General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Seein' Jesus...

Message started by Serowbot on 05/22/15 at 08:42:39

Title: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/22/15 at 08:42:39

Not bad,... I actually see a good portrait there... :-?...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/15 at 12:11:41

Wondering if the Puffington Host would print a image of Muhammad if it showed up in a receipt?

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/22/15 at 14:45:49

Maybe that one's Muhammad... :-/...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/15 at 15:16:13

Maybe. They probably looked similar. Guess someone might shoot you for publishing it them. Better change your name.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by raydawg on 05/22/15 at 16:01:57

Anybody got any video of Jesus?

I wonder what he looks like, I mean after all, Judas had to point him out to those who were pursuing him even, and that was after he made many a public appearances too.......

Just say'n  

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/15 at 16:04:07

Heat sensitive paper..
Toss one of those receipts on the dash and go in the store..
Decent artist,I'll give them that.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/15 at 16:09:38

63706875706676110 wrote:
Anybody got any video of Jesus?

I wonder what he looks like, I mean after all, Judas had to point him out to those who were pursuing him even, and that was after he made many a public appearances too.......

Just say'n  

He did that because it was dark and all they had were torches.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by thumperclone on 05/22/15 at 22:25:25

how did they get my passport photo???
got to be a plot!! :-?

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/23/15 at 00:30:02

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
He did that because it was dark and all they had were torches.

Fortunately,... Judas had nightvision goggles... ;D...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by raydawg on 05/23/15 at 07:45:02

6E786F726A7F72691D0 wrote:
[quote author=142621303726310E223128430 link=1432309359/0#6 date=1432336178]

He did that because it was dark and all they had were torches.

Fortunately,... Judas had nightvision goggles... ;D...[/quote]

Wrongo buddy......

He ( Judas) had to point him out to the guards because they didn't understand what the WWJD on his cloak meant  :-*

BTW, is that a new avatar?
Is you a muppet now?   :D

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by HovisPresley on 05/25/15 at 06:04:36

That receipt is Harry Dean Stanton, surely?  ;D

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/25/15 at 07:43:37

"Hovis Presley" gives me a giggle every time I read it... ;D...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/15 at 03:55:38

it's a lot funnier until you know how he chose it.

It's funny to Americans.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Paraquat on 05/26/15 at 06:11:46

7761766B73666B70040 wrote:
Maybe that one's Muhammad... :-/...

Everyone's getting offended at the image of Muhammad... but if no one's ever captured his original likeness how do they know if they should be offended or not?

I know Jesus is a white guy with long hair and some chin hair... but how would I differentiate him from Frank Zappa if he weren't nailed to a cross?


Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Art Webb on 05/26/15 at 07:48:25

6B5A495A4A4E5A4F3B0 wrote:
[quote author=7761766B73666B70040 link=1432309359/0#2 date=1432331149]Maybe that one's Muhammad... :-/...

Everyone's getting offended at the image of Muhammad... but if no one's ever captured his original likeness how do they know if they should be offended or not?

I know Jesus is a white guy with long hair and some chin hair... but how would I differentiate him from Frank Zappa if he weren't nailed to a cross?


I would imagine the real Jesus looked a lot more like an Israeli, since there wasn't a large European population in Jerusalem at the time of his birth

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 08:20:42

There was a description of the apostle Paul written in some literature outside of the Bible. They described him as a short man, balding, crooked legs but powerfully built. Also said he had a prominent hooked nose. Sounds like he probably looked similar to Yasser Arafat!  Probably similar to what Jesus looked like since he was from the same time period. Regardless, I'm guessing he did not look like a WASP.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by HovisPresley on 05/26/15 at 10:37:00

"what Jesus looked like since he was from the same time period"

So you and me look like John Merrick, being from the same time period?

