have the media to tell you......

PS. I thought you were leaving?

But if an American chooses to refer to a UK article about Germany, in which Germany is experiencing immigration from other nations....

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 09:23:19

Please don't misquote me to suit your own ends. I said some experience, not personal experience.

You sound like Bill Clinton debating the meaning of ‘is’! We all know what you meant.

Look Hovis, it’s clear you are just taking the liberal position (or whatever Britain calls soft socialism these days) on any topic because that’s what you think you’re supposed to do. You made a bunch of nonsense statements of principal that when turned back on you, frighten you. I get that, you drew lines in the sand that are easily stepped over and now you want to go back and re-draw the lines.

You offered no real rebuttal to the article or my take on it. Muslims are immigrating into Germany and will do so in greater numbers in the future. Muslims do not assimilate very well. The higher the % of Muslims in a country, the less that particular nation retains its identity. These are facts, inconvenient to you, but facts.

It would be hard to leave the Tall Table with you still there. I think I’ll stick around until you’ve drank enough that you fall off your stool. I think you’re tipping back right now…. Careful now!

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 09:25:20

and besides.... I promised Sew I would play nice from now on and I will. I made one other promise to him which I've kept and I intend to keep this one.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 09:34:57

Your article made no mention of muslims.

You posted a goodbye to the forum.... it was deleted (partly) because you threatened to knock my teeth out.

What statements did I make that were turned back on me?

Do you really think I'm frightened?

The most frightened or paranoid people when it comes to muslims taking over are the US.

Please believe me that no-one is taking over European countries....
Remember, I live here. That is my experience.

You lack that experience so rely on spoon-fed media....

PS. When you wrote your 'goodbye' post, I pressed that key next to the F12. Please be aware of that.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 09:59:09

Your article made no mention of muslims.

I’m starting to think you don’t read very well. As I stated, it didn’t need to, anyone who has, what did you say, some experience, knows who those immigrants will include. I have ‘some’ experience so I think I’m qualified to venture a guess.

Please believe me that no-one is taking over European countries....
Remember, I live here. That is my experience.

See me in 10 years….  And again, ask those 52 dead from the London Tube bombings what they think about Muslims in European countries.

You lack that experience so rely on spoon-fed media....

I’ve been to Europe plenty of times. I talk to Europeans who are in business weekly. I am not spoon fed.  (Not sure what you do for a living....)  Again, you don’t have to have lived in Africa to comment on it. This is your way of trying to exclude anyone's opinion that challenges your liberal view of the world.

PS. When you wrote your 'goodbye' post, I pressed that key next to the F12. Please be aware of that.

No idea what the key next to your F12 does nor do I care.  

Let’s just leave it with the facts as laid out in the article. If you care to actually challenge them directly, please feel free.

Muslims are immigrating into Europe, (particularly Germany according to the facts laid out in the article) due to Europe’s low fertility rates (which is well known and documented) and  it will change the face of Europe over time. (as already demonstrated in France for example)
Those facts are not debatable.

Title: Re: Population
Post by pgambr on 06/02/15 at 10:47:54

as already demonstrated in France for example.  Those facts are not debatable.

Take guess what town this is from?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 10:48:52

Quote WM;
"Let’s just leave it with the facts as laid out in the article. If you care to actually challenge them directly, please feel free. "

I have done twice, but no response.
If that article was about Muslim immigration then it would say so.
It's the Daily Telegraph. It's a right-wing paper.
The press talk about muslims regularly and freely.

"London bombings"
Covered that one already. How many of your relatives were involved?

I don't read very well?

I don't exclude anyones' POV. I just look for facts and opinions that have some 'weight' to them.

I have a liking of irony:
Neo-Americans fearing the invasion of foreign people with foreign beliefs who might force the existing population of a country to abide by their ways or else suffer violently.

Remind you of a certain country (or rather a union of states)?  ::) ;D

Please consider that the average English 'John Smith' is more concerned about Eastern Europeans taking up jobs here, than the threat of Islamification of England.

Interesting that no-one has picked up on that news article I posted about the 'no-go' areas (for non-muslims) in European cities.

I believe you do care about that key..... I believe you looked at it as soon as you read my post.....  and I believe you regretted what you said in your post....

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 11:01:49

"Take guess what town this is from? "

There's a lot more people in France than that  ;D

If I was anywhere near the photo location, I'd probably be eating a lamb shish-kebab, with falafel and houmous.

I presume the photographer wasn't a practising muslim, do you think he/she was in danger?

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 11:03:20

Quote WM;
"Let’s just leave it with the facts as laid out in the article. If you care to actually challenge them directly, please feel free. "

I have done twice, but no response.
If that article was about Muslim immigration then it would say so.

