General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Texas cartoons

Message started by WebsterMark on 05/10/15 at 06:19:17

Title: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/10/15 at 06:19:17

Funny stuff. My vote for the winner would have been the spearms swimming to the egg.....

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/15 at 08:40:10

I agree she has rights, and no one has the right to react violently to speech.
I also believe she or her supporters/handler s Wanted to provoke.
I have no problem with thumbing a nose at certain people, but lets be hojest about it. Okay?
Do some digging into her, this isnt the first time her name shows .
I wish I could just SEE into the lives of the people I suspect are showing people one thing , pretending to believe and care, when , in reality, they had a complete and opposite agenda.
Fat Al Gore , for instance, Screaming about carbon footprints, owns N oil company, flies private jet, owns mansions, some of which will be underwaterIF his fear mongering is correct.

I'm calling him a liar, who I also believe Actually won telection the Supreme Courtt stopped the recount on. Either way, they shoulda stayed out of it.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/10/15 at 09:01:05

I disagree about the 2000 election
the strategy there was 'we'll keep recounting until we win'
and in point of fact hand counts are less accurate than machine counts
Also, at least one on the folks doing the hand counts was busted counting Bush votes as Gore votes, (and was not disqualified, as they should have been) which is one reason why we use machines to begin with
And the whole mess was stirred up by the democratic party, calling old folks and telling them 'do you know you might have voted for the wrong guy?'
People are very susceptible to suggestion, after the fact, especially old folks, as any police officer who has been involved in questioning folks after an event will tell you
the whole thing had devolved into a caricature of an election

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/15 at 15:47:10

When people do the counting there are monitors watching.

counting machines are sweeping the country. But they can be hacked ...
Who's Counting: Hacking Diebold Voting Machines - ABC News
Oct 01, 2006 · Elections and electronic voting machines invite consideration of the following thought experiment. You go to your local voting station, walk into the booth ...
Hacking Democracy - Official Website and DVD
Hacking Democracy - The HBO ... Electronic voting machines count approximately 90% of America's votes in county, ... conducted on the vote counting computers. ...
Hacking voting machines: Easier than ever imagined — RT USA
Nov 06, 2012 · Hacking voting machines: Easier than ever imagined. ... This means the vote-counting firmware can be removed and replace with fraudulent firmware. ...
Hacking the Machines - Center for Hand-Counted Paper Ballots
Bev Harris calls out names of some transnational corporations counting ... Computer scientists demonstrated that criminals could hack an electronic voting machine and ...
Hacking Democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hacking Democracy is a 2006 documentary film broadcast on HBO and created by producer Robert Carrillo Cohen, producer / directors Russell Michaels and Simon Ardizzone ...
Demonstrated flaws · Reaction · DVD release
Cracking Democracy – Hacking Electronic Voting Machines ...
The VAT recommends that elections workers who work with the machines and vote counting receive ... Chinese Computers Also Discovered to Have Been Hacking D.C ...
Historical Timeline - Voting Machines -
The votes are then tabulated by a computerized counting machine. ... 2011 - Security Experts Hack Voting Machines by Remote Control
Hacking electronic voting machines | Computerworld › Technology Law & Regulation
Hacking electronic voting machines. ... One hack requires physical access to a vote-counting machine, ... If it's easy to hack into an electronic voting machine, ...
Black Box Voting, founded in 2004, is ... We became known for our groundbreaking work on electronic voting machines, ... poll lists,vote counting and chain of custody
Related searches for hacking vote counting machines
Money Counting Mac…

We haven't had an honest election in decades.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/11/15 at 06:05:44

How the hell did a post about cartoons get turned into yet another JOG conspiracy theory discussion...... jog you are truly without equal! Amazing!

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 05/11/15 at 07:42:48

726D6B6C71764777477F6D612A180 wrote:
I agree she has rights, and no one has the right to react violently to speech.
I also believe she or her supporters/handler s Wanted to provoke.
I have no problem with thumbing a nose at certain people, but lets be hojest about it. Okay?
Do some digging into her, this isnt the first time her name shows .
I wish I could just SEE into the lives of the people I suspect are showing people one thing , pretending to believe and care, when , in reality, they had a complete and opposite agenda.
Fat Al Gore , for instance, Screaming about carbon footprints, owns N oil company, flies private jet, owns mansions, some of which will be underwaterIF his fear mongering is correct.

I'm calling him a liar, who I also believe Actually won telection the Supreme Courtt stopped the recount on. Either way, they shoulda stayed out of it.

Let's keep the discussion in context and forget Al Gore.

The woman is clearly and blatantly trying to raise a bar brawl, and given the two deaths, she was (sadly) successful.

It's like blaming the fish for biting onto the baited hook...

Tell me, gentlemen, is there no "higher authority" who, for reasons of public interest (i.e. avoinding a potential riot or mad max events) can actually prevent such an event ?

I mean... if someone wanted to produce a picture show on slavery and only showed pictures which humiliate one ethnicity v. another, wouldn't the "racism" card be brought up?

Why not this time ?  :-?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/11/15 at 07:55:19

Web, I replied to

I disagree about the 2000 election
the strategy there was 'we'll keep recounting until we win'
and in point of fact hand counts are less accurate than machine counts.

When , ahhh, phhht, not typin it.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/11/15 at 10:56:28

Let's keep the discussion in context and forget Al Gore.

The woman is clearly and blatantly trying to raise a bar brawl, and given the two deaths, she was (sadly) successful.

It's like blaming the fish for biting onto the baited hook...

Tell me, gentlemen, is there no "higher authority" who, for reasons of public interest (i.e. avoinding a potential riot or mad max events) can actually prevent such an event ?

I mean... if someone wanted to produce a picture show on slavery and only showed pictures which humiliate one ethnicity v. another, wouldn't the "racism" card be brought up?

Why not this time ?  Huh

For your answer, I'll ask a question for you and others...

A couple of lesbians who were planning on getting married, looked around for a Christian baker who they knew would refuse to bake them a wedding cake on religious grounds. And when the baker refused, they sued and the baker is going to struggle to remain in business now.
Here's the question; if the Christian baker had instead grabbed a gun and tried to kill the lesbians, would you say the lesbians had it coming there should be a 'higher authority' who could have stopped the lesbians from purposely antagonizing the Christian baker?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/11/15 at 11:24:31

I'm with you WM.   If someone goes out intentionally looking for trouble, why blame the party who whoops their butt ????   As I told my kids, if you go out looking for grief, don't look for sympathy when you find it....  

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/11/15 at 11:42:29

just to be clear, the organizer of the cartoon event, is absolutely not whining about getting attacked. I'm sure she intended or thought the likelihood of an attack happening was equal to the two lesbians who wanted the baker to say no.

by the way, as side note, the lesbians choose their target well. Had they asked a Muslim baker and he said no, there's no way they would have sued. Why?
Two reasons. 1) they would be afraid of getting killed. See Charlie Hebdo if you're not sure about that, but more importantly 2) they knew the media would joyfully join the fun and make the baker out to be a horrible, narrow minded crud. Never mind that a narrow Muslim fanatic might have shot them as revenge .

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/11/15 at 17:42:23

How good lookin can a girl be before its her fault she got raped?
I remember Jesus on the cross upsiide down in a jar of piss. It was called art.
Did she intentionally try to provoke a response? I think so.
Yet, in America, First Amendment protects her the same way the Jesus/piss ARTIST was protected.
If I oFfend  I expect you to say something, not try to kill me.
She's a jakass. They are criminals.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by LostArtist on 05/11/15 at 19:59:41

736C6A6D70774676467E6C602B190 wrote:
How good lookin can a girl be before its her fault she got raped?
I remember Jesus on the cross upsiide down in a jar of piss. It was called art.
Did she intentionally try to provoke a response? I think so.
Yet, in America, First Amendment protects her the same way the Jesus/piss ARTIST was protected.
If I oFfend  I expect you to say something, not try to kill me.
She's a jakass. They are criminals.

no, you remember a crucifix upside down in a jar of piss.

but your point is fair.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/11/15 at 20:34:48

I question the need for the whole thing. I feel that the organizer has some sort of personal agenda that smacks of "the politics of fear", where You create a fear of something (group, religion, or politic) and then promise the fearful that you will protect them. (Remember the McCarthy era?)
What angers me the most about this "incident" is that with armed security and a SWAT team the event has the slight odor of a "sting" operation. The attack appears almost ad hoc. If the attack had been better planned and organized one or more attackers could have gotten inside resulting in numerous casualties.  I seriously doubt that the organizer would have regretted such "collateral damage"...  

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 05/12/15 at 00:59:56

784A4D5C5B4A5D624E5D442F0 wrote:
Let's keep the discussion in context and forget Al Gore.

The woman is clearly and blatantly trying to raise a bar brawl, and given the two deaths, she was (sadly) successful.

It's like blaming the fish for biting onto the baited hook...

Tell me, gentlemen, is there no "higher authority" who, for reasons of public interest (i.e. avoinding a potential riot or mad max events) can actually prevent such an event ?

I mean... if someone wanted to produce a picture show on slavery and only showed pictures which humiliate one ethnicity v. another, wouldn't the "racism" card be brought up?

Why not this time ?  Huh

For your answer, I'll ask a question for you and others...

A couple of lesbians who were planning on getting married, looked around for a Christian baker who they knew would refuse to bake them a wedding cake on religious grounds. And when the baker refused, they sued and the baker is going to struggle to remain in business now.Here's the question; if the Christian baker had instead grabbed a gun and tried to kill the lesbians, would you say the lesbians had it coming there should be a 'higher authority' who could have stopped the lesbians from purposely antagonizing the Christian baker?

Talk about "Dumb and Dumber"...  :P

If the two dykes wanted to get married, and wanted a wedding cake, they should have asked someone who was happy to bake one for them.

Instead, they went directly to the one bakery which they knew well in advance was going to refuse their order.

So :
1) The baker was in his own Constitutional right to refuse to do something against his sense of ethics and the teachings of his own Religion, but
2) The Judge in Court was dumb enough not to realize that "In God We Trust" does not apply to the pretty little nickel alone, but to the very existence of the United States of America.

And, let's make it clear... "Dumb and Dumber" is not referred to the baker, but to the one individual who is defending someone in ill faith against someone in good faith.

Is there not any application nor defense for "good common sense" any more ?   :-/


Have the good ol' USA I once knew changed to the point your own grandfathers disclaim the apparent application aof ethics these days ?


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by pgambr on 05/12/15 at 05:29:10

Have the good ol' USA I once knew changed to the point your own grandfathers disclaim the apparent application aof ethics these days ?

Unfortunately, you are correct.  This is another example of the degradation of the American society.  They also won a law suit for $135K for emotional damage or hardship.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Paraquat on 05/12/15 at 06:10:20

Probably covers the wedding.
Who's the dumb one?


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/12/15 at 06:55:17

I question the need for the whole thing. I feel that the organizer has some sort of personal agenda that smacks of "the politics of fear", where You create a fear of something (group, religion, or politic) and then promise the fearful that you will protect them. (Remember the McCarthy era?)
What angers me the most about this "incident" is that with armed security and a SWAT team the event has the slight odor of a "sting" operation. The attack appears almost ad hoc. If the attack had been better planned and organized one or more attackers could have gotten inside resulting in numerous casualties.  I seriously doubt that the organizer would have regretted such "collateral damage"...  

Mpes: Is there not any application nor defense for "good common sense" any more ?    

What’s happened Mpes, is demonstrated by the comments from old.indian above. (McCarthy? Really?)

I suspect old.indian would have a vastly different point of view if Christians decided to start shooting up San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair with their decidedly anti-Christian floats and acts. Would you call the parade a “sting”? Are the organizers and participants purposely targeting Christians just praying (sorry for that…) for ‘collateral damage’? Would you demand the parade organizers stop in the name of intolerance?

Pam Geller has been making this point for years which is that Muslims use violence and intimidation to enforce their religious views on every nation they immigrate into. Once the % of the population begins to reach a certain point, the identity of that nation changes. If you doubt that, read up on Europe’s troubles. I'll give you a few neighborhoods in Paris I want you to walk into wearing your favorite Budweiser T-shirt or showing a Cross necklace.

So pat yourself on the back while you can old.indian for taking a courageous stand against intolerance and telling Pam Geller her skirt was too short! She got what she deserved, right?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/12/15 at 09:21:45

There is a HUGE difference between the vast majority of Muslims and extremist fundamentalist  fanatics that are muslim. A HUGE difference.

There is a HUGE difference between Christians and Christian fundamentalist/extremists.

It is a HUGE mistake to ignore this.

Also, as a British "W.A.S.P." with a wealth of experience living in places/countries where Christians/jews/muslims/hindus/sikhs all get on with their daily lives as normal, integrated and happy as a community, I feel that the hysteria over Islamic belief and influence is ridiculous and basically ignorant.

This is an interesting link, which speaks for itself:

Interesting to note that the guy repeatedly avoids naming his sources  ;)

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/12/15 at 09:27:01

My, My.. Am I tolerant ? I was taught to judge a person by who they are, NOT what they are, so perhaps I am guilty of such. I will admit to having a total lack of tolerance or respect for either bullies, or fear mongers.  
I would point out that most religions have a history of forcing their beliefs and culture upon others. Including the Christian religion as well as it's different sects upon one another.    
As far as "Christians" shooting up San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair ??? Maybe in Texas, or Mississippi, But San Francisco ?? (About as likely as a Klan rally in Watts.)  
To put it bluntly, at this point I am less concerned with any personal danger of my life or liberty from Muslim terrorist than I am from those groups who would "protect" me from said "terrorist".
  Sorry, but I have no desire to see Paris. My Great uncles were UN-impressed when they were there in 1918 and my Dad and Uncles had a similar reaction in 1944-45....
(P.S. Who the hell is "Pam Geller" ??? )

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/12/15 at 09:30:30

53505812555258555D523C0 wrote:
(P.S. Who the hell is "Pam Geller" ??? )

Wasn't she the Israeli guy who used to bend spoons?  ;D

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/12/15 at 09:54:34

There is a HUGE difference between the vast majority of Muslims and extremist fundamentalist  fanatics that are muslim. A HUGE difference.

There is a HUGE difference between Christians and Christian fundamentalist/extremists.

It is a HUGE mistake to ignore this.