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Paraquat on 05/26/15 at 11:07:14

5D4E484B595E5E3C0 wrote:
I would imagine the real Jesus looked a lot more like an Israeli, since there wasn't a large European population in Jerusalem at the time of his birth


Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by HovisPresley on 05/26/15 at 14:35:06

Most of the modern "Israelis" come from Europe and the US and have been arriving since the 1940's. Having lived there, I can honestly say that there is no 'typical' Israeli look....I mean, does Woody Allen look like a Mediterranean?

@Mark, does Arafat have crooked legs? He was standing behind a parapet when I saw him!

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by mpescatori on 05/27/15 at 04:40:39

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

You guys really break me up !!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I mean, REALLY !

Whew !

OK, there seems to have been a DNA-genetic reaserch carried out in Israel a few years back.

It seems they dioscovered that, comparing the collected DNA samples to what they had unearthed in diggings ...
[drum roll, please]
- 80% + of the Muslim Palestinian population had enough DNA in common with the "ancient" samples to prove they "were locals";
- less than 5% of the Israeli, Jewish community had enough DNA in common with the "ancient" samples to prove they "were locals";
- over 90% of the Catholic Palestinian population had enough DNA in common with the "ancient" samples to prove they "were locals".

Which means:

- 80% of those cramped in Palestinian Refugee camps are actually "displaced locals" (much like the Indian Reservations);
- 90% of Catholics, who managed to keep their homes and not be evicted by the Israelis, are actually "locals";
- 95% of the Jewish population in modern-day Israel are actually 2nd, 3rd generation immigrants who are entitled to live there because you guys back them up.

Questions ?

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by pgambr on 05/27/15 at 05:11:25

584550465654415A475C350 wrote:

- 95% of the Jewish population in modern-day Israel are actually 2nd, 3rd generation immigrants who are entitled to live there because you guys back them up.

Questions ?

Is this correct?  The majority of the Israeli inhabitants have blood lines from what was the Khazar empire?  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by mpescatori on 05/27/15 at 07:09:22

As for "What did Jesus look like ?"...

We have no paintings nor physical descriptions of Jesus in the Gospels, nor do the Apocryphal Gospels provide any insight.

Actually, there IS one Apocryphal Gospel (I forget which, I am quoting from memory) which describes Jesus as one who was capable of changing facial expression
to the point some found it difficult to recognize him at times; this may seem odd and a wee bit out of the "credible tales",
however it is the only explanation to the tale of the Two Travellers to Emmaus (Lk, 24:13)

What did Jesus look like ?

1. In early Roman Catacombs (cemeteries used by all, not limited to the Christians) Jesus was pictured like a Young Roman

Short hair and no beard !  :o Because the Romans would sport short hair and shaved their beard...

2. There was also a  Bearded Jesus, however he was only found within among the Judaic Christian community in Rome.


3. The common "Bearded Jesus" came out only when Costantine became Emperor and used the Statue of Jupiter, King of the (Graeco-Roman) Gods, to say "This is your Jesus".


And that's how we got our "Official Bearded Jesus"

Notice the Halo ? Christians never had a "Haloed Jesus" until Costantinian Christianity was created with major elements from the other religions...

4. Incidetally, Jupiter was often represented with Ram's Horns and was known as "Jupiter Ammon", thereby keeping both Graeco-Romans and Egyptians happy
(Ammon or Amon-Ra being one of the names of the Sun-God, which was also linked to Graeco-Roman Apollo-Hermes and to Egyptian Horus)

http:// http://

Jupiter was often referred to as "The White Ox" or "The White Lamb" (where "White" means "pure or with no sin").

Sound familiar ? Whos is "God's sacrificial Lamb" ? Anyone ?
Is that on the right Jesus the Good Sheperd ? No, it's Hermes/Apollo...
On the other hand, notice Jupiter's Holy Horns ? Guess how these were instrumentalized in order to deter people from adoring "the false Gods" ?
There was NO mention of "Satan" in early Christianity, and no depiction of "Satan" in early paintings, frescoes or mosaics.
Come Costantine and his collapsing all religions into THE ONE, and TAADAAA !! HE-E-ERE'S SATAN !