Sorry, but I cannot believe you are that obtuse. For like the millionth time, It didn’t mention nationality, but everyone knows who will be amount the immigrants.

I believe you do care about that key..... I believe you looked at it as soon as you read my post.....  and I believe you regretted what you said in your post....

To the left of my F12 key is F11, I have no idea what it does, can’t recall ever using it. To the right is Home and SysRq. What am I going to regret? Is this some kind of key that tells Mommy on me or something? “Mommy….Webster was being a meanie to me….”  

Just curious Hovis, what is you do for a living?

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 11:11:17

645651404756417E524158330 wrote:
"but everyone knows who will be amount(sic) the immigrants."

"Amount" the immigrants? And you say I have trouble reading!!
Yes, muslims will be amongst the immigrants. But is it wrong to say that the immigrants are muslim, let alone radical muslim. I did mention before about the Eastern Europeans, didn't I?

"Just curious Hovis, what is(sic) you do for a living?" (WM)
I thought you said I had a job in the Obama government?

Title: Re: Population
Post by pgambr on 06/02/15 at 11:19:11

do you think he/she was in danger?

No, I doubt that individual was in any danger.  A question or two for you...

1.  Would you want to live in that apartment building (I think you call them flats)?

2.  Would you want to own property on that street?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 11:25:44

I certainly wouldn't want to live there.
They look like rabbit hutches.

If I owned property in that street, as long as they paid rent, then yes.

NB. My next-door neighbour is called 'Hussein'. I'll ask him  ;)

Title: Re: Population
Post by pgambr on 06/02/15 at 11:48:23

My next-door neighbour is called 'Hussein'. I'll ask him  ;)

How well do you know this individual?  Well enough, that you think he would be completely forthright with you?  Ask him his opinion on Sharia law?  How about if they should leave it behind and assimilate to the culture and laws to which is their new home.  

Incidentally, that picture was Marseilles, France.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 12:00:12

He hates sharia law and fundamentalism.
He has been here 14 years now.
He's as 'western' as I am, speaks fairly good English, despite being from Kurdistan.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 12:13:36

An excellent perspective.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 13:42:18

From the one-man global content provider.... (as he refers to himself)

That's hardly global perspective.

Maybe the other 7.125 billion people might disagree.... but, believe what you will....

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 14:15:48

Everything he discussed back then had continued to this day. Perhaps the only thing he underestimated now easily some nations rolled over.

Yes, I will believe the numbers.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/15 at 14:17:51

But I'm done with this topic. It's like arguing with someone disputing 2 + 2 = 4.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 14:19:32

536166777061764965766F040 wrote:
he underestimated now(sic) easily some nations rolled over.

Yes, I will believe the numbers.

Again, which nations?

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/15 at 14:21:47

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
But I'm done with this topic.


Title: Re: Population
Post by WD on 06/15/15 at 20:19:19

Spend some time in the news links area...

Prefer the nation specific areas instead? Here you go... Just for the United Kingdom...

Before anyone asks, I'm a Sustaining Member there. Want to guess where I've been instead of the vehicle or firearms forums...

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/15/15 at 22:06:15

Most immigrants,... do try to hold to their heritage, but eventually become integrated to the place they live...
This is historical fact...

The exception, if there is one, would be us...  
Puritanical, Fundamentalist, Christian faith... we imposed it on the Native Americans, Hawaiians, Aboriginals, Mexicans, South Americans...etc...
Why do you think Christianity is the largest religion?...
We came, we saw, we baptized... ;D...
Under threat of death...

...and now we worry?...
Sometimes,.. it's good to be an atheist... ;D...

Don't be so fearful... once the children of Muslim immigrants discover beer, McDonald's, net porn, and  Pizza,... they'll be as American as can be...

Fear of radicalized religion is passe'...  
The trend is towards apathy...
Religion is dead...  
Even in America,.. religion has become more a socialization than a belief...
Friends, activities, business contacts...
Christianity is something we do, because we should...

I don't do anything I'm supposed to... ;D...

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/16/15 at 03:24:17

Well said, Serowbot  ;)

The irony value of having Neo-Americans concerned about 'immigration' and 'imposed religion/laws' never fails to hit the spot.

It's a similar irony to the 'English and Proud' attitude;

Never mention to them about invaders/settlers over the years such as the Romans, Vikings, Angles, Saxons, Celts, Normans, Picts, Jutes, Danes, etc.... so can any white 'native' of England consider themselves to be English?

Title: Re: Population
Post by raydawg on 06/16/15 at 04:29:03

Don't be so fearful... once the children of Muslim immigrants discover beer, McDonald's, net porn, and  Pizza,... they'll be as American as can be...