No, it is a HUGE mistake to ignore the vast difference in the number of violent Muslim extremist vs the violent Christian extremist. (or any other religion for that matter)

Also, as a British "W.A.S.P." with a wealth of experience living in places/countries where Christians/jews/muslims/hindus/sikhs all get on with their daily lives as normal, integrated and happy as a community, I feel that the hysteria over Islamic belief and influence is ridiculous and basically ignorant.

Ridiculous and ignorant huh?....Tell that to the Boston bombing victims, the 9/11 victims, the Ft.Hood shooting victims, the MD sniper victims. Lets see…, how about we go across the Pond. Tell that to the London tube victims, the Charlie Hebdo victims, the Sydney victims, the shopping mall victimsin Nairobi, the victims of the college attack in Nigeria, the victims in the hotel in Mumbai,……

Honestly, I could go on and on and on and on and on and on.... but I wouldn’t want to sound basically ignorant or be accused of fanning the flames of hysteria or anything like that…

Really, how do you breath with your head that far down in the sand?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/12/15 at 12:08:28

So which Muslim communities have we all lived in?

My head is so far in the sand that I went to war to bomb Islamic children for control of oil again and again....oh wait, that was God-fearing Bush  :-[

Please note that I didn't call anyone ridiculous or ignorant. I was referring to a belief system that is ignorant and ridiculous, a belief system that is based on media hysteria.

My time spent in the North of Ireland demonstrates, to me at least, that fundamentalist Christians like to blow up shopping centres, shoot unarmed civilians (including kids).

The Christians that wiped out most of the American population weren't even mentioned.

"No, it is a HUGE mistake to ignore the vast difference in the number of violent Muslim extremist vs the violent Christian extremist." (Italics mine)

The number in this case (or rather the amount) is something that is media-generated by the Western arms-dealing 'leaders' and fed to us.

Islam is no more violent as a religion than Christianity is, in my opinion. But us Westerners are taught differently, and largely believe what they are taught, rather than experiencing it for themselves. That is a HUGE mistake.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/12/15 at 12:40:34

Here's another way to look at the "Islam is really violent" question.

Add up all those involved in the "atrocities-in-the-name-of-Allah" that were mentioned in the post by WM. Add loads more for all the other atrocities. We can only ever guess, but think of a number.

Then divide it by 2.08 BILLION*, and that gives you an idea of the percentage of Muslims that are violent.

Now count the innocent victims of 'Biker-violence', those caught in the cross-fire, or have been 'stomped' by 'back-patch clubs, been run over by a speeding/drunk bike-rider, etc.
Divide that by how many people regularly ride or own motorbikes.

As a percentage, I would suggest that this would infer that bikers are a greater threat to us all than Muslims are.

I hope this makes sense (even if I have a mouthful of sand)

Hovis  ;)

*Taken from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2014.


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/12/15 at 17:07:09

The point Hovis is that whatever that percentage is, it's multiple times larger than the next closest one.

...and drunk drivers aren't murdering people in an attempt to get their way.

Man, your working really hard coming up with silly analogies to justify your head in the sand.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/12/15 at 17:13:24

Islam is no more violent as a religion than Christianity is, in my opinion. But us Westerners are taught differently, and largely believe what they are taught, rather than experiencing it for themselves. That is a HUGE mistake.

Your opinion is demonstratively wrong and not just a little wrong either.  saying 2 + 3 = 4 doesn't make it so no matter how strongly you believe the falsehood.


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/12/15 at 18:15:05

I'll chime in here again
You CANNOT put the blame on the intended victim here. They didn't try to shoot anyone, they made a statement someone did't like, and THEY tried to kill them

this is no different from blaming the girl for being raped, no diferent from blaming the mugged for the mugging

There is NO circumstance in which offending someone is justification for violence and killing

was what she did dumb? either that or deliberately provocative. Do I care? No

she responded to a Muslim tolerance conference where the basic message is 'don't talk about Islamic extremism, it offends us Muslims
aren't non extreme Muslims constantly telling us they aren't extremists? then why is discussion of Islamic extremism offensive? And why doe so many Muslims call American Sniper 'racist' Muslims are not all one race
you can talk smack about westside Baptist church from dawn to dusk (and, btw, they won't try to kill you for it) and I won't be offended, their views don't reflect mine
Oh, and there is no constitutional right to not be offended, folks need to realize that

Fish aren't possessed of reason, humans, even extremists, are, and are responsible for their own action, period

No one but the attackers are responsible for this attack, period, they had the capacity to use that wonderful human capacity for reasoning, and chose to attack this event
It's not just Geller, either, there were other participants
Abrogating free speech is abrogating freedom, and saying 'she deserved it' is wrong

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/12/15 at 19:10:26

My opinion isn't "wrong" because some people might disagree with it  ;D

A "fact" can be wrong (if it is empirically proved to be) but an "opinion" is just that. An opinion.

An opinion can 'carry weight' however, if it is based on a wide and varied unbiased experience on the subject.

If my opinion is "demonstratively wrong and not just a little wrong", to quote you, Mark, then with respect, please tell us why that is so..... ie. some "demonstrative proof"(as you say) of the falsehood of my strongly-held belief.
Can anyone explain to me how most of the population of America was slaughtered/enslaved/starved by God-fearing Christians because that population were thought to be "savages"? (pun almost intended)
On a different note, I used the analogy of drunk-drivers for two reasons.
Firstly, alcohol impairs normal brain function, and leads to irrational behaviour.
Secondly, a vehicle in the wrong hands is a potential deadly weapon, whether the rider uses it intentionally or not.
Put the two together and we have someone 'off their head' with a weapon who is likely to kill both themselves and others around them.
Wait a minute.....that sounds a lot like one of those Islamic suicide bombers.


Quote: "The point Hovis is that whatever that percentage is, it's multiple times larger than the next closest one."

If muslims pose a terrorist threat, and with 2.08 BILLION people being Muslim, and there are 7 billion people on the planet, then OMG!!! (or OMA!!! should I say).
Sleep safely tonight with the thought that:
Statistically if 7 people are in a room, then two of them will cut the heads-off/blow-up the other five people in the name of Allah.

OR they won't .... it might be that you are slightly off the mark when it comes to stereo-typing other people whose religion you don't understand.

You decide  ;D

In addition, "your (sic) working really hard" doesn't emphasize the pleasure (and perhaps, duty) I feel in presenting an alternative view on the 'muslims-are-terrorists' subject.


As to the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, which this thread started out with, I like the Charles Manson one best  ;)  

Edit: sorry Art, you posted whilst I was still writing this

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 05/13/15 at 05:53:46

Why is it that I find myself inheremtly in full accord with Hovis Presley?

Maybe because, like him, I am European?

Maybe because, like him, I can walk past 1000 y.o. artefacts while commuting to work or school,
which reminds me of the RESPOSNIBILITY of NOT carpet bombing ANYONE on the assumed pretense that "WE ARE RIGHT, YOU ARE WRONG"?

Maybe because since the fall of the Roman Empire, there have been so many wars, essentially for reasons eerily clad on religious fanatism, that we have had enough ?


I had composed a long rant aimed at Webstermark, then got called elsewhere, and by the time I returned, I realized I was ranting at the right person but with the wrong arguments, so here I go again..

Suffice it to say, you, my dear, both as an individual and as a nation (don't anybody take offence by this) are too Young to have a "European-wise historical memory".

While many cities in Europe still bear the scars of the religious wars between Christians and other Christians, on the grounds that "Jesus loves me more than he loves you!"
while the greatest "inconvenience" you suffered was the Civil War, 1861-1865.
After said date, all other conflicts in which the US were involved, bar none, were on foreign territory, across the oceans.

I would also like to point out that the two "fiends of the world", Iran and Iraq, once were prime allies and best friends with the USA, until world events decided they were not so friends anymore...
- Iran was the US's prime ally, outside NATO, to "curb Soviet expansionism" (look at a map from the 1970's, the US had the USSR virtually surrounded from Iceland to Thailand and the Philippines, across no less than three oceans!)
- once (vastly) corrupt Iran fell to the hands of Islamic fundamentalism with Imam Khomeini, Egypt and Iraq were courted away from the "fiendish grasp" of theUSSR and suddenly became "the West's only hope".
See what happened to them...  :P

- I dare NOT think what could happen to Turkey... Your current powerful ally to curb Islamic terrorism... oh, wait, don't they have the Islamic Party in power and sistematically winning elections ?

- I already know what is happening to Pakistan... your nuclear friend to ward you against Indian expansionism...
;D ;D ;D
Really, WebsterMark, you ought to drop your newspapers and study some contemporary history...

Who knows, you might learn a thing or two...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/13/15 at 08:58:14

Interesting ... An Englishman, a German, and a Shawnee (Native American) making the point that just because a person is of a different religion does not make either them nor that religion inherently evil.
When I speak of the "politics of fear" and what can happen, I note 1942 and the "relocation" of Japanese-Americans on the West Coast to "camps" inland. Or you can read the history of the "relocation" of different Native American tribes to various reservations.      
The "politics of fear" as fed by fear mongers and false information has lead to many evils, the KKK and "Jim Crow Laws", Wounded Knee, and Sand Creek, WW2 "Relocation Camps" to "WMD" and Iraq...
 My greatest fear is that this present situation of anti-Muslim feeling will result in a pogrom of Muslims in some parts of this country. And that is the ultimate evil to the America I was brought up in.
USMC (MOS=0311)


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/13/15 at 09:56:43

Politics of fear.....

How many people are aware that the US Department of Defense proposed to commit acts of terrorism against US civilians on US soil and then blame this terrorism on other countries? (With the aim of then invading the other countries)?

These proposals have since been published by the National Security Archive in their complete form in 2001, and are available to the public.

If anyone is interested, Google 'Operation Northwoods'.

So it is clear that the technique of 'sh*t-stirring' to create an enemy to then go and invade them is nothing new  :(

Britain has done very similar things. No country is 'clean'.


Geographically speaking, if I were to travel to (purely for example) visit 'mpescatori', that 1000 mile journey would involve me riding through 7 or 8 different countries, different languages, different cultures, which can only serve to broaden the mind.

Europe (internally) did have a horrific war, ethnic-cleansing, etc as recently as the early 1990's. The Balkans.
I personally was in ex-Yugoslavia at the time (and not connected with either the military or the media).
And would you believe it, it was Christians beating the sh*t out of their neighbouring Muslim countries. (although it is never that simple, of course).

Anyway, @old.indian, who was the German that you were referring to?

PS. Just a thought, but are some middle-eastern Muslim countries also HUGE producers of oil?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/15 at 09:58:31

Do you three all work for the Obama administration or something? It's no skin off my nose if you three are all so emasculated you can't even see what's right in front of your face. Political correctness knows no borders I guess.

Yes, I guess I better read up on European history because it's disappearing quickly. You better brush up on your praise Allah speech Mpes.

Every major armed conflict going on in the world today that I can think of has Islamic fundamentalism at its heart. If you can't see the common denominator then I guess I can't help you.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/13/15 at 10:06:58

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
Do you three all work for the Obama administration or something? It's no skin off my nose if you three are all so emasculated you can't even see what's right in front of your face. Political correctness knows no borders I guess.

Yes, I guess I better read up on European history because it's disappearing quickly. You better brush up on your praise Allah speech Mpes.

Every major armed conflict going on in the world today that I can think of has Islamic fundamentalism at its heart. If you can't see the common denominator then I guess I can't help you.

Do you three all work for the Obama administration or something? It's no skin off my nose if you three are all so emasculated you can't even see what's right in front of your face. Political correctness knows no borders I guess.

And just when I started thinking you'd changed.

How you can say that based on the recent posts escapes me.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/13/15 at 10:08:58

053730212637201F332039520 wrote:
Every major armed conflict going on in the world today that I can think of has Islamic fundamentalism at its heart. If you can't see the common denominator then I guess I can't help you.

I can't see the common denominator when a superpower (Russia) is presently at 'war' with Ukraine? The passenger airliner that was shot down over Ukraine was just the beginning. Who are the Islamic fundamentalists here? The Russians or the Ukrainians? I guess you can help me.  ;)

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/15 at 10:24:43

That's one conflict versus what? A couple of dozen? I don't even know why you three are arguing this. Islamic terrorism is a real issue in the world today. How can you deny that?
And what good does it do to go back to the US Calvary and American Indians or the troubles in Ireland? That's laughable.

My guess is somewhere today or the next day, a bomb will be set off by a Muslim radical. Some gay guy will be thrown off the top of the building. Some woman accused of adultery will be stoned to death.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/15 at 10:42:40

Well that didn't take long:
KARACHI (Staff Report) – At least 45 people were killed and 11 people were injured in an attack on a bus carrying members of Ismaili community near Safoora Chowrangi in Gulistan-e-Jauhar area of Karachi.

I googled around but I could not find anywhere where a group of Christians killed another group of Christians today or a group of Mormons killed another group of Mormons or a group of atheist killed another group of atheist, you get the picture....

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/13/15 at 10:54:17

Ismaili community are muslims, you have nothing to fear.....

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/13/15 at 10:57:36

My apologies to Mpes.. Evidently my morning coffee hadn't kicked in yet, or I wouldn't have read "Germany" instead of "Italy".... Hay.. I'm just a pore old dumb injun.. All you palefaces look alike to me......    "Emasculated"??? Naw..  Charlie and the NVA dinged me in the right leg and the left side.. The plumbing fixtures are still intact.. ( :'(Sorry to disappoint you. :'()

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/15 at 11:24:57

72554C53496A485F49565F433A0 wrote:
Ismaili community are muslims, you have nothing to fear.....

Is that a joke?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/15 at 11:26:31

6B68602A6D6A606D656A040 wrote:
My apologies to Mpes.. Evidently my morning coffee hadn't kicked in yet, or I wouldn't have read "Germany" instead of "Italy".... Hay.. I'm just a pore old dumb injun.. All you palefaces look alike to me......    "Emasculated"??? Naw..  Charlie and the NVA dinged me in the right leg and the left side.. The plumbing fixtures are still intact.. ( :'(Sorry to disappoint you. :'()

I thank you for your service and you're clearly a brave Man, but my point still stands. Why you're turning a blind eye to all this is beyond me.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/15 at 11:28:24

not for the first time (or the last I'm sure) but I've got no idea what your point is JOG.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/13/15 at 15:40:18

How you can say that based on the recent posts escapes me

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/15 at 15:41:52

say what?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/13/15 at 15:46:36

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
[quote author=112324353223340B27342D460 link=1431263957/30#30 date=1431536311]Do you three all work for the Obama administration or something? It's no skin off my nose if you three are all so emasculated you can't even see what's right in front of your face. Political correctness knows no borders I guess.

