General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> uh huhh,

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 05/21/15 at 21:31:54

Title: uh huhh,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/21/15 at 21:31:54

I nearly begged you tospend an hour checki.g out your own back yard. You could have proved or disproved this ..

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by Art Webb on 05/21/15 at 21:41:59

the fact that protester were bused in and paid is something I already knew

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/15 at 04:13:27

Me too, i was trying to get Web to spend some time and prove it..

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/15 at 05:19:54

Why the hell would I try to prove what was common knowledge? Of course protestors came from long distance.....standard practice. Of course those who stand to benefit financially, arranged it. However, it was not part of a master world order, penned in an underground bunker somewhere in Europe or the Middle East in a cigar smoke filled chamber. You watch to many movies.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/15 at 05:50:47

566463727564734C60736A010 wrote:
Why the hell would I try to prove what was common knowledge? Of course protestors came from long distance.....standard practice. Of course those who stand to benefit financially, arranged it. However, it was not part of a master world order, penned in an underground bunker somewhere in Europe or the Middle East in a cigar smoke filled chamber. You watch to many movies.

Get a lot of offers to go cause trouble and get paid for it,do you?
WHO promised, who paid the motel bills and how many people do you know who can walk away from the job and go hang out,as you admitted, long distance from home?
You don't see what's in front of you.
Know more about him.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by thumperclone on 05/22/15 at 08:40:36

jog your foil hat is too tight ;D

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/15 at 11:13:02

Not really a rebuttal. Looks like you're not going to explain how these protesters manage to make a trip,stay long enough to
Be a mob
and then go home.
I virtually begged Webster to spend a little time, call a few hotels and see what the occupancy rates were looking like. And how much they varied from typical for the season. We could've had proof.
Now, WHO promised to pay? Why would they be out complaining about it if nobody promised? Who are these people and, I don't know about you, but I don't know anyone who has a job they can just walk away from like that...

How do they pay the bills?
These are valid questions and without answers,raise suspicion...
I'm unable to see this stuff and not raise an eyebrow.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by pgambr on 05/22/15 at 13:52:00

Get a lot of offers to go cause trouble and get paid for it,do you?
WHO promised, who paid the motel bills and how many people do you know who can walk away from the job and go hang out,as you admitted, long distance from home?
You don't see what's in front of you.
Know more about him.

Yeah, JOG was spot-on from the beginning on this topic.  Incidentally, Soros operates/funds 15-20 NGOs (non government organizations).

Best regards,

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by oldNslow on 05/22/15 at 14:09:49

My favorite part of the article:

"There's nothing wrong with protesters getting paid, IBD report concludes, adding that “it's a free country, and they have to make a living, too.”

Paid protesters apparently are reality of any larger protests, however, it doesn’t diminished the reasons why the community protested in the first place."  

Unless of course there wouldn't have been a protest worth flying the media whores in from all over the country to cover it, without the paid folks.

I wonder if they get SS and  Medical insurance premiums deducted from their checks.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/15 at 15:22:59

Jog my friend, I told you if wanted to find out who they were and where they were coming from, all you had to downs follow certain Twitter hashtags and you would have had all that information. I did.

There were at most a couple dozen traveling protestors, no amount of hotel callings was going to reveal that. Hotels aren't going to give that information out. There are probably a thousand hotels in St. Louis.

Again, your lack if understanding how things really work opens you up to ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/15 at 15:36:28

Asking a clerk if business is good? Really? I never suggested asking names and YOU, knowing the area, would know the places near the area where the uproar was and, I know it requires common sense, but excluding the classy places would make sense.
No, you didn't want to risk proving something to yourself you didn't want to know.

I tried finding your posts, I can't, but IIRC, you didn't agree that people traveled there to protest. And that's Why I tried to get you to make a few calls.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by WebsterMark on 05/24/15 at 06:15:12

Knowing me, knowing you (hey, ain't that an ABBA song.....) I'm guessing you were claiming your secret group that runs the world by planning and carrying out dramatic events (9/11) orchestrated the Ferguson protest from the very beginning which of course is absolute nonsense.

Let me guess, your little cabal group were the ones responsible for the stupid governor of Missouri putting the police in the wrong place the first night? He got a call from that smoke filled basement room in Saudi Arabia that night and told to re-deploy the troops to the county courthouse rather than the Ferguson neighborhood where all the trouble hit. The cabal knew blacks would destroy and loot their own neighborhood  because they already had agents in place to lead the crowd on. In fact, Darren Wilson the cop who shot M. Brown was on their payroll and did his job well. They did all this because even more government assistance would be needed after they burned local businesses which is part of the overall plan to enslave blacks even further until they are needed when the time comes....  (cue the devious laughter.....)

