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Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/15 at 18:57:09

Title: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/15 at 18:57:09

I'm going to post things I just stumble across. I'm not going hunting.
I have posted sources of information.
Anyone else remember Selling grain to Russia in 73 or 4?
Does it make sense, in an arms race, to provide support for the enemy?
BTW, we Loaned them the money AND put the American taxpayer on the hook if they didn't pay it.
And why would anyone NEED more atomic bombs? Once you can destroy the world, why do you need more?

by the mid 1970s peace research groups, such as the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, were variously reporting that enough atomic weaponry had been stockpiled to exterminate humanity 690 times. At the same time, work on chemical and biological warfare (CBW) was - See more at:

And yet, patriotic Americans believed that we needed More..
Where is the logic?

Who got rich ?

Title: Re: Dots
Post by Art Webb on 05/07/15 at 20:57:18

First the govt told the farmers to take out loans, buy more land, get more equipment, and grow more grain
we were going to 'feed the world'
then, grain embargo, tons o grain, no customers
the farmers of America have still not recovered their losses
I really question why nukes are still a big deal, there are supposedly conventional explosives now that have greater yield (they make bigger bangs) without the fallout
more boom, less long range doom, seems like a winner to me, but we still build nukes

Title: Re: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/15 at 21:10:15

Was that supposed to be a reply to explain WHY, after capacity to destroy mankind fifty times we NEEDED more?

Title: Re: Dots
Post by Art Webb on 05/07/15 at 21:27:01

Nope, I just don't get why the heck we still NEED them, if we have conventional explosives that are actually more powerfull

and no, I don't get the need to destroy the world more than once, either, except we and the Russians were involved in a testicle waving contest when most of them were built

Title: Re: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/15 at 00:42:08

And that's stupid behaviour for adults, I don't believe our policy makers are so childish. I believe that the push for More was to make weapons manufacturers rich.

Title: Re: Dots
Post by Paraquat on 05/08/15 at 06:06:22

2A353334292E1F2F1F27353972400 wrote:
And that's stupid behaviour for adults, I don't believe our policy makers are so childish.

I can believe it.


Title: Re: Dots
Post by Art Webb on 05/08/15 at 10:37:07

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
And that's stupid behaviour for adults, I don't believe our policy makers are so childish. I believe that the push for More was to make weapons manufacturers rich.

I have no problem believing it, just watch the news  ;D
I don't discount the enriching of the weapons makers, either, I think it was a bit of both, testicle waving and making money from kickbacks

Always remember that all government is, at it's core, is a legitimized version of organized crime
That's why the founders considered government a 'necessary evil'

Title: Re: Dots
Post by Paraquat on 05/08/15 at 11:13:08


I forget what I was listening to... Dan Carlin maybe? (

To paraphrase:
"The two best ways to get rich, as demonstrated by the United States, is by selling drugs or guns"

I believe it was an Iran/Contra scandal episode.


Title: Re: Dots
Post by verslagen1 on 05/08/15 at 13:14:33

dam statisticians are to blame.
How many missile silos do they have?
How many bases/cities do they have?
What's the likelyhood of a malfunction?
What's the likelyhood of our base being taken out before we launch?
yada yada yada

Title: Re: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/15 at 16:34:51

I never spoke to a staticion. I only heard and saw reports allegedly attributed to them. I also dont know who pays their bills.

BUT, if I have the equipment to destroy the world ten times, I don't care if you're able to destroy it fifty times. You understand that. I knew what NAFTA was gonna do. Clinton, mu h as I despise him, I have to admit , hes probably the smartest we've seen. He knew, but he signed it.
Nobody can convince me it made sense to keep building bombs AND loan them money to buy  grain.

Please, don't prEtend I'm not typing this. I don't want to keep doing it.

Title: Re: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/15 at 16:46:00

You actually curious to know?
Dig into Agenda 21.

Mr. Transparent?

Look into TPP, TransPacific Partnership.
Itll make NAFTA look like a good deal.

Title: Re: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/15 at 16:52:03

Terry Yeakey, go digging.
Club of Rome,
Unless you're willing to investigate, dig, hunt for information that contradicts, listen to Izerbyt, number two in the DOE,  Look at the schools.
You can't make a mess like that accidentally.

Title: Re: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/15 at 19:03:44

Yeah, for your own good.

Title: Re: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/09/15 at 13:56:10

If Congress asks you a question and you Forget a little detail like that, what would happen? Really? The question itself would Remind anyone. He lied, period.

Title: Re: Dots
Post by Art Webb on 05/10/15 at 09:08:19

Preaching to the choir here, so far as Obama is concerned
When the democratic party turns against a democrat president, he's clearly screwing the pooch
I personally think he needs to be removed from office

Title: Re: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/15 at 15:05:42

I can't remember one who didn't deserve removal. And no Matter how bad a piece of legisis, whenn power flipss, it wont be repealed. I remember outgoing presidents being pardoned instead of prosecution....
Only criminals NEED apardon.

Title: Re: Dots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/15 at 21:25:50

"What the SEC has done is embark on a remarkable fishing expedition for congressional records…" the brief reads, before going on to say that the investigation’s target is "immune" from the suit.

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