Yes, I guess I better read up on European history because it's disappearing quickly. You better brush up on your praise Allah speech Mpes.

Every major armed conflict going on in the world today that I can think of has Islamic fundamentalism at its heart. If you can't see the common denominator then I guess I can't help you.

Do you three all work for the Obama administration or something? It's no skin off my nose if you three are all so emasculated you can't even see what's right in front of your face. Political correctness knows no borders I guess.

And just when I started thinking you'd changed.

How you can say that based on the recent posts escapes me.[/quote]

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/13/15 at 15:52:19

Mark, have you ever actually sat down and had a conversation with a muslim about Islam, or world-affairs? Or indeed anything?

I'm interested to know.

It's either a 'yes' or 'no' answer that I'm looking for.

I, as a "sand-breathing Obama-employed emasculated Savage-rider with a turned-blind-eye", feel this question needs to be answered, and I eagerly await your response.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/13/15 at 20:12:59

Throughout time, their have always been,  ‘extremists’,
associated with, any religion, or political group, or group of like ethnic people.
(Always have been, always will be)
The Very vast majority of Christians, are Christians,
but a very few are ‘Knights Templar”.
The Very vast majority of Mormons are, Mormons,
but very few are, ‘Avenging Angles”.
(And so on and So on, with any, ‘group’.)

The big problem, is, ‘LETTING” the ‘extremists’, of any group,
do what they want !

It is because of the, (new),  “PC’,  it is  KRAP !

A, ‘extreme’, group, beheads a person, and puts it on the internet.
The, “PC”, people, all wring their hands, say things.
But that is ALL, they do.

Solution? Round up a dozen of them, and, BEHEAD THEM,
and put it on the internet.
I think it would, STOP, rather quickly !

Their is a reason, the Colt Model ‘P’,
(Colt Single action pat in 1871)
Was nicknamed the,   “Peace Maker”.

Years ago, their were towns, that were basically, lawless.
The Horse/Cattle Thieves, did what ever they wanted to do.
Their were also towns, when if one was caught red handed at,
horse/cattle, thieving,  just find the nearest Cottonwood tree!
Can you guess, which towns, the, ’thieves’, avoided?

So hear we are, in the early 2000’s.
And we are,  ’TEACHING’, the, ‘extremists’, they can do what ever they want.
Whether it is;  ‘beheading’, ‘’rioting’, ‘looting’, ’setting fires’, ‘overturning cars’, etc.
Because, all that the Powers to be, do is:  ‘wring hands, and talk’.
(Gotta  be,  P.C. correct)

It is time, to, ’TEACH”,  ( ‘beheading’, ‘’rioting’, ‘looting’, ’setting fires’, ‘overturning cars’, etc.)
is,  NOT, accepted behavior, and   DO  something about it !

Some people on this site, made fun of a person,
who, ‘peppered cars’, who’s driver, ignored a sign.
I call it, ’Teaching’.  

Some people, when someone else, was ‘ON’ their, LS650/S40,
‘Politely’, got on, because they were, AFRAID, of the, ‘ sitters’,
instead of, ’TEACHING’, them.

One can, ’TEACH”,  that a checkout person, or a person behind you,
in a mart-mart, throws a fit, because, ‘bacon’ was laid on the belt.
By, saying:   “Go Somewhere Else”.
Kowtowing, apologizing, being subservient, and bowing to what ever whims.

If that person,( that raised a fit), encounters the kowtowing,
they just, ‘LEARNED’,   what works !!!!
And will do it again, and again, and again, !!!!

So,  what are you going to, ’teach’ ?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/15 at 05:30:52

43647D62785B796E78676E720B0 wrote:
Mark, have you ever actually sat down and had a conversation with a muslim about Islam, or world-affairs? Or indeed anything?

I'm interested to know.

It's either a 'yes' or 'no' answer that I'm looking for.

I, as a "sand-breathing Obama-employed emasculated Savage-rider with a turned-blind-eye", feel this question needs to be answered, and I eagerly await your response.

Short answer: yes

Longer answer: I work for a global company and travel to Europe & Asia now and then. Going to Brazil later this summer. Never been to South America so that will be interesting.  I talk a couple times a week to my counterpart in France who handles Europe, I handle North America. I just spend a week in Boise, ID and the following week in Baltimore with a chap from London who is living in the US now. With the elections coming up, we had quite a few conversations about Great Britain and what the outcome might be. (he was mostly right by the way) My company is in 50+ countries and we have frequent meetings that bring in many from around the world so I've met and spoken to several colleagues who are Muslims. Everyone knows my interest in politics and religion so it's a frequent topic.

But just like here in the US, the people I deal with internationally have the type of personality that leads them into this business. It's a story but my company's products are the leading technical products in our industry. We sell on long term value, not short term cheap price. So those of us who succeed have a broad mindset because without that, you'll fail. We've seen it time and time again. Narrow-minded people fail in our business.  Conservatives have a much broader viewpoint of the world than liberals.

Most of my day to day contacts are plant engineers, plant managers, maintenance managers and maintenance workers in large industrial facilities across the US. 95% or higher of these people are Republican conservatives. It's very rare to find a liberal holding one of these positions. In fact, it's almost always assumed you are conservative in nature and when someone slips and reveals he's liberal, it turns awkward.  I would imagine it's the same as being college professor or high school teacher where it's assumed you are liberal in nature. Reveal the fact you have conservative leanings, and you're shunned.

I think you've formed some type of opinion about me based on the fact I have a different view than you.

So, that's a long way around to say the Muslims I deal with are more broad minded than the Muslim-fascist pigs who slaughter people or the cowardly Muslim moderates who silently agree to the slaughter. The people I deal with are neither, they are embarrassed by what's happening. But to be fair, Islam is not as important to them, it doesn't rule their life.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/14/15 at 17:47:30

Let’s see.
To girls want to get married.
WHO CARES.   It’s, THEIR,  Decision.

 Now, those two girls, (or boys),  seek out,
yes, SEEK OUT, someone, who they, KNOW,
(Do to the religious belief of that person)
would not be willing to bake them a cake.
for the PURPOSE, of  SUING THEM.
And they, Win.  ???

Does that mean, I can walk into a certain store,
Owned by a certain person/s, who follows a certain religious belief,
And they do not have, or will sell me,  “Bacon”,
 I Can  SUE  Them,  and  WIN  ?????

Ah, freedom of 'religion'.

Guess, some, are more, 'free', than others !

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/14/15 at 17:59:42

Again, it’s Clear.

Do something;
(Beheading, Rioting, Looting, Suing, etc.)
And get the, ‘reaction’,  
  (Which is  NOTHING, or in your favor,
and NO, repercussion for those actions)

You just, ’taught’, that person,

Kid in the store:
 “I want Candy, I want Candy, I want Candy”
And Mom, gives him/her, Candy.

Gee, what do you think he/she, will do the next time their in the store?

What happens in the next Beheading, Riot, Looting, Suing, ???

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/15 at 18:19:08

4F6C5172706B6C65020 wrote:
Let’s see.
To girls want to get married.
WHO CARES.   It’s, THEIR,  Decision.

 Now, those two girls, (or boys),  seek out,
yes, SEEK OUT, someone, who they, KNOW,
(Do to the religious belief of that person)
would not be willing to bake them a cake.
for the PURPOSE, of  SUING THEM.
And they, Win.  ???

Does that mean, I can walk into a certain store,
Owned by a certain person/s, who follows a certain religious belief,
And they do not have, or will sell me,  “Bacon”,
 I Can  SUE  Them,  and  WIN  ?????

Ah, freedom of 'religion'.

Guess, some, are more, 'free', than others !

No, you can't sue them. Try and see what happens.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/14/15 at 18:24:48

To MnSpring Re: suing
Why not.. If a some one can order a cup of coffee at the drive through, spill it on themselves, sue the café and win big $$$ because "the container had NO warning label that the contents were hot"... Why shouldn't you be able to sue a Jewish Kosher deli because they won't make you a BLT ?????  Hay... if Bush and Cheney can find a couple of "attorneys" who will say that "Enhanced Interrogation"  isn't really torture, I'm certain that you should be able to find one (and a Jury)  that will find said deli guilty of "offending" your rights by following their religious teachings......    

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/14/15 at 19:16:46

In  that note.   ‘Old Indian’.

Explain, why,  (Here in Minn), their is a lake.
Which has been known as the, ‘Premier’ Walleye lake in Minn.
for the last 150 years.

Yet 10 + years ago, a local tribe went to the State Representatives,
And said they said a 1858 Treaty was STILL in Force,
and that treaty said, ’they’ could spear/net, 60,000 THOUSAND  Pounds,
of, Walleyes a year. !

Yet in the SAME  Treaty, it said:
“Any 3 Indians together, off the reservation  can be shot on site, because they are a ‘war’ party”
(Which, I agree, is totally ridiculous BY today's standards)

Yet,  the,  Netting is  STILL  in force.  And the State,
reduced the limit, and reduced it more, and this year is  ONE,
(State limit is 6)
Yet the,  “NET”,  Limit, (By Indians), has NOT been Touched ?????
Not, that, that part, of the,  NETTING LIMIT part,
is not just as ridiculous.
Considering the Millfoul and Zebra Mussel invasion?

Cheese and Rice,  who is paying Who. ?????

Or could it be, that the Local Tribe, (Due to their Casinos)
Are BUYING,  Land a record rate, and at a VERY, reduced Price,
(Thus removing that taxed land from the tax pool).
Are they  buying the land, cheep, then when they have enough,
they will stop, netting ?

It’s called,  ‘COMMON SENSE”,

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/14/15 at 19:58:52

“ … Enhanced Interrogation …”

Let’s see.
Your Daughter, is in, (Someplace),
Your are asking the, ‘perp’,  
the PERP, is,  acting smug, and saying,  Gimme, Gimme,
What ya gonna do?
Let your Daughter, DIE, of,cold/starvation/etc. ?
Or,  ‘GIVE’ want he/she wants?

 Or, turn off the TV’s/Audio, shut the Curtains,
and, do, “Enhanced Interrogation”.

Pick one !

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/14/15 at 21:03:08

MnSpring: "Enhanced Interrogation" as officially sanctioned, is counterproductive. A good intelligence interrogator can obtain information by other means.      I came across victims of such methods of "information gathering techniques" during my meanderings in scenic "Eye"Corps during the mid-1960s.  (But I won't go there. Suffice to say it was unpleasant..)

    I have no idea either, what tribe is involved, nor the exact language of the treaty. If you really want, I can put you in touch with a couple of my (1st) cousins who are attorneys specializing in "Treaty Law".  Approach with caution though. They are both rabid feminist who have already run off a couple of husbands.
Discussing the impact of the Government's "guardian ship" of the various tribal groups would take more than site could contain, and best described as "Ethnic Cleansing". (Couldn't even vote until 1924) In the last half century various tribal groups have taken up legal action against the government to recover illegally seized lands and resources.    

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/15 at 21:56:18

Spring, when you're right, you're really right, but when you are off, dude, it's miles. Some of these Terrorists are just kidnapped schmucks,sold to Security.. Anyone really know why we are doing all the stuff we are doing?
Am I really alone in remembering the 80s and the wrongs committed in S. America?
Anyone look over their shoulders and feel all Good about the democracy we've been spreading?
Give me five minutes with you,strapped in a chair and cuffed and I could have you confessing to blowing Flight 800 outta the sky.

You'd confess to killing Kenedy And Lincoln and swear you did them both in the same day. They do Enhanced Interrogation for fun. When you are a captive, just exactly what do you think you wouldn't tell after someone had complete control over your life, food, comfort or Discomfort...

The most I'd need,if I was in a hurry, pliers,,

Those movies, guys strapped in chairs, beaten, blood ,teeth, not telling,  
Those are movies.. I've never known anyone I thought was that tough.
If that guy's in the chair, you've found yourself a tough,mean,determined hombre.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/15/15 at 10:14:08

Any one that tough, mean, and determined is unlikely to find themselves in the chair, as any attemp to capture them will be a blody fight to the death
Just the knowledge that I would likley be tortured by an enemy would make me less likely to surrender, no matter the odds
better a clean (relatively) death than prolonged torture

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/15/15 at 16:05:30

The topic is the value of information obtained by torture And, IMO, the need for such extreme measures, waterboarding, electric shock, stuff like that.
I believe that I could get any information an enemy has without such brutality. But the media, shows like 24, the whole propaganda machine, has been working to get, no, manufacture consent and support, for torture. It's the new Normal, and because they have created the perception that these people are somehow less than human, it's okay.
Remember, nnot all the evils committed and attributed to certain people were really their doing. Think False Flag.
Don't think im foolish enough to not know there really Are bad guys doing bad things, just dont accept that everything is as advertised.
There really has been ideologically and tribal based slaughter,,
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
The globalist s dont Create every problem, but they use them to their advantage when they can. Ever notice how some crises just Stay in the spotlight and others, just as horrific, fade away quickly?
Dont let that pique your curiosity..

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/15/15 at 16:34:11

Just a clarification of my view of:  " ..."Enhanced Interrogation" ...",

And in that view, it would not include,  'water sports'.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/15/15 at 17:12:45

3C3F377D3A3D373A323D530 wrote:
 . . .  If you really want, I can put you in touch with  . . .   

No need,  the people discussed, have already BOUGHT, enough State Reps.
So the, 'vote', will be what ever, those people, want.

I do think it is as iconic as he** through.
Here these ’new’ people come to this continent, in the 1600’s +/-.
Bringing new deceases, and ways of life, and lies.

And they, (in many cases) did,  NOT, (from history books), treat the Native people,
as most were treated by a conquering force.

Many, many, atrocities, have been cited.
One, (Germ Warfare), ‘blankets’, infected with Small-Pox.

But now, a group, (Actually several different ones),
has, ‘Casinos’, and makes a UN HEARD amount of Money.
All Supplied to them, by the group, that has, ’conquered’, them.

