General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> IRS scammers

Message started by Rylee on 03/31/15 at 15:48:52

Title: IRS scammers
Post by Rylee on 03/31/15 at 15:48:52

So they got me today. Got a missed call/voicemail to call a number in Sacramento for an IRS situation. Called it back worried as hell cause it was the 1st year filing with my wife's company. Got some dude with a heavy middle eastern accent who told me his badge number and job title then proceeded to tell me I had been audited and owed money. Went on to inform me I basically had no options to resolve the issue and I would be arrested today by local authorities. Any time I tried to ask a question I was cut off and told I could talk when he said it was ok. After a barrage of insults and being told to be quiet I finally asked to speak to a supervisor. When "transferred" I got the same guy with less of an accent. Yes it was the same person pretending to be someone else. At that point I had had enough and cut him off every chance I got. This resulted in being told to "shut up" and how dare I speak negatively to a government official.

I should have known from the beginning due to the fact that I was never asked to verify who I was in any way. When that clicked and I asked if he was sure he had the right person he swore it was me. Yet when asked what my social was he constantly replied I have your paperwork in front of me. And "you should know your social security number" I finally reached a point where I told him to crappity smack off and if he wants me come get me.

Googled the number after I hung up and realized it was a scam. Called back from my work phone and pretended to be the FBI and gave him as much nuts as I could before he hung up.

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by MnSpring on 03/31/15 at 16:58:13

The best defense, to the, POS, Spammers, is a good Offense.

Long time ago, heard a recording of a person,
who answered a, ’scam’, call.
Went something like this:

“You are looking for Mr. xxx. Who are you, why do you want to talk to him ?
I Am  Agent, xxx, with the FBI.
Who are you, What is YOUR name, Where are YOU from”
(Then they, (may), yada, yada.)

Then you say: (In a Strong voice),  “I repeat, I am Agent xxx with the FBI,
Mr. xxx is laying on the floor dead, with multiple bullet wounds,
WHY  do You want to speak to him, Why are you calling, Who are you?,
I have recorded this call, it WILL be traced, I will KNOW who you are,
You WILL be found, and questioned in person.”

In very most cases, they hang up, and don’t call back.    

The very sad part, their are SO  MANY   ’Sheepol’, out their,
These type of scams, work.   That’s why they keep happening.

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by MnSpring on 03/31/15 at 17:12:17

On,  the ever increasing,  ‘Recorded’, phone calls.

Just press:  ’Star’ & ‘Pound’ alternately.

Most, computer generated phones calls, will think they reached a , ‘FAX’ number.
And take that number, off the, ‘computer’ generated, list.

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/31/15 at 17:36:19

I'll sure give that a try

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by Kris01 on 03/31/15 at 19:24:03

That works?  We get those calls all the time at work.

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by MnSpring on 04/01/15 at 09:02:53

On the FBI, ‘reverse’, scam.
(Talking to a live person)
Don’t know, but I think, if your good at it,
they will be wetting their pants.

In the recorded, SPAM, call,
The idea is to replace a FAX, mach sound.
You can get good at it, with your fingers, (* & #),

Or you can have a FAX plugged into the line,
Just hit a switch when you want, and your FAX, sounds it’s, ‘Handshake”.

Or just make a recording of a FAX, ‘Handshake’, and play it.

The computer, hearing the FAX ‘handshake’, will not waste time,
(in most cases) calling that number back, because, "time is money”.

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by Paraquat on 04/01/15 at 11:11:57

Thread title is redundant.


Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by verslagen1 on 04/01/15 at 11:24:56

I've been getting the "computer repair" scam lately.
1st time I said you're a FN lier and hung up.
Last time I said I was so pissed off at it yesterday I took a sledge hammer to it, so no, I'm not in front of my computer.

I really not interested in talking to these guys but...
time is money, the contest is how long can you keep them on the line.

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by Ed L. on 04/01/15 at 15:42:00

I try to have some fun with the scammers, sometimes i will tell them that they have a bad connection and keep asking "WHAT DID YOU SAY??" I try to lead them on with total BS about having dinner on the stove and I will be right back or talk gibberish to them till they hang up. The best so far was telling one scammer that I had just cut off a finger while talking to him and I started screaming about ALL THE BLOOD, he never called back. :D :D :D

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by bobert_FSO on 04/01/15 at 19:42:06

>time is money, the contest is how long can you keep them on the line.

During last year's election I would get campaign calls that were  recorded "surveys", where you responded by pushing a button.

If you agreed to take the survey, by pushing 1, you would be asked a loaded political question. I discovered that if you didn't respond to a question with a button push, another recorded voice would come on saying, "Are you still there? If you are there, please push 1". If you pushed 1, the entire recording would rewind back to the begining spiel. Once agin, if you didn't respond, the voice would come on, saying, "Are you still there?...

You get the idea how it works. A constant loop.

I would sit on the couch watching TV or on the computer with the phone on speaker.  I would not responding to the questions, but would respond to the "are you still there" prompts. Doing this, I could tie up the phone line for 15 minutes before the call would disconnect.

I would revel in the fact, that while I was tying up their phone line, approximately 60 to 120 other people were not able to be called.

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/01/15 at 20:14:54

Bobert is a hero...Burn their time,,

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by bobert_FSO on 04/01/15 at 20:33:16

JOG, it doesn't take much to amuse us retired guys.

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/02/15 at 14:14:26

I invited a door to door salesman in. He was selling encyclopedias. 1973.
Sign at the entrance to the trailer park said

No Salesmen

I knew he was gonna pester people, so, I invited him in. I let him show me Everything. I asked questions, all kindsa questions... I saw that he was about to give up, and I've always appreciated a good dictionary, so, I bought one. Still got it, I looked up words during Howard Cosells football games. I kept that poor guy busy for a long time. Now I kinda feel bad about it.. Now I understand a little bit more about the whole

Make a living


But, it was funny at the time. Actually, my wife and I laughed a good bit about it.

Title: Re: IRS scammers
Post by Pine on 04/03/15 at 09:11:22

Well it seems ... I may be a victim of identity theft as it regards to my Federal Taxes.

on hold now with the IRS..... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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