:o But... isn't this guy the same as...  ::)

Yes, precisely !

H I M !!!

In fact, anything with horns and not a halo was immediately banned as "evil" because it belonged to the "old religion", not to the "new religion"

See how hard Costantine had to work to get an entire Empire under one religion ?
And you thought that "there's the KJV Bible and all the rest are fairy tales" ? Not so, not so at all.

Questions ?

Yeah ! You have yet to tell us what Jesus looked like !
OK, sorry, I disgress.

Anyone who thinks Jesus looked like THIS has seen too many religious films produced in the USA


Anyone who thinks Jesus looked like THIS has mixed notions on what is a Judean and what is a Bedouin:

This is King Feisal of Saudi Arabia, a typical ethnic Bedouin

These are Ashkenazi Jews
Are you SURE they are... Middle Eastern ?  :-? No, because they are Central European.

These are Sephardic Jews from Iberia (Spain)
Look more like it, eh ? Yes, because THEY originate from Judaic migrants during the Hellenic and Roman dominations

These are ethnic Palestinian Christians (Catholics)

From Bethlehem (my wife's paternal family, Daud => David))

From Ramallah (my wife's maternal family Saqqa or Sacca)


Incidentally, top picture, only upper class girls would wear the "Tarboosh" to support the headscarf over their hair.
In the linked picture (sorry, failed to resize) , silver coins composed part of the girl's dowry.

So... what DID Jesus possibly look like ? Remember, he was a Palestinian, not a Bedouin...

1. Jesus had short hair, because that was the cutom in those days. No hippies, just hard working men.

2. Jesus did not have a long, flowing beard; quite the contrary, it was closely cropped.

3. Jesus was not blond, nor blue-eyed, he was (dark) brown haired with brown eyes.

4. Or, if we are to believe a certain gnostic theory, just as Adam, Noah, Esau, and Moses... Jesus was red-haired and green eyed.

5. Jesus was not the thin, frail philosopher, he was a woodworker so he needed to be tough; expect muscle.

6. Jesus was not tall, but short, and was often described as "disappearing in the crowd" - hence, he did NOT stand out but quite the opposite.

Surprise !!!


Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Art Webb on 05/27/15 at 07:31:28

Well mpescatori (did I spell that right? man that's a hard one) That's sort of where I was going, although I seem to have gotten the ethnicity wrong, Jesus was not a white guy with long hair and a flowing beard, but rather looked pretty much like everyone else of his time and region
And I have long since gotten past the KJV version of the bible being the one and true word, the KJV was King James' interpretation, colored by what he wanted the word to be
One of the best things about the movie 'killing Jesus' was that O'Reily did NOT cast a white dude as Jesus (he caught flack for the fellow he did cast, but I thought it a good choice)

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by mpescatori on 05/27/15 at 07:39:39

5E494F434C5C2E0 wrote:
[quote author=584550465654415A475C350 link=1432309359/15#19 date=1432726839]

- 95% of the Jewish population in modern-day Israel are actually 2nd, 3rd generation immigrants who are entitled to live there because you guys back them up.

Questions ?

Is this correct?  The majority of the Israeli inhabitants have blood lines from what was the Khazar empire?  

Best regards,

Unfortunately, this seems to be a highly controversial TRUTH which TPTB does NOT want people to know.

Else, the entire fairy tale of "The Lord's Chosen People" and "The Promised Land" goes down the drain.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by HovisPresley on 05/27/15 at 07:46:43

If Jesus was born at Christmas, and died at Easter, then he was only 3 or 4 months old when he died. So how come he had a beard?


PPS. Modern-day Israel is the 52nd US state; it's good for them to have a military base so close to the Middle East

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Art Webb on 05/27/15 at 08:06:48

0E29302F35163423352A233F460 wrote:
If Jesus was born at Christmas, and died at Easter, then he was only 3 or 4 months old when he died. So how come he had a beard?