In Minn, their is only ONE, Casino, that pays taxes.
The rest, take,  Several BILLIONS, and don’t pay a dime.

So Ironic.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/15/15 at 17:13:46

Anyway,  back to topic.
The Best cartoon, was the the one that Won.

I Do it, because I can !

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 05/18/15 at 02:25:50

5E6C6B7A7D6C7B44687B62090 wrote:
Do you three all work for the Obama administration or something? It's no skin off my nose if you three are all so emasculated you can't even see what's right in front of your face. Political correctness knows no borders I guess.

Yes, I guess I better read up on European history because it's disappearing quickly. You better brush up on your praise Allah speech Mpes.

Every major armed conflict going on in the world today that I can think of has Islamic fundamentalism at its heart. If you can't see the common denominator then I guess I can't help you.

And ...

...for the sake of defending Peace in the World...

a better future for our children...

...America should lead the way...

"Carpet bomb them and convert them to Christianity"

Is THIS what you have in mind, WM ?

As I said, the last war to be waged on American soil... was the Civil War...

Mark my words, what you lack is not the prowess but the patience to sit down and learn from those who have already lived through certain plights...

Else, it might be a Little Big Horn, reversed...

It's no skin off my nose if you  can't even see what's right in front of your face.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/18/15 at 06:21:33

And ...
...for the sake of defending Peace in the World...
a better future for our children...
...America should lead the way...
"Carpet bomb them and convert them to Christianity"
Is THIS what you have in mind, WM ?
As I said, the last war to be waged on American soil... was the Civil War...
Mark my words, what you lack is not the prowess but the patience to sit down and learn from those who have already lived through certain plights...
Else, it might be a Little Big Horn, reversed...
It's no skin off my nose if you  can't even see what's right in front of your face.

If you're using a political commentator's flippant remarks as some kind of retort, then I’m not sure where you’re going with that.

I am sitting down and learning from those who have already lived through certain plights. That’s my point. Why should the USA fall in line behind Europe’s march to oblivion? Italy is part of that.

You’re birth rates are dropping off to almost nothing and it’s just a matter of time until the percentage of Muslims in Italy creeps upwards until you find yourself another Britain, France, Netherlands, etc…. There will be places in Italy in your lifetime that you cannot ride through. Sorry buddy, but based on what’s happening in other European countries, that’s your fate.

Your historical culture will be challenged, but the question is; will Italy have the will to fight it?

*Italy’s birth rate has fallen to its lowest level since the foundation of the modern state in 1861, prompting fresh alarm in a society that has been steadily ageing for decades.

*The number of births per 1,000 people has fallen to just 8.4, down from 38.3 when Italy’s territories and kingdoms were unified a century and a half ago. In Britain and the United States, the figures are 12 and 13 respectively.

*Last year 509,000 babies were born in Italy, 5,000 fewer than in 2013.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 05/19/15 at 04:40:00

And right you are, alas...

You and I can thank Feminism for this.

What does Feminism have to do with this ?  Allow me to explain.

The year is 1950, and we could be in Rome as in Anywhereville, KS.

Jack and Jill are highschool sweethearts, they graduate and find themselves a job.
When Jack's position is secure and looks rosy, Jack and Jill marry, settle down, Jack gets a (small) raise, Jill resigns her job, stays home and becomes a housewife.
They have a family, children grow, go to school etc., but whenever they come home there's Always "Mom" to look after them.

Come the 1970's

Jack Jr and Jill Jr are high School sweethearts, they graduate and find themselves a job.
When Jack's position is secure and looks rosy, Jack and Jill marry, settle down, but Jill wants to be a career woman and continues to work.
Their landlord knows they both work so the rent goes up, to the point they are actually encouraged to consider a mortgage and live in their own house.
Morgages become more and more common, gradually easier to get, ho house prices go up.
Jack Jr and Jill Jr realize they will have to wait 5, 6, maybe more years before they can consider having a family.

Come the year 2000

Jack III and Jill III are high School sweethearts, they graduate and take on a college loan because nobody has any hope to land a decent job without College Education.
However, Jack's position is wobbly because of the volatile market, and Jill finds a better job but needs to relocate.
Eventually, Jack and Jill do marry and settle down, but Jill needs to continue her job to maintain an acceptable lifestyle.
They need to pay the college loan(s) and the mortgage, and overall expenses are such they realize they just can't afford to pay for a nanny or a babysitter,
so having babies is a luxury that will just have to wait...

Meanwhile, old and White-haired Jack and Jill realize they might never get to see their great-grandchildren because life has gotten so very expensive...


Rewind to the 1970's...

The Flowerpower Revolution never really caught on, and ladies are quite happy to be treated as ladies,
and in the family everyone has their place and knows their place, and the family lives quite decently on Dad's income alone.

Unemployment is low because, short of nurses and schools, there are precious few jobs aimed at the female population, but then, who wants to waste their time
commuting on crowded trains or on congested freeways when Hubby can take care of it all and you can have time to spend with your friends?

I mean... anyone go ask your own mothers (if they're still alive, mine is 76) how many times they regretted being a housewife,
and how many times they were thankful for not having to put up with all the "stuff" we have to put up with on a daily basis?

My reasoning may appear biased or opinable, but it's not necessarily my only reasoning. It is a mere hypothesis on a "what if" scenario.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 05/19/15 at 04:41:38

Whe do Muslims come into this picture ?

Their women stay home and make babies because the Koran says so...


Not that the Bible ever said anything about Christian (or Jewish) women having to work...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Paraquat on 05/19/15 at 06:14:41

During the 50's life was peachy, as you described, yes.

During the 70's the individual wage earner was not enough. Women had to work and now the couple supported the household which really skewed the data because now you had two incomes for one household.

This continued into the late 90's but now people began borrowing money they weren't able to pay back.

Such is my problem. I am 32 and seeing a girl I met in February.
I don't want kids until I am sustainable. I am not sustainable. Meanwhile, in the ghetto of New Britain I see women, who just happen to be of an ethnicity other than caucasian, who are 20-25 with 4 kids already.

Now, the system is strained, my taxes go up to provide public services beyond sustainable means, and I grow further from my goal.

A few people reached out to me last year - I was having a time. I didn't know if I'd be able to keep my house when my, then, girlfriend moved out. I was doing ok... until my taxes went up 90 dollars a month. I began operating at a loss. I had cut my bills dramatically. I was paying more for "delivery services" than kWh's on my electricity bill. I mean, I REALLY slashed costs across the board. I don't have TV, only internet, etc.

I was only surviving by accident and good luck:
My Health Savings Account deposit got screwed up, so the company cut me a personal check
I got my tax return.
I eventually started looking for another job and when my company heard they offered me a raise to stay. I'm not greedy, I just want to be sustainable.

I derailed a little with the person insight but my point is this: How am I supposed to win this rigged game? I'm making the "right" choices. I went to school. I have two degrees. I show up to work on time everyday. My first year here I didn't even take a vacation. I work hard, how do I win this game?
I can't be sustainable if every ghetto scum bag is popping out 4 kids each. It's not a sustainable plan. I can see this, why can't they?

The best comparison is the opening sequence of the movie Idiocracy:


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/19/15 at 12:09:13

I can't begin to tell you how to solve the problem.
I'm worn out from explaining where it came from and that it's no accident.
Start with Lew Rockwell, listen to Charlotte Izerbyt interviews, learn about the Fed.

Understand WE are Americans and as a society don't have the same grasp of history Europeans do. Our entire existence is like a flashbulb going off in comparison to over there. Strategies don't play out in twenty minutes, goals aren't realized in an hour. Some people initiate a course of action that won't come to fruition in their lifetime, or their children's, the desires of tyrants have forever been, the desire for freedom, the same. Tyrants have learned that sheer brutality marks them as the enemy and unites the sheep.
Now, freedoms are taken By Necessity, the sheep are convinced it's For Their Own Good,  
Ahh, tired of typing, anyone who has a question, ask, pm, I don't care.

I saw what ONE  man with a 13 stool snack bar did. He added onto his house, saved money, traded his old clunker in on a late fifties Buick, got him a pickup, built a two car garage, then sold the business, bought a country store,feed store, bait shop, gas station, sold horse trailers, supported a wife, and, for a while, me and my mom and sister..
I met him in 58 or 9, doing the snnackbar in the front corner of a grocery store. Employees took breaks, customers, it was good..
By 64 he had a cool place, out by Humble Texas. Bait shop,feed, he loved horses,
Point is, HE did it. Gramma did the books, She helped a little bit around the store, but nothing of any consequence. Watch the place while he went to town for something ,,  

ONE MAN, and he was growing, financially ..
And our Best and Brightest have made trade deals,  and we have spent God only knows what on WARS ,wars that make evil rich men richer...
Yeah, you go right ahead on, sing along the Star spangled banner and put that hand over your heart and pledge allegiance to what WAS. I simply mourn, having watched the decline.
Yeah, Steve, I don't really dig just chit chat for nothing on the phone,
But, some things im never typing again.
Study the things I'VE pointed out.
Izerbyt, deliberate dumbing down of America
Griffin, Creature from Jekyll Island
Won't fix the problem, but will help you understand how we got here.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/19/15 at 18:05:16

[quote} Where do Muslims come into this picture ?  ... [/quote]

Well in a post, a while ago,
you bragged about, your countries, (free), 'Health Care'.

Well, guess who is using it now.

If if the time comes, YOU need it,
Guess What !

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/15 at 18:48:33

Jog, I'm in Lufkin Texas tonight, you hear there?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/15 at 18:49:36

Sorry, Near not Hear, Lufkin Texas?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/19/15 at 21:48:33

Im north of Longview about ten miles. Sorry I didn't see earlier.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/20/15 at 07:18:31

I haven't been a part of this discussion until this last page.  I see the family economic problems being primarily do to our increased wants and appetites for stuff.  I'm 68, and when I was a kid in the 1950s, and an only child, we had one car, not 2 or 3.  We didn't have a boat, never took but one or two vacations that I can recall.  My parents both worked just to make ends meet, and both rode the city bus to work and back.  We ate out on birthdays only, not 4 or 5 times per week.  I never had a real steak dinner until I was in college.
I was fortunate enough to go to college, and I worked my way thru, never borrowing a dime.  I took my 5 years to do what should have been a 4 year degree, but I'd trade that extra year again to graduate debt free.  I lived at home with my widowed mother ( my dad died when I was in my junior year of high school), never lived in a campus apartment, never partied with other students, I just worked.
Then, I got married and went to law school at night, for 4 and 1/2 years, holding down a fulltime job at the same time.  My wife worked as well.
We had our only child after we had been married 9 years.
We are still married 44 years later.
And, how many families see their finances ruined, or at least severely compromised by divorce?  I used to do domestic law in my practice, and no middle class family ever emerges from a divorce without a real drop in their financial status.  In the 1950s, when the divorce rate was a lot less than now, this disaster didn't happen nearly as often as now.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/20/15 at 09:20:23

I'm very much in agreement with "Jerry".  I grew up in the '40s and '50s when the adults had memories of the Depression, when you were grateful if you had food on the table and a roof over your head. A WAR where most of the men were gone and every thing was rationed.  In my neighborhoods, if you wanted something, you worked and earned the money to get it... At some point while I was overseas, more women/ wives were joining the work force to augment the family income and add to the "disposable" income for vacations, etc.  As family income increased so did cost/inflation and the desire/need for more .. (A.K.A. "Keeping up with the Jones")     At todays' point in time it requires two incomes to make end meet. The family unit has two working parents and no one at home to give guidance to or supervise the children.    End result = the society/American culture of 2015.  

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/20/15 at 21:38:56

706F696E73744575457D6F63281A0 wrote:
I can't begin to tell you how to solve the problem.
I'm worn out from explaining where it came from and that it's no accident.
Start with Lew Rockwell, listen to Charlotte Izerbyt interviews, learn about the Fed.

Understand WE are Americans and as a society don't have the same grasp of history Europeans do. Our entire existence is like a flashbulb going off in comparison to over there. Strategies don't play out in twenty minutes, goals aren't realized in an hour. Some people initiate a course of action that won't come to fruition in their lifetime, or their children's, the desires of tyrants have forever been, the desire for freedom, the same. Tyrants have learned that sheer brutality marks them as the enemy and unites the sheep.
Now, freedoms are taken By Necessity, the sheep are convinced it's For Their Own Good,  
Ahh, tired of typing, anyone who has a question, ask, pm, I don't care.

I saw what ONE  man with a 13 stool snack bar did. He added onto his house, saved money, traded his old clunker in on a late fifties Buick, got him a pickup, built a two car garage, then sold the business, bought a country store,feed store, bait shop, gas station, sold horse trailers, supported a wife, and, for a while, me and my mom and sister..
I met him in 58 or 9, doing the snnackbar in the front corner of a grocery store. Employees took breaks, customers, it was good..
By 64 he had a cool place, out by Humble Texas. Bait shop,feed, he loved horses,
Point is, HE did it. Gramma did the books, She helped a little bit around the store, but nothing of any consequence. Watch the place while he went to town for something ,,  

ONE MAN, and he was growing, financially ..
And our Best and Brightest have made trade deals,  and we have spent God only knows what on WARS ,wars that make evil rich men richer...
Yeah, you go right ahead on, sing along the Star spangled banner and put that hand over your heart and pledge allegiance to what WAS. I simply mourn, having watched the decline.
Yeah, Steve, I don't really dig just chit chat for nothing on the phone,
But, some things im never typing again.
Study the things I'VE pointed out.
Izerbyt, deliberate dumbing down of America
Griffin, Creature from Jekyll Island
Won't fix the problem, but will help you understand how we got here.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/15 at 09:11:53

The Religion of Peace is beginning their customary slaughter of citizens trapped in their newly captured territory. Which by the way, US troops died fighting over.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/21/15 at 14:59:46

I went to the library today, and checked out a copy of the Koran
rather than believe either side on their word, I'm gonna read the fool thing

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/25/15 at 05:55:07

063433222534231C30233A510 wrote:
The Religion of Peace is beginning their customary slaughter of citizens trapped in their newly captured territory.Which by the way, US troops died fighting over.

"The Religion of Peace" is referring to Islam, I assume?

" their customary slaughter of citizens"......customary.....really?

