General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie

Message started by AaronMarshall on 05/31/15 at 14:53:00

Title: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by AaronMarshall on 05/31/15 at 14:53:00

I was out riding today and at some point while i was riding oil started to leak. It happend after I stopped for the last time and I was only 2 minutes away from home so it wasn't leaking for a long time.  When I was pulling into the driveway I noticed it leaking and it dripped a lot when  I stopped.  It slowly stopped dripping.  Oil was all over the left side of the bike (belt, tire, etc...).  I pulled out the oil filter and it started leaking more.  There was oil pooled in the hole where the filter goes.  So what do you think?  I am not a mechanic at all so I don't know where to even start.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by verslagen1 on 05/31/15 at 15:07:55

Well, you're gonna have to narrow down what's leaking for us.
and cause the kickstand is on the left side, it leans that way, so it common even for a right hand leak to drip from the left side.

BTW, yes it will leak oil if you remove the oil filter and oil will pool in there... it's supposed to.  Or do you have a breather filter?

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by AaronMarshall on 05/31/15 at 15:42:57

Thanks for the info on the filter. It is just a standard oil filter.

How do I determine where it is leaking from? Is there any particular thing I can do figure that out?  It isn't dripping anymore.  It did start dripping when I took off the oil filter.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/15 at 16:12:09

You need to get it together, get the oil filled back to right. Clean it up, start it and see from where it doth leak.
Year model, miles,
Most likely that ever popular head plug leak.
Not a difficult task but requires a good bit of thought,preparation and care.
Head cover bolts are of different lengths, one must be in the cover as it's installed, one is upside down, the goo to make the gasket is not RTV.
Not a job to run from, but nothing to go at hurriedly.
An outline of the part with an X at each bolt, sliced, and poke bolts into it so they will be organized for assembly.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Serowbot on 05/31/15 at 16:18:31

JOG said,... doth... ;D ;D ;D...

Points for class, JOG... ;)...

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by HovisPresley on 05/31/15 at 16:23:50

Maybe he's quoting from the King James Version of the Clymer's manual  ;D

Pure class, JoG  :)

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/15 at 17:00:49

I am too easily influenced. I've been watching Netflix.
I missed such an obvious opportunity to throw out a whence...
Ohhh,blast it to bloody 'ell..

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by verslagen1 on 05/31/15 at 19:02:31

If thine leak doth elude thy...
There are few locations whence it may emanate from.
The head plug
bolts on top of the head cover
valve inspection covers
If it's a bolt, you can try tightening it, but don't go brutish on it, they don't take much torque.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/15 at 19:42:34

I don't remember enough about the stuff up there.
Brutish to one is just starting to snug up to another.

I know that the 1/4" ratchet was a regular tool for the Savage.
FEEL the bolts, don't try to seat the head cover in just one or even two passes.
Better to work it down slow,

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by old.indian on 05/31/15 at 20:11:06

There are times where a person new to this site could easily confuse it with a Kellogg's box.... Full of nuts and flakes.....
"If thine leak  doth elude ...."
Really ???  ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/15 at 20:17:55

Ohh, verily, 'tis so!

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by verslagen1 on 05/31/15 at 20:19:50

60636B2166616B666E610F0 wrote:
There are times where a person new to this site could easily confuse it with a Kellogg's box.... Full of nuts and flakes.....
"If thine leak  doth elude ...."
Really ???  ::) ::) ::)

The floggings will continue until morale improves... sir you look a little depressed.   :o

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by AaronMarshall on 06/01/15 at 05:00:55

Ok, so I fired it up this morning to see where the oil was leaking.  As soon as I started it the oil was spewing on the kickstand side right where the belt ends at the front (I'm an idiot with mechanical jargon so forgive me).  I had taken off the metal piece that covers that section and the oil just came out right there. In between the part that the belt loops back on and the big metal part to its left (from back to front).  
Does that make sense?  Do you need more details.  I will try to get a picture uploaded in a bit.
My bike is an 07 S40 with 8500 miles on it.  
It had been sitting for a few weeks (i bought it off a guy in February and it had been sitting for a few years with only minimal use monthly) and then I took it out yesterday for a sping.  Very hot here in Wilmington, NC.  Don't know if all that matters.
Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Art Webb on 06/01/15 at 10:37:54

607364657A7771737827160 wrote:
If thine leak doth elude thy...  <-
There are few locations whence it may emanate from.
The head plug
bolts on top of the head cover
valve inspection covers
If it's a bolt, you can try tightening it, but don't go brutish on it, they don't take much torque.

'thy' used where 'thee' belongs, 2 point deduction

Aaron, at first I thought you were saying it was leaking from the front peg mount (one of those bolts holds the engine cases togrether) but then it sounds like farther back on the bike

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by AaronMarshall on 06/01/15 at 10:43:36

Ok - so here is a pic of where the leak was coming from.  It was coming from in between the silver cover on the left and the belt. Just underneath where the long piece is to receive teh screw on the top.  

Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Serowbot on 06/01/15 at 11:02:54

Nice big pic,... but I can't see any oil leaking...

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/01/15 at 11:10:04

Sounds like the output shaft seal,

Define spewing.

IF it's that seal, I don't remember another..

Get a flashlight, get someone to hold it up,
HOPE it's not that shaft seal.

Grab that front pulley and shake it. Does it move?

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Serowbot on 06/01/15 at 11:18:21

...or,.. might possibly be loose stator case bolts...
I'm wary of advising you to check them...(they are longish steel bolts, and go into soft aluminum engine block)...
If you do,... be gentle... use a 1/4" ratchet, and finger pressure only...
I think they torque at 8 or 10lbs...
That's about what it takes to screw on a pickle jar lid... not a lot of pressure...

DON'T strip any threads, or you'll be so much worse off than you are now... :-?...

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Dave on 06/01/15 at 11:26:08

Since it gushes, and leaks when the bike is not moving....I would not think it is the output shaft seal.  More likely it is something related to the left side cover, and the wires for the stator that come out of that cover.

You need to take off the slotted cover over the pulley, then look in that area and see where the oil is coming from when it is leaking.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by verslagen1 on 06/01/15 at 11:43:11

78584B565774584B4A51585555390 wrote:
Ok - so here is a pic of where the leak was coming from.  It was coming from in between the silver cover on the left and the belt. Just underneath where the long piece is to receive teh screw on the top.  

Any thoughts?

Ah, that's were the wires come out.  It's a rubber block with holes for the wiring and sealed with RTV.
If that's shot, you might have to pull the stator cover to replace it.
You'll have to check to see if you can get a replacement.

Has someone been in there lately?

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by AaronMarshall on 06/01/15 at 12:52:32

OK so I shot a video of the oil spewing.  
Here is the link:
Just copy and paste it into your browser.

By spewing I just mean that when the engine is on it is spewing out oil on the left side.

I grabbed the front pulley and shook it and it didn't seem to move.

Any thoughts.  Thanks so much.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Dave on 06/01/15 at 13:08:06

That is a "Horror Film"! :o

Unfortunately it is just too dark back there for us to be able to tell what is going on...but I definitely believe it is related to the gasket or the seal for the wires.  Somebody will have to drain the oil and remove the left side cover to find the leak and how to fix it.

Where do you live?  Maybe someone on the forum lives near you?

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by AaronMarshall on 06/01/15 at 13:12:59

I live in Wilmington, NC.
Anyone live close?

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/01/15 at 13:13:45

I don't know, maybe someone else has an idea.
If I was alone id be looking at the manual and getting a light,trying to see Exactly where the oil is coming from.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by youzguyz on 06/01/15 at 15:55:52

One other possibility.  
The starter has an o-ring that seals it to the case.
If that is leaking, the oil will drip down through the drain hole under the starter to that area on the left side.  The drain hole is there to keep water from pooling under the starter when it rains, or when you wash the bike.
To check, pull the starter and see if there is oil under it.

After looking at your video,  I don't think that drain hole could spit oil that quick!!  :o

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by AaronMarshall on 06/02/15 at 14:08:54

Is anyone on this board from North Carolina (or close - we are in Wilmington, NC)? I could trailer the motorcyle to you to help look at it.  

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/02/15 at 16:50:44

Have you pulled everything but the belt and pulley?
You gotta see what is leaking. Get a good,LED, focusing flashlight, wipe out the area, clean it up, I know, it's scary, go slow, look at it, get a mental picture of what you plan on doing,
Look at the manual, Look at the manual,Look at the manual,

Did you hear anything, any clue more than
Started spewing oil.

Ohh, and I asked about your definition of spewing.
Yea, the video, spewing,  I agree.

I really want you to win.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by AaronMarshall on 06/18/15 at 09:27:51

Ok - so I got someone to take off the pulley and here is the problem.  I think a screw fell off the silver piece that goes toward the back (the turn signal in the back is on it) and then it got lodged in the belt and cracked that piece. I had been messing with it because i was going to replace the turn signals and I guess I just didnt tighten the screw back tight enough.  I feel like an idiot!!!
Am I screwed?  The guy that pulled it apart for me says that we can weld it back but that will be expensive and the weld might not hold.
Any other suggestions?

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by swedishbiker on 06/18/15 at 10:07:18

Try chemical metal first.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Dave on 06/18/15 at 10:07:31

Clean it up well, roughen the surface up a bit.....and apply JB Weld to the crack.  Then let the JB Weld harden thoroughly for 24 hours before you ride the bike.  JB Weld is a little bit runny when first mixed, and the directions allow to let it harden 15-20 minutes before you apply it so that it has a chance to stiffen up a bit and won't sag or run.