How ironic such a statement, and I will venture to say, since you uttered it, you don't see it.....  :-/

Title: Re: Population
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/16/15 at 05:14:08

So, since we were mean and nasty, we shouldn't care if we are overtaken?

Title: Re: Population
Post by pgambr on 06/16/15 at 05:37:25

796660677A7D4C7C4C74666A21130 wrote:
So, since we were mean and nasty, we shouldn't care if we are overtaken?

Impeccable logic; however, my ancestors did not participate in any of the aforementioned atrocities.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/15 at 05:52:55

Sew and Hovis are 100% correct, the influence of historic Christianity is on its way out in the USA, following the same path Europe has been on for sometime now.

The vacuum that's being created will continued to be filled with the values of secularism, atheism, environmentalism or whatever value happens to be popular that particular day.

Results matter however, but it remains to be seen what those results will be. We have clues: look to Europe, look at modern culture, look at what/who  passes for role models.

I read a perfect example for today's world: "Kaitlyn Jenner still has her thingy".  Those are words which really should never go together but today they are printed with barely a whisper or, for that matter, even a thought of embarrassment. This is the world Sew and Hovis Look forward to. This is an improvement? This is enlightenment? This is something on which to build a future?

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/15 at 06:14:56

how funny and ironic..... Our politically correct auto-editor changed the word "Pen!s" to thingie.....   Guess the truth is too much!

Yes, Mr. Jenner still has her thing.....  Is she's more of a man or is that white lady more black?...  aw.... welcome to Sew and Hovis's world...

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/16/15 at 07:09:01

Progressive culture has it's problems,... but you have to look at the alternative...
Fundamentalism beckons a new Dark Age... where we deny science and fear people that are different...
It's the equivalent Muslim fanaticism that has people getting their heads and hands cut off, and women in burkas.
Jenner's of the world would still exist in the shadows...

Progress is glacial... it will flow forward no matter how hard you push against it...
Wailing against it, is pissin' in the wind...
...(which Jenner can still do, apparently)... :-/...

Our auto-sensor is hilarious... Remember GW thingy, Thingy Cheney?...
You should have said, Jenner still has his petcock...;D...

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/15 at 07:24:18

Progressive culture has it's problems,... but you have to look at the alternative...
Fundamentalism beckons a new Dark Age... where we deny science and fear people that are different...

Those things are simply not true. You are pulling fragments out and extrapolating them to far larger portions than they are.

But regardless, you are right and I am wrong. The modern world favors your views and not mine. For my grand daughter's sake, I hope it turns out peaceful, I hope your world offers her peace and happiness.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/16/15 at 07:25:23

7264736E76636E75010 wrote:

You should have said, Jenner still has his petcock...;D...

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/16/15 at 07:33:38

774542535445526D41524B200 wrote:
You are pulling fragments out and extrapolating them to far larger portions than they are.


Like some people do when they reckon 'far away' Europe is being Islamified and taken over? .....

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/16/15 at 08:16:35

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
Progressive culture has it's problems,... but you have to look at the alternative...
Fundamentalism beckons a new Dark Age... where we deny science and fear people that are different...

Those things are simply not true. You are pulling fragments out and extrapolating them to far larger portions than they are.

Teaching Creationism along side evolution in schools?...
Denial of climate change?...
Defense of Marriage Act?...
Blocking abortion and birth control access?...

Hastert's problems stem from his religiously imposed shame and denial...  and created molester of students...
Ted Haggard lived a life of lies and shame and betrayal...
...and then there's all those priests...

Gays still exist under Christianity,
Christian women take the pill, and have abortions,.. or worse...
...and the Earth is still round...

PS... Web,... I like your new style... I feel much more welcome to participate...
And the argument is much more intelligent...

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/15 at 09:51:33

Teaching Creationism along side evolution in schools?...

First off; that does not happen in every school, even in predominantly Christian areas and number 2; there are enough questions about evolution that deserve asking.

Denial of climate change?...

You ‘believe’ global warming because scientist have told you so but every single predictions they’ve made has been wrong and on the high side.  Some major scientific names deny it or at the very least, do not think it is as significant or imminent as portrayed (which is what I think). The bigger questions is why do you not question it?

Defense of Marriage Act?...

I don’t see how it’s unreasonable to question changing what is arguably one of the most fundamental aspects of all historical societies. Are you smart enough to predict what the outcome will be on future generations if the understanding of what marriage is, is altered? I’m not and I don’t know anyone who is. But again, your kind has won this. That horse has left the barn. Marriage will be re-defined to include any two (or more) people who declare themselves to be a married. That’s quite a change that’s never occurred in all of human history that I’m aware of.

Blocking abortion and birth control access?...