Do you understand how many muslims there are that are non-violent (out of the 2+ billion)?  If it is "customary" for them to slaughter civilians, then watch out for these work-colleagues of yours when you chat next time.

Or maybe it was just a gross exaggeration on your part?

"Which by the way, US troops died fighting over".... What were they doing there?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/15 at 03:46:55

Hovis ,what you are failing to grasp is that WE are America, and right and righteous and when we
Send our troops
Somewhere its to sppread democracy and increase quality of life and WE are Sacrificing FOR them. We should be greeted with parades and roses.
Disregard the total destruction,trillions
Odd how well equipped and funded these
Enemies are. They don't even have a state.

And we retreat and don't destroy the weapons.
No , I don't smell a rat...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 05:04:28

0A2D342B31123027312E273B420 wrote:
[quote author=063433222534231C30233A510 link=1431263957/60#72 date=1432224713]The Religion of Peace is beginning their customary slaughter of citizens trapped in their newly captured territory.Which by the way, US troops died fighting over.

"The Religion of Peace" is referring to Islam, I assume?

" their customary slaughter of citizens"......customary.....really?

Do you understand how many muslims there are that are non-violent (out of the 2+ billion)?  If it is "customary" for them to slaughter civilians, then watch out for these work-colleagues of yours when you chat next time.

Or maybe it was just a gross exaggeration on your part?

"Which by the way, US troops died fighting over".... What were they doing there?


When ISIS takes over a city, yes, they customarily slaughter many of those trapped behind. You dispute this?

And if you are so partisan that anytime there's a religious based killing you can't understand that 9 out of 10 times its a Muslim, then like I said before, you should go work for Obama. You would make a perfect spokesman for

And if you're going to play the we went to war for oil card, go ahead. I've got no problem going to war for oil.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 05:18:07

How many are not violent is not important, it's how many are. After all, the vast majority of people don't break into houses or cars yet I'm sure you lock both.

Al Jazeera Just posted the results of a survey. Out of 38,000 responses, 81% voiced support for ISIS capture of territory. That's a scary number. Probably overblown because many of those peace loving Muslims would beat or kill their wife if they caught them on the Internet, but it's a start.

Given the fact overwhelming terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims, let's play with your numbers.

If .001% out of your 2 billion peace loving Muslims are in fact prone to violence (I'm guessing that's a small %), that's an army of 2 million.

The point is, ignore it all you want, but the rise of violent Islamic  terrorist is real. Living in your political correct little world all day won't change that.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/26/15 at 05:36:05

Justin.....perfectly put  8-)

I don't smell a rat either, but there is a faint whiff of arm-pits, oh no, wait, I meant arms-trade  ::)  

Less obvious than the smell of oil, to many  :(


In addition to the role of women in modern-day Islamic countries;

Those countries that have the greatest majority of muslims per population, are let's say, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, etc.

These have (or had recently) political leaders/heads-of-state who are women  8-)

(Afganistan; Fawzia Koofi is worth a 'google').

Even one of Mohammed's wives led an army into battle.

Anyone heard of "The Queen of Sheba" ?  ;D

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/26/15 at 05:40:21

@ Mark, I'm not politically correct, I'm a citizen of the world (to quote a certain Greek philosopher) and all I do is present factual information in the name of 'perspective'.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by pgambr on 05/26/15 at 06:07:42

587F667963406275637C7569100 wrote:
Anyone heard of "The Queen of Sheba" ?   :-?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 07:14:13

1C3B223D270426312738312D540 wrote:
@ Mark, I'm not politically correct, I'm a citizen of the world (to quote a certain Greek philosopher) and all I do is present factual information in the name of 'perspective'.

You reek of political correctness.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/26/15 at 10:42:58

"political correctness" is a manufactured phrase stemming from the right wing with the intention of belittling the facts presented by more broad-minded individuals.

It's similar to me calling you a 'red-neck' because of your 'small minded views', but in any debate, I refuse to stoop so low to using personal insults, which, btw, I have noticed so far in this thread.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/26/15 at 10:46:13

"Living in your political correct little world all day won't change that."

What percentage of US citizens even have a passport?

Google is your (non-islamic) friend  ;D

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by pgambr on 05/26/15 at 11:22:12

6B4C554A50735146504F465A230 wrote:
"political correctness" is a manufactured phrase stemming from the right wing with the intention of belittling the facts presented by more broad-minded individuals.

My understanding is the origin of this premise was used by Leon Trotsky from the Bolshevik revolution. He was the first person to use “racism” as a means of political gain and or a mechanism to persecute his enemies.  Communists would advocate and defend party positions regardless of their moral substance.  It is merely just a means to provide "correct" positions on matters of politics.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/26/15 at 11:29:05

Indeed, but given the modern day use of the phrase, i would suggest that WMark was using it as a term to belittle those with a more worldly view of global affairs, one that he maybe has little connection with, to emphasize his point of view

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 11:43:25

193E273822012334223D3428510 wrote:
Indeed, but given the modern day use of the phrase, i would suggest that WMark was using it as a term to belittle those with a more worldly view of global affairs, one that he maybe has little connection with, to emphasize his point of view

Can you say "condescending snob"?  If not, look it up.

I love the 'more worldly view' phrase. The worldly view around you is rapidly turning Islamic. Hope you're not gay. If so, I'd start working on growing wings. You're Religion of Peace seem to enjoy throwing gays off rooftops.  

Not sure what % has a passport, but 1) England is a tiny island so of course you need a passport to go anywhere   2) if you drive an hour in Europe you are in another country so you need a passport. I can get on my Vstrom and ride for days across this nation,   3) we rule the world (or at least use to until a politically correct pu$$y took over as president) so why go elsewhere? and 4) people literally die trying to get to the US  

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/26/15 at 11:48:21

Hmmm, the list of insults is growing, maybe therefore the strength of your argument is growing.

PS. Most people in the EU do NOT NEED a passport to cross EU borders, but I forgive you for not knowing that.  ::)

In addition, your point no.4;
How many people died on the Mayflower?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 13:19:51

I was wondering about this and checked into something: there are 115 million Americans with Passports which is 30 - 35%. My suspicion is that's a higher percentage than most countries. Maybe even the UK, not sure. Do all the Muslims taking over your country need passports?

You're right, I didn't know that. As an American, I pull my passport when landing from one country to the other. As you mentioned, EU members don't need a passport to travel to many countries since you are basically now one giant country. Sounds pretty worldly alright...Traveling from London to Paris is like traveling from Chicago to New Orleans.  

What exactly was your original point anyway?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 13:21:02

In addition, your point no.4;
How many people died on the Mayflower?

Are we invoking ancient history now?....
You don't really want to go there do you?........

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/15 at 13:34:43

but I'll have to pick this up with you another day Hovis. I've got work to do.
I'm driving to western Illinois tomorrow and then over to Chicago for the night. I will cover an area probably greater than half of England, but golly I wish I could be worldly like you....

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/26/15 at 14:25:19

"In addition, your point no.4;
How many people died on the Mayflower?" (HP)

"Are we invoking ancient history now?....
You don't really want to go there do you?........" (WM)

Your 4th point was people literally dieing to go to America.....hence my 'Mayflower' connection.
If that is "ancient history" then I can only repeat the word 'perspective'.  ;D That, sir, is recent history. Ask a native, I'm sure he will agree.

As for Chicago/Illinois, etc, it's not about geographical distance, it's about the cultural differences involved that broadens the mind and the perspective of the observer.

There is more in common with 'Alaska to Florida' than there ever has been in terms of the idea of Europe being 'one giant nation'.

There are no muslims taking over my native country, so therefore they don't need passports. Despite what your "Birmingham-has-no-go-areas" news reports say.

Enjoy your trip from 'one part of the middle of your country to another part of the middle of your country'. It must be very enlightening to meet so many different cultures/languages/history on that journey, and I wish you well on that adventure.

My absence of recent days (in terms of forum posts) was because I too was away, abroad.

Unfortunately, your suspicion about the percentage of US nationals with passports was way off the mark, Mark.
'Google' and 'common sense' are your friends.
But hey, anyone who believes that (quote) "38,000" muslims out of 2 billion muslims (in a survey) can be statistically significant, probably will fail to grasp the real situation.

Bon Voyage xx

PS. "but golly I wish I could be worldly like you.... " so do I, mate, so do I.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/15 at 18:53:22

Unfortunately, your suspicion about the percentage of US nationals with passports was way off the mark, Mark.
'Google' and 'common sense' are your friends.

Well, IF that is the literal truth, then, without the use of Google, I am forced to conclude Web has only one friend.
And, FWIW, I am having a genuine good time watching someone else have a go at it.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/27/15 at 01:42:40

Justin, if you're enjoying the show so far, then wait till I address Mark's 3rd point from that post;

"3) we rule the world"  ;)

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 05/27/15 at 02:38:30

I would like to thank WebsterMark and HovisPresley for the amusing chitchat and congratulate them because I haven't had such a good time since my last go at Monty Python.

Mayflower... ancient history...

1. The Mayflower never existed. She was the "Fleur de Mai" (Mayflower in English), a french cargo which had just neen bought by the Florentine Medicis (of Lorenzo de Medici fame) to sail the merchant ports of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, and the ship's Captain was due to report in Livorno (Leghorn to you) only the following spring. So he thought it was a good idea to accept a contract to sail a bunch of Puritans confined to the pier of Plymouth port to the New World.

(The truth of the matter is the Puritans had fled England and settled down in Amsterdam; their lifestyle, however, was so rock-rigid puritan they were eventually "encouraged to leave" (Christian Talibans of the 17th Century?) and the only place they could go was... England. They were denied entry, however, and were confined to living "in the open" on a pier of Plymouth Port, until they could find a ship to ferry them elsewhere. THIS is the story told in England - and THEY have the historical records to prove it, not just legendary storytelling)

As for the issue of "Mayflower - Fleur de Mai", here is an excerpt from an interesting essay:

"Mary Antin is right when she looks upon our foreign- born as the people who missed the Mayflower and came over on the first boat they could find. But she forgets that when they did come it was not upon other Mayflower but upon a 'Fleur,' a 'Fleur de Mai,' a 'Fleur di Maggio,' a 'Majblomst.' "


Where, incidentally, it PROVES the early colonists had no intention whatsoever to melt into the existing culture and adopt their ways.
Else you guys would all be American Indians...

You may also read a funny (humorous) rendition of the origins of Thanksgiving by Art Buchwald here:,5523796&hl=it

2. What WebsterMark seems to omit is that these fierce, blood-curdling ISIS terrorists are actually preying on... fellow Muslims.
Yes, they have slit Christian throats and sold their daughters into slavery (and I, for one, am livid that European political leaders and the Pope himself all seem to be sitting on their hands on this one) but the truth of the matter is the Iraqi Army (equipped and traned by you guys) is next to helpless, the Syrian Army (equipped and trained by the Russians) is only marginally more effective (motivaiton?) the Turkish Army (equipped and trained by you guys) have had their ass kicked and the only ones who seem capable of getting the job done are... [drum roll, please] Navy SEALS?  ::)
NO, it was the Iranians
Like it or not, when it's time for boots on the ground, the only ones who kicked any ISIS ass in mass (not precision strike and flee ops) were the Iranians.

Oh, and, by the way... Given that the BUSH Dynasty is so hand in hand with the Saudi Royal Family... why on earth is Saudi Arabia not doing anything with ISIS tearing down Muslim Holy Sites ?
Kuwait is looking the other way, and the UAE and Bahrein are too busy celebrating their umpteenth ... luxury ... whatever ?
I see disaster coming from below the horizon, I can already smell it, and it smells rancid...
Oh, but should WM worry, with Sen. John McCain photographed having talks with ISIS officials...

Watch it, Webstermark, lest "the enemy of my enemy has defeated my enemy and is now turning on me..." if you understand my words of warning...

3. Social Security and free handouts to young (juvenile) unwed mothers.
Yes, those who condemn "the system" for giving a "paycheck" to unwed mothers are right. In some Countries, to the eyes of a high school dropout, having more and more babies can become a fulltime job, the more babies, the more monies.
Actually, in other Countries (i.e. Italy) the baby is the direct beneficient of the SS treatment, not the mother, and once an unwed, jobless mother graduates to "baby #2" she is right in the sights of Social Assistants.
The law says that  baby #3 had better come with a full time Daddy, else the Juvenile Copurt kicks in and has the authority to take one (or more) babies to a "home" - either a foster home or an orphanage.

So you won't see unwed Mother Goose over here.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 05/27/15 at 02:53:10

6B487556544F4841260 wrote:
[quote} Where do Muslims come into this picture ?  ...

Well in a post, a while ago,
you bragged about, your countries, (free), 'Health Care'.

Well, guess who is using it now.

If if the time comes, YOU need it,
Guess What !

1. Guess what, I have it.

2. Guess what, if YOU come to Europe as a tourist and have a belly ache, you get FREE health care c/o the local hospital.
Sure, the Hotel Medic will ask to be paid, but THAT is a house call to a non-resident; hospitals provide free care to anyone who checks in, it's OUR LAW.

3. Guess what, the US Health cars System won't provide health care to a foreign tourist. It is the ONE fundamental area where the US Government refuses to abide by the common law knows ans "Protocol of Reciprocity", YOU get free health care in Europe, WE get a Half-million $$$ bill in the US.

Personally, these three points confort me and tell me WE are the superior Society.
Regardless of whose Central Bank is richer,
Regardless of whose plants produce the best technology,
Regardless of whose burgers and ketchup are the world best sellers.

YOU speak a European Language, regulate your lives by European Law (English Common Law, actually, which derives from Roman Law)
and overall ARE a European nation artificially installed overseas.
The proof of the pudding is that there's no North American (English) History ante 1586 (Roanoke) see what happened in Europe in 1586 !



Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 05/27/15 at 03:01:32

784A4D5C5B4A5D624E5D442F0 wrote:
[quote author=0A2D342B31123027312E273B420 link=1431263957/60#74 date=1432558507][quote author=063433222534231C30233A510 link=1431263957/60#72 date=1432224713]The Religion of Peace is beginning their customary slaughter of citizens trapped in their newly captured territory.Which by the way, US troops died fighting over.

"The Religion of Peace" is referring to Islam, I assume?

" their customary slaughter of citizens"......customary.....really?