PPS. Modern-day Israel is the 52nd US state; it's good for them to have a military base so close to the Middle East

yes, because there was only one Christmas and one Easter, and they occurred the same year, the year of the birth of a person who spent his life an unknown, but celebrated worldwide, entity  ::)

Ah, yes, an American state with a PM, who, btw, is not regarded warmly by our current President. Oh wait, that's right, American states don't have a PM, they have a Governor  ;D

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Paraquat on 05/27/15 at 09:30:13



Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by HovisPresley on 05/27/15 at 10:36:10

I have to say that "Joe's Garage" is my favorite album of his. What's yours?  ;)

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/15 at 10:42:57

I sure have a problem with that Shroud of's just too hard to dismiss.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/27/15 at 17:16:34

I have no problem dismissing it..
It's 1300 years off,.. Jesus would be freakishly tall,.. and his wrist to elbow measurement would qualify as deformed...
He's anatomically incorrect and post dated... :-?...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by raydawg on 05/27/15 at 19:11:15

Ok, which Jew is the one who wants to screw you in a purchase?  :P

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/27/15 at 19:43:32

Ever wonder how many members we have here of Jewish descent?...
If Jesus were here... who would be kissing his feet, and who would be talkin' smack about him?...

I might kid with him a bit... but I wouldn't insult his heritage... or deny it... :P
The "God fearing" among you should tread lightly...
God may not have the same interpretation of his words as you do...
... and he would win that argument...  ;D...

I guess I'm in PC mode today...
...but, why do so many Christians hate the race of their own Messiah?...
...or do they deny it out of fear or jealousy?...
God has designated a chosen people and it ain't you...
That's gotta' hurt a bit...

I'd be bitter about that...
...but, I am fortunately free of that need...

I think this is the underlying hatred that comes from both Christians and Muslims...
They broke away from Judaism,.. and now they realize they have un-chosen themselves...
I know your own beliefs have justified that to be a redo on the Allmighty's part,..but, he still is God...
... and he's the one that will decide if you got it right or not...

I get the feeling that if he really exists...
...he might mean what he says...
That may put an atheist like me, in better stead than most...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/15 at 21:12:22

I steal the pilots uniform and go to the cockpit.
I'm a pilot now,right?

Understand Zionist and khazar
I have no problem with Jews,
Israeli policy, different.
I don't like OUR policy,I don't have a problem with Americans.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by raydawg on 05/28/15 at 03:54:35

Good spew Bot, I LOVE it when you reflect like that  :-*

Gotta catch my ferry, but you bring some interesting questions and observations into the kitchen....

The short answer, and its my own spew, so please don't attach it to other believers.
First, without grace, I am nothing, dead.
It allows me to be honest with myself and my Lord.
It allows me to accept myself, as worthless as I am, and to be worthy of the love and sacrifice of God's son.

I will sin daily, will till the day my flesh dies, and one sin I have is contempt of others....
Sorry, I am weak.
I don't hate for the mere reason of another not believing as I, or living differently as some sort of rejection of my personhood, no....
But I have a hard time loving them.....
With this in mind, I have not feathered a spot in my heart for the Jew who killed my Lord, but I know too it was God's plan to use His chosen people to deny Christ.
As flesh, I react fleshly, but deep in my soul I accept it, even tho I don't really wrap an understanding around it.
I guess you would call that faith, in a belief  :-*

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/28/15 at 07:25:53

If it makes you a better human being,.. and gives you comfort,... that's hard to knock...
The problems with religion come when beliefs are imposed rather than lived by...

BTW.. just heard there's going to be another "cartoon contest" in Phoenix...
...'cause the one in Texas went so well?... :-/...

PS.. Wonder what a Muslim does if he sees Mohamed in his toast?... :-?...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by oldNslow on 05/28/15 at 07:41:21

BTW.. just heard there's going to be another "cartoon contest" in Phoenix...
...'cause the one in Texas went so well?...