Absolutely I would abortion. As demonstrated on here and other places, you and others will run for the hills rather than an indepth abortion debate. You have no leg to stand on. Killing a baby because it’s an inconvenience for you is wrong. Yea, conservatives are right to fight this to the bloody end.

Birth control; again, who are you (or who is Obama) to simply wipe away centuries of religious objection? How is it possible that Obama can unilaterally say to the Catholic Church “so what? to 500 years of your  beliefs. They mean nothing to me”.

Hastert's problems stem from his religiously imposed shame and denial...  and created molester of students...
Ted Haggard lived a life of lies and shame and betrayal...
...and then there's all those priests...

Openly gay teachers never molested children? You think if we embrace whatever lifestyle you have in mind for gays that suddenly perverts will leave children alone?

I have a 5 hour drive in front of me so will check back later. I would like for you or others to explain to me why they are so sure gay marriage will have either no impact or a positive impact on society. And I'm sure you won't but if you want to tackle abortion go ahead.

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/16/15 at 10:13:36

003235242332251A36253C570 wrote:
Openly gay teachers never molested children? You think if we embrace whatever lifestyle you have in mind for gays that suddenly perverts will leave children alone?
I think a person that is sexually repressed is more likely to resort to abusing children, because they can be manipulated... The examples I gave would demonstrate that to be true

I have a 5 hour drive in front of me so will check back later. I would like for you or others to explain to me why they are so sure gay marriage will have either no impact or a positive impact on society. And I'm sure you won't but if you want to tackle abortion go ahead.

The Catholic Church is not a person,... it's an organization... it shouldn't have protected rights... (SCOTUS is wrong in granting personhood to non-persons)...
Catholics are people... they have rights... they don't have to marry, and don't have to have abortions, or eat shellfish if they don't want to...
They don't have the right to tell anyone else what they legally can or can't do...
This is the separation of church and state...

Inconvenience,.. is not the only reason women have abortions... it's just convenient to your argument to make it so...

Title: Re: Population
Post by raydawg on 06/16/15 at 11:02:39

Cut to the chase.....

My thoughts and beliefs are the only truth, or I would not entertain them. I have viewed the world though that prism, and it holds its spectrum, as it did for those who taught me....

Sorry to suggest that life is subjective, and everyone is just as entitled to theirs, as I am mine, only I will use all the resources I can to not prove you wrong, no, but to prove that I am right....
I won't call it war, I will call it education, even if forced....
Muslms, indeed, how dare they!

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/15 at 12:53:00

McDonald's wifi.....!

They are not telling anyone what to do. The catholic church's argument is they should not be forced to pay for it. Birth control is not a life necessity. They should not be forced to pay for abortion pills yet that's what obamacare does.

Let's say a strict conservative president and congress were in office and they put forth evidence that Bibles in prisons cut the rate of return trips to prison by measurable amounts.
What if they put forth a tax plan that made all atheist pay directly for Bibles? Not as part of general taxes supplied to the general fund, but the government specifically taxed atheist organizations.
How could you complain? You would have no leg to stand on.

Sorry, but all abortions are matters of convience. All.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/16/15 at 14:04:37

162423323524330C20332A410 wrote:

Sorry, but all abortions are matters of convience. All.


So half the world's population can't have control over their own bodies?
Is that because in Rome, an old guy wearing a dress (who cannot marry), who also believes in a virgin birth, says so?

Title: Re: Population
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/16/15 at 14:33:19

They HAD control ( barring rape ) when they chose to get pregnant.
At that moment, they leased the womb out.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/15 at 16:33:06

290E170812311304120D0418610 wrote:
[quote author=162423323524330C20332A410 link=1433248408/45#45 date=1434484380]
Sorry, but all abortions are matters of convience. All.


So half the world's population can't have control over their own bodies?
Is that because in Rome, an old guy wearing a dress (who cannot marry), who also believes in a virgin birth, says so?

If by control, you mean freedom to kill babies, then yes, half the world doesn't get to decide who lives and who dies because they dont want stretch marks.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/16/15 at 17:42:54

So both Mark and 'the bachelor in the dress' are concerned because some women don't want stretch marks?

What an enlightening thread this is turning out to be!

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/16/15 at 17:46:25

3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 wrote:
They HAD control ( barring rape ) when they chose to get pregnant.
At that moment, they leased the womb out.

I'll agree with that, Justin  

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/16/15 at 20:18:23

1C3B223D270426312738312D540 wrote:
So both Mark and 'the bachelor in the dress' are concerned because some women don't want stretch marks?

What an enlightening thread this is turning out to be!

What? smacker-do-you-speak-it-gifs

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/16/15 at 22:16:43

Web,.. are you turning back to the Darkside?..  :-/...
It's called "English" for a reason... ;D ;D ;D...