Do you understand how many muslims there are that are non-violent (out of the 2+ billion)?  If it is "customary" for them to slaughter civilians, then watch out for these work-colleagues of yours when you chat next time.

Or maybe it was just a gross exaggeration on your part?

"Which by the way, US troops died fighting over".... What were they doing there?


When ISIS takes over a city, yes, they customarily slaughter many of those trapped behind. You dispute this?

And if you are so partisan that anytime there's a religious based killing you can't understand that 9 out of 10 times its a Muslim, then like I said before, you should go work for Obama. You would make a perfect spokesman for

And if you're going to play the we went to war for oil card, go ahead. I've got no problem going to war for oil. [/quote]

That's exactly what ISIS is all about... that's how they fund themselves, somebody (hmmm, I wonder who...) is buying the oil they sell on the black market.

Of course, it could bever be YOU !

Once :

Then :

Now :

Now :

And :

And :


Is THIS your Agenda, now ?


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/27/15 at 05:17:52

But hey, anyone who believes that (quote) "38,000" muslims out of 2 billion muslims (in a survey) can be statistically significant, probably will fail to grasp the real situation.

As the families of the 52 dead killed in the London Tube bombings if 38,000 out of 2 billion is statistically significant.

Ask the hundreds of young girls systematically raped by Muslim men in Britain swept under the rug by an intimidated police force if 38,000 out of 2 billion is statistically significant.

After your next visit from the Religion of Peace (and there will be one sad to say) ask those victims is 38,000 out of 2 billion is statistically significant.

I find it painful to argue with a Brit, even a pussified excuse for a man like you. England is a great country. One of the shinning lights in the world. Your PM at least has found those two round things hanging between his legs and is at least trying to stem the flow of immigration that will destroy England. I’m not sure our guy Hopey-change could find those with two hands. You and him would get along just fine.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/27/15 at 06:03:51

Unfortunately, your suspicion about the percentage of US nationals with passports was way off the mark, Mark.
'Google' and 'common sense' are your friends.

Well, IF that is the literal truth, then, without the use of Google, I am forced to conclude Web has only one friend.
And, FWIW, I am having a genuine good time watching someone else have a go at it.

I'm confused by this Jog....? I would have no idea what the % of US citizens holding a passport without looking it up. Would you? I didn't want to guess and I don't happen to know anyone working in the State Department. I looked it up and the numbers were between 30 and 35%. And yes, I suspect that's higher than many countries. If EU citizens don't need passports to travel between countries anymore than we need one traveling between states, it's seems likely it's a higher percentage than many EU citizens. Even if it's not, I don't see the significance of pu$$yified Hovis bringing it up except out of some sense of inadequacy, which if I were in his shoes, I'd understand.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Serowbot on 05/27/15 at 07:21:14

Webster,... put away your bag of personal insults...

Any more,... and I will start "moderating"...
Just type as though you are speaking in person, and in public...(and maybe you don't want a boot up yer' ass)...


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/27/15 at 07:30:45

Quote WM;
"pussified excuse for a man like you"
"pu$$yified Hovis"

Can I suggest that throwing insults doesn't strengthen your argument?

As for the passport issue, if WM doesn't "see the significance", then I'm sure that there are many who do.

Muslim rape gangs in England;
Sadly, very true, evil and despicable.
It's coverage in the mainstream news has been overshadowed by the systematic child-abuse over 40 years by (mainly celebrity) employees of the BBC. Of these evil perverts, none of them (as far as I am aware) are muslim, but Christian.
Despite these events being heinous crimes that make me sick, one has to remember the word 'perspective'  :'(

London bombings;
My first cousin, Leigh, was fortunately unhurt. I know first-hand of the grief and anxiety that my family went through at the time. The phone-lines to the emergency services were all overwhelmed and so there was no news for a while until my auntie received that magic phone call home from her daughter.
WM, tell me of your experience of terrorist bombings, because I know hers. She now commutes daily to her job in Birmingham, which as your Fox News described recently as a no-go area for non-Muslims. (She was born, and I believe still is, a practicing Christian, btw)

Mpescatori, again, what an excellent and well-informed post your wrote ;)

PS. Mark, how was the trip?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/27/15 at 09:38:35

Mpescatori : Thank You for your well informed posts.  (I could add that the "Puritans" weren't very nice people. Once they arrived in America they looted, murdered and sold the Natives into slavery. Hung Europeans who were of a different faith and were, in general, a bunch of murderous bigots.)
HovisPresley : My apologies for the personal insults that you have received from some on this site.  :-[ Please do not think that all Americans are such rude, sanctimonious know-it-all's.    

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/27/15 at 10:04:42

yeah, the personal insults are not at all helpful

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/27/15 at 10:32:07

31323A7037303A373F305E0 wrote:
Please do not think that all Americans are such rude, sanctimonious know-it-all's.    

Don't worry, I never judge a person by their nationality.
I had a great time working abroad in an international back-packers' hostel several summers ago. I met countless people from many different countries and I can say without doubt that all the Americans that I met were all very nice and interesting people. Some of which I'm still in contact with on Facebook.
I met a really interesting couple (both in their 70's) that are from West Virginia, whom I'd really love to visit one day.
In hostel terms, the only PITAs were the drunk British and Australians that were on stag-parties or travelling in a large group. I'm sure it was the 'large group' mentality rather than their particular 'nationality' that made them such a handful for the staff!

Internet users that are abusive to others only make me laugh. I see this forum for what it is; a great forum full of very friendly and helpful people. Without this forum I probably would've stuck with my Triumph instead of buying a Savage, as I joined the forum long before I actually decided to get a Savage.


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/15 at 10:35:32

Let us not forget about the tanks and ammo we abandoned and didn't destroy..

I thought military protocol was destroy anything the enemy could use if you have to retreat.

If you were in a tank and it was time to retreat, would You just get out and Walk?
I thought our tanks ran 45mph...

Believe what you will.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/27/15 at 15:25:56

7F697E637B6E63780C0 wrote:
Webster,... put away your bag of personal insults...

Any more,... and I will start "moderating"...
Just type as though you are speaking in person, and in public...(and maybe you don't want a boot up yer' ass)...


Oh don't get your panties in a bunch.... I'm guessing Mrs. Hovis can defend herself quite well.

and i'll tell you where to stick your boot....

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/27/15 at 15:39:58

What if I were to say "Mrs Hovis" died of breast cancer in 2010 ?

Nice one Mark  ;)

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/15 at 16:46:37

One thing I've noticed over the years is that the closer you drag someone to being no longer able to deny the facts the more hysterical they get in defending their logically indefensible position. Web will bow out until he can find something else he can point to and pretend it somehow erases every fact that he has been unable to face. Well, that or continue his hysterical tirade until someone suppresses,eliminates or wakes him up to the realities.

Webster, would you be so kind as to explain what the TPP is and why the people aren't allowed to see it?

How is it that every Trade Agreement signed onto by our Best and Brightest have,rather than created jobs and increased the standard of living for Americans have done us harm?
If all the
Were just bad luck, just a mistake, wouldn't we reasonably expect that
Once in a While
the mistakes wouldn't screw US?

Yeah,we Really need a trade agreement, kept secret,, im concerned.
I'm aware of the past trade agreements and the economic impact.
Tell me why I should be comfortable with a trade agreement that is not even being made available for us to read..

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Serowbot on 05/27/15 at 17:24:34

[quote author=162423323524330C20332A410 link=1431263957/105#105 date=1432765556Oh don't get your panties in a bunch.... I'm guessing Mrs. Hovis can defend herself quite well.

and i'll tell you where to stick your boot....[/quote]
You can do whatever you want with my boot once you extricate it... I won't want it anymore...
..and the "panties" remark?... again, childish...
Look at the remarks following mine, Webster.. nobody appreciates your comments,.. and you look an ignorant fool...

I'm doin' my job as a moderator here...
Personal insults are not to be tolerated..
This is a site rule, and a YABB forum rule..
Behave,.. or I'll start deleting any post in which you make a rude comment..
You should also apologize to Mr. Hovis, if you were any kind a mature adult, but I know you won't.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/28/15 at 18:46:02

Banter, is, ‘interesting’, and most times, ‘fun’.

This is a diverse group of people, with very diverse views on a subject.

I Find it entertaining, and some times, enlightening’, as to the POV’s posted.

While, sarcasm , (sometimes to the edge), is applied to a post.
Down right, ‘rudeness’, is/should, be summerly dealt with.

Speaking of, ‘sarcasm’,  
Has a, ‘person’, who lives in a rather, 'warm’, climate.  
Scored any quality Warm Leather M.C. Jackets, in a  XLT  ????   ;D ;D ;D ;D

But, what, I believe, brings this, very diverse group together, is, Fixing and Riding, the LS650/S40.

Which, after several days of Rain, and cold, went for a little 30 mile ride today. Never mind it was to windy out to, 'Haul Rocks'!

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by pgambr on 05/28/15 at 20:06:29

A group of bikers — who have been encouraged to bring guns — is planning on hosting a Muhammed cartoon drawing contest outside of a Phoenix mosque.

What could possibly go wrong?


Best regards,

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Serowbot on 05/28/15 at 22:04:42

Dang'it MSpring..  nobody has ever worked harder for a warm jacket... ;D...

Whassa' XLT?...  
I'm a 40 regular,... but I tend to need extra sleeve...
How dang big are you,.. to have a size named after a Ford?... ;D...

I'll find one... ;D...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/28/15 at 22:23:29

4553445941545942360 wrote:
Dang'it MSpring..  nobody has ever worked harder for a warm jacket... ;D...

Whassa' XLT?...  
I'm a 40 regular,... but I tend to need extra sleeve...
How dang big are you,.. to have a size named after a Ford?... ;D...

I'll find one... ;D...

but I tend to need extra sleeve.

That's to be expected. Muppets do tend to run a bit long in the arm.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/29/15 at 03:47:13

"While, sarcasm , (sometimes to the edge), is applied to a post.
Down right, ‘rudeness’, is/should, be summerly dealt with." (MnSpring)

Totally agree, I think in this case, it has been dealt with. WM's last post mysteriously disappeared. But luckily I had a chance to read it before it did a 'Houdini' impression.

Justin, your 'long in the arm' comment  ;D ;D ;D

On a more serious note, the Phoenix 'drawing contest' just makes me sad. Why didn't they just do it on the internet then post it to the mosque, if they want to make a point. It's hard to shoot someone through a fibre-optics cable.


PS. How's this?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/29/15 at 07:37:27

While, sarcasm , (sometimes to the edge), is applied to a post.
Down right, ‘rudeness’, is/should, be summerly dealt with." (MnSpring)

Totally agree, I think in this case, it has been dealt with. WM's last post mysteriously disappeared. But luckily I had a chance to read it before it did a 'Houdini' impression.

if I had a post deleted, it was because Sew decided to invoke his censorship power and delete it to protect your thin skin apparently. Funny, we had a guy on here a while back that called me every name under the sun, but nothing got deleted. Guess that's part of liberal privilege.....

but enough of you Hovis. you're another emasculate European man living comfortably nowdays thanks to the USA. I like to compare modern European liberals to snotty nose teenagers living in wealthy American suburbs while joining in occupy wall street protest.... and I hope you are not involved in the next statically insignificant Religion of Peace bombing, but some of your countrymen won't be so lucky.

Gee Sew.... I hope I didn't cross your line and offend anyone.Your kidding right? -Serow Maybe I should just draw cartoons to express myself....oh wait, that's probably not a good idea either.....

Web, I thought you were leaving... Just wishful thinking I suppose.
I'll let this one slide just so others can see that you are still giving American's a bad name,..and reflecting poorly on us at this site.
Keep it up... and your posts will begin disappearing again...
What is so hard about being civil?...
All members on this site deserve respect, and should feel welcome to participate.
You consistently, and exclusively,  do this to every Liberal that enters the TT... Stifling any intelligent argument, and limiting the discussion to a redneck boy's club.
Others might actually like to expand the conversation... even other conservatives...
- Serow

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/29/15 at 08:19:28

Mark, threatening to 'knock a guy's teeth out' as you did in your last (deleted) post might not be the thing to do.
Also, you said that you'd had enough and were leaving?

"If" you had a post deleted, which you did, (screen cap is a useful function).

PS. Were you kidding when you said that you hadn't had a Savage in years (at least 2 bikes ago)?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/15 at 08:25:32

Yup,.. that post got deleted by me,..  
-More accurately it has been stored elsewhere.. . :-? - Serow

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 05/29/15 at 08:42:47

Tell you what, I'll turn over a new leaf. No more inflammatory comments from me.

Yes, got rid of savage for BMW RT. Nice bike but I'm still a dirt rider at heart (yz 250) and took the RT out on a couple dirt roads and trails while fishing.  Do not recommend this. 700+ lbs, Michelin Pilot Road 3's and mud are not a good combination.

I Have a 650 Vstrom now and it's best bike I've ever owned. Does everything. Highway touring, city riding and an occasional dirt road/trail.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/15 at 08:47:13

172522333425320D21322B400 wrote:
Tell you what, I'll turn over a new leaf. No more inflammatory comments from me..

That would be excellent...
I hope you can hold yourself to that promise...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/29/15 at 08:50:35

083A3D2C2B3A2D123E2D345F0 wrote:
Tell you what, I'll turn over a new leaf. No more inflammatory comments from me.

Yes, got rid of savage for BMW RT. Nice bike but I'm still a dirt rider at heart (yz 250) and took the RT out on a couple dirt roads and trails while fishing.  Do not recommend this. 700+ lbs, Michelin Pilot Road 3's and mud are not a good combination.

I Have a 650 Vstrom now and it's best bike I've ever owned. Does everything. Highway touring, city riding and an occasional dirt road/trail.

I keep wishing I had a KLR650 or some such, instead of the XS11
Tall I'm ok with, Heavy I'm ok with, tall and haevy are a problem
Plus I like a bike I can toss around, jump curbs with, jump, y'know, all the stuff you shouldn't do on a cruiser or touring bike  ;D

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Paraquat on 05/29/15 at 11:38:19

I just took possession of my mothers old 1981 TS 250. It's the bike I learned to ride on!


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/29/15 at 15:18:55

I don’t like Golf.  (have done it), but would rather spend that 3 hours;
fishing, on a firearm range,  hunting,  looking for Morels/Puffballs.
But, I do not, DEMAND, that you, don’t do Golf!