Then put the pulley back on tightly (torque to specs) and fasten the locking washer.....then put the bike back together and ride it.  Don't worry about babying it, as it most likely will hold up just fine.  We have a large brush chipper that was hit by a car and it broke the motor mount and put a hole in the block....and the JB Weld repair has been holding fine for the last 6 years.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 10:23:46

I dunno if that's got an oil pressure passage there, but if it's pressurized, everything above has starved and been hurt. I really don't think it is, but dang if it didn't look kinda arterial.
But, if its not pressurized, then you could, if the pulley and everything that goes there, leaves room for some clever patchwork.
One consideration is where did the stuff that's gone go?
Bits of aluminum and possibly, but less likely,even the screw is in the oil.
Before I dropped the money on welding I think I'd clean up around the area and work outt a patch. Be a bit complicated, but, I've built some pretty crazy stuff. I talked a guy through a ball joint change on acar, Floor jack, chain, and he was not any kinda mechanic. He was an accountant.
Anyway, I see some potential approaches, typing them is too involved.
Pm me your number if you want.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Dave on 06/18/15 at 10:30:38

There are no oil passages is broken at the left center case halve between the crankcase where the flywheel and rotor spins.....and the rear pulley.  And it doesn't appear the broken piece has gone anywhere....there is a tab of aluminum in the photo that is broken and shoved forward a bit.  It might be worth removing the cover and see if you can shove that aluminum back into place before applying the JB weld.

The photo shows the break is right at the seam between the left half of the crankcase and the left side unfortunately just replacing the cover and gasket is not going to fix it.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 10:36:06

Went and looked again. Don't think the screw went in.
What's the pulley look like?
Id wanna drain the oil into a clean pan, dump it in a jar and see if you can see silver bits. Shiny oil , pretty,just not good.

And what Dave said.
Also, cracks tend to grow. The lower end of the wound would be stopped by drilling a small hole, but only if you can catch the junk. And the drill not hit anything.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by stewmills on 06/18/15 at 11:41:04

As far as drilling and catching debris, you can use a decent size shop vac to sit alongside your drilling in an effort to coerce any shavings into the vacuum and not the case.  It's no guarantee that it will get everything, but it's a good start at least.  

Also, it certainly won't catch anything that falls through the back side, but if you advance the bit really slow and only produce itty-bitty pieces of metal shavings versus going fast and hard thus creating big long slivers of aluminum, you better the chances of sucking up the debris. And if something does drop in the case, maybe it'll just be a super small fragment and nothing large enough to get stressed over....and worst case, maybe do a good oil flush and refill after you complete your work.

Lastly, the hardware store sells "picks" that you can maybe use to reach in there and pull the bent piece back out somewhat level.  Or, maybe drill a small hole into the piece that needs pulling back out and insert a screw into that hole and use it to pull against?  Dave/Serow/ guys know if this is too risky so please chime in  :-?

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Dave on 06/18/15 at 12:46:18

The is no reason to be drilling anything and worrying about shavings getting into the engine that I can see.  It only takes 3 screws to pull the outer cover off (and probably a new gasket as the original one is toast anyhow).  Once the cover is off you can drill/file/cut/bend and do whatever you want.....and you can just use rags to catch and clean up the debris.

He has broken a bit of the metal out of the engine case just in front of the seen in this photo (ignore the red circle).  You might be able to push the metal back into place, seal it up with JB Weld, and even file the surface to make it flat so a new gasket will seal it up oil tight. (A little RTV sealer at the wound site wouldn't hurt in this application when putting the cover back on).

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 12:54:13

I think Dave's idea , pulling the cover, pressing the sliver into position, is a winner. Would make checking out debris better.
If the gasket mating surface is damaged, it can be repaired, but, the skill level might be a bit much for someone with limited experience with epoxies and sanding. JB Weld is one fine product. I repaired a sealing surface on a frac pump and it held up long enough to make the job, which means several hours of high pressure, pulsing.
I think you can win that, but, epoxy alone isn't that strong. A stick of epoxy will break, like cement, it needs something to stick to. You might be ahead to find some kinda open weave fiberglass and  press the epoxy into it, putty knife, wet the stuff thoroughly, and dont just wipe it on the case, press it, wet the surface well. The instructions are 50/50,but if you go a hair light on the hardener, and work in a cool place, you'll get a bit more working time.
Once you get it like you want it, hang a drop light by it.
That's incomplete, but a start.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by Dave on 06/18/15 at 12:59:12

JB Weld is strong, withstands engine heat well....and it sets up incredibly slow so you have about 30 minutes of working time.  The only downside is that when first mixed it is about like working with hot fudge....and it will run and sag if you are trying to put it on thickly.  The instructions say you can wait 15-20 minutes after mixing before you apply that it is thicker and will not sag or run.

If you put it on in the runny state....just be aware you are going to have to keep pushing it back into place until it begins to thicken.

If you want to try and push the epoxy up against a flat piece of metal to shape the gasket surface....use a piece of black electrical tape stuck to the metal form....the JB Weld will not adhere to it and you can remove the form "after" the epoxy has set overnight.  You can drill a hole in the form and attach it to the screw hole next to the broken piece.

Title: Re: Oil started spewing while riding - Newbie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/15 at 13:20:08

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