It may be a hard pill,.. the English, speak English,... the French, speak French,.. the Spanish, speak Spanish,... Italians, speak Italian... Germans, speak German...
Americans...  ...speak English...
Gulp... :-?...

;D ;D ;D...

"We Greeks are but children"... - Solon...

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/17/15 at 04:14:29

Hey now, don't be overly harsh, that wasn't bad, it was funny! Not my fault I don't speak Hovis.....

As I predicted, prochoice baby killers will run from abortion arguments every time.

But my point regarding Hopey forcing the Catholic Church to pay for birth control and abortion pills still stands. It wasn't right and he shouldnt be allowed to make a decision like that. And you either completely misunderstand the issue or understand it very well and are purposely evading it by bring up the false equivalency about taking control and forcing women to live a certain way. No ones forcing anyone. Well, Hopey's forcing Catholics to go against their centuries old beliefs....  

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/17/15 at 04:18:35

And what the hell or who the hell is the bachelor in the dress?
That's a pretty obscure reference, sort of like listening to Dennis Miller on Monday Night Football....

Title: Re: Population
Post by mpescatori on 06/17/15 at 07:26:50

Geee-whiz ! A soul can't get a little R&R and what does one find on one's return ? Webstermark asking directions for the F12 Key ?

OK, Mark, here's what a true F12 looks like.................................. and the true F12 key !!!

As for ...

5442554850454853270 wrote:
Web,.. are you turning back to the Darkside?..  :-/...
It's called "English" for a reason... ;D ;D ;D...

It may be a hard pill,.. the English, speak English,... the French, speak French,.. the Spanish, speak Spanish,... Italians, speak Italian... Germans, speak German...
Americans...  ...speak English...
Gulp... :-?...

;D ;D ;D...

"We Greeks are but children"... - Solon...

Greeks and Italians gave the world GRAMMAR !

;D ;D ;D

Aaahhh... it's good to be back  8-)

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/17/15 at 07:28:24

A bachelor in a dress...... ever seen a priest? or a pope?
Ever heard of their opinion on abortion?

As for the use of English....
Quote WM;
"Sorry, but all abortions are matters of convience. All."

Webster's dictionary; "Definitions that set the standard for clarity"

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/17/15 at 07:34:47

"Aaahhh... it's good to be back  8-) "

It's good to have you back  8-)

Title: Re: Population
Post by mpescatori on 06/17/15 at 07:46:51

6A585F4E49584F705C4F563D0 wrote:

This is not rocket science. If the population of European  countries are declining due to low birth rates, when you consider the financial requirements of maintaining cradle to grave social entitlement programs, immigrants will come in to take available jobs. Many of those immigrants will be Muslims. The difference between Muslim immigrants as compared to others, Christian-based as you point out, is they don't assimilate into the culture. We are seeing this now in Canada. My company is home office is in Sweden and they are experiencing this.

Do politicians take advantage of this, of course they do, politicians take advantage of any situation. Look at the clowns in Baltimore and the way they have basically disarmed the police department over the past couple of months. The crime rates in inner-city Baltimore have skyrocketed. The mayor and other high-ranking city officials are insulated from crime but this helps to keep them in office. Politicians taking advantage of situations isn't new.

It's not pretty and it might be hard to swallow, but numbers simply don't lie. Changes are coming and I'm not sure there's anything that can be done to stem the tide. And if you don't believe this, simply look at the difference in the United States between 1960 and now with regards to Hispanic immigration. This is a vastly different country now compared to then. Whether you want to think that's good or bad is entirely up to you but you can't deny nations change when larger percentages of their population are immigrants who retain much of their former culture.

I clicked on the link, read the article, and grimaced... and here's why.

1. The article deals with "EU statistics"; why "EU" and not "European"? Europe also includes Norway, Switzerland and the entire Balkan Region which are not covered - yet these would give a much more complete picture.

2. The article uses shaded colors to show which Countries are more highly influenced by Islamic immigration, and only France and the Netherlands are shown as "high" (dark green) because of "over 6%"...
Whadayamean "over 6%" ? Why can't it be "over 5%" which is a LOT more obvious ?
Incidentally, if it were "over 5%", the darker shaded Countries would be not only France and the Netherlands, but also UK, Sweden and Belgium, with Spain and Sweden racing their way into the 5% Club.