Geez.....That a leftist political commie organization bent on destroying historical American gets funding from Soros is no surprise anymore than a right leaning organization probably gets funding from Koch. I told you more than once, you want to find out what's going on, join Twitter and follow it.  

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/24/15 at 12:20:45

I give. You can belittle me and pronounce how I'm always wrong about the things I've said, ignore what you want. Others here see. Eventually, you'll see,too.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by pgambr on 05/26/15 at 10:15:15

They were supposed to get paid $5K a month to protest.  Not to bad for holding up a sign and burning down an occasional building.

Yep, guess who was supposed to foot the bill.  That's right, the champion of the left - Soros.

Best regards,

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/15 at 11:36:36

Knowing what was done, isn't WHY still a question?

What DO we know?

The Cops FACE was broken.  Videp PROVING the Gentle Giant was not surrendering Existed. Information that would PROVE the cop did what needed done was SUPPRESSED.
THE Media did their best, just like the Trayvon Martin thing, to keep people riled up.

The need for a societal problem big enough to justify declaring martial law....

If they allow the economy to Be that reason, then they know the people will come for them.
They NEED a huge problem to respond to,, and blow the dust off all those MRAPS,  
The media is just one more tool for the criminals running this show.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 11:45:37

Martial law has yet to be declared and won't be.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by pgambr on 05/26/15 at 12:04:59

556760717667704F637069020 wrote:
Martial law has yet to be declared and won't be.

Why did they repeal the Posse Comitatus Act?

Best regards,

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/15 at 12:27:33

Wheww, I feel better now... id feel even better still if preparations for just that had not been being made and laws to make it impossible to undo for a minimum of six months.
And while they haven't Declared martial law, they HAVE been slowly implementing elements of it. Note the change in society, how cops are more and more militaristic,
No refusal DWI screening.. Really? Where is the
You may suspend the rights of the people occasionally
In the Constitution?
For those who don't remember the freedoms we had in the sixties, good.
For those who remember, but Understand that due to Actions of Bad People
we Must give up some freedoms., understand this,nobody would agree to give up freedom unless THEY felt it was reasonable. No tyranny grows without the freedoms taken away are taken
By Necessity
For the Good of Society.

If there was a difference in policy when the voters change the government power structure,I might believe that they were actually the policy makers.
We've been warned and told about a dark power running things.
Just LOOK at every trade agreement. Every one of them is a screwing for US.
And wait for the TPP. Mr.Transparency won't make it public and the few who can see it can't talk about it or take notes.

I don't care if you are bub or dem, THAT otta worry you.

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by oldNslow on 05/26/15 at 13:00:27

Why did they repeal the Posse Comitatus Act?

They didn't actually repeal it.They just kind of did an end-around in the National Defense Authorization Act in (I think) 2012. But that was mostly to authorize the indefinite detention of American citizens, on American soil, in the event that the powers that be determine said citizens are possible or actual terrorist threats. The question of using the military for domestic police purposes wasn't directly addressed.

But that part doesn't really matter anyway. Presidents at least since Lincoln have assumed that they had the executive power to use the armed forces for anything they  darn well pleased, even inside the country.  Remember the NYC draft riots during the Civil War? Most presidents have been pretty circumspect about using that power, but that can, and I for one, believe will, change as we stumble our way toward becoming a totalitarian state.

Nobody' going to declare anything. They'll just issue the orders. And the military commanders will, for the most part obey. I'd like to think that the rank and file, at least a lot of them, might not. But I'm not real optimistic about that either.

Who is going to stop them ? You? Me? Our eunuch filled congress? The Supreme Court?
Good luck with that!

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 13:05:54

Jog; you said martial law was going to be declared. You said I should listen to you because you know things I don't.
Martial law has not been declared so tell me again why I should listen to you when you tell me 9/11 was inside job, etc....?

Title: Re: uh huhh,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/15 at 18:15:27

Don't listen to me. Look around.
And if you can see all the architect s and engineers and pilots and not realize that by standing up and going against the
Ofishyal stories
They are risking their business and tie it all together for yourself, I don't have what it takes.
Heck, asymmetrical damage,symmetrical collapse, and building seven wasn't even hit.
And how quickly were people on site,gathering up security camera footage from every camera aimed at the Pentagon? Gee, almost like someone had it planned.
The evidence is there,for anyone who has the guts to admit the obvious. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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