I think the one in Texas actually turned out very well.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/28/15 at 07:48:08

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
If it makes you a better human being,.. and gives you comfort,... that's hard to knock...
The problems with religion come when beliefs are imposed rather than lived by...

BTW.. just heard there's going to be another "cartoon contest" in Phoenix...
...'cause the one in Texas went so well?... :-/...

PS.. Wonder what a Muslim does if he sees Mohamed in his toast?... :-?...

How would he know? I hear drawings and such are frowned upon.

I hear there is a Fatwa declared against the woman.
That what she is doing is unpopular yet legal is exactly what America is about.
Would you have suggested the civil rights marches be discontinued because they were disruptive?
How about the antiwar activists, ?
Now that it's common knowledge that the Tonkin Gulf
Incident never happened and we went in there based on a lie, kinda puts a new spin on all that draft thing, for me anyway.
The trustworthiness proved by that, Iran Contra, the 80's, rolled through S. America, and drugs rolled into Ca. as we spread democracy, overthrowing
bad guys,replacing with worse.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/28/15 at 15:55:48

Yup,.. it's legal, and she has the right...

... but I won't be in attendance..
It's not like the right to make demeaning cartoons of someone else's god, is equivalent to the civil rights movement, or Vietnam war protests...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by raydawg on 05/28/15 at 16:18:01

If it makes you a better human being,.. and gives you comfort,... that's hard to knock...
The problems with religion come when beliefs are imposed rather than lived by...

I will agree and extend that beyond religious perimeters.
Was forcing a tax on tea, the impedance that sparked a revolt?

I know dang well the founders grasped the very real complications of church and state, and all the implications it would foster.

Today with the pledge, currency, tax exemptions, etc, I think it has crossed that line.

On the other side of the coin I see how groups like "Freedom from religion", etc,  have adopted the mindset of forcing their beliefs upon others by censoring free expression, etc.

You nailed it when you said people should live by example.

I agree and strive for such, even in my failures, I have to fess up, tis I that fell short, not that anybody else is to blame.
Gandhi was so right when he said " Be the change you want to see in others" pretty simple, eh?

We have a president, who when challenged on his beliefs, like the fast track legislation......
He belittles Liz Warren with personal remarks instead of debating merit.

By no means is he alone in such activity, I just use that as a current example.

We should all rise up against such "personal politicizing" by any elected official, or "tax exempt" entity, or media.
It does nothing to solve problems and only further erodes reasonable discourse to the lowest denominator.

My tag line testifies simply how innocuous our thinking has become....

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Art Webb on 05/28/15 at 21:34:47

1305120F17020F14600 wrote:
Yup,.. it's legal, and she has the right...

... but I won't be in attendance..
It's not like the right to make demeaning cartoons of someone else's god, is equivalent to the civil rights movement, or Vietnam war protests...

Serow, get it right, Mohamed is the Prophet, the god is Allah  ;)
Hadda poke, just hadda
I'm getting a lot of references to Moses in the copy of the Koran I'm reading at the moment
I't a hard read though progress is slow

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/28/15 at 22:35:09

Once you narrow the field to one god...
Aren't names redundant?...

A rose, by any other name?... :-?...

I guess, my point is...
If a cat, secretly lives in 3 different homes... and has 3 different names... with 3 different families...
He's still the same cat...
What you call a thing,.. don't change the thing...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Art Webb on 05/29/15 at 07:07:22

true but you're calling the servant the master, and those two are not the same critter (assuming one accepts the existence of the master)
You can call Donald Trump's secretary 'The Donald', but he ain't

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by HovisPresley on 05/29/15 at 08:24:59

Seeing a prophet in a piece of toast is ridiculous, but Donald Trump's hair just takes 'ridiculous' to a new level  ;D

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Art Webb on 05/29/15 at 08:38:08

52756C73694A687F69767F631A0 wrote:
Seeing a prophet in a piece of toast is ridiculous, but Donald Trump's hair just takes 'ridiculous' to a new level  ;D

You mean hairpiece, doncha?

