General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Not sure I get it......

Message started by raydawg on 05/07/15 at 09:27:13

Title: Not sure I get it......
Post by raydawg on 05/07/15 at 09:27:13

I am having a hard time understanding why people get so offended by others. What investment do I really have in needing others to validate or justify me?
Is it enough to say you hurt my feelings and you must admit your errors?

Who's perspective trumps?

Who's belief is superior?

Who is more just?


Let me share a true story about myself.

I am 62, and remember reading a little picture book called, Little Black Sambo.
I thought it was a great story, had tigers in it and a great ending.

Years later a chain breakfast resturant used it to launch a new venture. It was called Sambo's and featured pancakes as its trademark.
I ate there many times.
It was forced to close when the PC mindset became a political tool in California.
I never saw or affiliated any negativity to the story, where it all started. As a small child it opened my imagination into understanding that other people lived in this world, and instilled a desire to hopefully one day visit these other people and places.
I understand the story is fictional, as are fables and other works by Grimm, and friends.....
But somehow I think by some folks need to define this world, it removes the very uniqueness that makes all of our own distinctinc characteristic special....

Not sure if I made any sense, feel free to ask me to qualify, if I can, or add your thoughts  ;D

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by Pine on 05/07/15 at 12:00:15

More than the eatery is gone... the book is all but "banned"... I have an old book with a collection of stories of which that is one.

Must be the "pro-tiger" groups... they did not like the ending what with the tiger running around a tree until he turned himself into butter.

Times are certainly not as they were. I guess some like it more.. but personally like it less. In this new time there is no need for morals.. they have been replaced with policy and law. This breeds a new reality which I have explored here before.

Several rules of which seem to be:
I ain't guilty if I didn't get caught.
If I do get caught and don't get punished.. I still am not guilty.
If I do get caught and get punished, it's not my fault.. my mamma/daddy/lack of either/ the teachers/the cops ... basically EVERYONE elses fault. You made me this way.

To operate at the base level (survival mode) is always warranted, civility is weakness. Street-cred trumps.. all.

Of course ... this all goes out the window when your momma bashes you on national TV.  Maybe there is hope.. just not in government.    

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by verslagen1 on 05/07/15 at 12:14:51

1E27202B3A213C4E0 wrote:
Of course ... this all goes out the window when your momma bashes you on national TV.  Maybe there is hope.. just not in government.    

It was completely humorous and everyone applauded her... for the wrong reason.
If you listen to what she said... "you will not be the next freddie gray" or something to that effect.
She was not supporting the cops (nor do I feel she should have)...
Nor supporting non-violent protest...
She was sayin' 'get the L away from those cops, they'll kill you'

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/15 at 12:58:39

Have you questioned whether or not they Really Are so offended? Or is there a political agenda they want to promote and the
Righteous Indignation makes a sturdy platform to stand on.

I'm with you,, don't understand the
I'm so angry I'll kill you

But, looking at history, being honest, how many Holy Wars have there been?
The Bible is full of blood.
I don't understand , TODAY,any civilized society wanting to eradicate another.
I've talked to some successful guys recently. The points I make, about the need for a societal problem to take the spotlight off of the economy?
They agreed.

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by MnSpring on 05/07/15 at 17:00:58

“ … a chain breakfast restaurant used it to launch a new venture. It was called Sambo’s …”

OMG, I remember it well !
They were also in Minn.  
(Until the P.C. Police got their undies in a bunch)

Gee, in Minn, they changed a name of a H.S. Football team, cause it was called, ‘Warriors”, and displayed a, ‘Indian’ logo.
Then 10, ‘Asians’, stormed the State Capital, and, ‘DEMANDED”, that the word, ’Asian’ was Removed, from, ‘Asian Carp’.
It is now called,  “Invasive Carp”.
Of course, just because that, ‘carp’, came from Asia, their is NO reason to call it, ‘Asian Carp”.    LOLOLO

I am thinking,  (Because their is a little Scandinavian blood in me),
I should now, DEMAND, that the, ‘Vikings”, change their name. LOLOLOL

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by oldNslow on 05/07/15 at 17:57:07

Good thing Suzuki renamed the Savage the Boulevard S40 and got rid of that Indian headdress lookin' decal that used to be on the gas tank. Wouldn't want to offend the PC nitwits with our motorcycles ::)

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by Kris01 on 05/07/15 at 18:19:37

Personally, I'm offended by people who are offended by _____, and try to be PC.