3. The study deals with "Islamic immigration" regardless of ethnicity, which is extremely important.
Germany's 5.8% muslim population is essentially Turkish; the Turks are White, pro-western oriented and will integrate quite easily.
France's Algerian/Tunisian muslim population created islamic ghettos and demands to live according to their own customs and traditions...
The much secularized balkan Muslims were all but indescernible from Christians until the Balkan War(s) broke out and Bosnia became the prime investing area for Saudi Arabia.
The UK's islamic population comes from two world areas, Arabia (not so) Felix, (Saudis) who refuse integration altogether, and Pakistani/Bengalese, who are much more inclined towards integration (albeit not as much nor as successfully as the Hindus from India)

4. The article Leaves out history.
Unlike France, the Netherlands have a calm and easygoing relationship with their former colonies so that the majority of their islamic minority actually come from (relatively) placid Indonesia and Malaysia.
Bulgaria's 13.7% Muslim pupolation may seem like a Whole whopping lot, until one realizes the Ottomans had invaded Bulgaria in the late 15th Century (that's 500 years ago!)
Similar minorities are to be found everywhere in the Balkans - which the article placidly omits.
I conclude with Italy, which had a mere 0.1% islamic population (mostly Somalis and Eritreans) until the "boat people" affair started some 5 years ago, and in no more than 5 (five!) years we now have a good 3.7% population who are Muslims !

In conclusion, a lopsided affair... created to give the uninformed reader a wrong perspective.

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/17/15 at 08:02:09

I don't run away from the abortion issue,... but, chanting dead babies does not make a discussion...

The issue is not "dead babies"...
It is about individual rights...

The Catholic Church, is not an individual... in this case, it is a corporation employing people...
And it is subject to anti-discrimination laws....
It is also required to supply health insurance...
From there, a person has a right of privacy, and what happens between her and her doctor is privileged...
If they do not belive in birth control or abortion, they won't access it,... if they do, they will...
None of their employers business...

Some religions don't allow for blood transfusions...  others think Jesus is all you need to be healed, and might want to only offer prayer instead of any health care...
That's not okay...
It's fine for any individual to believe that,.. but not okay to impose it on people that are just doing a job...

Besides that,... what difference is it, if the heath program an employer pays for supplies an abortion, or the hourly wage they pay is used to get one?...
Either way, the money is still coming from the employer...
Can they now say that you can't use your wage to pay for things the Church don't like?...
Wages, retirement plans, health insurance, 401k contributions, are all just monetary reward for services rendered...
What you do with them is not your employers business...
You've done your work,... they have paid you...

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/17/15 at 08:11:29

Quote Serow;

Or not  ;D


Quote MP;
"In conclusion, a lopsided affair... created to give the uninformed reader a wrong perspective."

And therefore maybe to create fear, to then create war, to then trade arms, to then control oil.......

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/17/15 at 08:29:02

Yeah,.. not...

You know where it's going...
I think I'll just stop here... :-?...

But first, let me just narrow the focus to...
How is it different if I use my heath benefit or my pay for the same thing?...
Both are coming from my employer.  Both are earned by me...
What's the difference?...
What if I dip into my 401k?...
Is what I earn truly mine, or not?...


Title: Re: Population
Post by old.indian on 06/17/15 at 09:07:27

#1: I would like to like to thank Mpescatori for his informative comments.

#2: In this Nation there is supposed separation between church and state.   EXCEPT in the case of taxes, censorship, and personal choice issues etc.  

#3: "Dead Babies" Sounds like that flock of unwashed hippy sheep bleating "Baby Killer" at me in the '60s.

When I get where I'm going, I'm going to find my ancestor who was at Concord Bridge and say, "I don't think that it turned out the way you wanted..."  

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/17/15 at 09:16:40

01263F203A193B2C3A252C30490 wrote:
Quote Serow;

Or not  ;D

Oh!... I get it now... ::)
To bleed or not to bleed,... that is the question...  :-/...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Population
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/17/15 at 09:49:53

I want an explanation of separation of church/state.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/15 at 05:39:44

I don't run away from the abortion issue,... but, chanting dead babies does not make a discussion...

I’m sorry to offend your sensitive nature by pointing out reality;  that an abortion does in fact result in a dead baby…. But hey, if it will make you feel better, let’s just call the baby something more abstract so you don’t have to think about little fingers and toes….  

How about a popsicle? Let’s call unborn babies popsicles! That way, you can say a woman doesn’t actually chop her baby into little pieces and sends it to the incinerator in a red plastic hazardous waste bag, no, can’t say that…. So now we’ll just say she let her popsicle melt. How’s that? Better for you?

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/15 at 05:50:49

But first, let me just narrow the focus to...
How is it different if I use my heath benefit or my pay for the same thing?...
Both are coming from my employer.  Both are earned by me...
What's the difference?...
What if I dip into my 401k?...
Is what I earn truly mine, or not?...

I agree, stay with one issue at a time.

Let’s imagine you, Serobot,  owned a company with 500 employees publishing newspapers and books specifically targeted to atheist. In fact, you're business model is decidedly anti-Christian. You've been in business for years and very successful.