I don’t like McDonalds, but I don’t DEMAND, you don’t go their!

I don’t like, the brand, “Muck Boots”, but if I see you wearing them,
I don’t, DEMAND, that you take them off!

Ya get the point.

Now, if someone does not like to look at a picture, of someone else.
Just Don’t Look at it.
Do not, DEMAND, that someone does not draw it.
Or, SHOOT them !
And, one does not, SHOOT someone,  just for, DEMANDING,
one simply tells the person, DEMANDING,
“Well Then Leave, and go to where, your, DEMAND, is practiced”
“No One here, is going to kiss your Azz”

If someone does not like a certain food,
just don’t buy it.
Do not DEMAND, it not be sold in a store!

Does this mean, I can go into a certain, ‘ethnic’ store,
(knowing full well they don’t carry a certain food)
And, DEMAND, they sell it to me?
And if they don’t, SUE them and WIN ?

Let’s see, a, ‘foreign’ family moves in next to me.
We waive, or say ‘hi’ to each other every now and then.
I don’t want to learn, their language,
they don’t want to learn English.
Fine, then we just don’t have a detailed conversation.
I smell, cooking odors, coming from their house, strange to me, but most probably not to them.
They smell, Pork Ribs in my grill, at their house, no doubt a strange cooking order to them, but not to me.
And it’s all fine.
Till one day, I have a USA flag, displayed, on my property,
and they come over, and, DEMAND, I ’take it down’, because it, ‘offends’ them!
  (Can you guess, what I would say ?)

This, PC thing has gone Completely Overboard.
It is OVER, compensation,
Way, WAY, over,  compensation.

The old saying:
“ A Liberal does not like something, they make a law, so, no one can do that”
“A Conservative does not like something, they just don’t do it”

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/29/15 at 15:40:51

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
... Whassa' XLT?...  
I'm a 40 regular,... but I tend to need extra sleeve...
How dang big are you,.. to have a size named after a Ford?... ;D...

Nop, not nearly as big as a Ford XLT Pickup,   8-)
just 6-3, 240 lbs, Dress shirt, neck 16.5, sleeve 36".
I really like the Triumph 'old style', one
But Cheese and Rice, over 400.00 !!!!!!
NO WAY !   Your probably not going to score a, 'big' one,
with long sleeves, but keep looking !   ;)

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/15 at 15:55:29

6744795A5843444D2A0 wrote:
The old saying:
“ A Liberal does not like something, they make a law, so, no one can do that”
“A Conservative does not like something, they just don’t do it”

That's not any old saying I ever heard... :-/...

Laws to "defend" marriage?...
Laws against abortion, or restricting access?...(more than 240 laws in the last 5 years)...

Conservatives love to legislate morality...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/29/15 at 16:12:45

OK.. I'm confused....(Not that unusual a condition for me)   I note that Serowbot commented that "no one has ever worked harder for a warm jacket"...   For some reason the need for a warm jacket and residing in Tucson, Arizona just don't combine in my mental process...  The last time I was in Tucson, I felt like the "Wicked Witch of the West"....    I'M MELTING... :-?

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/15 at 16:27:53

Easy,.. my blood is thinner than tap water... ;D...
I'm also kinda' skinny,... so I got no insulation...
I'm get shivers when it's below 70f...
Plus,... I just like coats... ;D...

I wear them for crash protection too... as I already know how that feels...
Temps get over 90f, and I just can't stand the heat,.. so it's the long sleeve t-shirt gamble...

We might hit 100f for the first time today...
I took the car... 8-)...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by pgambr on 05/29/15 at 17:18:28

 keep wishing I had a KLR650 or some such,

Here is a pic of mine, it is a wonderful motorcycle.  It handle anything you can give it, I'm going touring on it in a few weeks.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/29/15 at 17:54:55

283E29342C39342F5B0 wrote:
...  Laws to "defend" marriage?...
Laws against abortion, or restricting access?...

Oh, I agree, some, 'Wolves in Sheep's clothing',
perhaps, 'think' that is what most conservatives want.

I Believe, most conservatives think:
"Do what you want to do,
and I will do what I want to do,
UNTIL, You tell ME, what, I should do"

... For some reason the need for a warm jacket and residing in Tucson, Arizona just don't combine in my mental process...

Kinna the way I think.   Used to go to Ajo Az,
Real nice in the winter, would get up to 65+.
Almost bought something their, But I went down, last week in July & first week in Aug.  
120 is 120, I don't CARE, how, 'dry' it is. And at night it may, MAY, get down to 118.    :o

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 05/29/15 at 19:14:00

Hummm. It sounds like we need to take up a collect for Serowbot so he can get a new dictionary for #1) some "sympathy" and #2) replace the seat on his bike with one of the new electric bun warmers .....  (Pore scrawny kid.  :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/30/15 at 04:13:53

Hi all, I think it needs to mentioned that 'Liberal' and 'liberal' (equally 'Conservative' and 'conservative') differ.

With the use of a capital letter, the word refers to a political stance, whereas with the lower case spelling, it refers to an attitude, state of mind, or behavior.

To me, a liberal person thinks:
"Do what you want to do,
and I will do what I want to do,
UNTIL, You tell ME, what, I should do"
(the last line would, in practical terms, be where common sense is applied to a given situation, whether in a liberal or a conservative manner)

To me, a conservative person would want to maintain established values and keep the status quo, often irrespective to changes (for better or worse) for the sake of 'cautious traditionalism'.

We live in an ever-changing world. The only constant is change.
I believe that a liberal and tolerant* attitude has a net result of there being less blood-shed in the world. This, to me, is what Christ was trying to teach us all.


PS. Although I consider myself to have liberal values, I have never voted 'Liberal' in my life, and have been voting since I was old enough

*Tolerant meaning:
"Do what you want to do,
and I will do what I want to do"

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/30/15 at 07:16:37

253234383727550 wrote:

 keep wishing I had a KLR650 or some such,

Here is a pic of mine, it is a wonderful motorcycle.  It handle anything you can give it, I'm going touring on it in a few weeks.

Best regards,

Even ownign two MCs already, and not currently having the money to buy another, I am still looking at those
Too bad I don't know of anyone who has one they want to unload, who wants the type of bike I'd like to unload lol

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by pgambr on 05/30/15 at 17:06:17


Even ownign two MCs already, and not currently having the money to buy another, I am still looking at those
Too bad I don't know of anyone who has one they want to unload, who wants the type of bike I'd like to unload lol

They are all in all extremely reliable MC that will last for years if taken care of properly.  They do have one achilles heel so to speak.  If you find one your interested in, make sure the "doo hickey" updgrade was done.  This is the idle counter balance lever and the associate spring that maintains the tension to the counter balance weights.  Other than that, put in Rotella and it should last as long as your willing to ride it.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/30/15 at 19:21:21

HovisPresley Said:
“ … (the last line would, in practical terms, be where common sense is applied to a given situation, whether in a liberal or a conservative manner) …”

Which was the response to the last line I said:
“UNTIL, You tell ME, what, I should do””

That line is where I have a big problem. That is not, freedom.
Who, decides? And How do they decide?

Let’s take a, ‘mandatory helmet’ law.
Why was it made?  Why do some States have one, others do not?
(Answer to that is, ’States Rights”, the thing that the, “Civil War”, was about)

Now in a, Socialized, Country, their is a argument that, a, ‘Helmet Law’, saves you money.
Because, their is Socialized Medicine, and No one pays for health care,
(((but, EVERYONE, pays for health care))),  Their is a argument.
(Because, same/same/same, two MC crashes, one wearing, one not,
The greater odds of less injury, go the the helmet wearer)
And, ‘free’ health care, it would cost,
EVERYBODY'S, less money, to heal the helmeted person)

But in a country, where one Pays, for their OWN, Health care.
Should it not be a choice?  Simply because it affects no one else?

Or, perhaps take it one step further.
(Here in MN no Helmet law, ‘except for 18 & under, and Provisional Licenses’)
So perhaps, the law should be changed to:
"If you PAY, for your own Insurance, Helmet is a Choice.
If the, State, pays your Insurance, then you MUST, wear a helmet”
Reason, if the State, pays your insurance, and you get into a accident,
then, EVERYONE, pays, (Even the ones that pay their OWN, insurance),
so you must wear a helmet, because it will COST,
EVERYONE ELSE that is paying, less money.

Of course, that could never happen,
One might, ‘offend’, someone.

HovisPresley Said:  … To me, a conservative person would want to maintain established values and keep the status quo, often irrespective to changes (for better or worse) for the sake of ‘cautious traditionalism’. …”

I disagree, Perhaps in your country, that may be the case, but here, it has been proven, time and time again, to be, a, liberal, person, wants ‘change’ for the sake of change.  Not, a well thought plan, just, ‘change’. And it has been PROVEN, beyond a shadow of a double, by the ACA, (Obama Care). Where, out and out LIES and Deception, are now PROVEN, to be the way that passed.  
And it is just Not the ACA, it is Many, MANY other things also.

I do want to ask a question.
I have been to the UK, three times, in the last 40 years.
Each time, I had to have a valid passport, BEFORE, I boarded the airplane here.
And then in the UK, it was inspected again, and it was stamped, for a 3 to 6 month visit.

The last time, Customs in Manchester, a young gal was checking my Passport, then she looked up at me and said:
“As a Yank, you are aware of the, ‘New Law’, governing US Citizens visiting here?”
Totally surprised, I said no.  Then she said:
“It is required, that you MUST go to bed, on the same day you wake up”
 (Then ‘winked’ at me)

OK, getting back on point.  Let’s say, I flew to France, did the passport thing.
Then hitched a ride through the Chunnel, or by boat, over the Channel.
Now I am on UK Soil, with no one checking a Passport.

I get a job, in a little fishing village, clean the catches, and find a room, over a Pub to stay in.
Now one day, I have this huge, tooth ache, so I go to the dentist,
Health care is, ‘free’.  I, make up a, ‘English’, sounding name, let’s say:
Thomas Hardy.  Everything is fine.
Then years later, some how, some way, someone, finds out,
I am NOT, a UK Subject. But a USA Citizen.
And Thomas Hardy is not my real name.
What would the UK, Government do ?

And one other POV, of mine;

HovisPresley Said::
“… I believe that a liberal and tolerant* attitude has a net result of there being less blood-shed …”

Let’s take a situation, of someone, putting a certain kind of meat, on a supermarket belt, before the checkout.
Then another person, screams and hollers, and wales, in a language, un known to the first person.

A, liberal, (and Liberal), will bow down, and kiss Axx, and do anything they can, to, ‘appease’, that person.
A, Tolerant person, will say: “I can buy anything I want at this store, if you don’t like it, go to, ‘that’ store, (where they don’t sell what you are objecting to), and buy from them.”

The, ‘liberal’, attitude, accounts for MORE, bloodshed, because it, ’Teaches’, some people,
they are, MORE, equal than others.

One last note: I believe it is, polite, to use,  “Quotes”, when, ‘Quoting’ someone else’s words.
so, that someone, who is not following a thread, does not think,
that another person, said certain words.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/15 at 20:03:03

liberal and Constitutional Libertarian run very close. Count me as a CL.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/30/15 at 21:37:49

6E797F737C6C1E0 wrote:


Even ownign two MCs already, and not currently having the money to buy another, I am still looking at those
Too bad I don't know of anyone who has one they want to unload, who wants the type of bike I'd like to unload lol

They are all in all extremely reliable MC that will last for years if taken care of properly.  They do have one achilles heel so to speak.  If you find one your interested in, make sure the "doo hickey" updgrade was done.  This is the idle counter balance lever and the associate spring that maintains the tension to the counter balance weights.  Other than that, put in Rotella and it should last as long as your willing to ride it.

Best regards,

The Doo hickey upgrade only became necessary recently, did't it? I thought pre 2000 something bikes didn't have that weakness (I have no objection to older bikes) ;)

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/30/15 at 21:46:10

5F7C4162607B7C75120 wrote:

HovisPresley Said:
“ … (the last line would, in practical terms, be where common sense is applied to a given situation, whether in a liberal or a conservative manner) …”

Which was the response to the last line I said:
“UNTIL, You tell ME, what, I should do””

That line is where I have a big problem. That is not, freedom.
Who, decides? And How do they decide?

Let’s take a, ‘mandatory helmet’ law.
Why was it made?  Why do some States have one, others do not?
(Answer to that is, ’States Rights”, the thing that the, “Civil War”, was about)

Now in a, Socialized, Country, their is a argument that, a, ‘Helmet Law’, saves you money.
Because, their is Socialized Medicine, and No one pays for health care,
(((but, EVERYONE, pays for health care))),  Their is a argument.
(Because, same/same/same, two MC crashes, one wearing, one not,
The greater odds of less injury, go the the helmet wearer)
And, ‘free’ health care, it would cost,
EVERYBODY'S, less money, to heal the helmeted person)

But in a country, where one Pays, for their OWN, Health care.
Should it not be a choice?  Simply because it affects no one else?

Or, perhaps take it one step further.
(Here in MN no Helmet law, ‘except for 18 & under, and Provisional Licenses’)
So perhaps, the law should be changed to:
"If you PAY, for your own Insurance, Helmet is a Choice.
If the, State, pays your Insurance, then you MUST, wear a helmet”
Reason, if the State, pays your insurance, and you get into a accident,
then, EVERYONE, pays, (Even the ones that pay their OWN, insurance),
so you must wear a helmet, because it will COST,
EVERYONE ELSE that is paying, less money.

Of course, that could never happen,
One might, ‘offend’, someone.

[quote]HovisPresley Said:  … To me, a conservative person would want to maintain established values and keep the status quo, often irrespective to changes (for better or worse) for the sake of ‘cautious traditionalism’. …”

I disagree, Perhaps in your country, that may be the case, but here, it has been proven, time and time again, to be, a, liberal, person, wants ‘change’ for the sake of change.  Not, a well thought plan, just, ‘change’. And it has been PROVEN, beyond a shadow of a double, by the ACA, (Obama Care). Where, out and out LIES and Deception, are now PROVEN, to be the way that passed.  
And it is just Not the ACA, it is Many, MANY other things also.