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Paraquat on 05/29/15 at 11:40:02

5A494F4C5E59593B0 wrote:
You mean hairpiece, doncha?

082F362933103225332C2539400 wrote:
Seeing a prophet in a piece of toast is ridiculous, but Donald Trump's hair

I guess what you call it DOES change what it is.


Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/15 at 12:17:57

I don't think they make 3ft spiral comb over hairpieces...
It's gotta' be his real hair...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by raydawg on 05/29/15 at 16:14:08

6771667B63767B60140 wrote:
Once you narrow the field to one god...
Aren't names redundant?...

A rose, by any other name?... :-?...

I guess, my point is...
If a cat, secretly lives in 3 different homes... and has 3 different names... with 3 different families...
He's still the same cat...
What you call a thing,.. don't change the thing...

Your point does not extend.

So, using your reasoning/analogy, Married men are, yep, you guessed it, married, therefor I am entitled, by my title, to the favors of any wife, secretly or otherwise.

God is his own entity, you can not separate it, or parcel any of his sovereignty out.

Now I am a Savage Sex God, I lord it all over those who read my reply....
However, God does not sanction, or credit himself, with my claim, even tho obvious it is to all who see me riding my scooter with only a fishnet speedo  :-*

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/15 at 16:30:26

3B28302D283E2E490 wrote:
However, God does not sanction, or credit himself, with my claim, even tho obvious it is to all who see me riding my scooter with only a fishnet speedo  :-*

Pretty sure you're right about that... ;D...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/29/15 at 17:58:10

If I EVER see that, His name, and probably my last meal, will come up.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by raydawg on 05/29/15 at 18:16:40

5147504D55404D56220 wrote:
[quote author=3B28302D283E2E490 link=1432309359/45#46 date=1432941248]However, God does not sanction, or credit himself, with my claim, even tho obvious it is to all who see me riding my scooter with only a fishnet speedo  :-*

Pretty sure you're right about that... ;D...[/quote]

Uh...... pretty sure, what, you want me to prove it to you  :-*

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/29/15 at 20:35:28

Row, this is one of the very few moments where
No picture? Didn't happen.
Does NOT apply.
You don't need to post a picture, really, and I believe that I speak for all of us.

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Art Webb on 05/29/15 at 22:08:20

6076617C64717C67130 wrote:
I don't think they make 3ft spiral comb over hairpieces...
It's gotta' be his real hair...

I dunno for sure, but there have been a lot of folks say otherwise
Then again, If I was buying hair, I'd want better than that, and he could sure afford the best

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/15 at 22:58:26

Really,.. for less than 10 million dollars,.. I will make him a better hairpiece...
... from the lint in my hallway... ;D...

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Art Webb on 05/30/15 at 07:26:22

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by mpescatori on 06/01/15 at 05:36:44

584E59445C49445F2B0 wrote:
If it makes you a better human being,.. and gives you comfort,... that's hard to knock...
The problems with religion come when beliefs are imposed rather than lived by...

BTW.. just heard there's going to be another "cartoon contest" in Phoenix...
...'cause the one in Texas went so well?... :-/...

PS.. Wonder what a Muslim does if he sees Mohamed in his toast?... :-?...

Buy a tomato and slice it in half across the center (equator):

- if it's a natural (bio) tomato, you get a Malta Cross


- if it's a GMO tomato, you get a mess


Now, slice another tomato top to bottom:

- if you are a Christian, you will carry on and eat tomato salad,
(pictured: tomato, cucumber and feta cheese salad,
dressed in salt, olive oil (not vegetable!!!) ;
some parsley and black olives also help)

- if you are a Muslim, you will see Allah


Neeext !  :D

Title: Re: Seein' Jesus...
Post by Art Webb on 06/01/15 at 09:03:16

And they say GMO food is better
I'd much rather the pre, it looks better even to me, and I'm not fond of tomatos » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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