General Category >> The Cafe >> About time! too cool.......

Message started by zipidachimp on 05/08/15 at 00:12:55

Title: About time! too cool.......
Post by zipidachimp on 05/08/15 at 00:12:55

we need them here! >:(

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/15 at 00:38:35

No, we don't.

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by arteacher on 05/08/15 at 04:13:17

Fines in Ontario are $300- $5000 for illegally parking in a handicapped spot. That works pretty good too.

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by Kris01 on 05/08/15 at 18:55:56

Most people around here would panic if a "ghost" in a wheelchair popped out in front of them. I can see cars at full throttle crashing through buildings now!

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by GridMonkey on 05/08/15 at 19:16:51

Yea, thats like the 'popup girl in the street" replacing speed bumps It would work the first time for sure, scare the crap out of you, then... maybe not so much after that, and then all too soon someone thinks its not really a kid, just a picture.

Though there have been less human like versions, 3 spikes and some pillars i think, that might do better.

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by Art Webb on 05/09/15 at 07:19:00

For the speedbump? then how do you drive down the street without damage to your machine?
or maybe you meant for the handicap spot, in which case, how does the handicapped person use it?
and of course, who pays for the damage to the car? in our litigous society, it'll be the installer of the spikes / posts, meaning either the business, who will pass that cost on to you, via higher prices, or the municipality, who will also pass the cost onto you, via higher taxes

I mean think about it, we live in a society where if someone breaks into your house, and cuts himself on a knife you left laying around, he can, successfully, sue you, at least in some states
Even here in conservative Texas, folks have successfully sued cities over damage caused to their cars when they hit an uncovered hole caused by roadwork

Unless you meant an IMAGE of spikes and posts, that'd be ok, and might even work well

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by GridMonkey on 05/09/15 at 11:08:39

Yea its just illusion, forced perspective drawings on the ground. Sorry I didn't make that as clear as i thought i had. http://

Like this they come into "proper" perspective as you get closer to them.

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by Art Webb on 05/09/15 at 12:13:04

Gotcha, my reading comprehension is usually quite good, but sometimes I miss the obvious  ;D

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by old_rider on 05/11/15 at 04:45:27

I would wonder about people who swerve instead of stop or slow down.....
What if they swerved to miss the girl and hit an oncoming car or truck?
Or just ran over a kid thinking it was a drawing on the street or hologram?
My answer.... emp....close range....kills the car.... well, and hope the driver doesn't have electric assist on his/her heart. Or the emp doesn't hit too hard and put them to sleep.
LOL, guess you can't please everyone.... :)

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by Art Webb on 05/11/15 at 10:09:34

Kill the car, no power steering, not good
vacuum assisted power brakes will work for a few applications (only really need one) but if brakes are electrically assisted, nope
would also scramble Anti lock brakes / electronic stability control systems, with unpredictable results
And what happens when the system goes haywire (or is hacked) and starts EMPing drivers who were not in violation? killing a car via EMP is killing it permanently
Overall not a good Idea

It's sorta like the law requiring cars to stop when a school bus is unloading; a good idea on the face of it, but now we have taught a whole generation of kids they can just waltz obliviously out into the street regardless of traffic, and yes, the consequences of that are starting to come home, as kids are getting hurt doing this

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by old_rider on 05/13/15 at 18:58:37

Yeah... I remembered a school bus stopped video... here it is...

perhaps a .45 that's auto controlled? LOL...

Still the emp, kills the car....the engines stops...the car stops....or rolls slowly to a stop.... lessoned learned we would hope.

Some people when they get in their vehicle OWN the road.... well...they think they do.

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by Art Webb on 05/14/15 at 21:46:05

And, if the system had a glitch and killed a car whose driver wasn't in violation?
we have 'road humps' they suck to drive over, but they slow speeders down mostly (some folks are too dumb to learn
as for the folks who take parking places meant for the disabled? the rest of us can fix this without fancy booby traps
next time you see someone parked in a handicap spot, take a pic, call the cops, and if he drives off before they get there, you have proof (be sure you get the plate)
better yet, get a valve cap that has a core remover, put it on your vehicle, and use it on these jackwagons
Four flat tires tends to get someones attention pretty quickly

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/15 at 22:06:15

wow, vigilante AND vandal... whoda guessed?

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by Art Webb on 05/15/15 at 10:33:28

What's vigilante about calling the cops? or taking a pic?
and vandal? no
the car is not in any way damaged, all he has to do is re inflate the tires

unlike the EMP idea, no one is actually hurt

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by old_rider on 05/15/15 at 12:42:17

Well they do have those "on star" shut down/kill switch thingies installed in some vehicles.
How bout they make them for bus drivers?  With a reset only from a garage?
Just reaching here... down here folks most generally stop, but you get those jerks who don't give a flip.
Be kind of nice to be a bus driver with a "shut down pistol thing" that would be laser pointed to a specific vehicle, think it could be done?
Might be worth trying to build....

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/15 at 18:32:11

796A6C6F7D7A7A180 wrote:
What's vigilante about calling the cops? or taking a pic?
and vandal? no
the car is not in any way damaged, all he has to do is re inflate the tires

unlike the EMP idea, no one is actually hurt


Taking it on yourself to punish. Vigilante.

Vandalism may be the wrong word, what would you call coming out to flat tires?

You're so smart, maybe you can just Know that the person wasnt racing to the pharmacy after finding out his mom had run out of her medication and was minutes from being forced to call an ambulance. I recently had to take a man in quite a hurry,, I dropped him at the door.
Judge, jury, executioner..
I don't appreciate people wrongly parking there,either, but there could be extenuating circumstances.
I could type several more, but , im not gonna gamble on wasting my time.
Been frustrated enough lately.

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by Art Webb on 05/16/15 at 21:59:41

2F3036312C2B1A2A1A22303C77450 wrote:
[quote author=796A6C6F7D7A7A180 link=1431069175/0#13 date=1431711208]What's vigilante about calling the cops? or taking a pic?
and vandal? no
the car is not in any way damaged, all he has to do is re inflate the tires

unlike the EMP idea, no one is actually hurt

Taking it on yourself to punish. Vigilante.

Taking a pic and calling the cops isn't traking it on myself, it's repoting a crime

Vandalism may be the wrong word, what would you call coming out to flat tires?


since all you gotta do is re inflate the tires, I call it an inconvenience

maybe you'd rather your car be EMPed for it
and if I'm in enough of a hurry that I can't walk or run an extra few yards to get a non handicapped spot, I'd park in the loading zone, not a handicapped spot
But I'm sure the paraplegic who had to park across the lot  because you're in a hurry will forgive you
having my 20  year veteran father in a wheelchair for the last  years of his life thanks to a reckless driver, and having seen many times he had to deal with folks talking those spots who do NOT actually NEED then, I'm not so forgiving
You have legs, use them

Title: Re: About time! too cool.......
Post by Art Webb on 05/16/15 at 22:06:40

3D3E36203B363720520 wrote:
Well they do have those "on star" shut down/kill switch thingies installed in some vehicles.
How bout they make them for bus drivers?  With a reset only from a garage?
Just reaching here... down here folks most generally stop, but you get those jerks who don't give a flip.
Be kind of nice to be a bus driver with a "shut down pistol thing" that would be laser pointed to a specific vehicle, think it could be done?
Might be worth trying to build....

That sounds more reasonable, it just kills the car until it's re coded. and doesn't fry every single control unit, sensor, and other printed circuit in the car » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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