As an employee benefit you offer health insurance to your employees and pay for ½ or ¾ of it.  Now a conservative president and congress comes along and after a dubious supreme court decision, force you to add to your insurance the cost to cover distributing Bibles to prisons. They claim Bibles for prisoners is somehow tied to healthcare. You disagree with that, but the president says your opinion and history  doesn't matter. You have to pay out of your pocket an extra amount that goes directly to purchase Bibles.

If you drop your insurance coverage, you’ll have to pay a fine. Not much the first year, but debilitating the later years to the point if you don’t pay the fine, you’ll go out of business. So you either basically pay to buy Bibles or close up shop.

Now, honestly, what would you think if that were the case?

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/15 at 06:01:02

way to may topics going in this one thread but back to Mpec, Hovis and Europe's population problems...

The Islamic population in Europe is at 6% right now according to the last estimate I read. By 2020, it’s expected to be at 14%.
Hispanics in the US are the largest majority and are just under 14% right now.

If you are so blind as to think 14% Muslim population won’t affect Europe, then you guys are kidding yourselves. The Hispanics in the US have changed the culture over the past 30 years. For good or bad is debatable for another day, but it’s undeniable they’ve changed things. In fact, as a voting bloc, they may likely decide who the next President is.

Last I checked, Hispanics were not in the habit of blowing themselves up or cutting the heads off of people who they feel disrespected their religions leader. Since most are Catholic, I guess that would be the Pope and no one is disrespectful to the Pope, right.......

So you two just go on pretending everything’s fine, nothing to see here folks, move along, just another lone wolf Muslim shooting a newspaper up, no big deal……….

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/18/15 at 06:34:26

417374656273645B77647D160 wrote:
way to may topics going in this one thread but back to Mpec, Hovis and Europe's population problems...


I can't speak for mpescatori, but Hovis certainly has no 'population problems' concerning Europe.

As I said, the issue has been 'blown up' (hehe) out of all proportion by the western media, compared to what we see everyday here in Europe.

The reason why the western media does this has been explained many times before.

Please remember that myself, and mpesc, are both Europeans, living in Europe, with a wide grasp of European culture, European languages (plural), European history, European politics and European travel.

Perspective  ;)

Women with unborn popsicles?
Mark, you are neither a woman nor an unborn popsicle  ;D

Perspective  ;)

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/18/15 at 07:54:13

Hitting 110'f here today...
Popsicle is an abstract concept to me...  :-/...

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/15 at 08:32:21

As I said, the issue has been 'blown up' (hehe) out of all proportion by the western media, compared to what we see everyday here in Europe.

The reason why the western media does this has been explained many times before.

Please remember that myself, and mpesc, are both Europeans, living in Europe, with a wide grasp of European culture, European languages (plural), European history, European politics and European travel.

I would suggest this is not correct. Neither of you are involved in the daily life of the growing population of disenfranchised radical Muslims any more than I am involved in inner city drug gangs in the US. (I'm guessing you were not facebook friends with the French newspaper killers anymore than I threw back a few beers with Michael Brown)
As I said, the Muslims I know bear no resemblance to radical Muslims. The blacks I know bear no resemblance to the blacks committing daily murders in the US, but both of those groups exist and while their impact is not necessarily felt by me directly, it nonetheless exist.  

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/15 at 08:33:01

Hitting 110'f here today...
Popsicle is an abstract concept to me

cute, but a dodge....   (and not the car Dodge.....!)

Title: Re: Population
Post by Serowbot on 06/18/15 at 08:58:24

704245545342556A46554C270 wrote:
Let’s imagine you, Serobot,  owned a company with 500 employees...

... a conservative president and congress comes along and after a dubious supreme court decision, force you to add to your insurance the cost to cover distributing Bibles to prisons.

Now, honestly, what would you think if that were the case?

I'd be fine with it...
SCOTUS wouldn't... that's a separation of church n' state issue... that just wouldn't fly...

The point is,.. as an employer, I'm required to supply a health insurance package... Whatever services that provides can be utilized by my employes.
Which one's they choose to use is not my business...
They want a Bible?,.. not my business...
They don't?,.. not my business either...
It is their benefit to use as they wish...
Same as their wage... I can't go telling them what to buy with their income... even though I pay it to them...
Make sense?... :-/...

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/18/15 at 09:16:12

Quote WM:
"I would suggest this is not correct."

Then, sir, I suggest that you are mistaken.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/15 at 11:29:24

I doubt that you would be okay with it.