I do want to ask a question.
I have been to the UK, three times, in the last 40 years.
Each time, I had to have a valid passport, BEFORE, I boarded the airplane here.
And then in the UK, it was inspected again, and it was stamped, for a 3 to 6 month visit.

The last time, Customs in Manchester, a young gal was checking my Passport, then she looked up at me and said:
“As a Yank, you are aware of the, ‘New Law’, governing US Citizens visiting here?”
Totally surprised, I said no.  Then she said:
“It is required, that you MUST go to bed, on the same day you wake up”
 (Then ‘winked’ at me)

OK, getting back on point.  Let’s say, I flew to France, did the passport thing.
Then hitched a ride through the Chunnel, or by boat, over the Channel.
Now I am on UK Soil, with no one checking a Passport.

I get a job, in a little fishing village, clean the catches, and find a room, over a Pub to stay in.
Now one day, I have this huge, tooth ache, so I go to the dentist,
Health care is, ‘free’.  I, make up a, ‘English’, sounding name, let’s say:
Thomas Hardy.  Everything is fine.
Then years later, some how, some way, someone, finds out,
I am NOT, a UK Subject. But a USA Citizen.
And Thomas Hardy is not my real name.
What would the UK, Government do ?

And one other POV, of mine;
HovisPresley said
Then another person, screams and hollers, and wales, in a language, un known to the first person.

A, liberal, (and Liberal), will bow down, and kiss Axx, and do anything they can, to, ‘appease’, that person.
A, Tolerant person, will say: “I can buy anything I want at this store, if you don’t like it, go to, ‘that’ store, (where they don’t sell what you are objecting to), and buy from them.”

The, ‘liberal’, attitude, accounts for MORE, bloodshed, because it, ’Teaches’, some people,
they are, MORE, equal than others.

There's a name for that
Positive Reinforcement
If someone gets what they want through a certain behavior, they will continue that behavior, just as a child whose parents give them what they want every time they throw a fit will become more and more ill behaved, so will an adult, until confronted by someone who refuses to be cowed
this of course may end in bloodshed, not because he was confronted, but because he was appeased for so long before being confronted

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/31/15 at 03:57:16

Firstly, I apologize for not always using the word 'quote' when I, erm, quote another's words, despite the quotation marks.
I wouldn't go so far to say that I'm being impolite. After all, I'd suggest that talking about KLR balancer weights (and including photos) in a thread about cartoons of Mohammed to be more worthy of that comment  ::) . Although, I'm not complaining.

My definitions of 'liberal' and 'conservative' are from the dictionary, but alas, I did not quote the dictionary.

Thomas Hardy (lol) would need a National Insurance number, not just a British-sounding name.

I agree that if a helmet-less rider has their own private health insurance, they should be free to carry on. I don't see it as a political issue.

I think that the girl in Manchester airport passport control was probably employing a 'British sense of humour'.

The supermarket/meat scenario? I see your point, but I've regularly used supermarkets in my multi-cultural community and have never seen this.
I did live in 'ultra-conservative' Tel Aviv and at the time (c. 25 years ago) I was vegetarian. I went into an independent/family-business pizza place and wanted to buy one of their pizzas, dripping with melted cheese. I asked the guy whether it had any meat in it or not, and he had a fit at me!

The use of the psychology term 'Positive Reinforcement' can be applied to anyone of any political persuasion. The surname 'Bush' springs to mind.

The phrase "more equal than others" is famously associated with George Orwell's novel 'Animal Farm' and was addressing the capitalist nature of the ruling class. About as far from Liberalism as you can get.

As for the (Quote) “UNTIL, You tell ME, what, I should do”, it would sound to me like the problem Anarchists have with a dictatorial government. But I mention this cautiously, as I know what happened to Saccho and Vanzetti.

PS. WebsterMark, did someone mention an apology?  


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 05/31/15 at 07:18:24

I apologize for hijacking the thread with KLR talk

and my use of 'positive reinforcement' showed no political favoritism
If people are rewarded for behaving badly, most will, regardless of political affiliation

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/31/15 at 09:12:05

3C2F292A383F3F5D0 wrote:
my use of 'positive reinforcement' showed no political favoritism
If people are rewarded for behaving badly, most will, regardless of political affiliation


Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by MnSpring on 05/31/15 at 09:33:21

HovisPresley Said:
“ … Thomas Hardy (lol) would need a National Insurance number, not just a British-sounding name. …”

Yep, OK, forgot about having some #, outside of just a name.
Here, it is a S.S. Number.
So let me re phrase:
" … am on UK Soil, with no one checking a Passport..
I get a job, in a little fishing village, clean the catches, and find a room, over a Pub to stay in. (Work for Cash)
Now one day, I have this huge, tooth ache, so I go to the dentist,
Health care is, ‘free’.  I, make up a, ‘English’, sounding name,
(And a ‘National Insurance number’) …  Everything is fine.
Then years later, some how, some way, someone, finds out,
I am NOT, a UK Subject. But a USA Citizen.
And Thomas Hardy is not my real name, (Nor is the number I gave)
What would the UK, Government do ?

1. Throw me in a dark cell somewhere, to never be seen again?
2. Deport me, with a big red mark on my Passport, stating never to come into that country again?
3. Or, Welcome me, and say:, ’That’s OK, oh by the way, here are your proper government papers?

Now, the number, (Coming from people that, ‘make up’, or ‘steel’, or ‘buy’, a SS number here,
and get away with it), I am sure it could be done in the UK also.

As as the three examples listed above.
If was was a US Citizen,
and went to, Canada, it would probably be the middle one.
If it was, Mexico, I know, it is the first one.

HovisPresley Said:
“ … The phrase “more equal than others" is famously associated with George Orwell’s novel ‘Animal Farm’ and was addressing the capitalist nature…”

Well aware of that.  Orwell, Golding, Salinger, should be required reading, in the Schools.
How would you rate the term:  “more equal than others”, in these cases?
A Dictator, having Gold Toilet Seats made, while the people toil away in various minimal labor jobs involving Camel Spit & Feces?
Or a President of a Republic, who’s wife goes on 12, Multi Million dollar vacations in 6 years, while the people that pay for that, have to work two jobs, just to keep their head above water.
Or a Monarchy, where, ’Royalty’, are treated quite differently, then ‘let’s say’, someone who shovels Coal, and has a part time job as a Chimney Sweep?

I believe the term/phrase: “more equal than others”. Does Not refer to any one political party, or belief .
It simply refers to a term, describing a group, that, is, ‘MORE Equal, than Others”.
By what ever means, they got that way.
By Screaming that they are, ‘Offended’, or ‘Oppressed’,   and someone else, ‘appeased’ them.
Or by, ‘lying’, and no one doing anything about it.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/31/15 at 10:47:01

I agree with MnSpring.

The monarchy, the dictator, and the President of a Republic are all in the 'ruling class', so in these cases I'd say the same, they are 'more equal'.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Serowbot on 05/31/15 at 12:15:20

Corporations are the Ruling Class...
We have granted them legal person-hood, and all the rights that go along with that status,... yet, they are "too big to fail", and no corporation will ever go to jail...
They own our elections, and can buy the loopholes they need...

Politicians are just well paid pawns,... moved by lobbyists, and kickbacks from special interests funded by corporations...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/31/15 at 12:31:37

Well said, Serowbot  ;)

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by pgambr on 05/31/15 at 14:52:52

I wouldn't go so far to say that I'm being impolite. After all, I'd suggest that talking about KLR balancer weights (and including photos) in a thread about cartoons of Mohammed to be more worthy of that comment  ::) .  

I beg to differ, now a comment like that is a bit disparaging.    A little “thread drift” may occur from time to time deviating from the context of the conversation.  However, we did not attempt to “hijak” the thread, this is a motorcycle forum…….

Best regards,

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/31/15 at 15:11:04

Quote pgambr;
"A little “thread drift” may occur from time to time deviating from the context of the conversation."

I agree totally, it is a motorbike forum. But in the Politics/Religion section.
I have no problem with that at all, none at all.
I was merely comparing the way my actions were called impolite (by once or twice not crediting quotes) to actions such as changing the subject of an established thread completely.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/15 at 15:58:54

4A5C4B564E5B564D390 wrote:
Corporations are the Ruling Class...
We have granted them legal person-hood, and all the rights that go along with that status,... yet, they are "too big to fail", and no corporation will ever go to jail...
They own our elections, and can buy the loopholes they need...

Politicians are just well paid pawns,... moved by lobbyists, and kickbacks from special interests funded by corporations...

Don't overlook blackmail and threats.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 05/31/15 at 16:13:12

Don't overlook assassinating Presidents...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by mpescatori on 06/01/15 at 05:19:39

My conclusion (which is Worth a Whole lot more than just tùppence)


250 years on the other side of the Ocean, and you guys have evolved the English language to the point that the same word may and will have different meanings, often diametrically opposite.

An excellent example is the term "Liberal".

To you, apparently "Liberal" means "Left-wing Democrat".

In Europe, "Liberal" means "Right-wing conservative", i.e., "if the law doesn't say I can't do it, then it means I can".

This is the epitomy of individual freedom and self-determination, the famous "No taxation without representation"

I realize this may sound odd to you, because you've grown accustomed to using the term for completely different ends.

: believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change : relating to or supporting political liberalism
: of or belonging to the liberal political party in countries like Canada and the United Kingdom
: not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted

I fail to understand how this becomes a left-wing principle when the left-wing political thinkers have Always opposed freedom of thought and self-determination.

In Europe, Liberal Parties have Always been center-right.
On the other hand, your Republicans are to the Right... while in Europe the Republican Parties have Always been center-left...

I repeat:

250 years on the other side of the Ocean, and you guys have evolved the English language to the point that the same word may and will have different meanings, often diametrically opposite.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 06/01/15 at 05:56:31

The Liberal party in the UK are considered slightly right of centre.
Although, what a party says they'll do when not in power is often, sadly, different to what they'll do if in power.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by WebsterMark on 06/01/15 at 06:39:06

In the US, liberal means supporting a $15 minimum wage law because…..well, just because. There’s no sound economic logic to it. It feels good and seems fair.
Conservatives would say woa….wait a second, did you consider the fact that this, this and this will happen? Minimum wage jobs are temporary, we should be encouraging people to transition upwards, not to be content with a slightly higher level of poverty.

In the US, liberal means supporting two militant lesbians legally bankrupting a baker who didn’t want to bake their wedding cake.
Conservatives would say hang on, isn’t there another baker you could go to? Didn’t you search and search until you found a baker who you knew would have religious objections?

In the US, liberal means automatically assuming the government has claim on your income. When there is a deficit, tax increases are automatically proposed.
Conservatives would say let’s take a look at spending first, revenue second.

In the US, if you're 20 and not a liberal; you don't have a heart. If you're 40 and not conservative, you don't have a brain.

Liberals are children, conservatives are adults. Both need each other to survive. Left to their own, liberals would destroy the nation quickly as would conservatives.

Conservatives need liberals pushing the envelop, asking questions. Liberals need conservatives to say no, slow down, consider this....
Both need capitalism.

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by pgambr on 06/01/15 at 07:30:39

4A6D746B71527067716E677B020 wrote:
The Liberal party in the UK are considered slightly right of centre.
Although, what a party says they'll do when not in power is often, sadly, different to what they'll do if in power.

I'm just curious, what does UK think of Nigel Farage?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 06/01/15 at 08:10:05

Farage is the leader of the UK Independence Party.
UKIP's main aim is for the country to leave the European Union.
It's a right-wing party, considered by some to be a 'radical' right-wing party.

In the last election, UKIP had 12.9% of votes, but as we have no 'proportional representation', they only have 1 seat in parliament (out of 600+).

Farage is probably one of the more 'down-to-earth' politicians here.
He sees himself as a man of the people.

However, his (and the party's) views on immigration tend to have a 'racist tone' to them, which is why he is despised by many in the UK, including much of the media.
His wife is a foreigner from mainland Europe, but he is quoted as saying that he'd be 'concerned' to have them as a neighbour.

He is no longer a Member of Parliament.....

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 06/01/15 at 08:27:18

Yup, here the right are conservative, and the left used to be liberal (some still are)
More and more I hesitate to call the left liberal though, as they become more prone to shout down and bully those who disagree with them

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by old.indian on 06/01/15 at 17:49:51

6E7D7B786A6D6D0F0 wrote:
More and more I hesitate to call the left liberal though, as they become more prone to shout down and bully those who disagree with them

"Liberals" aren't the only political group that resorts to bullying and shouting opponents down.   Pity the poor independent soul who wants to come to their own conclusion regarding one issue or another.... They're condemned by both groups.       I'm an independent and I'm being boycotted and called all kinds of "'ist"  (racist, sexist etc.) by "Progressives" at the same time I'm being called a "pinko-un-American-f*g**t-hippie" and a cross is being burned in my yard by the "Conservatives"...  Oh Well, my wife likes me....   :) And she's a great cook.     :)

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Serowbot on 06/01/15 at 18:21:56

You guys must be kidding... ::)...

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by pgambr on 06/01/15 at 19:07:01

which is why he is despised by many in the UK, including much of the media.

Interesting, that was my general impression.  Thanks for the reply.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by Art Webb on 06/02/15 at 17:43:38

24272F6522252F222A254B0 wrote:
[quote author=6E7D7B786A6D6D0F0 link=1431263957/150#152 date=1433172438]More and more I hesitate to call the left liberal though, as they become more prone to shout down and bully those who disagree with them

"Liberals" aren't the only political group that resorts to bullying and shouting opponents down.   Pity the poor independent soul who wants to come to their own conclusion regarding one issue or another.... They're condemned by both groups.       I'm an independent and I'm being boycotted and called all kinds of "'ist"  (racist, sexist etc.) by "Progressives" at the same time I'm being called a "pinko-un-American-f*g**t-hippie" and a cross is being burned in my yard by the "Conservatives"...  Oh Well, my wife likes me....   :) And she's a great cook.     :)[/quote]
Yes indeed, I see it from both sides as well, and both sides, it seems to me, used to be more open minded
But maybe that's just me

Title: Re: Texas cartoons
Post by HovisPresley on 06/03/15 at 12:37:48

"Yes indeed, I see it from both sides as well, and both sides, it seems to me, used to be more open minded
But maybe that's just me"

Couldn't agree more  ;)

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