Was "Little Black Sambo" a racist book? I never read it.

We have a guy at work that was screaming racism last week because he was singled out for doing something wrong. Let me repeat that...he did something in GUILTY! ...your fault! ...busted! That's offensive to me that he would drop the race card for that.

"You're in trouble for what you did, not who you are!"

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by old.indian on 05/07/15 at 18:28:16

457B7A76647879170 wrote:
Good thing Suzuki renamed the Savage the Boulevard S40 and got rid of that Indian headdress lookin' decal that used to be on the gas tank. Wouldn't want to offend the PC nitwits with our motorcycles ::)

Your Fanny is covered Paleface.... Mine has "Indian" decals on the tank and I carry my tribal ID. as well as my MC Kay-Bar hair cutting device.....

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by Art Webb on 05/07/15 at 21:07:56

59607B612223120 wrote:
Personally, I'm offended by people who are offended by _____, and try to be PC.

Was "Little Black Sambo" a racist book? I never read it.

We have a guy at work that was screaming racism last week because he was singled out for doing something wrong. Let me repeat that...he did something in GUILTY! ...your fault! ...busted! That's offensive to me that he would drop the race card for that.

"You're in trouble for what you did, not who you are!"

I don't recall it being racist, but of course I'm white, so I'm not qualified to say (and that's not racist)
we had Sambo's here, too, for a while

True story; I grew up in the 'hood, and one day I got tired of a friend, Charlie by name, running off at the mouth about the racist police always hassling him for being black
"Charlie" I said "The Police aren't harassing you because you're Black, they're harassing you because you sell more drugs than Walgreen's"
Even in a crowd where I was the only white guy, this got backing, and a laugh (yes, he really was a dealer)

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by raydawg on 05/08/15 at 03:50:54

I sing at work while I am working.....

A Black dude complained about it.

He said I was singing racist songs.

I was singing, "Old Man River" by George Gershwin, a classic from "Porgy and Bess" the legendary Gershwin opera set among the black residents of a fishing village in 1912 South Carolina.

The man spent his talent on capturing historically and artistically a slice of americana, a good and worthy cause.

I guess this man would agree with Michelle Obama about thinking museums not being for "them".
If a white person of statute had muttered such, I think it would be fair to assume they would be called on the carpet for such a remark.
As instead of "they didn't want us" it would have been spun as "they are too stupid to appreciate"  sad.....

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/08/15 at 08:50:02

Vers -
I took a different tack on the mother's comment that her son was not going to be another Freddie Gray - like in "drug dealer".  I took her as an upstanding lady who wants her son to get out of gangs, drugs, and the world of criminals, out of the hood, and make something out of himself.  That's why he thanked her a day later.

Also, I'm old enough to remember Amos and Andy, one of the best comedies of the 1950s.  Too bad it fell victim to PC.

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by old.indian on 05/08/15 at 08:50:36

To raydawg: The song "Old Man River" is from the 1927 musical "Show Boat".   But  "Porgy and Bess" had many classic songs, my favorite is "Summertime"....  It is funny how so many things have been labeled "racist" or "sexist"  by the yuppie PC police.... ::)

Title: Re: Not sure I get it......
Post by Art Webb on 05/08/15 at 10:30:49

Lol, compliment your local militant feminist on her outfit and watch the fireworks
And then we as guys are supposed to make the first move
and some women wonder why they don't get asked out more
I'm not allowed to notice your physical beauty
I don't know anything about you except that you look good (assuming a first meeting)
so what does that leave?
if I as a man don't find you physically attractive, why would I want to date you?
and don't let women kid you, they judge on looks at first too » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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