But back to the other point, the Catholic Church is not telling their employees they can't have birth-control or they can't get an abortion. They are not controlling their bodies. They just don't want to pay for it and I don't think that's an unreasonable position for them to take.  It was an overreach without precedent that Obama took.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/15 at 11:30:52

14332A352F0C2E392F3039255C0 wrote:
Quote WM:
"I would suggest this is not correct."

Then, sir, I suggest that you are mistaken.

Are you hanging around a lot of radical Islam terrorist?

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/18/15 at 12:47:37

"Are you hanging around a lot of radical Islam terrorist?"

Not that I am aware of....

It seems my suggestion fell on deaf ears  ::)

You are aware that I've lived in mixed-race communities in Europe for the best part of half a century.
My opinion on the 'immigrant situation' in Europe isn't founded on the media, or through other mainstream propaganda.
My opinion isn't founded from the 'situation' as viewed from the other side of the world, but in the middle of this 'situation'.
The media is manipulating peoples views. (yawn).
So asking me if I hang around with terrorists just seems a little puerile...

Mark, ya gonna love this  ;)

Title: Re: Population
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 13:26:29

Im much more willing to accept HPs answer than the ideas about what the scary world is like based on our media. It's not like we haven't proven they lie.
Manufactured consent

Look it up.

Hard to justify a fight without a bad guy.

Dehumanize the enemy

Look it up.

Title: Re: Population
Post by pgambr on 06/18/15 at 19:49:46

Manufactured consent

Look it up.

Noam Chomsky didn't invent it; although, he coined the term in one of his earlier books.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Population
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 21:19:32

understand the concept, realize we've been told lies in order to mold attitudes and create support for military action.
I couldn't care less where the word came from. People need to understand how thiings are done.
Ohhh, Muslims are invading Europe...
Just listen to ANY media.
I dont know any who agree with the people here who live there.
Now who should I believe?

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/19/15 at 06:06:12

@ pgambr
I'm really surprised that no-one has mentioned Chomsky so far.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/19/15 at 06:58:29

I dont know any who agree with the people here who live there.

I do. Several of my work colleagues in Europe say that yes, it is a problem. You have a very limited selection of European personalities on this forum. Listen to what they say for sure, but it is not gospel. You're fond of saying you do your own research and think for yourself so do that.

Title: Re: Population
Post by HovisPresley on 06/19/15 at 07:16:38

516364757263744B67746D060 wrote:
I dont know any who agree with the people here who live there.
I do. Several of my work colleagues in Europe say that yes, it is a problem. You have a very limited selection of European personalities on this forum.

Several? More detail, please!

Yes, there's a limited amount of European posters on this forum, but as a random sample group of people, we have no political or racial connection, we just ride Japanese factory custom bikes....
"You're fond of saying you do your own research and think for yourself so do that." (WM to JOG)

Anyone else see the irony?

Title: Re: Population
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/15 at 12:20:17

Everyone, sit down.

Yes, I see the irony, BUT, I Do want to say that in recent months I've been pleasantly surprised by many of Webs posts. He may not even be aware of the changes. But his thinking has changed.
Well, his or mine, but I'm able to see some common ground that I couldn't see a year ago.

Title: Re: Population
Post by WebsterMark on 06/21/15 at 04:29:22

13342D32280B293E28373E225B0 wrote:
"Are you hanging around a lot of radical Islam terrorist?"

Not that I am aware of....

It seems my suggestion fell on deaf ears  ::)

You are aware that I've lived in mixed-race communities in Europe for the best part of half a century.
My opinion on the 'immigrant situation' in Europe isn't founded on the media, or through other mainstream propaganda.
My opinion isn't founded from the 'situation' as viewed from the other side of the world, but in the middle of this 'situation'.
The media is manipulating peoples views. (yawn).
So asking me if I hang around with terrorists just seems a little puerile...

Mark, ya gonna love this  ;)

Never heard of this guy before. Didn't watch whole clip. So what's your point? You want me to go on msnbc and post a video of some idiot on their network? (I'll have a much easier time finding one on msnbc ....)
Doesn't change anything I've said.  If you don't think Muslim immigrants are going to change Europe's culture in the future then you must think the USA is the same today as it was 25 years ago when they actually spoke English in Miami.....

Let's drop this for 10 years and then tell me what you think then....

Title: Re: Population
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/15 at 10:38:01

If you don't think Muslim immigrants are going to change Europe's culture in the future then you must think the USA is the same today as it was 25 years ago when they actually spoke English in Miami.

Another moment.....

Of course, in life, the only constant is change.
The problem, from my POV, change is being manipulated, agenda driven, to some degree. Laws passed, laws ignored,
The website the government uses to advertise their jobs was asking for
Chaperones to travel with minors that
We Were EXPECTING to be crossing the border.
Now the questions that are logically attached to that little detail....
Hurry, someone run snopes that.. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a lie,now. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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